Fig. 1 Articulation of AlO6 octahdera and SiO4 terahedra in a-b plane of Kyanite.
Kyanite has a relatively pure AlAlOSiO4 composition. Minor substitution of Fe3+ and Cr3+ can
be accommodated by the kyanite structure. The small amount of Ti4+ substitution is due to
frequent inclusion of rutile in kyanite.
Synthetic kyanite can be produced in lab at a 900 ºC and 10-40 kbar. The phase diagram of
Al2SiO5 composition shows the triple point between kyanite, andalusite and sillmanite to lie at
about 4.5 kilobars and 550ºC. It may invert to andalusite or sillimanite by a change in the
pressure or temperature conditions. Kyanite also gets converted to mullite and glass on heating
to ca. 1300 ºC.
Fig. 2 Arrangement of SiO4 tetrahdra and AlO6 octahedra in Andalusite a-b plane.
The mineral is relatively pure AlAlOSiO4 and shows substitution of Mn3+ and Fe3+ for octahedral
aluminium. Extensive solid solution to Kanonaite is reported for andalusite with 32.2 percent
Mn2O3 leading to a composition (Mn3+,Al)AlSiO5. The term Viridine has been used for
andalusite containing 4-8 percent Fe2O3 and 19.6 percent Mn2O3.
Andalusite can be synthesized from kaolinite or from a mixture of Al2O3 + SiO2 at temperatures
450-650ºC and water vapour pressure between 0.6-2 Kbar.
Alteration to sericite, chlorite and other sheet silicates is commonly exhibited by andalusite. It
also shows metamorphic reaction relations with minerals such as cordierite, staurolite, garnet,
sillimanite and kyanite.
4. Crystallographic properties
Sillimanite Andalusite Kyanite
5. Physical properties
5.1 Kyanite in hand specimen
It commonly forms columnar or bladed elongated crystals. It has a patchy blue, grey or white and
rarely light green colour (Fig. 4). Vitreous to pearly in lusture and gives a white streak. It has a
hardness of 4-5 parallel to c direction and ~71/2 at right angles to c crystallographic direction.
Specific gravity ranges from 3.53-3.67. Cleavage is perfect on {100}. Cleavage fragments are
usually splintery. Splintery fractures are common and crystals are of brittle nature. A basal
parting is conspicuous on {001} cutting at about
85º to the length of crystals. Twinning is not
obvious in hand sample though single and
multiple twins with {100} composition planes are
6. Optical properties
Fig. 5 (Left) Kyanite in eclogite mantle xenoliths of Wajrakarur Kimberlite field, Andhra Pradesh , India (PPL
image, 5X); (Right). Fibrolite grain (golden brown) as seen in a Sillimanite bearing Schist from Arunachal
Himalyas. (CPL image, 5X)
Andlusite It shows moderately high positive relief and is commonly euhedral elongate prism.
Usually colourless in thin section. Exhibits weak pleochroism X= reddish pink, Y=Z= greenish
yellow, Cleavage {110} good.
Sillimanite It shows moderately high relief and is usually colourless in thin section though
fibrolite masses can exhibit a pale brown colour (Fig. 5 Right). Most sillimanite in thin section is
not visibly pleochroic. Cleavage {010} is perfect on basal section of sillimanite
OA 001
100 Y
7. Occurence
Each polymorph is known to have a specific pressure- temperature range over which it is stable
with andalusite being the low pressure polymorph, kyanite stable at high pressures and sillimanite
is stable at high temperatures. So, these minerals have found extensive application in establishing
the pressure –temperature conditions of rocks bearing them. The stability fields of these minerals
are related by phase diagram (Fig. 9) Being a very important mineral in metamorphic petrology
the P-T stability of the aluminium silicates has been extensively studied. However problems with
establishing the P-T field for these polymorphs include Al-Si order- disorder in sillimanite and
small compositional variations of the minerals. It has been shown that small amounts of Fe and
/or Mn entering the structure of andalusite may significantly effect its stability conditions.
The alumino-silicate polymorphs kyanite, sillimanite and andalusite are characteristic minerals of
medium to high grade pelitic metamorphic rocks like mica schist, biotite gneiss and hornfels.
Andalusite is commonly found in contact metamorphic aureoles of shallow and intermediate
depth intrusive and also in rocks subjected to medium grade metamorphism at relatively low
pressures. Sillimanite is restricted to rocks that are subjected to higher temperatures and kyanite is
characteristic of rocks subjected to relatively high pressures. Based on the bulk composition of
the rock and grade of metamorphism underwent by a rock; these polymorphs may be found
associated with cordierite, staurolite, garnet, chlorite, muscovite, biotite, plagioclase, k-feldspar
and chloritoid. Eclogites an ultra high-pressure metamorphic rock are also known to contain
kyanite in association with pyrope rich garnet and omphacite pyroxene.
These polymorphs are not stable in a weathering environment even tough may occur as important
detrital minerals.
These polymorphs are less commonly also being reported from granites and granitic pegmatites.
It’s debatable whether they are primary magmatic minerals or product of post magmatic
crystallization or are xenocrysts. Xenocrysts may originate from partially assimilated
metamorphic wall rock or could be relicts of the rocks from which the magma was derived by
partial melting. There exists no compelling evidence as to why these minerals cannot crystallize
8. Use
On heating the aluminium silicates to high temperatures it gets converted to Mullite [Al (Al1-2xSi1-
2x) O5-x] plus quartz. Mulite is used as a refractory mineral. Mutilised aluminium silicates find use
in manufacture of refractory materials such as high alumina bricks and related products used to
line blast furnaces and kilns and in applications requiring resistance to temperature. Andalusite
also finds use in manufacture of ceramic products, abrasives and filler materials.
Reference Books: