Application of Lean Manufacturing in The Painting Plant Manufacturing Process by Reducing Waste Waiting A Case Study at PT - Koba Multi Indonesia
Application of Lean Manufacturing in The Painting Plant Manufacturing Process by Reducing Waste Waiting A Case Study at PT - Koba Multi Indonesia
Application of Lean Manufacturing in The Painting Plant Manufacturing Process by Reducing Waste Waiting A Case Study at PT - Koba Multi Indonesia
PT. Koba Multi Indonesia is a local private company engaged in Manufacturing (Fabrication and Services),
to be able to maximize production that continues to grow in accordance with its era and increase profits to the company
by trying to reduce costs, improve quality and timely delivery to customers. This study, aims to determine the various
forms of waste that often occur at PT. Koba Multi Indonesia, so that it can increase production efficiency, therefore we
need a lean manufacturing approach. Lean Manufacturing is an effort to eliminate waste in production, increase added
value on a product and provide continuously improved value to customers by a manufacturing industry, by using the
value stream mapping method to improve efficiency. Lean manufacturing methods focus on identifying and eliminating
activities that have no added value, the first step is the translation of the VSM method (value stream mapping) as a tool
for mapping the entire production process, then weighing 7 wastes through a questionnaire and the results of ranking
waste translated through the RCA method ( root cause analysis). So that, this research can increase productivity and
know activities that do not add value (Non Value Added) in line with the process of making painting plants and
eliminating waste as one of the causes of delay in making a painting plant in the completion of job handover.
KEYWORDS: Lean Manufacturing, VSM, RCA, Root Cause Analysis & Value Stream Mapping
Received: Mar 01, 2019; Accepted: Mar 22, 2019; Published: Apr 30, 2019; Paper Id.: IJMPERDJUN201959
In an era of free market, or commonly called the era of globalization, he is often echoed by economic
observers over the last decades. The industrial world is increasingly being demanded to be more competitive,
competing with other companies, one of which is to improve the quality of service to consumers, this can be
achieved by providing quality production expected by consumers to deliver on-time goods. This also applies to
manufacturing industry like our company (PT Koba Multi Indonesia)
Line Drawing is a drawing system integrated with modern systems for industrial goods that produce
satisfactory quality and quantity of production. Gradually, this painting system consists of Spray Booth room,
which is a dust-free painting space, with controlled air and moisture control that produces perfect paint color.
This room can be set at certain temperatures according to paint specifications.
PT. Koba Multi Indonesia is a company which is a Work Order, in which our company works on Line
drawings or other work at customer's request, usually in tenders to get a job. So, the production process and other
activities are done in such a way that the projects that run can produce more effective and efficient. To meet customer
requirements, the company will carry out Value Delivery. But the implementation of Value Delivery is not always smooth,
it is one of the West for the company. For this reason, researchers are attempting to study this study to develop a company
that can now grow over time with increasingly changing years.
The data taken for the problem of this study often occur in PT. Koba Multi Indonesia has no optimum shielding in
production (Fabrication and Installation), so it interferes with the production process of making the Drawing Path affecting
the return of the delivery time as agreed at the commencement of the contract. In this discussion, I tried to make a Lean
Milling approach with the Stream Value Mapping Method, focusing on quantity control to reduce costs by eliminating the
West, paying attention to product quality, integrity, sustainability, and consistency as a corporate culture.
The introduction of waste in the manufacturing process of painting plant in PT. Koba Multi Indonesia uses a lean
manufacturing approach, using the Stream Value Mapping method to map the flow of value in detail by minimizing
residuals, so root analysis is made to determine the root problem of residual defect. The drawing process itself is performed
by several sub-divisions of the work process comprising several stages, namely purchase / warehouse, pre-fabricated
engineering (sheet metal / cutting bending process), fabrication, installation / installation, and accreditation testing.
In the above stages, researchers try to deepen the waste problem, because of the amount of waste that occurs in the above-
mentioned process subdivision. Based on data obtained by researchers, data on postponement in cropping during the period
of 2015 to 2017 is still high enough. As can be seen in table 1
From the table above, it can be explained that the number of delays in project completion is still high,
the importance of completing the project is a priority, researchers will look for what is causing delays in making painting
Lean Manufacturing Concept
Lean is a continuous effort to eliminate waste and increase product value added (goods / services) to provide
value to customers (customer value). The APICS Dictionary (2005), defines Lean as a business philosophy by minimizing
the use of resources (including time) in various company activities. Lean focuses on identifying and eliminating value-
added activities in design, production (for manufacturing) or operations (for services), and supply chain management,
directly related to customers (Gaspersz, 2011).
Lean is applied to the entire company called a lean company. The lean used for manufacturing is called lean
manufacturing, and the lean used in the services sector is called lean, lean services used for banks called lean banking,
leaning on retail is called lean retail, lean in government is called a slim government and others others (Gaspersz, 2011).
Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Application of Lean Manufacturing in the Painting Plant Manufacturing Process by 561
Reducing Waste Waiting A Case Study at Pt.Koba Multi Indonesia
• Eliminate unnecessary additional waste from all activities along the value stream.
• Organize materials, information, and products to flow smoothly and efficiently during the flow value process
using the pull system.
• Continuous search for improvements in equipment and techniques to achieve excellence and continuous
improvement. Marine refinement can be defined as an approach to identify and eliminate wastes or activities that
have no added value added value) through continuous radical increase (continuous radical increase) through
product flow (material, work processes, outputs) and information using internal customer pull systems and
exterior to pursue excellence and perfection (Gaspersz, 2011).
Waste can be defined as all work activities that do not provide added value in the process of converting inputs to
output along the flow path mapping. Based on the thinner perspective, all types of garbage contained throughout the
process of value flow that convert input to output should be eliminated to increase the value of the product (goods or
services) and then increase customer value (Vincent and Avanti, 2011) According to Gaspersz (2011) "Seven Plus One
Type of Waste" contained in the production system, namely:
Over Production
Over production is the worst type of waste that affects the other six types of waste. Over production occurs
because producing a product exceeds customer needs which results in a buildup of products that require transportation,
storage, inspection, and possible disability. In addition, over production occurs because of variations in products produced
by the company.
Waiting time is caused because it is not balanced with production, so that delays can be seen through people
waiting for machines, equipment and raw materials.
Transportation is a waste in the form of movement around the production floor. Transportation occurs between the
steps of the manufacturing process, processing flow and shipping to customers.
Over processing
Waste in the process is caused by excessive processes that are not desired by the customer. The company makes
product specifications outside the customer's wishes so that it often creates waste in production.
Motion is a type of waste caused by movements that are not needed by an operator or mechanic such as walking,
looking for tools or materials. This is said to be waste when you see an operator who is actively moving and looks busy, so
he often makes unnecessary moves.
Inventory is a type of classic waste, all inventory includes waste unless translated directly for sales. Inventory can
be in the form of raw materials, work in process or finished goods.
Defect Product
This type of drilling can be called scrap, which is caused by consumer dissatisfaction with the product being
returned to the company besides the process that is not good.
Defective Design
Waste caused by design work that does not meet customer needs as well as adding unnecessary features.
Basically there are two main categories of waste, namely Type OneWaste and Type Two Waste (Vincent and Avanti,
Type one waste is a work activity that does not create added value in the process of transforming inputs into
output throughout the value stream, but this activity cannot be avoided at present for various reasons. For example,
inspection and sorting activities from the Lean perspective are non-value-added activities so that it is waste, but at the
moment we still need inspection and sorting because the machines and equipment used are old so the level of reliability is
lacking. Similarly, supervision of people, for example, is a non-value-added activity based on a lean perspective, but at the
moment we still have to do it, because the person has just been recruited by the company so that he is not experienced.
In this context, inspection, sorting, and supervision activities categorized as Type One Waste must be eliminated or
reduced. Type One Waste is often referred to as Incidental Activity or Incidental Work which is included in
non-value-adding-work or activity
Type Two Waste is an activity that does not create added value and can be eliminated immediately. For example,
produce a defect product or make an error that must be removed immediately. TypeTwo Waste is often called waste only,
because it really is a waste that must be identified and eliminated immediately. The concept of value added activity,
incidential (non value added) activity or type one waste, and type two waste (waste) can be seen in the following chart
(Vincent and Avanti, 2011):
Keyte and Locher (2004) explain that the achievement of VSM, which has traditionally used traditional
manufacturing arrangements, can be applied to service arrangements, including administrative processes. In the Service
setting, determining the current or future conditions of the value stream for a specific process can be done by:
Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Application of Lean Manufacturing in the Painting Plant Manufacturing Process by 563
Reducing Waste Waiting A Case Study at Pt.Koba Multi Indonesia
• Know which metric is used to represent the value of the entire process
• Make a flow chart to find out all the previous steps and successively toward specific steps.
• Measure the metric in point 3 regarding the amount of use and waste when working.
Value Stream Mapping (VSM) checks the added value of each step in the supply chain process. The difference
between Value Stream Mapping (VSM), flowchart and blue mapping (blueprinting) is that VSM tries to highlight
value-added activities and that are not of added value, only that, the economic side of the flow diagram.Value Stream
Mapping (VSM) is a principle that is essentially the same as basic flowchart, the difference is that VSM finds and maps
activities that have added value (value added work) and activities that have no added value (non- value added work).
Directly VSM contributes profits to the company by reducing non-value added work.
In research, a structured method is needed, in which there are certain steps and rules to get a research result
correctly. The research methods in this study are as follows:
Value stream mapping is a tool that is used to describe a system as a whole that is contained in a company, so that
it is known the flow of information and the physical system and the processing time in each sub-section
sub needed. The total
actual processing time for the painting plant production reaches 189 days, the effort to
to reduce the total process is the main
concern of this study. Besides knowing the process, it also knows the potential of waste in the whole process.
Untuk menganalisa dan indentifikasi pemborosan peneliti memberikan pertanyaan kepada pelaku produksi yang
terkait dalam produksi painting plant. Wawancara dilakukan secara langsung kepala seluruh pimpinan sub-bagian
sub proses,
manager, supervisor, dann karyawan pelaksana yang terkait pada produksi painting plant. Dari hasil pembobotan tujuh
waste dapat diketahui terdapat tiga jenis pemborosan yang paling dominan dan memiliki skor rata-rata
rata paling besar sebagai
• Over processing (proses yang tidak tepat) dengan score sebesar 8,4 (24%).
Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
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Reducing Waste Waiting A Case Study at Pt.Koba Multi Indonesia
One tool in finding the root cause of the problem is root cause analysis, used to identify the details of all possible
causes of the problem described through elements: material, man, machine, and method. In the solution and input of
fishbone diagrams, solutions are extracted from interviews with managerial parties, PT. Koba Multi Indonesia includes:
Manager of Purcashing / Warehouse Sub Division, Engineering, Pre-Fabrication, Fabrication
Less careful when receiving goods Do a careful check on the items that come
Limited number of engines Investment new machines and subcontracts to other parties
Limitations of skilled human resources Recruit skilled human resources and conduct training regularly
Error in work process the role of supervisors in monitoring operational standard procedures
method The process between the old sub-sections Time discipline in each process
Do not have standard operating procedures Refers to international standards, such as: SNI, JIS
Error in machine setup The need for a supervisory role oversees and checks in the machine set-up
Machines that are old and often damaged Invest a new machine to repair a damaged engine to make it better
Over Process Lack of skilled human resources There is training or certification for young personnel competencies
Lack of technology transfer The need for increased competence
Install / Assembly, & Commissioning Test, which relates to technical matters, the factors that delay the
production process are making a painting plant. From the analysis of fishbone diagram, recommendations can be drawn for
improvements to eliminate waste production, among others, can be seen in table.
Melalui hasil identifikasi waste pada awal kondisi current map maka dibutuhkan rancangan mapping baru, yaitu
mengeliminasi sebagai berikut :
• Eliminate too long waiting time in fabrication and installation / assembly sub-sections by combining several
stages of the workmanship to be adjusted to the time required 41 days in the fabrication sub-section and 38 days
in the isntallation / assembly sub-section, while the time available is too over 60 days in the fabrication sub-
section and 53 days in the installation / assembly sub-section, as a whole the manufacturing time for painting
plants in all stages is 189 days while the supposed time is 141 days, the remaining 48 days are wasteful activities
that are not add value to the company at the painting plant production. This is based on technical identification
information with the process technology PT. Koba Multi Indonesia.
• Waste That Happens That Leads to Project Delay, From the entire sub-part work process that takes place in
production, things from observations state that more activities do not provide benefits or a lot of time is wasted.
Therefore, the data from the findings obtained above shows that activities that do not provide added value have an
impact on the length of the work process in each sub-section, so that the company's targets cannot be achieved.
• Based on observational data in the future state, there are differences in the amount of time and time reduction in
each sub-section of the work process. Apart from providing solutions and problem solving in the table above, it is
also supported by eliminating / reducing waste, including the absence of errors in checking items, errors in design,
fabrication and isntallatiaon / assembly, thereby reducing the workload on work processes in all sub part.
Based on the analysis of the results that have been done at PT. Koba Multi Indonesia in the application of lean
manufacturing in the design of painting plants to overcome project delays, the conclusions are as follows:
• The type of waste that occurs in the work process of each sub-section in PT. Koba Multi Indonesia, from all
processes there is a long waiting time and lack of manpower and adequate equipment.
Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
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Reducing Waste Waiting A Case Study at Pt.Koba Multi Indonesia
• There is a delay in the work process of all sub-sections, from the standard time that has been determined.
• To optimize every existing production process so as to minimize any waste that occurs, the authors suggest that
the company continue to improve the quality of work and continuous improvement and clear SOPs for each
employee so that the work becomes more focused and can be continuously controlled so that existing waste can
be minimized
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