Dominant Knights: 13 Nc5 With The Idea of Playing Ne4
Dominant Knights: 13 Nc5 With The Idea of Playing Ne4
Dominant Knights: 13 Nc5 With The Idea of Playing Ne4
When studying different middlegames, I’ve come to the conclusion that sometimes there are pieces on the
board that shouldn’t be moved. A sort of a permanent status in the game that, if you are on the favorable
side you should make the maximum effort to maintain. Common situations are when a knight is better
than a bishop in the middlegame.
For example, a strong knight in the center, who is under pressure to find counterplay. What
placed on a square of a different color from our is the best plan for black? Wang Hao
opponent’s bishop is an asset that will last played 13…Nc5 with the idea of playing Ne4.
throughout the game and there is very little our This looks normal, but white can get rid of black’s
opponent can do to change the state of play. He night on e4 anytime as it happened later.
can always sacrifice material like throw an
exchange to get rid of such piece, but then the
material advantage element comes in.
Needless to say, that this type of situations
should be avoided, that’s why it is very important
to evaluate correctly every piece trade we make.
For example, let’s have a look at this recent
game by Areschenko and Wang Hao played in
Romania just a few weeks ago: