Alifornia: Parent-Teen Training Guide

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Gavin Newsom, Governor

State of California
This handbook is available at Brian C. Annis, Secretary California State Transportation Agency
Kathleen K. Webb, Acting Director
California Department of Motor Vehicles


It Can Wait!
It is against the law for minors to use Messages
a hands-free device while driving.
GETTING STARTED ................1 When You Hear a Siren ............27
Parents’/Guardians’ Role ............1 Motorcycles, Bicycles,
Driving Risks...............................1 Scooters, Etc. ...........................27
How to Use This Guide...............5 When You See a School Bus....27
The Provisional Driver License ...6 Railroad Crossings ...................28
Principal Licensing Quick Stops and Skids .............28
Requirements .............................6 If Your Brakes Fail ....................28
Before Starting the Engine .........7 Tire Blowout ..............................29
During Practice ...........................9 Stuck Accelerator......................29
DRIVING SKILLS ...................10 When You Cannot See
Because of Fog, Rain, or
Operating a Manual
Transmission ............................10
Driving on Slippery Roads ........31
Backing Up the Vehicle............. 11
Driving in Wind .........................31
Practicing Turns ........................ 11
Overheating Car Conditions .....31
Signaling to Other Drivers ........12
When You Are Stuck in Snow
Right Turns ...............................12
or Mud ......................................32
Left Turns..................................13
Hydroplaning ............................32
Intersections .............................14
Roundabouts ............................16
Safe Driver Checklist ................33
Is Your Teen Ready for a
CONTRACT ............................18
License? ...................................35
Lane Choice .............................21
Tips for Your Teen About
Lane Changes ..........................21 DMV’s Driving Tests .................35
Keeping Space Around the Now That Your Teen Has a
Vehicle ......................................21 License .....................................36
Parking on Hills.........................23
Parallel Parking (Street with LOG .........................................37
Two-Way Traffic) .......................23
U-Turn ......................................25
LOG .........................................39
Freeway Driving........................25
Driving at Night .........................26
LOG .........................................40
What to Do if a collision
Occurs ......................................27

- iii -
California has the nation’s highest number of pedestrian and
bicyclist fatalities. When you drive, take extra care around
people walking and biking. It’s the human thing to do.

Look twice for people walking or biking before you make a

turn. Always come to a complete stop before making a right
turn on red.

Stop for people in crosswalks. Every intersection is a

crosswalk, even if it’s unmarked.

If another car is stopped at a crosswalk, you should stop, too.

There may be someone crossing that you can’t see.

#GoHumanSoCal /GoHumanSoCal
2710 2016.06.07
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GETTING STARTED Important: It is illegal to
operate a motor vehicle on a
Teen drivers tend to be high- California roadway without
risk drivers. Teens receive a valid permit or driver
more traffic citations and are license (DL) for the class
hurt or killed at a higher rate of vehicle being operated.
than other drivers. As a parent/
• Read pages 9–10 of this
guardian, you want to keep
guide prior to beginning
your teen safe.
your practice sessions.
Parents’/Guardians’ The best teacher is a good role
Role model!
While California law sets the Driving Risks
requirements for teen driving,
you as an informed parent/ Driving is potentially
guardian and role model can dangerous for everyone, but
enhance your teen’s safety more so for teen drivers. The
by assuring that they have risk of vehicle collisions is
adequate instruction. This higher among teens than any
Parent-Teen Training Guide other age group. In fact, per
helps you provide your teen mile driven, teen drivers are
with additional driving skills. nearly 3 times more likely to
This guide does not contain all be in a fatal crash. According
of the licensing requirements. to the Center for Disease
Before you and your teen begin Control, traffic collisions are
the driving practice sessions: the leading cause of death for
teens. Lack of experience may
• Take the time to familiarize lead to judgement errors and
yourself with the California increased risk-taking. It takes
Driver Handbook, which practice to be able to drive
contains all licensing safely. Teens show the most
requirements. improvement within the first
year, and within the first 1,000
miles driven.

Among teen drivers, those at driving can be deadly.
especially high risk for motor There is a zero tolerance
vehicle collisions are: law in California for
• Males - In 2013, the motor teens who drive under
vehicle death rate for teen the influence of drugs or
male drivers and passengers alcohol.
was twice that of their • High speeds
female counterparts. – Teens involved in severe
• Teens driving with teen collisions were usually
passengers - The presence driving at high speeds.
of teen passengers increases • Distractions
the collision risk of – Music, cell phones, pets,
unsupervised teen drivers. and passengers should be
This risk increases with the avoided where possible.
number of teen passengers. As the number of teen
• Newly licensed teens - passengers increases, the
Collision risk is particularly risk of collision increases.
high during the first months The provisional DL
after getting a DL. restricts carrying teen
Talk to your teen about passengers for the first
avoiding the following risky year or until the driver
driving situations: turns 18 years old.
• Driving under the influence – It is illegal to use a
of alcohol and/or drugs cell phone or other
– Drinking any amount of wireless electronic
alcohol impairs a person’s communication device
judgement. Many while driving, unless
drugs, legal and illegal, making a call for
can negatively affect e m e rg e n c y s e r v i c e s
perception and reaction or on private property.
time while driving. The Furthermore, it is against
combination of drugs the law for teens to use
and/or alcohol while hands-free devices while

• Mental State • Driving at night
– Ensure your teen is – Driving at night requires
aware that their emotions extensive practice. The
can interfere with safe highest collision risk for
driving. Ensure your teen teens occurs on weekend
is in the proper state of nights. The provisional
mind, not tired, mad, sad, DL restricts night driving
etc. for the first year or until
• Financial Responsibility the driver turns 18 years
– The California old.
Compulsory Financial • Obstructions
Responsibility Law – Anything that restricts
requires every driver or obscures the driver’s
and every owner of a view and ability to scan
motor vehicle to maintain traffic is dangerous.
financial responsibility Objects blocking the
(liability coverage) at all front or side windows,
times. You must possess or hanging from the
evidence of financial rearview mirror, should
responsibility whenever be removed. Also, remind
you drive, including the your teen to be cautious
drive test, and must show when driving near blind
it to a peace officer after intersections, parked
a traffic stop or collision, vehicles, and when
when asked to do so. If driving in unpleasant
you do not comply with weather, such as fog,
this law, you may have to snow, or heavy rain.
pay a fine or your vehicle
may be impounded.

• Not using a safety belt The graphics below illustrate
– The driver and all what can happen in a collision:
passengers must wear a IMPACTS
safety belt or you and/or
your passenger(s) may be
cited. If the passenger is
under 16 years old, you
may be cited if they are not
wearing their safety belt.
The graphic illustrates
what can happen in a
collision. If you are
struck from the side, the
impact could push you
back and forth across
the seat. Safety belts and
shoulder harnesses keep
you in a better position
to control the vehicle and
may minimize serious
injuries. The graphic
also illustrates how your
vehicle stops when you Note: Lap-only belts increase
collide, but you keep the chance of spinal column
going at the same speed and abdominal injuries—
you were traveling, until especially in children. The
you hit the dashboard or use of a safety belt reduces the
windshield. At 30 mph, chance of being thrown from a
this motion is equivalent vehicle in case of a collision.
to hitting the ground from
the top of a three-story

How to Use This Guide 4. Demonstrate. Allow
1. Discuss the expectations your teen to observe a
and responsibilities of demonstration of driving
operating a vehicle safely. skills in different scenarios.
It is recommended that you Discuss any errors or
and your teen complete questions your teen might
a Parent-Teen Driving have regarding different
Contract outlining the driving situations.
agreed upon expectations 5. Practice and record your
and responsibilities progress. Have your teen
o f a s a f e d r i v e r. practice the skill. When
Note: A sample Parent- you decide that your teen
Teen Driving Contract can perform a certain skill
is included in this guide easily and well, double-
starting on page 18. check the directions and
2. Develop a lesson plan. note the driving skills on
You and your teen should the Supervised Driving
identify what driving skills Log on pages 37-40.
your teen should focus on 6. Prepare for the test.
practicing. Review the Driving Risks
3. Familiarize yourself with section starting on page
proper skills. Read the 1 with your teen. Use
directions for the skill the Safe Driver Checklist
you wish your teen to on page 33 to take your
practice and log them on teen on a “test” drive.
the Supervised Driving Make sure that your teen
Log on pages 37-40. performs all the items on
Check the directions in this this list correctly. Spend
guide to be sure the skill is more practice time with
performed correctly. your teen on any item(s)

The Provisional Motor Vehicles (DMV) website
Driver License at or at a
To decrease motor-vehicle DMV field office. Revoking
collisions involving teens, a your consent will cancel the
special “provisional” license minor’s instructional permit
and instruction permit is issued or DL and may extend the
to minors. A minor is a person provisional restrictions when
under 18 years old. applying for a new application.
The following restrictions Complete driver education
apply to minors during the (classroom training) and
first 12 months: driver training (behind-the-
wheel training) in a public or
A minor cannot: private high school, or a state-
• Drive between 11 p.m. and licensed professional driving
5 a.m. school. (The hours required
• Tr a n s p o r t p a s s e n g e r s for driver education and driver
under 20 years old, unless training classes are defined
accompanied by a licensed: in the California Education
– Parent or guardian. Code §§51851 and 51852.)
– California driver 25 Internet, correspondence, or
years old or older. other distance-based driver
– Or certified driving education training must be
instructor. the equivalent of an approved
classroom instruction.
Principal Licensing Note: If you use the services of
Requirements a professional driving school,
As a parent or guardian, you ask to see the instructor’s
may revoke your consent at identification (ID) card and
any time by completing a confirm that the school is
Request for Cancellation or licensed by DMV. Professional
Surrender of a Driver License driving schools and instructors
or Identification Card (DL 142) in California are licensed by
form. The form is available DMV after meeting qualifying
online at the Department of standards.

Pass the knowledge test. Your Note: You may obtain a
teen should have completed Driving Test Criteria (DL
the knowledge test on the 955) handbook at a local
TouchScreen Terminal (TST) DMV field office or online
and obtained a provisional at to assist
instruction permit. If your teen with driving instruction.
did not pass the knowledge Your teen must have a
test, they must wait 7 days California instruction permit
(1 week), not including the or an instruction permit
day the test was failed before issued from another state
retaking the test. for at least 6 months (or turn
Note: The provisional 18 years old), before they can
instruction permit is not valid schedule their driving test.
until your teen begins driver Information regarding the
training with an instructor or knowledge and driving tests
is 171/2 years old. are found in the California
Complete at least 50 hours Driver Handbook, which is
of supervised driving. It will based on the California Vehicle
take more than 15 minutes of Code.
practice time every day for 6
months to complete 50 hours Before Starting the
of practice driving, of which Engine
at least 10 hours must be night • R e v i e w y o u r t e e n ’s
driving practice. The parent instruction permit. Be
or guardian and the instructor aware of any provisional
must sign the statement on the restrictions and additional
provisional permit certifying instructions.
that the teen has completed the • Identify practice areas
supervised training. The signed appropriate to your teen’s
permit must be presented to driving ability. This will
DMV before the driving test allow you to be aware
may be taken. of any hazards, signs, or
signals. Start with basic

driving situations, such as are secure, unbroken, and
in a residential or rural area, provide clear visibility.
and increase complexity – Fasten the safety belt(s).
over time. Congested, urban For the best protection,
traffic or freeways are not safety belts should be
the best starting areas. adjusted to fit your teen
• Until your teen has learned before they start driving.
the traffic rules and how Always wearing your
to control the vehicle, you safety belt helps develop
may consider practicing in a habit for your teen
a vehicle with an automatic anytime they are driving.
transmission, if possible, Note: The parent or guardian
because it is easier to drive. seat should be positioned to
• Evaluate the vehicle’s tire allow them to take control of
tread. Each tire must have the vehicle, if needed.
1/32” inch tread depth – Locate and demonstrate
grooves and any 2 major that the following are
adjacent tread grooves. fully functional:
• Review and demonstrate ◦ Driver window
the proper arm signals for: ◦ Turn signals
a left turn, a right turn, and
◦ Brake lights
slowing down or stopping.
◦ Hazard warning lights
• Have your teen sit in the
(emergency flashers)
driver’s seat of the vehicle,
and before starting the ◦ Emergency/parking
engine: brake
– Adjust the seat, if ◦ Defroster (front/rear)
necessary. ◦ Horn
– Adjust the mirrors, if ◦ Headlights
necessary. The vehicle ◦ Windshield wipers
must have at least 2 Note: The windshield should
mirrors, including one b e free from any cracks
on the outside of the left a nd material obstructing or
side of the vehicle, that reducing visibility.

During Practice • For each action, guide
• Avoid all distractions. The your teen through 2 or 3
stereo and other electronic practice trials, and then
devices should be turned allow your teen to practice
off. This includes cell without specific assistance
phones. Initially avoid or direction.
having passengers in the • Av o i d d r i v i n g l o n g
vehicle. As your teen gains distances. Even 1 hour can
experience, passengers may be exhausting to a new
be in the vehicle but should driver. It may be better to
not interfere or distract your initially start with short
teen. driving experiences and
• When giving directions, first build up to longer ones.
state where the action will Stop practicing when your
take place, and then state teen becomes tired or upset.
the action to be completed • Read the traffic environment
(for example, “at the next ahead, to the sides, and
intersection turn left”). Give behind while observing your
directions in plenty of time teen’s driving behavior.
so your teen can understand • If you see a bad traffic
and prepare to complete the situation ahead that your
action. teen cannot handle, pull
• Be patient, sympathetic, and over and stop.
understanding. Keep your • Do not expect your teen to
voice calm. Be alert at all drive the way you do. You
times. have years of experience and
• Avoid the use of terms with have developed behaviors
possible double meanings and patterns that your teen
(instead of “right” in does not have.
response to a question, say • When your teen is done
“correct”). practicing, show them how
to park the vehicle and turn
off the engine.

• After driving, evaluate and a gear you have chosen.
summarize each driving After shifting becomes
experience. Ask your teen easy, have your teen
how they think they did. practice shifting in and out
This could help identify of first gear when stopping
concerns and things that and starting.
should be practiced. This Shifting into First Gear
guide provides a sample 1. Place the gearshift into
lesson plan and pages neutral.
for tracking your teen’s
2. With the clutch firmly
depressed and a foot on
DRIVING SKILLS the brake pedal, start the
Operating a Manual 3. Release the parking brake.
Transmission 4. Move the gearshift lever
A vehicle with an automatic from neutral to first gear.
transmission is recommended 5. Let the clutch come up very
because it is easier to operate. slowly until it reaches the
If operating a manual point at which the engine
transmission and your teen has takes hold and begins to
problems shifting, practice the pull the vehicle forward.
steps below without releasing 6. Move your foot from the
the parking brake. With the brake to the gas pedal and
ignition off, have your teen: press down gently.
1. Depress the clutch pedal 7. Slowly let the clutch pedal
to the floor. Hold it there. come up all the way.
2. Practice shifting through Note: Do not allow your teen
all the gears. to push in the clutch and coast
3. Practice until shifting is to a stop. The vehicle must
automatic. remain in gear at all times.
4. Practice pressing down
the clutch and shifting to

- 10 -
Backing Up the 7. Release the foot brake
Vehicle slowly and apply the
Practice on a residential street accelerator, if needed —
with little or no traffic, or in a be ready to brake to control
parking lot with no obstacles the speed of the vehicle.
or vehicles. Before starting 8. Occasionally check their
to back up, have your teen blind spots.
turn their head to survey the 9. Move slowly and avoid
area rather than relying just sudden movement of the
on the rearview and/or side steering wheel.
mirrors, or camera, which may 10. Turn the steering wheel
not show all hazards. Avoid to the right, if they wish
backing around corners or to back to the right. Turn
sharp curves unless there is the steering wheel to the
good visibility in all directions. left, if they wish to back
If your teen seems to have to the left.
problems backing, have them 11. Press the brake gently to
follow the steps below: stop.
1. Put their left hand at the 12. Shift into park.
top of the steering wheel.
2. Place their foot on the
Practicing Turns
brake. Practice turning in a large,
3. Shift to reverse. open parking lot, or other area
without traffic, pedestrians, or
4. Check in all directions for
bicyclists. The first few times,
traffic, children, animals,
give directions on steering
and objects in or moving
throughout the turn. Be ready
toward their path.
to grab the wheel, if necessary.
5. Release the parking brake. Practice right turns first.
6. Place their right hand
on the back of the seat
and look over their right
shoulder through the rear

- 11 -
Signaling to Other MAKING A RIGHT TURN
Have your teen demonstrate
arm and electric turn signals as
shown in the graphic. During

the driving test, your teen must
use the vehicle’s turn signal WID
during the last 100 feet before

reaching the left or right turn.

At freeway speeds, it is best to
signal at least 5 seconds before STOP
changing lanes.

(1) About 100 feet from corner:

• Reduce speed.
• Begin signaling.
SLOW or STOP • Look over right shoulder.
• When safe, move as
close to the right curb as
possible. Enter bicycle lane
Right Turns when it is safe.
• Look both ways.
Give the instruction to turn
(3) If safe, turn into right lane.
at least 200 feet (more than
one-half city block) before
turning. This will allow the
teen enough time to signal,
check traffic, and start the turn.
Approach the turn in the right
lane, turn into the right lane,

- 12 -
and remain in that lane until 7. Complete the turn in the
the turn is completed. right lane.
Note: Do not turn wide as 8. Turn the steering wheel as
it could create a hazard with the front end of the vehicle
oncoming traffic. enters the proper lane, and
If your teen has difficulty then straighten the vehicle
making right turns, follow in the lane.
these steps: Left Turns
1. Signal a right turn as After your teen can make a
soon as possible, without right turn well, practice left
confusing other drivers. turns. If your teen has difficulty
2. S l o w d o w n a s t h e y making left turns correctly,
approach the turn. Check follow these steps:
the traffic ahead, behind, 1. Signal a left turn as soon
and over their right as possible, without
shoulder. confusing other drivers.
3. Drive close to the right 2. S l o w d o w n a s t h e y
edge of the road. If they approach the turn. Check
are merging into a bike the traffic ahead, behind,
lane, they must look over and over their left shoulder.
their right shoulder before 3. Drive close to the center
merging to ensure the lane divider or turn lane.
is clear. 4. Obey all signs and/or traffic
4. Obey all the signs and/ signals. At the intersection,
or traffic signals. At the look left, right, and ahead.
intersection, look left, 5. Keep the steering wheel
right, and left again. straight and yield to
5. Yield to pedestrians and pedestrians and bicyclists.
6. Turn the wheel to the right
when the front bumper
enters the intersection.

- 13 -
MAKING A LEFT TURN 6. Look left, ahead, right, and
STOP left again and proceed into
the intersection when safe
while turning the steering
wheel to the left to enter
the new lane.
DO NOT 7. Accelerate the vehicle
CUT and allow the wheel to

straighten on the new lane


to complete their turn.


STOP Note: Do not drive too close

2 to the corner as it could create a
hazard with oncoming traffic.
Discuss the following steps
1 for controlled intersections
and uncontrolled or “blind”
intersections with your teen.
Directions for Controlled
(1) About 100 feet from corner: Intersections
• Reduce speed.
• Begin signaling.
1. When approaching an
intersection with a traffic
(2) STOP BEHIND LIMIT LINE: signal light, be ready to
• Look left, then right, then left brake and keep plenty
• If safe, make turn.
of room between their
vehicle and the vehicle
ahead. Even when the light
is green, it is against the
law to enter an intersection
when there is not enough
space to completely cross
before the light turns red.
If heavy traffic (gridlock)

- 14 -
causes them to block cross • Safely select an appropriate
traffic, they can be cited. space for entering an
2. Check traffic ahead and intersection where there is
to the side for vehicles cross traffic.
on cross streets before A blind intersection means
entering the intersection. that a driver cannot see traffic
3. Watch oncoming traffic on the cross street for at least
for any vehicle making an 100 feet in each direction
illegal turn. during the last 100 feet before
4. Check for and yield to any crossing because a building or
pedestrian and bicyclists other object blocks the view.
crossing at a corner or When approaching a blind
other crosswalk. intersection, have your teen:
When the Light Turns Yellow 1. Slow to a safe speed, a
maximum of 15 mph,
Teach your teen how to decide
which will let them stop
when it is safe to stop at a
yellow light. As your teen
approaches the green light, 2. Look for pedestrians,
have them tell you, at regular bicyclists, and cross traffic.
intervals, whether it would be 3. Look for approaching
safe to proceed if the light were vehicles on side streets.
to turn yellow. Make certain 4. Look left, right, and left
that your teen consistently again for traffic on the
identifies the point at which a cross street before entering
safe stop could be made. the intersection.
Directions for Uncontrolled 5. If their view is blocked,
(No Signs or Signals) and Blind move slowly forward until
Intersections they can see clearly in both
Encourage your teen to develop directions.
the skills to: 6. If the road is clear, cross
• Judge the speed and the intersection.
distances of other vehicles
at or approaching an
uncontrolled intersection.

- 15 -
Roundabouts For roundabout with multiple
A roundabout is an intersection lanes, have your teen choose
where traffic travels around their entry or exit lane based
a central island in a counter- on the destination as shown in
clockwise direction. the graphic. For example, to:
Roundabouts do not have ROUNDABOUTS
bicycle lanes, so traffic must
share the road. Vehicles or
bicycles entering or exiting the
roundabout must yield to all
traffic, including pedestrians. CAR C
When approaching a
roundabout have your teen: CAR B

• Slow down as they approach

the roundabout.
• Yield to pedestrians and
bicyclists crossing the CAR A

roadway. • Turn right at the intersection,

• Watch for signs and/or choose the right-hand lane
road markings that guide or and exit in the right-hand lane
prohibit certain movements. (Car A).
• Enter the roundabout • Go straight through the
(heading to the right) when intersection, choose either
there is a big enough space lane, and exit in the lane
in traffic to merge safely. entered (Car B).
• Travel in a counterclockwise • Turn left, choose the left lane,
direction. Do not stop or continue around, and exit in
pass. the lane entered (Car C).
• Signal when they change
lanes or exit the roundabout.
• If they miss their exit,
continue around until they
return to their exit.

- 16 -
Parent-Teen Driving Contract
We, and , agree to the following conditions:
Name of Teen Name(s) of Parent(s) or Guardian
Initial if Initial if
applies Teen Driver’s Responsibilities applies Parent’s Responsibilities
I will inform my parent/guardian about my destination, who will be the passengers, I will listen in a respectful manner to the explanations or concerns expressed by
and when I will return. my teen regarding the operation of a vehicle or terms of the contract.
I will call home if my plans change. I will provide respectful feedback when accompanying my teen in a vehicle.

I will notify a parent/guardian if I think that I will be more than 30 minutes late. I will serve as a good role model when operating a vehicle.
I will respect and obey all driving laws and safely drive not endangering my life I will respect and obey all driving laws and safely drive not endangering my life
or the lives of others. or the lives of others.
Everyone in the vehicle will wear a safety belt at all times. Everyone in the vehicle will wear a safety belt at all times.

I will never drink alcohol and/or use drugs and drive. I will never use alcohol and/or use drugs and drive.

I will never ride in a vehicle where alcohol or drug use is occurring. I will never ride in a vehicle where alcohol or drug use is occurring.

I will not be a passenger in a vehicle whose driver appears impaired. I will not be a passenger in a vehicle whose driver appears impaired.

I will not drive aggressively, such as speeding, tailgating, or cutting others off. I will not drive aggressively, such as speeding, tailgating, or cutting others off.

I will call home if I cannot get home safely. I (we) agree to come and get you at any hour from any place, with no questions
asked, or I (we) will arrange transportation to bring you home safely. I (we) expect
I will not let anyone else drive or use the vehicle entrusted to me. that a discussion of such incident would follow at a later time.

Vehicle Costs and Maintenance

will be responsible for the following (indicate the dollar amount or percentage of the cost):
Name of Teen

Vehicle cost Fuel cost Vehicle damage Vehicle insurance

Vehicle registration Maintenance cost Fines/penalties Other

Check all that apply:

Check oil and other fuids Report unusual Inspect tires and check air Keep interior and exterior
regularly performance pressure clean
Refuel when tank is less Perform normal
Clean all windows than ¼ full maintenance Other

Additional conditions or responsibilities:

We understand and agree to the terms of this contract, which may be renegotiated and revised later.

Signature of Teen Signature of Parent or Guardian

Date Signature of Parent or Guardian

with us



Lane Choice 6. Steer to center the vehicle
Note the importance of in the new lane.
choosing the lane that is 7. Turn off the signal.
appropriate for the driving Problems to Watch for:
action, such as turning or • Failing to check the rearview
parking. mirror.
Drive in the lane with the • Failing to look over their
smoothest flow of traffic. For shoulder at blind spots.
example, if a roadway has 2 • Checking over their
lanes in the same direction, shoulder too long while the
select the right lane. If they vehicle drifts from its path
can choose among 3 lanes, or gets dangerously close to
pick the middle lane. To drive vehicles ahead.
faster, pass, or turn left, use • Not knowing if there is
the left lane. enough room to change
Lane Changes lanes. At first, you should
make the judgment for your
You may discover your teen
teen. When your teen is able
has difficulty changing lanes
to look over their shoulder
in a smooth, continuous
and still stay in the lane,
movement. Have your teen
have your teen tell you
follow the steps below to make
when it is safe to change
sure that a lane change is made
lanes. Continue requiring a
verbal check until you agree
1. Signal. with their decision.
2. Check the traffic ahead.
3. Look in the mirrors for Keeping Space Around
breaks in the traffic. the Vehicle
4. Check their blind spot by Most drivers do not see “the
looking over their shoulder big picture” as well as they
into the lane they wish to should because they follow too
occupy. closely, and the vehicle ahead
5. Change lanes by moving blocks their view of the road.
into a break in traffic flow.

- 21 -
Good drivers maintain a safe more following distance gives
following distance to see more them and the tailgater more
of what is happening in traffic. time to react in an emergency.
The more distance they allow “Lose” the tailgater as soon
between their vehicle and the as they can. Have your teen
vehicle ahead, the more time change lanes and allow the
they will have to see a hazard tailgater to pass them, or slow
or collision down the road. down to allow enough space
They will have more time to between them and the vehicle
stop, or to avoid the problem. in front of them. If this does
Encourage your teen to keep not work, have your teen pull
enough distance between off the road when it is safe and
their vehicle and the vehicle let the tailgater pass.
ahead, to the sides, and to the If another driver closely
rear. Your teen will then have changes lanes in front of them,
a “bigger picture” of their it is better to just take their
driving environment. Steering foot off the gas. This will give
will be easier and the vehicle your teen space between their
can travel in the center of the vehicle and the other vehicle
lane instead of hugging one without swerving into another
side of the lane or the other. lane. Do not overreact in this
Teach your teen how to keep at situation.
least a three-second following Tell your teen to avoid driving
distance. When the vehicle in the blind spot of other
ahead passes a signpost or drivers. The other driver may
other object near the road, not see your teen’s vehicle and
count “one thousand one, one could change lanes, causing a
thousand two, one thousand collision.
three.” If you pass the selected
object before completing this
count, you are too close.
When crowded by a tailgater,
your teen should allow extra
room between their vehicle and
the vehicle ahead. Allowing

- 22 -
Parking on Hills • Headed either uphill or
Have your teen practice downhill when there is no
parking on hills with little or curb, turn the wheels so the
no traffic. If they are unable vehicle will roll away from
to practice parking on hills the center of the road if the
in your area, have your teen brakes fail.
practice on a flat road and Note: Always have your teen
discuss the procedures for set the parking brake and leave
parking on hills. the vehicle in gear or in the
“park” position.
Parallel Parking
(Street with Two-Way
Parallel parking is a driving
DOWN HILL UP HILL NO CURB technique which allows your
UP HILL OR teen to park parallel to the
road in line with other parked
vehicles. The steps below
When parking, have your teen: explain how to parallel park
• On a sloping driveway, turn
the wheels so the vehicle 1. Find a space and pull the
will not roll into the lane if vehicle alongside the space
the brakes fail. or vehicle in front of where
• Headed downhill, turn the they intend to park. Look
front wheels into the curb or for a space at least 3 feet
toward the side of the road. longer than the vehicle.
Set the parking brake. When they find a space,
signal that they intend to
• Headed uphill, turn the front
park. Leave approximately
wheels away from the curb
2 feet between the vehicle
and let the vehicle roll back
or space next to the vehicle
a few inches. The wheel
and stop once the bumper
should gently touch the
is aligned with the space.
curb. Set the parking break.
Check the rear view mirror

- 23 -
and look over shoulder
for approaching vehicles.
Keep the foot on the
brake and put the vehicle
in reverse. Maintain the
Street with Two-Way Traffic 4. Pull forward if necessary.
Your teen may need to pull
forward and backward to
straighten out. The vehicle
should now be parallel and
no further than 18 inches
from the curb.

2. Lift the foot off the brake.

Before backing up, check
mirrors and look over
shoulder for any hazards. STEP 4
Begin to back up, at
approximately a 45 degree 5. Check for hazards. Shift
angle. the vehicle into park, turn
off the engine. Check the
mirrors and look over
shoulder for any hazards
before opening the vehicle


3. Straighten out. Begin

turning the steering wheel
away from the curb when
the rear wheel is within 18 STEP 5
inches from the curb.

- 24 -
U-Turn for vehicles to the rear
1. Practice U-turns on a wide, and sides if there is more
residential street with little than one lane merging.
or no traffic. Do not make Remember—you do not
a U-turn in heavy traffic. have the right of way.
2. During the first practice 3. Turn on the signal.
session, act as your teen’s 4. Look for a space in the
eyes while they concentrate traffic. Adjust the speed to
on making the turn. match that of vehicles on
3. W h e n y o u r t e e n c a n the freeway.
make the turn easily, 5. Do not slow or stop unless
encourage them to look necessary.
in all directions for traffic 6. When reaching the freeway,
before turning and while look over shoulder before
making the turn. (Near moving into a space in the
intersections a vehicle can first lane.
come around the corner in 7. Do not cross over any solid
just a few seconds.) lines while merging.
Freeway Driving On the Freeway
When your teen is ready for 1. Keep up with traffic as
freeway driving, try to choose much as possible without
long on-ramps and off-ramps exceeding the speed limit.
to practice entering and exiting Yield to faster traffic. Stay
the freeway. The following are to the right, as much as
freeway driving directions to possible.
give to your teen: 2. Leave plenty of room
around the vehicle. Use
Entering the Freeway
the three-second rule
1. Be in the proper lane for described on page 22 for
the on-ramp. following distance, and
2. While still on the ramp, adjust the lane position
check mirrors. Watch as needed for traffic
traffic in the lane they will conditions.
be entering. Also, watch

- 25 -
3. Watch for merging traffic to give your teen for driving
at on-ramps. at night:
4. Signal and look over the 1. Turn the headlights on
shoulder before changing when darkness makes it
lanes. harder to see (no later than
Leaving the Freeway one-half hour after sunset).
1. When planning to exit It is illegal to drive using
a freeway, well before only parking lights.
the exit, scan for signs 2. Drive more cautiously.
indicating which lane to Your teen should be able
use. to stop the vehicle within
2. Move into the proper exit the distance that they can
lane at least one-half mile see ahead.
before the exit. Do not 3. Leave plenty of room
wait until the last minute. around the vehicle.
You may cause a collision 4. Signal well in advance of
if you change lanes in a every move.
hurry. 5. Avoid looking into the
3. Signal 4 or 5 seconds headlights of an oncoming
before the off-ramp. vehicle. Look to the right
4. After entering the off- edge of the road. Your teen
ramp, slow to the posted must learn to maintain
speed limit. the vehicle’s direction of
5. Do not cross over any solid travel when the headlights
lines when exiting. of oncoming traffic make
it hard to see.
Driving at Night 6. Practice all of the skills
Do not start night driving described for a minimum
until your teen has mastered of 10 hours of night
all driving skills during the driving.
daylight hours. Begin night
driving in a familiar, low traffic
area. Below are the directions

- 26 -
SPECIAL PROBLEMS in a citation. Sometimes, the
AND EMERGENCIES driver of an emergency vehicle
will use a loudspeaker to direct
What to Do if a a driver blocking the road.
collision Occurs Motorcycles,
Talk to your teen about what to Bicycles, Scooters,
do in the event of a collision. Etc.
What to do as a witness or as
Be aware that because they are
someone involved in a collision
small—motorcycles, bicycles,
is noted in the California
scooters, and skateboards—
Driver Handbook.
can be difficult to see.
When You Hear a
When You See a
School Bus
EMERGENCY VEHICLES When you see flashing red
lights on a school bus, have
your teen stop at a safe distance
away from the school bus, and
remain stopped until the red
PULL OVER AND STOP FOR lights stop flashing. Traffic
in both directions must stop
unless driving on a divided
When a fire truck, ambulance,
highway. School buses are
police vehicle, or other
required to flash the red lights
emergency vehicle approaches
at all stops.
from behind with its siren
on, have your teen pull over Be cautious around stopped
when possible to the right school buses, even if the red
side of the road. Stop until lights have stopped flashing.
the emergency vehicle passes. Assume a child might dart out
However, never stop in an in front of you.
intersection. Continue through
the intersection and then pull
to the right as soon as possible.
Failure to pull over may result

- 27 -
Railroad Crossings the front wheels to roll again
When driving close to a railroad so you can steer.
crossing, have your teen look • Has rear-wheel ABS, stop
and listen for trains in both braking and turn the steering
directions. Be ready to stop, if wheel into the direction of
necessary. Expect a train on a the skid.
track at any time, day or night. • Has front-wheel ABS, steer
Never stop on a railroad track. where you want to go and
Usually by the time a train sees carefully accelerate to keep
a vehicle, it will be too late for the vehicle moving.
it to stop. When traffic is heavy, • Does not have ABS, lightly
wait off the tracks until your and briefly “pump” the
teen is sure they can drive over brakes. To pump the brakes,
the tracks without stopping. your teen should:
– Push the brake pedal hard.
Quick Stops and Skids
– As the vehicle begins to
Avoid sudden stops. If your
skid, quickly let up on the
vehicle has four-wheel antilock
brake. Push it down again
braking system (ABS), apply
firm pressure on the brake pedal.
– Use this quick, pumping
Note: To determine if a vehicle action until the vehicle is
has ABS, review the vehicle stopped.
owner’s manual. There may also
be an illuminated ABS symbol If Your Brakes Fail
on the dashboard immediately If the brakes fail, your teen
after starting the engine. should:
If your teen stops quickly or the 1. If available, downshift into
vehicle begins to skid, and the a lower gear.
vehicle: 2. If the vehicle:
• Has just rear-wheel ABS – Has four-wheel ABS,
(common in light trucks), apply firm pressure on the
ease up on the brake pedal brake pedal.
while maintaining just – Has just rear-wheel ABS,
enough pressure to allow ease up on the brake pedal

- 28 -
while maintaining just 2. Slow down gradually. Take
enough pressure to allow their foot off the gas pedal
the front wheels to roll slowly, but do not hit the
again. brakes.
– Does not have ABS, 3. Let the vehicle slow to a
pump the brake pedal. stop, completely off the
3. Apply the parking brake, road.
but be ready to release it if 4. Apply the brakes when the
the vehicle begins to skid. vehicle is almost stopped.
4. Remember they can still
Stuck Accelerator
steer and swerve to avoid
a collision. If the accelerator becomes
stuck, your teen should:
5. Sound their horn and flash
their lights to warn other • Shift to neutral.
drivers. • Apply the brakes.
6. When they no longer need • Keep their eyes on the road.
to change direction and • Look for a way out.
have stopped, turn off • Warn other drivers by
the ignition. (Turning off honking and turning on
the key locks the steering hazard warning lights.
wheel of many vehicles, • Try to drive the vehicle
so do not turn off the safely off the road.
ignition until they come • When they no longer need
to a complete stop.) to change direction and
Tire Blowout have stopped, turn off the
Teach your teen to always keep ignition. (Turning off the
both hands on the wheel. If a key locks the steering wheel
tire goes flat suddenly, they of many vehicles, so do not
need both hands to control the turn off the ignition until
vehicle. If they have a sudden they come to a complete
tire blowout, your teen should: stop.)
1. Hold the steering wheel
tightly and steer straight

- 29 -
When You Cannot See When the weather is bad:
Because of Fog, Rain, 1. Slow down at the first sign
or Snow of rain, drizzle, or snow
The best advice is avoid on the road. This is when
driving in the fog. Do not use roads are most slippery
high-beam headlights in the because oil and dust have
fog because they create glare not been washed away.
and reduce visibility. Only use 2. Turn on the lights when
low-beam headlights in the visibility is poor—even in
fog. Consider postponing a trip the daylight hours.
until the fog clears. 3. In very heavy rain or
If your teen must drive, have snowstorm, they may not
them slow down and turn be able to see more than 100
on the low-beam headlights. feet ahead. They may have
Never drive with just the to stop from time to time
parking or fog lights. Increase to wipe mud or snow off
your following distance and the windshield, headlights,
be prepared to stop within the and taillights. When
space you can see in front of driving in snowy areas,
your vehicle. Avoid crossing or carry the proper equipment
passing lanes of traffic unless (chains, tires, etc.) in case
absolutely necessary. Listen they find themselves in
for traffic they cannot see. Use conditions where they
their wipers and defroster as cannot drive without the
necessary for best vision. proper equipment (see the
If the fog becomes so thick vehicle owner’s manual).
that your teen can barely see, Note: You must turn on your
have them pull completely headlights if snow, rain, fog,
off the road and activate the dust, or low visibility (1,000
hazard warning lights. Do f eet or less) requires the
not continue driving until the continuous use of windshield
weather improves. wipers.

- 30 -
Driving on Slippery Overheating Car
Roads Conditions
When driving on wet, icy, While driving in extreme heat,
gravel, or dirt roads have your your teen should:
teen: • Watch the temperature
• Drive slowly and stay gauge for overheating of
farther behind the vehicle the engine.
ahead. • Avoid driving at high speeds
• Slow down as they approach for long periods.
curves and intersections. • Use a lower gear in
• Avoid quick stops and fast “creeping” traffic.
turns. • Turn off the air conditioner,
• If applicable, shift into a if the engine is overheating.
lower gear before going • See the vehicle owner’s
down a steep hill. manual for more
• Avoid slippery areas, such information.
as ice patches, wet leaves, While driving in extreme cold,
oil, and deep puddles. your teen should:
Driving in Wind • Watch the temperature
gauge for overheating of
Drive slower than normal
the engine
when it is very windy. Lighter
vehicles, vans, recreational – The engine may not
vehicles, and trucks with broad, have the correct level of
high sides are sometimes antifreeze.
blown out of their lane. If • Use the defroster or slightly
possible, avoid driving next open your windows to keep
to other vehicles. Have your them from “fogging up.”
teen grasp the steering wheel • See the vehicle owner’s
firmly. Be prepared to correct manual for more information.
their steering as the wind force
changes. Keep the windows

- 31 -
When You Are Stuck in vehicle could hydroplane. To
Snow or Mud avoid hydroplaning, your teen
If your teen is stuck in snow should:
or mud, they should: • Drive slowly.
1. Shift into a low gear and keep • Maintain good tire tread.
the front wheels straight. • Have their tires properly
2. Gently step on the gas pedal. inflated.
3. Avoid spinning the wheels. • If possible, steer around water.
Drive forward as far as • If they hear a sloshing sound
possible. from the tires, especially
4. Shift into reverse and slowly when changing directions,
back up as far as possible. slow down.
Do not spin the wheels.
5. Shift into a low gear again
and drive forward. CHECKLIST
6. Repeat a forward-backward • Use this checklist when
motion until the vehicle your teen has finished
rolls free. practicing all the driving
7. In deep mud or snow, put skills discussed in this guide.
boards, tree branches, etc., • Take your teen on a long
under the tires. Never do “test” ride. As you ride, check
this when the tires are your teen’s driving against
spinning. the checklist.
• Be sure that your teen is
Hydroplaning following the safe driving
If water on the road is deeper habits listed.
than the tread of the tires, a fast • Check () each item you see
moving vehicle may glide over your teen doing correctly.
the water and not touch the This list should tell you
road surface. This condition where your teen still needs
is called hydroplaning. If they practice or help. Your teen
can see reflections on the road, should, as a habit, do all of the
or the vehicle ahead leaves things listed before taking the
no tracks on the water, the driving test at DMV.

- 32 -
Safe Driver Checklist
Locate the Controls □ Check the mirrors and look
quickly to the side while
Your teen should be able to locate the
following controls and explains how
they work: Changing Lanes
□ □


Hazard warning lights.

Check the mirrors.

Emergency and parking brakes.

□ Change lanes safely.

Check over the shoulder.



Horn. Parking on Hills
Windshield wipers.
Before Starting the Vehicle


□ Set the parking brake.

Curb the wheels properly.

□ Fasten safety belt(s).
Adjust the mirrors.
Parallel Parking
Starting the Vehicle □
□ Look
□ Vehicle is in “Park” or over the shoulder while

□ Yield

to other vehicles, when
□ Start
Foot is on the brake pedal.
the vehicle smoothly. Do necessary.
not overturn the ignition. Entering the Freeway
Moving Forward □

Check traffic flow.

□ Looks


□ Check
over the shoulder before Time entry onto the freeway.
pulling into traffic. over the shoulder when
accelerating into a space in
□ Stops when necessary behind
crosswalks or limit lines.
□ Signal
early and slow down
on the exit ramp to the posted

□ Adjust speed to road conditions.

Turns speed limit.

□ Begin
Signal and slow for turns.
and end turns in the Defensive Driving Techniques

□ Yield
correct lane.
right-of-way, when
□ Check the mirrors frequently

□ Check
and before braking.

□ Accept
necessary. the cross streets before
the legal right-of-way,
□ Check
entering intersections.

□ See and react to hazards.

when safe. the traffic signal lights

□ Keep
and signs.
Backing eyes “moving” (watching
□ Before moving, survey
the sides and middle of the

□ Allow
surroundings for possible plenty of room around
□ Look
□ Follow at a safe distance.
the vehicle.
over the right shoulder
when backing.

- 33 -
• Slow down. Drive cautiously.
• Expect bike riders.
• Pass with care.
Is Your Teen Ready • Confirm that your instructor
for a License? has signed your permit.
Your teen is now ready to take • Make sure your parent/
a driving test with a DMV guardian has signed your
examiner if they have held their permit verifying the 50 hours
permit for at least 6 months of supervised training (10
from the day it was issued. (The hours must be of night driving).
waiting period is mandatory • Bring a licensed driver, who
even though your teen may is 25 years old or older and
have already practiced all the has a valid California DL.
driving skills listed on page • Bring your glasses or wear
10.) When you feel your your contact lenses.
teen drives well enough to • Be sure you are thoroughly
pass the DMV driving test for familiar with the vehicle
a provisional DL, confirm that you use for the driving test.
the required hours are logged You must know where all
on the “Supervised Driving the controls are located
Log” on pages 37-40. Ensure and how to use them. Do
you sign the certifying line of not borrow a vehicle for
their instruction permit. Your the driving test, unless
teen must not drive to the DMV necessary.
office alone on the day of the Note: If you use a rental
driving test appointment. vehicle, the driving test
Tips for Your Teen applicant must be listed
on the rental contract. The
About DMV’s Driving
contract must not exclude
Tests driving tests.
Driving Test • If you fail the driving test,
• Make an appointment. you must wait 2 weeks, not
• Be sure your vehicle is including the day the test
properly registered and was failed, and pay a retest
insured (bring the registration fee before taking the driving
card and proof of financial test again.
responsibility [insurance]).

- 35 -
Now That Your Teen
Has a License
Congratulations, your teen
is a licensed driver. Ensure
you and your teen review the
restrictions of their DL located
on page 6 of this guide.
Continue communication
with your teen regarding their
driving experience and any
questions they may have.

- 36 -
A parent, guardian, spouse, an adult 25 years old or older, who has a valid California
DL may use this log to track the required 50 hours of supervised driving practice (10
hours must be night driving) for teens. The supervised driving practice is in addition to
the driver training requirements. The use of this log is optional and provided for your
convenience. If needed, photocopy this driving log before use.
Driving Time Skills need-
Hours/Minutes ing more Adult’s
Date Driving Skills Practiced 30 min, 1hr, etc. practice Initials
DAY NIGHT (use abbrev.)
1/16 Sample - SSC, LC, BUC, RT, LT 1 hr. 30 min. BUC, LC Mom


All skills in each level should be mastered before attempting the next level. See page
7 for more information. The abbreviations listed below can be used to identify the
driving skills practiced and those that need more practice.
Level I Level III
Backing Up the Car (BUC) Parking on Hills (PH)
Driving a “Stick” (DS) Parallel Parking (PP)
Lane Choice and Control (LCC) U-Turn (UT)
Left Turn/Right Turn (LT/RT)
Looking Ahead in Traffic (LAT)
Starting and Stopping the Car (SSC)
Level II Level IV
Intersections (I) Freeway Driving (FD)
Keeping Space Around the Car (KSAC) Night Driving (ND)
Lane Changes (LC) Special Problems and Emergencies (SPE)
Practicing in Traffic (PT)

- 37 -
Continue to use this log to keep track of your teen’s behind-the-wheel practice and
their progress toward safe driving.

Driving Time Skills need-

Hours/Minutes ing more Adult’s
Date Driving Skills Practiced 30 min, 1hr, etc. practice Initials
DAY NIGHT (use abbrev.)


- 39 -
Continue to use this log to keep track of your teen’s behind-the-wheel practice and
their progress toward safe driving.

Driving Time Skills need-

Hours/Minutes ing more Adult’s
Date Driving Skills Practiced 30 min, 1hr, etc. practice Initials
DAY NIGHT (use abbrev.)


- 40 -
T.I.R.E. Tips
T. Tread
Place an upside down penny in
the tire tread. If you can see all of
Lincoln’s head, the tread is too low
and you need a new tire.

I. Inflate
Check air pressure once a month.
Low tire pressure can cause tire wear
and poor gas mileage.

R. Rotate
Rotate your tires every 3,000–5,000
miles to increase tire tread life.

E. Evaluate
Evaluate your tires everyday for any
abnormal wear, cracks, and nails.



A few minutes a month is all


it takes to be tire safe.


- 42 -

DL 603 (REV. 6/2017)


DL 603 (REV. 6/2017)

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