High Valiryian
High Valiryian
High Valiryian
The pronunciation of /v/ and /j/ can vary significantly (between [v] and [w], and
between [j], [ɟ], [ʒ], and [dʒ] respectively). They are simply transcribed here as [v]
and [j] for the sake of convenience, this should not be taken as strictly accurate.
The letter kh can also be pronounced gh, k or h depending on the speaker, since it
is not a native sound.
The same happens with th which can vary between t, s or z depending on the
Finally the vowel y should be pronounced [y] but is often realized as [i].
For more detailed information, see High Valyrian Phonology. For charts of related words,
see High Valyrian Word Groups.
ābra ['aːbra]
ābrar ['aːbrar]
ābrazȳrys [aːbra'zyːɾys]
ābrenka [aː'breŋka]
adere [a'deɾe]
aderves [a'derves]
addemmagon [ad'demmagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to pay, to satisfy, to make good, object is usually
inanimateInvalid tag extension name: ref
Lannister va moriot zȳha gēlȳnī addemmis. — A Lannister always pays his debts.
aerēbagon [a 'ɾeːbagon]
perfect: aerēptan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
ajomemēbagon [ajome'meːbagon]
v. {{#if:a|{{#switch: a
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| i|j = Obl. appl.
}}|}} {{#switch: b
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
amāzigon [a'maːzigon]
perfect: amāstan
v. {{#if:a|{{#switch: a
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| i|j = Obl. appl.
}}|}} {{#switch: i
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to come of things; to return ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|a-
}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|māzigon}}.)
Bosys bantis amāzis, se morghor zijomy amāzis. — The long night is coming, and the dead come
with it.Invalid tag extension name: ref
amāzinon [a'maːzinon]
amazverdagon [amaz'veɾdagon]
perfect: amazvēttan
v. {{#if:a|{{#switch: a
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to create ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|a-}} +
Hen perzȳ vȳs amazverdagon asittaks. — From the fire she was reborn to remake the
world.Invalid tag extension name: ref
num. ten.
perfect: angotan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: o
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
anne ['anne]
ānogar ['aːnogar]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|1aq}}. blood.
Nyke Daenerys Jelmāzmo hen Targārio Lentrot, hen Valyrio Uēpo ānogār iksan. — I am
Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, of the blood of Old Valyria.
zaldrīzo ānogar — Blood of the dragonInvalid tag extension name: ref
ao ['a ]
{{#switch: pers
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} you (sing.).
{{#switch: poss.adj
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} your (sg.)
{{#switch: poss
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel.adj = rel.pron. adj.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} yours (sg.)
Aōhon iksan se ñuhon iksā — I am yours and you are mine Invalid tag extension name: ref
{{#switch: refl
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} yourself
arghugon ['aɾɣugon]
perfect: arghutan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: u
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to hunt
arghurys ['aɾɣuɾys]
ārilla [aː'ɾilla]
arlie ['aɾlie]
arlī ['aɾliː]
arliñagon [aɾli'ɲagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: ñ
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to change intrans.Invalid tag extension name: ref
( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|arlie}} + {{#if:-ñagon|-ñagon|-ēñagon}}.)
arlinio ['aɾlinio]
arlinnon [aɾ'linnon]
asikagon [asi'kagon]
perfect: sittan
v. {{#if:a|{{#switch: a
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: k
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to give rebirth to, to bear again ( <
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|a-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|sikagon}}.)
Hen perzȳ vȳs amazverdagon asittaks. — From the fire she was reborn to remake the
world.Invalid tag extension name: ref
Astapor ['astapor]
atroksia [a'troksia]
ātsio ['aːtsio]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3lun}} tooth
averilla [ave'ɾilla]
avero [a'veɾo]
azandy [a'zandy]
azantyr [a'zantyr]
azantys [a'zantys]
perfect: beldan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: l
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
baes [ba s]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}} summit.
adj. II warm
bāngagon ['baːngagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| i|j = Obl. appl.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Skorio syt kesī krēga bāngā? — Why are you baking these beets?
bantāzma [ban'taːzma]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|5sol}}. night
Kesrio syt bantis zōbrie issa se ossȳngnoti lēdys. — For the night is dark and full of
terrorsInvalid tag extension name: ref
Bosys bantis amāzis, se morghor zijomy amāzis. — The long night is coming, and the dead come
with it.Invalid tag extension name: ref
bardugon ['baɾdugon]
perfect: bardutan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: u
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
bartos ['baɾtos]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}}. head
Sparo bartos konys issa? — Whose head is that?
bē [beː]
bēgor [beːgor]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3aq}}. trout
Dāro kēla sȳriar bēgor ipradis. — The king's cats are eating a good trout.
belmon ['belmon]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. chain.
Urnet luo buzdaro tolvio belma pryjātās! — Strike the chains off every slave you see!
coll. belmor bondage
Belmondo bantāzma bōsa jemī qlādīlusy botilat? — Will you let them drag you back into the long
night of bondage? Invalid tag extension name: ref
belmuragon [belmu'ɾagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to chain up, to enslave ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|belmon}}
+ {{#if:|{{{2}}}|-uragon}}.)
belmurtys [bel'muɾtys]
beqes ['beqes]
v. {{#switch: u
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}} v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: d
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to sing about (or upon) Invalid tag extension
name: ref ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|bē-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|u-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|vāedagon}} )
bēvilagon [beːviˈlagon]
v. {{#if:v|{{#switch: v
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: l
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to be necessary; bēvilza it is necessary +gen
for... +inf. to... ( literally to lie upon, < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|bē-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|u-}} +
Lo ziry arlī jaelāt, jemēlo syt ziry mazemagon jemo bēvilza. — If you want it back, you must take
it for yourselves.
biare [ˈbiaɾe]
biarves [ˈbiaɾves]
bībagon [ˈbiːbagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: b
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
bēvumbagon [beːˈvumbagon]
v. {{#if:v|{{#switch: v
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to float (lit. to remain above, < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|bē-
}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|u-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|umbagon}}.)
{{#switch: dem
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} adj. I this proximal, animate
Bisi vali īlvyz zentyssy issi. — These men are our guests.
bisir ['bisir]
{{#switch: dem
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
bisy ['bisy]
{{#switch: dem
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel.adj = rel.pron. adj.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
blēnon ['bleːnon]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. mountain
bode ['bode]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|5lun}}. tail
{{#switch: dem
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
bonir ['bonir]
{{#switch: dem
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
bony ['bony]
{{#switch: dem
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
botagon [bo'tagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: t
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to suffer →inst., the thing suffered
Lodaor hēnkos vējose hae Astaprot Yunkai botilza. — Otherwise, Yunkai will suffer the same
fate as Astapor.
to endure
Valar botis — All men must endureInvalid tag extension name: ref
to permit
Belmondo bantāzma bōsa jemī qlādīlusy botilat? — Will you let them drag you back into the long
night of bondage? Invalid tag extension name: ref
to work
Sparos kesīr botas? — Who is working here?
botes ['botes]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. copper
Brāvos ['braːvos]
brōzagon [ˈbroːzagon]
perfect: brōstan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: z
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to name →acc. recipient, →inst. name. ( <
brōzi [ˈbroːzi]
bughegon [buˈɣegon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: e
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
num. sixty.
perfect: dāerēdan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Dohaerirossa hen pōjo belmondo daerēdas se hen pōjo qringaomnoti Āeksia īlinurtas. — She
has freed the slaves from their chains and crucified the Masters for their sins.
adj. II free.
Yne sytivīlībilāt? Hae dāero valoti? — Will you fight for me? As free men?
dakogon [da'kogon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to runInvalid tag extension name: ref
{{#switch: indef
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
{{#switch: indef
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|6pauc}}.3ter nothing
Kostilus jevi āeksia yno bē pirtra jemot vestretis, iā daoruni jemot vestretis. — Your masters
may have told you lies about me, or they may have told you nothing.
{{#switch: indef
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2sol}}. no one
dāria ['daːɾia]
dārilaros [daːɾi'laɾos]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}}. heir to the throne, crown prince, crown princess ( < the
dār- root seen in the {{#if:|{{{2}}}|dārys}} family of words, plus the substantivized
future participle ending -ilaros, as if from a verb *dāragon. However, no such verb
exists in the classical language, and it is uncertain if there ever was one.):
Kivio Dārilaros The Prince That Was Promised
Meri kīvio dārilaros ōz maghagon kostas. — Only the prince who was promised can bring the
dawn.Invalid tag extension name: ref
Ziry kivio dārilaros issa, se zȳhon suvio perzō vāedar issa. — He is the prince that was promised,
and his is the song of ice and fire. Invalid tag extension name: ref
Dārio ['daːɾio]
dārion ['daːɾion]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. kingdom.
Dāria Sikudo Dārȳti Vestero. — the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.
dārōñe [daː'ɾoːɲe]
dārys ['daːɾys]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2sol}}. king.
Roberti Dāri zȳhi nekēpti se Āeksiot Ōño jemagon. — Turn King Robert away from his idols and
toward the Lord of Light
davābagon [da'vaːbagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: b
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to rain. Invalid tag extension name: ref (an
{{#if:-ābagon|-ābagon|-ībagon}} formation off a root *dav-, perh. primordially related to
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|daomio}}, rain.)
dēmagon ['deːmagon]
perfect: dēmatan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: a
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Kēli Davidȳ dēmas. — The cat sits on David.Invalid tag extension name: ref
dēmalion ['deːmalion]
deks [deks]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}}. foot
Aōhys zentys gevī dekossa ēza. — Your guest has beautiful feet.
dekuragon [deku'ɾagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to step.Invalid tag extension name: ref ( <
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|deks}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|-uragon}}.)
dekurūbagon [deku'ɾuːbagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: b
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
derēbagon [de'ɾeːbagon]
perfect: derēptan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: b
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Vala Aero syt rōbra derēbza. — The man collects figs for Aerys.
dobotēdāves [doboteː'daːves]
perfect: dohaertan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to serve. Valar dohaeris All men must serve, the
response to valar morghūlis
Sȳrī avy ūjus dohaeragon. — May it serve you well.Invalid tag extension name: ref
Dohaeriakson raqan. — I like to be served.Invalid tag extension name: ref
dīnagon ['diːnagon]
perfect: dīntan
v. to put something that naturally goes on, about or in something else in that thing
e.g. a cap on a bottle, a sword in a scabbard, a helmet on a head, but not a sword
on a table.Invalid tag extension name: ref
in pass., →com. to marryInvalid tag extension name: ref
Ao ynoma dīnilūks? — Will you marry me?
ozdakonot dīnagon put to flight, chase away.
Sȳndrori jorrāelis lȳr ozdakonot ziry dīntis. — Those who love the darkness chased her
away.Invalid tag extension name: ref
dōna ['doːna]
adj. II no
Dōrior dārion udrirzi mijessis. — There’s no country without a language.
Yn dōre vala iksan. — But I am no man.Invalid tag extension name: ref
dōrī ['doːɾī]
{{#switch: indef
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel.adj = rel.pron. adj.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} adv. never
Mirri ōdria uēpi dōrī drējī zgiēñisi... — Some old wounds never truly heal...
dōrenka [doː'ɾeŋka]
dōrenky [doː'ɾeŋky]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2lun}} stoney one; Stone Man i.e. a person in the late stages of the
Grey Plague. (Subst. of {{#if:|{{{2}}}|dōrenka}}.)
He hears the Stone Men in their misery… — mundari dorenki rybis…
dōron ['doːɾon]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. stone
dōros ['doːɾos]
dorzalty [doɾ'zalty]
Dothraki ['doθraki]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|6for}}. Dothraki
Daenerys ampa pyrī Dothrakoti ēza. — Daenerys has ten thousand Dothraki.
dovaogēdy [dova 'geːdy]
drakarys [dra'kaɾys]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2sol}}. dragon-fire.
drāñe ['draːɲe]
adj. II wide
drēje ['dreːje]
drējī ['dreːjī]
drīves ['driːves]
drogon ['drogon]
drōmon ['droːmon]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. egg
Drōmon nektō? — Are you slicing an egg?
dubāzma [du'baːzma]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|1lun}}. cousin by father's sister or mother's brother, cross
cousinInvalid tag extension name: ref.
Daor, bony ñuha dubāzma issa. — No, that one is my couisn.
dubys ['dubys]
dȳñes ['dyːɲes]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|4sol}}. animal
Dȳñer raqiror issa. — All animals are friends. Invalid tag extension name: ref
ēbrion ['eːbrion]
ēdrugon ['eːdrugon]
perfect: ēdrutan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: u
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
egros ['egros]
egry ['egry]
eleks ['eleks]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}}. ear
Muña taobe elekot ondurtas. — The mother grabbed the boy by his ear.
elēnar [e'leːnar]
elēni [e'leːni]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|5lun}}. voice;Invalid tag extension name: ref music;Invalid tag
extension name: ref opinion (cf. {{#if:|{{{2}}}|elēnar}}.)
Āeksio Oño elēni jeve rybis. — The Lord of Light hears your voice.
Zaldrīzesse biādroti elēnȳti zūgusy daor. — Dragons do not fear the opinions of sheep.
ēlī ['eːliː]
adv. first
Sparos ēlī morghūlilza? — Who will die first? Invalid tag extension name: ref
elilla [e'lilla]
emagon [e'magon]
perfect: ēdan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to have. 3s. pres. act. ind. ēza, 3pl. ēzi, imperfect
emilen, emiles, etc.)
embar ['embar]
embāzma [em'baːzma]
endia ['endia]
ēngenka [eːŋ'genka]
adj. I tasty, good ({{#if:|{{{2}}}|ēngos}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|-enka}})
Ēngenkor elille emā? — Do you have good honey?
ēngītsos ['eːŋgiːtsos]
ēngos ['eːŋgos]
enkagon ['eŋkagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to owe +inst: the thing owed; +acc: the person to
whom it is owed.
Dāervose jevosy yne enkot daor. — You do not owe me your freedom.
epagon [e'pagon]
perfect: eptan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: p
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
Āeksiot zȳhon vaoreznon jepin, se ziksoso udlissis. — I ask the Lord for His favor, and He
responds as He will.
epses ['epses]
ērinagon [eːri'nagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: n
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to winInvalid tag extension name: ref
Skorī dēmalȳti tymptir tymis, ērinis iā morghūlis. — When you play the game of thrones, you
win or you die.
ērinnon ['eːrinnon]
ēs ['e:s]
ezīmagon [e'ziːmagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| i|j = Obl. appl.
}}|}} {{#switch: m
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to split with {{#if:|{{{2}}}|va}} +dat into...
Vala egromy rōbir ezīmza. — The man splits the fig with a knife.
{{#switch: a
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
gaba ['gaba]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|1lun}}. monkey
galry ['galry]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2lun}}. hammer
perfect: gōntan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: m
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to do; →dat. & inf. allow
Mentyri idañe jevi ivestrilātās keskydoso gaomagon. — You shall tell your fellow soldiers to do
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}} deed
Se dāeri vali pōntalo syt gaomoti iderēbzi. — And free men make their own choices.
num. hundred.
gēlion ['geːlion]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. silver.
gēlior ['geːlior]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|6col}}.{{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. money (relex. col. of
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|gēlion}} silver.)
Gēlȳndi aōt tepagon jaelas. — He wants to give you money.Invalid tag extension name: ref
gelte ['gelte]
gēlȳn ['geːlyːn]
genes ['genes]
geptot ['geptot]
adv. left
Mittyssy geptot ilzi se voktyssy paktot. — There are fools to the left, and priests to te right.
geralbar [ge'ɾalbar]
geron ['geɾon]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. walk.
Qilōnario Geron. — Walk of Punishment.
gerpa ['geɾpa]
gevī ['geviː]
gevives [ge'vives]
Ghīs [ɣiːs]
Ghīska ['ɣiːska]
adj. I Ghiscari
Mīrīn, Astapor, Junkāe Ghīska oktia issi. — Meereen, Astapor, and Yunkai are Ghiscari cities.
Ghīski āeksia Daenero zaldrīzī sindigon sylutis. — The Ghiscari masters tried to buy Daenerys'
gīda ['giːda]
adj. I. equal, evenInvalid tag extension name: ref; steady, by extension calmInvalid
tag extension name: ref.
…iēdrosa gīdāpa. — …calm as still water.
gīdāves [gi:'da:ves]
giēñagon ['gieːɲagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: ñ
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
{{#switch: a
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
Mirri ōdria uēpi dōrī drējī zgiēñisi... — Some old wounds never truly heal...
giēñilaros [gieːɲi'laɾos]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}}. One Who is Not Yet Healed, a term used in Astapor for
Unsullied in training (substantivized future participle of {{#if:|{{{2}}}|giēñagon}}.
AV {{#if:|{{{2}}}|ginilaro}}.)
giez [giez] gier-
adj. II whole
gīmigon ['giːmigon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: i
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to know, to know how
#if: {{#if:||{{#if:||}}}}
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
}} {{
}} }}{{
#if: Peterson
|. {{
|[[ |{{
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
| et al.
|. ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:.|.||.}}
#if: Peterson
|. }}{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#ifexpr: {{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
| {{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }} |{{
#ifexpr: {{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
| {{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }} |{{
}} "The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
|"The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the
words behind world-building{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
|. {{{TitleNote}}}
| (in )
| ()
#if:The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#if: New York, New York
#if: Penguin Books
| (New York, New York: Penguin Books)
| (New York, New York)
#if: Penguin Books
| (Penguin Books)
| {{
| ()
| ()
#if: {{
#if: 270
|{{#if:||p. }}270
|{{#if:||pp. }}
|: {{
#if: 270
|{{#if:||p. }}270
|{{#if:||pp. }}
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#if: Peterson
}} {{#if:{{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U |
2001-10-10 }}|{{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U |
2001-10-10 }}|{{
}} The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building{{
#if:| []
|The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the
words behind world-building{{
#if:| []
| ()
| ( ed.)
#if: New York, New York
|. New York, New York
#if: Penguin Books
#if: New York, New York
}} Penguin Books
#if: Peterson
#if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
|. {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}{{
| []
#ifeq: | {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
#if: Peterson
| (published )
| (published )
#if: {{
#if: 270
|{{#if:||p. }}270
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|. {{
#if: 270
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1. if:
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#if: PetersonThe Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
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|. {{#switch:isbn
| []
| []
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|. {{#switch:oclc
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}} }}{{
1. if:
|. {{{Archive}}} |{{
|. {{#ifeq:.|.|A|a}}rchived{{
|{{#if:| from {{#if:
|[ the original]
|the original
| on {{{ArchiveDate}}}
|. Error: If you specify |{{#if:|archiveurl|archivedate}}=, you must
{{#if:| also specify |{{#if:|archivedate|archiveurl}}=|first specify
|url=}}{{#if:| when using
{{[[Template:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]}}}}Template:Namespace detect showall
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
|. {{
|. {{
| {{#ifeq:.|,|, r|. R}}etrieved
| ()
|. ""
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: s
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to live; used with adv. to describe state of well-
being: Skorkydoso glaesā? How are you?, Syrī glaesan I'm good.<ref {{#if:270 |
name="AOLI 270" | }}{{#if: | name="AOLI {{{pages}}}" |}}">{{
#iferror: {{ #expr: 1* }}
#if: David J. Peterson
#if: David
|, David
#if: David
|, David
| et al.
#iferror: {{ #expr: 1*0.0 }}
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |
#if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
| ({{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}){{
| []
|[[ |{{
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
}}, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:.|.||.}}{{
#if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
| ({{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}){{
| []
#if: {{#if:||{{#if:||}}}}
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
}} {{
}} }}{{
#if: Peterson
|. {{
|[[ |{{
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
| et al.
|. ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:.|.||.}}
#if: Peterson
|. }}{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#ifexpr: {{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
| {{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }} |{{
#ifexpr: {{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
| {{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }} |{{
}} "The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
|"The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the
words behind world-building{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
|. {{{TitleNote}}}
| (in )
| ()
#if:The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#if: New York, New York
#if: Penguin Books
| (New York, New York: Penguin Books)
| (New York, New York)
#if: Penguin Books
| (Penguin Books)
| {{
| ()
| ()
#if: {{
#if: 270
|{{#if:||p. }}270
|{{#if:||pp. }}
|: {{
#if: 270
|{{#if:||p. }}270
|{{#if:||pp. }}
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#if: Peterson
}} {{#if:{{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U |
2001-10-10 }}|{{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U |
2001-10-10 }}|{{
}} The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building{{
#if:| []
|The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the
words behind world-building{{
#if:| []
| ()
| ( ed.)
#if: New York, New York
|. New York, New York
#if: Penguin Books
#if: New York, New York
}} Penguin Books
#if: Peterson
#if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
|. {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}{{
| []
#ifeq: | {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
#if: Peterson
| (published )
| (published )
#if: {{
#if: 270
|{{#if:||p. }}270
|{{#if:||pp. }}
|. {{
#if: 270
|{{#if:||p. }}270
|{{#if:||pp. }}
1. if:
|. {{#switch:doi
| []
| []
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}} }}{{
#if: PetersonThe Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
#if: 978-0-14-312646-1
|. {{#switch:isbn
| []
| []
|doi:978-0-14-312646-1 (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
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|. {{#switch:oclc
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|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
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}} }}{{
|. {{#switch:pmid
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|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
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|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
|. {{#switch:pmc
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
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|{{#if:1||. {{#switch:pmc
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
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|. {{#switch:bibcode
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|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
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|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
1. if:
|. {{{Archive}}} |{{
|. {{#ifeq:.|.|A|a}}rchived{{
|{{#if:| from {{#if:
|[ the original]
|the original
| on {{{ArchiveDate}}}
|. Error: If you specify |{{#if:|archiveurl|archivedate}}=, you must
{{#if:| also specify |{{#if:|archivedate|archiveurl}}=|first specify
|url=}}{{#if:| when using
{{[[Template:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]}}}}Template:Namespace detect showall
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
|. {{
|. {{
| {{#ifeq:.|,|, r|. R}}etrieved
|. [ Lay summary]{{#if: | – {{{laysource}}}}}
| ()
|. ""
gō [goː]
gōvilagon [goːvi'lagon]
v. {{#if:v|{{#switch: v
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: l
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to lie below →acc. ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|gō-}} +
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|u-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|ilagon}}.)
...rūso zȳhosy gōvilirose zijo syt pyghas lue prūmie. — ... with his child beneath the heart that
beats for him.
gōvilemagon [goːvile'magon]
grēges ['greːges]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|4sol}}. louse.
grevion [ˈgrevion]
grevy [ˈgrevy]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2lun}}. wheelInvalid tag extension name: ref
gryves ['gryves]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|4sol}}. bear.
Gryves se Riña Litse. — The Bear and the Maiden Fair.
guēse ['gueːse]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|4lun}}. tree
guēsin ['gueːsin]
gūrēñagon [guː'ɾeːɲagon]
perfect: gūrēntan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: ñ
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Valar gūrēñis — All men must learnInvalid tag extension name: ref
gūrēnilaksir [guːɾeːni'laksir]
gūrogon ['guːɾogon]
perfect: gūrotan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: o
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to takeInvalid tag extension name: ref; in the
reflexive to earn, merit, deserve
Ñuhor līr gūrēnna. — I will take what is mine. Invalid tag extension name: ref
Laodiapossa buzdaris gūrogon. — Let the slave pick up the masks.
gūrotrir ['guːɾotrir]
hae [ha ]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: o
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
num. thirty
hārīblie [haː'ɾiːblie]
harrenka [har'renka]
adj. I appropriate, suitable, appropriately sized, suitably sized, the right size
Ñuhys zaldrīzes harrenkys issa. — My dragon is the right size.
havon ['havon]
havor [ˈhavoɾ]
hēdrȳ ['heːdryː]
hēdys ['heːdys]
hegagon [he'gagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
hegnīr ['hegniːr]
heksīr ['heksi:r]
hembar ['hembar]
hen [hen]
prep.→loc. from, of; →dat. out of; because of, on account of, thanks to, on (in the
sense of paid for by)
Nyke Daenerys Jelmāzmo hen Targārio Lentrot, hen Valyrio Uēpo ānogār iksan. — I am
Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, of the blood of Old Valyria.
Hen ynot mōzīli — Drinks are on me!Invalid tag extension name: ref
hēnka ['heːŋka]
adj. I same
Lodaor hēnkos vējose hae Astaprot Yunkai botilza. — Otherwise, Yunkai will suffer the same
fate as Astapor.
hēnkirī ['heːŋkiɾiː]
henujagon [henu'jagon]
perfect: hembistan
v. {{#if:u|{{#switch: u
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Henujagon jaelza lua vala mirre henujagon kostas. — Any man who wishes to leave may leave.
hepnon ['hepnon]
hepvos ['hepvos]
hezīmagon [he'ziːmagon]
v. {{#if:h|{{#switch: h
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| i|j = Obl. appl.
}}|}} {{#switch: m
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to split, used with instrumental subjects ( <
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|a-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|ezīmagon}}.)
(Valo ondoso) rōbir egry hezīmza. — The knife (of the man) splits the fig.
(Egromy) rōbir hezīmaks. — The fig is split (with a knife).
hēzīr ['heːziːr]
hīlagon [ˈhiːlagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: l
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to hit
hontes ['hontes]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|4sol}}. bird.
Issa, ñuhys raqiros hontes issa. — Yes, my friend is a bird.
hobres ['hobres]
hoskagon ['hoskagon]
hōzigon ['hoːzigon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: i
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
hubon ['hubon]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. rope
hunes ['hunes]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|4sol}}. rabbit
hūra ['huːɾa]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|1lun}}. moon
Ñuho glaeso hūrus. — Moon of my life.<ref {{#if:270 | name="AOLI 270" | }}{{#if: |
name="AOLI {{{pages}}}" |}}">{{
#iferror: {{ #expr: 1* }}
#if: David J. Peterson
#if: David
|, David
#if: David
|, David
| et al.
#iferror: {{ #expr: 1*0.0 }}
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |
#if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
| ({{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}){{
| []
|[[ |{{
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
}}, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:.|.||.}}{{
#if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
| ({{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}){{
| []
#if: {{#if:||{{#if:||}}}}
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
}} {{
}} }}{{
#if: Peterson
|. {{
|[[ |{{
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
| et al.
|. ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:.|.||.}}
#if: Peterson
|. }}{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#ifexpr: {{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
| {{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }} |{{
#ifexpr: {{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
| {{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }} |{{
}} "The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
|"The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the
words behind world-building{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
|. {{{TitleNote}}}
| (in )
| ()
#if:The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#if: New York, New York
#if: Penguin Books
| (New York, New York: Penguin Books)
| (New York, New York)
#if: Penguin Books
| (Penguin Books)
| {{
| ()
| ()
#if: {{
#if: 270
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|{{#if:||pp. }}
|: {{
#if: 270
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#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#if: Peterson
}} {{#if:{{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U |
2001-10-10 }}|{{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U |
2001-10-10 }}|{{
}} The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building{{
#if:| []
|The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the
words behind world-building{{
#if:| []
| ()
| ( ed.)
#if: New York, New York
|. New York, New York
#if: Penguin Books
#if: New York, New York
}} Penguin Books
#if: Peterson
#if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
|. {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}{{
| []
#ifeq: | {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
#if: Peterson
| (published )
| (published )
#if: {{
#if: 270
|{{#if:||p. }}270
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|. {{
#if: 270
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1. if:
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#if: PetersonThe Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
#if: 978-0-14-312646-1
|. {{#switch:isbn
| []
| []
|doi:978-0-14-312646-1 (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
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{{#if:1||JSTOR 978-0-14-312646-1
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{{#if:1||ISSN 978-0-14-312646-1
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|. {{#switch:issn
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|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
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|. {{#switch:pmid
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|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
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|. {{#switch:pmc
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|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
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|{{#if:1||. {{#switch:pmc
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| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
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|. {{#switch:bibcode
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|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
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|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
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|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
1. if:
|. {{{Archive}}} |{{
|. {{#ifeq:.|.|A|a}}rchived{{
|{{#if:| from {{#if:
|[ the original]
|the original
| on {{{ArchiveDate}}}
|. Error: If you specify |{{#if:|archiveurl|archivedate}}=, you must
{{#if:| also specify |{{#if:|archivedate|archiveurl}}=|first specify
|url=}}{{#if:| when using
{{[[Template:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]}}}}Template:Namespace detect showall
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
|. {{
|. {{
| {{#ifeq:.|,|, r|. R}}etrieved
| ()
|. ""
iā ['iaː]
conj. or
iāragon ['iaːɾagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| emagon = C-fin. (irreg.)
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
iāpa ['iaːpa]
iāpanna [iaː'panna]
īby ['iːby]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2lun}}. bone
idakogon [ida'kogon]
perfect: idakotan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: o
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to attack may only be used with a direct object (
< {{#if:|{{{2}}}|i-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|dakogon}}.)
idaña [i'daɲa]
iderēbagon [ide'ɾeːbagon]
perfect: iderēptan
v. {{#if:i|{{#switch: i
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to chose, select. +dat: the thing selected, +acc:
the person for whom the thing is selected (this applies even in the passive) ( <
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|i-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|derēbagon}}.)
Vala rōbrȳti Aeri iderēbza. — The man selects figs for Aerys.
Aeri iderēbaks. — Aerys is selected for.
Jaehot avy iderēbās jorepās. — Pick a god and pray.Invalid tag extension name: ref
iderennon [ide'ɾennon]
*iderenne, -s, -n ?
iēdar ['ieːdar]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|1aq}}. water
Ñuha lēkia jūlor iēdrī mōzus. — My brother is drinking milk and water.
col. iēdrar poetic for sea
iemny ['iemny]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2lun}}. stomach
Dāro iemny rōva issa. — The king's stomach is large.
iemnȳ ['iemnyː]
postp.→gen. within more emphatic than using the bare locative. (loc. of
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|iemny}} stomach.)
Jēdar yno toliot. Tegon yno gō. Perzys yno iemnȳ. — Sky above me. Earth below me. Fire within
me.Invalid tag extension name: ref
ilagon [i'lagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: l
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Sȳndror ilis luo tegunno Mordrot. — In the land of Mordor, where the shadows lie Invalid tag
extension name: ref
Jemēlo kaerīnnon ivīlībilāt, lo sīr Dāria Daenerys jemī ivīlībagon kesīr īlos daor? — Will you
fight for your own salvation, now that Queen Daenerys is not here to fight for you? Invalid tag
extension name: ref
in the sense of there is, there are:
Zaldrīzes rihot ilza! — There is a dragon in the valley!
ilie [ˈilie]
īlilion ['i:lilion]
īlinuragon [iːlinu'ɾagon]
perfect: īlinurtan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Dohaerirossa hen pōjo belmondo daerēdas se hen pōjo qringaomnoti Āeksia īlinurtas. — She
has freed the slaves from their chains and crucified the Masters for their sins.
ilīrigon [i'liːɾigon]
perfect: ilīritan
v. {{#if:i|{{#switch: i
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: i
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to smile upon →acc. ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|līrigon}} to
Illyrio [ilˈlyɾio]
{{#switch: pers
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} we.
īlōnda [iː'loːnda]
{{#switch: refl
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} ourselves
{{#switch: poss.adj
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} our
īlvon ['iːlvon]
{{#switch: poss
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} ours
ilzigon ['ilzigon]
perfect: ilzitan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: i
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| emagon = C-fin. (irreg.)
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
imāzigon [i'maːzigon]
perfect: imāstan
v. {{#if:i|{{#switch: i
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: i
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Valar imāzissis. — All men must attend.Invalid tag extension name: ref
imorghūljagon [imoɾ'ghuːʎagon]
perfect: imorghūltan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: lj
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| emagon = C-fin. (irreg.)
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Aōhor jaqiarzir ivīlībin imorghūlīn, jaqiarzus Dārȳs. — I fight and die for your glory, O glorious
Queen.Invalid tag extension name: ref
indigon ['indigon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: i
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
inkon ['iŋkon]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. back
Kēli ñuho inkot ilza. — There is a cat on my back.
inkot ['iŋkot]
behind, backwards, lit. "to the back". Invalid tag extension name: ref(the locative or
dative case of {{#if:|{{{2}}}|inkon}}.)
Astaprot dohaertrossa sīr yno inkot iōrzi, dāeri — Those who were slaves in Astapor now stand
behind me, free.
Iōnos! Kostilus! Inkot jagon daor. — Jon! Please! Dont go back.
Iōnos ['ioːnos]
iōragon ['ioːɾagon]
perfect: iōrtan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
iōrves ['ioːɾves]
adj. II cold
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: lj
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
iotāptegon [iotaːptegon]
perfect: iotāptetan
v. {{#if:i|{{#switch: i
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: e
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
ipradagon [ipra'dagon]
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: d
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to eat (In origin the applicative of
*{{#if:|{{{2}}}|pradagon}}, a verb of uncertain meaning, but in any case not reated to eating.
It supplanted {{#if:|{{{2}}}|kisagon}} as the word for to eat. )Invalid tag extension name: ref
Valar Ipradis... Valar Ipradiks — All Men Must Eat... All Men Must Be Eaten. Invalid tag
extension name: ref
irūdy [i'ɾuːdy]
irughagon [iru'ɣagon]
perfect: irūdan
v. {{#if:i|{{#switch: i
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: gh
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to give (lit. to drop to), used when both subject
and recipient in 3rd person (otherwise see {{#if:|{{{2}}}|tepagon}}.) , ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|i-}} +
issaros ['issaɾos]
ivestragon [i'vestragon]
perfect: ivestretan
v. {{#if:i|{{#switch: i
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
ivīlībagon [iviː'liːbagon]
v. {{#if:i|{{#switch: i
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: b
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| emagon = C-fin. (irreg.)
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to fight for →acc. ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|i-}} +
vīlībagon to fight.)
Aōhor jaqiarzir ivīlībin imorghūlīn, jaqiarzus Dārȳs. — I fight and die for your glory, O glorious
Queen.Invalid tag extension name: ref
izūgagon [i'zuːgagon]
perfect: izūgdan
v. {{#if:i|{{#switch: i
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: g
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
num. forty
perfect: jēldan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: l
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Henujagon jaelza lua vala mirre henujagon kostas. — Any man who wishes to leave may leave.
jaes [ja s] jaeh-
jagon ['jagon]
perfect: istan
v. irreg. to go.
Sesīr īlot jagon! — Now let us go!Invalid tag extension name: ref
{{#switch: poss.adj
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
jāhon ['jaːhon]
{{#switch: poss
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
jāla ['jaːla]
{{#switch: refl
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}}. dog
Jaohossa rhovis. Jaohossa rhovisi — The dogs are barking. Dogs bark.<ref
{{#if:206 |
name="AOLI 206" | }}{{#if: | name="AOLI {{{pages}}}" |}}">{{
#iferror: {{ #expr: 1* }}
#if: David J. Peterson
#if: David
|, David
#if: David
|, David
| et al.
#iferror: {{ #expr: 1*0.0 }}
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
|{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |
#if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
| ({{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}){{
| []
|[[ |{{
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|[[ |{{
| et al.
}}, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:.|.||.}}{{
#if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
| ({{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}){{
| []
#if: {{#if:||{{#if:||}}}}
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
}} {{
}} }}{{
#if: Peterson
|. {{
|[[ |{{
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
| et al.
|. ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:.|.||.}}
#if: Peterson
|. }}{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#ifexpr: {{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
| {{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }} |{{
#ifexpr: {{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
| {{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }} |{{
}} "The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
|"The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the
words behind world-building{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
|. {{{TitleNote}}}
| (in )
| ()
#if:The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#if: New York, New York
#if: Penguin Books
| (New York, New York: Penguin Books)
| (New York, New York)
#if: Penguin Books
| (Penguin Books)
| {{
| ()
| ()
#if: {{
#if: 206
|{{#if:||p. }}206
|{{#if:||pp. }}
|: {{
#if: 206
|{{#if:||p. }}206
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#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#if: Peterson
}} {{#if:{{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U |
2001-10-10 }}|{{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U |
2001-10-10 }}|{{
}} The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building{{
#if:| []
|The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the
words behind world-building{{
#if:| []
| ()
| ( ed.)
#if: New York, New York
|. New York, New York
#if: Penguin Books
#if: New York, New York
}} Penguin Books
#if: Peterson
#if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
|. {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}{{
| []
#ifeq: | {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
#if: Peterson
| (published )
| (published )
#if: {{
#if: 206
|{{#if:||p. }}206
|{{#if:||pp. }}
|. {{
#if: 206
|{{#if:||p. }}206
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1. if:
|. {{#switch:doi
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| []
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#if: PetersonThe Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
#if: 978-0-14-312646-1
|. {{#switch:isbn
| []
| []
|doi:978-0-14-312646-1 (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
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|. {{#switch:issn
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|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
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|. {{#switch:pmc
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|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
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|{{#if:1||. {{#switch:pmc
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| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
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|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
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|. {{#switch:bibcode
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
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|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
1. if:
|. {{{Archive}}} |{{
|. {{#ifeq:.|.|A|a}}rchived{{
|{{#if:| from {{#if:
|[ the original]
|the original
| on {{{ArchiveDate}}}
|. Error: If you specify |{{#if:|archiveurl|archivedate}}=, you must
{{#if:| also specify |{{#if:|archivedate|archiveurl}}=|first specify
|url=}}{{#if:| when using
{{[[Template:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]}}}}Template:Namespace detect showall
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
|. {{
|. {{
| {{#ifeq:.|,|, r|. R}}etrieved
| ()
|. ""
Jaqen ['jaqen]
jaqiarza [ja'qiaɾza]
jaqiarzir [ja'qiaɾzir]
jazdan [jazdan]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|6for}}. harpy ( < AV {{#if:|{{{2}}}|jazdan}} < Ghiscari )Invalid
tag extension name: ref
jēda ['jeːda]
jēdar ['jeːdar]
jēdar ['jeːdar]
jehikagon [jehiˈkagon]
perfect: jehittan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: k
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to shine. With acc. to shine on, illuminate (perh.
{{#if:jaeh-|jaeh-|jaes}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|-ikagon}}?)
Āeksios, aōhos ōñoso īlōn jehikās. — Lord, cast your light upon us Invalid tag extension
name: ref
jehikarȳ [jehiˈkaɾyː]
jehikarys [jehiˈkaɾys]
jēlēbagon [jeːˈleːbagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: b
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to blow (from a root *jēl-, seen in
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|jelmio}} etc., + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|-ēbagon}}.)
jelmāzma [jelˈmaːzma]
jelmio ['jelmio]
jemagon [jeˈmagon]
perfect: jentan
v. to lead someone →acc., from something →acc(?), to something →dat?loc?;
daoriot jemas it doesn't matter, lit. it leads nowhere. (possibly in origin
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|i-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|emagon}}, but this is uncertain, and in any case
the verb conjugates regularly)
Roberti Dāri zȳhi nekēpti se Āeksiot Ōño jemagon. — Turn King Robert away from his idols and
toward the Lord of Light.
jemēbagon [je'meːbagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: b
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
jemēla [je'meːla]
{{#switch: refl
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} ourselves
jeme ['jeme]
{{#switch: pers
| pers = pers.pron.
| poss.adj = poss. adj. I
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} you (plur.).
jenigon [je'nigon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: i
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }}? to botherInvalid tag extension name: ref
jention ['jention]
jentys ['jentys]
num. eighty
jēnqīblie [jeːɴ'qiːblie] -ior
jeson ['jeson]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. dust
{{#switch: poss.adj
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} your (pl.)
jevon ['jevon]
{{#switch: poss
| pers = pers.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} yours (pl.)
jikagon [ji'kagon]
perfect: jittan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: k
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
jiōragon ['jioːɾagon]
v. {{#if:i|{{#switch: i
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }}? to receive (at least in the sense of receiving a
guest) ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|i-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|iōragon}} to stand)Invalid tag extension name:
Belmurtī ivestrās kesīr pōnte jiōrinna se pōjon obūljarion mazōrīnna. — Tell the slavers I will
receive them here and accept their surrender.
with va →dat. to welcome to...
Va Mīrīnot jemī jiōran. — Welcome to Meereen.
in the imperfect passive to be welcome.
Kesīr drējī jiorilaks. — You are very welcome here.Invalid tag extension name: ref
jiōrnon ['jioːɾnon]
jogeltigon [jo'geltigon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Elēni ñuhe jogeltigon sylutis, sepār jevon jogeltigon sylussi. Yn kostosy daor. — They tried to
silence my voice, as they try to silence yours. But they cannot.
johegagon [johe'gagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: g
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Quptyssy pontālī johegzi se jomōzū. — The heathen continue to slaughter each other and you
continue to get drunk
jollōragon [jol'loːragon]
perfect: jollōrtan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to study +dat.?Invalid tag extension name: ref (
< {{#if:jor-|jor-|jo-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|lōragon}} to drill, to bore).Invalid tag extension name:
Issarori jollōris lua riña. — A girl who studies people.Invalid tag extension name: ref
jomīsagon [jo'miːsagon]
perfect: jomīstan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: s
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }}. to wear armor on →acc. the person or body
part, →inst. the equipment ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|jo-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|mīsagon}}.)
Bonys azantys geltose jomīsos daor. — That knight is not wearing a helmet.
jomōzugon [jo'moːzugon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: u
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to continue to get drunk ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|jo-}} +
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|mōzugon}} to drink.)
Quptyssy pontālī johegzi se jomōzū. — The heathen continue to slaughter each other and you
continue to get drunk
jorepagon [joɾe'pagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: p
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Jaehot avy iderēbās jorepās. — Pick a god and pray.Invalid tag extension name: ref
→gen. to pray to, to beg
Zȳhi perzi stepagon Āeksio Ōño jorepi, se morghūltas lī qēlītsos sikagon. — We beg the Lord to
share his fire, and light a candle that has gone out. Invalid tag extension name: ref
jorepnon [joɾe'pnon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: o
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to wring ondossa jorhakogon to wring one's
hands ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|jor-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|hakogon}} to pull)
Ondossa jorhakēlāt, lykāpsirī Zaldrīzoti Muño amāzinon jumbari? — Will you wring your
hands, while you wait idly for the Mother of Dragons to return? Invalid tag extension name: ref
perfect: jorrāeltan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| i|j = Obl. appl.
}}|}} {{#switch: l
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to hold dear, to love; to need Invalid tag
extension name: ref( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|jo-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|rāelagon}}.)
Muñus jorrāeliarzus: Olvie hen embraro tolmiot nykēlot avy ivestragon issa. — Dearest
Mother: So much news I have to give you from over the seas.
jūlor ['juːlor]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3aq}}. milk
Aōhor jūlor mōzun. — I am drinking your milk.
jumbagon [ˈjumbagon]
perfect: jumptan
v. {{#if:i|{{#switch: i
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
jurnegon ['juɾnegon]
perfect: jūndan
v. {{#if:i|{{#switch: i
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: e
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to look at, regard, to examine.Invalid tag
extension name: refInvalid tag extension name: ref ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|i-}} +
kēli ['keːli]
#if: {{#if:||{{#if:||}}}}
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
}} {{
}} }}{{
#if: Peterson
|. {{
|[[ |{{
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
| et al.
|. ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:.|.||.}}
#if: Peterson
|. }}{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#ifexpr: {{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
| {{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }} |{{
#ifexpr: {{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
| {{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }} |{{
}} "The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
|"The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the
words behind world-building{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
|. {{{TitleNote}}}
| (in )
| ()
#if:The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#if: New York, New York
#if: Penguin Books
| (New York, New York: Penguin Books)
| (New York, New York)
#if: Penguin Books
| (Penguin Books)
| {{
| ()
| ()
#if: {{
#if: 44
|{{#if:||p. }}44
|{{#if:||pp. }}
|: {{
#if: 44
|{{#if:||p. }}44
|{{#if:||pp. }}
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#if: Peterson
}} {{#if:{{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U |
2001-10-10 }}|{{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U |
2001-10-10 }}|{{
}} The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building{{
#if:| []
|The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the
words behind world-building{{
#if:| []
| ()
| ( ed.)
#if: New York, New York
|. New York, New York
#if: Penguin Books
#if: New York, New York
}} Penguin Books
#if: Peterson
#if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
|. {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}{{
| []
#ifeq: | {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
#if: Peterson
| (published )
| (published )
#if: {{
#if: 44
|{{#if:||p. }}44
|{{#if:||pp. }}
|. {{
#if: 44
|{{#if:||p. }}44
|{{#if:||pp. }}
1. if:
|. {{#switch:doi
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|isbn=ISBN [[Special:BookSources/|]]
|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
#if: PetersonThe Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
#if: 978-0-14-312646-1
|. {{#switch:isbn
| []
| []
|doi:978-0-14-312646-1 (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi:978-0-14-312646-1 (inactive )
|asin=ASIN 978-0-14-312646-1
{{#if:1||ASIN 978-0-14-312646-1
|bibcode=Bibcode: 978-0-14-312646-1
{{#if:1||Bibcode: 978-0-14-312646-1
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:978-0-14-312646-1&formatTemplate:=complete 978-0-
{{#if:1||JFM 978-0-14-312646-1
|jstor=JSTOR 978-0-14-312646-1
{{#if:1||JSTOR 978-0-14-312646-1
|isbn=ISBN 978-0-14-312646-1
{{#if:1||ISBN 978-0-14-312646-1
|issn=ISSN 978-0-14-312646-1
{{#if:1||ISSN 978-0-14-312646-1
|mr=MRTemplate:=978-0-14-312646-1 978-0-14-312646-1
|oclc=OCLC 978-0-14-312646-1
{{#if:1||OCLC 978-0-14-312646-1
|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=978-0-14-312646-1 978-0-14-
{{#if:1||PMC 978-0-14-312646-1
|pmid=PMID 978-0-14-312646-1
{{#if:1||PMID 978-0-14-312646-1
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:978-0-14-312646-1&formatTemplate:=complete 978-0-
{{#if:1||ZBL 978-0-14-312646-1
}} }}{{
|. {{#switch:issn
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|isbn=ISBN [[Special:BookSources/|]]
|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
|. {{#switch:oclc
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|isbn=ISBN [[Special:BookSources/|]]
|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
|. {{#switch:pmid
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
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|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
|. {{#switch:pmc
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|isbn=ISBN [[Special:BookSources/|]]
|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|{{#if:1||. {{#switch:pmc
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|isbn=ISBN [[Special:BookSources/|]]
|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}
|. {{#switch:bibcode
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|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
1. if:
|. {{{Archive}}} |{{
|. {{#ifeq:.|.|A|a}}rchived{{
|{{#if:| from {{#if:
|[ the original]
|the original
| on {{{ArchiveDate}}}
|. Error: If you specify |{{#if:|archiveurl|archivedate}}=, you must
{{#if:| also specify |{{#if:|archivedate|archiveurl}}=|first specify
|url=}}{{#if:| when using
{{[[Template:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]}}}}Template:Namespace detect showall
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
|. {{
|. {{
| {{#ifeq:.|,|, r|. R}}etrieved
| ()
|. ""
Kēlir morghūlis — All cats must die.Invalid tag extension name: ref
keligon [ke'ligon]
perfect: kelitan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: i
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to stop, to come to a stop. Generally used
intransitively, except in the perfect passive participle: keliton ended.
kēlio ['keːlio]
kēlītsos [keː'liːtsos]
adj. I heavy
kepa ['kepa]
#if: {{#if:||{{#if:||}}}}
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
}} {{
}} }}{{
#if: Peterson
|. {{
|[[ |{{
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
| et al.
|. ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:.|.||.}}
#if: Peterson
|. }}{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#ifexpr: {{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
| {{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }} |{{
#ifexpr: {{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
| {{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }} |{{
}} "The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
|"The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the
words behind world-building{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
|. {{{TitleNote}}}
| (in )
| ()
#if:The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#if: New York, New York
#if: Penguin Books
| (New York, New York: Penguin Books)
| (New York, New York)
#if: Penguin Books
| (Penguin Books)
| {{
| ()
| ()
#if: {{
#if: 127
|{{#if:||p. }}127
|{{#if:||pp. }}
|: {{
#if: 127
|{{#if:||p. }}127
|{{#if:||pp. }}
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#if: Peterson
}} {{#if:{{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U |
2001-10-10 }}|{{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U |
2001-10-10 }}|{{
}} The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building{{
#if:| []
|The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the
words behind world-building{{
#if:| []
| ()
| ( ed.)
#if: New York, New York
|. New York, New York
#if: Penguin Books
#if: New York, New York
}} Penguin Books
#if: Peterson
#if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
|. {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}{{
| []
#ifeq: | {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
#if: Peterson
| (published )
| (published )
#if: {{
#if: 127
|{{#if:||p. }}127
|{{#if:||pp. }}
|. {{
#if: 127
|{{#if:||p. }}127
|{{#if:||pp. }}
1. if:
|. {{#switch:doi
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|isbn=ISBN [[Special:BookSources/|]]
|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
#if: PetersonThe Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
#if: 978-0-14-312646-1
|. {{#switch:isbn
| []
| []
|doi:978-0-14-312646-1 (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi:978-0-14-312646-1 (inactive )
|asin=ASIN 978-0-14-312646-1
{{#if:1||ASIN 978-0-14-312646-1
|bibcode=Bibcode: 978-0-14-312646-1
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{{#if:1||JFM 978-0-14-312646-1
|jstor=JSTOR 978-0-14-312646-1
{{#if:1||JSTOR 978-0-14-312646-1
|isbn=ISBN 978-0-14-312646-1
{{#if:1||ISBN 978-0-14-312646-1
|issn=ISSN 978-0-14-312646-1
{{#if:1||ISSN 978-0-14-312646-1
|mr=MRTemplate:=978-0-14-312646-1 978-0-14-312646-1
|oclc=OCLC 978-0-14-312646-1
{{#if:1||OCLC 978-0-14-312646-1
|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=978-0-14-312646-1 978-0-14-
{{#if:1||PMC 978-0-14-312646-1
|pmid=PMID 978-0-14-312646-1
{{#if:1||PMID 978-0-14-312646-1
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:978-0-14-312646-1&formatTemplate:=complete 978-0-
{{#if:1||ZBL 978-0-14-312646-1
}} }}{{
|. {{#switch:issn
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|isbn=ISBN [[Special:BookSources/|]]
|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
|. {{#switch:oclc
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|isbn=ISBN [[Special:BookSources/|]]
|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
|. {{#switch:pmid
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
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|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|isbn=ISBN [[Special:BookSources/|]]
|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
|. {{#switch:pmc
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
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|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|isbn=ISBN [[Special:BookSources/|]]
|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|{{#if:1||. {{#switch:pmc
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|isbn=ISBN [[Special:BookSources/|]]
|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}
|. {{#switch:bibcode
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| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
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|doi: (inactive )
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|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
1. if:
|. {{{Archive}}} |{{
|. {{#ifeq:.|.|A|a}}rchived{{
|{{#if:| from {{#if:
|[ the original]
|the original
| on {{{ArchiveDate}}}
|. Error: If you specify |{{#if:|archiveurl|archivedate}}=, you must
{{#if:| also specify |{{#if:|archivedate|archiveurl}}=|first specify
|url=}}{{#if:| when using
{{[[Template:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]}}}}Template:Namespace detect showall
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
|. {{
|. {{
| {{#ifeq:.|,|, r|. R}}etrieved
| ()
|. ""
Kepo Tubis Biare — Happy Father's DayInvalid tag extension name: ref
keragon [ke'ragon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }}? to cook
{{#switch: dem
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
Kesys ondor avy sytilībus daor. — You should not have these powers.
kesir ['kesir]
{{#switch: dem
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel.adj = rel.pron. adj.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
kesīr ['kesiːr]
{{#switch: dem
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
Belmurtī ivestrās kesīr pōnte jiōrinna. — Tell the slavers I will receive them here.
kesy ['kesy]
{{#switch: dem
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
keskydoso [kesky'doso]
kessa ['kessa]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|6for}} Khal, title used for the leader of a Dothraki horde ( < Doth.
kiōs [kioːs]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}}.Invalid tag extension name: ref springInvalid tag extension
name: ref
v. to ride
Sesīr kipi. — And now we ride.Invalid tag extension name: ref
kirimves [ki'ɾimves]
adj. II happy
Tubī hae kesīr sittāks, sesīr kirine iksan. — You were born on a day like this one, and so I am
kisagon [ki'sagon]
v. obsolete word for to eat. Word persists in Classical High Valyrian, but it is
considered coarse.
kisalbar [ki'salbar]
kisikagon [kisi'kagon]
perfect: kisittan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to feed →acc. the recipient, →inst. the food. ( <
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|kisagon}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|-ikagon}}.)
Zoklī havoso kisittoty daor. — We did not feed the wolves bread.
kivio [ˈkivio]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3lun}}. promise
Jemot kivio ñuhe tepan — I give you my word.
Kivio Dārilaros The Prince That Was Promised
Meri kīvio dārilaros ōz maghagon kostas. — Only the prince who was promised can bring the
dawn.Invalid tag extension name: ref
Ziry kivio dārilaros issa, se zȳhon suvio perzō vāedar issa. — He is the prince that was promised,
and his is the song of ice and fire. Invalid tag extension name: ref
klios [klios] klioh-
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}} fish
Kesy ñuhys klios issa. — This one is my squid.
{{#switch: dem
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
konir ['konir]
{{#switch: dem
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel.adj = rel.pron. adj.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
Dārys issa vestris, se prūmio ñuho konir drējior issa. — They say he is a king and of my heart
that is true.
Konir sagon kostos daor. — That's not possible.
konīr ['koniːr]
{{#switch: dem
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
konor ['konor]
kony ['kony]
{{#switch: dem
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
korze ['koɾze]
korzion ['korzion]
korzita ['korzita]
kostagon ['kostagon]
perfect: kōttan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| i|j = Obl. appl.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
kostilus ['kostilus]
kostio ['kostio]
kostion ['kostion]
kostōba [ko'stoːba]
kostōbirī [ko'stoːbirī]
krēgo ['kreːgo]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3lun}}. beet
Skoro syt kesī krēga bāngā? — Why are you baking these beets?
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}}. leg
Averilloma vala azanti krihot ondurtas. — The drunk man grabbed the knight by the leg.
krubo ['krubo]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3lun}}. dwarf
kustikagon [kusti'kagon]
perfect: kustittan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: k
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Ābre kustittas lua vala raqiros issa. — The man who encouraged the woman is a friend.
kydȳbagon [ky'dyːbagon]
perfect: kydȳptan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: b
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Kydȳptakson sȳz kesos. — It would be good to have been measured. Invalid tag extension
name: ref
kyndrir ['kyndrir]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|6col}}. intestines
kyno ['kyno]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3lun}}. silkworm
kȳvanon ['kyːvanon]
Kȳvakio ['ky:vakio]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}}. eye.
Laehossa yne ōdris. — My eyes hurt.
adj. I faceless Invalid tag extension name: ref ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|laehurlion}} face +
Laehurloqitti Vali The Faceless Men.
num. twenty
lanty ['lanty]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2lun}}. fox
laodiapos ['la diapos]
lāra ['laːɾa]
leghagon [le'ɣagon]
perfect: lēdan
v. C-fin. to fill. →acc. the thing being filled, →gen. the substance with which it is
filled, →inst. the instrument by which it is filled.
lēkia ['leːkia]
lenton ['lenton]
lentor ['lentor]
lentor ['lentor]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|6col}}.{{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. village (col. of
lentun ['lentun]
letagon [le'tagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: t
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to tie, to bindInvalid tag extension name: ref
lilagon [li'lagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: l
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Valar lilis. — All men must dance.Invalid tag extension name: ref
limagon [li'magon]
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: a
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Valar limassis, hāedus. Valar limassis. — All men must cry, little sister. All men must
cry.Invalid tag extension name: ref
lioragon [lio'ɾagon]
perfect: liortan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Dohaeriros istin, sindita liortā, qilonta ozbartā. — I was a slave once, bought and sold, scourged
and branded.Invalid tag extension name: ref
līr [liːr]
{{#switch: rel
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
līrinon ['liːɾinon]
līrigon ['liːɾigon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: i
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
perfect: ilīritan
litse ['litse]
adj. II fair, beautiful.
Gryves se Riña Litse. — The Bear and the Maiden Fair.
lo [lo]
lodaor [loda r]
lōgor ['loːgor]
loktys ['loktys]
lopor ['lopor]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3aq}}? salt
lōragon ['loːɾagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to drill, to bore Takes a dative object.Invalid tag
extension name: ref
lōrty ['loːɾty]
lōtirī ['loːtiɾiː]
lōtinty [loː'tinty]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2lun}} pie
Tolī rhūqo lōtinti, kostilus. — More pigeon pie, please.Invalid tag extension name: ref
adj. II wet
lua [lua]
{{#switch: rel.adj
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}}Invalid tag extension name: ref who, which, that; agrees with head noun's gender, case &
number(?) in main clause.
lurugon [lu'ɾugon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: u
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
lurvon ['luɾvon]
lȳ [lyː]
{{#switch: rel
| pers = pers.pron.
| poss.adj = poss. adj. I
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
lyka ['lyka]
lykāpsirī [ly'kaːpsiɾiː]
lykemagon [lyke'magon]
perfect: lykēdan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
lyks ['lyks]
maghagon [ma'ɣagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: gh
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Udrāzmī jemot maghon daor. Iderennon maghan. — I do not bring you commands. I bring you a
mālor ['ma:lor]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to raise, →acc: to celebrateInvalid tag extension
name: ref, biarvī manaeragon to celebrate (good fortune)Invalid tag extension name: ref.
Yn aderī, mōrī, aōt māzīli se hēnkirī īlvi biarvī manaerili. — But soon, when it is all over, we
shall come to you and celebrate together.
mandia ['mandia]
majaqagon [maja'qagon]
perfect: majattan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: q
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
massa ['massa]
massigon ['massigon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: i
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to happen, perhaps also to become (perh.
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|maz-}} + {{#if:sigon|sigon|sagon}}, aorist of {{#if:|{{{2}}}|sagon}}, to come to
mazemagon [maze'magon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }}. to take. ( lit. come to have, < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|maz-
}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|emagon}})
mazilībagon [mazi'lībagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: b
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to set (of the sun)Invalid tag extension name: ref
(lit. something like come to lie (< {{#if:|{{{2}}}|maz-}} + ilībagon, also seen in
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|sytilībagon}} to belong, < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|ilagon}} to lie (down) + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|-
Lo vēzos endiā sīmonus se ñāqot mazilībus. — When the sun rises in the west and sets in the
east.Invalid tag extension name: ref
māzigon ['maːzigon]
perfect: māstan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: i
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
*mazilirion [mazi'lirion]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. future
Hen maziliriot māzī — We come from the future. Invalid tag extension name: ref
mazōregon [maz'oːɾegon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: e
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to accept ( lit. come to hold < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|maz-
}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|ōregon}}.)Invalid tag extension name: ref
Belmurtī ivestrās kesĪr pōnte jiōrinna se pōjon obūljarion mazōrīnna. — Tell the slavers I will
receive them here and accept their surrender.
mazverdagon [maz'veɾdagon]
perfect: mazvēttan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to create (lit. come to arrange, <
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|maz-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|verdagon}}.)
Valar mazvēttas luos belmossi zirȳle tolvȳs gaomoso iderennosō letis — All men bind themselves
with chains that they have created, through every deed and decision.Invalid tag extension
name: ref
Īlōn pryjassis līr īlōn mazverdis. — What destroys us, creates us.Invalid tag extension name:
lyks mazverdagon to bring peace
Meli Voktyssy Mīrīnī lyks mazverdagon beldis. — The Red Priests helped bring peace to
Meereen.Invalid tag extension name: ref
mele ['mele]-ior
Melisandre [meli'sandre]
prop. n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|4lun}}. Melisandre (possibly of Asshai'i origin, but cf.
melvo ['melvo]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3lun}}. pear
Ñuha muña melvo nektos. — My mother is slicing a pear.
memēbagon [me'meːbagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: b
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
mentyn ['mentyn]
mentys ['mentys]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2sol}} soldier,
Dovaogēdys! Āeksia ossēnātās, menti ossēnātās! — Unsullied! Slay the masters, slay the soldiers!
col. mentyr
Mentyri idañe jevi ivestrilātās keskydoso gaomagon. — You shall tell your fellow soldiers to do
mentyr ['mentyr]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|6col}}.{{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2sol}}. army
mēny ['meːny]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2lun}}. body
Ābra mīsvoso zȳhe mēni jomīsas. — The woman is wearing armor on her body.
merbugon ['merbugon]
perfect: merbutan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
#if: {{#if:||{{#if:||}}}}
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
}} {{
}} }}{{
#if: New York, New York
#ifeq: New York, New York | New York, New York
#if: Peterson
|. written at New York, New York
#if: Peterson
|. {{
|[[ |{{
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
|{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
| et al.
|. ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:.|.||.}}
#if: Peterson
|. }}{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#ifexpr: {{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
| {{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }} |{{
#ifexpr: {{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
| {{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }} |{{
}} "The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
|"The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the
words behind world-building{{
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
|. {{{TitleNote}}}
| (in )
| ()
#if:The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#if: New York, New York
#if: Penguin Books
| (New York, New York: Penguin Books)
| (New York, New York)
#if: Penguin Books
| (Penguin Books)
| {{
| ()
| ()
#if: {{
#if: 270
|{{#if:||p. }}270
|{{#if:||pp. }}
|: {{
#if: 270
|{{#if:||p. }}270
|{{#if:||pp. }}
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
#if: Peterson
}} {{#if:{{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U |
2001-10-10 }}|{{
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10
|{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U |
2001-10-10 }}|{{
}} The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building{{
#if:| []
|The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the
words behind world-building{{
#if:| []
| ()
| ( ed.)
#if: New York, New York
|. New York, New York
#if: Penguin Books
#if: New York, New York
}} Penguin Books
#if: Peterson
#if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
|. {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}{{
| []
#ifeq: | {{#if:|{{{date}}}| 2015}}
#if: Peterson
| (published )
| (published )
#if: {{
#if: 270
|{{#if:||p. }}270
|{{#if:||pp. }}
|. {{
#if: 270
|{{#if:||p. }}270
|{{#if:||pp. }}
1. if:
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| []
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#if: PetersonThe Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark
Elves, the words behind world-building
#if: 978-0-14-312646-1
|. {{#switch:isbn
| []
| []
|doi:978-0-14-312646-1 (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
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{{#if:1||JFM 978-0-14-312646-1
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{{#if:1||JSTOR 978-0-14-312646-1
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{{#if:1||ISBN 978-0-14-312646-1
|issn=ISSN 978-0-14-312646-1
{{#if:1||ISSN 978-0-14-312646-1
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{{#if:1||ZBL 978-0-14-312646-1
}} }}{{
|. {{#switch:issn
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
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|. {{#switch:oclc
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|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
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}} }}{{
|. {{#switch:pmid
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
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|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
|. {{#switch:pmc
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
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|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|{{#if:1||. {{#switch:pmc
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
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|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}
|. {{#switch:bibcode
| []
| []
|doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq: |
|[[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |
|doi: (inactive )
|jfm=JFM Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
|isbn=ISBN [[Special:BookSources/|]]
|pmc=PMC Template:=pmcentrez&artidTemplate:=
|zbl=ZBL Template:=an:&formatTemplate:=complete
}} }}{{
1. if:
|. {{{Archive}}} |{{
|. {{#ifeq:.|.|A|a}}rchived{{
|{{#if:| from {{#if:
|[ the original]
|the original
| on {{{ArchiveDate}}}
|. Error: If you specify |{{#if:|archiveurl|archivedate}}=, you must
{{#if:| also specify |{{#if:|archivedate|archiveurl}}=|first specify
|url=}}{{#if:| when using
{{[[Template:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]]}}}}Template:Namespace detect showall
#if: The Art of Language Invention : from Horse-Lords to Dark Elves,
the words behind world-building
|. {{
|. {{
| {{#ifeq:.|,|, r|. R}}etrieved
|. [ Lay summary]{{#if: | – {{{laysource}}}}}
| ()
|. ""
mērī ['meːɾiː]
mēriot ['meːɾiot]
mhysa ['mysa]
adj. I short
Mirri ōdria uēpi dōrī drējī zgiēñisi, sepār hen mībājȳr udīr ānogrosa anehussi. — Some old
wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.
mijegon [mi'jegon]
perfect: mijetan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: e
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to lack, be without, be apart from. →inst.
Mīrīn ['miːɾiːn]
adj. II any This word has many uses, corresponding almost exactly to those of the
English equivalent any; some.
In the sense of all:
Henujagon jaelza lua vala mirre henujagon kostas. — Any man who wishes to leave may leave.
in the sense of whatever:
Muñar aōt teptas lue brōzi, iā mirre tolie iderēbās. — Choose the name your parents gave you, or
any other.
as opposed to none:
Lo jention mirre nūmāzme ēza, iderenna qopsa verdagon issa. — If leadership is about anything,
it’s about making hard choices.
with a negative:
Jomōzussis lua vala mirros ēngoso ȳdrassigon kostilos daor. — A man who keeps getting drunk
will not be able to speak any language Invalid tag extension name: ref
In the sense of some:
Mirri ōdria uēpi dōrī drējī zgiēñisi... — Some old wounds never truly heal...
mirrī ['mirriː]
mirriot ['mirriot]
{{#switch: indef
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
mirros ['mirros]
{{#switch: indef
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
Mirrun mōrqitto bantiot sikiks. — Some are born to endless night. Invalid tag extension
name: ref
coll. mirror {{#switch: indef
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} whatever
mirtys ['miɾtys]
{{#switch: indef
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
mīsagon ['miːsagon]
perfect: mīstan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: s
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }}. to defend, to protect. →acc. of the thing
protected Invalid tag extension name: ref
mīsio ['miːsio]
mīsvos ['miːsvos]
mittys ['mittys]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2sol}}. fool
Mittys iksā. Āeksia tolī kostōbi issi. — You’re a fool. The masters are too strong.
molry ['molry]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2lun}}. horn
morghe ['moɾɣe]
adj. II dead
Ionos Sōnaro morghe iksos daor. — Jon Snow isn't dead.Invalid tag extension name: ref
col. subst. morghor the dead
Bosys bantis amāzis, se morghor zijomy amāzis. — The long night is coming, and the dead come
with it.Invalid tag extension name: ref
morghon ['moɾɣon]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. death
Morghot nēdyssy sesīr zūgusy azantys vestras. — The knight says that even the brave men fear
morghūljagon [moɾ'ɣuːʎagon]
perfect: morghūltan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: lj
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
mōris ['moːɾis]
mōrqitta [moːɾ'qitta]
mōzugon ['moːzugon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: u
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
muña ['muɲa]
mundagon ['mundagon]
v. to be miserable
He hears the Stone Men in their misery… — mundari dorenki rybis…
munnon ['munnon]
Mȳr [myːr]
myrdys [myrdys]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2sol}}. or {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2lun}}. deerInvalid tag extension name:
Sȳndroso lykāpa, myrdomy aderpa, iēdrosa gīdāpa. Zūger korzose trūmȳtrī nektossis. — Quiet
as a shadow, swift as a deer, calm as still water. Fear cuts deeper than swords.
nābēmagon [naː'beːmagon]
nādīnagon [naː'diːnagon]
nagegon [na'gegon]
perfect: nagetan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: e
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
nāgīdāves [naːgiː'daːves]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|4sol}}. InequalityInvalid tag extension name: ref
Dobotēdāves. Nāgīdāves. Qrinuntenkāves. — Ignorance. Inequality. Antagonism. Invalid tag
extension name: ref
nākostōbāves [na:kosto:'ba:ves]
nāmorghūlilaros [naːmoɾɣuːli'laros]
nāpāsiros [naː'paːsiros]
nāpāstys [naː'paːstys]
nāqopsir ['naːqopsir]
nāvar ['naːvar]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|1aq}}. lake
nēdenka [neː'deŋka]
nēdenkirī [neː'deŋkiɾiː]
nēdys ['neːdys]
nehugon [ne'hugon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: u
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| emagon = C-fin. (irreg.)
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to leak → inst. of the substance leaked, e.g.
ānogrosa nehugon to bleed
{{#switch: a
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
Mirri ōdria uēpi dōrī drējī zgiēñisi, sepār hen mībājȳr udīr ānogrosa anehussi. — Some old
wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.
nekēpty [ne'keːpty]
nektogon ['nektogon]
perfect: nektotan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: o
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
nevegon ['nevegon]
perfect: nevetan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: e
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Azantys taobe zenturliot nevetas. — The knight carried the boy to the inn.
nopāzma [no'paːzma]
nopon ['nopon]
Norvos ['noɾvos]
nūmāzma [nuː'maːzma]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|1lun}}. meaning, essence, the truth of it (probably
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|nūmo}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|-āzma}}.)
Lo jention mirre nūmāzme ēza, iderenna qopsa verdagon issa. — If leadership is about anything,
it’s about making hard choices.
Aōle rūda, nūmāzma issa. — You quit, you mean.
nūmio ['nuːmio]
nūmo ['nuːmo]
nuspes ['nuspes]
nyke ['nyke]
{{#switch: pers
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} I.
nykēla [ny'keːla]
{{#switch: refl
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} myself
ñābranna [ɲaː'branna]
ñāqa ['ɲaːqa]
adj. I eastern.Invalid tag extension name: ref Invalid tag extension name: ref
Lo vēzos endiā sīmonus se ñāqot mazilībus. — When the sun rises in the west and sets in the
east.Invalid tag extension name: ref
ñāqes ['ɲaːqes]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|4sol}}. morning, but can also refer to the dawn.Invalid tag
extension name: refInvalid tag extension name: ref ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|ñāqa}}.)
*ñelly, -s
ñellyr ['ɲellyr]
ñepegon ['ɲepegon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: e
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
ñōghe ['ɲoːɣe]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|4lun}}. arm
Nykēlo syt ūndon daor luo valzȳro ñōghossi ōressiks. — I find myself held by the arms of a
husband I never expected to have.
ñōghoqitta [ɲoːɣo'qitta]
ñōghybon ['ɲoːɣybon]
ñombes ['ɲombes]
{{#switch: poss.adj
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} my
ñuhon ['ɲuhon]
{{#switch: poss
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} mine
ñuhoso [ɲu'hoso]
ñuqir ['ɲuqir]
obar ['obar]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|1aq}}. curve
obūljagon [o'buːʎagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: lj
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to bend Invalid tag extension name: ref
obūljarion [o'buːʎaɾion]
ōdragon ['oːdragon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to hurt especially of body parts, with the person
in the acc.
ōdres ['oːdres]
ōdrikagon [oː'drikagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: k
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }}? "to harm." ( < ōdres + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|-ikagon}}.)
ōdrio ['oːdrio]
ōghar ['oːɣar]
ohīlagon [oˈhiːlagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: l
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
ohīlvos [o'hiːlvos]
oiro [o'iro]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3lun}}. fat
ojehikagon [ojehiˈkagon]
perfect: ojehittan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: k
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
ojughagon [oju'ɣagon]
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: gh
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to loseInvalid tag extension name: ref ( <
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|oz-}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|rughagon}}.)
oktion ['oktion]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}} city
Va oktio remȳti vale jikās. — Send a man to the city gates.
olvī ['olviː]
olvȳn ['olvyːn]
{{#switch: indef
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
ondor ['ondor]
ondos ['ondos]
postp.→gen. by, at the hand of, used with passive verbs to mark the agent. (Inst. of
Valo ondoso Aerys iderēbaks. — Aerys is selected for by the man.
onduragon [ondu'ɾagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Iā jemēla zȳhys perzī ondurilāt? — Or will you take up her flames yourselves? Invalid tag
extension name: ref
onjapos [on'japos]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}}. carrot
Anne onjapossa ipradas. — The horse is eating carrots.
ōños ['oːɲos]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}}. light
Roberti Dāri zȳhi nekēpti se Āeksiot Ōño jemagon. — Turn King Robert away from his idols and
toward the Lord of Light.
ōrbar ['oːɾbar]
ōregon ['oːɾegon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: e
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Nykēlo syt ūndon daor luo valzȳro ñōghossi ōressiks. — I find myself held by the arms of a
husband I never expected to have.
ospȳnagon [os'spyːnagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: n
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
ossēnagon [os'seːnagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: n
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Dovaogēdys! Āeksia ossēnātās, menti ossēnātās! — Unsullied! Slay the masters, slay the soldiers!
otāpagon [o'taːpagon]
v. to think
Skoros otāpā? — What do you think?
ōtor ['oːtor]
ovoño [o'voɲo]
ozbaragon [o'zbaɾagon]
perfect: ozbartan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: r
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Hae jeme istin. Sindity se liorty, qilonty se ozbārty, qrillaetty se vaogēdy. — I was once as you
are now. Bought and sold, scourged and branded, raped and defiled.
ōz [oːz] on-
n. 3sol. dawn (perhaps distantly related to {{#if:|{{{2}}}|ōños}}?)Invalid tag
extension name: ref
Meri kīvio dārilaros ōz maghagon kostas. — Only the prince who was promised can bring the
dawn.Invalid tag extension name: ref
ozdakonon [ozda'konon]
ozgūroty [o'zguːɾoty]
ozzālagon [oz'zaːlagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: l
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Belma se pōnte sētessis lȳri nāpāstyri ozzālilāt? — Will you burn away the chains and the
nonbelievers who make them? "Invalid tag extension name: ref
paez [pa z]
paghagon [pa'ɣagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: gh
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
paktot ['paktot]
pālemio ['paːlemio]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3lun}}. wrist
Riña zȳhi raqiros pālemiot ondurtas. — The girl grabbed her friend by the wrist.
pamagon [pa'magon]
perfect: pamptan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| i|j = Obl. appl.
}}|}} {{#switch: m
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Taobo bartos ondot pamptan. — I rubbed the boy's head with his own hand.
pār [paːr]
{{#switch: {{{1}}}
| pers = pers.pron.
| poss.adj = poss. adj. I
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
Ēlī prūbrī iprattan, pār averille mōzutan. — First I ate the apples, then I drank the wine.
parklon ['paɾklon]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. meat
Kēlio parklon ipradas. — The lion is eating meat.
parmon ['paɾmon]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. grass
pālegon ['paːlegon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: e
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
pāletilla [paːle'tilla]
pāsagon ['paːsagon]
perfect: pāstan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: s
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to trust esp. in perf., believe esp. in
imperf.Invalid tag extension name: ref
pāsābare [paː'saːbaɾe]
pasābagon [pasaː'bagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| i|j = Obl. appl.
}}|}} {{#switch: b
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to follow someone as in "be a follower of".
Invalid tag extension name: ref( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|pāsagon}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|-ēbagon}}?)
pelar ['pelar]
pelōñe [pe'loːɲe]
adj. II coming from the waves (< pelar + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|-ōñe}})Invalid tag extension
name: ref
pēko ['peːko]
peldio ['peldio]
pendagon ['pendagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: a
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| emagon = C-fin. (irreg.)
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Pentos ['pentos]
perzys ['peɾzys]
pikībagon [pi'kiːbagon]
perfect: pikīptan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: b
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
piktagon [pik'tagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: b
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to follow. Invalid tag extension name: ref
pirta ['piɾta]
adj. III false (etymology unknown. Possibly derived from an obsolete verb *piragon
to lie, but no such verb exists in the Classical language.)
pirtiapos ['piɾtiapos]
pirtir ['piɾtir]
pilogon [pi'logon]
perfect: pilotan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to hold with the hands (not the arms).
Qilōni pilos lue vale tolvie ossēnātās — Slay every man who holds a whip!
pogry ['pogry]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2lun}}. nail
pōnta ['poːnta]
{{#switch: pers
| pers = pers.pron.
| poss.adj = poss. adj. I
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} they.
pōntāla [poːn'taːla]
{{#switch: refl
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} themselves
pōja ['poːja] -ys, -on, -or
{{#switch: poss.adj
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} their
pōjon ['poːjon]
{{#switch: poss
| pers = pers.pron.
| dem = dem.pron.
| int = int.pron.
| rel = rel.pron.
| indef = indef.pron.
| #default = pron.
}} theirs
pragrion ['pragrion]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}} bark
prūbres ['pruːbres]
prūmia ['pruːmia]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|1lun}}. heart.
Dārys issa vestris, se prūmio ñuho konir drējior issa. — They say he is a king and of my heart
that is true.
Ñuho prūmiā iksā. — You are in my heart. Invalid tag extension name: ref
pryjagon [pry'jagon]
perfect: pryjatan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: a
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to destroy, to break;Invalid tag extension name:
ref strike off. Perf.pass.part. pryjata "destroyed."
Urnet luo buzdaro tolvio belma pryjātās! — Strike the chains off every slave you see!
pryjatys [pry'jatys]
pungilla [puŋ'gilla]
pungos ['puŋgos]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}}. nose
Skoriot aōhys pungos ilza, ñuhus talus? — Where is your nose, my daughter?
puñila [pu'ɲila]
purtagon ['purtagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
pyghagon [py'ɣagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: gh
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }} to jump; to beat (of the heart)
perfect: pȳdan
...rūso zȳhosy gōvilirose zijo syt pyghas lue prūmie. — ... with his child beneath the heart that
beats for him.
pykagon [py'kagon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: k
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
pyrys ['pyɾys]
qablos ['qablos]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|1aq}}. whale
Qaedar klios issa? Daor! — Is a whale a fish? No!
adj. I sharp
qanemagon [qane'magon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
perfect: qanēdan
qantys ['qantys]
qelbar ['qelbar]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|1aq}}. river.
Qelbria ['qelbria]
qelbōñe [qel'boːɲe]
adj. II that lives/comes from the river (< qelbar + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|-ōñe}}.)Invalid tag
extension name: ref qelbōñe kēli river otter.
qēlītsos ['qeːliːtsos]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}}. candle ( < {{#if:|{{{2}}}|qēlos}} + {{#if:|{{{2}}}|-ītsos}},
lit. app. little star.)
Zȳhi perzi stepagon Āeksio Ōño jorepi, se morghūltas lī qēlītsos sikagon. — We beg the Lord to
share his fire, and light a candle that has gone out. Invalid tag extension name: ref
qēlos ['qeːlos]
qībōños [qi:'bo:ños]
qilōnagon [qi'loːnagon]
perfect: qilontan
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: n
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
| #default = High Valyrian Verb Tables }}? to scourgeInvalid tag extension name: ref (cf.
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|qilōny}} whip.)
Hae jeme istin. Sindity se liorty, qilonty se ozbārty, qrillaetty se vaogēdy. — I was once as you
are now. Bought and sold, scourged and branded, raped and defiled.
Dohaeriros istin, sindita liortā, qilonta ozbartā. — I was a slave once, bought and sold, scourged
and branded.Invalid tag extension name: ref
qilōnarion [qi'loːnaɾion]
qilōny [qi'loːny]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|2lun}}. whip
Qilōni pilos lue vale tolvie ossēnātās. — Slay every man who holds a whip.
qimos ['qimos]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3sol}}. chin
qintir ['qintir]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|5aq}}. turtle
Ñuhor qintir jorrāelzi. — They love my turtle.
qlādugon ['qlaːdugon]
v. {{#if:|{{#switch: {{{2}}}
| a|h|s|z = Insv.
}}|}} {{#switch: u
| r | l = C-fin.
| p | t | k | q = C-fin.
| m | n =C-fin.
| b | d | g = C-fin.
| h | s | z | gh | v | j | cluster = C-fin.
| ñ | lj = C-fin.
| a = V-fin.
| e = V-fin.
| i = V-fin.
| o = V-fin.
| u = V-fin.
| sagon = irreg.
| jagon = irreg.
| sahagon = irreg.
Belmondo bantāzma bōsa jemī qlādīlusy botilat? — Will you let them drag you back into the long
night of bondage? Invalid tag extension name: ref
qogron ['qogron]
n. {{#if:|{{{1}}}°|3ter}}. line (prob. in the military sense; see
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|qogror}} below.), pl. qogra formation
Ābris, qogrossi jemēle verdātās! — Ladies, let's get in formation!Invalid tag extension name:
qogror ['qogror]
qrīdronnor [qriː'dronnor]
qrīdropagon [qriːdro'pagon]
perfect: qrīdropatas
Template:HVverb to be disgraced, to take a misstep, to be destroyed, figuratively to
be lostInvalid tag extension name: ref (< {{#if:|{{{2}}}|qrin-}} +
{{#if:|{{{2}}}|ropagon}} , lit. to misfall.)
Lo inkot ūndion, qrīdropēnna. — If I look back, I am lost.
qrīdrughagon [qriːdru'ɣagon]
perfect: qrīdrūdan
Template:HVverb to give up, to abandon, to throw away, to discard, to leave behind.
( < Template:HVder + Template:HVlex, with the same n-deletion ruleInvalid tag
extension name: ref seen in Template:HVlex→Template:HVlex.)
Template:HVverb to curse (lit. to name badly, < Template:HVder +
n. Template:2sol. enemy
Template:Adj. I bad
qubirī [qu'biɾiː] Template:ID
adv. badly, poorly ( < Template:HVlex + Template:HVder.)
n. Template:4sol. chicken
n. Template:2sol. heathen
n. Template:3ter. table
qūvy [ˈquːvy] Template:ID
n. Template:2lun. tear
n. Template:4sol. scorpion
Template:HVverb to wipe, to brush
Template:Adj. I soft
Template:HVverb to soften. (Template:HVlex + Template:HVder.)
n. Template:3sol-k. frog
n. Template:3sol. mouth
n. Template:3lun. gate
Template:HVverb to meet; to find
to begin.
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
*rhūqTemplate:Gr Template:ID
n. Template:4sol? pigeon
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
Template:HVverb to praise. (cf. Template:HVlex.)
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
Template:HVverb to worship; to praise; to obey ( < Template:HVlex +
n. Template:3ter. sand
Template:Adj. I big
Template:Adj. I dull
Template:HVverb to dig
Template:HVverb to drop; in the reflexive to quit.
prop. n. Template:6forInvalid tag extension name: ref R'hllor, the Lord of Light
(possibly from Asshai'i.)
Template:HVverb to remember
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
rȳ [ryː] Template:ID
Template:HVverb to hear.
Template:Adj. I healthy
Template:HVverb to be. 3s forms issaInvalid tag extension name: ref and
kessaInvalid tag extension name: ref may be used to mean yes.
Template:HVverb to use; to cause, to force →dat.+inf.
n. Template:1aq. cloud
se [se] Template:ID
conj. and
conj. and especially where consecutivity is implied, and then, next; therefore ( <
Template:HVlex + Template:HVlex.)
conj. just as
in conditionals then...
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
Template:HVverb to bear again ( < Template:HVlex + Template:HVder.)
in the passive to be born again
Template:HVverb to give birth to, to bear (prob. Template:HVlex, or its aorist
Template:HVlex, + Template:HVder.)
to light a candle
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
Template:Num. seventy
Template:HVverb to buyInvalid tag extension name: ref
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
adv. now
lo sīr now that
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
Template:HVpron when?
conj./Template:HVpron when
Template:HVpron Template:3ter.i. what esp. for places, mass nouns, and abstracts
skorio syt why
Template:HVpron why; conj. because properly used in this sense only in response
to a question. (instrumental of Template:HVlex.)
n. Template:1lun. rudder
n. Template:2lun. scroll
n. Template:2lun. shield
Template:HVverb to laugh
Template:HVverb to fly
Template:HVverb to share.
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
n. Template:1aq. tea
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
n. Template:3ter.i ice
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
Template:HVverb to tryInvalid tag extension name: ref (cf. Template:HVlex.)
adv. well
postp.→gen. for. Skoro syt why? (prob. historically the locative or dative of an
unknown or lost noun, perhaps something like *sion, or maybe something related to
Template:HVlex, with the idea of for the good of....)
Template:HVverb to chose for, select for. +acc: the person for whom the thing is
selected (this applies even in the passive), +dat: the thing selected. ( <
Template:HVder + Template:HVder + Template:HVlex.)
Template:HVverb to belong; to be for. (prob. < Template:HVder +
Template:HVlex + Template:HVder.)
n. Template:1lun. boy
Template:HVverb to finish.
n. Template:5aq. curve
v. to prick, to poke
n. Template:2lun. leaf.
Template:HVverb to give, used with a 1st or 2nd person subject or recipient
(otherwise see Template:HVlex.)
tepilla [te'pilla] Template:ID
n. Template:3ter. root
toliot ['toliot]
n. Template:2sol. stranger, lit. the one who comes from afar ( Type I substantivised
form of adjective *Template:HVlex < Template:HVlex + Template:HVder)
adv. far
post.→gen. across (loc. of Template:HVlex, "far side." This is why it can be
combined with Template:HVlex.)
Template:Num. fifty
n. Template:5sol. day; kesȳ tubī, tubīInvalid tag extension name: ref adv. today
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
Template:HVverb to play, to frolic
Template:HVverb to crawl, to creep
n. Template:4sol. eel
Template:HVverb to respond, to answer (Poss. *ud- seen Template:HVlex +
May be used intransitively:
or transitively:
Template:Adj. I old
n. Template:3sol-h. squid
n. Template:3lun. falcon
Template:HVverb to come to, to arrive at
Template:HVverb to count
Template:HVverb to see, to catch sight of, to sight; when used intransitively to
lookInvalid tag extension name: ref , metaphorically to be x years old (eventative
of Template:HVlex.)
n. Template:3ter.i. watch.
Template:HVverb to see.
va [va] Template:ID
prep.→loc. towards, at, near; →dat. to, all the way up to.
n. Template:1aq. song
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
n. Template:1lun. man. Valar morghūlis All men must die, a common greeting.
Valar dohaeris All men must serve, the response to valar morghūlis
Template:HVverb to sully, to defile ( < *vaog- seen in Template:HVlex +
n. Template:3sol. anger
vējes ['veːjes] Template:ID
n. Template:1lun. father's older sister, paternal aunt older than fatherInvalid tag
extension name: ref.
n. Template:1lun. father's older sister's child, cousin by paternal aunt older than
fatherInvalid tag extension name: ref.
Template:HVverb to arrange; to make (a decision) (cf. Template:HVlex.)
Template:HVverb to remake, recreate ( < Template:HVlex + Template:HVder.)
Template:HVverb to say
Template:QuoteInvalid tag extension name: ref
with impersonal subject it seems →dat. toInvalid tag extension name: ref
n. Template:3sol. sun
Template:HVverb to fight
n. Template:4sol. raven
Template:Num. ninety.
Template:HVverb to kiss
n. Template:3sol-h? world
n. Template:3ter. knee
Template:HVverb to speak, to speak to →acc. ( < Template:HVder +
of languages, →inst.
Template:Adj. I safe
perzo bē ȳgha fireproof (lit. safe on fire)
Template:HVverb to smell
yn [yn] Template:ID
conj. but.
Template:Adj. I narrow
n. Template:3sol. neck
ȳs [yːs] yv-Template:ID
n. Template:3sol-v. art
n. Template:4sol. crystal
Template:HVverb to burn. va daorunta zālagon to burn away, to burn to nothing
adv. yesterday
n. Template:2sol. guest
adv. in his way, as he wishes (unknown; cf. ñyhoso & aōhoso for which
corresponding form should be *zȳhoso.)
Template:HVverb to freeze;
n. Template:1lun. wolf
Template:HVverb to be afraid, to fear →dat.