Clay Reinforcement Using Geogrid Embedded in Thin Layers of Sand PDF
Clay Reinforcement Using Geogrid Embedded in Thin Layers of Sand PDF
Clay Reinforcement Using Geogrid Embedded in Thin Layers of Sand PDF
of Sand
M.R. Abdi1,*, S. A. Sadrnejad2 and M.A. Arjomand3
Received: October 2008 Accepted: September 2009
Abstract: Large size direct shear tests (i.e.300 x 300mm) were conducted to investigate the interaction between clay
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reinforced with geogrids embedded in thin layers of sand. Test results for the clay, sand, clay-sand, clay-geogrid, sand-
geogrid and clay-sand-geogrid are discussed. Thin layers of sand including 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14mm were used to
increase the interaction between the clay and the geogrids. Effects of sand layer thickness, normal pressure and
transverse geogrid members were studied. All tests were conducted on saturated clay under unconsolidated-undrained
(UU) conditions. Test results indicate that provision of thin layers of high strength sand on both sides of the geogrid
is very effective in improving the strength and deformation behaviour of reinforced clay under UU loading conditions.
Using geogrids embedded in thin layers of sand not only can improve performance of clay backfills but also it can
provide drainage paths preventing pore water pressure generations. For the soil, geogrid and the normal pressures
used, an optimum sand layer thickness of 10mm was determined which proved to be independent of the magnitude of
the normal pressure used. Effect of sand layers combined with the geogrid reinforcement increased with increase in
normal pressures. The improvement was more pronounced at higher normal pressures. Total shear resistance provided
by the geogrids with transverse members removed was approximately 10% lower than shear resistance of geogrids
with transverse members.
Reinforced soil derives its superior behaviour stiffness, was reported to be greater in drained
due to the stress transfer from the soil to the compared to undrained tests. At small strain
reinforcement at the interface. Adequate soil- levels, excess pore water pressures adversely
reinforcement interaction has to be ensured to affected the stress-strain response of the
enable such a mechanism to take place. In the reinforced soil samples tested under undrained
case of clay soil, the interfacial strength is low conditions. In the drained tests, tensile stresses
resulting in an early failure of the interface before were mobilized in the geotextile ensuring a
the full strength of reinforcement can be positive reinforcement effect.
mobilised. Thus the strength of reinforcement Shear failure at the interface may happen due
may be largely underutilized due to failure of the to the high shear stresses near the reinforcement
interface. A number of experimental studies using as seen in experimental observations by Jewell
triaxial tests have been conducted to develop an and Wroth [9], Milligan et al. [10] and Sridharan
understanding of the interaction between et al. [11. They have found that the shear stresses
cohesive soil and different reinforcement are highest around the reinforcement and
systems. Results of drained and undrained decrease rapidly away from the reinforcement.
compression tests on normally consolidated clay Hence, when poor quality backfill is used for
samples reinforced with several disks cut out of construction, it is advantageous to place thin
aluminum foil or porous plastics were presented layers of high-strength granular soil around the
by Ingold and Miller [5] and Ingold [6]. Results reinforcement to resist these high shear stresses
showed reductions in undrained axisymetric near the interface. This method of construction
compressive strength of more than 50% relative called "sandwich technique" will improve the
to unreinforced samples. The premature failure of stress transfer mechanism because of the
the specimen was attributed to pore-water interface properties. Sridharan et al. [11] also
pressures induced in the reinforced specimen reported significant improvement in the pullout
which greatly exceeded those measured in a capacity of geogrids embedded in weak soils
similar unreinforced specimen. Decreasing the because of sandwich layers. Based on laboratory
spacing between the horizontal layers of tests on model retaining walls employing
reinforcement resulted in an increase in both the sandwich layers, Sreekantiah and Unnikrishnan
drained shear strength and the secant modulus of [12] also reported improvement in the response
the reinforced sample. Based on the radiographic of retaining walls. Unnikrishnan et al. [13] by
investigation, the strength enhancement was conducting UU triaxial compression tests,
attributed, as in the case of sand reinforcement, to reported improvement in strength and
radial strain control arising from shear stress deformation behaviour of reinforced clay soils
mobilized on the soil-reinforcement interface. under static and cyclic loading.
Fabian and Fourie [7] presented the results of A promising approach for design of reinforced
undrained triaxial tests performed on silty clay marginal soils is to promote lateral drainage in
samples reinforced with various geosynthetics combination with soil reinforcement. This maybe
having different in-plane transmissivities, achieved by using geocomposites with in-plane
including woven geotextiles, nonwovens, and drainage capabilities or thin layers of granular
geogrids. Their results showed that soil in combination with the geo-synthetic
reinforcements with high transmissivity can reinforcements. This design approach may even
increase the undrained strength of the clay by up lead to the elimination of external drainage
requirements. The potential use of permeable used to investigate the effect of confining pressure
inclusions to reinforce poorly draining soils is for reinforced and unreinforced samples for a given
well documented by Zornberg and Mitchell [3] sand layer thickness. Samples were tested under
and Tatsuoka and Yamauchi [14]. Although there unconsolidated-undrained (UU) condition to
is already strong experimental evidence that simulate the behaviour of clays subjected to quick
permeable inclusions can effectively reinforce loading immediately after construction. Clay soils
poorly draining backfills, but there is no general will have the least shear strength under this type of
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design methodology for reinforced soil structures loading and hence it has been used to examine the
built with cohesive soils. influence of sand and sand-geogrid layers on its
strength and performance. A constant horizontal
3. Scope of Research displacement rate of 1mm/min was used throughout
the tests as recommended by ASTM D:5321 and in
This paper investigates the effects of embedding order to be consistent with previous investigations.
reinforcements in thin layers of granular material The geogrid specimens were large enough to
within a clay soil (i.e. sandwich technique) using completely cover the apparatus plan area.
large direct shear tests. A large number of tests were Complementary direct shear tests were also
done by varying thickness of granular layer, conducted with the transverse members of the
magnitude of normal pressures and transverse geogrids removed in order to evaluate their
members of the geogrids removed. contribution to the overall shear resistance.
Description Symbol/Value
Raw material PET
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Coating PVC
Ultimate longitudinal tensile strength (Tult) 50 (kN/m)
Ultimate lateral tensile strength (Tult) 25 (kN/m)
Longitudinal strain at Tult 11%
Lateral strain at Tult 13%
Ratio of reinforcement shear relative to total shear area ( , ds ) 10%
samples of reinforced and unreinforced clay are equal to or larger than the shear resistance
shown in Figure 2. Variations of shear stress between soil and soil. Touahamia et al. [16]
versus shear displacement for both the reinforced investigating the shear strength of reinforced-
and unreinforced clay show an increasing trend recycled material also reported that overall
by increase in normal pressures. Slope of the restraint provided by the geogrid is determined
curves is significant at the early ages of shearing by the particle size and particle grading.
and it reduces by further shear displacement. The shear failure at the interface may happen
Although reinforced clay samples consistently due to high shear stresses developed near the
showed slightly higher shear stresses compared reinforcement as observed experimentally by
to unreinforced samples subjected to the same Jewell and Wroth [9], Milligan et al. [10] and
normal pressure, but the increase was not Sridharan et al. [11].They have found that the
significant. This meant that failure occurred in shear stresses are the highest around the
the clay by way of full mobilization of cohesive reinforcement and decrease rapidly away from
strength. This behaviour is an indication that the the reinforcement. Hence, when poor quality
clay-geogrid interface resistance is low which backfill is used for construction, it is
results in premature failure of the interface before advantageous to place thin layers of high strength
the full strength of the reinforcement can be granular soil around the reinforcement to resist
mobilised. these high shear stresses near the interface. This
Thus, the strength of reinforcement may be will probably improve the stress transfer
largely underutilized due to the failure of the mechanism because of the better interface
interface. Another possible reason for such properties. Alfaro et al. [17] also showed the
behaviour can be the mesh size of the geogrid in mobilization of direct shear resistance to be away
comparison with the clay particle size. The from the interface into the soil and that mobilized
geogrid can restrain particle movement and shear strain in the direct shear test to be very
therefore increase the mobilised frictional uniform along the soil-geogrid interface.
Clay , Clay-Reinforcement Clay , Clay-Reinforcement
ın=75kPa 40
Shear Strength (kPa)
Shear Stress (kPa)
10 Clay-Reinforcement , C=28.8 kPa ,Ɏ=7.9
Clay , C=23.2 kPa ,Ɏ=10
Clay- Reinforcement Clay-Clay
0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 5 10 15 20 Normal Stress (kPa)
Shear Displacement (mm)
Fig. 2. Shear stress versus shear displacement curves for Fig. 3. Failure envelopes for clay and clay – reinforcement
reinforced and unreinforced clay samples
ın=50kPa 40
ın=25kPa 20
10 Sand , C=12.1 kPa , Ɏ=33.7
10 Sand-Reinforcement ,C=12 kPa , Ɏ=36.1
Sand-Reinforcement Sand-Sand 0
0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 5 10 15 20 Normal Stress (kPa)
Shear Displacement(mm)
Fig. 4. Shear stress versus shear displacement curves for Fig. 5. Failure envelopes for sand and sand – reinforcement
reinforced and unreinforced sand samples
adhesion to exist because of suction in the soil. Other samples do not display a distinctive peak
This cohesion is reflected as adhesion in the and their maximum shear stresses coincide with
geogrid-soil interface, unlike other geosynthetics. their ultimate shear stresses (i.e. steady state
Goodhue et al. [22] attributed the small adhesion condition) displaying a plastic behaviour.
observed to be caused by matric suction at soil- The points of maximum shear stress displayed
to-soil contact and machine friction. Suction by the samples seem to shift to the left by
causes an increase in adhesion at the interface increasing the sand layer thickness and are
between two porous materials but not at the reached at smaller shear displacements. For
interface between soil and geosynthetic. example, for the clay soil reinforced with 4mm
Athanasopoluos et al. [23] also reported the and 14mm sand layers, shear displacements
development of adhesion which they considered corresponding to the maximum shear stresses are
negligible for practical applications. 5mm and 3mm respectively. Examination of
specimens with sand layers after the tests
7.3. Clay reinforced with thin layers of sand revealed that sand had penetrated a little into the
clay and had established a good bond at the
Changes in shear stress versus shear interface. As mentioned earlier, the shear stress in
displacement for clay samples reinforced with the soil reduces as the distance from
thin sand layers of varying thickness are shown in reinforcement increases. This reduced shear
Figure 6. It can be observed that the inclusion of stress at some distance from the reinforcement
sand layers significantly improves the shear can be resisted easily by the sand-clay interface.
strength of the clay soil. The improvement The results are a clear indication of the
increases with increase in sand layer thickness. effectiveness of including thin sand layers for
The shear stresses increase substantially during improving clay soil performance. Inclusion of
the early parts of the tests (i.e. 1-2mm shear sand layers apart from improving the
displacement) with samples displaying a
hardening behaviour. The increase in shear stress Clay-Sand
Clay -Sand (ın=75kPa) 50
Shear Strength (kPa)
Shear Stress (kPa)
Fig. 6. Shear stress versus shear displacement curves for Fig. 7. Failure envelopes for clay, sand and clay – sand
clay reinforced with thin layers of sand samples
parameters by the inclusion of thin layers of sand. showed increase in shear stress with sand layer
Taking clay shear strength parameters as the thickness (i.e. Figure 6), inclusion of geogrid
base, it can be observed the cohesion of the increases the shear stress only up to 10mm sand
composites decrease and their angles of friction layer thickness. Further increasing the sand layer
increase. For example, for the clay reinforced thickness to 12 and 14mm resulted in lowering
with 14mm sand layer, cohesion changes from the maximum shear stress. The results clearly
23.2 to 17.5 kPa, a reduction of 24.6%, and the show that the full soil-reinforcement interface
angle of friction increases from 10 to 28 degree, capacity has been mobilised even with thin layers
showing an increase of 180%. of sand and further increase of sand layer
thickness does not lead to improved performance
7.4. Clay–thin layers of sand-geogrid of the composite. This means that there is an
optimum sand layer thickness for achieving the
The results of direct shear tests on samples of maximum shear stress. After the tests all the
clay-sand-geogrid with different sand layer geogrids remained intact which is mainly
thicknesses using the whole plan area of (300x attributed to the fact that geogrid's modulus and
300mm) the apparatus are shown on Figure 8. strength is much higher than the surrounding soil.
Results show that provision of sand layers around This is in accordance with observations of
the geogrid reinforcement significantly improves Unnikrishnan et al. [13] and Gray and Al-Refeai
the strength of the clay soil. The shear stresses [24]. Unnikrishnan et al. [13] have also stated,
initially increase sharply and become more the fact that none of the geogrids tested ruptured
gradual with further shear displacement. Clay during the tests indicates that failure occurred
samples reinforced with 4, 6 and 8mm sand mainly by pullout.
layers around the geogrids do not display peak Shear stress versus normal stress envelopes for
shear stresses and did not reach a steady state the clay-sand-geogrid composites are shown in
condition by the end of the tests. This behaviour Figure 9. It can be observed that embedding
indicated a progressive type of failure which can
Shear Strength(kPa)
Shear Stress (kPa)
Fig. 8. Shear stress versus shear displacement curves for Fig. 9. Failure envelopes for clay – reinforcement, sand-
clay reinforced with thin layers of sand and reinforcement reinforcement and Clay – sand - reinforcement samples
φ = 7.9o ), the shear strength parameters of the reduction in maximum shear stress. The optimum
clay-10mm sand-geogrid system changes to sand layer thickness (i.e. 10mm) seems to be
C=24.5kPa φ = 28.4o and which are very close to independent of the normal pressure used. These
the parameters produced by the clay-14mm sand results are in contrast to the observations reported
system (i.e. C=17.5kPa, and φ = 28o ). The by Unnikrishnan et al. [13]. They reported that the
combined effects of sand-geogrid in reinforcing relative increase in the additional confining stress
clay has resulted in reducing cohesion by 15% induced by the woven geotextile reinforcement is
and increasing the angle of friction by 259% higher at lower confining pressures. At higher
which is a substantial improvement. This is a normal pressures (i.e. 158kPa), beyond a sand
clear indication that for a particular soil, layer thickness of 8mm, the maximum shear stress
reinforcement, loading condition and normal did not increase appreciably whereas at lower
pressure, an optimum sand layer thickness exists normal pressures the increase continued up to
which mobilizes the maximum shear strength. 15mm. They also concluded that the optimum
The provision of thicker sand layers will not lead thickness of sand layer depends on the operative
to further improvement in the performance of the range of stresses in the soil.
system also reported by Unnikrishnan et al. [13]
investigating the behaviour of reinforced clay 8. Bond strength
under monotonic and cyclic loading.
The bond coefficient between the soil and
7.5. Effect of normal pressure reinforcement is defined as the ratio of the
resistance between soil and reinforcement to the
To study the effects of normal pressures, results resistance between soil and soil. For the
are presented as maximum shear stress versus soil/reinforcement direct – shear – interaction
thickness of sand layer in Figure 10. Results show mechanism, the resistance between soil and soil
that the combined effect of sand layers and geogrid is the direct shear resistance of the soil with the
reinforcement increases with increase in normal same shear area as that of the soil/reinforcement
interface. Bond coefficient is the parameter that
Clay - Sand-Reinforcement
ın=75kPa 1.5
Max. shear stress (kPa)
55 1.3
Bond Coefficient
0.9 Clay -Sand- Reinforcement
Clay - Reinforcement
25 Sand - Reinforcement
0 4 6 8 10 12 14
Thickness of sand layers(mm) 0.7
20 40 60 80
Fig. 10. Maximum shear stress versus thickness of sand Normal Stress (kPa)
layers for clay reinforced with thin layers of sand and
reinforcement Fig. 11. Bond coefficient versus normal stress
was higher than that of the clay soil. In a situation of the shear stress – shear displacement curves
where the location of the shear surface is for both sets of samples are similar. Results show
constrained to pass along the soil-reinforcement that removal of the transverse members slightly
interface, this is possibly due to the influence of reduces the shear resistance between the soil and
the apertures on the geogrid, which may provide the reinforcement. It was found that the direct
some amount of bearing resistance during shear. shear resistance of the geogrid without transverse
However, it is difficult to measure the bearing members was approximately 90% of the direct
effect of the apertures on the geogrid shear resistance of the geogrid with transverse
quantitatively. In real situations, the shear plane members. Pullout tests conducted by Bergado et
will pass through the plane with lowest al. [15] on Tensar geogrids and bamboo grids
resistance, so that the bond coefficient cannot with transverse members removed respectively
exceed unity. This would indicate that the showed pullout resistances equal to 90-100% and
soil/geogrid reinforcement can provide the same 80-90% of the grids with transverse members.
shear strength as the soil itself. The range of bond They reported that the total resistance of the grids
coefficients determined in the present study is with and without transverse members is very
slightly wider than the range of 1.0 to 1.2 close which they attributed to the small spacing
reported by Bergado et al. [15] whom between the longitudinal grid members and three
investigated the interaction between cohesive- dimensional effects.
frictional soil and various grid reinforcements.
This difference is attributed to the different grids 10. Conclusions
A large number of 300x300mm direct shear
9. Effect of transverse members tests were carried out to investigate the behaviour
of reinforced clays with geogrids encapsulated in
To investigate the effects of passive resistance thin sand layers (i.e. sandwich technique). It was
provided by the transverse members of the observed that using thin layers of sand to cover
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