Critical Perspectives On Accounting: Pauline Gleadle, Stuart Parris, Alan Shipman, Roberto Simonetti
Critical Perspectives On Accounting: Pauline Gleadle, Stuart Parris, Alan Shipman, Roberto Simonetti
Critical Perspectives On Accounting: Pauline Gleadle, Stuart Parris, Alan Shipman, Roberto Simonetti
Article history: In this paper we explore whether a financialisation perspective can provide a more
Received 7 November 2011 empirically satisfying account of recent developments in the pharmaceutical industry
Received in revised form 7 October 2012 than the more commonly used resource-based or transaction cost approaches. Specifically,
Accepted 16 October 2012
we note the evolution of the pharmaceutical industry structure from giant vertically
Available online 16 December 2012
integrated firms, selling patent protected blockbuster products at premium prices, to
greater vertical disintegration. Big Pharma1 now sources a significant volume of early
Mots clés:
stage R&D activity externally, through outright acquisitions or alliances, especially with
Intérêt public biotechnology firms. Much of the reason for such vertical disintegration is to be found in
the fundamental tension experienced between the high R&D spend necessitated by the
Palabras clave: cost of pharmaceutical innovation and declining returns on this expenditure in terms
Crı́tica generating new product sales and FDA approval rates, which have remained broadly
Interés Público constant at an average of 20–35 approvals per year. The new R&D outsourcing strategy has
not delivered an increase in marketable drug discoveries or new ‘blockbuster’ profits.
Critical Instead, shareholder returns have been maintained through Big Pharma’s decision to
Public interest distribute cash back to shareholders via share buybacks and dividends (as advocated by
Financialisation Jensen). Thus we conclude that such developments within Big Pharma worldwide are best
Big Pharma explained through the lens of a financialisation, as opposed to a resource-based or
Biotech firms transaction cost framework.
ß 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The Big Pharma industry has undergone major changes since the time when Froud et al. (2006, p. 153) argued it enjoyed a
‘licence to print money’. Operating as giant vertically integrated firms, Big Pharma’s high returns arose from a combination of
enforceable patent rights, price-insensitive purchasers and a sympathetic regulatory environment. In this environment,
blockbuster drugs defined as ethical pharmaceuticals generating annual sales of at least $1bn, which were protected by
patents, were sold into the healthcare market at premium prices.
However, this traditional blockbuster model now confronts a ‘patent cliff’ (Kaitin, 2010) as key patents in the major
pharmaceutical firms’ portfolios face imminent expiry with little or no replacement by newer products capable of generating
blockbuster-sized revenues. The traditional business model of the Big Pharma industry was that of resource-based innovation,
in which US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval facilitated long-lasting patents and strong cost recovery. Once
blockbuster drugs go out of patent, generics invade Big Pharma’s lucrative blockbuster markets, forcing considerable price
1045-2354/$ – see front matter ß 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
68 P. Gleadle et al. / Critical Perspectives on Accounting 25 (2014) 67–77
erosion. Generics can quickly reduce drug prices by over 80% (Garnier, 2008) and so a significant proportion of Big Pharma’s
current revenue is progressively exposed to generic competition as key patents in portfolios expire.
The response of Big Pharma has been firstly to continue with a significant commitment to R&D, allied with heavy
investment in marketing and distribution to maximise revenues from successful innovation. But secondly, and significantly,
Big Pharma companies have increasingly focused on restructuring activity which includes both mergers and acquisitions as
well as accessing the products of innovative effort carried out by smaller biotechnology firms (biotechs) (Andersson et al.,
2010; Haslam et al., 2011). This article assembles evidence that a traditional integrated model of the Big Pharma firm, whose
high investment returns enabled it to focus on research-based drug discovery, has given way to a financialised model whose
priority of defending returns to shareholders may no longer support the strategies most conducive to new ‘blockbuster’
discovery. We argue that financialisation occurs when the main objective of financial investors, to generate a higher and less
risky return on equity and debt, gains in importance over – and moves out of line with - the concerns of employees,
customers, suppliers and others directly involved in the flow of material and human (as distinct from capital) resources.
Investor interests start to conflict with other stakeholders’ once the relationship between investment, innovation and return
on capital ceases to be clear. The conflict is exhibited in emergence of company strategies and an industry structure which
preserve profitability without reversing the fall in R&D productivity and innovation.
During the period 1985–2000, Big Pharma delivered high shareholder returns, with an annual Return on Equity (ROE) of
over 20% (Baber and Kang, 1996; BusinessWeek, 2004; Trombetta, 2005). In this period the industry also continued
delivering new drugs, benefiting customers while generating returns derived from earlier investments in internal R&D
activity. We argue that subsequent to this period, a key symptom of financialisation is that Big Pharma firms ROEs are
maintained using financial strategies (such as raising debt and outsourcing R&D) that no longer benefit customers.
Associated structural change, especially the outsourcing of early stage R&D activity used to generate future revenue, has not
arrested the rapid rise in cost for each new discovery.
This paper therefore assesses whether such a ‘financialisation’ perspective, taking greater account of external pressures
on resources and strategy especially from financial markets, can offer a more empirically satisfying explanation for
pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry development than widely used transaction-cost and resource-based approaches.
We argue that these widely adopted approaches do not easily explain the Pharma industry’s move to greater outsourcing and
geographically dispersion of R&D and production which have yet to yield new products comparable to the blockbusters
delivered under the industry’s previously vertically integrated structure. Nor are these theories consistent with the spread of
strategic alliances between Big Pharma and biotech, as an alternative to full acquisition and vertical integration.
The paper adopts the following structure. Section 2 explores the tension between R&D for innovation and financial
returns and FDA approval. Importantly, we argue that all R&D, both outsourced and in-house, represents a significant gamble
given the low rate of approvals by the US FDA. Section 3 then discusses the current developing relationship between Big
Pharma and the biotech industry which we argue is a direct response to the above changes. Section 4 focuses on the case of
the Big Pharma firm, GSK, as it responds to the major problem faced by generics in a fashion that we argue is consistent with
general industry trends. In Section 5, we return to the typology of section 2 to argue that the transition from an originally
integrated to a more financialised firm is clearly visible in the Big Pharma industry, and GSK in particular, despite the
complexity of restructuring to date.
2. The tension between R&D for innovation and financial returns and FDA approval
Until recently, Big Pharma profitability was derived from a small number of highly profitable ‘blockbuster’ drugs,
developed from investing in a wide portfolio of research projects, each with a low probability of success. Large, vertically
integrated firms carried out virtually all the stages of the drug discovery and commercialisation process, from the discovery
of the New Molecular Entities (NMEs) that constitute the active ingredients in medicines to large scale clinical trials,
production and marketing. Globally, Big Pharma’s R&D expenditure continued to rise until 2010 (Hirschler, 2011). In the US,
the dominant Pharma market, R&D expenditure as a percentage of sales is still above 16%, a level first reached in the early
1990s as Fig. 1 shows.
However, Big Pharma has experienced a significant decline in R&D productivity. Slower discovery of NMEs from the late
1990s (see Fig. 2), in spite of persistently high R&D investment as a proportion of sales (Hirschler, 2011), has led to a drying
up of Pharma drug development pipelines. Simultaneously, sales income from existing blockbusters is threatened by the
prospective entry of providers of low cost generic drugs as a result of the expiry of key patents protecting existing
The industry’s traditionally high investment returns from past R&D are now under threat from shortening effective patent
lives and rising generic competition, and its ability to retain a proprietary-technology advantage is challenged by lower and
increasingly uncertain returns from its ongoing R&D spend. Fig. 3 shows how productivity of pharmaceutical sector R&D has
continued to decline, resulting in a rising cost per approved NME (Scannell et al., 2012). This decline in R&D productivity may
have been exaggerated if, as critics of the industry’s data allege, it overstates its R&D spend (and understates its advertising
spend) by misclassifying some promotional costs as research costs, especially in later-stage (Phase IV) trials (Gagnon and
Lexchin, 2008). But even a more restrictive definition of R&D spend does not remove the productivity decline. This may even
be worse than Fig. 3 suggests given that the therapeutic significance of NMEs has also declined, with NMEs now providing
‘‘only minor clinical advantages over existing treatments’’ (Light and Lexchin, 2012).
P. Gleadle et al. / Critical Perspectives on Accounting 25 (2014) 67–77 69
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Yea r
Estimated new drugs per $bn of R&D 2008
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
As in US Big Pharma spend as percentage of current sales also represents a high level of investment in R&D required to
generate a dollar of future income. The relatively unchanging number of NME approvals each year (Fig. 2), and the rising
costs of drug development (Fig. 3), highlight the declining probability of a marketable output per unit of R&D input.
Pharma strategy has been to pursue a structural change in the industry following a strategy of mergers and acquisition
(M&As). The industry has seen some mergers between pharmaceutical giants (such as Glaxo and Wellcome, and Sanofi and
Aventis) to improve pipelines. Indeed, M&As have become so widespread in Pharma that the value of the deals is often higher
than R&D expenditure, as Fig. 4 shows.
70 P. Gleadle et al. / Critical Perspectives on Accounting 25 (2014) 67–77
140.0 Value M&As
US$ billions
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Fig. 4. R&D expenditure by Phrma members and value of worldwide Pharma M&As.
Sources: Phrma 2011, Table 1, and (quoted in Stone, 2012).
Moreover, many Pharma companies have acquired science-based small innovative biotechnology firms with developing
NMEs pipelines. Reliance on small independent innovators for early-stage research does not automatically mean Big Pharma
reducing its own R&D commitment: externalised or acquired R&D appears to complement, rather than substitute, internal
R&D provided this remains ‘high-level’ in terms of budgeting and commitment (Hagedoorn and Wang, 2012). The
expectation is more that by acquiring other firms, Big Pharma can improve their pipeline position and improve future
revenue expectations:
‘‘The hope is that post-merger, the acquiring company will have a stronger pipeline of drugs that can be carried
forward in its R&D organization (as well as an enhanced worldwide distribution system)’’ (Scherer, 2012)
But increased ‘outsourcing’ of early-stage R&D, and acquisition of firms with products already in the pipeline, helps to
spread the risks of R&D spending, substituting ‘real options’ on potential NMEs for direct expenditure on their initial
In spite of outsourcing and acquisitions, however, the pipelines of Big Pharma have not improved, and large firms
increasingly rely on small biotechs for the discovery of new drugs, a trend recently acknowledged by the CEO of Sanofi
‘‘We’re not going to get out of research. We believe we do certain things well in research but we want to work with
more outside companies, start-up biotechs, with universities. . . . The reality is the best people who have great ideas in
science don’t want to work for a big company. They want to create their own company. So, in other words, if you want
to work with the best people, you’re going to have go outside your own company and work with those people . . .’’
(Silverman, 2012)
Big Pharma’s increasing reliance on biotechs for effective innovation has led to a structural change in the industry, with
science-based small biotechnology firms taking the lead in developing and patenting new discoveries. Big Pharma firms
follow up their vertical disintegration of R&D with the acquisition of late-stage R&D outputs, or of firms that control them
(Haslam et al., 2011; Stovall, 2012), licensing the compounds and concentrating on later stage development, marketing and
production. Their spending on advertising now substantially exceeds that on R&D (York University, 2008; Froud et al., 2006).
The focus of Big Pharma M&A has shifted towards biotechs with ‘late-stage assets’ whose contribution to the future product
pipeline is already visible or highly predictable (Montalban and Sakinc, 2011; Stovall, 2012).
The evolution of biotech challenges conventional explanations for the sector’s transformation – including the transaction-
cost and resource-based perspectives – which tend to assume a consonance between firms’ strategic changes and an industry’s
structural changes, so that restructuring improves performance. Transaction-cost approaches assume that firms decide
whether to be vertically integrated (make) or rely on suppliers (buy) by comparing the costs of market transactions with those
arising from internal coordination of economic activities. Whereas most transaction-cost explanations identify efficiency
improvements for the industry through vertical separation and horizontal differentiation (e.g. Williamson, 1971, 1985; Carroll
et al., 1999), pharmaceutical restructuring is often found to have been dysfunctional from an industry perspective (Pisano,
2006; Nightingale and Martin, 2004). Technological collaboration between independent firms is frequently held back by non-
publication of results, especially those showing compounds’ ineffectiveness, lack of trust and on-going competition, especially
when the partners differ in size and market power (Dodgson, 1993). Transaction-cost theories have previously pointed to
vertical integration as an efficient solution to such problems.
There has been a similar difficulty matching vertical separation to resource-based explanations, which explain industry
structure by focusing on the distinctive internal capabilities of firms. It has been argued that small biotechs are better-suited
to early stage R&D because they provide a vibrant environment for creative science and escape the bureaucracy built up
P. Gleadle et al. / Critical Perspectives on Accounting 25 (2014) 67–77 71
Table 1
Strategic priorities under idealist ‘integrated’ and ‘financialisation’ perspectives.
Priority stakeholder Customers (doctors, Customers (Pharma Shareholders, bondholders, Pharma partners,
patients, state agencies) companies, independent banks other equity and
distributors) bond holders
Main product focus Marketable drugs Marketable or Retrade-able bonds, shares, Retrade-able shareholdings,
development-stage drugs strategic share-holdings development-stage drugs
Main performance Market share, growth Patents, new products Return on equity, distributable Return on equity, IPO
indicator rate, patents, new profit, share price. valuation, share price
product pipeline
around past innovations, whereas Big Pharma is better adapted to the more standardised and higher-cost procedures of later
stage R&D. But distancing the capability for innovation (associated with biotech) from the resources for innovation
(concentrated in Big Pharma due to their size and profitability) appears to have restricted information sharing, and created
inefficiencies and in the discovery process due to the high attrition rate of biotech firms (Pisano, 2006). And by moving
control of innovation projects from management to investors (Gopalakrishnan et al., 2008), it does not necessarily release
laboratory practice from profit targets and cost accounting.
Strategic alliances have gained in popularity – rising almost twenty-fold in the period 1980–2002 (Montalban and Sakinc,
2011) – despite the absence of clear advantages from a transaction-cost and resource-based perspective,. These approaches
usually ascribe the continued innovation problem in pharmaceuticals, after vertical disintegration, to technological and
institutional factors - such as deceptive early rewards from low hanging fruits, long lead times from discovery to innovation
and problems with the patent system (Jaffe and Lerner, 2004). However, such explanations neglect the role and motivation of
financial institutions and investors in driving the industry’s development since the 1980s.
Industry restructuring that appears dysfunctional from a traditional ‘productionist’ perspective may be better understood
from a ‘financialisation’ perspective that focuses on financial stakeholders’ motives. Financialisation is here defined as a
change in strategic priority from delivering value to customers (in the form of marketable products) to delivering value to
creditors and shareholders (in the form of distributable profit or financial instruments saleable at profit). Table 1 summarises
the shift in strategic priorities caused by financialisation, as defined in this way.
This definition encompasses the growing power of financial markets over companies, in particular through greater
pressure to maximise share prices and shareholder value (e.g. Froud et al., 2006). Financialisation involves a shift of
profitability from ‘real’ operations to the ‘financial’, both within companies and for the economy as a whole. It can also
involve shifts in financial structure, between equity and debt, driven by their relative costs when adjusted for perceived risk.
Financial investors’ preference for spreading risks through portfolio diversification, rather than letting managers do so
through long-range diversification, led to a break-up of American and European conglomerates in the 1980s and 1990s. This
‘return to core competencies’, while consistent with resource-based theories, left managers of the newly-focused companies
looking for other ways to spread their risks of sales and earnings fluctuation.
Financialisation implies greater pressure on management to maximise returns on capital – these being a measure of
success increasingly built directly into executives’ financial incentives, via share options and other performance-related pay.
From a financialisation perspective, given the deterioration in R&D productivity, a consistent level of high R&D spending on
own product development and use of capital to acquire or sell on NME prospects are seen as a financial gamble that managers
have to take in order to sustain the high level of ROCE required by financial markets.
With vertical disintegration, the biopharmaceutical industry’s survival and future growth has become increasingly
dependent on an efficient transfer of financial resources from Big Pharma to small biotech, repaid by an efficient transfer of
marketable innovations from biotechs’ early-stage research to Big Pharma’s later-stage testing and commercialisation. In the
long interval before any income from marketable products, most biotechs must rely on external financial resources to
support their costs of innovation. Technological uncertainties, over whether NMEs will be effective, are compounded by
financial uncertainties, over whether investor confidence will be retained and funding channelled to the next stage of
research. Convincing narratives (Froud et al., 2006; Andersson et al., 2010; Haslam et al., 2011) over the coherence of the
research programme, and its likely outcomes, become increasingly important for assembling and maintaining a coherent
network of stakeholders around the potential innovation.
Shareholder value approaches envisage that the resource flow to new technologies will be faster and more efficient if
powerful financial markets exist which can shift capital from high-profit low-growth corporations to new firms with
innovation potential. In particular, Jensen (1986, 2000) argues that the stock market acts as an effective mechanism forcing
mature corporations to distribute free cash flows, which value-driven investors can then channel to whatever new areas
offer the highest return. Arrighi (2010) shows that financialisation at the late stage of a long upswing enables profits to be
72 P. Gleadle et al. / Critical Perspectives on Accounting 25 (2014) 67–77
re-assigned from mature technologies to newly emerging ones. These otherwise contrasting perspectives on financialisation
are united on its capacity to transfer profit from the corporate into the financial sector, and so enable the reallocation of
investment to new technological areas. The financing of new product development, previously carried out in the ‘internal
capital markets’ of Big Pharma, has become more reliant on external capital markets that smaller biotechs need to access.
Rather than biotechs developing as competitors to Big Pharma, the significant risk of biopharmaceutical innovation has
resulted in the emergence of a co-dependency between biotech and Big Pharma. The uncertainty in the drug discovery
process requires biotech to operate a mechanism to reduce risk of failure (Pisano, 2006). The high risk of failure of any
individual drug candidates necessitates spreading risk across a range of NMEs in various stages of development and
precludes, for most biotechs, following any one NME all the way to the market. These risks, together with rising cost of
innovation through each stage of development require biotech firms to reduce the risk of the late stages of the innovation
process by trading intellectual property assets, whose sale on the basis of early test results avoids incurring significant
trialling, manufacturing or marketing costs. To achieve the return on equity required by their high risks, innovative biotechs
must therefore generate new products that have a probability of achieving high-volume sales under patent (Nikisch et al.,
2009), and then successfully sell the intellectual property rights to a Big Pharma firm. The principal reason for small
innovators not bringing their products to market (and relying on Big Pharma to do so) is the high cost of later-stage
development, especially the large-scale clinical trials. However, even after avoiding the later stage development costs,
biotechs still need high returns to offset risk and their correspondingly high costs of capital. This may offer an explanation for
the increasing concentration of R&D investment in high risk opportunities characterised by a low probability of success but
reflecting large unmet therapeutic needs (Pammolli et al., 2011).
At the earliest stages of the innovation process, when investors face the greatest risk, external finance has partly been
absorbed by public-sector provision and subsidy. An increasing amount of basic research has been conducted within
research institutions and universities, in some cases providing the initial intellectual opportunity for a biotech company
(Vallas et al., 2011). To the extent that they financed the groundwork for innovation in the past, however, governments are
increasingly concerned to reduce their subsidy cost or to attain a return on their investment, and government policy is often
focused on developing innovation systems that encourage public sector researchers to generate their own financing by
commercialising their intellectual property (DTI, 1999).
External financing of biotech commercialisation is generally staged to account for the changing risk profile of the research
and discovery process. The different funding channels available to biotechs follow the development of the firm from early
stage basic research, through to pre-clinical testing and several phases of clinical tests. Early stage research is when the
investment risk greatest and direct access to public equity markets is unlikely. Instead, specialist private equity and venture
capitalist intermediate, raising investment funds from markets acting as specialist investors in early stage commercialisa-
tion opportunities. As the biotech progresses, it can expect to gain access to additional private equity and subsequently, if
expectations of performance are perceived as credible, raise finance directly on public markets.
Private equity (including venture capital) partnerships borrow on wholesale markets to finance equity holdings in non-
financial firms, operating on a 3–5 year time horizon which is typically much longer than that of commercial banks geared to
working-capital finance. Private equity tends to acquire expertise in a targeted range of industries, and to build up a portfolio
of participations that spreads risks while staying within an area of industry expertise. It aims for trade sale or initial public
offering (IPO) of the equity stake as the usual means of exit, making profit mainly by capital gain on equity sale.
The success of Big Pharma’s strategy to acquire future products and revenue from biotechs partly relies on the ability of
investors to raise funds for private equity and venture capital to invest in new biotech opportunities. A successful outcome of
increasingly financialised strategy would result whereby capital is efficiently re-allocated via a series of intermediaries, fund
managers and investors to support the next generation of promising entrepreneurial and innovative companies and industry
leaders. The prospect of very high speculative gain provides a motive for private equity to subscribe capital to early-stage
biotech, even though any marketable outputs are likely to arise well beyond its typical 3–5 year time horizon. Here public
equity markets contribute to the efficient capital re-allocation, in by firstly returning capital to successful venture capital and
private equity investors, those that have invested in firms able to achieve IPO. Secondly and relatedly, that by gaining access
to public markets, biotechs can obtain additional capital to invest in their own product development.
Pension funds and other institutional investment funds, searching for higher yield at a time of low long-term interest
rates and blue-chip equity returns, have raised their portfolio allocation to venture capital (especially in the US and UK) in the
past 15 years, substantially increasing total capital flow to the sector (Gompers, 1998; Jeng and Wells, 2000). This move was
assisted by pension-fund regulatory changes, and tax changes including the creation of limited partnerships.
However, speculative gains for investors in biotech have generally failed to materialise (Pisano, 2006). In the longer term
this model of investment has proven unsuitable for companies that will typically require 10–15 years of development time,
especially as the change of ownership after re-sale (by IPO) can often disrupt the specialist teams and working environment
that initially drove the research project (Pisano, 2006). In addition the funding of high-risk SMEs from venture capital has
experienced a shift of strategy towards larger, lower risk investments (Lockett et al., 2002; BIS, 2012). These have become
more focused on later-stage product and process development or the restructuring, merging and downsizing of established
larger firms. As pension funds raised their exposure to private equity and expanded their share of total private-equity
funding, the private equity funds receiving their investment, have tended to become more risk-averse. Institutional
investors’ movement towards later stage involvement means that although the UK private equity investment sector is the
largest in Europe, investment for early stage opportunities has declined. For instance data from the British Venture Capital
P. Gleadle et al. / Critical Perspectives on Accounting 25 (2014) 67–77 73
Fig. 5. Early stage biotech and technology investment as a percentage of total BVCA member reported investment activity (BVCA, 2012).
Association (BVCA) members’ survey show that the size of biotech investment is insignificant compared to the overall
investment total. While explaining how biotechs’ high risks can be absorbed into ‘mainstream’ portfolios, this indicates the
low priority of biotechnology and technology investment generally assigned by venture capitalists in the UK (see Fig. 5).
In the case of a biotech with innovative outputs appropriate for acquisition by Big Pharma, either via trade sale, or
purchase of intellectual property, the transfer of funding from Big Pharma to biotech is clear. Although harder to measure, an
increased return of capital to shareholders by Big Pharma, for example via dividend or share buybacks, could be one means of
increased channelling of equity or debt capital into biotechs (or other small innovative businesses) by private or institutional
investors or by banks. In fact the return of cash to shareholders via dividends and share buybacks increased through the
1990s, apparently in response to greater capital market pressure on management (Lazonick and O’Sullivan, 2000). But the
performance impact of return of capital by Big Pharma (and big companies in general) has usually been negatively assessed,
especially when conducted through share buybacks, both for medium-term operational and long-term final performance
(Lazonick and Tulum, 2010; Lazonick, 2008).
The full range of channels by which external investors can finance biotech and capture returns from investment in NMEs
before or after they are brought to market, is shown in Fig. 6. By tracing the different financial market routes, this highlights
the complex financial relationship between Big Pharma and biotechs. This complexity is further illustrated by our case study
of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), which is used to investigate the impact of financialisation on the relationship between Big Pharma
and biotech.
The impact of a weakening ‘blockbuster model’ on financial performance of Europe’s largest Big Pharma company,
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), is shown in Table 2. The expansion of equity in 2003–8, at a faster rate than post-tax profit, also
points to a declining return on equity. Return on capital employed (ROCE) declined even more sharply because of the rapid
rise in corporate debt – though without this, return on equity might have declined even more sharply. During this period,
under chief executive Jean-Pierre Garnier, GSK was still attempting to raise its R&D productivity by improving the
allocation and application of resources through its ‘internal’ markets for financial and human capital. Garnier created 12
autonomous research centres, each focused on a particular ‘family’ of diseases and stage of new product development,
designed to give high-achieving scientists the same degree of power and financial reward that they might expect in a
smaller innovation-based company – and to deter them from quitting to join such companies, or switching into general
management for career progression. ‘‘These inspiring product finders represent less than 1% of the R&D population, but
their value is exponentially greater. They must be identified, protected and supported’’ (Garnier, 2008, p. 72). At this stage,
the aim was still to create an environment within Big Pharma that could retain the ‘best people’, as identified by Silverman
(2012), by giving them the rewards and resources that they would otherwise seek in stand-alone research based
When Garnier left the company in 2008, he claimed measurable success for this strategy, with GSK enjoying R&D
productivity 2–3 times its competitors’ average, and the largest number of drugs/vaccines in late-stage development
(Garnier, 2008, p. 70). But as Table 2 suggests, this reconfiguration of in-house R&D had not arrested the decline in
investment returns, or the underlying drop in R&D productivity. ‘‘From 1998 through to 2007 the company spent about
$4.2bn annually on R&D with no satisfying results’’ (MarketLine, 2011, p. 10). Acquisitions during this period, designed to
74 P. Gleadle et al. / Critical Perspectives on Accounting 25 (2014) 67–77
Fig. 6. Financial-market routes for capital flow from Big Pharma to biotech.
Table 2
Profit, capital employed and ROCE, GSK.
£bn Post tax profit Long-term debt Equity Post tax ROCE
strengthen in-house R&D, contributed to the decline in ROCE by expanding equity, which virtually doubled in 2003–2010,
and multiplying its debt.
Garnier’s decentralisation strategy had also laid the foundation for a decisive step away from ‘internal’ markets for labour
and intermediate products, towards outsourcing ‘‘anything that is not critical to the core mission and R&D process’’ (Garnier,
2008, p. 72). Under his successor, Andrew Witty, GSK abandoned its attempts to keep major NME development in-house, and
began to spin-out major stages of the R&D process, drawing on the work of exceptional scientists in specialist companies
rather than trying to re-create the ‘biotech’ environment within the Big Pharma bureaucracy. In 2008 it narrowed the focus
to 8 in-house Centres of Excellence for Drug Discovery, while also pursuing 50 ‘discovery programmes’ at its Centre of
Excellence for External Drug Discovery. Annual R&D spend rose 8% to £3.9bn (£4.4bn after £0.5bn major restructuring costs)
($6.1bn) in 2010, and GSK has pledged to keep it at 14% of annual sales; but since 2008 only 30% of this has gone to
preliminary research (MarketLine, 2011, p. 10). Witty made clear that more R&D would now be pursued in collaboration
with external partners, announcing that, ‘‘Externalising R&D enables GSK to capture scientific diversity and balance
expenditure and risk in drug development. In the future, we believe that up to 50% of GSK’s drug discovery could be sourced
from outside the company’’ (GSK, 2008). The R&D contract with Anacor, for anti-infectives research, typifies the new type of
conditional collaboration: GSK in 2007 agreed to pay an initial £12m, £10m in follow-up investment and £250–330m in
‘milestone’ payments for candidate drugs in return for exclusive global licensing rights to any compound that proves
commercialisable (PharmaWatch, 2007).
P. Gleadle et al. / Critical Perspectives on Accounting 25 (2014) 67–77 75
Table 3
GSK share buy-backs, dividends and R&D.
Table 4
GSK 2000–2011.
From a financial perspective, the change of strategy showed early success: the trend decline in ROCE was reversed in 2009
and, after a setback to profit linked to the UK and Eurozone recessions, the upturn resumed in 2011 (Table 2). However, this
improvement was not connected with a measurable improvement in R&D productivity: the increased buying-in of research
results was associated with a 33% rise in R&D expenditure between 2007 and 2010 (Table 3) without a comparable rise in
marketable NME approvals. Over the same period, the company significantly increased its return of cash flow to
shareholders, via share buybacks (SBBs) and dividends (Table 3). SBBs were suspended in 2009–2010 during the ‘credit
crunch’ that followed the 2008 banking crisis. A new long-term SBB programme was launched in 2011, with repurchases of
£1–2bn targeted for that year, reflecting a commitment ‘‘to use free cash flow to support increasing dividends, undertake
share repurchases or, where returns are more attractive, invest in bolt-on acquisitions’’ (GSK, 2011, p. 4). This SBB
resumption in 2011 was associated with the first significant fall in GSK’s R&D outlay (Table 3), suggesting a recognition by
management that the company’s R&D could not offer shareholders a higher return than they would get by re-investing
A summary of GSK’s financial performance across the decade (Table 4) confirms that debt-financed acquisitions which
significantly increased its long-term debt, and share buybacks multiplied leverage and significantly reduced ROCE. While
R&D continued to rise in line with sales, declining R&D productivity meant that ROCE fell (Table 2). The explicit switch to an
externalised R&D strategy from 2008 coincided with commitment to an increased return of cash to shareholders, creating
conditions in which it is very difficult to continue increasing R&D spending (internal or external) in line with sales unless the
long stagnation of R&D productivity is suddenly reversed.
In this paper we have characterised the change in the Big Pharma innovation model from vertical integration towards a
restructuring with an increasing dependence on the acquisition and transfer of marketable innovations from sources
external to the firm. Previously in the vertically integrated Big Pharma industry (Table 1), the firm would be expected to
minimise transaction costs and achieve cost advantages via economies of scale in production. Such cost advantages, coupled
with internal discovery processes which generated patent protected blockbuster products, provided significant revenues
and high ROCE.
However, such high ROCE expectations have proven unsustainable for Big Pharma in recent years, as the price and profit
position of blockbusters post patent expiry, have been eroded by competition from generics. In addition Big Pharma R&D
76 P. Gleadle et al. / Critical Perspectives on Accounting 25 (2014) 67–77
productivity has fallen, threatening future revenue income. We argue that the demands of financial markets have pushed Big
Pharma towards a financialised model –R&D via internal resources and capabilities can no longer support the drug discovery
process to generate the returns expected. As new discoveries in biochemistry and cell biology quell earlier hopes of simple
links between NMEs and specific diseases, R&D generally has become viewed as being more of a financial gamble, which can
deliver desired returns to shareholders only if internal R&D commitment is combined with sourcing NME opportunities
external to the firm to maintain future pipelines, and supported by narratives communicated to investors.
In a financialised world, returns on investment depend on how firms restructure via capital markets, as well as how their
capital is internally deployed. Jensen (1986, 2000) stresses that managers should use debt and repay cash to investors, so that
finance can flow to the most productive parts of the industry. In pharmaceuticals this is consistent with Big Pharma’s
transition from an integrated to a more disaggregated model, in which – beneath continued high headline rates of R&D
spending - investment (and investment risk) are significantly redirected to innovation specialists, the more successful of
which are later acquired.
To achieve this vertically disintegrated model, biotechs and other developers of NMEs offering significant future
prospects, might expect improved access to funding and so the industry as a whole would benefit thereby from increasing
numbers of marketable drugs. However, we have indicated that outsourcing the discovery and development of NMEs has not
resulted in a substantial increase in new drug approvals. In fact approval rates have remained relatively constant over
time (Fig. 2) – whilst expenditure on R&D and acquisitions, as shown in Fig. 4 increased. Likewise, private equity and venture
capitalists have been unwilling to significantly increase funding to small firms in the biotech industry as indicated by the
BVCA statistics presented in Section 3, as the risks of failure remain too high.
In this financialised Big Pharma-biotech business model, external sources of NMEs (such as biotechs) are expected to
reduce the R&D gamble for Big Pharma, so that it can tackle the R&D productivity decline and continue to meet external
shareholder expectations. Big Pharma companies position themselves to acquire leading drug candidates, and subsequently
apply their scale advantages to later-stage development, manufacturing and marketing in order to achieve the necessary
ROCE. However, although this process has been under way for more than a decade, we have identified a distinct lack of
positive results, which can be traced to the new industry structure’s departure from the efficiencies revealed by transaction-
cost and resource-based theory. The spinning-out of R&D to specialist companies might improve access to innovative
researchers (who are drawn to them by small-firm autonomy and financial incentives), and might improve the industry’s
allocation of risk (small biotechs absorbing that of early-stage research, Big Pharma that of later-stage clinical trials). But it
has significant structural disadvantages - particularly the fragmentation of knowledge across non-communicating teams,
barriers to inter-firm knowledge transfer and the duplication of research due to non-disclosure of negative results – which
have been well documented by resource-based and transaction-cost studies of technological collaboration.
The GSK case study in Section 4 provides an example of the impact of financialisation. The firm’s debt to equity ratios have
increased, as has capital employed. ROCE has generally fallen, exacerbated by the long development times in the industry
(i.e. a lag between investment and receipt of profits arising from that investment), but also by the stubbornly low probability
of success of investment, resistant to a strategy of outsourcing the discovery and early stage development of NMEs. In fact,
the GSK share price has underperformed the FTSE100 since 2002 (GSK, 2012). Like many other pharmaceutical firms, GSK has
increased flows of finance to shareholders in the form of increased dividends and greater use of share buy-backs (Jack, 2011).
A pattern of returning investment to GSK shareholders is reflective of industry trends. Big Pharma’s inability to raise its
return on capital, despite continued high rates of knowledge development in the life sciences, raises questions over whether
the financialised model can be sustained, or was merely a transitional feature as the industry moved away from its
‘blockbuster’ model and searched for alternatives that could justify its historically high R&D commitment. As a result of its
continued failure to address the fall in R&D productivity, Big Pharma is now reducing its R&D spending, re-assigning funds to
marketing/advertising or returning them to shareholders on the basis that this will bring better returns for shareholders.
Although the American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Association (PhRMA, 2011) shows R&D spending still rising as a
proportion of sales between 2005 and 2010, the independent Thompson-Reuters survey shows a decline beginning in 2010
(Hirschler, 2011). GSK and AstraZeneca announced large R&D spending reductions in early 2010 (Dorey, 2010); and Pfizer,
the largest life-sciences R&D spender, announced significant cuts for 2012 (R&D Magazine, 2011).
The possibility that growing external shareholder and creditor pressure on Big Pharma has led to changes in R&D strategy,
and delivery of returns to investors without development of new products for customers, is of significant public interest. The
evidence reviewed in this paper suggests that externalisation of early-stage research has allowed Big Pharma to reduce
technological risks and improve shareholder returns without arresting the long decline in R&D productivity. Indeed, it may have
promoted a redirection and fragmentation of R&D which reduces the chance of its yielding significant breakthroughs, despite
the arrival of new genomic and biotech research techniques. Major companies’ commitment to return funds to shareholders, via
dividends and buybacks, and increases in long-term debt, set up an outflow of cash which is likely to squeeze R&D budgets even
if profitability remains at past comparatively high levels. This pressure will intensify if pressure on public healthcare budgets,
and generic competition, lead to pricing policies which reduce Big Pharma’s future profitability.
The case of Big Pharma studied in this paper has demonstrated that there is a mismatch between traditional indicators of
profitability and R&D, suggesting that financialisation has damaged the process of allocation of resources devoted to
innovative activities. Other studies (Froud et al., 2006; Lazonick, 2008) have shown that similar processes have affected other
industries. Further research is needed to gain a better understanding of the dynamics of financialisation and its impact on the
innovative performance of the economy.
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