Smart Toll Using Bluetooth
Smart Toll Using Bluetooth
Smart Toll Using Bluetooth
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Abstract: There has been a growing interest, over the past few years, in the Internet of Things (IoT), cutting across various industries, ranging
from public transport to academia etc. Since mobility has become one of the basic necessities, the number of motor vehicles is increasing day by
day. Hence, traffic load has swelled on every road, especially in and around urban areas. Often, the roads reach their maximum capacity during
peak hours resulting in traffic jams and longer travel time. In metropolises with a high number of vehicles, it becomes essential to manage traffic
by using smart and fast traffic data collection systems in the control center. The latest release of Bluetooth 4.2, also called Bluetooth Smart,
carries features like Bluetooth advertising making Bluetooth LE (BLE) a competitive candidate among different low-power communication
technologies for the battery oriented devices in the IoT space. This paper suggests a smart toll tax collection system using BLE Advertising. The
system supports security properties including secure authentication, unforgeability, automatic correct billing, privacy, remote monitoring and
detection of stolen vehicles, and can prevent various road mishaps and crimes. Furthermore, it provides real-time traffic information e.g. travel-
duration, traffic jams, dwell time at intersections, origin/destination analysis as well as traffic flows.
database. According to the vehicle type (car, bus, truck etc.), jams, less fuel wastage and more importantly provides
toll tax amount will be deducted from the linked prepaid security. In the future, we are looking to implement the system
account. The account will be updated with remaining credits. in Public Transport system in smart and connected cities to
Though the system broadcasts the vehicle related data, only allow passengers get notifications regarding the Bus timings,
the authorised recievers can use the information and make the nearby locations, automatic fare collection etc.
payment from the prepaid account. If the data broadcasted by
BVx doesn’t match with the database, The system will notify VI. REFERENCES
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