Young Kindergarten Discipline Plan

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​Kindergarten Classroom Rules 

  ​Mrs. Young’s Class, 2019-2020 

We believe that every child deserves an equal opportunity to learn to his/her fullest ability. Therefore, a safe
and well structured environment is essential. Taking individual student needs into consideration, we will
enforce the classroom/school rules and discipline policy as noted below.

Monroe Primary School Rules (“The 4 Bees”):

Our classroom discipline plan follows our school-wide behavioral expectations.
Be Respectful!​ (Be Kind!)
Listen politely, speak respectfully, use kind words, ask permission to use things, keep hands/feet to yourself, &
use a quiet voice inside at all times!
Be Responsible!​ (Be safe!)
Follow directions, make good choices, & accept consequences.
Be a Problem Solver!
Use kind words to solve problems, use materials appropriately, clean up after yourself, & get help if needed from
an adult.
Be Prepared!​ (Be Ready!)
Bring your Take-home Folder every day, get sharpened pencils in the morning, turn in your homework/papers on
time, & have an organized desk.
Mrs. Young’s Class Rules:
Rule 1: Listen when your teacher is talking.
Rule 2: Follow directions quickly.
Rule 3: Keep your hands and your feet to yourself.
Rule 4: Raise your hand to speak or stand.
Rule 5: Be safe, be kind, be honest.
Rule 6: Keep your teacher happy. :-)
Consequences for Breaking the Rules:
∗ First Consequence: Verbal Warning
∗ Second Consequence: Visual Warning
∗ Third Consequence: Loss of Privilege (could be recess, center time, use of computers, etc.)
∗ Fourth Consequence: Contact Parents (phone call, email, or note home from teacher)
∗ Fifth Consequence: Office Referral
● Severe Clause​ – the teacher has the right to bypass any steps if the action is considered severe in nature due to
the safety and concern of all other students.

School-Wide & Class Rewards:

Happy Hornets: ​When your child is on Blue Star Power OR caught making good choices, staying on task,
being a good citizen & demonstrating “The 4 Bees” school expectations, your child will receive a “Happy
Hornet” ticket. They write their name on the ticket and put it into the bee basket. The tickets are taken to the
office where they will be entered for a chance to win a drawing and receive a prize from the office.
Class Prize Box:​ When children meet their class behavior goals, they will have an opportunity to choose a
prize from the class prize box to reward their hard work.

Please cut along the line, sign (other side), and return this
bottom portion to school.
Let’s Shape Up Together Behavior Plan​: 
In our class, we will use a color/shape system as a visual cue for students. Our goal is to motivate students to
display positive behaviors. Each student will receive a bee with his/her name written on it. They will begin
each day on the Green Happy Heart shape and move his/her name as rules are broken (noted below). There
will be an opportunity for those students who exceed expectations to move to the Blue Star Power shape.
Please note that Blue Star Power is used to award exceptional behavior and will be used more
sparingly as the school year continues and behavioral expectations for all students increase. ​ We ask
that families please review school expectations often with children and discuss/reinforce at home if your child
has to move their bee during the school day.
1. Blue Star Power- This shape is reserved for students who exceed expectations.
This student did something exceptional that caught the teacher’s attention, such as problem solving
on their own, showing kindness to another student, or helping out in the classroom without being
asked. Students will receive a special prize/privilege.

2. Green Happy Heart – Each child will start their school day on green. With consistent good
behavior, name will stay on green throughout the day.

3. Try Harder Yellow Triangle– First Warning. Name moves to YELLOW. This is a visual warning for
the child.

4. Uh-Oh Red Oval – Name moves to RED. Teacher will impose immediate logical consequences
when possible. For example: losing special privileges, time-out etc.  
Behavior Calendar:
Each student will be given a blank calendar at the beginning of each month. At the end of every day, students
will color a square to correspond with where his/her name ended up on the chart (blue, green, yellow, red, or
black). If the student moves to yellow, red or black, the teacher will conference with the student to review the
behavior and what is expected. This behavior calendar will stay inside the take-home folder/binder and serve
as daily communication regarding your child’s behavior. Please take a moment to look at it each day and
discuss expectations as needed with your child.

This is an additional online tool for monitoring behavior that may be used in the classroom, as necessary. Each
student has a virtual avatar that can receive positive or negative points throughout the day for
breaking/following rules. More information will be sent home, including directions about how you can connect
online to view your child’s daily points. How many positive/negative points your child receives will directly
correspond to where they fall on our Shape-Up behavior chart (blue, green, yellow, red) and the color they
receive on their behavior calendar at the end of the school day.

Cut here and return signatures.
We have read and discussed the Kindergarten Discipline Plan at home.

Student Signature_____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________ Date____________

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