LN Tutorial Services - Machine Design, Materials & Shop Practices
LN Tutorial Services - Machine Design, Materials & Shop Practices
LN Tutorial Services - Machine Design, Materials & Shop Practices
228 in
1. How is “eleven-sixteenths” of an inch c. 5.444 in d. 1.323 in
expressed in decimal? 16. Compute the working strength of 1 ½ in
a. 0.6785 b. 0.6875 bolt which is screwed up tightly in packed
c. 0.7685 d. 0.6578 joint when the allowance working stress is
2. The maximum moment induced in a simply 13,000 psi.
supported beam of 20 ft span, by a 2000 a. 11,465.5 lbs b. 13,860.5 lbs
pounds load at midspan is c. 11,212.5 lbs d. 11,854.5 lbs
a. 125000 ft - lb b. 30000 ft - lb 17. What is the tensile load if ½” x 4” x 12’
c. 15000 ft - lb d. 10000 ft - lb steel tie rod experience an 80oF
3. What modulus of elasticity in tension is temperature decrease from no stress
required to obtain a unit deformation of temperature? α = 6.5 x 10-6/Fo. E = 3 x 107
0.00105 m/m from a load producing unit psi.
tensile stress of 44000 psi? a. 14000 lb b. 23000 lb
a. 42.3 x 106 psi b. 43.101 x 106 psi c. 31200 lb d. 23400 lb
c. 41.202 x 10 psi d. 41.905 x 106 psi 18. The process of forming metal parts by the
4. A cable steel has a length of 100 m and use of dies after the metal is heated to
stretch to 5 cm when the load is applied at its plastic range.
both ends. If tensile stress is 50 psi, a. rolling b. forging
find the modulus of elasticity of the c. turning d. casting
steel. 19. A body weighing 1000 lbs falls 6 inches and
a. 100,000 psi b. 120,000 psi strikes a 2000 lb per in spring. The
c. 110,000 psi d. 130,000 psi deformation of the spring is:
5. What is the maximum load can be on the a. 1 in b. 2 in
column, if the cross sectional area is 144 c. 3 in d. 6 in
ft2 and compressive stress cannot exceed 20. A 6 mm steel wire is 5 m long and stretches
200 psf. 8 mm under a given load. If modulus of
a. 20 kips b. 28.8 kips elasticity is 200GPa, find the load
c. 22 kips d. 32.5 kips applied.
6. Determine the diameter in inches of a steel a. 7 kN b. 8 kN
countershaft that delivers 13.31 hp at a c. 9 kN d. 10 kN
speed of 15.7 rad/sec, the allowable 21. A 1 inch diameter shaft develops a torque
material shear stress is 8.5 ksi. that varies from 3000 in-lb to 9000 in-lb.
a. 1 inch b. 1.5 inch Find the variable mean stress.
c. 2 inch d. 1.25 inch a. 15279 kPa b.17344 kPa
7. What do you call the process of removing c. 210630 kPa d.105315 kPa
the sharp edges from a piece of stock? 22. A 2 ½ inches double square thread with two
a. Knurling b. Planning threads/inch is to be used. The frictional
c. Chamfering d. Turning radius of collar is 2 inches and the
8. Determine the estimated weight of a steel coefficients of friction are 0.1 for the
plate size 3/16” x 6’ x 20’. threads and 0.15 for the collar. The
a. 919 lbs b. 829 lbs velocity of the nut is 10 ft/min. Use 2 ½
c. 1012 lbs d. 735 lbs as major diameter. For a lifting load of
9. A short shaft transmits 200 hp at 300 rpm. 4000 lbs, find the lead angle.
Determine the diameter of the shaft in a. 5.23o b. 6.27o
inches. c. 7.94o d. 8.05o
a. 5 b. 2 23. A machining operation whereby the tool
c. 4 d. 3 rotates while the feed is stationary
10. Compute the nominal shear stress at the a. Shaping b. Milling
surface in MPa for a 40 mm diameter shaft c. Turning d. Reaming
that transmits 750 kW at 1500 rpm. Axial 24. A local utility vehicle production company
and bending loads assumed negligible. have considered to use in one of its design
a. 218 b. 312 a multi-disc clutch consisting of 9 steel
c. 232 d. 380 discs and 8 bronze discs, with effective
11. A thick wall cylinder has a 50 mm thick and outside and inside diameter of 220 mm and
internal diameter of 300 mm. If stress is 160 mm, respectively. If the shaft turns at
limited to 30 MPa, determine the maximum 1500 rpm and an axial force of 600 N is
internal pressure. applied, find the horsepower capacity,
a. 8.1 MPa b. 8.2 MPa considering a coefficient of friction of
c. 8.3 MPa d. 8.4 MPa 0.25.
12. A cone-disk spring is also known as_______. a. 48.41 hp b. 47.59 hp
a. Believille Spring b. Heavy Duty Spring c. 52.48 hp d. 50.40 hp
c. Helical Spring d. Conical SPring 25. A single bolt is used to lap joint two
13. What pressure is required for punching a 3 steel bars together. Tensile force on the
inch in diameter in ¼ inch thick steel? bar is 20000 N. Determine the diameter of
a. 30 tons b. 40 tons the bolt required if the allowable shearing
c. 50 tons d. 60 tons stress on it is 70 MPa.
14. With an electric arc welding rate of 18 a. 19.07 mm b.17.9 mm
in/min, how long will it take to weld a ½ c. 20.5 mm d.11.5 mm
in. thick plate by 3 ft long seam. 26. How many 5/16 inch holes can be punch in
a. 3 min b. 1.5 min one motion in a steel plate made of SAE
c. 2 min d. 4 min 1010 steel, 7/16 inch thick using a force
15. A round steel shaft rotates 200 rpm and is of 55 tons. The ultimate strength for shear
subjected to a torque of 2000 in-lb. The is 50 ksi and factor of safety is 2.
allowable shearing stress is 6000 psi. It a. 5.8 b. 5
is also subjected to a bending moment of c. 3.7 d. 6.2
3000 in – lb. The allowable tensile stress 27. A double thread worm has a pitch diameter
is 8000 psi. Find the diameter. of 3 inches. The wheel has 20 teeth and a