Tomas Claudio Colleges: Morong, Rizal

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Morong, Rizal

COURSE SYLLABUS IN MSC 109 (Developmental Reading II)

Vision of the Institution

Tomas Claudio Colleges aspires to be a community-based institution of learning, dedicated to academic excellence, employing democratic and ideal leadership to deliver educational services
geared towards the attainment of quality life among its clientele.

Mission of the Institution

Tomas Claudio Colleges will…
 provide opportunities for professional growth and development of entrepreneurial skills and competencies;
 pursue its commitment to academic excellence through the development and inculcation of Claudian values such as personal discipline and love of God to promote community service-
oriented graduates.

Core Values of the Institution

 Integrity - doing what you say; when your action is one with your words.
 Creativity - demonstrating your innate ability to transform your dream into reality.
 Leadership - taking the cudgel in the march to achievement and progress; inspiring his constituents to follow the lead!
 Competence - sharpening our skills and the arts for our search for academic excellence.
 Social Responsibility - accepting the cross to advance the cause of the organization.
 Nationalism - instilling in every mind and heart love of country.
 Environmental Concern - nurturing and caring for our one and only planet Earth.

Vision of the Program

To be the beacon light of excellence, competence, and sustainable development in the citadel of education

Mission of the Program

The College of Education will develop globally competitive educators equipped with academic and technical skills and values necessary in a rapidly changing world.

Objectives of the Program

The College of Education of TCC aims to produce teachers --- 1) equipped with skills and competencies, dedication and commitment to deliver basic education that can serve
as strong foundation for higher educational pursuits; 2) holistically developed; and 3) globally competitive. Our graduates shall not only be technically prepared but also morally
endowed with values of truth, honesty and integrity; they shall also serve as guardians of the ideals of human rights, democracy and freedom.

Program Goal (BSEd)

The BSEd degree program aims to develop highly motivated and competent teachers specializing the content and pedagogy for secondary education.
Course Code: MSC 109 Course Title: Developmental Reading II Number of Units: 3
Course Description: Theories, techniques, and materials in teaching beginning reading and their application includes multi level exercises in developing vocabulary,
comprehension, literary appreciation, speak and study skills.
Learning Outcomes:
 Define reading
 Identify the factors that affect reading
 Analyze the reading models
 Understand the components of the reading process
 Analyze what emergent literacy is all about
 Describe reading readiness
 Analyze how beginning reading is taught
 Analyze and study Four-Pronged Approach
 Understand how one entice someone to develop love for reading
 Analyze and study how vocabulary be taught
 Identify pre-reading strategies
 Analyze the strategies used during reading stage
 Analyze and study teaching strategic reading
 Analyze and study post-reading strategies
 Analyze and study how to test reading
Course Outline:
 Reading: An Overview
 Reading Modules at a Glance
 Emergent Literacy
 Reading Readiness
 Teaching Beginning Reading
 The Four-Pronged Approach To Teaching Beginning Reading
 Developing Love For Reading
 Teaching Vocabulary
 Pre-Reading Strategies
 During Reading Strategies
 Teaching Strategic Reading
 Post-Reading Strategies
 Testing Reading

Level of Performance of Outcomes Statements:

Time Teaching & Learning
Learning Outcome Topic Resource Materials Assessment
Frame Activity
Week 1  Define reading Reading: An Overview Discussion Ref book Presentation of Work
 Identify the factors that affect reading Written Work
Research Work
Week 2  Analyze the reading models Reading Modules at a Discussion Ref book Quiz
 Understand the components of the Glance
reading process Research

Week 3 Analyze what emergent literacy is all Emergent Literacy Discussion Ref book Quiz
about Research Work
Week 4 Describe reading readiness Reading Readiness Discussion Ref book Presentation of Work
Written task
Child Observation
Week 5 Analyze how beginning reading is taught Teaching Beginning Discussion Ref book Demonstration
Reading Written work

Week 6-7 Analyze and study Four-Pronged The Four-Pronged Discussion Ref book Presentation of Work
Approach Approach To Teaching Written Work
Beginning Reading
Week 8 Understand how one entice someone to Developing Love For Discussion Ref book Quiz
develop love for reading Reading Written Work
Week 9 Analyze and study how vocabulary be Teaching Vocabulary Discussion Ref book Quiz
taught Written Work
Research work
Week 10- Identify pre-reading strategies Pre-Reading Strategies Discussion Ref book Quiz
11 Written Work
Week 12- Analyze the strategies used during During Reading Strategies Discussion Ref book Presentation of lesson
13 reading stage Written Work plan
Lesson Planning
Week 14 Analyze and study teaching strategic Teaching Strategic Discussion Ref book Quiz
reading Reading Written Work

Week 15- Analyze and study post-reading Post-Reading Strategies Discussion Ref book Presentation of work
16 strategies Written Work
Research work
Class observation
Week 17- Analyze and study how to test reading Testing Reading Discussion Ref book Quiz
18 Written Work

Reading Reference:
Bernardo, Alejandro S. Developmental Reading 2 First Edition. Rex Bookstore, Manila, 2015.

Grading System: Grading Scales:

Class Standing 60% Grade Point Equivalence (%) Grade Point Equivalence (%)
Project 15% Equivalence Equivalence
Recitation 25% 1.0 100 2.4 82
1.1 98 – 99 2.5 81
Quizzes 20%
1.2 97 2.6 80
Examination (Prelim, Midterm, Semi-Final, Finals) 40%
1.3 95 – 96 2.7 79
100% 1.4 94 2.8 77 – 78
1.5 93 2.9 76
1.6 92 3.0 75
1.7 91 5.0 <75 failed
1.8 89 – 90 AW Authorized Withdrawal
1.9 88 UW Unauthorized Withdrawal
2.0 87 NCA No Credit Due to Absences
2.1 86 NG No Grade
2.2 85 NC No Credit
2.3 83 – 84
Consultation Hours: ____________________________

Prepared by: CATHERINE M. DUNGCA, LPT, Ed.D. Approved by: EVA R. DE ROSAS, Ph. D.
Academic Coordinator, Education and Liberal Arts

Revised:May 2018

Implementation:SY: 2018-2019

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