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Setup Guide

EMS39V2 Generator Proteetion Module

Firmware Version2.0.2
1. Introduction
The EMS39 is an integrated Genset controller which incorporates full engine protection. LCD display of engine
temperature, oil pressure, battery volts, speed and genset hours provides manual start and stop buttons, autostart,
and controls excitation of the battery charging alternator.
2. Set-up
The EMS39 is set-up by using the buttons on the front panel. A secret button is locted the element midway
between start and stop buttons. This button is used to enter set-up mode and to increment through the set-up items
list. The Start and Stop buttons are used to increment and decrement the values for each item.
Set-up is initiated by holding down the secret set-up button for 10 seconds when the unit is in the “Ready” mode.
Set-up mode automatically terminates if no button in pressed for 60 seconds,or when the Exit item at the bottom
of the setup list is set to 1 items highlighted in bold text MUST be set-up beforerunning. Items not highlighted are
Display Item Setections Default Comment
OSEN Oil Sensor 0: Switch: Close on Fault 2 Selects type of oil sensor being used.
Type 1: Sender: 0-90R
2: Sender: 10-180R
3: Sender: 120-16R Datcon Sensor
4: Sender: 240-33R Datcon Sensor
5: Sender: 19-112R Mitsubishi Sensor
OFSD Oil Full Scale 5 - 7.5- 10 Bar 5 Used to select the full scale of the oil
sensor being used.
OALM Oil Alarm 0.5 to 30 Bar 0.7 Sets the minimum allowable oil pressure
Set-point before alarm/shutdown
OCHK Oil Pressure 0:Does not check before 1 Selects oil level or oil pressure sensing
check before starting
cranking 1:Checks before starting
TSEN Temperature 0: Switch: Close on Fault 1 Selects temperature sensor type.
Sensor Type 1: Sender TS120℃ If temperature is not used select TSEN=0
2: Sender TS150℃
3: Sender TS200℃
4: Sender CM120℃ Cummins Sensor
5: Sender DW120℃ Daewoo Sensor
6: Sender MS120℃ Mitsubishi Sensor
7: Sender DAL Datcon Low Range Sensor
8: Sender DAH Datcon High Range Sensor
9: Sender Curtis 120℃ Curtis Sensor
TALM Temperature 70-200℃ 98 Set maximum allowable temp before
Alarm alarm/shutdown
TDLY Temperature 1-4 Min 1 Sets time after completion of run up
Hold Off before temperature is monitored. This is
delay time to allow the starting of overheated
SDIS Display Mode 0: Hz Only 0 May be set for Hz display, RPM display
Select 1: RPM only or both.
2: Hz and RPM
SCYC Set Display 2-10 sec 2 Sets the update period of the display
update time
SHZ Set Display 50-60Hz 50 Selects frequency output
update time
SRPM Engine speed 3000-6000RPM 3000 Selects the nominal engine speed range.
range select
CHZ Crank 5-40 Hz 20 Selects the crank disconnect speed.
UHZ% Under 0 to 20% 0 Selects the minimum allowable generator
Frequency Fiequency as a percentage of the nominal
Alarm Set Frequency before alarm/shutdown. 0
point disables this setting
OHZ% Over 0 to 20% 10 Selects the maximum allowable generator
Frequency Frequency as a percentage of the nominal
Alarm Set Frequency before alarm/shutdown.0
point disables this setting

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FUEL Fuel Solenoid 0: Energise to run 0 Selects for fuel control type.
Type 1: Energise to stop
BATY Battery 10.0-25.0 Volts 11.2 Set Point for low battery warning
CHGV Charge 10.0-28.0 Volts 13.1 Set Point for charging failure
EXTD Excitation 0: ignore excitation 1 If set to 0, excitation is initiated once the
disconnect During cranking engine is running, thus minimising
1: Use excitation voltage mechanical loading during starting,
as a secondary lest for If set to 1, excitation occurs during cranking
engine running and excitation voltage is used to detect engine
running if the AC system is not working.
Note that this facility will not function if
excitation feedback is not provided by the
alternator.(see next item)
EXTW Excitation 0: Excitation monitoring 1 This function should be disabled if excitation
Warning not enabled monitorning is not required.
enable 1: Excitation monitoring
CTRY Crank Retries 1-5 3 Selects the maximum number of retries if
engine fails to start.
SUNT Start Delay Units 0: Seconds 0 Start delay units.
1: Minutes
STTM Start delay time 0-240 3 Time between activation of Autostart and
initiation of start sequencing
PHTM Preheat time 0-20 Seconds 0 Sets the preheat time.
CATM Crank Active 1-30 Seconds 15 Sets maximum crank time in any single crank
Time cycle
CPTM Crank Active 2-25 Seconds 5 Sets crank pause time between crank cycles
TRTM Trip Time 0-120 Seconds 0 If trip time is zero, trip input is used as an
immediate stop. Otherwise it is a delayed
RUTM Run Up Time 2-60 Seconds 5 Only HIHZ is monitored during this time. Oil
pressure, OHZ and UHZ are not monitored
WUTM Warm UP Time 2-60 Seconds 5 OLL, OHZ and UHZ are monitored. Run
output is off. Run output is turned on at
completion of Warm up time
ROTM Run On Time 0-60 Minutes 1 During Run on Time the run output remains
on. Reactivation of the start input will return
the engine to running.
CDTM Cool Down Time 0-60 Minutes 1 During the Cool Down time, the engine
continues to run but the run output is turned
SHTM Stop Hold Time 10-120 Seconds 10 Sets the wait time before the engine is
considered stopped. Prevents engine restarting
when HZ and Oil indicate zero but engine is
still rotating.
SRTM Stop Rest Time 3-60 Seconds 4
OFTM Scheduler 0-750 hours 0 Time in hours between scheduled genset
Time between starts, 0 disables this function
RNTM Scheduled run 0-720 minutes 30 Time in minutes for which the genset is to run
time when controlled by the scheduler
SCTM System Check 0-750 hours 24 The time between battery and oil sensor
Time checks during low power mode. 0 disables
this function.
ALTM Maximum 0-60 minutes 0 Maximum time that the alarm output remains
Alarm Time on. 0 indicates it will be on for the duration of
the alarm.
OUT1 Output 1 1: Preheat 1 Selects the configuration of Output 1
Confinguration 2: Alarm
3: FPull
4: Run
5: High Engine Temp
6: Low Oil Pressure
7: Fail to Start
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OUT2 Output2 1: Preheat 3 Selects the configuration of Output 2
configuration 2: Alarm
3: Fpull
4: Run
5: High Engine Temp
6: Low Oil Pressure
7: Fail to Start
EXIT Exit Set up 0-1 0 Exit the set-up mode by changing the value to
3. Manual Operation
To start Genset manually
Push the start button (I) briefly. The Genset will perform the starting sequence as follows.

PREHEAT On for Preheat time if enabled

FUEL ON For Energise to Run fuel control, FUEL ON activates the fuel output 1 second prior to cranking.
If an output is configured for Fpull, then that output will also turn on, but for 1 second only.
CRANKING The Genset cranks for Crank Active Time (CATM) to until Genset starts.
RESTING If the engine fails to start, a rest pause (CPTM) is inserted before the next crank retry.
RUN UP The genset has started. Only excessive speed and loss of AC voltage is checked during run up.
WARM UP Oil pressure (OALM), and frequency are checked (if selected in the set-up routine).
RUN MAN The run output is energised on completion of the Warm up time

Retries occur as selected by (CTRY). A fail to start alarm occurs (RUN FAIL) if the Genset does not start after
completion of the selected retries.
To stop the Genset manually
Push the stop button (0) briefly. The EMS39 shows STOPPING on the display. If energise to shop fuel solenoid is
selected, the fuel solenoid is energised for fhe Stop Hold Time (SHTM) or until the Genset stops.
If the Genset does not stop the EMS39 displays STOP FALL.
When oil pressure decays and tachometer indicates zero speed, after the Stop Rest Time (SRTM), the EMS39
displays READY.
4. Auto Operation
The Gerset is started using the same sequencing as above for a manual start when the auto input is activated.
When running the EMS39 displays “RUN AUTO”
When the auto input is deactivated, the Genset proceeds to the RUNON state. During RUNON, reactivating the
auto input will automatically restore the Genset to run mode. Once RUNON state has expired, the Genset will
proceed to the COOL state.
The Run output turns off.
Once the COOL state has expired, the Genset shuts down as above.
5. Viewing satic parameters
View engine static parameters by holding in the stop button for 10 seconds when the controller is in the ready
mode. The controller displays the following parameters in sequence.
-Genset Hz –Engine RPM (if enabled) –Oil Pressure –Engine Temperature –Battery Volts –Engine Hours –Alarm
Status –If the stop button is released or the end of the sequence is reached, the controller will display Ready.
Note that the above values are not dynamic but are a simple snapshot of the values.
6. Alarm lcons
The EMS39 is fitted with 4 alarm icons. These icons are described below;
Oil Pressure
The Oil Pressure Alarm icon indicates red if oil pressure is low while the engine is running.
If, prior to starting, Engine Oil Pressure is detected it flashes.
Engine Temperature
The Engine Temperature icon indicates red if engine emperature exceeds the high engine temperature
set point 1 minute after the engine has entered the running state.
Battery Alarm
The Battery Alarm icon flashes briefly once every 10 seconds if the battery voltage is below the low
battery set point. This condition normally occurs when the engine has been standing for some time
without the battery being on charge.
The icon indicates red when the engine is running if the battery alternator excitation voltage is low.
This alarm occurs if the battery excitation fails.
The icon flashes if the charging voltage is less than the charge voltage set point. This will occur if the
alternator fails, of the belt breaks.
Speed Icon
The speed icon flashes quickly if an over hertz alarm occurs
It flashes slowly if an udner hertz alarm occurs. If also flashes quickly if the genset is in the start
delay mode and about to start, or if the genset is running in cool down and about to stop.

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7. Scheduled Running
The EMS39 has the ability to provide a scheduled start of the genset at preset intervals. The run time (RNTM)
gives the duration of the running period in minutes. The off time (OFTM) gives the time in hours between
completion of the last run time and the next start. If the engine runs before the off time is completed. the off time
will restart from when the engine stopped. The first scheduled running of the genset will occur once the OFTM
has expired after the scheduling is enabled. When the genset is running in scheduled start mode. it shows “RUN
SCHD” on its display.
8. Standby operation
The EMS39 is designed to operate in standby with a very low standby current eliminating the need for an isolation
switch. When in standby mode, the unit may sample the battery voltage and check oil sensor integrity at preset
time interval. If it detects a low battery voltage, it will flash the battery icon briefly once per 10 seconds, A
warning message indicating BAT LOW will be cycled on the display. If it detects an open circuit oil sensor it will
flash the oil pressure alarm LED.
9. Trouble shooting
The EMS39 displays the following messages when an alarm occurs. These alarms shut down the engine, set the
alarm output and show the alarm indicator.
Message Cause
LOW OIL Oil pressure has not reached the Oil Alarm set point (OALM) at the end of the run up time
(RUTM) or has dropped below this value when the engine is running.
The Oil lcon turns on
OIL FLT An open circuit oil sensing circuit has been detected. The Oil lcon turns on.
HIGHTEMP Engine temperature has exceeded the high temperature set point (TALM). The temperature icon
turns on.
UNDER HZ Engine speed has dropped below the under HZ set point (OHZ%). The speed icon flashes slowly.
OVER HZ Engine speed has exceeded over HZ set point (OHZ%). The speed icon flashes quickly.
HIGH HZ Engine has exceeded safe operating speed The speed icon flashes very quickly.
LOST HZ Engine has lost AC signals while running
TRIPSTOP The external shut down input has stopped the engine.
HZ FAULT Indicates speed signal during ready. The speed icon flashes slowly.
RUN FAIL The genset has failed to start.
STOPFALL The genset has failed to stop
ERROR The EMS39 has detected an error in its internal memory. This is usually due to poor connections
between battery and controller. To clear turn off the controller for 30 seconds and repower.
The following warning messages indicate potential problems.
Message Cause
EXC WARN Excitation voltage is low when engine is running. This indicates a probable charging fault or
broken belt. This warning restores when the excitation voltage returns to a normal value.The
battery icon turns on.
CHG WARN Battery voltage is below the charging voltage set point when the engine is running. Indicates that
the alternator is not charging the battery. The battery. The battery lcon flashes.
LOW BAT Battery voltage is below the low battery set point. Flashes the battery icon once every 10 seconds.
TRIPLOCK The trip input is preventing the engine from starting. The trip input must be deactivated followed
by pressing the stop button to clear the condition.
AUTOLOCK Autolock indicates that the engine has stopped either by manual intervention or on alarm with the
autostart still active. Pressing the start button will resume auto running. This condition is cleared
by deactivating the autostart input.
10. Installation diagram

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