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5 BY LANGUAGE WANTED a b'ful & edu girl

नवभारत टाइ स, गुड़गांव, रिववार, 8 फरवरी 2015

SM4 GB girl 27.8.82, 1:30 pm,

for 01/11/77 born smart CA Delhi,Adi,5'4",CA(Inter)MBA
boy time 8:30 birth place Agra wkg Noida seeks qlfd M/ NM
wkg in Dubai.#09690944124 E: stld boy from NCR.9211422393
[email protected] Em: [email protected]

BY NATIONALITY SM4 SPB girl 28 NM v.fair

BENG. Kay Sandly fair boy 5'2" BA(H) Eng comp.dip.
28/5'5" B.Tech MBA wkg Asst. wrkg MNC Gurgaon reply
Mgr Rptd Co. NCR 6 LPA seek M:9871675307 E:hari.r
fair Qlfd girl. M:9451847130, [email protected]

PQSM4 GB Vats 30 / 5'10" PQM4 SP,Madhya 26/5'4",B.

LKO based Syed h'some boy PUNJABI Brahmin US citi- B'ful Commercial Pilot in Jet
Des.Ggn Prodct Designr Setld
32/5'8" B.Tech Mngr,Top MNC zen boy 43/5'7" LLM, JD, wkg in Bhopal Mob:09425006386/
Airways 33+LPA, uper caste 09300070176/08463083946 Em :
12 LPA seeks B'ful Conv. Edu. in bank, legally divorced,7
SM4 Rjp B.Tech (IIT) MBA, yr son. Interested can send
no bar, fthr engr 09411902926 [email protected]
MFE US 30/5'8" wkg VP (US) Deendar girl. # 08588877569, Email: [email protected]
E: [email protected] BHP [email protected]
seeks smart, b'ful conv. edu.
tall girl willing to move US.
Caste no bar. kishoresingh B'FUL fair NM Br. girl 28/
[email protected] 9415185465 5'4" BE SWEngr wkg MNC, Fr.
Del. NCR bsd fmly. 9873038381
PQM4 h'some Bais Rajput E: [email protected]
(AFMC) Air Force Office P.C.
Officer seeks fair tall b'ful SM4 Mglk Goel Fair boy 5'7"
Medico/ Dentist # 9412272597 SM4 KKB b'ful, fair girl GAUR Br sept 89/5'5" Bsc
14.10.1980,9:50 am, Graduate PQM4 a KP Brahmin boy MBA fair slim girl asst mgr
[email protected] wrkng in (P) Ltd. seeks b'ful Aadi/ Upmanu 5'4" July 87/
(legally divorced - issueless) M.D.(Obs/Gyn) IInd Yr seeks Govt bank Jaipur. Pref govt
smart wrkg or homely girl. 33 yrs., 6ft. Double Degree in ser cls w'setld boy 9887708764,
PQM4 Jat Smrt Boy Nov'86/ Call:9212252774, 9211559293.
SM4 Kays 27/5'8" convent similar profile/ IAS/ IPS
edu Pysothrpst boy wrkg own Engg. + Commerce and PG in Mob: 09412374654,09454146907 [email protected]
5'10", B.E.(CS),MBA, consultt Chem. Engg. Well established
Infosys. Father Retd. Class-I Clinic 8 LPA. Only son seeks
b'ful edu girl. Mob: Sr. Elec. & Controls Engr. in a
officer,pref.Haryana & Delhi. SUITABLE Match for leading MNC in Perth. Caste BHATT BR Mglk Girl 25 Oct
Cont: 9891857008 / 9711490065 Sunni Muslim 48 yrs IPS, 9935820800, 9336335997. PQM4 b'ful fair Brahmin
no bar. Cont: +91 9971 866 988; 86/22:47/Del M-nadi 5'4", Fair girl NM, 29-03-79, 6AM MBA,
divorcee, 5'10" from Lko. [email protected] Slim, BA, Comp. N.wrkg cour- wrkg Sr.A/C in Gzb, pref,Loc.
Email: siddiquiferoz@ymail GURGAON Settled
MATCH for Jat Sikh Boy se Fthr C1-I Offr #09911156280 Delhi, NCR, M: 07042266264
.com Mob:9415307662 37 / 5"9" / 16 LPA. Graduate
27/6'-4" -Athletic Built, avid JADON Rajput 35/5'8" BHP : [email protected] [email protected]
& Good Looking Match SM4 PB. H'some boy 36/6'
sportsman. Only child of B.Tech IIT(R) , MS & Phd Software Engineer US citizen
senior serving Military (USA), wkg inUSA Sal: 1.3US$ Preferred. Email at:
SUNNI Sheikh Siddiqui MITTAL Gotra Ash Mang- [email protected] v.good salary,short marriage KKB Kashyap 26/5'6"fair
Officer. MS from USA and father Sr. Class I officer in h'some boy 34/5'9", Scientist before. Parents in Delhi. SM4 Gaur manglik / B.A
since then working as a lik boy 3/12/1991/9.04am, MSc Biotech convt edu wkg Hons.Brahmin,Girl,fair,slim
Cent. Govt. girl wkg/stdg in Govt. Job Seeks b'ful tall qlfd Em: [email protected] B'lore seeks boy stld in B'lore.
Mechanical Engineer in a USA Preferred. 0612-2213881. Delhi 5'2",12th pass,Mobile 28/08/1984, 2.05 pm, Delhi,
girl. Cont #08418995676. Em: Engineer,Contact: 9810751025 BRAHMIN 30/5'4'', H'some All Br accptd No dowry decnt
reputed firm in US-high E:[email protected] [email protected] B.Tech MBA wkg Dubai MNC 153cm, working MNC Ggn,
Salary. Seeks suitable, E: [email protected] mrg.Email:[email protected] Email:bharatlalitasharma14
Seeks B'ful, Edu. Girl from
Professionally qualified girl Rspt'le family. M:09958940522. @gmail.com, # 08860710440
with parents based in India. Em: [email protected] 25 /5'2" P.O. Govt. Bank b'ful
[email protected] pref. Govt. officer Saraswat SM4 Pb Br girl Feb 84/5'7"
BR mnglk boy M. 8439200117, PG wkg Del bsd Intl org pref GAUR Brahmin 27/8/1986
BENGALI BR Sandilya Email- mathurakrishnamtr@ Well placed prof Cosmo Hin- Time 10:30 AM, 5'4"extremely
VERY Fair H'some Divr. i'les 27/5'11" B.Tech/MBA wanted gmail.com du boy cultd fmly. # 981865- b'ful wkg as a Guest Teacher
28/5'10''/B.tech (IT) C.D.A.C. educated BR girl prefer 0610. E: [email protected] in Govt. of Del, 011-65882222
MNC GGN 5 LPA only son of N.Delhi/NCR Ph 9560595338 E: [email protected]
Retd. Govt. Off'cr house & flat SM4 JPR GB Slim B'ful 5'1"
in noida Agri land & house in Nov-85 MSc Madras School
W.U.P. Avoid Kalkhenda BY PROFESSION of Economics Business Ana- SM4 unmard KKB girl
Nirwal. M-9358163627 Em: lyst (Analytics) MNC Bang- Bhrdwj Antya 73 Born/5'4"
[email protected] lore 14 LPA Mb: 09717898231 Gori Ph.D (Phy) Lectr. pref
[email protected] KNP/Lcknow. # opshukla38@
MATCH for Hydrabad gmail.com Mob:9450131462.
SM4 Manglik Jat boy 28/5'4"
B.Com (DU) MBA of W.UP Based Nair Boy 37/5'10" 24 /5'2",B.Tech Smart Brah-
Edu. fmly wrkng rptd fin. Atham. Sr.Asst. Gen. Mgr. in min girl wkg MNC in GGN, UP based Brahmin Slim b'ful
compny Cont. 09219420080 E: a Top Real Estate Company
SM4 Army Major doing MD Caste No Bar Call 09703333777
4LPA,Seeks MNC wkg Match girl B.com CA/29/5'2" Wkg in
[email protected] Doctor Gupta Boy July85 Salary-8 & above #9810768064, CA firm,Fmly Stld Delhi All
Email-:[email protected] [email protected]
/5'5''. No Bar for Qualified Brahmin accepted 9899107985
Girl. Contact- 09313080780, E: [email protected]
PQM4 Jat 82/6' working in E-mail:- [email protected]
MNC. Father CL-I officer. PQM4 b'ful Girl A.mglk
Contact 09254880005. Em: Anty 14.7.85/5:27pm/KNP 5'4" SM4 Gaur Br b'ful, smart
[email protected] V. H'some Agarwal boy 87 bo- MBA wkg Top MNC 11 LPA SLIM Fair Delhi Bsd. Army girl, 159cm, 13.4.88am, BCA/
rn MD Radiodiagnosis Doon All Br. Erly mrg. 09005213849 Background, Convent Edu. MCA from Banasthali Vidya-
Scholar of V.V High Status S/W Engr. H'sm 32/5'9" BE/ [email protected] MA (Eng.) 26/5'3" BR. Girl. peeth, work exp. with Wipro
Doctors fmly. #07830594711.E: MS wkg in U.S.A raised in Pref Army/Def./Govt Officer seeks established b'sman /
BALLB, LLM, advocate [email protected] Delhi seeks P.Q Conv.-Edu Capt Sharma: 9871355969
license holder, h'sme boy 23 serviceman/ Army Officer.
Veg B'ful, Fair, Tall Girl Cont: 9411775245.
yrs, 5'11'' semi Govt job earn BHP: [email protected]
45000/pm, Haryanvi family at B'FUL &tall Dr. girl intrstd/ SM4 28/5'4" Shrimali girl,
Gujarat invites parents of wkg at US 4 fellow cardio(Bos- fair, b'ful, homely. MBA
b'ful edu. girl 09409564561 SM4 Fair H'some Boy 29/5'10 worked in MNC, Father Sr. SM4 Bhatt Brahmin girl 5'3''
ton) Pb 28/6'boy,Sis. fellow ra- BY CASTE June'87,MBA(HR), wkg MNC
diologist(US).9560424456 bhp: B.Tech IIT MBA IIM Wrkg. in Officer Jodhpur, 09829138960,
[email protected] fromGGN.#8285062384,966094
[email protected] MNC 35Lpa F'thr Devloper's 2665,9311365011,Email: sunil
SM4 6'/1985 Naval Officer. Caste No Bar#8602902072
Father Army Officer. Avoid [email protected]
Em: [email protected] BHARDWAJ B'ful 87/5'1"
Chhillar, Sangwan, Jakhar MEDICO/ Dentico/ Pqm4 GAUR Brahmin Madhya,
#09772301977, 09610567365 DOB - 13 dec 87, Place-buland- 24/5'4" 7LPA MBA wrkg. MNC
h'some Divorced (3 mts Mrg) shahr d.o.t 10-15 AM Conve
Br Ortho Surgeon Boy 5'9"/34 SM4 H'some,meritorious Gurgaon fair smart Lucknow
edu. llm & cs (result awaited) based family. #09307833665
yr (Look Much Younger) MS 5'5" (1.12.78,10:41:30PM
Em: sharma.kk855@gmail. [email protected]
From PGi Chd, wkg in Jaipur Bhopal) MBA Premier In-
as Consultant Em: Dashing stitute never married,Boy
[email protected] in Govt. of India (PSU) GOVT. Officer/PSU/DR/En
Class-I Sr Grade in New SANADYA Br 5'2"/June '83 match for KKB 1984/5'3"
Delhi,belonging to afflue- slim,sm'rt,b'ful veg hmly girl B.Tech, MBA, B'ful girl Asst.
SM4 Agarwal M.S. Eye 36/ nt high status family of B.Sc., MCA Father Engineer Prof. Govt Tech Pref KNP/-
SANADYA Br. Fair, B'ful,
5'3" Own N'Home Divorcee No bureaucrats/technocrats. Lko. [email protected] LKO/ALD. Father Bank Of- Slim 5'6" Feb 1988 Born NM
Issue. Prefer Dr., Caste No E: [email protected] 9450359223 All Br. BHP must. ficer. Mail:get.sunilmishra@ Girl IIT MBA Workng in MNC
Bar Email: akshat02agarwal gmail.com, 9236065666, 18 LPA E:maltichaturvedi20
@gmail.com #09258066570 @gmail.com M:09406955681
PQM 32yr from Del/NCR LOOKING tall hndsm well
willing to Settle Canada after qulfid settled Br boy 4 vry WANTED a bridegroom for
Mrge, 4 (SC,Jatav) Del Bsd bful highly edu 20.2.84/5'4" Br a B.Tech MBA (IIM-Ahmebad SM4 Tyagi Br B'ful Girl
Status fmly N/M, Unmrd only girl presdnt awarded gold ad) girl age 25 yrs. Height 5'4" 30/5'2.5" B.Tech S/WER MNC
Son 5'6", 22.11.77, 10:11am, medilist BEd ugc net up tet employed in reputed bank NCR . PL SND BHP to
Wrkg Auto Er. PR of Canada, phd Asst prof in pvt digree Bhumihar Brahmin, Gotra E: [email protected]
$ 4000 PM, Send BHP, Very colg E: shrmapriyanka0284@ Vatsa. Groom from North Ph:09897501659
Simple & Early Mrge. Write gmail.com # 09795029580 India prefered. # 09905808643
Box.No DEL231167C Times of
India, New Delhi - 110103 PQM4 KKB Shadilya Antya MATCH for B'ful 26 Yrs Ka-
12/2/83 164 cm b'ful fair girl nyakubj Brahmin girl 5'3"
BE SW prfsn wkg MNC rptd preferably PG Medico. Mob:
PQM4 h'some Arora boy fmly seeks h'some well 09616628842. Email:sudhansu
B.Tech MBA 5'8"/30 w'kg settled boy. Email:mishraraj [email protected]
MNC Del 20lpa edu & status [email protected] PQM 4 Gaur BR Girl 22.7.87
family frm S'Delhi mail: /5'6" B.Com, CA wrkg Corpo-
[email protected] GIRL 26/5'6" fair, doing PHD SM4 BR Kashyap divorcee rate GGN Pref CA from Dli/
b'ful girl 40/ 5'3"/ MBA/ NCR # 9213599791 E: satpal
(CS) IITB 3rd Yr hly edu fmly
seek PHD/MBA (IIM)/Dr. boy 1 daughter 10 yrs [email protected]
SM4 SC (Jatav), 29, 5'10", Caste no bar. # 09910056765 Contact: 09456813000 Mail -
B-Tech,MBA,Class-1 gazetted Em: [email protected] [email protected]
officer,fair, h'some boy,father H'SUM Br upto 37/5'7" UGC
retd. from govt. 0522-4050418,
MGLK Beng. Mahishya Boy çßvÜ梻 ç¼ËÜè âÚ·¤æÚ ×ð´ âÔßæÚÌ [email protected] SM4 b'ful 27/167/ 87/ 7am
KHAN 34/5'7" MBA Victoria Ofcr for V'b'ful KNP girl doi-
31/5'6" MCA wkg as T.L.(S/w »éŒÌæ ÌÜæ·¤àæé¼æ 36 ßáü ßÔÌÙ V'sity Australia stld & run'ng Agra Ansh Mglk Ph'sothrpst ng NET P.hD M:9451017955.
dev.)MNC Mumbai seeks b'ful wrkg Delhi, parents Bank,
edu girl blow 28.#09266408974 32000/- ç¼ËÜè çÙßæâè ¥ÂÙæ B'snsin Melborne 50 LPA fair Em:[email protected]
& h'some rptd Zamindar f'mly US Based Qlfd. Pref. IT/CS Mngr, Mumbai. #08097666743
[email protected] ×·¤Ù ãÔÌé çÕÙæ ¼ãÔÁ âæ×æ‹Ø, UP seeks b'ful,smart,cool tem M4 PB KH. M.Arch. H1B Boy E: [email protected]
¥æ¢çàæ·¤ çßvÜ梻 ÌÜævàæé¼æ ßÏê per,convt edu girl from clturd 5'-8" / 16.11.84 / 2 PM / Delhi SARASWAT Br. V.fair, B'ful
fmly.Send B/P #09415278804, wrkg. Houston US. Send BHP Mglk Girl 27/5'2" B.Tech,
‘æçã° ÁæçÌÕ‹ÏÙ Ùãè Em: [email protected] PQM4 Goel Fair Smart N.M. SPB girl fair slim & smart Tech. Analyist MNC Mumbai,
[email protected] C.A. Conv. Edu. Girl 24/5'1" 28yr/ 5'4" Law Graduate pur-
09540400971, 09999136103. EmÑ Contact:09837032553 6.60 LPA, Send BHP. (M)09251
wrkng NCR Reptd. Buss. VEG TT M4 Sandya Shand- suing LLM, Father Advocate, 970759, [email protected]
[email protected] HINDU Nai 35/5'-7" MBA Fmly W.UP. based 09837115023 ilya NM b'ful Antya 29/5'5" H.C. # 09838087646, E-m: urmi
SUITABLE Match for MCA ENG. PWC in U.S.A SM4 38yr h'some MBA 6ft E: [email protected] B.Arch wkg Architect MNC [email protected]
Smart Rajput boy 28/5'8"/40 required MBA, MCA, H.Sm, Punjabi boy own b'ness in 10 LPA. Mob:08765070558.
LPA software enggr. / Senior Smart B'full girl 07830880733 Goa 6 figure monthly income Email:[email protected]
BY RELIGION applied for div. with mutual
WL 'Setld/Engr., MBA, MCA
Analyst at Deutch Berlin [email protected] M4 GB girl MCA 36/165/10
Cont. 09412306363 RAMGARHIA Sikh 32/6' consent i'less highly edu-
cated family settled in Delhi TYAGI Br April 84/5'4" fair, LPA wkg top IT MNC in NCR,
DU-Grad.W'kng-Mgr Finance slim b'ful, conv, BCom MBA, Pref. Delhi/NCR 09837376974
Sec.6.25 LPA Seeks W'kng Del E: [email protected]
KACHWAHA Rajput 31/ Atrish, Madhya. UGC Net E: [email protected]
hi Mth.BHP: jagandeep.singh Asst Prof. Mob: 9412974790,
6'2"H'som boy Advocate Su- [email protected] M:0921095 1228
preme Court N.Delhi seeks Eml:[email protected]
5'5"& above girl. Father & Bro. SM4 smart NIPC cultrd boy
Advocate. M:09973106212 FM'LY of defence offrs with
Ch. Officer in Merchant Navy
33/5'11" seeks fair, slim, edu. u/r property seeks qlfd & cul- AFFLUENT h'sm Agrawal
CHAUHAN Rajput Royal homely girl. #08171868840 tured match for h'some qlfd. 31/5'8'' I'less Divorcee, Indus- S'BLE match wanted for
Email:[email protected] M.Tech Engg. 33/6'-2".Boy wr trialist Boy. Seeks B'ful girl. Garhwali Brahmin girl
family 30/5'11"/B.Tech Offic- (MBA) 25 yrs /5'3'' slim, fair,
kg with reptd MNC in singa Caste no Bar. M: 09718544802,
er Merchant Navy seeks Qua- pretty, working with Multi
pore.E: [email protected] BHP at : [email protected]
lified status F'mly Girl. Mob: R.C. H'Some 31/5'11" M.Tech National Corporation. Be-
09451425248, 09621747097. longs to a prominent family.
(IT) Boy wkg as R.M. in MNC,
Noida seeks Qlfd B'ful NCR/ EDU homely bride for Sikh Send your details: sdhuliya
SM4 Lko based Sikarwar Delhi Girl Ph. 09837894780 boy Lko 42/5'4" Saini own @gmail.com M: 9312266340
Rajput 28/5'10" h'some Non Em: [email protected] Business. Photo/Biodata at:
Manglik B.Tech Civil boy preetmohindersingh10@
working in reputed MNCC, gmail.com Mob: 9335235064
Gurgaon seeks B.Tech,
CNI boy v.h'some fair MBA,
purs'ng LLB, 24/5'11' rptd wel
B.Arch, MCA, MSc, MBA &
stld fmly, own stld rptd. buss PQM4 B'ful Product D'sgnr
Professionally qlyfd b'ful GENERAL
seeks b'ful girl b/w 20-24 yrs.
girl. Contact: 09415546876, NIFT/P'grad/ITALY. Sept'84/
E: [email protected]
08795810339, Send BHP email: 5'2" NM wrkg B'lore.GGN bsd
[email protected] edu.cltd status W'U.P family.
Eml: [email protected]
SM4 Garh. Raj. b'ful Dr. Girl
M4 I'less Div. PB fair, h'some Delhi Bsd 5'4"/Dec'87, Father
Rajput Boy 35 / 5'9" / B.Tech Class-1 Officer, Garh./Kum.
MBA Software Eng. MNC. SM4 CS, LLB boy wrkg MNC Doc/IIT/ Civil Serv. Prefd.
ARMY offr. daughter Caste no bar. GGN Bsd family. Delhi , 10Lac+, DOB-30/3/87, Cont:09419002568,09419217766
84/5'6",MBA WRG MNC. BHP [email protected] SM4 KKB Tripathi Girl 5'4"
22:40,obra both mglk and non Sep'85 fair slim,BE,wrkg IBM
father Bengali,mom punjabi. mglk can go # 08373932064
pref. Engg/Mba others 4m Pune,crntly in US H1B.082693
Email: [email protected] -57931; mithilesh.tripathi17@
cultured fmly. send:bhp: ran-
[email protected]. gmail.com #0751-2345753
09052208102 / 09000444054 NRI V.H'some Arora A'Mglk
MBA/CFA (US) Dli bsd 21/5/ SM4 SPB Tripathi anshik
81,5:20am Del/5'11" 80lpa wkg mglk girl 5'4"/Feb'89 fair slim
Qatar cming soon#9717879898 B.Tech S/w Engnr wkg in Big
[email protected] Corporate Noida. E:- tiwari.
[email protected]
PQM4 non manglik Punjabi Contact: 09810302320
Khatri Boy Scale -2 Officer in
PSU Bank 1987/5'7'' Mb. SM4 KKB Sandilya Mglk fair
09460666771, 09694669065 Em: complexioned girl 1987/5'2"
[email protected] convent educated L.L.B. from
D.U. # 9454687437, 9412554697
PQ Mglk/ Non Mglk match 4 BHP: [email protected]
Clean shaven Sikh 24.9.78, 8
PM Delhi born, Product De- SM4 Fair B'ful Gaur Br. Girl
H'SOME Rajput Gaharwar SQM4 Oct86/178 boy from sign Engg. (MS in product de- 29/5'3" M.Com wkg in Bank
(Kashyap) 1983/5'11" MDS BEAUTIFUL fair wkg girl sign Netherland) working in seeks W'Qlfd & stld boy pref.
Sain caste Del CSE/MBA USA
Lecturer Own Clinic seeks for Kayastha boy 28/166 BE MNC, Bangalore. 09810346174 Govt.Job.M:9013709447,E: pri
1Cr pa req v.b'ful Dr. MBA IT
tall beautiful girl Preferred SWE NCR 8LPA. Caste no bar. [email protected] [email protected]
caste no bar.E:virendersingh
Dr. Mobile: 09005059729. [email protected] #9716456551 divorcee also accepted.
Em: [email protected] PB boy tall, slim 9.8.86 arora, KKB 25/5'5'' B'ful M.A. B.Ed
SM4 Chauhan boy,Vatsa Go- 5'9" frm utrkhnd Invites hmly Convent Educated Gold
M4 tall H'some I'less Divorce edu. girl only rptd, high st'us Medalist Seeks Defence,
tra, fair 30/5'9" BTech, MBA, B'FUL PQM4 IITian Vehicle
Rajput Army Major 6'/ 27/2 / b'ns fmly pref.9837112476,e:jit Gaztd Officer. M: 9450918291,
RM in MNC, 19+LPA, Father Designer Asst. Profsr. NIFT
77.Only son of Ex. Army O'ffr. [email protected] [email protected]
GM in Bank. #07565086685, Mumbai 7.15 LPA 31/163 cm
[email protected] Sc Khatik Boy. Mobile: Pref tall B'full Edu. girl From
9450337333, 9415079685 A Good Family Caste no bar SM4 33/5'8" Army Officer
Mobile : 09839908800, Email - B'FUL Fair 27/5'3" Law Prof
(Major) Seeks Qualified Veg. Seeks Qlfd Match From
V.H.SOME 30/6'1" BE-NIT [email protected] Punjabi Girl. Caste No Bar.
95.6 LPA Pilot Capt seek B'ful Premier Inst. / Civil Srvc /
Girl IIT, IIM, NIT Dr-Pg, P.O.,
SQM4 Australian Resident Ph: 09808514253, Send BHP at Bnkg. Contact : 07875440532/
Mech Engr. North Indian Boy [email protected] [email protected]
Govt. Officer # 9711377138
wrkg in Melbourne 28/5'9''
Email : [email protected]
Respectable fmly. 07837051601
E : [email protected] M4 Pb.Sras.Br. I'less Div. Boy
36/5'10" Central Govt. Empl.
SM 4 h'some(Thakur) N.P. LDC 25KPM, Prefd Delhi/
boy 5'11"/87/72 kg. Lect. in NCR wkg girl. M: 09810858505
Rept. University Noida, SM4 Sindhi Handsome
Boy 27/5'10" CA Manager at [email protected]
Control Diabetic.Seeks wrkg
girl in NCR. #9560811988. Em: Hyderabad Nationalised
[email protected] Bank 12 LPA seeks Qlfd wkg M4 Divorcee 31/5'8" wkg NM SM4 B'ful Slim 5'3"/28.
girl. Em: rajkumar.mamtani Pharma FM 3LPA. Teacher 2.85/21:55/Chandausi/Singh-
@yahoo.in prefd. Contact. 8687024400
WANTED bride for MBA SM4 Fair H'some Boy Div al MBA wkg bank Delhi, 15lpa
I'less 34/5'10" B.Tech M.Tech Caste no bar. vishalhanda Mrt bsd edu. fmly 9412663625
HR Circle HR Head Airtel Lko SIDDIQUI 30/5'6" 35 K PG IIT Sr. Engg. MNC 30Lpa F'thr [email protected] E: [email protected]
1986/5'11" Manglik Rajput H'some best Govt serv. Com- Ofcr caste no bar#8602931098
boy. Mob: 9889032421 E-mail: mission selcted wkg settled Email: [email protected]
[email protected] B'FUL PQ Wkg M4 Pb Kh VH PQM for PB Srwt BR Girl,
Kanpur seeks Govt.Lect/Tea- Sep/80 B.Com Pgdpr wkg as
cher wkg/based/settled Kan- 5'10"-16-2-80, 11:30 am Agra
MBA A.Dir. Bank Singapore Mgr, Mnc / 12+Lpa, Contact
pur Unnao pref. E:786mohdss LLM London, 5'11"/37 MNC # 9899873202, Email:
Åæ¡·¤ ÚæÁÂéÌ Â¢ÁæÕè 35/5Ò5" @gmail.com HYD, S/o IAF Officer, Seeks
Fthr. Rtd. Def. Ofcr. Del.
E: [email protected] [email protected]
SßæS‰Ø çßÖæ», ç¼ËÜè âÚ·¤æÚ Never Married,B'ful wkg Girl
Upper Caste No Bar. #0998943
×ð´ ·¤æØüÚÌ ×æçâ·¤ ßÔÌÙ 32000 SUNNI Ansari Doctor P.G. 3355, [email protected] SM4 Fbd based Gr Br. 26/5'1"
boy,H'som,30/5'7" working as NM, V.fair, V.B'ful, Garg girl MBA, GNIIT wkg Delhi, Fthr
/-ãÔÌê âéØô‚Ø ßÏé ‘ææçã° àæèƒæý S.R. in AIIMS. Having Mild
Polio.required English edu-
MBA 27/5'5"/29.5.87,11:18 am Naval officer, Pref. Def. Offr/
PQM4 Smart Agarwal Boy Dli, 7LPA, MNC noida. family Eng/Dr/CA #9560382352. E:
çßßæã ÁæçÌ Õ¢ÏÙ Ùãè´Ð ȤôÙ cated Ansari girl.07770877788
Masters Animation VFX,wkg posh South Del,prnts Sr. ofcrs [email protected]
# 9654051670, 9582105538 California,30/5'5" from Rptd. Em:[email protected]
Delhi Fmly, pref. US Bsd Girl. PQM4 Beautiful Maharasth-
BHP [email protected] rian Brahmin Girl Aug'87/
HP Raj 13.02.84/1:00am/Del 5'5''/M.Sc,wkg in MNC GGN ,
5'6" M.Com wkg Delhi Pvt Ltd 12Lpa. Contact: 9910401861
Co.Pref.HP veg wkg/non wkg 56 ßáèüØ çßÏéÚ Õýæræ‡æ ÇæòvÅÚ E: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] ãÔÌé çÙâ¢ÌæÙ çßÏßæ SßSÍ SM4 Bengali Mukherji girl
Jan'87/5'4" v.b'ful/ Master of
Ïæí×·¤ çÙÂé‡æ âé¢¼Ú ×çãÜæ Business Economics/ French
QM4 Rajput h'some boy MBBS/BDS match 4 Sunni PUNJABI H'some Manglik ‘ææçã°Ð ÁæçÌ Õ¢ÏÙ Ùãè´Ð Á‹× - knowing/worked as resear-
29/5'7" wkg SBI Manager Sheikh Doctor boy, MBBS Boy(Tandon) 24.10.86, 1:45 pm cher & teacher purs. B.Ed/
Scale III Mumbai Lko bsd 5'6"/32 years, Govt. Medical 5'6" B.Com Business Garmen- çßßÚ‡æ ˜æè âçãÌ â¢Â·ü¤ ·¤Úð´ w'placed fmly/ non Bengalis
EUP. Contact: 9450715139, Officer, Lko # 9839092006 E-m: ts Income 70000/- 9910410131 also w'come # 9891903209 ree
[email protected] [email protected] E: [email protected] #9953311288, 9654466306 [email protected]

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