Cc12 Coding Compliance Plan
Cc12 Coding Compliance Plan
Cc12 Coding Compliance Plan
I. Policy Statement
a. MU Health is committed to full compliance with all Federal health care program
requirements, including a commitment to prepare and submit accurate claims
consistent with such requirements.
b. This policy addresses MU Health’s compliance with Federal and state health care
program requirements, as well as compliance with other payor expectations,
regarding the accurate coding, preparation and submission of claims by setting
forth requirements for Coding Staff:
i. credentialing requirements;
ii. orientation, initial and ongoing training, resources, and competencies;
iii. accuracy and consistency assessments and reviews, and error
c. All MU Health Coding Staff, including full-time and part-time employees, and
contracted vendors, are responsible for performing, supervising, or monitoring
coding of inpatient and outpatient encounters at acceptable standards as
defined by this policy.
d. MU Health Standards of Ethical Coding
i. MU Health has great confidence in our Coding Staff and their
commitment to collect, manage and report data in an unbiased, honest
and ethical manner.
ii. MU Health will follow the most current Center for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS) Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting.
iii. Diagnosis and procedure coding shall be governed by the ICD Official
Guidelines for Coding and Reporting and that all codes mandated by
guidelines should be assigned and reported. Adherence to guidelines
promotes consistency and accuracy of coded data.
iv. ICD diagnosis and procedure codes, and CPT procedure codes and
modifiers must be correctly submitted and will not be modified or
mischaracterized in order to be covered and paid. Diagnoses or
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Title: Corporate Compliance - Coding Compliance Plan - Policy
procedures will not be misrepresented or mischaracterized by assigning
codes for purpose of obtaining inappropriate reimbursement.
v. Diagnosis codes reported will accurately reflect the medical necessity of a
service as well as the individual requirements of a CPT code, in
accordance with documentation entered by the provider.
vi. Procedural codes reported will accurately reflect the procedures
performed during the encounter as documented by the provider.
II. Definitions
a. Coding Staff or Coders: individuals that assign numeric or alphanumeric
classification to identify diagnoses and procedures. These classifications or
“codes” are assigned based upon a review of the source document (medical
record). The classifications utilized for this purpose include ICD, CPT and HCPCS
Level II.
b. ICD: International Classification of Disease, current edition
c. CPT: Current Procedural Terminology, current edition
d. HCPCS Level II: Healthcare Common Procedural Coding Systems, current edition
III. Process/Content
a. Coding Staff Credential Requirements
i. A well-trained Coding Staff is imperative to maintain overall coding
compliance and coding accuracy. To ensure all Coders have acquired the
competencies necessary for skillful coding, a minimum credential
requirement will be mandated for all Coding Staff members. These
requirements are outlined in the official job descriptions, as issued by
Human Resources.
ii. All MU Health-employed Coding Staff, outsourced Coders, as well as
direct supervisory level staff responsible for coding activities must be
certified by a recognized professional certification organization (e.g.
AAPC, AHIMA). Newly employed Coders will be expected to achieve
certification within one year of employment date.
iii. Coding Staff must maintain certification through a professional
organization of their choice, with concurrence from their supervisor,
according to the requirements of the professional organization.
iv. Coding Staff that are not certified through a professional association
must complete 10 CEUs annually with concurrence from their Supervisor.
Documentation of such training must be in the maintained by the
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b. Initial Coding Orientation and Training
i. All MU Health departments that directly employ Coders will provide
orientation and training to all new Coders, or current employees
transitioning to a coder position, involved in the final ICD and/or CPT
coding process. The orientation shall include a review of this policy.
ii. Completion of coding orientation and training must be met within 30
days of employment or transfer into a coding position.
iii. At a minimum, coding departments shall make the following resources
(electronic and/or bound) available to Coding Staff prior to coding on
behalf of MU Health:
1. Current ICD coding book,
2. Current CPT code book,
3. Current HCPCS Medicare Level II Expert book, and
4. A medical dictionary.
iv. All MU Health-employed Coders shall be given training on all applicable
MU Health computer systems prior to coding on behalf of MU Health.
v. The work of newly hired Coders, either MU Health employee or
outsourced vendors, or current employees transitioning to a Coder
position must be carefully monitored by supervisors, designated staff, or
the outsourced vendor during the first 90 calendar days of employment
and until all training requirements have been met. Supervisors of Coders
or designated staff must comply with the following:
1. Newly hired coders will be required to undergo a pre-bill review
of at least the first fifty (50) records coded until an accuracy rate
of 95% has been achieved. If accuracy rate of 95% or higher is
achieved and no additional training needs are identified through
the pre-bill review process, no further pre-bill review will be
2. If the accuracy rate of 95% is not achieved during the pre-bill
review of the first fifty (50) records, pre-bill review will continue in
increments of ten (10) records until a cumulative overall accuracy
rate of 95% or higher is obtained.
3. If the accuracy rate of 95% is not achieved within the first 90 days
of employment or transfer into a coding position, coaching and/or
corrective action will be initiated by the employee’s
4. Documentation of the pre-bill review will be maintained on file by
the supervisor.
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vi. Documentation of the initial orientation and training must be maintained
within the department.
c. Continuing Education Requirements and Annual Competencies
i. All Coders involved in the final reporting of ICD and CPT coding will
review annually this Coding Compliance Plan.
ii. All Coders responsible for inpatient and/or outpatient coding must meet
the minimum annual requirements of his/her certifying organization
regarding continuing education per calendar year.
iii. Supervisors shall be responsible for monitoring that employees under
his/her supervision have obtained or maintained relevant certifications.
iv. Supervisors shall report to the Office of Corporate Compliance (OCC) any
coder (inpatient, outpatient, contracted vendor) who does not meet
annual certification requirements. Such Coders must complete
requirements and show verification of certification before resuming
coding responsibilities.
d. Coding Accuracy Measurement, Monitoring, and Correction of Errors
i. Coding productivity and accuracy are essential benchmark measurements
for all MU Health departments. Productivity measurement allows for
adequate staffing and keeps the revenue cycle workflow effectively
moving. Accuracy measurement is necessary as healthcare organizations
are being compared and evaluated based on the coded data submitted
for reimbursement, performance measures related to patient outcomes,
and quality measures.
ii. On-going coding accuracy review and monitoring will ensure minimal
variances in the application of and compliance with CMS Official Coding
Guidelines. Coding and billing errors identified through the coding
reviews shall be appropriately corrected and re-billed accordingly.
iii. Departmental Accuracy Measurements
1. Each MU Health coding department will perform regular reviews
of each Coder’s work. The number and types of records sampled
for review will be at the discretion of the department, but shall be
based upon the types of encounters the employee typically codes.
The staff member performing the coding reviews will compile the
results and make such available to the OCC upon request.
2. Any identified coding and billing errors which result in an
overpayment to MU Health will be reported and addressed as per
the MU Health policy “University of Missouri Hospitals (MUH)
Overpayment Reporting”.
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3. Supervisors shall include accuracy measurements in the Coder’s
annual performance appraisal.
4. If over two consecutive accuracy reports, a Coder’s accuracy
measurements fall below an average of 95%, appropriate
counseling and corrective actions will be instituted as deemed
appropriate by the Supervisor and Department Manager.
iv. OCC Accuracy Measurements
1. The OCC will perform coding reviews on an ongoing basis.
Annually, the audits will include at a minimum: two (2) inpatient
and two (2) outpatient reviews for all hospital and professional
services Coders.
2. Any identified coding and billing errors which result in an
overpayment to MU Health will be reported and addressed as per
the MU Health policy “University of Missouri Hospitals (MUH)
Overpayment Reporting”.
3. OCC coding accuracy reviews will be reported regularly to the MU
Health Executive Compliance Committee and others as deemed
IV. Attachments
a. Revenue Cycle – University of Missouri Hospitals (MUH) Overpayment Reporting
– Policy
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