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EXAMINATION # 4 a. 1.614 in b. 3.

228 in
1. How is “eleven-sixteenths” of an inch c. 5.444 in d. 1.323 in
expressed in decimal? 16. Compute the working strength of 1 ½ in
a. 0.6785 b. 0.6875 bolt which is screwed up tightly in packed
c. 0.7685 d. 0.6578 joint when the allowance working stress is
2. The maximum moment induced in a simply 13,000 psi.
supported beam of 20 ft span, by a 2000 a. 11,465.5 lbs b. 13,860.5 lbs
pounds load at midspan is c. 11,212.5 lbs d. 11,854.5 lbs
a. 125000 ft - lb b. 30000 ft - lb 17. What is the tensile load if ½” x 4” x 12’
c. 15000 ft - lb d. 10000 ft - lb steel tie rod experience an 80oF
3. What modulus of elasticity in tension is temperature decrease from no stress
required to obtain a unit deformation of temperature? α = 6.5 x 10-6/Fo. E = 3 x 107
0.00105 m/m from a load producing unit psi.
tensile stress of 44000 psi? a. 14000 lb b. 23000 lb
a. 42.3 x 106 psi b. 43.101 x 106 psi c. 31200 lb d. 23400 lb
c. 41.202 x 10 psi d. 41.905 x 106 psi 18. The process of forming metal parts by the
4. A cable steel has a length of 100 m and use of dies after the metal is heated to
stretch to 5 cm when the load is applied at its plastic range.
both ends. If tensile stress is 50 psi, a. rolling b. forging
find the modulus of elasticity of the c. turning d. casting
steel. 19. A body weighing 1000 lbs falls 6 inches and
a. 100,000 psi b. 120,000 psi strikes a 2000 lb per in spring. The
c. 110,000 psi d. 130,000 psi deformation of the spring is:
5. What is the maximum load can be on the a. 1 in b. 2 in
column, if the cross sectional area is 144 c. 3 in d. 6 in
ft2 and compressive stress cannot exceed 20. A 6 mm steel wire is 5 m long and stretches
200 psf. 8 mm under a given load. If modulus of
a. 20 kips b. 28.8 kips elasticity is 200GPa, find the load
c. 22 kips d. 32.5 kips applied.
6. Determine the diameter in inches of a steel a. 7 kN b. 8 kN
countershaft that delivers 13.31 hp at a c. 9 kN d. 10 kN
speed of 15.7 rad/sec, the allowable 21. A 1 inch diameter shaft develops a torque
material shear stress is 8.5 ksi. that varies from 3000 in-lb to 9000 in-lb.
a. 1 inch b. 1.5 inch Find the variable mean stress.
c. 2 inch d. 1.25 inch a. 15279 kPa b.17344 kPa
7. What do you call the process of removing c. 210630 kPa d.105315 kPa
the sharp edges from a piece of stock? 22. A 2 ½ inches double square thread with two
a. Knurling b. Planning threads/inch is to be used. The frictional
c. Chamfering d. Turning radius of collar is 2 inches and the
8. Determine the estimated weight of a steel coefficients of friction are 0.1 for the
plate size 3/16” x 6’ x 20’. threads and 0.15 for the collar. The
a. 919 lbs b. 829 lbs velocity of the nut is 10 ft/min. Use 2 ½
c. 1012 lbs d. 735 lbs as major diameter. For a lifting load of
9. A short shaft transmits 200 hp at 300 rpm. 4000 lbs, find the lead angle.
Determine the diameter of the shaft in a. 5.23o b. 6.27o
inches. c. 7.94o d. 8.05o
a. 5 b. 2 23. A machining operation whereby the tool
c. 4 d. 3 rotates while the feed is stationary
10. Compute the nominal shear stress at the a. Shaping b. Milling
surface in MPa for a 40 mm diameter shaft c. Turning d. Reaming
that transmits 750 kW at 1500 rpm. Axial 24. A local utility vehicle production company
and bending loads assumed negligible. have considered to use in one of its design
a. 218 b. 312 a multi-disc clutch consisting of 9 steel
c. 232 d. 380 discs and 8 bronze discs, with effective
11. A thick wall cylinder has a 50 mm thick and outside and inside diameter of 220 mm and
internal diameter of 300 mm. If stress is 160 mm, respectively. If the shaft turns at
limited to 30 MPa, determine the maximum 1500 rpm and an axial force of 600 N is
internal pressure. applied, find the horsepower capacity,
a. 8.1 MPa b. 8.2 MPa considering a coefficient of friction of
c. 8.3 MPa d. 8.4 MPa 0.25.
12. A cone-disk spring is also known as_______. a. 48.41 hp b. 47.59 hp
a. Believille Spring b. Heavy Duty Spring c. 52.48 hp d. 50.40 hp
c. Helical Spring d. Conical SPring 25. A single bolt is used to lap joint two
13. What pressure is required for punching a 3 steel bars together. Tensile force on the
inch in diameter in ¼ inch thick steel? bar is 20000 N. Determine the diameter of
a. 30 tons b. 40 tons the bolt required if the allowable shearing
c. 50 tons d. 60 tons stress on it is 70 MPa.
14. With an electric arc welding rate of 18 a. 19.07 mm b.17.9 mm
in/min, how long will it take to weld a ½ c. 20.5 mm d.11.5 mm
in. thick plate by 3 ft long seam. 26. How many 5/16 inch holes can be punch in
a. 3 min b. 1.5 min one motion in a steel plate made of SAE
c. 2 min d. 4 min 1010 steel, 7/16 inch thick using a force
15. A round steel shaft rotates 200 rpm and is of 55 tons. The ultimate strength for shear
subjected to a torque of 2000 in-lb. The is 50 ksi and factor of safety is 2.
allowable shearing stress is 6000 psi. It a. 5.8 b. 5
is also subjected to a bending moment of c. 3.7 d. 6.2
3000 in – lb. The allowable tensile stress 27. A double thread worm has a pitch diameter
is 8000 psi. Find the diameter. of 3 inches. The wheel has 20 teeth and a

LN Tutorial Services – Machine Design, Materials & Shop Practices

pitch diameter of 5 inches. Find the gear 40. A copper tin alloy
helix angle. Note: When the angle is 90° a. aluminum b. nickel
between the nonintersecting shafts, the c. brass d. bronze
worm lead angle λ is equal to the gear 41. A steel piston rod in hydraulic cylinder is
helix angle. 1 in. in diameter and 2 ft. length. Assume
a. 5.69o b. 2.49o E = 30 x 106 psi and that both ends of the
c. 9.46o d. 10.4o rods are hinged. Find the maximum load
28. A steel piston rod in hydraulic cylinder is using Euler’s equation.
1 in. in diameter and 2 ft. length. Assume a. 11223 lbs b. 14322 lbs
E = 30 x 106 psi and that both ends of the c. 32123 lbs d. 25233 lbs
rods are hinged. Find the slenderness 42. A line shaft is to transmit 300 hp at 900
ratio. rpm. Find the diameter of the shaft.
a. 85 b. 144 a. 2 in b. 2.61 in
c. 169 d. 96 c. 1.75 in d. 1.5 in
29. Which of the following metals is the best 43. How many degrees of freedom does a coin
heat conductor? rolling on the ground have?
a. Aluminum b. Gold a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 5
c. Copper d. Silver 44. The load on a helical spring is 1600 lb and
30. Determine the diameter of a 12 ft long the corresponding deflection is to be 4 in.
steel line shaft which is subjected to a Rigidity modulus is 11 million psi and the
bending action due to its own weight only. maximum intensity of safe torsional stress
a. 4.271 in b. 1.553 in is 60000 psi. Design the spring for the
c. 2.006 in d. 3.012 in total number of turns if the wire is
31. Find the torsional stress in MPa in a 40 circular in cross section with a diameter
mm diameter shaft that transmits 20.53 kW of 5/8 in and center line radius of 1 ½ in.
at 600 rpm. The spring is squared and ground ends
a. 26 MPa b. 36 MPa a. 19 b. 21
c. 46 MPa d. 56 MPa c. 20 d. 22
32. Determine the thickness of a steel air 45. A circle whose radius is equal to the
receiver with 30 in diameter and pressure distance from the gear axis to the pitch
load of 120 psi, design stress of 7200 psi. point.
Assume a 3.175 mm corrosion allowance. a. pitch circle b. root circle
a. ¼ in b. 3/8 in c. 5/8 in d. ½in c. base circle d. outside circle
33. Two short shafts having identical 46. The band of a band brake has 210 degrees
diameters of 38.1 mm and rotating at 400 of contact with its drum and a coefficient
rpm are connected by a flange coupling. of friction of 0.3. What is the tension
What is the torque transmitted by the short ratio?
shaft in kN-m. a. 1 b. 3
a. 0.433 b. 0.833 c. 2 d. 1.5
c. 0.633 d. 0.233 47. What modulus of elasticity in tension is
34. Materials usually ceramics, employed where required to obtain a unit deformation of
resistance to very high temperature is 0.00107 m/m from a load producing unit
required, as for furnace linings and metal tensile stress of 50000 psi?
melting pots. a. 34.5 x 106 psi b. 46.7 x 105 psi
a. refractories b. gaskets c. 46.7 x 106 psi d. 4.67 x 106 psi
c. insulator d. safety shield 48. A plate is joined to a fixed member by
35. A gear having 60 teeth is being driven by a means of 9 mm parallel fillet welds. The
12-tooth gear running at 800 rpm. Determine joint is to be centrally loaded with a
the speed of driven gear. tensile force of 100 kN. Considering the
a. 130 rpm b. 140 rpm strength of weld is 100 MPa, what length of
c. 150 rpm d. 160 rpm weld is required?
36. A flywheel has a diameter of 1.5 m, and a. 88.2 mm b. 98.2 mm
mass of 800 kg. What torque in N-m, is c. 78.6 mm d. 100.2 mm
needed to produce an angular acceleration 49. Two shafts are connected by spur gears. The
of 100 revolutions per minute, per second? pitch radii of the gears A and B are 207 mm
a. 225 b. 974 and 842 mm respectively. If shaft A makes
c. 1158 d. 2356 350 rpm and is subjected to twisting moment
37. A carriage spring of 800 mm long is of 236 N-m, what is the separation load of
required to carry a central load 8 kN. If two gears? Pressure angle is 14.5o.
the central deflection is not to exceed 16 a. 294.82 N b.296.82 N
mm and the maximum permissible stress is c. 298.82 N d.300.82 N
175 N/mm2. Determine number of plates. Take 50. A steel string 10 m long hanging vertically
width of plate is 10 times the thickness supports a tensile load of 1000 N.
and E = 200 kN/mm2. Neglecting the weight of the wire,
a. 9 b. 11 determine the required diameter if the
c. 13 d. 14 total elongation is not to exceed 2.5 mm. E
38. A 4 inches shaft using a flat key whose = 200 GPa.
width is 1 inch is transmitting a torque of a. 6.04 mm b. 5.05 mm
63000 in-lb. If the design shearing stress c. 5.50 mm d. 3.37 mm
is 5000 psi the safe length is: 51. Flexible materials used to seal pressurized
a. 6.3 in b. 5.3 in fluids, normally under dynamic conditions.
c. 4.3 in d. 3.3 in a. packings b. Teflon
39. A steel tie rod on bridge must be withstand c. seals d. safety shield
a pull of 6000 lbs. Find the diameter of 52. A pulley 600 mm in diameter transmits 50
the rod assuming a factor of safety of 3 kW at 600 rpm by means of belt. Determine
and ultimate stress of 75,000 psi. the effective belt pull.
a. 0.71 in b. 0.55 in a. 2.65 kN b. 3.65 kN
c. 0.84 in d. 0.79 in c. 4.65 kN d. 5.65 kN

LN Tutorial Services – Machine Design, Materials & Shop Practices

53. A helical gear with tangential pitch of 1 65. A roller chain is operated by an electric
in carries an axial force of 1000 lbf and motor transmitting 15 hp. The chain, in
tangential force of 1500 lbf. The normal turn, drive a rotary screen, this would be
circular pitch is: considered an application with moderate
a. 0.15 in b. 0.21 in shock in which the service is 1.2. The
c. 0.25 in d. 0.83 in corresponding horsepower per strand is 3.
54. How long would it take to cut manually Determine the approximate number of
using an oxy-acetylene gas cutter to cut strands.
crosswise a 4ft x 20 ft x 1 in steel plate a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
into 4 sheets of 4ft x 5 ft x 1 in steel 66. A single bolt is used to lap joint two
plates. The manual cutting rate of oxy- steel bars together. Tensile force on the
acetylene gas cutter is 12 min in 8 to 12 bars is 20 kN. Determine the diameter of
ft length of steel plate. the bolt required if the allowable shearing
a. 12.1 min b. 14.4 min stress on it is 69 MPa.
c. 15 min d. 18 min a. 16.22 mm b. 19.21 mm
55. Determine the approximate rivet’s diameter c. 17.81 mm d. 23.42 mm
hole if the thickness of the plate is 15 mm 67. A grinding operation using stones moving in
using Unwin’s equation. a reciprocating pattern. It leaves a
a. 23.24 mm b. 25.26 mm characteristic cross-hatch pattern.
c. 27.28 mm d. 29.3 mm a. Parkerizing b. Honing
56. It is a type of bolt distinguished by a c. Hard surfacing d. Galvanizing
short portion of the shank underneath the 68. What is the nominal shear stress at the
head being square or finned or ribbed. surface for a 50 mm diameter shaft that is
a. Coupling bolt b. Stud bolt subjected to a torque of 0.48 kN-m.
c. Machine bolt d. Carriage bolt a. 16.95 b. 19.56
57. A 2 ½ inches double square thread with two c. 21.65 d. 25.12
threads/inch is to be used. The frictional 69. Compute the pitch angle of a bevel gear
radius of collar is 2 inches and the given the pinions number of teeth of 14 and
coefficients of friction are 0.1 for the 42 teeth on gear.
threads and 0.15 for the collar. The a. 18.4o b. 28.4o
velocity of the nut is 10 ft/min. Use 2 ½ c. 33.4 o d. 38.4o
as major diameter. For a lifting load of 70. Two shafts are connected by a flange
4000 lbs, find the torque required to turn coupling. The coupling is secured by 6
the screw. bolts, 20 mm in diameter on a pitch circle
a. 1102.35 in-lbs b. 1293.65 in-lbs diameter of 150 mm. If torque of 120 N-m is
c. 1493.65 in-lbs d. 1693.65 in-lbs applied, find the shear stress in the
58. Determine the bending stress of wire rope bolts.
with drum diameter of 25 inches and wire a. 0.85 N/mm2 b. 0.85 kPa
diameter of 1/16 in. Take E = 30 x 106 psi. c. 0.85 Pa d. 0.95 Pa
a. 45 ksi b. 55 ksi 71. A 15-tooth motor sprocket, running at 1200
c. 65 ksi d. 75 ksi rpm, drives a blower at a speed ratio of
59. Determine the width of the leaves of a six- 4:1. Compute the length of chain in pitches
leaf cantilever spring 13 in. long to carry required to connect the sprockets by using
a load of 375 lb with a maximum stress the largest permissible chain size with the
limited to 50000 psi. The thickness is .225 largest permissible center distance of 75
in. pitches.
a. 0.225 in b. 1.5 in a. 180 b. 190 c. 210 d. 220
c. 1.93 in d. 0.025 in 72. A thin hollow sphere of radius 10 in. and
60. Compute the shear modulus of elasticity in thickness 0.1 in is subjected to an
shear for steel modulus of elasticity internal pressure of 100 psi. The maximum
30x106 psi and Poisson’s ratio of 0.28. normal stress on an element of the sphere
a. 11.7 x 106 psi b. 12.5 x 106 psi is
c. 10 x 106 psi d. 15.5 x 106 psi a. 5000 psi b. 7070 psi
61. A flywheel weighing 500 kg has a radius of c. 14140 psi d. 20000 psi
375 mm. How much energy in N-m does the 73. It is the irregularities of departures from
flywheel loss from 3.0 rev/sec to 2.8 the nominal surface of greater spacing than
rev/sec? roughness.
a. 1523 N-m b. 1472 N-m a. Waviness b. Roughness
c. 150 N-m d. 1610 N-m c. Lay d. Smoothness
62. What is the type of failure due to 74. A helical gear with a tangential pressure
unstability? angle of 22.5o and normal pressure angle of
a. buckling b. slenderness ratio 20o. The gear is exposed to an axial force
of 1000 lbf. Compute the total force on the
c. stability d. Euler’s failure gear.
63. A triple threaded worm has a pitch diameter a. 1200 lbf b. 2200 lbf
of 3 inches. The wheel has 25 teeth and a c. 4400 lbf d. 5500 lbf
pitch diameter of 5 inches. Compute the 75. A gear having 60 teeth is being driven by a
helix angle of the gear. Note: Material for 12-tooth gear running at 800 rpm. Determine
both the wheel and the wheel is phosphor the speed of driven gear if a 24 tooth
bronze. idler gear is placed between the driving
a. 11.31o b. 11.13o and driven gear.
c. 13.11o d. 10.31o a. 130 rpm b. 140 rpm
64. Find the torsional deflection of a solid c. 150 rpm d. 160 rpm
steel shaft 4 inches in diameter and 48 76. Two shafts are connected by spur gears. The
inches long, subjected to a twisting moment pitch radii of the gears A and B are 207 mm
of 24000 inch-pounds. and 842 mm respectively. If shaft A makes
a. 0.22 deg b. 0.35 deg 350 rpm and is subjected to twisting moment
c. 0.42 deg d. 0.18 deg

LN Tutorial Services – Machine Design, Materials & Shop Practices

of 236 N-m, what is the total load on two a. 4830 m2 b. 4130 m2
gears? Pressure angle is 14.5o. c. 3830 m2 d. 2323 m2
a. 1166 N b. 1177 N 91. Compute the maximum load in kilograms of an
c. 1188 N d. 1199 N elevator with net inside platform area of
77. How long will it take to mill a 3/4 in by 10 m2.
2 in long keyway in a 3 in diameter a. 5738 b. 5573
shafting with a 24-tooth cutter turning at c. 6545 d. 4547
100 rpm and 0.005” feed per tooth? 92. A 20 mm diameter rivet is used to fasten
a. 0.136 min b. 0.196 min two 25 mm thick plate. If the shearing
c. 0.166 sec d. 0.166 min stress is 80 MPa, what tensile force is
78. A bearing in which the radii of the journal applied to each plate to shear the bolt?
and the nearing are the same. a. 26.35 kN b. 28.42 kN
a. Fitted Bearing b. Full Bearing c. 30.41 kN d. 25.13 kN
c. Partial Bearing d. Clearance Bearing 93. A 2 ½ inches double square thread with two
79. A set screw is necessary to fastened a threads/inch is to be used. The frictional
pulley to a 2 in. shaft while transmits 3 radius of collar is 2 inches and the
hp and rotates at 150 rpm. Find the torque coefficients of friction are 0.1 for the
on the set screw. threads and 0.15 for the collar. The
a. 105 ft-lb b. 150 ft -lb velocity of the nut is 10 ft/min. Use 2 ½
c. 170 ft-lb d. 156 ft-lb as major diameter. For a lifting load of
80. A pair of straight-tooth bevel gears has a 4000 lbs, find the torque required to
speed ratio of 7:3. The pinion is whose overcome collar friction.
pitch diameter is 150 mm is rotating at 240 a. 1000 in-lbs b. 1200 in-lbs
rpm while transmitting 6 kW. Pressure angle c. 1400 in-lbs d. 1600 in-lbs
is 14.5 deg. Determine the thrust force on 94. Elevators are required for how many storey
the pinion. buildings?
a. 412.2 N b. 212.6 N a. 4 b. 3 c. 5 d.5&above
c. 695.1 N d. 324.3 N 95. A sleeve bearing has an outside diameter of
81. When a 5 m long, 5 mm steel wire was 1.5 in and a length of 2 in, the wall
subjected to a tensile load it stretches by thickness is 3/16 in. The bearing is
5 mm. Determine the load applied when the subjected to a radial load of 450 lb. Find
modulus of elasticity is 205 GPa. the bearing pressure.
a. 6.025 kN b. 4.025 kN a. 100 psi b. 200 psi
c. 8.025 kN d. 6.025 kN c. 150 psi d. 250 psi
82. At 90oF, the stress in a steel rod is 2000 96. Determine the minimum whole depth of spur
psi. What is the stress at 0oF? α = 6.5 x gear of 14.5o involute type with diametral
10-6/Fo = 1.2 x 10-5/Co. E = 3 x 107 psi. pitch of 24 and circular pitch of 0.1309
a. 16500 psi b. 15550 psi inch.
c. 23440 psi d. 13408 psi a. 0.09 in b. 0.088 in
83. Compute the maximum unit shear in a 3 inch c. 0.0899 in d. 0.091 in
diameter steel shafting that transmits 97. Each boiler have at least how many safety
24000 in lb. of torque at 99 rpm. valve?
a. 4530 psi b. 4250 psi a. 4 b. 3
c. 3860 psi d. 4930 psi c. 2 d. 1
84. What is the SAE specification of 98. A 2 ½ inches double square thread with two
Molybdenum? threads/inch is to be used. The frictional
a. SAE 2XXX b. SAE 3XXX radius of collar is 2 inches and the
c. SAE 4XXX d. SAE 5XXX coefficients of friction are 0.1 for the
85. The helical gear has a normal rack pitch of threads and 0.15 for the collar. The
π(pi) in. The number of helical gear teeth velocity of the nut is 10 ft/min. Use 2 ½
is 50. Compute the helical gear’s as major diameter. For a lifting load of
transverse diametral pitch. Assume helix 4000 lbs, find the efficiency of the screw.
angle of 20o. a. 25.58% b. 26.58%
a. 0.55 b. 0.94 c. 27.65% d. 28.58%
c. 0.75 d. 0.86 99. A 5 m long steel rod is fixed vertically
86. Determine the belt length of an open belt with a max load of 500 kg which causes the
to connect the 6 cm and 12 cm diameter rod to stretch by 5 mm. It has a cross
pulley at a center distance of 72 cm. sectional area of 50 mm2. Find the modulus
a. 172.39 cm b. 160.39 cm of elasticity of the steel rod.
c. 184.39 cm d. 190.39 cm a. 98.06 GPa b. 118.06 GPa
87. A 1.5 m cantilever steel rod of diameter 10 c. 138.06 GPa d. 158.06 GPa
cm and E = 210 GPa loaded at the end. 100. What is the minimum diameter of hoisting
Compute the load, necessary to deflect the and counterweight ropes in elevators?
rod a vertical distance of 7.5 mm? a. 40 mm b. 30 mm
a. 6900 N b. 8800 N c. 25 mm d. 60 mm
c. 11000 N d. 17000 N
88. Compute the Wahl factor of a spring with
9.66 cm outside diameter and 0.65 cm wire
a. 1.058 b. 1.10
c. 1.185 d. 1.2
89. Compute the power in Hp transmitted by 3/8
inch diameter set screws at a shaft speed
of 1000 rpm. The shaft diameter is 1 inch.
a. 2 b. 4
c. 6 d. 8
90. The maximum floor area to be protected by
sprinkler for extra hazard is _____.

LN Tutorial Services – Machine Design, Materials & Shop Practices

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