Reversal of Type 1 Diabetes Using Plant-Based Diet: A Case Study
Reversal of Type 1 Diabetes Using Plant-Based Diet: A Case Study
Reversal of Type 1 Diabetes Using Plant-Based Diet: A Case Study
Type-1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease characterized by hyperglycemia, inability to produce insulin
due to self-destruction of beta cells in the pancreas. The epidemic of type-1 diabetes causes irreversible
suffering like retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, foot complications, high blood pressure, etc, and
put patients on a life sentence with insulin. The common perception in medical science is that sugar
levels cannot be normalized without the help of medication. However, in the present study we examined
a type 1 patient by putting her on a diet plan with regular follow ups and studied all diabetes-related
biochemical parameters. We were successfully able to eliminate her medication and insulin dependency.
four types of raw vegetables which weigh equal to body weight dinner of Mixtard insulin, and 10 units before lunch of
(in kg) × 5 = … (gm) along with a normal cooked meal. Dinner Actrapid. In addition to that, she was taking 1000 mg of
is calculated the same way as lunch. In addition to this, soaked metformin per day. Her blood sugar level varied from 156 ± 24
nuts and sprouts are also a part of the diet and the quantity of mg/dl with total insulin (60 Unit) and 159 ± 5 with 25 U
these also depend on the patient’s body weight (kg)… (gm). insulin. Her HbA1c was 9.3% in 2011 and mean plasma
Sunshine is also an integral part of the prescribed diet. Packed glucose was 197 at the time of diagnosis (Table 1).
and refined food, nutritional supplements, non-steroidal anti-
Post intervention: The intervention was divided into two
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and dinner at late hours are
strictly denied.
Basic intervention: Where cooked food was offered along
After five months, she was recommended to follow a more
with raw food (Aug 2018-Jan 2019).
restricted diet plan mainly consisting of fruits and raw
vegetables. Dairy products and cooked food were completely Intensive intervention: Where no cooked food was given (4-6
eliminated during intensive intervention [8]. A regular Jan 2019).
monitoring of glucose (fasting and post prandial) was carried
Her dependency on insulin decreased gradually from 60 U to
out during intervention.
25 U during basic the intervention phase, and eventually to nil
during intensive intervention phase. Her HBA1c was 7.2% post
Biochemical parameters intervention. Her C-peptide level was 0.93 (0.81-3.85) ng/ml,
Before intervention: The patient had been suffering from type mean plasma glucose was 160 and Glutamic acid
1 diabetes for eight years as was diagnosed in Dec 2011. She decarboxylase (GAD) 7 U/ml (value <30 is considered
was prescribed 28 units before breakfast and 22 units before negative) after dietary intervention (Table 1).
Variables Date Insulin C-peptide GAD HbA1c (%) Blood sugar in average (mg/dl)
At the time of diagnosis (2011)
(28.12.11) 28 U+22 U/day - - 9.3 160*
Actaprid 10 U/day
0.93 7 7.2
At the time of preparation of manuscript - 0 -
(19.2.2019) (5.3.2019) (18.2.2019)
Note: GAD = Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase, Parenthesis (-) represents the non-availability of data, *Glucose levels with insulin therapy
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