Patient History Edited 2019
Patient History Edited 2019
Patient History Edited 2019
Phone Home Cell Work
Email Occupation
Family Referring
Doctor Professional
How did you hear about (Registered) Massage Therapy?
Treatment Type Date of Last Visit (Approx.) Treatment Type Date of Last Visit (Approx.)
Chiropractor Naturopath
Rolfing Acupuncture
List any Activities, Sports, Hobbies (ie. Jogging, Hockey, Crafts, Computer, etc)
Known Allergies :
Have you ever been hospitalized, major accidents, illnesses, or surgeries? Please Circle One: YES / NO
Aching OO
Stabbing XXX
Shooting →→
Burning ###
Numbness or ≈≈
Please Note: Your appointment time has been reserved for you. In courtesy of your therapist & fellow patients, we
ask that you provide us with 24 hours notice of cancellation or a cancellation fee (full session fee) will be charged.
Payment for all treatment is the responsibility of the patient and will be paid in advance of the treatment/consult
I authorize the clinic, and its associated practitioners to collect my personal and medical information as
documented above in order to contact me, and give permission for the clinic to leave messages regarding appointments
at any of the contact numbers I have provided above. In addition, I authorize the clinic and its associated RMT’s to
communicate with my referring MD as deemed necessary for my beneficial treatment. I also understand that my
personal and medical information is confidential and will only be disclosed to third parties with my permission.