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Dominant Knights: 13 Nc5 With The Idea of Playing Ne4

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Dominant Knights

When studying different middlegames, I’ve come to the conclusion that sometimes there are pieces on the
board that shouldn’t be moved. A sort of a permanent status in the game that, if you are on the favorable
side you should make the maximum effort to maintain. Common situations are when a knight is better
than a bishop in the middlegame.

For example, a strong knight in the center, who is under pressure to find counterplay. What
placed on a square of a different color from our is the best plan for black? Wang Hao
opponent’s bishop is an asset that will last played 13…Nc5 with the idea of playing Ne4.
throughout the game and there is very little our This looks normal, but white can get rid of black’s
opponent can do to change the state of play. He night on e4 anytime as it happened later.
can always sacrifice material like throw an
exchange to get rid of such piece, but then the
material advantage element comes in.
Needless to say, that this type of situations
should be avoided, that’s why it is very important
to evaluate correctly every piece trade we make.
For example, let’s have a look at this recent
game by Areschenko and Wang Hao played in
Romania just a few weeks ago:

This is the position after move 24. Here white

played 25.Bxe4 dxe4 26.Rg3 and black is much
worse. Note how passive the bishop on b7 is and
how strong the knight on e5. Black’s main
problem is that he can’t change that for the rest
of the game. Areschenko went on to win
If we look deeper into what happened, we should
probably look back at the first diagram and doubt
the plan with 13…Nc5. Instead, black should
Black to move
probably try 13…Nb8! Followed by 14…Nc6 with
A typical scenario from the French Defense. The more chances to keep the balance. This great
position should be about equal. If anything, game was fully analyzed and you can find it here.
white’s advantage is minimal due to the more
active pieces and space advantage. It is black
The idea of piece domination is very useful, even
in winning situations. In one of my recent games
we arrived to the following position:
Now c5 is under control but the idea I had in
mind was too meet 40…c5 with 41.Rxf8! Strange
to be winning so comfortably and then sacrifice
an exchange, right? The point is that after black
recaptures on f8 41…Rxf8 42.Nxc5 Rbf7
43.Rf1 white’s advantage is beyond question.

White is clearly winning, pawn up, better pawn

structure, safer king, every aspect of the game is
better for him. However, a couple of drawbacks
are the awkward rook on f6 and the queen on a5.
Looking for moves that black could play to create
counterplay I was able to find the best move for
white. Black could try c5 creating weakness on
My knight on c5 would be dominant and now I
b4, opening the C file for his queen, connecting
can wonder with my queen and attack black’s
the rook on b7 with the kingside. Therefore I
weak pawns while he can’t do anything at all.
played 40.Nb3!
This did not happen in the game as my opponent
did not play 40…c5. Nevertheless the analysis is
worth checking out.
Another example is often found in the Catalan
endgame. Let’s have a look at the next diagram:

The position is close to equality; neither side has

big weaknesses and the material is even. Both
sides have active pieces too. This is a general
evaluation of the position. However, the game is
far from over and any experienced player would
agree that white’s position is slightly better, due
to the weakness of black’s queenside (c5 square,
a6 pawn). Here Andersson with the white pieces
went 19.Nxc5 Qxe5 20.Nd3 Qd6
21.Rac1 reaching the next diagram:

White has set up a magic fortress. The knight on

d3 is very strong and it will stay there for the rest
of the game dominating the center and the
square c5. Next phase for white is to improve the
position of his queen and start attacking black’s
queenside. It is true that black also has a strong
knight in the center, but it is not a permanent
element as white can attack it by e4 (a move that
white doesn’t want to play until the endgame
because the pawn on e2 supports the knight on
d3) and most importantly, the knight on d5
doesn’t attack anything. The rest of the game is
very instructive.
We hope you have enjoyed the explanations given above and they will serve you to evaluate better the
middlegame. It is important to always consider the static elements in every position either in favor or

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