SECTOR: Secure Tracking of Node Encounters in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
SECTOR: Secure Tracking of Node Encounters in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
SECTOR: Secure Tracking of Node Encounters in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
In this paper we present SECTOR, a set of mechanisms In multi-hop wireless networks2 , keeping track of node en-
for the secure verification of the time of encounters between counters is a crucial function, to which the research commu-
nodes in multi-hop wireless networks. This information can nity has devoted very little attention so far. This function
be used notably to prevent wormhole attacks (without re- can be used for the detection of wormhole attacks, to se-
quiring any clock synchronization), to secure routing proto- cure routing protocols based on the history of encounters,
cols based on last encounters (with only loose clock synchro- and for the detection of cheating attempts (e.g, in charging
nization), and to control the topology of the network. SEC- mechanisms).
TOR is based primarily on distance-bounding techniques, on
one-way hash chains and on Merkle hash trees. We analyze In this paper, we propose a set of mechanisms for the se-
the communication, computation and storage complexity of cure verification of the time of encounters between nodes in
the proposed mechanisms and we show that, due to their ef- multi-hop wireless networks. Our proposal enables any node
ficiency and simplicity, they are compliant with the limited to prove to any other node (or base station) its encounters
resources of most mobile devices.1 with other nodes before or at some specific time; we call it
SECTOR (SECure Tracking Of node encounteRs).
Categories and Subject Descriptors
C.0 [Computer-Communication Networks]: [Security SECTOR can be used to prevent wormhole attacks [12,
and protection] 20, 24] in ad hoc networks, without requiring any clock syn-
chronization or location information; it is therefore a valid
alternative to the other solutions already proposed to this
General Terms problem.
Security, Positioning
SECTOR can also help to secure routing protocols in
Keywords mobile ad hoc networks, which are based on the history of
Security, Mobile Networks, Mobility, Security associations, encounters; we illustrate this with FRESH [10], the last-
Positioning encounter protocol that enables an efficient route discovery
for large-scale ad hoc networks.
the proposed mechanism can help the operator to identify we describe the system model and the assumptions. In Sec-
inconsistencies that may correspond to fraud attempts. tion 3, we explain the mechanisms we propose to support
the secure verification of encounters. Sections 4 and 5 con-
A last example of application of SECTOR is to use it for tain the security and performance analysis. In Section 6
topology monitoring in mobile ad hoc networks: the se- we describe several potential applications. We conclude the
cure knowledge of node encounters can help detecting at- paper in Section 7.
tackers that use multiple nodes while assigning them the
Before we describe the mechanisms, we shortly describe our
Several research efforts that have been reported propose var-
system model and the assumptions.
ious location verification mechanisms for mobile networks
(some of them are extremely recent). Waters and Felten [27]
Our system consists of a set of mobile nodes and it may also
propose a system for proving the location of tamper-resistant
contain a set of (fixed) base stations. Nodes communicate
devices, based on the exchange of RF messages. The sys-
using radio transmissions. If two nodes reside within the
tem uses round-trip time of flight measurements to distance-
power range of each other, then they are considered to be
bound the devices. A similar protocol, based both on RF
neighbors. We assume that the radio link between neighbors
and ultrasound, is devised by Sastry, Shankar and Wag-
is bidirectional. We do not make any specific assumptions
ner [25]. Finally, Brands and Chaum [4] have proposed a set
about the medium access control protocol used by the nodes
of efficient distance-bounding protocols that operate with bit
to access the radio channel.
exchange and rely on the measurements of round-trip time
of flight.
The nodes may form a pure ad hoc network, an ad hoc net-
work that has sporadic access to a backbone, or a multi-hop
In the area of ad hoc networks, Stajano [26] recommends the
cellular network. In all cases, communication between dis-
use of location-limited channels to provide authentication in
tant parties may involve multiple wireless hops. We do not
ad hoc networks. Balfanz et al. [1] make use of location-
make any specific assumptions about the routing protocol
limited channels for location based access control. It has
used to transfer packets from their source to their destina-
to be stressed that these research efforts aim at securing
information related to location, whereas SECTOR deals with
node encounters.
Each node has a local clock, and we assume that the clocks
of the nodes are loosely synchronized. By this we mean
When engineering SECTOR, we carefully took the limited
that the difference between the clocks of any two nodes is
memory and computational resources of mobile devices into
typically smaller than 1 second. How loose time synchro-
account. Thus, the proposed mechanisms are based primar-
nization is achieved is out of the scope of this paper. We
ily on one-way hash chains and Merkle hash trees [19]. We
note however that some proposals have been developed [23].
discuss how public-key cryptography could be used; consid-
ering its dramatic computational cost, we show that its use
We assume that the nodes can measure time locally with
can be avoided.
nanosecond precision. One of our proposed protocols (MAD)
also assumes that each node is equipped with a special hard-
One-way hash chains and Merkle hash trees have already
ware module that can temporarily take over the control of
been used to secure various aspects of routing. Hauser, Przy-
the radio transceiver unit of the node from the CPU. We
gienda and Tsudik [11] present an efficient mechanism for
assume that with the help of this special hardware module,
the authentication of link state routing updates. Zhang [28]
the node can receive a single bit, perform a XOR operation
improves this mechanism and presents a chained Merkle-
on two bits, and then transmit a single bit without involv-
Witnernitz one-time signature. Hu, Perrig and Johnson [15]
ing the CPU of the node. In other words, we assume that
propose a set of efficient security mechanisms for routing
the node can be put in a special state where it is capable
protocols, which make use of hash chains and Merkle hash
of responding to a one-bit challenge with a one-bit response
trees. They also use hash chains to efficiently secure dis-
essentially immediately, without the delay imposed by the
tance vector routing updates in SEAD [13] and to prevent
usual way of processing messages. We assume that the bits
malicious changes of hop count in Ariadne [14].
are correctly transmitted, meaning that there are no colli-
sions and no jamming. If collisions occur or if jamming is
The mechanisms of SECTOR differ in their complexity and
detected, the protocol is terminated by the party that de-
can be adapted to the security requirements as well as to
tects it.
the organization of the network, such as the existence of
on-line or off-line central authorities. We will analyze the
We do not assume that the nodes are equipped with posi-
communication, computation and storage complexity of the
tioning devices, nor that they can obtain their geographical
proposed mechanisms and we will show that, due to their
locations in any other way. We only assume that each node is
efficiency and simplicity, they can be easily integrated in a
able to generate cryptographic keys, to check signatures, to
variety of multi-hop wireless networks.
compute hash functions, and more generally, to accomplish
any task required to secure its communications (including
This work has been carried out in the framework of the
to agree on cryptographic protocols with other nodes).
Terminodes Project [16].
We assume that the network operates with a central author-
The organization of this paper is the following. In Section 2,
ity. This authority can be on-line, meaning that the author-
ity operates on-line servers that can be contacted using the any scenario corresponds to pure ad hoc networks, whereas
network (by single hop or multi-hop communication), or off- the any-to-one scenario is more appropriate for multi-hop
line, meaning that the services of the authority cannot be cellular networks where base stations naturally perform en-
reached via the network. In any case, the authority controls counter verifications (e.g., for charging purposes).
the network membership and assigns a unique identity to
each node.
We assume that all network nodes either share pairwise se- VERIFICATION
cret keys, or hold each others’ authentic public keys. This In the following subsections, we describe the mechanisms of
can be achieved by manually pre-loading all keys into the SECTOR; they differ both in the guarantees that they offer
nodes in a network setup phase, however, this approach is and in communication, computation and storage complexity.
inflexible and can prevent the introduction of new nodes in We describe first the mechanisms that bound node distance,
the network. Pairwise secret keys can also be established then the mechanisms that guarantee encounter freshness and
by using a probabilistic key distribution scheme [3, 6], or an finally, the mechanisms that guarantee the time of node en-
on-line key distribution center and TESLA broadcast au- counters.
thentication [14], or a key establishment scheme based on
the mobility of the nodes and mutual node encounters [8].
3.1 Mutual Authentication with
We observe three parties: the claimant, the certifier and the Distance-Bounding (MAD)
verifier. The claimant is a node that wants to prove its en-
In this section, we propose a protocol for the mutual authen-
counter with some other node (the certifier) that happened
tication of nodes with distance bounding that we call MAD.
before, at, or after a specific time. The certifier is either a
The MAD protocol enables the nodes to determine their mu-
node that certifies the time of the encounter, or a reference
tual distance at the time of encounter. The MAD protocol
point that certifies the claimant’s location at a given time.
is thus an important mechanism for secure encounter certifi-
The verifier is a node that verifies the claimant’s claim about
cation, as it prevents false encounter certification caused by
its encounter with the certifier.
wormhole or mafia fraud attacks [9].
We observe the following scenario: two nodes u and v find
The notion of distance-bounding protocols was first intro-
themselves in each others’ power range and want to certify
duced by Brands and Chaum [4]. They proposed a technique
their encounter. In this scenario, both nodes play the role
that enables a party to determine a practical upper bound on
of both the certifier and the claimant: node u is a certifier
its physical distance to another party. The main idea of the
for node v and node v is a certifier for node u. There are
technique is simple but very powerful: it is based on the fact
several ways in which u and v can convince the verifier that
that light travels with a finite speed, and with current tech-
they have indeed met. First, one of the nodes (e.g., u) sends
nology it is easy to measure (local) timings with nanosecond
through an authentic channel a message to the verifier that
precision. The proposed distance-bounding technique essen-
it has met v. To believe that u and v have indeed met, the
tially consists in a series of rapid bit exchanges between the
verifier needs to trust u, otherwise, u can cheat. Second,
parties. Each bit sent by the first party is considered to be
both nodes u and v can send messages to the verifier stating
a challenge for which the other party is required to send a
that the encounter took place. When the verifier receives
one bit response immediately. By (locally) measuring the
both messages, it can believe that u and v met, unless they
time between sending out the challenges and receiving the
colluded. The third approach is that during their encounter,
responses, the first party can compute an upper-bound on
the nodes exchange proofs of their encounter. In this case,
the distance to the other party.
each node can separately, and at any later time, prove to
the verifier that it encountered the other node.
Here, we slightly modify the distance-bounding protocol pro-
posed by Brands and Chaum so that it better fits our re-
We follow the third approach, as it is the most appropriate
quirements. First, our protocol allows both parties to mea-
for systems with frequent node encounter certifications, in
sure the distance to the other party simultaneously. Second,
which the nodes need to be able to prove their encounters
we avoid the use of digital signatures. Since our distance-
individually to any other node. We note that the first two
bounding protocol will be run frequently (each time nodes
approaches might be convenient for systems in which com-
encounter), the use of standard digital signatures in each
munication between the nodes can always be guaranteed,
run of the protocol would result in an unacceptable over-
and in which only a small fraction of encounters are verified
head. Instead, we base authentication on symmetric key
(otherwise it would incur a large communication overhead).
primitives. More precisely, we assume that each pair of par-
ties share a symmetric key, that the nodes established before
We observe two verification scenarios, any-to-any and any-
running the distance-bounding protocol between them. This
to-one. In the any-to-any scenario, all nodes in the network
key is used to generate message authentication codes (MAC)
can perform the role of the claimant, the verifier and the
in order to prove the authenticity of the messages exchanged
certifier. More precisely, we enable each node to efficiently
in the distance-bounding protocol. We will denote the MAC
prove to any other node that it encountered some third node
function controlled by the symmetric key k by mac k .
before, at or after a certain time. In the any-to-one scenario,
all the nodes in the network can perform the role of the
Let u and v denote the two parties in the protocol, and let
claimant and the certifier, but only a single node (or a sub-
their shared key be kuv . The protocol works as follows (see
set of nodes) performs encounter verification. The any-to-
also Figure 1):
u v
generate random numbers r ∈ {0, 1} , r ∈ {0, 1} generate random numbers s ∈ {0, 1} , s ∈ {0, 1}
compute commitment cu = H(r|r ) compute commitment cv = H(s|s )
u c
— start of distance-bounding phase —
the bits of r are r1 , r2 , . . . , r the bits of s are s1 , s2 , . . . , s
α1 = r1 −→
←− β1 = s1 ⊕ α1
αi = ri ⊕ βi−1 −→ measure delay between βi−1 and αi
measure delay between αi and βi ←− βi = si ⊕ αi
α = r ⊕ β−1 −→ measure delay between β−1 and α
measure delay between α and β ←− β = s ⊕ α
— end of distance-bounding phase —
compute MAC compute MAC
si = αi ⊕ βi (i = 1, . . . , ) r1 = α1 and ri = αi ⊕ βi−1 (i = 2, . . . , )
µu = mac kuv (u|v|r1 |s1 | . . . |r |s ) µv = mac kuv (v|u|s1 |r1 | . . . |s |r )
r |µu
s |µv
verify cv and µv verify cu and µu
3.2.1 GEF with Certifier Authentication (GEF-Ce) In this way, by receiving a hash value generated by the
GEF-Ce uses hash chains for guaranteeing encounter fresh- other node, any of the two nodes can prove that it has in-
ness. Each node u creates a hash chain V0 , V1 , . . . , VN by deed encountered the other node prior to that time. The
choosing the initial value V0 uniformly at random and com- main advantage of this mechanism over the single hash chain
puting Vi = H(Vi−1 ) for i = 1, 2, . . . , N , where H is a one- mechanism is that it enables claimant authentication during
way hash function. VN is called the root of the hash chain the verification. Another advantage is that its computation
and it is distributed to all other nodes in the network in complexity does not change with the number of nodes and
an authentic way. Node u discloses the elements of its hash is the same as for the GEF-Ce mechanism. Its main disad-
chain to its one-hop neighbors in reverse order (with respect vantage is the storage requirement, which increases linearly
to generation) begining with VN −1 and proceeding towards with the number of nodes in the network and is thus n times
V0 . A simple disclosure scheme consists in publishing chain higher than that for the GEF-Ce mechanism: O(n log2 N ).
elements at regular time intervals. Thus, the length of the
chain N is chosen as the expected number of hash values Both GEF-Ce and GEF-CeCl mechanisms are designed for
that will need to be disclosed. This disclosure scheme en- any-to-any verification, but can be applied equally to any-
ables each node that resides in the first-hop neighborhood to-one scenarios, in which case the cost of distributing hash
of u to get the latest published value Vi . A neighbor re- chain roots is significantly reduced.
ceiving Vi can verify its authenticity by hashing it itera-
tively N − i times and comparing the result H (N −i) (Vi ) to
the pre-distributed authentic root VN . The knowledge of Vi
3.3 Guaranteeing the Time of Encounter
then serves as a proof of being close to u prior to the time (GTE)
when Vi was published. In other words, a verifier can typi- Having presented two simple mechanisms based on hash
cally check which of the claimants had met a given certifier chains, we now propose more sophisticated mecha-
more recently. nisms based on hash-trees that provide guarantees on the
exact time of the encounters.
Due to its simplicity, this mechanism can be very efficiently
implemented. As shown by Coppersmith and Jakobsson The mechanism of tree-authenticated values is an efficient
in [7], a single hash chain of length N can be managed by hash tree authentication mechanism. It was first presented
storing only log2 N + log2 (log2 N + 1) hash values and by Merkle and it is also known as Merkle hash trees [19]. To
outputting chain elements at a cost of only 12 log2 N hash authenticate values (V0 , V1 , ..., VN ), we place them at leaf
operations per element. The mechanism also requires that nodes of a binary tree. We then use the Merkle hash tree
each node stores n − 1 hash chain roots (the authentic hash construction to commit to the values V0 , ..., VN , which works
chain roots of the other nodes). The cost of verification of in the following way. First, each value is hashed to avoid
a received hash value is at most N hash function compu- disclosing the neighbor values during authentication. Thus,
tations, but this can be significantly reduced if, instead of each value Vi hashes into mi = H(Vi ). Each internal node of
storing hash chain roots, each node stores the most recently the binary tree is derived from its two child nodes. Consider
received authentic hash chain elements of the other nodes. the derivation of some parent node mp from its left and right
child nodes ml and mr : mp = H(ml |mr ). We compute the
Clearly, GEF-Ce mechanism provides only certifier, but not levels of the tree recursively from the leaf nodes to the root
claimant authentication (this means that it can be verified node.
who disclosed a given hash value, but it cannot be verified
to whom the value was disclosed). 3.3.1 GTE with certifier authentication (GTE-Ce)
We use the Merkle trees to guarantee the time of encounter.
Our scheme works as follows. Each node concatenates value
3.2.2 GEF with Certifier and Claimant release times with random values to create the leaf values
Authentication (GEF-CeCl) V0 , V1 , ..., VN . Thus, we write Vi = timei |randi , where timei
GEF with Certifier Authentication, although appealing due represents the time at which the value Vi will be released
to its simplicity, lacks claimant authentication and thus pro- and randi is a random value generated by the node for the
vides only weak protection against malicious nodes (we will i’th leaf value of the tree. After these initial values are
discuss this in Section 4.2). With multiple hash-chains, we generated, they are blinded with a one-way hash function to
will now enable higher protection against attacks, but at prevent disclosing neighboring values in the authentication
a somewhat higher storage cost. The mechanism works as information. Thus, mi = H(Vi ) = H(timei |randi ). Once it
follows. Each node u creates n − 1 different hash chains, generates the tree, each node distributes the root of the tree
one chain for each of the other n − 1 nodes in the network. to other nodes in an authentic way. The node then releases
The hash chain that node u associates to node v is created the time values in the order from V0 to VN (e.g., in fixed
in a way that u chooses an initial value V0v , and computes time intervals, starting at a predefined time), along with
its corresponding root value VNv . While u keeps the initial their siblings on the tree; these values enable any other node
values secret, it distributes all the root values of the chains to recompute the root of the tree and thus to authenticate
to the other nodes, along with the corresponding addresses the values.
of the nodes.
Example (Figure 2): When a certifier releases the value
To certify their encounter, two nodes first exchange their V2 , it releases it along with its siblings m3 , m01 and m47 .
addresses and then the values of the hash chains that they These values are then stored by the claimants in the cer-
previously created for each other and for that time instance. tifier’s neighborhood. When a claimant presents the value
m07 are allocated for this claimant (e.g. for node i, the values in
range [(i − 1)N, iN ). We call this mechanism the optimized
GTE-CeCl and we denote it by GTE-CeCl-opt. The opera-
m03 m47 tion of GTE-CeCl-opt is shown on Figure 3. GTE-CeCl-opt
is very efficient in terms of storage, as it requires each node
to store only 1.5 log22 nN/ log2 log2 nN hash values and n − 1
m01 m23 m45 m67
hash tree roots, versus n1.5 log22 N/ log2 log2 N hash values
and (n − 1)2 roots for GTE-CeCl-basic. The computational
m0 m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 cost per output value of GTE-CeCl-basic is the same as
for the GEF-Ce mechanism (less than 2 log2 N/ log2 log2 N
hash operations), whereas in the case of GTE-CeCl-opt,
v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 the computational cost per output value is slightly higher
= (2 log2 nN/ log2 log2 nN hash operations).
time2 rand2
An example of the GTE-CeCl mechanism is shown on Fig-
ure 4. In the figure, the values Vivu and muiv represent the
Figure 2: Example of the Merkle hash tree and the
values on the hash tree created by node u, which are used
authentication of V2 with the GTE-Ce mechanism.
by u to certify its encounters with node v at time instance i.
In the example that is shown on the figure, we assume that
each node allocates only 8 leaf (time) values for each other
V2 to a verifier as a proof that it encountered the certi- node in the network. This corresponds to the example trees
fier at time t, the verifier authenticates the received value shown on Figures 2 and 3. In the protocol, the nodes release
v u
and extract from it the time of the encounter (time2 in the values (V2u , V2v ) associated with the time t = 2s, given that
example). To authenticate the received value V2 , the ver- the values are released each second.
ifier computes H(H(m01 |H(H(V2 )|m3 ))|m47 ) and checks if
it corresponds to the previously received authentic root of GTE-Ce, GTE-CeCl and GTE-CeCl-opt are designed pri-
the certifier m07 . Similarly to GEF-Ce, this mechanism marily for any-to-any verification scenarios and are thus very
can also be implemented very efficiently. As shown in [18], appropriate for mobile ad hoc networks.
Merkle trees can be efficiently stored by storing less then
1.5 log22 N/ log2 log2 N hash values, and hash tree values can 3.3.3 Conventional symmetric-key and
be efficiently outputted with a computation cost of less then public-key mechanisms
2 log2 N/ log2 log2 N hash function operations per output A more conventional approach to solving the addressed prob-
value. The mechanism also requires that each node stores lems would rely on classical symmetric-key and public-key
n − 1 root hash values. techniques. As we will show, both have some drawbacks
with respect to the solutions that we described: public-
key cryptography because of its high computation cost, and
3.3.2 GTE with certifier and claimant symmetric-key cryptography because it can hardly be im-
authentication (GTE-CeCl) plemented for any-to-any verification scenario.
The same security problems as with GEF-Ce are inherent
to GTE-Ce, because in both mechanisms only the certifier If public-key cryptography is used, the certifier certifies the
is authenticated. The main problem is that with GTE-Ce encounter by computing a signature over a timestamp and
it is only possible to verify the source of the message (the by distributing it to its neighbors. An authenticated version
certifier), but the verifier cannot be sure that the encounter of this mechanism also includes the authentication of each
really happened with the claimant or with some other node neighbor and the computation of a signature over the times-
that disclosed the authentic value to the claimant. In or- tamp and identity of each neighbor, such that each neighbor
der to prevent this and similar attacks, we can use a similar receives a distinct message. The verification of the encounter
mechanism as with hash chains. Each node creates n − 1 in this mechanism is straightforward if the verifier knows the
hash trees, one tree for each other node in the network. authentic public key of the certifier. A more secure mech-
Consequently, instead of distributing one, a node is sup- anism assumes that nodes jointly sign the timestamp and
pose to distribute n − 1 root values, one for each node, by their respective identities, when they encounter, which pre-
thus enabling authentication during certification and veri- vents cheating, unless the nodes collude. The public-key
fication of the encounter. We call this mechanism GTE- implementation is equally appropriate for both any-to-any
CeCl-basic. However, creating n − 1 trees and distributing and any-to-one encounter verification. Its main disadvan-
the same number of roots is expensive, as it requires storing tage is the high cost of public-key operations, which are
n × 1.5 log22 N/ log2 log2 N tree values and (n − 1)2 roots per almost three orders of magnitude slower than conventional
each node. symmetric-key and hash-chain operations.
Certifier and claimant authentication can be achieved more A similar approach can be based on symmetric-key cryp-
efficiently, whereas each node still maintains a single hash- tography. However, a symmetric-key approach is more ap-
tree. We propose that instead of creating n − 1 hash trees propriate for any-to-one than for any-to-any verification and
of size N (N leaf nodes), each node creates a single tree of thus we describe its operation in any-to-one scenario.
size n × N and divides it into n equal parts. Thus, upon
encounters, the certifier releases to the claimant values that The certifier computes a message authentication code over
......... .........
......... .........
m07 m815
Figure 3: Tree authenticated values with the optimized GTE-CeCl mechanism. Each node creates a single
hash tree with n × N leaf values: N values for each node in the network. Upon encounter, the certifier releases
a value (and its siblings) that corresponds to the claimant that it encountered and to the time instance at
which they encountered.
a timestamp, with a key that it shares with a base station possible approaches.
and sends it along with the timestamp to its neighbors. The
certifier’s neighbors store these values and use them to prove In the first approach, we assume that the off-line central
their encounters to the base station. The authenticated ver- authority issues public-key certificates to every node in the
sion of this mechanism assumes mutual authentication of network at initialization time. In order to distribute the
the encountering nodes by means of their shared secret key root of its pending hash chain, node u digitally signs the
(e.g., by using MAD). After they authenticate each other, root and floods the network with the signed message and its
the nodes compute MACs over the timestamp and their id’s public-key certificate. Each node will receive the new hash
with the keys that they share with the base station. These chain root of u and authenticate it by verifying the signature
MACs then serve as proofs of the encounter. The advantage using the public-key certificate of u. We envisage using this
of this symmetric key based mechanism resides in its simplic- approach when the hash chains are long (e.g., they can be
ity and its resilience to various attacks. Its main drawback is used for days without running out of elements); as a result,
that it is mainly limited to any-to-one verification scenarios. signature verifications must be performed only rarely.
3.4 Distribution of the authentic roots The second approach is similar to the first, but it can also
be used when the hash chains are short (e.g., they can only
The mechanisms described in the previous subsections re-
be used for several hours). In this approach, too, node u
quire each node to distribute its hash chain or hash tree
floods the network with the signed root of its pending hash
roots in an authentic way to every other node in the net-
chain, but in this case, TESLA [22] is used for signing. More
work. Here, we briefly describe how this can be performed
under the assumption that there is an off-line central au- specifically, u signs the root V (i) of its ith pending hash chain
thority in the system. We explain the mechanisms in terms with its ith TESLA key K (i) , and floods the signed message
of distributing the root of a single hash chain of each node, with its previous TESLA key K (i−1) attached to it. With
but they can also be used to distribute multiple hash chain the disclosed TESLA key K (i−1) , every node can authen-
roots and single or multiple hash tree roots in an identi- ticate the root V (i−1) of the (i − 1)th pending hash chain
cal way. In all the approaches presented below, each node sent by u in the previous flood, which would then become
maintains two hash chains: an active and a pending one. We active. Since TESLA is based on symmetric key crypto-
assume that the root of the active hash chain has already graphic primitives, authentication of the hash chain roots
been distributed; thus the active hash chain can be used for can be done efficiently. The roots of the TESLA key chains
guaranteeing encounter freshness as described in the previ- can be distributed by messages that are signed using public-
ous subsections. In contrast, the root of the pending hash key cryptography, because TESLA key chains can last for
chain has not been distributed yet, and the goal of the node a longer period of time, roots of TESLA key chains can be
is to distribute it to every other node in the network be- distributed less frequently.
fore the active hash chain runs out of elements. When the
root of the pending hash chain has been distributed, the In the third approach, the root of the pending hash chain
node can turn the pending hash chain into an active state. is disseminated in an authentic way by the mobility-based
At the same time, the node would generate a new pending scheme we proposed in [8]. Together with the root of the
hash chain and begin distributing its root. Putting in place pending hash chain, the nodes also disseminate a time t in
the pending hash chains while using the active ones ensures the future. The value of t should be estimated in such a way
continuous operation of the system. We now describe three that the active hash chain does not run out of elements by t
u v
— Execution of the Mutual Authenticated
Distance Bounding (MAD) —
— start of GTE-CeCl certification —
Select from the hash tree the Select from the hash tree the
u v
value V2v that corresponds to v value V2u that corresponds to u
and to time t = 2 and to time t = 2
V2v ,mu u u
3v ,m01v ,m47v ,...
V2u ,mv v v
3u ,m01u ,m47u ,...
— end of GTE-CeCl certification —
u verif ier
— start of GTE-CeCl verification —
u and verif ier authentication
V2u ,mv v v
3u ,m01u ,m47u ,...
If H(...H(mv01u |H(H(V2uv
)|mv3u ))|...)
= root(v)
encounter verification is correct;
else refuse verification
— end of GTE-CeCl verification —
Figure 4: An example of the execution of the protocol for guaranteeing the time of node encounters
and the root of the pending hash chain is distributed to all attacker) is an honest certifier, or/and tries to falsify
other nodes by time t. Then, at t, the pending hash chain the time of the encounter.
becomes active, and a new pending hash chain is generated;
the process is then repeated. • Attack-CeCl: The attacker controls two nodes: it
plays a role of a claimant and the role of a certifier and
tries to convince an honest verifier that the certifier
4. SECURITY ANALYSIS and the claimant met, whereas they really did not, or
Having presented the protocols, we now analyze their resis-
if they have indeed met, the attacker tries to convince
tance to various attacks.
the verifier that they have met at some different time
from the time of the actual encounter.
4.1 Attacker model
We call a node malicious if it is not controlled by the central • Attack-V: The attacker plays the role of the verifier
authority, but is controlled by an attacker (and thus cannot and tries to extract some encounter information from
positively authenticate itself to honest network nodes). We an honest claimant in order to use this information
call a node compromised if it can positively authenticate to prove to an honest verifier that it has encountered
itself to honest network nodes, but is controlled by an at- those nodes that the honest claimant met.
tacker. We assume that when a node is compromised, its
secret keys and the other secrets that it shares with other Some of the proposed mechanisms contain the mutual or
nodes become known to the attacker. Thus, a compromised one-way authentication of nodes during certification and/or
node is, for other nodes, indistinguishable from an honest verification. For all mechanisms, we implicitly assume that
node. We further assume that when a node is compromised, the verifier and the claimant always perform mutual au-
this is not detected by other honest nodes, nor by the central thentication before they verify/prove the encounter. The
authority (at least for some time). claimant and certifier authentication during certification of
the encounter is not implemented in all mechanisms. Mecha-
We distinguish attackers according to the number of nisms such as GEF-Ce, GEF-CeCl, GTE-Ce and GTE-CeCl
malicious and compromised nodes that they control. By implicitly contain the authentication of the certifier by the
Attacker-x-y we denote the attacker that controls x mali- claimant, but not the authentication of the claimant by the
cious and y compromised nodes [14]. certifier. Only the MAD mechanism assumes mutual au-
We focus on four types of attacks: thentication between the claimant and the certifier. So, only
a combination of MAD with time and freshness mechanisms
• Attack-Cl: The attacker plays the role of a claimant will ensure the full security of the system in which they are
and tries to convince an honest verifier that it (the implemented.
attacker) has encountered an honest certifier at some
time, whereas it really did not, or it did but at some 4.2 Resistance to attacks
different time.
4.2.1 GEF-Ce and GTE-Ce
• Attack-Ce: The attacker plays the role of a certifier GEF-Ce and GTE-Ce include only the authentication of the
and tries to convince an honest claimant that it (the certifier by the claimant, but not the authentication of the
claimant by the certifier. Thus, any node can easily get honest claimant that they have met, unless they have indeed
authentic values from the certifier, and then distribute it met. The GEF-CeCl and GTE-CeCl with MAD are resistent
to other nodes. This allows the attacker to share the re- to Attack-Ce and Attack-Cl performed by Attacker-x-y in
ceiver hash value among all the nodes that it controls, which a broader sense, as the only way to cheat for the attacker
they can use to successfully prove that they have met the is to delegate the same identity to several of the nodes that
certifier at that time (Attack-Cl). Moreover, an attacker it controls. However, one of its nodes still needs to meet
that controls a single compromised node can successfully at- the honest claimant (or certifier) to be able to claim that
tack GEF-Ce and GTE-Ce mechanisms by requesting some all of its nodes have met the certifier (or the claimant), but
node to prove its encounters, and by later using these values they claim this only under the same identity used for the
as a proof that it itself encountered these nodes (Attack- encounter. Moreover, multiplying or exchanging identities
V). Finally, an attacker can successfully perform Attack-Ce can be detected by the nodes through a consistency check
against GEF-Ce and GTE-Ce and can convince an honest of the encounters.
claimant and an honest certifier that they have met, even
if they have never have been in each other’s power range.
4.2.4 Public-key and Symmetric-key mechanisms
This is achieved by creating a wormhole between two hon-
These mechanisms typically exhibit the same level of secu-
est parties (Attack-Ce).
rity as GTE-CeCl and GEF-CeCl mechanisms with MAD,
as they provide the same authentication between the certi-
GEF-Ce and GTE-Ce mechanisms are thus vulnerable to
fier, verifier and the claimant.
all attacks performed by attackers that control several ma-
licious nodes (Attacker-x-0), and even to attacks performed
by attackers that control a single compromised node 4.2.5 Other attacks
(Attacker-0-1). These mechanisms are only resistant Other attacks can be envisioned against the proposed mech-
to attacks from the attackers that control a single malicious anisms, especially Attack-CeCl, which has not been dis-
(but not compromised) node (Attacker-1-0). cussed so far. In this attack, an attacker controls two com-
promised nodes and can easily convince any verifier that
4.2.2 GEF-Ce and GTE-Ce with MAD these two nodes have met, even if they did not. However,
GEF-Ce and GTE-Ce mechanisms with authenticated dis- through topology tracking and consistency checking, these
tance bounding (MAD) are more resistant to attacks, be- false encounters can be detected, especially if the nodes ac-
cause MAD provides both distance bounding and mutual tively participate in the network operation. There is always
authentication between the certifier and the claimant. With a chance that an attacker can remove its nodes from the net-
MAD, GEF-Ce and GTE-Ce are resistant to Attack-Cl and work range and claim that they mutually encountered. At
Attack-Ce attacks performed by an attacker that controls the same time, its nodes did not encounter other network
multiple malicious nodes (Attacker-x-0) and attacks per- nodes. We do not know how useful this attack can be for
formed by an attacker that controls a single compromised the attacker. As we already discussed, additional attacks
node (Attacker-0-1). GEF-Ce and GTE-Ce with MAD are can be performed by an attacker that uses the same (com-
also resistant to Attack-V, performed by an attacker that promised) identity at several nodes. This attack also cannot
controls multiple malicious nodes (Attacker-x-0), but not to be prevented, but only detected through topology tracking.
attacks from Attacker-0-1. However, Attack-Ce by Attacker-x-1 is not very powerful
as it is limited to a single attacker, which can be isolated
through some reputation mechanisms [5].
4.2.3 GEF-CeCl and GTE-CeCl with MAD
We analyze GEF-CeCl and GTE-CeCl mechanisms with the
MAD mechanism. These two mechanisms are stronger then 5. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS
GEF-Ce and GTE-Ce in that they bind the released hash Here we analyze in more detail the storage, the computation
values to the identity of the claimant, so that this value can- and the communication overhead of the proposed mecha-
not be reused by any node but the claimant for proving an nisms; the summary is shown on Figure 5. From this figure
encounter with the certifier. More precisely, the hash value we can conclude that the mechanism GEF-Ce has the lowest
released by the certifier uniquely binds the certifier and the cost, but also provides the lowest level of protection against
claimant. Due to this improvement, GEF-CeCl and GTE- attacks and provides only freshness guarantees, whereas the
CeCl with MAD are resistant to Attack-Cl and Attack-V GTE-CeCl mechanism provides the highest level of protec-
attacks performed by Attacker-x-y. By this we mean that it tion and the exact time guarantees, but at a slightly higher
does not matter how many malicious or compromised nodes cost.
the attacker controls: it cannot convince an honest verifier
to believe a malicious or compromised claimant, if the cer- We consider a mobile ad hoc network of n = 100 nodes,
tifier is honest. In the same way, a malicious verifier cannot where the hash chain roots are updated approximately ev-
extract any information from an honest claimant that can ery 1.5 days (36h) and hash values are released every second.
help him to prove anything except that the claimant met an In this network, GEF-Ce mechanism induces the following
honest certifier; this is guaranteed by the hash values that costs. Each node stores 17+99 hash values (log2 of the num-
uniquely bind the certifier, the claimant and the time of the ber of seconds in 1.5 days (i.e., N = 1.5 × 24 × 3600) + n − 1
encounter. GEF-CeCl and GTE-CeCl with MAD mecha- (99) root values), and 99 secret keys; this means that each
nisms are also resistent to Attack-Ce attacks performed by node stores less then 4kB of information. The computation
an Attacker-0-1, and by an Attacker-x-y. cost is equally small, since to release a hash value, each node
needs to perform only 8 hash operations ( 12 log2 of the num-
If a single certifier is compromised, it cannot convince an ber of seconds in 1.5 days, i.e., the number of values on the
Mechanism Storage cost Computation cost Communication cost
GEF-Ce log2 N + (n − 1) 2
log2 N O(1)
GEF-CeCl n log2 N + (n − 1)2 1
log2 N O(1)
GTE-Ce 1.5 log22 N/ log2 log2 N + (n − 1) 2 log2 N/ log2 log2 N O(log2 N − 1)
GTE-CeCl-basic n1.5 log22 N/ log2 log2 N + (n − 1)2 2 log2 N/ log2 log2 N O(log2 N − 1)
GTE-CeCl-opt 1.5 log22 nN/ log2 log2 nN + (n − 1) 2 log2 nN/ log2 log2 nN O(log2 nN − 1)
public-key O(n) 1 signature O(1)
symmetric-key O(n + 1) 1 encryption O(1)
Figure 5: Communication cost per certification per node, computation cost per certification per node, and
storage cost per node for proposed mechanisms (n: number of nodes; N: number of time intervals for which
the hash chain or Merkle tree is pre-computed).
chain). This computation cost is very small since already We illustrate this cost with a simple example. We assume
400 MHz Pentium II processors running Windows can per- that the granularity of the encounter tracking is 1 second,
form more then 125, 000 hash operations per second [21]. It which means that the nodes update the encounters with
is also important to mention that 400 MHz processors are their neighbors every 1 second. This would mean that in
already available today in PDAs (e.g., HP pocket PCs). The 1.5 days (36 h), each node stores 2.5MB of hash chain val-
communication cost of GEF-Ce is also low, as this mecha- ues. However, it is not necessary that a node stores an
nism assumes the exchange of a single hash value (e.g., 160 encounter with another node every second (i.e., the corre-
bits) per encounter. It is worth noticing that the GEF-Ce, sponding hash values), especially if two nodes stay in each
as well as the GTE-Ce mechanism cost, scales well with the others’ power range for longer period of time. Instead, a
size of the network, given that the communication and com- node can store only a fraction of the encounters with each
putation costs of these mechanisms do not depend on the node, if these encounters are consecutive (e.g., for a whole
number of nodes in the network. minute). By storing only a fraction of the encounters with
other nodes, nodes can significantly reduce their cumula-
If a higher security and time guarantee is needed and the tive storage cost (e.g., if a node stores only 2 encounters
GTE-CeCl-opt mechanism is implemented, the network with the same node per minute, it will need to store less
costs are somewhat higher. The storage cost per node is than 300kB instead of 2.5MB). Even if a very fine granu-
then approximately 110 + 99 hash values and 99 secret keys larity of encounters is required and a node saves the proofs
(less then 6kB) (Figure 5). The corresponding computation of every encounter and the storage required is 2.5MB, for a
cost per hash tree value is around 9 hash chain operations. whole mechanisms can still be implemented, as today’s per-
The communication cost of the GTE-CeCl-opt is higher than sonal portable devices are already equipped with more than
with GEF-Ce or GTE-Ce and it amounts to 16 hash values, 128MB of storage space. The other aspect of the cumula-
or 320 bytes per encounter per node. This cost can be sig- tive storage cost is the question of the necessity to keep 1.5
nificantly reduced at the expense of initially distributing to days of old network topology information. This and related
the nodes not only hash tree roots, but also several lower issues will be a part of our future work.
hash tree layer values. This approach somewhat increases
the storage cost per node, but reduces the cost of all subse-
quent communication. 6. APPLICATIONS
In this section we briefly present several examples of the
Although the symmetric-key mechanism has the lowest com- applications of SECTOR.
munication and storage cost it is only suitable for any-to-one
encounter verifications, typically for multi-hop cellular net-
works. The public-key based mechanism also exhibits very
6.1 Prevention of wormhole attacks
Wormhole attacks in wireless networks were recently dis-
low communication and storage costs, but is very inefficient
cussed by several researchers, including Dahill et al. [24],
in terms of computation cost, as the public-key operations
Papadimitratos and Haas [20], and Hu, Perrig and John-
are approximatively three orders of magnitude slower than
son [12]. A wormhole is a fast tunnel (e.g., a wireline link)
the symmetric-key and hash operations [21].
between two nodes that are, typically, physically very far
from each other. Without this link, it would take several
One additional figure of merit of the proposed mechanisms is
hops for a packet to be transmitted between the nodes,
also their cumulative storage cost, meaning the cost of stor-
whereas through a wormhole, the transmission is very fast
ing encounter proofs received by other nodes. For GEF-Ce
and it requires only one hop. Wormholes are normally very
and GTE-Ce, this cost is exactly the number of encounters
useful as they enable faster communication between nodes,
multiplied by the hash value size (160 bits). This cost can-
but they can be used by malicious users to prevent the cor-
not be precisely measured because it depends on the rate
rect operation of routing protocols. In [12], the authors pro-
of change of the network topology (notably on the number
pose a mechanism called “packet leashes” that aims at pre-
of different nodes that a node encounters in a given period,
venting wormhole attacks by making use of the geographic
and on the desired granularity of the encounter tracking).
location of the nodes (geographic leashes), or of the trans-
mission time of the packet between the nodes (temporal
leashes). In the latter mechanism, the authors assume that do not allow an efficient any-to-any verification of the en-
the internal clocks of the nodes are precisely synchronized. counters. Instead, we use GTE-CeCl.
In our approach, we make no assumptions about clock syn- Every node creates a single Merkle tree of (n − 1) × N leaf
chronization between nodes, nor do we assume that the values, N for each node in the network. The root of the tree
nodes are equipped with any positioning devices. To detect is then distributed to the other nodes, along with the first
wormhole attacks, we use our MAD protocol. This protocol and the last leaf value that is allocated for each node (see
applies the same principle as packet leashes, with the differ- Figure 3). When two nodes u and v meet, they first run
ence that it measures the distance at a single node, unlike the MAD distance bounding protocol and then exchange
with packet leashes where the distance is measured by cal- hash values, u discloses the value that corresponds to time
culating the difference in time or location at both nodes. t and to node v, along with its siblings on the tree. These
MAD has another important advantage over packet leashes: values are then stored by v and serve as a proof to any
that each node can perform distance bounding without hav- other node in the network that u and v have indeed met.
ing to trust an other party, which is not the case in packet v performs a similar operation and discloses the tree value,
leashes, where two nodes detecting wormholes have to trust which corresponds to time t and node u. This value serves
the exchanged information (time or location). Another way to u as a proof that it has indeed met v. Any node in
our mechanisms can help to detect wormholes in wireless the network can then collect the proofs of encounters, verify
networks is through topology and encounter tracking with them and use them to detect node misbehavior or cheating.
GTE mechanisms. If a base station or a node collects net-
work topology information, it can also identify wormhole
links by comparing the obtained encounter information. 6.3 Security of Last Encounter Routing
In [10], Dubois-Ferriere, Grossglauser and Vetterli present
an approach called FRESH, for efficient route discovery in
6.2 Topology tracking mobile ad hoc networks using encounter ages. They show
The first application that we consider is topology tracking. that if nodes only keep track of the time of their encoun-
Topology tracking can be performed by the base station (in ters, route discovery can be performed at a much lower cost
multi-hop cellular) or by the nodes themselves (in pure ad than with traditional broadcast search methods. Each node
hoc networks). maintains a local database of the time of its last encounter
with other nodes in the network. This database is consulted
6.2.1 Multi-hop Cellular Networks by packets to obtain estimates of the destination’s last en-
In the case where a base station performs topol- counter. As a packet travels towards its destination, it is
ogy tracking, we use the MAD protocol for distance bound- able to successively refine this estimate, because node mo-
ing between the nodes, and symmetric-key mechanisms bility has “diffused” estimates of the times of encounters. In
to certify the time of the encounter. When nodes u and each step of the destination search, the node that receives
v receive each others’ hello messages, they first run the the packet performs a restricted broadcast and queries its
MAD protocol to verify if their mutual distance is smaller neighbor nodes for the last encounter with the destination.
then their power range. If this is the case, u computes a
MAC M ACKuBS (u, v, timestampu , duv ), where KuBS is In the original proposal, this route discovery mechanism is
the shared key between u and the base station (BS) and not secured and a dishonest node can for example adver-
duv is the distance between u and v estimated based on tise a very recent encounter with the destination of a given
the time-of-flight measurements performed by u. Node v packet and thus prevent the packet from ever reaching the
similarly computes M ACKvBS (v, u, timestampv , dvu ). The destination. To prevent this, we apply our GEF-Ce or GEF-
nodes then exchange the computed MACs and the values CeCl mechanisms with MAD. Whenever a node broadcasts
that they contain. These proofs of encounters can be ei- a request for the node that had the most recent encounter
ther passed to the base stations when the nodes get in their with the destination, all nodes need to reply with the hash
power range, or be periodically sent to the base stations by value that proves this encounter. The node with the most
the nodes. Furthermore, the base stations can periodically recent correctly verified encounter is then chosen as a relay.
pool the nodes for the latest encounters.
Introducing GEF-Ce or GEF-CeCl into route discovery is
From the collected encounter information, the network au- not very costly because it requires, besides node authentica-
thority can then reconstruct the history of the node encoun- tion through MAD, the exchange of only a few hash values.
ters and thus the history of the network topology. This
information can be very useful for the network operator, to
observe the node behavior, to prevent and to detect security
In this paper, we have presented SECTOR, a set of protocols
breaches, or to identify cheating nodes [2, 17].
for the secure verification of the time of encounters between
nodes. We have built these protocols on well-established
6.2.2 Pure ad Hoc Networks cryptographic techniques, including hash chains and Merkle
To enable topology tracking in pure ad hoc networks, we hash trees. We have also shown how to adapt the protocols
use mechanisms different than in the multi-hop cellular net- to the specific requirements of a given application. We have
works, notably, we use GTE-CeCl with MAD. Like in multi- explained that the overhead is very reasonable and we have
hop cellular networks, the MAD mechanism ensures distance assessed the robustness with respect to attackers of differ-
bounding between nodes. But unlike in hybrid networks, ent degrees of strength. We have applied this solution to
here we cannot use the symmetric-key mechanisms as they several problems, including prevention of wormhole attacks,
securing routing protocols based on last encounters, as well [12] Y.-C. Hu, Adrian Perrig, and David B. Johnson.
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