How To Manage Your Perfectionism: Double-Edged Sword
How To Manage Your Perfectionism: Double-Edged Sword
How To Manage Your Perfectionism: Double-Edged Sword
Create a checklist
The pursuit of perfection is a bit like wandering on an aimless journey, says Plummer.
“You keep walking and walking, but you’re not sure that you’re getting any closer to
your destination,” he says. Similarly, “a perfectionist is always going to want to keep
working [on a given assignment.] But the end result is rarely satisfying.” So, rather
than toil “in search of this amorphous goal of perfection,” he recommends, “creating
a checklist” for each task. Say, for instance, you’re working on an important client
pitch. The perfectionist in you might fret over the font choice and sweat every semi-
colon. But with a checklist that reminds you to confirm you’ve spelled things
correctly and to eliminate basic editing errors, you needn’t endlessly slog. “You’re
following a process with discrete and measurable goals,” he says. Once you’ve ticked
off the items on your list, “you’re done.”
Identify your triggers. The first step in conquering this habit is to “learn to
recognize when you’re ruminating,” says Boyes. Figure out what sets you off.
Make note of the situation: where you are, the time of day, and who’s around.
“Find your consistent patterns,” then think about ways you might steer clear
of or control those factors.
Don’t trust your first reaction. If you’re dwelling on a past event, such as an
interaction with a colleague, be cautious. You might not have an accurate read
of the situation, says Boyes. When you ruminate, “you tend to focus on all the
bad things,” she says. “So you can’t trust what your ruminating mind is telling
you.” Try hard to get perspective and give yourself time and distance before
taking action. You might be “blowing it out of proportion.”
Seek a diversion. “Distractions are useful,” says Boyes. “Do something that is
cognitively absorbing but that’s also tedious and doesn’t induce anxiety, such
as filling out an expense report.” Often spending just 10 minutes on a
mundane but practical task like that “breaks the chain” and keeps you from
“spinning your wheels.”
Think positive. Ruminating often leads to “avoidance” of certain tasks, notes
Boyes. “There’s a feeling of, ‘If I can’t do it perfectly I won’t bother,’” she says.
To combat this idea, she recommends reflecting on times in your past when
you tried something new. “Think about the successes you’ve had,” she says.
By reminding yourself of the pathways that led to your accomplishments,
you’ll be able to see that you achieved a meaningful outcome despite not
being “100% certain of success” in advance. This helps you “learn from your
experiences,” she says.
Get perspective
You may find it “helpful to talk to someone about your tendencies,” says Boyes. That
person could be “a boss who’s willing to engage with you emotionally, a friend,
sibling, mentor, or spouse.” Be honest and open. Tell this person that you’re working
on getting better. “Say, ‘I give you permission to let me know if I’m being too
fussy/high maintenance/finicky’” about a given topic. Make it clear that you want to
hear how you come across. “Say, ‘I may get defensive, but I promise to think about
what you say.’” And be sure to make good on that pledge.
Mistake ruminating for problem solving. When your mind is twisting and
turning, seek out distractions to break the cycle.
Toil in pursuit of an amorphous goal of perfection. Create a checklist that
ensures you follow a process with measurable targets.
Go it alone. Ask others — a trusted colleague, friend, or mentor — for
perspective and support.
Case Study #1: Shift your mindset and get comfortable with imperfection
In the past, Stacy Caprio’s perfectionism led her to avoid certain tasks. “I never
wanted to start something unless I knew exactly how to do it,” she says. “It was a
roadblock. It literally stopped me from doing new things.”
Earlier in her career, she worked for an online marketing agency. One of her tasks
was to add tracking tags to client websites, which would allow her organization to
gather more information about their customers’ revenue and sales.
Stacy had never added a tag before and was petrified of doing it wrong. “I wanted
my work to be good, and I wanted to be seen as doing a good job,” she says. “I didn’t
want to mess up.”
Instead of trying and risking imperfection, Stacy busied herself with email, building
ad sets, and working on other marketing campaigns.
Her avoidance of the task didn’t keep her from ruminating on it, though. “I thought
about it constantly,” she says. “Every time I have something new to do, it doesn’t go
away for me. It was at the top of my to-do list.”
Still, she couldn’t force herself to try. She realized a shift in mindset was in order. “To
get this in check, I needed to make it clear to myself that getting it done was more
important than making it perfect.”
The turning point came when she happened upon a series of blogs by published
authors. “Writers talked about that first step of getting a draft on paper,” she says.
“The first draft is usually terrible. But then they go back and edit and rework it.”
Learning more about the writing process helped her gain perspective on her
situation. “I had to give myself permission to know that the first one was not going to
be great; it might not even work,” she says. “But I will get better.”
Eventually, she plucked up her courage and took a shot. Her first one was fine; her
second one was an improvement. Her third attempt was great.
Today Stacy is her own boss. She runs a website devoted to inspiring side hustles, She has learned many lessons about battling her perfectionist demons. “Just
because I think something is perfect doesn’t mean it is,” she says. “I likely need
feedback from others, especially customers, so that I can change the product over
time to keep making it better.”
Case Study #2: Seek support and perspective and focus on the big picture
Flame Schoeder, a professional certified coach based in Omaha, Nebraska, admits
she is a “recovering perfectionist.” While her perfectionism has helped her excel
professionally, it has also contributed to feelings of insecurity.
Earlier in her career, for instance, she noticed that she sometimes had the tendency
to “freeze up” when talking to clients. “I’d get so in my head,” she says. “I’d have
something to say and then I’d think, ‘That’s not a smart enough or insightful enough
comment,’ and so I wouldn’t say it.”
A similar thing happened when she had a big client proposal to write. Beginning the
project was hard because she “had a ton of self-doubt.”
The solution: “I realized that all I needed to do was ask for help,” she says.
Flame discovered that reaching out to a friend or colleague and “talking through
ideas” helps her see that she does indeed have something to offer. Now she does
this every time she’s having difficulty getting a project under way. “It needs to be
someone who knows that I am a perfectionist and knows that I get stuck,” she says.
“They give me the solid ground and the creative energy to start moving.”
Colleagues also give her perspective on her work. Recently, she was working with a
team on a marketing pitch for a restaurant brand. The pitch was for a new client, so
“there was some uncertainty” about what this client would like or dislike.
Flame and another colleague — a fellow perfectionist — hemmed and hawed over
the proposal. “Perfectionists tend to focus on what needs to be fixed and we negate
everything that’s good,” she says. “The two of us went over and over the details and
reworked things.”
Finally, Flame asked her colleague a critical question: Is this pitch good enough for
the client? “And we both had an ‘ah-ha moment’ that it was,” she says.
They submitted the pitch, and the client loved it. “The client never saw that anything
was missing,” she says. “They saw the creativity, the polish, and the finesse.”
This approval was a powerful signal to Flame. “I try to remind myself that I am not
dealing with life-or-death situations. It’s just marketing.”