Best IT Provider Companies in 2018
Best IT Provider Companies in 2018
Best IT Provider Companies in 2018
cyber - security
is a growing
Steven Lunseth
SIGHT Inside the Business world
SME-SMO Executives
Philip, Linda, Gaurav, Max
Booklet Media and Technology LLC Booklet Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd.
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absolute toughness
by military personnel, law
enforcement, surfers and outdoor
enthusiasts around the world.
Herrington Technology
iMD Health Global:
08 Striving to improve
patient’s experience
iZND IT services:
Mlg Blockchain:
08 A Futuristic Blockchain
Consulting Company
Cover Story
The team of this Grand Forks, ND-based IT solu on No wonder a survey response men ons that over 98% of
company is commi ed to u lizing the most advanced the totalclientele of Aatrix admit that its so ware works
technologies to meet business and personal need well with their payroll solu on.Over the past ten years,
andgenerate solu ons that are innova ve, reliable, and Aatrix's recommenda on rate has never been lower than
affordable. 93% and touched 96% in the year 2017.
The manageable and straigh orward UI of Aatrix is what The effec veness of Aatrix lies in the fact that the
makes it cut above its compe on. A user can directly opera on process is precisely the same, regardless of the
select the report which he wants to file, view an actual type of the report being filed or the agency it is being filed
replica of the form onscreen that has been automa cally to. It's also one of the many reasons why Aatrixcuts a vast
filled in, and click eFile to complete the filing. The Aatrix swath across all the market segments. Today, more than
Cover Story
360,000 businesses useAatrixpayroll maintaining this single form annually Aatrix focused on
solu on, and the list embraces the range building patented technology to develop and maintain any
from small-scale industries comprising a form, designing the process to fill in the forms
couple or two employees for mul -state automa cally from host payroll so ware, and designing a
enterprises with over 10,000 employees. secure eFile method to facilitate the processing of over 350
reports and payments to over 170 taxing authori es in the
Aatrix alsosupports unemployment, US.
wage-withholding, new hire, W2, 1099s,
1095(ACA), HR forms, T4, ROE, T5018 and Today, Aatrix is proudly the only Electronic Forms Company
cer fied payroll reports and payments for allowed to use the unique patented process US Patent
Canadaand the USA.The delivery of this numbers 7,171,615 and 8,984,393 to create forms, display
solu on to cloud-deployed payroll them on a screen filled with data from an intermediate
solu ons has been a mul -year project source, editable by the user. This patented process was one
that was completed earlier this year. The of only two so ware patents recently reaffirmed by the US
project was incredibly complex involving Circuit Court of Appeals.
over 1.5 million lines of code, and
certainly one of the most significant The newest market segment is the explosion of cloud-
projects for Aatrixsince its incep on in based payroll solu ons that have the same needs for
1986. automated payroll tax repor ng as onsite payroll
solu ons.Aatrix has a cloud-based solu on toothat is
The current business model was driven by mee ng the needs of any payroll solu on choosing to
the ever-increasing complexi es of payroll enter this market. It also con nues to add partners and
tax repor ng which Steve, the CEO at products for its OEM solu on leading to aremarkably
Aatrix iden fied in the late '90s. As the consistent annual growth ranging from 25% to 40%.
largest payroll so ware solu on for
Mac, Steve Lunseth began Aatrix as a successful and innova ve IT firm has received
mee ng this need by numerous awards for its excellence; the highlighted few
automa ng the fed 941 being-
reports for his customers. 1) 2016 Top 50 Companies to watch
With the inherent 2) 2016 50 best workplaces of the year
difficulty of 3) 2016 20 most promising corporate finance tech solu on
4) 2017 most valuable Microso solu on
5) 2017 50 most valuable brands of the
6) 2017 top 10 accoun ng solu on
7) 2018 top 20 Most Promising Sage
Solu on Providers 2018
Let's get onto what technology has kept reserved for 2019, This self-disrup on of classical systems is going to be a
reveal possibili es that heighten the momentum of the posi ve part of the trend, bringing more innova on as well
applica ons that it currently serves, and delve further into as transparency to the ecosystem.
more industries to explore newer applica ons.
More autonomous gadgets to be worked on
Blockchain to go mainstream The use of ar ficial intelligence to make devices perform
Blockchain proved to be a steadily progressive opera on tasks tradi onally done by humans is going to
soon a er its introduc on. It has applica ons that began in exponen ally increase in 2019, crea ng space for several
finance (it was ini ally deployed to manage Bitcoin autonomous gadgets.
transac ons), now covering the sectors of governance,
healthcare, manufacturing, supply chain, and many others. Autonomous things are categorized into five types, viz. -
2019 is going to witness how it is going to be incorporated • Robo cs
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MHG Systems Seppo Huurinainen A Finnish IT company, MHG Systems Ltd is focused on Forestry CEO and Bioenergy sectors.
MLG Blockchain
Michael Gord They develop next generation blockchains using blockchains and
Consulting smart contract technology. Founder & CEO
degrees in Economics, German, Computer Science and a accessible to capture and deploy for Herrington
leading execu ve MBA degree with a specialized focus in Technology. Its unique customer loyalty provides a return
business finance and digital technology for healthcare on investment over both short and long-term with highly
from John Hopkins Carey Business School. It is the differen ated customer care unique to Herrington
exper se of Valery and team that has gained an edge Technology.
over its compe tors.
The select client wins highly differen ated and innova ve
Looking at the rapid change & evolu on in technology, brand label solu ons. A growing, diverse customer and
Herrington prac ces R&D innova ons to explore and client base are the current hallmarks of the organiza on's
develop new innova ve solu ons for its clients. The most recent success. Also, Herrington Technology has
industry dynamics like compe on, scalability, aggressively grown deeper mul -channel roots in the
produc vity, and customer service, streamlined process industry with the help of a new R&D innova on division,
and need for innova on keeps the team of Herrington on exploring and developing new products and solu ons for
their toes. the market in today's global economy.
Even so, the industry that is exploi ng the most out of Currently, simula on VR games (shoo ng,
visual technologies is that of entertainment, as the fusion races, and ac on) are highest in demand;
of these two industries incredibly exci ng, crea ve and however, content developers are
imagina ve. But exactly why and how is VR so impac ul on soon expected to saturate
the entertainment industry?
Cinema Music
Films have always been about crea ng immersive story- The music industry is huge. VR technology can be applied
telling and engaging experiences. Many experimental to it in diverse forms. Here's how-
a empts have been made to redesign the tradi onal style Videos can be created with the help of 360-degree
of repor ng of who, what, when, where, why and how of cameras, like they do at MelodyVR app which is currently
informa on and create an unprecedented experience for available on Oculus Go and Samsung Gear VR headsets.
the viewers. Adop on of VR tech is one such a empt.
Concerts can be of fully-simulated type with the use of
Studios, producers, and directors are all turning their virtual environment and avatars of ar sts. TheWaveVR
collec ve a en on toward learning and rethinking of ways provides this experience. Superstars including Coldplay,
to use VR to tell stories and immerse moviegoers into giddy The Weeknd, and Katy Perry have been showing much
adventures. VR experience goes beyond the sedentary interest in this technology lately.
entertainment of reading newspaper, web browsing or
watching TV, and even tradi onal Live concerts can be enjoyed si ng at home through VR.
theatrics in which it's Today, almost all major music fes vals including Ultra
mandatory to look Music Fes val, Mad Cool Fes val, Sziget Fes val, and
forward. In VR, Fes val Primavera Trompetera have created their own
viewers can look in applica ons for virtual reality for fans. This technology is
any direc on they expected to be one of the most important revenue streams
want and find for musicians and producers in the near future.
themselves in the
same fantas cal Amusement parks
environment. VR has taken amusement and theme parks to another
level. The most common way to use VR in theme parks is to
The first ever VR overlay it onto already exis ng rides (rollercoaster, drop
cinema was tower or water slide). A classic example of this is the Iron
opened in Dragon roller coaster ride, in which you physically aboard a
Amsterdam in suspended coaster, but the VR experience sees you flying
2016. It is plain through an old- ny village while ogres and orcs a ack you.
rooms without
any screen, and “The Void” and “The Virtual Arena” are examples of fully
the audience sits in 360 - immersive VR theme parks, currently loved by thrill
degree rota ng seats, wearing a head- seekers.
mounted display. Films are displayed
en rely in virtual reality. Conclusion
We like to think of VR tech as a sequel to the concept of
IMAX, the center of cinema c technologies entertainment which extensively embraces the cyberspace.
recently partnered up with a The innova ve ideas have and will con nue to push the
director/producer Michael Bay boundaries of entertainment to extraordinary niches. It's
('Transformers'), video game going to be interes ng to see how further developments in
developer Starbreeze and technology meet crea vity to generate trendy recrea on
Google to develop six op ons.
iMD Global is a trusted company where the focus is For more informa on;
always on the customer's needs; including a customized to
the specific clinic/loca on, providing a seamless and
This feature is a lot more complicated than just phone is in vibrate-only mode, or in normal ringtone
automa ng the enabling or disabling of Bluetooth or Wi- mode according to the loca on of the phone.
Fi. Automa on app allows you to automate and
customize tasks on the phone at the me of a certain By configuring all the apps you can ensure that your
event taking place, or on a regular automated schedule. phone is almost en rely automated, and it can launch
Through these apps, you first create the tasks, then apps, websites or files on a schedule or based on other
define their schedules or delays for those tasks, and then ac ons, making your automa on possibili es nearly
set the alarms accordingly. unlimited.
Automa ng an ac on that you want should occur either Future of Automa on Apps
a er a certain trigger or on a schedule can help you save The most significant innova on in the age of automa on
me as well as effort. The types of ac ons that the is the working models built around human-machine
automated apps perform include opening a file stored on collabora on. As robots take over the rou ne tasks,
your device or a website URL, launching the main screen humans are star ng to move into the space of newly
of any app on the device, running a shortcut or created roles such as data analy cs, robo c engineering
customizing your unique ac ons. and other roles that require the unique quali es such as
crea vity, ini a ve, leadership, and teamwork.
These apps let you dictate how exactly you want to
automate those tasks. The defined tasks can be delayed All these developments underline the fact that human
a er the trigger event as well. You can automa cally skills will con nue to have a pivotal role in the modern
launch tasks on a schedule by just se ng alarms as well. workplace. However, for its poten al to be realized,
businesses must ensure that workers have the right skills
Configuring Automa c Phone Profiles to meet these future challenges. Ar ficial intelligence is
Another useful way of automa ng your apps is by the latest in a long line of remarkable developments
configuring automa c profiles. This app is simple but very designed and delivered by humans that ensure the
useful. You set up either me or loca on profiles that benefits of this innova on extend to everyone.
have specific se ngs for ring mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and
telephone. This app is mostly used to control when the
AI in Websites
advantages in person-machine interac ons. With the Using AI solu ons enable websites to adapt be er to the
inven on of AI, applica ons do not approach a problem needs of the user. Real- me learning technology
in the same way me a er me and make the same evaluates customer's mood and understands their
mistake. It op mizes and modifies the solu on based on preferences. According to research, AI allows to
prior experience and human interac on because despite dynamically modify websites as per the customer by
the technology-driven world we are in; most people s ll including a search through the website. AI opens
value the human touch more. Even though AIs can make excellent opportuni es for e-commerce marketers as
work through automa on easier, human input is s ll well. With the implementa on of AI solu ons, the online
essen al for AI's to func on be er. experience of users is becoming more personalized. The
goal is not only to make naviga on through the website
Benefits of Ar ficial Intelligence clear but also to provide the customer with the perfect
• AI mul -tasks and performs monotonous, repe ve search environment.
jobs quickly with the help of machine intelligence
• AI reduces errors, increases the degree of precision, Examples of AI in Websites
and helps in organizing and managing data 1. Wix- Wix does not need any introduc on when it
• With the help of programming robots, AI performs comes to designing websites. It has an easy drag and
tedious and difficult tasks with greater responsibility and drop feature that can make beau ful user-friendly
precision websites. It provides the op on to help you develop the
MLG Blockchain is a glob m with
sory fir
venture creation and advi velopment
blockchain technology de bilities.
and broker-dealer capa
The blockchain is a poten al game changer and is a professionals around 30 years of age yet having a
profound innova on. The mechanics of Blockchain are profound experience of the technology. It is very rare in
novel and highly disrup ve. MLG has a empted to this industry to find a team with years of experience in
create a more intricate Blockchain with protocols. The Blockchain. However, looking at the rapid evolu on of
importance of protocols is enormous. Protocols enable a Blockchain technology, it is crucial to hire efficient team
safe and secure route of trade and rela onship of all members who execute the right things in the shortest
kinds between users. Being close to one of the most amount of me; this is what MLG implements at ground
prominent protocols out there certainly makes them level. In a nutshell, a dynamic team can create a
proud. benchmark in the ho est industry. It is the greatest
strength of MLG without any confusion. A team with a
Blockchain has enabled many of the clients of MLG to good understanding of the technology and the sector
change the way they use media and marke ng. It has fosters growth and success of the organiza on.
helped in fixing the problems about the unsecured use
of the internet. Hence, working on such projects makes
MLG feels like a part of the solu on too.
Automation -
Internet. Also, customize the house according to
your security purposes.
5) No fica ons – get no fied whenever a leak,
smoke or CO detector is ac vated.
6) Care – track down babies, pets, elderly and
disabled inside the house for be er nurturing and
7) Air quality control – monitor the air quality and
check pollu on inside the house easily.
8) Smart Kitchen and Connected Cooking - Use voice
What, Why
control devices or mobile apps to manage coffee
and How
machines, ovens, and other kitchen appliances.
Every technology breakthrough comes with certain
pros and cons. Here are the snags of home
automa on –
1) A Wi-Fi connected to the internet is vulnerable to
2) Technology is s ll in its infancy, and consumers
could invest in a system that may become
abandonware soon. For example, servers of Revolv
Hub home automa on were shut down in 2016
rendering the hardware useless.
3) It involves a high cost of ownership, inflexibility of
interconnected devices, and poor manageability.
Although it comes with some pi alls, home
automa on is a cu ng-edge technology that hikes
convenience, safety, energy efficiency, and fun in
your daily chores. Consumers are gradually
discovering that home automa on, far from being
the purview of only the commercial buildings and
the highest-end homes, has a li le something to
offer to everyone.
footprint sinks, and there is more use of synthe c and oil- It is true that as long as there are human beings on the
based products. planet, they need forest resources for their survival. The
need of the hour is of such businesses which understand
Few companies and enterprise recognized the need to their demand and endeavors to meet the same. Wuudis
manage forests efficiently, and Wuudis Solu ons Oy. is Solu os Oy, by offering digi zed solu ons is a ending to
one of them. The company offers scalable and efficient the demand of over a million people and contribu ng
solu ons for sustainable forest and wood supply over $200 billion to the global market.
management that are innova ve, standardized and more
cost-effec ve. The company provides effec ve IT solu on What Wuudis Solu ons Oy faced as the primary challenge
for the en re forest ecosystem which is way be er than was not being readily accepted by the conven onal and a
the current op ons. li le conserva ve, tradi onal forest sector, both domes c
and interna onal. The tradi onal markets worked on the
The company realized that the only realis c way to pen and paper methodology and they lacked the
conserve our forests is by applying sustainable forest awareness regarding the impact of poor forest
management prac ces and therefore the company has management, therefore accep ng digi za on in their
integrated the extensive use of IT in various systems and domain was a tough thing for them.
The forest management solu ons that the company offers However, Wuudis Solu ons Oy managed the barriers
can integrate big data from several sources (e.g., drones wonderfully by educa ng and communica ng directly
and satellites) and use advanced data analy cs and with all the stakeholders via key organiza ons and
Till date, the project management issues with Forest He holds a broad academic experience in GIS, IT, and
Center has been smooth because of myriad reasons, silviculture with five university level degrees. He
significant among them was the appointment of a revolu onized the forest and wood supply chain business
dedicated person to handle the project who is responsible through digital services and according to Mr. Huurinainen,
for the seamless coordina on and comple on of the his forest property works as a 'sandbox' to test Wuudis ICT
project and the so ware developers who possess a solid services by maintaining quality checks at every point of
forestry background and have experience working in the so ware development.
similar industry.
Wuudis Solu ons Oy are cost-effec ve, and it is ideal for
One of the biggest clients of Wuddis is Finnish Forest the en re forest ecosystem, from private forest owners
Centre which is on a mission of digitalizing every single and small forest service companies to large corpora ons
hectare of Finnish forest by 2020 and Wuudis Solu ons Oy and forest authori es, connec ng them via open data
will support Metsäkeskus in achieving that mission. interfaces to provide a virtual marketplace and forest
Finnish Forest Centre has agreed for an IT development value and health monitoring. What sets the company
with Wuudis Solu ons Oy regarding specific mobile apart from other similar players is its unique knowledge
solu ons for the next three years. of forest management and wood processing industry to
create value for all stakeholders in the forest industry and
As per the Founder & CEO, Mr. Seppo Huurinainen, the pace with which it innovates.
sustainable forest management means different things to
different stakeholders. While to forest landowners it is It is the outcome of its innova ve approach that the
merely selling the mber at reasonable rates and passing company has raised a total of 1M€ from EU Commission
for its research and innova on ac vi es. Wuudis
Solu ons Oy clients are from all walks of life that revolves
around forests, from Forest owners to Forestry service
companies, contractors – especially SMEs, large forest
corpora ons, communi es, and countries.
Over 20 landmark destinations around the globe, each with its own story and identity.
All providing the personalized service that creates moment after unforgettable moment.
Experience the level of service that denes the original Waldorf - Astoria, and with it,
the whole idea of the luxury hotel.