Smart Toll Using Bluetooth

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Towards Building smart toll tax collection system using Bluetooth LE


Article  in   International Journal of Advanced Computer Research · February 2017


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2 authors:

Mukhtar Ahmad Sofi M . Nandhini

Pondicherry University Pondicherry University


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ISSN No. 0976-5697
Volume 8, No. 1, Jan-Feb 2017
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
Available Online at
Towards Building smart toll tax collection system using Bluetooth LE Advertising
Mukhtar Ahmad Sofi* and Dr. M. Nandhini
Department of Computer Science
Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India

Abstract: There has been a growing interest, over the past few years, in the Internet of Things (IoT), cutting across various industries, ranging
from public transport to academia etc. Since mobility has become one of the basic necessities, the number of motor vehicles is increasing day by
day. Hence, traffic load has swelled on every road, especially in and around urban areas. Often, the roads reach their maximum capacity during
peak hours resulting in traffic jams and longer travel time. In metropolises with a high number of vehicles, it becomes essential to manage traffic
by using smart and fast traffic data collection systems in the control center. The latest release of Bluetooth 4.2, also called Bluetooth Smart,
carries features like Bluetooth advertising making Bluetooth LE (BLE) a competitive candidate among different low-power communication
technologies for the battery oriented devices in the IoT space. This paper suggests a smart toll tax collection system using BLE Advertising. The
system supports security properties including secure authentication, unforgeability, automatic correct billing, privacy, remote monitoring and
detection of stolen vehicles, and can prevent various road mishaps and crimes. Furthermore, it provides real-time traffic information e.g. travel-
duration, traffic jams, dwell time at intersections, origin/destination analysis as well as traffic flows.

Keywords: advertising, BLE, IoT, mobility, RFID, toll tax

I. INTRODUCTION companies and the Government to the challenges put forth by

the present public transportation system.
In India, the conventional toll tax collection system is based Using Bluetooth Smart, surveillance and toll tax collection
on paper that leads to complete disorder and confusion among systems can be merged to solve the prevailing problems.
public, [system loss], corruption and most disturbingly, to [Even though the RFID-based system can be designed], we
traffic jams causing wastage of time. A lot of effort is required propose the smart toll tax collection system based on
at toll offices/booths to ensure proper security, hassle-free Bluetooth advertising for its usage of low power, swift
provision of manual license and checking of vehicle detection, low cost, easy operation, portability, durability,
documents. What is alarming is the delays at the toll plazas reliability and for being much more user-friendly. When a
and needs an explicable immediacy. Percentage of toll vehicle is within the range of the Bluetooth device placed at a
expenses and delays at total stoppages have increased over the toll station/booth, The Vehicle advertises the data by
years[1]. Transportation corporations have been using broadcasting it. The system (toll Plaza ) extracts the data and
computing systems over the years to outdo efficiency, safety advertisement address typically known as MAC address of
and customer travel/transit experience. However, an the mobile vehicle. This MAC address is searched in the
aggregateamount of obsolete devices are working against database, which identifies the vehicle type, its owner, and its
these objectives. Over the past few decades, toll has become number plate. According to the vehicle type (car, bus, truck
the second largest expenditure in the transport sector coming etc.), toll tax amount will be deducted from linked the prepaid
only after fuel expenses, as over 374 toll plazas have sprung account. The account will be updated with remaining credits.
up across India to collect transit fees on most of the national
highway networks. There are around one crore registered II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION
trucks and buses in India. Of these, a truck with a national
permit, on an average pays around Rs 4 to 5 lakhs per year in Bluetooth [13].is a globally unlicensed IEEE standard
tolls alone. The assumption, that the toll fees operating in the 2.4 GHZ short-range radio frequency
strengthens/aides/contributes to the national infrastructure, spectrum. Bluetooth is a short range, low power standard with
however, is not reflected in state and central budgets. Instead, a 48-bit unique MAC address which makes it uniquely
toll plazas end up deterring traffic flow, despite better roads identifiable. New applications based on Bluetooth arose over
due to vicious computing systems. the past few years due to its uniquely identifiable property and
suitability for battery oriented devices. The Bluetooth
As transporters opine, the average usage of a truck has detection model is shown in figure 1. In this era of
remained the same while the cost of transportation have technology, Bluetooth is used in almost all devices ranging
increased and profit margins are at an all-time low. A study on from handheld devices to smartphones to vehicles and thus
high-traffic highways revealed that delays at toll plazas cost can be used for toll tax collection and monitoring of vehicles.
the Indian economy RS 87,000 crores every year
[2].Addressing the issue of high toll charges, delays, and other
mismanagement, IOT technologies make it easier to connect
new and old systems together, thus enabling faster data
sharing that can lead to a multitude of new opportunities. This
paper is an attempt to draw the attention of the transportation

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Mukhtar Ahmad Sofi , International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8 (1), Jan-Feb 2017,281-284

time of vehicle registration [7]. Others suggested DSRC

(Dedicated Short Range Communication) for electronic toll
collection [8].It can “provide services to both vehicle to
vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure up to 1km and supports
data rate of up to 27Mbps. It has been observed that the
current specification of DSRC performs poorly in high density
and mobility conditions [9]. Bluetooth based toll tax
collection system was suggested by [10]. But due to high
enquiry time andinitial pairing and authentication issues
made it less competitive”. However, the latest release of
Bluetooth 4.2 [11] so called Bluetooth smart and recently
announced Bluetooth 5 [12] with Broadcasting feature makes
Fig. 1. The Bluetooth detection principle it a perfect technology for collecting toll tax automatically.


Bluetooth LE Advertising [14-19], one of the most vital and SYSTEM
interesting features of the Bluetooth 4.0 and above The goal of the proposed toll tax collection system is to
standards,allows the devices to discover and communicate establish a connection between the Bluetooth device equipped
with other devices without an explicit pairing operation and at toll plazas (BPx) and the devices equipped in vehicles (BVx)
authentication like earlier standards of Bluetooth which within the detection range to exchange information
typically require manual pairing between devices to efficiently.The BVx will contain a group of data to be
communicate. In Bluetooth Advertising, the content to be broadcasted given in Table 1.
advertised, which can vary from a simple text messages to
multimedia content, is broadcasted via Bluetooth protocol TABLE I. POSSIBLE DATA COMPOSITION for BVx
which nearby devices can receive and react to without
traditional pairing which thereby turns into a Bluetooth MAC Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Account
IBeacon. Bluetooth Broadcasting allows only 31 bytes of Address No. Type Owner No.
advertising packets, so you can’t broadcast huge amount of
data but is certainly a perfect carrier to send important data A. Outline of the BLE Protocol
during advertising. Fig. 2 displays packet format of an Packet format of advertising “packet for our system is
advertisement packet. The maximum octets we can use is 28 described in Figure 3. According to the definition of BLE, we
including Universal unique identifier(UUID). Except UUID can use 28 octets in the packet. We introduced the
and other overheads, we can use only 8 octets (red oval in Fig. followinginformation in the advertising packet.
1) Data Type: indicate message type(1 Byte)
2) Vehicle Hash TYP: Vehicle Type (1 Byte)
3) Vehicle Hash ID: Vehicle Number (2 bytes)
4) Vehicle Hash ACCOUNT: Vehicle Prepaid Account
Number (2 bytes)
5) Data ID: Sequence number of message(1 byte)
6) TTL: lifetime of packet (TTL)

Fig.2 Packet format of BLE advertisement


In this paper, building a toll tax collection “system based on

Bluetooth advertising is proposed.Previous work suggests Fig. 3 Adding New Features to BLE Advertisement Packet
building RFID based toll tax system [3][4][5] but numerous
limitations and unresolved issues still hinder the widespread Toll Tax Collection System
application of RFID [6]. Automatic toll collection using Qr In the proposed system, The Bluetooth devices have to be
code scanning for toll collection in minimum time to placed inside the vehicle (BVx) and on the Toll Plazas (BPx).
overcome the traffic problem. It use QR code as a live picture The Working Module is shown in fig 4.The BVx acts as a
so web cam will first capture each vehicle’s unique QR code Broadcaster and broadcasts the data at regular intervals. The
and then will scan it as soon as it passes through toll plaza BPx is a Bluetooth Reciever which receives the packets
After recognizing the string from QR code it will then advertised by the BVx. When the BVx enters into the range of
perform the task of transaction The amount of toll tax is then BPx deployed at the Toll Plaza, The BVx broadcasts the data.
reduced from account number registered” with vehicle at the The BPx receives the packet and verifies the data with the

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Mukhtar Ahmad Sofi , International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8 (1), Jan-Feb 2017,281-284

database. According to the vehicle type (car, bus, truck etc.), jams, less fuel wastage and more importantly provides
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account. The account will be updated with remaining credits. in Public Transport system in smart and connected cities to
Though the system broadcasts the vehicle related data, only allow passengers get notifications regarding the Bus timings,
the authorised recievers can use the information and make the nearby locations, automatic fare collection etc.
payment from the prepaid account. If the data broadcasted by
BVx doesn’t match with the database, The system will notify VI. REFERENCES
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