Draft EA Chennai ISWD Dec 8, 2014

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Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project

Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

Integrated Storm Water Drainage Project

for the Expanded Areas of Chennai

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project

Environmental Assessment Report

December 2014
Storm Water Drains Department,
Corporation of Chennai

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

Executive Summary

1. Government of Tamil Nadu is proposed to implement the World Bank supported Tamil
Nadu Sustainable Urban Development program (TNSUDP) to improve the delivery of
urban services. The provision of Integrated to Storm Water Drains to extended areas of
Corporation of Chennai is one of the sub-project proposed to be implemented by the
Corporation of Chennai. This component is coordinated by, Government of Tamil
Nadu.Tamil Nadu Financial Services Ltd. (TNUIFSL) Chennai are the fund Managers. This
sub project proposed to implement in the roadsides and canals and doesn’t involve any
Land Acquisition and required land is owned by the Corporation of Chennai.

2. The Integrated Storm Water Drainage project for the expanded areas of Corporation of
Chennai proposed to be taken up under proposed Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban
Development Project (TNSUDP). This project involves construction of storm water drains
and canals. This sub project proposed to be implemented in the 4 Zones of the CoC. The
total length of the drains to be constructed is about 329.18 kilometres including the 11.05
km length in the canals.

3. Projects proposed under TNSUDP shall be implemented safeguarding the

environmental and social concerns of the development activity. The requirements
for ensuring environmental and social safeguards have been stipulated in the
TNUIFSL’s Environmental and Social Management Framework exclusively
prepared for TNSUDP.

4. The project as per the ESMF, is categorized as E2 category with lesser impacts than E1
projects and require Environmental assessment to be carried out and management measures
be prepared.

5. The sub project will be implemented in the expanded areas of the Corporation of Chennai
comprising of the following Administrative Zones and Divisions/Wards covering about
53.76 sq.kms. The Administrative zones covered under this sub-project are Part of Zone VII
Ambattur area, Part of Zone XI Valasaravakkam Area, Part of Zone XI Part of
Valasaravakkam area and Part of Zone XII Alandur area.
6. The total length of the storm water drain network is about 329.18 km, of which 94.86 km is
Adyar basin and 234.32km is Cooum basin. Most of the newly proposed drains are along
the roads. Reconstruction/Augmentation of existing drains, which were found inadequate,
has been proposed. RCC rectangular drains have been proposed for construction. Wherever
necessary, RCC Pre-cast Drains have been proposed in place of cast in situ if the drain
width is up to 2m. Total length of proposed new and existing drains to be used as such & to
be reconstructed, the drains of all categories viz. Arterial, Feeder and Collector drains,
comes to about 100.28 Km.


7. The EA was carried out with an objective to identify and assess the environmental impacts
arising out of implementation of the Storm Water Drain Construction and develop and
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to mitigate the identified impacts. The EA
involved screening of the project, quantitative and qualitative surveys to collect the relevant

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

information, field visits to the project area, catchment areas, canals, etc. and consultations
with the community.
8. A review of national, state, regional and World Bank environmental laws, rules and
regulations relevant to the proposed ISWM project indicates that in addition to the
safeguard policies of the Bank and construction safety requirements, the project would
require permission to cut the trees (41 nos) that will be cut during the construction phase of
the project.
9. Chennai city is underlain by various geological formations from ancient Archaeans to
recent Alluviums and the climate is generally hot and humid. The ambient air quality
ranges between a hight 175µg/m3 at Thiruvottiyur to a low of 8 µg/m3 at NEERI CSIR
campus. The noise levels are generally high in commercial areas and the soil/sediment
quality in the city reflects that there is no toxic element present beyond to the safe limits.
Ground water with a pH of 7.4-7.9, electrical conductivity 780-1288 µmho/cm, Total
Dissolved Solids of 580-910 mg/l, total and calcium hardness of 260-482 mg/l and 168-340
mg/l, the ground water quality is within the prescribed standards.
10. The major impacts of the project are expected to be during the construction phase leading
air and noise quality deterioration, Health and Safety impacts to the works and local
communities, traffic diversion and utility shifting, access to private properties, back flow of
water from the canals, solid waste dumping and disposal of excavated silt from the drains.
11. The project is expected to lead to cutting of about 41 trees. In addition, another 242 trees
located in the construction area of the proposed drains. The project proposes to carry out
compensatory plantation of 10 times the trees that may be lost due to the project.
12. To mitigate the identified impacts an Environmental Management Plan and Environmental
Management Cost has been prepared. The likely adverse impacts on various environmental
components, viz., Land, Air, Water, Biodiversity and Social & Aesthetic have been
assessed. Based on the identified impacts’ potential, the management practice to be
followed for minimizing and mitigating the impacts on the surround environment, the
activity wise Environment Management Plan is drawn. In summary, the expected impacts
are of small scale, temporary and site specific depending on the implementation of the
project and will not exceed the construction and major environmental norms. The EMP will
be form part of the contract document.

13. In addition the project proposes (i) groundwater Recharge through construction of catchpits
and recharging structures in the proposed storm water drainage network at every 90 m
interval (ii) construction of sediment trap at the confluence point of drain with the water
body, so that the sediments are deposited in the silt trap (iii) design of box type drains in
RCC with cover on top, MS frame with wire mesh for major drains, flow of storm water
through FRP gratings and public awareness programs to minimize the solid waste deposits
in the drains.
14. To avoid back flow from the rivers in to the drains, flap gates are proposed in the drains.
Further, Anna University is carrying out an overall storm water drainage modelling, based
on which suitable mitigation measures will be implemented to manage flooding and other
impacts (if any).

15. A detailed environmental management plan has been developed integrating these aspects
and also the measures monitoring the implementation of EMP. A budget of about Rs. 4.2
million for drains flowing into Cooum river and Rs. 3.8 million for drains flowing into
Adyar river have been provided various EMP measures of the project.

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

16. The EMP shall be implemented by the Corporation of through its dedicated environmental
and social safeguards specialists and will submit monthly reports on the status of
compliance with the ESMF requirements to TNUIFSL.


17. The sub project involves improvements to the canal and construction of storm water drains.
As the construction of storm water drains in the road sides and the roads are owned and
maintained by the corporation there is no social impacts. However, the social impacts are
visible in the canals and hence covered in the socio economic survey. The canals covered
are Nandampakkam canal, Padikuppam Canal, Nolambur Canal and Ambattur SIDCO
canal. The total length of these canals is about 11.05 kilometres.
18. It has been identified that the project involves resettlement of about 467 Project Affected
Families and hence is classified as S1 Category. The project requires Social Impact
Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan which has been carried out.

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

Draft Environmental Assessment for ISWD for expanded areas

of Chennai Corporation


1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 7
2 BACKGROUND........................................................................................................... 9
3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION....................................................................................... 12
POLICIES & GUIDELINES............................................................................................. 14
5 BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS............................................................ 16
6 ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTS.................................................................................. 21
7 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) .......................................... 24
8 CONSULTATION AND COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION ............................... 46
ARRANGEMENTS AT COC:.......................................................................................... 48

List of Tables
Table Title
3.1 ISWD Expanded Areas of Chennai Corporation
4.1 Permissions required
5.1 Landuse pattern of the Project Area
5.2 Ambient air quality status of Chennai Corporation area
5.3 Soil quality status in the Existing Drains in Adyar Basin
5.4 Soil quality status in the Existing Drains in Cooum Basin
5.5 Groundwater Quality in Adyar Basin
5.6 Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Cooum Basin
6.1 Possible Impacts on Environment
6.2 Potential Adverse/Negative Impacts
6.3 Details of Trees to be Affected
7.1 Environmental Management Plan
7.2 Cost estimate for EMP for drains flowing into Cooum River
7.3 Cost estimate for EMP for drains flowing into Adayar River

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

List of Annexures
Annexure I Suggested list of species for plantation

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

1.1 Government of Tamil Nadu has proposed to implement the World Bank supported
Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development program (TNSUDP) to improve the
delivery of urban services. The provision of Integrated to Storm Water Drains to
expanded areas of Corporation of Chennai is one of the sub-project proposed to be
implemented by the Corporation of Chennai. This component is coordinated by,
Government of Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu Financial Services Ltd. (TNUIFSL) Chennai is
the fund Manager. To implement this sub project proposed to implement in the
roadsides and canals and doesn’t involve any Land Acqusition and required land is
owned by the Corporation of Chennai.
1.2 The Corporation of Chennai (CoC) has expanded its area during 2011 by adding
adjacent local bodies. Chennai city is divided in to 200 divisions/wards that are grouped
in 15 zones. In order to provide storm water drains to the expanded areas, a Detailed
Project Report for the Integrated Storm Water Drainage System (ISWD) to the expanded
area of Chennai Corporation has been prepared. This project proposed to be taken up
under proposed Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project (TNSUDP) and
intends to cover the expanded areas of Corporation of Chennai with an estimated cost of
about Rs.1104.43 crores.
Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF):
1.3 Projects proposed under TNSUDP shall be implemented safeguarding the
environmental and social concerns of the development activity. The requirements
for ensuring environmental and social safeguards have been stipulated in the
TNUIFSL’s Environmental and Social Management Framework exclusively
prepared for TNSUDP.
1.4 According to the guidelines in ESMF, the proposed ISWM to expanded areas of
COC falls under E2 category which has much lesser impacts than E1 projects and
require Environmental assessment to be carried out and management measures be
Environmental Assessment for ISWM to expanded areas of COC:

Objective and Scope:

1.5 Objective: The objective of this EA for ISWM in expanded areas of Chennai
Corporation is to identify and assess the environmental impacts arising out of
implementation of the Storm Water Drain Construction and to prepare necessary
Environment Assessment Reports and mitigate the impacts through
Environmental Management Plan (EMP).
1.6 Scope: The scope of this Environmental Assessment (EA) is to study the baseline
of Environmental status of the project area, assess the impacts from the project
implementation, identify issues through FGDs, consultations, prepare
management plan, and making necessary provision in cost estimates and bid
1.7 This EA is prepared in line with the Draft Environmental and Social
Management Framework (ESMF) of TNUIFSL specifically evolved for the
proposed Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project (TNSUDP).
1.8 In the screening stage, it is decided whether particular project is required to

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

decide whether an EA is required and focus on projects most likely to have

significant impacts, those where impacts are uncertain and those where
environmental management input is likely to be required. In the present scenario,
the storm water drainage system projects are excluded from the Environmental
Clearance (As per Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) Notification
issued on 14th September 2006). However, there is a need of environmental
assessment prior to undertake any developmental activity to predict the
environmental impacts, if any, due to implementation of the proposed activity
and for eliminating or lessening the impact.
1.9 Quantitative and Qualitative surveys were conducted and relevant information
was collected, analyzed and compiled to prepare Environmental and
Resettlement Action Plans, wherein the issues before, during and post project
implementation will be addressed in view of environmental and social impacts
owing to the proposed implementation of the project.
1.10 The baseline information was collected during the field trips from local offices
and from community. During Field Visits, Transect Walks were conducted
through project area, catchment areas, canals, etc. and data was collected through
observation and FGDs with the community.
1.11 As far as Scoping of the EIA is concerned, five environmental components viz.
land, air, water, biodiversity and social & aesthetic and the proposed project
activities under ISWM to extended areas of COC have been taken into
consideration for impacts assessment.

Structure of the EA Report:

This EA for ISWD in extended areas of Chennai, covers the following:

1.12 First section provides an introduction to the project and report.

1.13 Second section briefly explains the project setting.
1.14 The third section provides the project description for the ISWD expanded areas
of the Chennai Corporation.
1.15 The fourth section provides a review of the regulatory requirements
1.16 The fifth section covers baseline environmental status
1.17 The impacts from the proposed project activities on the environmental baseline is
discussed in the sixth section.
1.18 Environmental Management Plan (EMP) with necessary costs and budget
provisions are provided in section seven.
1.19 Section eight provides a brief on the consultation and public participation
1.20 Section 9 provides a summary on the Social impact assessment.
1.21 Section 10 covers the institutional arrangements and implementation proposal of

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC


2.1 Chennai otherwise called as Madras city is the Capital city for the State of Tamil Nadu.
Chennai is the fourth largest metropolitan city in India with an area of 174 sq.km and a
population of 4.68 million (as per census 2011). Corporation of Chennai is
responsible for provision of civic amenities with in Chennai including provision
of Storm Water Drains (SWD). At present Chennai Corporation maintains 303
kms of Bus route Roads and 2475 kms of interior roads including cement
concrete roads.
2.2 The Project area comprises of the expanded area of Chennai Corporation
covering an area of 255.79 Sq. km. As many as nine municipalities, eight town
panchayats and twenty five village panchayats have been brought under the
Chennai Corporation limits, raising the city population from 46.81 lac to 62.2 lac
(as per 2011 census). Merger of the expanded area has resulted in an increase in
the area of corporation from 174 Sq. Km. to 429.79 Sq. Km. According to the
present status, Corporation of Chennai is divided into fifteen (15) administrative
zones out of which eight (8) zones namely Thiruvottiyur, Manali, Madhavaram,
Ambattur, Valasaravakkam, Alandur, Perungudi and Shozinganallur fall in the
extended area and remaining seven zones are in old city area.
2.3 Geography: Chennai is a seaside city where the sea is an ecstasy in blue,
hugging the second largest beach in the world. From the sky, it looks neat with
majestic long straight roads and the silvery streams meandering through the city.
Dotted with clumps of trees and a low skyline, it is a sprawling city.
2.4 Chennai, sometimes referred to as the "Gateway to South India", is located on the
south–eastern coast of India in the north–eastern part of Tamil Nadu on a flat
coastal plain known as the Eastern Coastal Plains. Its average elevation is around
6.7 metres (22 ft), and its highest point is 60 m (200 ft). Two rivers meander
through Chennai, the Cooum River through the centre and the Adyar River to the
south. A part of the Adyar river forms a tidal creek before joining the sea.
2.5 A third river, the Kosasthalaiyar, flows through the northern fringes of the city
before draining into the sea at Ennore. Adyar and Cooum rivers are heavily
polluted with effluents and wastes from domestic, commercial and industrial
sources. The state government periodically removes silt and pollution from the
Adyar river, which is less polluted than the Cooum. A protected estuary on the
Adyar forms a natural habitat for several species of birds and animal. The
Buckingham Canal runs parallel to the coast, linking the two rivers. The Otteri
Nullah, an east–west stream, runs through north Chennai and meets the
Buckingham Canal at Basin Bridge. Several lakes of varying size are located on
the western fringes of the city.
2.6 Chennai is divided into four broad regions: North, Central, South and West.
North Chennai is primarily an industrial area. Central Chennai is the commercial
heart of the city and includes an important business district, Parry's Corner. South
Chennai and West Chennai, previously mostly residential, are fast becoming
commercial, home to a growing number of information technology firms,
financial companies and call centres. The city is expanding quickly along the Old
Mahabalipuram Road and the Grand Southern Trunk Road (GST Road) in the
south and towards Ambattur, Koyambedu and Sriperumbudur in the west.

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

2.7 Topography: Chennai is a low-lying area and the land surface is almost flat. The
even topography of the land throughout the area makes it difficult to render the
sub-divisions into natural regions. It rises slightly as the distance from the
seahore increases average elevation of the town is not more than 7 m above mean
sea level and the average slope varies at less than 0.7 m per Km, while some
localities are just at sea level and drainage in such area remains a serious
2.8 Soil Condition: Chennai's soil is mostly clay, shale and sandstone. The city is
classified in into three regions based on geology and as sandy areas, clayey areas
and hard rock areas. Sandy areas are found along the river banks and coasts such
as Thiruvanmiyur, Adyar, Kottivakkam, Santhome, George Town, Tondiarpet
and the rest of coastal Chennai. Here rainwater runoff percolates quickly through
the soil. Clay underlies most of the city including T. Nagar, West Mambalam,
Anna Nagar, Perumbur and Virugambakkam. Areas of hard rock include Guindy,
Perungudi, Velachery, Adambakkam and a part of Saidapet. In clayey and hard
rock areas, rainwater percolates slowly, but it is held by the soil for a longer time.
2.9 Climate: Chennai has a tropical climate, specifically a tropical wet and dry
climate. The city lies on the thermal equator and is also on the coast, which
prevents extreme variation in seasonal temperature. The weather is hot and
humid for most of the year. The hottest part of the year is late May to early June,
known locally as Agni Nakshatram ("fire star") or as Kathiri Veyyil, with
maximum temperatures around 35–400C. The coolest part of the year is January,
with minimum temperatures around 15–220C. The lowest temperature recorded
is 13.80C and the highest recorded temperature is 45 0 C. The average annual
rainfall is about 140 cm. The city gets most of its seasonal rainfall from the
north–east monsoon winds, from mid–October to mid–December. Cyclones in
the Bay of Bengal sometimes hit the city. The highest annual rainfall recorded is
257 cm in 2005. Prevailing winds in Chennai are usually south westerly between
April and October and north easterly during the rest of the year.
2.10 Corporation of Chennai: The Corporation of Chennai (previously Madras) is
the Oldest Municipal Institution in India established on the 29th September 1688.
A charter was issued on the 30th December, 1607 by East Indian Company
constituting the "Town of Fort St. George" and all the territories thereunto
belonging, not exceeding the distance of ten miles from the Fort, into a
Corporation. The Parliamentary Act of 1792 gave the Corporation power to levy
Municipal Taxes in the City. The Municipal administration properly commenced
from the Parliamentary Act, 1792 making provision for the good order and
administration of the city. The Municipal Act has been amended introducing
from time to time major changes in the constitution and powers of the
Corporation. The Madras Municipal Corporation Act, 1919 (as amended)
provides the basic statutory authority for the administration now. The Council of
200 councilors is headed by the Worshipful Mayor and Council meets ordinarily
once in a month. The executive wing is headed by the Commissioner. There are
Deputy Commissioners and various Heads of Departments and 15 Zonal Officers
at present. The estimated present population of Chennai is 6.5 Million.
2.11 Chennai Corporation is maintaining 1160 roads to a length of 370 Km and
storm water drain to a length of 962 Km. Total numbers of street lights in
Chennai city under the maintenance of Chennai Corporation is 2, 13, 045 and

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

using 19 megawatts per day, and spending 2 lakhs for electric consumption per
day. Chennai Corporation having 260 parks and constructed 113 community halls
for public purpose. Chennai Corporation is removing 5000-5200 MT of solid
waste per day through 966 conservancy vehicles and maintaining Kodungaiyur
and Perungudi dumping grounds for dumping the solid waste. The total birth
reported in Chennai city is 400 per day and death is 180 per day. Currently
23,538 staffs are working in it. The Annual Budgetary estimate of Chennai
Corporation in 2012-13 revenue is 1326.11 crores and expenditure is 1232.97
crores. Surplus income is 93.14 crores.
2.12 As per survey conducted of the project area, there are about 205 Km of drains of
width 0.60 m or more. Storm water drainage system in the project area is not
sufficient and adequate. The drains do not have proper connectivity and ultimate
linkage to natural waterways/ water bodies for efficient disposal of storm water
runoff. Because of the flat terrain and partial & insufficient coverage of the
project area with storm water drains, flooding and water stagnation is the
recurrent feature in many areas during the monsoon period.
2.13 Storm Water Drains are maintained by the Department of Storm Water Drains.
At present it maintains about 1660.31 km of Storm Water Drains.
Need for the ISWM:

2.14 The extended areas of Chennai corporation are developing rapidly. And presently they
do not have any comprehensive drainage network (existing network length is only 224
km, built by the erstwhile ULBs about 5 to 10 years ago); and are facing frequent
flooding/inundation, during monsoon season/heavy rains. The Chennai core city (area:
174 sq km) has already been covered with a drainage network, implemented in the year
2.15 Water logging and flooding occurs regularly in low-lying areas of the Chennai city and
its suburbs because of inadequacy or non-functioning of the local drainage infrastructure.
The storm water drainage system in the extended city area including the project area is
not adequate. The drains are not properly linked to natural waterways/ water bodies for
efficient disposal of storm water runoff. To resolve these issues, the Corporation of
Chennai has prepared a detailed project report (DPR) for implementing the storm water
drainage system for Chennai extended area. In order to overcome the flooding and
inundation and resultant impacts the implementation of an Integrated Storm Water
Drainage Project is one of the necessary required infrastructures.

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

3.1 Storm Water Drains are maintained by the Department of Storm Water Drains. At
present it maintains about 1660.31 km of Storm Water Drains.
3.2 The sub project will be implemented in the expanded areas of the Corporation of
Chennai comprising of the following Administrative Zones and Divisions/Wards
covering about 53.76 sq.kms.
3.3 The Administrative zones covered under this sub-project are Part of Zone VII Ambattur
area, Part of Zone XI Valasaravakkam Area, Part of Zone XI Part of Valasaravakkam
area and Part of Zone XII Alandur area.
3.4 Each of these zones are further divided into divisions or Wards

Table-3.1 ISWD Expanded Areas of Chennai Corporation

Administrative Zone Location
I part area of zone VII Ambattur
II part area of zone XI Valasaravakkam
III part area of zone XI Valasaravakkam
IV part area of zone XII Alandur

Project components

3.5 Classification of Storm Water Drains: The Storm Water Drains are broadly divided
into two groups as per drain classification in Chennai. 1. Macro Drains and 2.Micro
Drains. The Macro drains are natural drains that are maintained by PWD and 2. Micro
Drains are the drains maintained by Corporation of Chennai. The Micro drains are
further divided into storm water drains and canals.
3.6 This project involves construction of new storm water drains, rehabilitation of
existing/unsized/dilapidated storm water drains and improvements to the existing canals.
Further, the storm water drains are classified as follows:
(i) Collector Drains i.e. Street Drains end in feeder drains.
(ii) Feeder drains join the arterial drains,
(iii) Arterial drains will join in the canals and
(iv) Canals will join the river.
3.7 Other components are construction of culverts and cross drainage works, Rain Water
Harvesting structures, Silt catch traps, fencing to the canals to prevent dumping of solid
wastes, gratings in the canals to prevent entry of solid wastes into the system, etc.,
3.8 The total length of the storm water drain network is about 329.18 km, of which 94.86 km
is Adyar basin and 234.32km is Cooum basin.
3.9 Most of the newly proposed drains are along the roads. Reconstruction/Augmentation of
existing drains, which were found inadequate, has been proposed. RCC rectangular
drains have been proposed for construction. Wherever necessary, RCC Pre-cast Drains
have been proposed in place of cast in situ if the drain width is up to 2m. Total length of
proposed new and existing drains to be used as such & to be reconstructed, the drains of
all categories viz. Arterial, Feeder and Collector drains, comes to about 100.28 Km.

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

Figure 3.1 Watersheds of the expanded area of Chennai Corporation

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC


The national, state, regional and World Bank environmental laws, rules and regulations
relevant to the proposed ISWM to extended areas of Chennai Corporation are provided
National Regulations:
• Water (Prevention And Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Tamil Nadu Water
• (Prevention And Control of Pollution) Rules, 1974
• The Water (Prevention And Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977
• Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
• Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 and Tamil Nadu Air (Prevention
of Control of Pollution) Rules 1983
• Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
• Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989
• Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules,
• Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
• Bio Medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules 1998
• Municipal Solid waste (Management & Handling) Rules 2000
• The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000
• EIA Notification, 2006 (S.O.1533(E), dt.14/09/2006)
• The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010
• E-Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2010
• Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, 2011 (S.O.19(E), dt. 06/01/2011)
• Plastic waste (Management & handling)Rules 2011
• Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers’ and their Rehabilitation Bill 2012

State Regulations:
• The Tamil Nadu Hill Areas (Preservation of Trees) Act, 1955
• Chennai Metropolitan Area Ground water (Regulation) Amendment Act, 2002

World Bank Operational Policies

• OP 4.01 Environmental Assessment
• OP 4.04 Natural Habitats
• OP 4.11 Physical Cultural Resources
• OP 4.36 Forests

The above relevant environmental legislations have been reviewed for activties proposed
under the ISWM to expanded areas of COC and the environmental permission identified to
be obtained is as below.

Table 4.1 Permissions required

S.No Activity Authority
1. Cutting of trees Permission is to be obtained from the Deputy
Commissioner/ COC for cutting of trees.

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

Applicability of CRZ notification, 2011: CRZ limits (i.e., Adayar and Cooum Rivers) are
confined within the core city limits and hence the ISWM activities in the expanded areas do
not attract the provisions.

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC


5.1 Geology: Chennai is underlain by various geological formations from ancient

Archaeans to recent Alluviums. It can be grouped into three viz. (i) Archaean
Crystalline Metamorphic rocks (ii) Upper Gondwanas comprised of sandstones,
siltstones and shoals, tertiary (Eocene to Pliocene) sandstones and (iii) coastal
and river Alluvium. (Source: Chennai Master Plan II; Vol. i)
5.2 Meteorology of the region: The meteorological data of the Chennai region
includes temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction and rainfall
which has been referred from a report submitted to Chennai Corporation
5.3 Temperature: The region is within tropical semi-arid region. The climate is
generally hot and dry. It is characterized with seasonal variations of cool season
(winter) from November to February, hot season (summer) from March to mid-
June and rainy season from mid-June to October. The mean monthly temperature
is in the range 33.1 – 37.6°C, while in winter temperatures fluctuates between
28.1 – 30.6°C.
5.4 Relative Humidity: The mean annual humidity is 75.2% and highest percentage
of humidity are observed during October to January and moderate in winter.
5.5 Winds: The predominant wind direction observed is from West-Northwest to
East-Southeast. Whereas monsoon winds (west-south west) prevail during June-
September with a mean wind speed of 11.8 kmph.
5.6 Rainfall: It has been recorded that Chennai receives 715mm of average rainfall
mainly during north east monsoon during October to December. The mean
annual rainfall is 1216 mm.
5.7 Landuse: The existing landuse pattern in the project area is provided in Table

Table 5.1: Landuse pattern of the Project Area

1 Agriculture Land 1717716.234
2 Built up 915576.239
3 Canal 89712.11
4 Drain 155664.75
5 Industry 4665847.128
6 Island 682.45
7 Lake 358.431
8 Lake 633553.548
9 Open space 5808306.18
10 Open Space with Grass 11961.133
11 Open Space with Tree 1033189.986
12 Play Ground 4060500.295
13 Public and Semi Public 825355.627

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14 Railway Line 53659.623

15 RIVER 1074832.089
16 Road 8794916.559
17 Settlement 25397749.02
18 Tank 653318.724
19 Tree 1998813.128
20 Total Area of Basin 57891713.26

5.8 Air Environment: The ambient air quality monitoring data has been collected
from Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) website for Chennai Corporation
area for the year 2008. The average values obtained are presented in Table 4.2

Table 5.2: Ambient air quality status of Chennai Corporation area

Parameter Type of Yearly No of CPCB Air
Area Average Value Observations Standard Quality
(µg/m3) (µg/m3),
Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM)
Thiruvottiyur Industrial 173 114 60Low
Kathivakkam, Industrial 175 91 60Low
Manali, Chennai. Industrial 174 91 60Low
Madras Medical Residential 108 81 60Low
College, Chennai
NEERI CSIR Campus, Residential 94 93 60Low
Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM)
Thiruvottiyur Industrial 77 114 40Medium
Kathivakkam, Chennai Industrial 68 91 40Medium
Manali, Chennai. Industrial 78 91 40Medium
Madras Medical Residential 48 81 40Medium
College, Chennai
NEERI CSIR Residential 48 93 40Medium
Campus, Chennai.
Sulphur Di-oxide (SO2)
Thiruvottiyur Industrial 13 113 50Low
Kathivakkam, Industrial 13 90 50Low
Manali, Chennai. Industrial 14 91 50Low
Madras Medical Residential 6 80 50Low
College, Chennai
NEERI CSIR Residential 6 93 50Low
Campus, Chennai.
Nitrogen Di-Oxide (NO2)x
Thiruvottiyur Industrial 19 113 40Low
Kathivakkam, Chennai Industrial 20 90 40Low
Manali, Chennai. Industrial 21 91 40Low
Madras Medical Residential 9 80 40Low
College, Chennai
NEERI CSIR Residential 8 93 40Low
Campus, Chennai.

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5.9 The Air Quality sampling locations of Chennai area comprise of

Residential and Industrial Category. The residential category includes Madras
Medical College and NEERI CSIR Campus and Industrial Category includes,
Thiruvottiyur, Kathivakkam and Manali area. The air quality monitoring results
are interpreted as below:
5.10 The annual average concentration of Suspended Particular Matter levels in
industrial area of Chennai Corporation was measured 174 µg/m3 which is well
under the CPCB standard of 500 µg/m3 and the annual average concentration of
Respirable Suspended Particular Matter was found as 74 µg/m3 against the
standards of 150 µg/ m3.
5.11 Noise Pollution: The noise level survey conducted by the TNPCB reveals that
noise level exceeded the limits mostly in commercial areas, mainly due to
vehicular movement. During festive seasons in Chennai, the noise levels were
noted high and particularly during Deepavali it exceeded 120 dB. (Source:
Chennai Master Plan II; Vol. i)
5.12 Soil: Soil pH was recorded in the range of 8.1-8.5. As far as Total Organic
carbon is concerned it was recorded in the range of 1486-3200 mg/kg while Total
nitrogen was recorded in the range of 320- 912 mg/kg. Another nutrient, total
phosphorous was recorded in the range of 129-352 mg/kg. Sodium and potassium
was also recorded in the range of 90-312 mg/kg and 56-160 mg/kg respectively.
Three heavy metals were also analysed and concentration of these metals was
found well below to the standards. Above soil/sediment quality reflects that there
is no toxic element present beyond to the safe limits prescribed by
national/international agency thus excavated soil and sediment can be safely
disposed of at suitable location.

Table 5.3: Soil quality status in the Existing Drains in Adyar Basin

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Table 5.4: Soil quality status in the Existing Drains in Cooum Basin

5.13 Ground Water Quality: As reflected from the above results, pH of the collected
ground water samples was recorded in the range of 7.4-7.9 shows slightly
alkaline nature. As far as electrical conductivity is concerned, it was recorded in
between 780-1288 µmho/cm while Total Dissolved Solids were recorded in the
range of 580-910 mg/l. Total and calcium hardness of ground water was also
recorded in the range of 260-482 mg/l and 168-340 mg/l respectively. Fluoride
and nitrate which are the two important parameters as far as ground water quality
is concerned were also recorded within the permissible limit of BIS 10500.

Table 5.5: Groundwater Quality in Adyar Basin

Table 5.6: Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Cooum Basin

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5.14 Flooding in Chennai: Chennai a coastal city is marked mostly with flat terrain, and has
increased run-off due to increased built-up area & urbanisation. Several low-lying areas
of Chennai get flooded during rains.

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The proposed project is intended for better management of the hydrological situation
and management of storm water, improvement of drainage and t o prevent flooding
in the low lying areas of the project area. However, the developmental activities
which may be considered under the project both during under construction and
operational phases may have some temporary or negligible impacts on various
components of the environment. The baseline situation and the proposed activities have
been analyzed for identifying the impacts from the ISWM implementation.

Table 6.1 Possible Impacts on Environment

Components of Environment

Air Social & Aesthetic


Project Activities

& Land acquisition

Road and Traffic issues

Any damage to Public

& sensitive property
Ground Water
Surface Water

Air Quality

and safety

Construction Phase

   X X  X    X
Clearing and Cutting
Excavation & Filling
    X X X X   X

 X X  X  X X X X X
Disposal of Excavated silt
 X X  X X X X X X X
Construction Camps
Operational Phase
Disposal of Storm water  X
 X X X X X X  

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Table 6.2 Potential Adverse/Negative Impacts

Phase wise project

During Potential Negative Impacts
Loss of top soil
Vegetation loss due to cutting of small shrubs and trees
Increase of respirable suspended particulate matters & dust in
surrounding ambient air
Noise & vibration disturbances of fauna and local population during
cutting of tress
Clearing and During clearing and cutting, there may be some hindrance in traffic due
Cutting temporary increased machinery traffic
There may be little impacts on health’s due to Increase of respirable
suspended particulate matters and noise level
Loss of top soil
Increase of respirable suspended particulate matters & dust in
surrounding ambient air
Noise & vibration disturbances of fauna and local population during
cutting of tress
Excavation & Spillage of oil and other substances during the civil works
Filling During excavation, there may be some hindrance in traffic due
Operations temporary increased machinery traffic
There may be little impacts on health’s due to Increase of respirable
suspended particulate matters
Soil and water contamination due to improper disposal of excavated
Disposal of material, construction and demolition wastes
Excavated silt Clogging of drains due to improper disposal of excavated material,
construction and demolition wastes
Loss of vegetation at dumping yard
Construction of Impacts on surrounding due to improper drainage, sanitation facilities,
labor solid waste management facilities during the use of temporary
Camps construction sites (camps, machinery sites, storage facilities etc.)
Operational Phase
Contamination of storm water due to mixing of sewage or industrial
Clogging of drains due to deposition of eroded soil, improper cleaning
Disposal of Storm Formation of misquotes breeding grounds
water Foul smell

6.1 Potential Negative Impact due to clear & cutting trees: Trees can be harmed by
construction work in several ways. Any break or tear in a tree's bark disrupts the
flow of vital fluids and exposes wood to invasion by disease and decay
microorganisms, which the tree must then expend energy to deal with. A trunk
wound does not always cause corresponding loss of branches or foliage, so the
consequences may not be fully apparent. But a large wound in the trunk of a tree
is serious-it cannot be repaired and will almost certainly result in future decay
and loss of stem strength.

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Table 6.3: Details of Trees to be affected

Description No of trees
No. of Trees may be affected 41
Highly vulnerable trees lying on the proposed 31 31
drain corridor
Moderate vulnerable trees lying in between the 67 10
vicinity and 0.5 m distance of the proposed
storm water drain
Not can be saved
vulnerable treethrough
lying inprecautions
between the 144 -
vicinity and
0.5 m Trees
Total distance
in of
thethe proposed
basin lying storm the drain 242
nearbywater 41
proposed drain

The other impacts that may arise from the implementation of ISWD are
i) Traffic issues due to excavation and construction activity
ii) Safety issues due to excavation
iii) Access difficulty to adjacent landuse
iv) Reverse flow into the drains from the canals
v) Solid waste dumping in the drains
vi) Disposal of excavated earth / silt
vii) Social impact due to activities in the canals.

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7.1 To mitigate the identified impacts an Environmental Management Plan and

Environmental Management Cost has been prepared.
7.2 The likely adverse impacts on various environmental components, viz., Land,
Air, Water, Biodiversity and Social & Aesthetic have been assessed. Based on
the identified impacts’ potential, the management practice to be followed for
minimizing and mitigating the impacts on the surround environment, the activity
wise Environment Management Plan is drawn. In summary, the expected impacts
are of small scale, temporary and site specific depending on the implementation
of the project and will not exceed the construction and major environmental
norms. The EMP will be form part of the contract document.

7.3 Management measures proposed in ISWD to extended areas of COC:

7.3.1 Groundwater Recharge through Rainwater Harvesting:

Corporation of Chennai has envisaged rainwater harvesting through constructing catchpits
and recharging structures in the proposed storm water drainage network.
Rain water harvesting structure along with silt catching pit along at every 90 m interval cast
-in- situ Silt Catch Pit With Rain Water Harvesting Structure of inner size 600 X 600 x 600
mm ie 1 no each between two catch pits as per the standards prescribed on the Chennai
Corporation Storm Water Schedule of rates item no SCP-RWH-43A is provided in each
cost estimate of drains separately.

It is also proposed to construct ground water recharging structures at an interval of 100

meters in drains The construction of structure is of cast -in- situ of inner size
2100mmx600mmx600mm including necessary earth work excavation including providing
foundation in PCC 1:5:10 under walls 150mm thick and cutting the existing storm water
drain of size 300 x 150mm for fixing 2 Nos of 160mm dia PVC pipe on the storm water
drain mouth, with RCC cast in situ wall of size 120mm in RCC 1:1.5:3 with steel of 30.00
kg including fixing FRP Grating Cover with frame of size 700 x 700mm (clear opening
600mm x 600mm) - 10 MT - completing the finishing work etc., including drilling a hand
bore of 200mm dia, fixing 160mm PVC slotted pipe to required depth(4 m) up to alluvial
strata, filling in with20mm HBG metal and coarse sand for filter media inside recharging

Provision of such recharging structures at an interval of 100 meters will suffice the purpose
of ground water recharging and is also financially viable. Financial implication of
construction of such ground water recharging structures in the drainage system for extended
areas of Chennai Corporation is detailed in cost estimates and the cost for construction is
provided as a separate item No 6 in cost abstract of each basin.

Ground water levels are likely to improve at least to an extent of 3m, through recharge measures
taken up under the project.

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7.3.2 Considerations made in the project for Minimising Impacts

The basic objective of the provision of storm water drains to the expanded areas of Chennai
Corporation in order to avoid the flooding and inundation and for proper disposal of storm
water. Hence it is proposed to provide storm water drains in the selected administrative zones
with full coverage.
The narrow streets and lanes are provided with one side drains in order to minimise impacts.

7.3.3 Sediment Control:

For control of sediments it is proposed to construct sediment trap at the confluence point of
drain with the water body so that the sediments are deposited in the silt trap and settle over
there which can be removed periodically. It is also possible to provide additional silt traps
at the point where the cross drainage confluence and the silt from these silt traps shall be
periodically removed.

7.3.4 Solidwaste Management:

At present Corporation of Chennai is having an effective management system in solid waste
management. However, the people living nearer to water bodies and the commercial pockets
situating near Water bodies are having tendency to throw solid waste into water bodies. Therefore
the following are proposed in the ISWD to extended areas of COC.
i) Micro drains are designed as box type drain in RCC with cover on top which
will curtail dumping of solid waste in drains.
ii) Major micro drains belonging to Corporation of Chennai will be provided
with top cover in MS frame with wire mesh to avoid dumping solid waste.
iii) Rain water will flow into drains through FRP gratings to screen the solid
waste from entering into drains.

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iv) Public awareness programs have been proposed through IEC activities to
proper waste disposal to ensure public co-operation.

7.3.5 Access Difficulty:

It has been proposed to provide access ramp at critical locations to facilitate easy
movement of vehicles and provision has been made in the estimates for providing
temporary access to the adjacent landuses.

7.3.6 Public Awareness

Public play a major role in the successful functioning of proposed stormwater drain.
Periodical awareness programs have been proposed to deal with the various aspects that are
to be considered to improve the local public awareness by involving individually or with
the voluntary organization groups.

7.3.7 Flood Management:

Several parts of Chennai gets flooded during rains owing to the terrain of the city and rapid
developments. The ISWD is aimed to reduce the flooding to a greater extent.

The project area is at a higher elevation compared to the core city on an average of about
9.0m. Major Disposal Channels in the project area are Adayar River, Manapakkam and
Nandampakkam canals (Adayar basin) and Cooum River, Padikuppam,Virugampakkam –
Arumpakkam. And Nolambur canals (Cooum basin) and the final disposal point is the Bay
of Bengal on the eastern side of Chennai city.

Design considerations:

The storm water drainage network was originally designed for 31.39mm/hr rainfall
intensity, on an hourly average basis, for a two year Return Interval (as per Indian Design
guidelines of CPHEEO manual, 1999 section 3.3). However after the review of the designs
and historic trends of rainfall pattern, and the World Bank recommendation, it was decided
to adopt higher Storm Return Intervals, higher rainfall intensity (68 mm/hr) based on
sliding scale pattern and future land use pattern. Suggestion was also made to revise the
boundary condition at disposal point, considering High Flood Level as MSL+5m.
The designed ISWD is envisaged to

a) reduce flooding/inundation hotspot areas, from 18.14 to 12.87 sq km (33% reduction in the
flood/inundation prone area). This area of 12.87 sq.km will have only stagnation for a period of
1-3 hours during high intensity rainfall and there will be no prolonged flooding or inundation.

b) Overall 84% of the project area in Adayar, and 73% of the project area in Cooum is likely to be
free of flooding/inundation, if the network is maintained properly.

With the revised designs,

• In the whole of project area, Ramapuram in Adayar basin, where GL is below
MFL is likely to be inundated, but there is no habitation/development.
Out of 35 outfalls, 6 outfalls are below the MFL and there is a possibility of back flow
in these drains however since the crests are higher than MFL, the backflow water will

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
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remain in the drain itself. Further, flap gates are proposed to be provided in the drains
to prevent reverse flow into the feeding drains.

Based on the historical trends it has been identified that the following are the critical
locations that will still get flooded.
Adayar Basin
1. Adayar water shed – Ambetkar Nagar
2. Manapakkam water shed – VGN Lakshmi Nagar
3. Nandampakkam water shed – Parvathi Avenue
Out of the above, important areas are identified (from social/economic angle) as: Nil

Cooum Basin
1. Padikuppam water shed-Kamaraj Nagar
2. Padikuppam water shed-Kanthasamy nagar
3. Nolambur water shed-Ramalingam salai
4. Nolambur water shed- Near Ambattur Sidco
5. Virugampakkam Arumbakkam water shed -Sri Lakshmi Nagar

Out of the above, important areas are identified (from social/economic angle) as: Nil

To assess impacts due to flooding, currently Anna University is doing the overall storm water
drainage modelling and if the study identifies any adverse impacts, then suitable mitigation
measures will be proposed such as flood advance warning system to deal with any eventualities in
the downstream areas.

Interventions supported by necessary equipment support, training and capacity building for
Corporation to address any flooding/ inundation risks and a 3-year Operational support by Anna
University etc are included under the project to develop a Flood risk model by Anna University
during which time. Anna University will develop capabilities for real time modeling and handover
the models to Chennai Corporation.

7.3.8 Disposal of excavated earth/ silt:

It is envisaged that large quantity of silt would have to be disposed from the drains and
canals. The excess excavated earth will be conveyed to the existing dumping yards at
Kodungaiyur and Perungudi. Necessary provision for conveyance of surplus earth has been
made in the cost estimate. The vehicles conveying earth will be instructed to be covered with to
avoid spreading of respirable suspended particulate matter & dust in the ambient air.

7.3.9 Traffic Management Measures Traffic Diversion
During the construction stage of storm water drain, traffic diversion or management may
be required in any of the following conditions.
1. If density of traffic is more in the construction road

2. Laying of storm water drain in major roads

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3. If road width is lesser for traffic due to width of drains especially for arterial drains

4. Criticality of junction when drain crosses a junction

5. Local significance Planning the works

The complexity of traffic diversion or management differs from scheme to scheme but
the main objective is to maximise the safety of work force, publics living nearby and the
travelling public and the second objective is to keep traffic flowing as freely as possible.
So the traffic management should be a safe system of work for both operatives and road
During the planning stage of works the following points should be noted.
• Intimation to the public living or shops available adjoining the construction
• Attention must be paid to the needs of pedestrians. This applies especially in
the vicinity of bus stops, shops, where larger numbers of people with
physical/mental impairments may be expected.
• Construction works should be undertaken in the minimum time, taking up
the minimum of road space, but without compromising safety. Where
practicable, additional resources or time- reducing techniques should be
• There must always be liaison with the Authority concerned to avoid
concurrent works in close proximity.
• Period of execution based on the area specific. For example if an educational
institution is present the works may be planned during holidays
• Transport authorities to be informed to plan their stops and routes if diverted
• There should be always liaison with traffic police and other emergency
services Designing Traffic management

1. Before execution minimum lateral (sideways) clearance should be given between
moving traffic and work space

2. Outer boundary of work space should be provided with barricading as specified

in the SOR of CoC

3. Barricading should be visible in day and night and also adjacent to running traffic
lane should be lined with traffic cones.

4. Adequate working space should be provided around the work place to allow
temporary works

5. If density of traffic is more in construction road and the road is two way at least
5.5 m width should be maintained. If not possible a single way traffic may be
enrooted on other possible way by providing proper indication on the entrance of
road or before the diversion way. For one way traffic at least 3.3 m clearance
should be given for heavy vehicle or public transport, but. Car only traffic may be

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
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maintained with 2.5 m width. Adequate warnings of narrow lanes must be given
with proper sign board.

6. For construction of drains in the major roads the points discussed above is
applicable along with the sign to vehicles to restrict the speed within 30 kmph
while crossing construction site and sign indicating “ no overtaking” may be
erected during working hours.

7. If road width is less than required i.e., at least 2.5 m for one way traffic during the
period of construction , the road can be closed and traffic diverted along a
suitable diversion road after according concurrence with traffic police and road

8. For crossing of drains through culverts in major roads, push thro technology is
suggested. But if the culvert crosses through open excavation proper closing of
traffic is required for crossing road.

Proper diversion board indicating the “Road ahead is closed” the nature of work
going ahead with authority name should be placed before the entrance of road
with advance warning of diversion should be placed before 100m of diversion
with arrow sign for diversion before 3m from the diversion road.

A proper vehicle restraint and pedestrian barrier with proper signage board should be
placed on either side of culvert crossing.

7.3.10 Tree cutting and Compensatory plantation:

The presence of trees adjacent to the drains/ canals and the vulnerable trees from the drain
construction activity are estimated as 242 and 41. Adequate precaution shall be taken
during implementation to keep the tree cutting at minimum. However, provision for
plantation has been made at ten times the number of vulnerable trees.

Corporation has proposed to carryout compensatory plantation after completion of the drain
construction. Around 410 trees shall be planted along the streets in the expanded areas, i.e.,
in Manapakkam, Mugalivakkam, Ramapuram, Padikuppam, Nolumbur and Ambattur, by
the Parks Department of Chennai Corporation. List of suggested species of trees for the
compensatory plantation is provided in the Annexure.

7.3.11 Safety requirements for Maintenance of drains

The inspection doors are provided at a distance of 10m to facilitate maintenance only
through machineries and equipments avoiding manual entry.
However in case of any need for manual maintenance the following shall be ensured.
(a) A competent person should carry out a risk assessment and make recommendations on safety
and health measures before undertaking work in confined space.
(b) Allow only certified workers to work in the confined space.
(c) Provide adequate ventilation.
(d) Isolate the confined space.

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(e) Monitor the air quality throughout the entire working period by means of a gas detection
(f) A person should be stationed outside the confined space to monitor the weather condition and
keep communication with the workers inside.
(g) if required ensure the use of approved breathing apparatus
(h) Appropriate emergency procedures shall be formulated to deal with serious or
imminent danger.
(k) Instructions, training and advice shall be provided to all workers to be working within a
confined space.

Benefits of the project

7.4 The population in the project area will be benefitted by the implementation of this
7.5 Economic Benefits: Direct economic benefits such as the costs for the restoration of
damaged roads, engaging earth work excavators, cost of pumping and associated fuel
costs, the cost of materials such as sand bags, restoring cross drainages, small bridges etc
will be reduced. Further, the cost of cash and kind reliefs to flood affected population,
loss of livestock, other structures will be reduced after implementation of ISWD
Projects. Further, indirect benefits such as improved health status of population due to
reduced risk of exposure to water borne diseases such as malaria, dengue and resultant
health impacts.

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Sl.no Potential Mitigation Measures Responsible

Impact agencies

1.2 Clearances All clearance required from other departments and Environmental aspects shall be ensured and COC
made available before start of work.
For trees identified for cutting, obtain prior permission from the Deputy Commissinoer, CoC prior
to commencement of work.
1.3 Tree Cutting i) Provide adequate protection to the trees to be retained with tree guards (e.g. Masonry tree Contractor / COC
guards, Low level RCC tree guards, Circular Iron Tree Guard with Bars) as required.
ii) Take adequate care to determine to root protection zone and minimise root loss.
iii) Trees shall be removed from the construction sites before commencement of construction
iv) Undertake afforestation in nearby areas.
1.4 Utility i) Identify the common utilities that would be affected such as: telephone cables, electric cables, COC / Concerned
Relocation electric poles, water pipelines, public water taps, etc. departments/
ii) Affected utilities shall be relocated with prior approval of the concerned agencies before Contractor
construction starts.
iii) Where ever the entry and exit to houses/ establishments are affected due to construction
activities, alternate temporary arrangement for crossing over shall be provided.
1.5 Baseline i) Base line parameters shall be recorded and ensured conformance till the completion of the Contractor / COC
parameters project.
ii) The contractor shall undertake periodical monitoring of air, water, noise and soil quality
through an approved monitoring agency. The parameter to be monitored, frequency and
duration of monitoring plan shall be prepared.
iii) Adequate measures shall be taken and checked to control any pollution and report be sent to
the Engineer.

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1.6 Planning of i) Temporary diversion will be provided with the approval of the engineer. Detailed traffic Contractor / COC
temporary control plans will be prepared and submitted to the engineers for approval, one week prior to
Traffic commencement of works.
arrangements ii) The traffic control plans shall contain details of temporary diversion, details of arrangements
for construction under traffic, details of traffic arrangement after cessation of wok each day,
SIGNAGES, safety measures for transport of hazardous materials and arrangement of
The guidance for traffic management provided in Section 7.3.8 of the EA report shall be
referred to for preparation of the traffic plan.

1.7 Temporary i) Desilting activity shall be scheduled during non-flooding season. Contractor/ COC
flooding during ii) Proper drainage arrangements to be made, to avoid the overflowing of existing drains due to
construction construction activity.
1.8 Prevention of i) Prevention of accidents involving human beings, animals or vehicles falling or accidents Contractor / COC
accidents during construction period. This needs to be ensured with proper barricading, signage boards
and lighting etc.
ii) The project engineer of COC will plan and direct the contractor to execute the work
progressively so that the length of the open excavated trench is minimised in order to reduce
possible accidents
1.9 Barricading site The construction area should be barricaded at all time in a day with adequate marking, flags, Contractor
reflectors etc. for safety of general traffic movement and pedestrians.
1.10 Drainage flow i) Alternate arrangement like diversion of the drainage be ensured to allow the natural flow. Contractor / COC
ii) It shall be ensured that none of the construction activities affect the natural flow of the

1.11 Storage of i) No construction materials should be stored on the road, on top of or beside drains and Contractor / COC
materials footpaths, or on any other public area as this may restrict public access to these utilities.
ii) The contractor shall identify the site for temporary use of land for construction sites /storage
of construction materials, etc.
iii) Site for storage of construction materials to be identified without affecting the traffic and
other common utilities, and the quality of the construction materials.
iv) Construction materials should only be stored and prepared on the site if they do not obstruct

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
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the road or any surrounding public utility. Construction materials should only be transported
to the worksite as and when required for construction

1.12 Using of i) Using of modern machineries such as JCBs, backhoes etc, shall be used to minimize the Contractor
modern construction period, it will reduce the construction period impacts to the near by residents.
1.13 Dust Pollution i) All earth work will be protected in manner acceptable to the engineer to minimize generation Contractor
near settlements of dust. Area under construction shall be covered & equipped will dust collector.
ii) Construction material shall be covered or stored in such a manner so as to avoid being
affected by wind direction.
iii) Unpaved haul roads near / passing through residential and commercial areas to be watered
thrice a day.
iv) Trucks carrying construction material to be adequately covered to avoid the dust pollution and
to avoid the material spillage.
v) Sprinkling of water to be done at regular intervals at places of work to protect the nearby
inhabitants and road users.
1.14 Protection of i) Noisy construction operations in residential and sensitive areas should be done only between Contractor
residential / 7.30 am and 6.00 pm.
sensitive ii) Preventive maintenance of construction equipment and vehicles to meet emission standards
receptors. and to keep them with low noise.
iii) Provision of enclosing generators and concrete mixers at site.
iv) Sound barriers shall be installed during the construction phase to protect the inhabited areas
from the noise from construction activities.
v) Adequate barricading and safety measures to protect dust pollution and noise impacts on
sensitive receptors like schools and hospital etc due to vehicle movement to be ensured prior
to the start of work and their effectiveness to be checked during construction and operation
1.15 Vehicular noise i) Idling of temporary trucks or other equipment should not be permitted during periods of Contractor
pollution at loading / unloading or when they are not in active use. The practice must be ensured
residential / especially near residential / commercial / sensitive areas.
sensitive ii) Stationary construction equipment will be kept at least 500m away from sensitive receptors.
receptors. iii) All possible and practical measures to control noise emissions during drilling shall be
employed. The COC may direct to take adequate controls measures depending on site

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC


1.16 Noise from i) Use of less noise generating cutting equipment’s, provide personal protective equipment’s Contractor
vehicles, plants such as ear plugs/muffs and other safety measures to labourers. In addition the concrete
and equipments mixture to be used for construction works will be prepared in a location away from the
locality to minimize the noise generated from the machinery.
ii) Servicing of all construction vehicles and machinery will be done regularly and during routine
servicing operations, the effectiveness of exhaust silencers will be checked and if found
defective will be replaced.
iii) Maintenance of vehicles, equipment and machinery shall be regular and up to the satisfaction
of the Engineer to keep noise levels at the minimum.

1.17 Labour camp Setting up of labour camps needs to be done as per the procedures. Adequate potable water Contractor
& facilities facilities, sanitation and drainage etc., in conformity with the Indian labour laws shall be ensured.
The contractor shall also guarantee the following:
i) The location, layout and basic facility provision of each labour camp will be submitted to
Engineer prior to their construction.
ii) The construction will commence only upon the written approval of the Engineer.
iii) The Contractor shall construct and maintain all labour accommodation in such a fashion that
uncontaminated water is available for drinking, cooking and washing.
iv) Supply of sufficient quantity of potable water (as per IS) in every workplace/labor camp site
at suitable and easily accessible places and regular maintenance of such facilities.
v) The sewage system for the camp shall be designed, built and operated in such a fashion that
no health hazards occurs and no pollution to the air, ground water or adjacent water courses
take place. Ensure adequate water supply is to be provided in all toilets and urinals.
vi) The contractor shall provide garbage bins in the camps and ensure that these are regularly
emptied and disposed off in a hygienic manner as per the Comprehensive Solid Waste
Management Plan approved by the Engineer.
vii) Unless otherwise arranged by local sanitary authority, arrangements for disposal of night soils
(human excreta) suitably approved by the local medical health or municipal authorities or as
directed by Engineer will have to be provided by the contractor.
1.18 Pollution from All waste arising from the project is to be disposed off in the manner that is acceptable by the Contractor
Construction Engineer.

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
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Wastes The engineer shall certify that all liquid wastes disposed off from the sites meet the discharge

1.19 Pollution from i) The contractor shall ensure that all construction vehicle parking location, fuel/lubricants Contractor
Fuel and storage sites, vehicle, machinery and equipment maintenance and refueling sites will be
Lubricants located at least 500 m from sensitive receptors.
ii) All location and lay-out plans of such sites shall be submitted by the Contractor prior to their
establishment and will be approved by the Engineer.
iii) Contractor shall ensure that all vehicle/machinery and equipment operation, maintenance and
refueling will be carried out in such a fashion that spillage of fuels and lubricants does not
contaminate the ground.
iv) Contractor shall arrange for collection, storing and disposal of oily wastes to the pre-identified
disposal sites (list to be submitted to Engineer) and approved by the Engineer. All spills and
collected petroleum products will be disposed off in accordance with MoEF and state PCB
v) Engineer will certify that all arrangements comply with the guidelines of PCB/ MoEF or any
other relevant laws.
1.20 Flora and The contractor will take reasonable precaution to prevent his workmen or any other Contractor/ COC
Chance found persons from removing and damaging any flora (plant/vegetation) and fauna (animal)
Fauna including fishing in any water body and hunting of any animal.
If any wild animal is found near the construction site at any point of time, the contractor
will immediately upon discovery thereof acquaint the Engineer and carry out the
Engineer's instructions for dealing with the same.
The Engineer will report to the near by forest office (range office or divisional office)
and will take appropriate steps/ measures, if required in consultation with the forest
1.21 Chance Found All fossils, coins, articles of value of antiquity, structures and other remains or things of Contractor/ COC
Archaeologica geological or archaeological interest discovered on the site shall be the property of the
l Property Government and shall be dealt with as per provisions of the relevant legislation.
The contractor will take reasonable precautions to prevent his workmen or any other
persons from removing and damaging any such article or thing. He will, immediately
upon discovery thereof and before removal acquaint the Engineer of such discovery and

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
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carry out the SC's instructions for dealing with the same, waiting which all work shall be
The Engineer will seek direction from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) before
instructing the Contractor to recommence the work in the site.
1.22 Disposal of oil A suitable site should be identified for safe disposal / without contaminating the source, in Contractor/ COC
and grease relatively low lying areas, away from the water bodies etc., as approved by the Engineer & as per
specific procedures.

1.23 Safety Aspects i) Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent the accidents and from the machineries. All Contractor
machines used shall confirm to the relevant Indian standards Code and shall be regularly
inspected by the COC.
ii) Where loose soil is met with, shoring and strutting shall be provided to avoid collapse of soil.
iii) Protective footwear and protective goggles to all workers employed on mixing of materials
like cement, concrete etc.
iv) Welder's protective eye-shields shall be provided to workers who are engaged in welding
v) Earplugs shall be provided to workers exposed to loud noise, and workers working in
crushing, compaction, or concrete mixing operation.
vi) The contractor shall supply all necessary safety appliances such as safety goggles, helmets,
safety belts, ear plugs, mask etc to workers and staffs.
vii) The contractor will comply with all the precautions as required for ensuring the safety of the
workmen as per the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention No. 62 as far as those
are applicable to this contract.
viii) The contractor will make sure that during the construction work all relevant provisions of
the Factories Act, 1948 and the Building and other Construction Workers (regulation of
Employment and Conditions of Services) Act, 1996 are adhered to.
ix) The contractor shall not employ any person below the age of 14 years for any work and no
woman will be employed on the work of painting with products containing lead in any form.

1.24 Risk from The Contractor shall take all required precautions to prevent danger from electrical equipment and Contractor
Electrical ensure that -
Equipment(s) i) No material will be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or inconvenience to any person or
the public.

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
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ii) All necessary fencing and lights will be provided to protect the public in construction zones.
iii) All machines to be used in the construction will conform to the relevant Indian Standards (IS)
codes, will be free from patent defect, will be kept in good working order, will be regularly
inspected and properly maintained as per IS provision and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
1.25 First Aid The contractor shall arrange for: Contractor
i) A readily available first aid unit including an adequate supply of sterilized dressing materials
and appliances as per the Factories Rules in every work zone
ii) Availability of suitable transport at all times to take injured or sick person(s) to the nearest

1.26 Informatory The contractor shall provide, erect and maintain informatory/safety signs, hoardings Contractor/ COC
Signs and written in English and local language, wherever required or as suggested by the
Hoardings Engineer.

1.27 Disposal of The excavated /desilted material shall be disposed off without any accumulation. The soil Contractor / COC
desilted / excavated from the canal and river shall be tested for quality, adequately treated with methods like
excavated bioremediation and proper reuse option explored. The rest may be safely disposed.
material, The disposal shall be done in the existing dump yards of Chennai Corporation at Kodungaiyur and
construction Perungudi or any other site identified by Chennai Corporation.
and other waste. The following shall be ensured during silt disposal
(a) The dumping does not impact natural drainage courses
(b) No endangered / rare flora is impacted by such dumping
(c) Settlement area located at least 1.0 km away from the site.
(d) Should be located in non residential areas located in the down wind side
(e) located at least 100m from the designated forest land.
(f) avoid disposal on productive land.
(g) should be located with the consensus of the local community, in consultation with the
(h) All vehicles delivering material to the site shall be covered to avoid material spillage.
1.28 Clearing of i) Contractor to prepare site restoration plans, the plan is to be implemented by the contractor Prospective
construction prior to demobilization.

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
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camps and ii) On completion of the works, all temporary structures will be cleared away, all rubbish cleared, contractor
restoration excreta or other disposal pits or trenches filled in and effectively sealed off and the site left
clean and tidy, at the contractor’s expenses, to the entire satisfaction of the engineer.


Sl.no Potential Mitigation Measures Responsible
Impact agencies
2.1 Maintenance i) It shall be ensured by the COC that drains are not clogged. The following practices COC
should be adopted in maintaining storm water drains:
ii) Drains shall be regularly inspected and cleaned especially prior to monsoons.
iii) All damaged or missing drain covers should be replaced immediately
iv) Rubbish and silt that has been removed from the drainage system should not be left
alongside the drain and shall be immediately disposed in pre-identified site with
necessary precautions
2.2 Impairment of i) Avoid mixing of wastewater from household, commercial, industrial and other COC
receiving establishments.
water quality ii) Provision for connecting domestic liquid waste to sewerage system is to be made
due to mixing during drain construction to avoid mixing of wastewater.
of waste water iii) Periodical monitoring shall be carried out and sources of wastes/ effluent etc are to
be identified by the COC. COC may initiate action to ensure proper linking of such
connections to other waste disposal systems and it shall be ensured that the drains
carry only the rainwater.
iv) In case of any industrial effluent identified, necessary action be taken in co-
ordination with the TNPCB.
2.3 Nuisance due i) Ensure timely desilting of drains COC
to clogging of ii) Create awareness among the people not to throw garbage and other waste into the
drains, drains
formation of

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
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grounds etc.,
2.4 Disposal of i) Mixing of wastewater from households, commercial, industrial and other COC
stormwater establishments will be avoided through improved sewerage system in the project area
through periodical monitoring of water quality.
ii) Possibility of reusing the stormwater for secondary uses with minimum treatment shall be
explored and implemented.
2.5 Tree Planting & i) Plantation of trees shall be carried out along the streets of Manapakkam, Mugalivakkam, COC
Protection Ramapuram, Padikuppam, Nolumbur and Ambattur etc or any other place possible like parks
in the nearby areas.
ii) Masonry tree guards, Low level RCC tree guards, Circular Iron Tree Guard with Bars, use of
plate compactors near trees may also be considered where necessary.
iii) Growth and survival of trees planted shall be ensured and monitoring done at least for a
period of 3 years. Survival status shall be monitored on monthly basis by Engineer in-charge.
2.6 Flood Flood management system may be developed with forecasting and warning to protect areas prone COC
management to flooding and action be taken as necessary, like bailing out of water, relocation of residents to
other locations etc.

2.7 Solid waste i) Provide additional bins in critical locations COC

Management ii) Ensure frequent collection and disposal of waste
iii) Carryout periodical awareness programmes to educate the public / stakeholders

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
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Environmental Monitoring Plan

To monitor the extent of environmental impact of the proposed /implemented project, the
contractor has to periodically monitor the ambient environmental quality along the proposed
project area. The monitoring requirement for the different environmental components is
presented in table below
Environmental Monitoring Plan

Air Quality Monitoring

Project stage Construction
Parameter SPM, RPM, SO2, NOx, CO and Pb
Sampling Method Use method specified by CPCB for analysis
Standards Ambient Air Quality Standards, CPCB, 1994, Air (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act,1981
Frequency Once every season except monsoon during construction period
Duration As per CPCB guidelines for monitoring
Location Sensitive locations, especially in the downwind direction along the
Measures Wherever air pollution parameters increase above specified standards,
additional measures as decided by the engineer shall be adopted
Implementation Contractor through approved monitoring agencies
Supervision COC

Water quality Monitoring

Project stage Construction & Operation period (as agreed)
Parameter Parameters for Surface water quality standards (IS; 2296)
Water pH, TDS, Total hardness, Sulphate, Fluorides, Chloride, Fe, Pb for
Sampling Method Grab sample to be collected and analysis as per Standard Methods for
Examination of water and Waste water.
Standards Indian standards for Inland Surface Water (IS; 2296, 1982) and for
Drinking water (IS; 10500,1991)
Frequency Once every season during construction and during operation period.
Duration Grab sampling
Location Locations representing water quality in the drain and ground water
Measures At locations of variation in water quality/increased pollution, remedial
measures to be adopted /all inflow channels shall be checked for
pollution loads
Implementation Contractor through approved monitoring agencies
Supervision COC
Noise Level Monitoring
Project stage Construction
Parameter Noise levels on dB (A) scale.
Special guidance • Free field at 1 m from the equipments whose noise level are being
• Equivalent noise levels using an integrated noise level meter kept at a
distance of 15m from edge of pavement
Standards National Ambient Air Quality Standards in respect of Noise, Noise

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000

Frequency Seasonal during construction period.
Duration Reading to be taken at 15 seconds interval for 15 minutes every hour
and then averaged
Location • Wherever the contractor decides to locate the equipment yard.
• At sensitive locations such as school, hospitals etc along the alignment.
Measures In case of noise levels causing disturbance to the sensitive receptors,
management measures as suggested in the EMP shall be carried out.
Implementation Contractor through approved monitoring agencies
Supervision COC
Soil Quality Monitoring
Project stage Construction & Operation (as agreed)
Parameter Soil quality parameters (Pb, SAR and Oil & Grease, monitoring silt for
presence of toxic metals , etc)
Sampling Method • Sample of soil collected to be acidified and analysed using absorption
Standards Threshold for each contaminated set by IRIS database of USEPA until
national standards are promulgated
Frequency • During the pre monsoon post monsoon seasons each year for the entire
construction and operation phase
Duration Grab sampling
Location • At sample locations in the receiving waterbodies, at the places of
dumping silt, excavated earth.
Measures At location of increased in pollution levels, source shall be identified
and measures adopted.
Implementation Contractor through approved monitoring agencies
Supervision COC

Apart form the above mentioned monitoring requirements, any major accidents /spillage
during bulk transport of hazardous materials by the contractor, depending on the type of
spillages / accidents, the parameters to be monitored will be decided by the engineer and
should be carried out by the contractor through approved monitoring agencies and supervised
by the Implementing agency at their own cost.
Formats for reporting / monitoring the progress / parameters achieved will be finalized in
consultation with the successful bidder.
Environmental Compliance Report
The contractor shall submit a monthly progress report as per the reporting format approved by
the Engineer on the status of the implementation of the EMP and get it duly approved by the
Engineer for its compliance and for proceeding with the work. The Engineer and the
Environmental and Social Safeguard (ESS) Manager, who will have access and authority to
monitor the status based on the same and for which necessary facilities shall be made by the

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

Cost estimates for Environmental Management Plan:

The budget proposed for implementation of environmental management measures

proposed in the ISWD in extended areas of COC are given in Table below.

Table 7.2 Cost estimate for EMP for drains flowing into Cooum River

Sl.No Management Activities Unit Rate Amount, Reference to

(Rs.) BOQ/ Estimate

A- During Construction Phase

1. Sprinkling of water on the exposed site and LS - It is included as
dust suppression barrios to minimize the a part of work to
generation of dust and respirable suspended done in SI No 2
particulate matters - of BOQ
2. Compensatory plantation after the completion of LS - 1,90,000Included in EMP cost a
the activity (plantation of 190 trees and No 12 of Abstract Cost
landscaping works) including maintenance estimate of Adayar basi
during O&M Responsible of CoC
3. Provision of temporary barriers and proper LS - 19,20,000 Included as SI
signage for avoiding traffic congestion including No 14 of
traffic management measures Abstract Cost
estimate of
Adayar basin,
Responsible of
4. Lead and lift for excavated silts up to dumpingconsidered in CoC
Included in SI No
area the main 13 of BOQ
project cost
5. Provision of Proper drainage, sanitation along LS - Included in
with water supply and temporary camps for conditions of
habitation of labours contract

6. Provision for temporary arrangements to cross considered in Included in as SI

drains during execution the main 89,00,000 No 15 of
project cost Abstract Cost
estimate of
Adayar basin,
Responsible of
7. Provision of Flap gates (where FSL of receiving To be fixed 23,00,000 CoCIncluded in as
body is higher) wherever SI No8 of
necessary Abstract Cost
estimate of
Adayar basin,
8. Provision for rain water harvesting along the considered in Responsible ofNo
Included in SI
alignment of drains the main 10 of BOQ
project cost

9. Environmental Monitoring

(i). 8 hourly Air Quality Monitoring (2 Monitoring Market Rs.15000/ 240000Included in EMP cost a
stations in project area) four times during Rate sample No 12 of Abstract Cost
construction period (Total No. of Samples at 8 estimate of Adayar basi
Nos. Two stations =16) Responsible of

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
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(ii). Noise level Monitoring twice in a day ( at 5 Market Rs.500 for 300000Included in EMP cost a
locations including construction sites) six times Rate each No 12 of Abstract Cost
during construction period monitoring estimate of Adayar basi
Responsible of
(iii). Water Quality Monitoring ( at 2 Monitoring Market Rs.10000/ 960000Included in EMP cost a
station per water shed in the project area) twelve Rate sample No 12 of Abstract Cost
times during construction period (Total No. of estimate of Adayar basi
Samples at 4 per watershed . TOTAL= 96 Responsible of
(iv). Soil Quality Monitoring ( 10 stations per Market Rs. 8000/ 960000Included in EMP cost a
watershed of the project area including the silt Rate sample No 12 of Abstract Cost
dumping area, three times during construction estimate of Adayar basi
period (Total No. of Samples at 30 nos. per Responsible of
water shed = 120) CoC
B During Operational Phase
10. Lead for disposal of wastes / silt from the drains considered in
the Operation
11. Environmental Monitoring
(i). Water Quality Monitoring (at 3 Monitoring Market Rs.10000/ 180000
stations in the project area) twice after Rate sample
construction period (Total No. of Samples at
6Nos. per zone=18 )
(ii). Soil Quality Monitoring (4 stations of the project Market Rs. 8000/ 96000
area including the silt dumping area, once after Rate sample
construction period (Total No. of Samples at
4Nos. per zone=12 )

12. Training programs for the labourers LS 500000Included in EMP cost a

No 12 of Abstract Cost
estimate of Adayar basi
Responsible of
13. PPEs for the labourers LS CoC
100000Included in EMP cost a
No 12 of Abstract Cost
estimate of Adayar basi
Responsible of
14. Public Awareness and Capacity Building LS - CoC
1000000Included in EMP cost a
No 12 of Abstract Cost
estimate of Adayar basi
Responsible of
Total (A+B) 17646000
Sub-Total - EMP Cost 42,50,000

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

Table 7.3 Cost estimate for EMP for drains flowing into Adayar River

Sl.No Management Activities Unit Rate Amount, Reference to

(Rs.) BOQ/ Estimate

A- During Construction Phase

1. Sprinkling of water on the exposed site and LS - It is included as
dust suppression barrios to minimize the a part of work to
generation of dust and respirable suspended done in SI No 2
particulate matters - of BOQ
2. Compensatory plantation after the completion of LS - 2,20,000Included in EMP cost a
the activity (plantation of 220 trees and No 12 of Abstract Cost
landscaping works) including maintenance estimate of Adayar basi
during O&M Responsible of CoC
3. Provision of temporary barriers and proper LS - 9,00,000 Included as SI
signage for avoiding traffic congestion including No 14 of
traffic management measures Abstract Cost
estimate of
Adayar basin,
Responsible of
4. Lead and lift for excavated silts up to dumpingconsidered in CoC
Included in SI No
area the main 13 of BOQ
project cost
5. Provision of Proper drainage, sanitation along LS - Included in
with water supply and temporary camps for conditions of
habitation of labours contract

6. Provision for temporary arrangements to cross considered in Included in as SI

drains during execution the main 20,00,000 No 15 of
project cost Abstract Cost
estimate of
Adayar basin,
Responsible of
7. Provision of Flap gates (where FSL of receiving To be fixed 46,80,000 CoCIncluded in as
body is higher) wherever SI No8 of
necessary Abstract Cost
estimate of
Adayar basin,
8. Provision for rain water harvesting along the considered in Responsible ofNo
Included in SI
alignment of drains the main 10 of BOQ
project cost

9. Environmental Monitoring

(v). 8 hourly Air Quality Monitoring (2 Monitoring Market Rs.15000/ 240000Included in EMP cost a
stations in project area) four times during Rate sample No 12 of Abstract Cost
construction period (Total No. of Samples at 8 estimate of Adayar basi
Nos. Two stations =16) Responsible of
(vi). Noise level Monitoring twice in a day ( at 5 Market Rs.500 for 300000Included in EMP cost a
locations including construction sites) six times Rate each No 12 of Abstract Cost
during construction period monitoring estimate of Adayar basi
Responsible of

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
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(vii). Water Quality Monitoring ( at 2 Monitoring Market Rs.10000/ 720000Included in EMP cost a
station per water shed in the project area) twelve Rate sample No 12 of Abstract Cost
times during construction period (Total No. of estimate of Adayar basi
Samples at 4 per watershed . TOTAL= 72 Responsible of
(viii).Soil Quality Monitoring ( 10 stations per Market Rs. 8000/ 720000Included in EMP cost a
watershed of the project area including the silt Rate sample No 12 of Abstract Cost
dumping area, three times during construction estimate of Adayar basi
period (Total No. of Samples at 30 nos. per Responsible of
water shed = 90) CoC
B During Operational Phase
10. Lead for disposal of wastes / silt from the drains considered in
the Operation
11. Environmental Monitoring
(iii). Water Quality Monitoring (at 3 Monitoring Market Rs.10000/ 180000
stations in the project area) twice after Rate sample
construction period (Total No. of Samples at
6Nos. per zone=18 )
(iv). Soil Quality Monitoring (4 stations of the project Market Rs. 8000/ 96000
area including the silt dumping area, once after Rate sample
construction period (Total No. of Samples at
4Nos. per zone=12 )

12. Training programs for the labourers LS 500000 Included in EMP cost a
No 12 of Abstract Cost
estimate of Adayar basi
Responsible of
13. PPEs for the labourers LS CoC
100000Included in EMP cost a
No 12 of Abstract Cost
estimate of Adayar basi
Responsible of
14. Public Awareness and Capacity Building LS - CoC
1000000Included in EMP cost a
No 12 of Abstract Cost
estimate of Adayar basi
Responsible of
Total (A+B) 11656000
Sub-Total - EMP Cost 38,00,000

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC


Public Disclosure:

The first draft of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA) and the Executive
Summary have been disclosed in the websites of the Corporation of Chennai (26.11.2014) and
TNUIFSL (24.11.2014).
The links are as below:
Corporation of Chennai

Public Consultations:
During the initial surveys conducted during DPR preparation, brief discussions have been carried
out in the project area. However currently, consultations are proposed to be conducted in the
project area in the form of Focused Group Discussion (FGD). The methodology and number of
FGDs are planned as below:

1. Consultation with People including PAFs in Part of Zone VII of Chennai Corporation
2. Consultation with People including PAFs in Part of Zone XI of Chennai Corporation
3. Consultation with People including PAFs in Part of Zone XI of Chennai Corporation
4. Consultation with People including PAFs in Part of Zone XII of Chennai Corporation
5. Consultation with Women and Women Headed PAFs in Zone VII & XI
6. Consultation with Women and Women Headed PAFs in Zone XI & XII

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC



The sub project involves improvements to the canal and construction of storm water drains. As the
construction of storm water drains in the road sides and the roads are owned and maintained by the
corporation there is no social impacts. However, the social impacts are visible in the canals and
hence covered in the socio economic survey. The canals covered are Nandampakkam canal,
Padikuppam Canal, Nolambur Canal and Ambattur SIDCO canal. The total length of these canals
is about 11.05 kilometres.

It has been identified that the project involves resettlement of about 467 Project Affected Families
and hence is classified as S1 Category. The project requires Social Impact Assessment and
Resettlement Action Plan as per ESMF.

Social Impact Assessment has been carried out as required and the details are available in the
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) prepared for ISWD to COC.

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
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10.1 Corporation of Chennai has proposed to take up the Integrated Storm Water Drainage
(ISWD) project for the expanded areas of Chennai Corporation.
10.2 The sub project will be implemented by the Storm Water Drain Department of the
Chennai Corporation.
10.3 Under TNSUDP, the storm water drainage network in the drains flowing into Adayar
and Cooum Rivers are proposed to be taken up in a total of 39 packages. The ISWD
works for drainage at an estimated cost of Rs.1104.43 crores.
10.4 The works for drainage network in Adayar basin are proposed under 9 packages for a
total length of 82311m. This includes as a separate package the Nandambakkam canal
for a length of 3669m.
10.5 The works for drainage network in Cooum basin are proposed under 30 packages for a
total length of 188015 m. This includes the Padikuppam canal (2778m), Korattur
TNHB canal (1927m), Ambattur SIDCO canal (1061m), and Nolumbur canal (2390m)
as four separate packages.
10.6 Project Management Consultants (PMC) will be appointed by the CoC. At present it is
proposed to engage two PMC agencies for managing ISWD Project.
10.7 The Chennai Corporation proposed to appoint Environmental and Social Safeguards
specialists for ensuring adoption and compliance of ESMF.
10.8 The Environmental Management Plan identified for the construction will be included in
the bid documents for ensuring implementation of the environmental safeguards. The
management measures identified for the operation phase will be taken up by the CoC
upon completion of construction activities.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
10.9 The Corporation of Chennai will have the following mechanism to address the
grievance of the project affected. The details of the Project Level Grievance Redressal
Committee are as follows:
Grievance Redressal Committee:
The Commissioner
The Zonal Officer /Regional Deputy Commissioners of CoC
A person of Local refute
Elected representative of the Ward

10.10 All the grievances relating to the implementation of Integrated Storm Water Drain shall
be handled by the Zonal Officers/ Regional Deputy Commissioners of the respective
zones of the project area.
10.11 COC shall submit monthly reports on the status of compliance with the ESMF
requirements to TNUIFSL.

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

Annexure I Suggested list of species for plantation

Flame tree : Delonix regia is a species of flowering plant in the

family Fabaceae, subfamily Caesalpinioideae. It is noted for its
fern-like leaves and flamboyant display of flowers. In many
tropical parts of the world it is grown as an ornamental tree and in
English it is given the name Royal Poinciana or Flamboyant. It is
Gulmohar also one of several trees known as Flame tree.

In Nepal,India and Pakistan it is known as Gulmohar.

It requires a tropical or near-tropical climate, but can tolerate drought and salty conditions. The
tree is most commonly propagated by seeds.

The tree sheds large woody pods and brittle branches that get broken off in the wind due to weak



Royal poinciana gets 30-40 ft (9.1-12.2 m) tall, but its elegant wide-spreading umbrella-like
canopy can be wider than its height.
Royal poinciana has shallow, wide-spreading roots that will not allow
under planting and the roots can be a threat to building foundations and
sidewalks.. Seedlings will come up all around the tree. the pods are used
for fuel and called "woman's tongue" because of the rattling noise they
make when the wind blows them

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
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Golden Flamboyant, Yellow Flamboyant, Yellow Flame Tree, Yellow
Poinciana, Perunkonrai in Tamil

a popularly ornamental tree grown around the world.

The trees have been planted alternately in India as a common scheme

for avenue trees in India alternately with Delonix regia (Gulmohur) to
give a striking yellow and red effect in summer, as has been done on
on Hughes road in Mumbai.

Yellow Yellow Poinciana is a wonderful shade or specimen tree for a large

landscape, especially when in full bloom, and it can make a street tree
Gulmohar as long as it receives regular pruning to control its weedy,

Flowering season

May through September

Trees begin to flower after

about four years

The dark green, delicate, feathery leaflets provide a softening effect for the tree’s large size and create a
welcoming, dappled shade.
The entire tree’s canopy is smothered with a yellow blanket of flowers, appearing in showy, terminal
panicles and exuding a delicious, grape-like perfume.
The wood has a wide variety of uses, including cabinet-making and the foliage is used as a fodder crop
Breakage: susceptible to breakage ;weak and tends to break

Plant only single-trunked trees along streets and other public areas to ensure a durable plant.

Spathodea campanulata, Bignoniaceae commonly

known as
Fountain Tree,
African Tulip Tree,
Rudra Palash, Pichkari or Nandi Flame

It is a tree that grows between 7–25 m (23–82 ft) tall

This tree is planted extensively as an ornamental

tree throughout the tropics and is much appreciated for

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

its very showy reddish-orange or crimson (rarely

yellow), campanulate flowers
Honey suckle
Spathodea campanulata

The tree
blooms in the
month of
August and
and last for a
couple of

• As Food: The seeds are edible and used in many

parts of Africa.
• As Timber: In its original habitat, the soft, light
brownish-white wood is used for carving and
making drums.
• As Poison: The hard central portion of the fruit is
used to kill animals.
• As Medicine: The bark has laxative and antiseptic
) properties, and the seeds, flowers and roots are used
as medicine.

• The bark is chewed and sprayed over swollen cheeks. The bark may also be boiled in water used
for bathing newly born babies to heal body rashes.
• Spathodea campanulata Beauv. is an important plant widely used in traditional medicine in
Africa and the therapeutic uses include
• aids, anti-inflammatory and hypoglycemic activities
• The natural dye was obtained from different solvent extracts of Spathodea campanulata flowers.

State flower of Kerala in India ;

a popular ornamental plant and is an herbal medicine

small tree with less branches

The flowers are of ritual importance in the Vishu festival

of the Kerala state
the tree was depicted on a 20 Indian rupees stamp
Cassia acutifolia, the pudding-pipe tree, furnishes the
cassia pods of commerce.
Sarakondrai The streets of old Delhi and the other parts of India can
be seen with full bloom of thousands of golden yellow
Cassia fistula, Fabaceae
known as the golden shower tree

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In Ayurvedic medicine, golden shower tree is known as aragvadha, meaning "disease killer". The root is
considered a very strong purgative, and self-medication or any use without medical supervision is strongly
advised against in Ayurvedic texts.

flowering in

Indian Lilac
Neem, Azadirachta indica

The tender shoots and flowers of the neem tree are eaten as a vegetable in India
Neem leaves are dried in India and placed in cupboards to prevent insects eating the clothes and also
while storing rice in tins.
Neem leaves are dried and burnt in the tropical regions to keep away mosquitoes

fruits and seeds are the source of neem oil

Flowering April- May

Neem products are believed by Ayurvedic practitioners to be anthelmintic, antifungal, antidiabetic,

antibacterial, antiviral, contraceptive and sedative.[6] It is considered a major component in Ayurvedic and
Unani medicine and is particularly prescribed for skin diseases

Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
Draft EA for ISWD to expanded areas of CoC

1.Arali, Nerium oleander; Apocynaceae

Nerium oleander is an evergreen shrub or small tree
Oleander grows to 2–6 m (6.6–20 ft) tall, with spreading to erect
The leaves are in pairs or whorls of three, thick and leathery,
dark green, narrow lanceolate, 5–21 cm (2.0–8.3 in) long and 1–
3.5 cm (0.39–1.4 in) broad, and with an entire margin.
The flowers grow in clusters at the end of each branch; they are
white, pink, red or yellow, 2.5–5 cm (0.98–2.0 in) diameter, with
a deeply 5-lobed corolla with a fringe round the central corolla
Oleander grows well in warm subtropical regions, where it is
extensively used as an ornamental plant in landscapes, parks,
and along roadsides.
It is drought tolerant
Mainly grown on road to avoid overview by drivers of
vehicles and to reduce road hurdles as in tree branch


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