Male Urethritis With or Without Discharge A Clinic

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International Journal of Research in Dermatology

Dwari BC et al. Int J Res Dermatol. 2018 Nov;4(4):xxx-xxx

Original Research Article

Male urethritis with or without discharge: a clinico aetiological study in

Hi-tech Medical College and Hospital Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Binayak Chandra Dwari1*, Mamata Bhatt2, Minati Mishra1,
Nalinikant Tripathy3, P. K. Sathpathy4

Department of Skin, 2Department of Microbiology, 3Department of Community Medicine, 4Department of Pathology,
Hi-tech Medical College and Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Received: 08 July 2018

Revised: 24 July 2018
Accepted: 25 July 2018

Dr. Binayak Chandra Dwari,
E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Urethritis or inflammation of the urethra is a multifactorial condition. Urethritis is called gonococcal
urethritis (GU) when Neisseria gonorrhoeae is detected in urethral smear of the patient and nongonococcal urethritis
(NGU) when this organism cannot be visualized.
Methods: Urethritis cases were identified from the dermatology OPD record. A retrospective analysis of data of
patients diagnosed as GU and NGU for a period of 5 years (from August 2012-July 2017) was made. We have
included only male patients more than 10 year.
Results: Neisseria gonorrhoeae (61.42%) and Chlamydia trachomatis (45.9%) were the most common causative
organism among urethritis and nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) respectively. Chlamydia urethritis had been
confirmed by demonstrating ≥5 polymorphonuclear lymphocytes (PMNLs) from the anterior urethra using a Gram
stained urethral smear. Acute condition (7-14 days) more common in GU. Dysuria and purulent urethral discharge
(68.6%) was more common in GU. In urine specimen pus cells count were more than 10. The most common age
group was 21-30 year (42.86%). Most patients were from low socio-economic status (62.85%). Sexual exposure was
more common in unmarried patients (94.74%). Heterosexual exposure (93.75%) was more common. Urethritis was
also associated with other infection in 18 patients.
Conclusions: Urethritis is inflammation of urethra which is manifested by dysuria with or without urethral discharge.
Though there is increased incidence of Chlamydia infections, still now Gonococcal infection is the most common
cause of urethritis.

Keywords: Urethritis, Male, GU, NGU, Discharge

INTRODUCTION (NGU) when this organism cannot be visualized; most

common is chlamydia trachomatis.1-3
Urethritis or inflammation of the urethra is a
multifactorial condition, which is primarily sexually Objectives
acquired. It is characterized by discharge and/or dysuria
but may be asymptomatic. Urethritis is called gonococcal  To study the cause of urethritis.
urethritis (GU) when Neisseria gonorrhoeae is detected in  To study the causes of NGU.
urethral smear of the patient and nongonococcal urethritis  To study the epidemiology and clinical presentation
of male urethritis.

International Journal of Research in Dermatology | October-December 2018 | Vol 4 | Issue 4 Page 1

Dwari BC et al. Int J Res Dermatol. 2018 Nov;4(4):xxx-xxx

METHODS Table 1: Aetiological agent male urethritis.

After getting permission from Ethical Committee, we had Cases Percentage

approached Medical Records Department, Hi-Tech (N=70) (%)
Medical College, for Skin and VD Outpatient Department N. gonorrhoeae 43 61.42
register from August 2012 to July 2017. Then we had C. trachomatis 11 15.71
short-listed all male patients from the register and out of Candida albicans 05 7.14
which only Urethritis cases were identified. A Gonococci and Chlamydia 03 4.3
retrospective record based analysis of patients diagnosed Herpes 1 and 2 02 2.86
GU and NGU for a period of 5 years (from August 2012– Trichomonas vaginalis 02 2.86
July 2017) was made. We had included all male patients Others (S. cocci, SJS) 04 5.71
more than 10 years, anyone who had positive in anyone
of the investigations such as with urethral smear Table 2: Non gonococcal urethritis organism.
examination for gram negative ICDC, Pus C/S and
modified Thayer Martin culture medium for N. Cases Percentage
gonorrhoea. Urine test followed by urine polymerase Microorganisms
N=24 (%)
chain reaction (PCR) for Chlamydia trachomatis. Tzanck C. trachomatis 11 45.9
smear followed by serum herpes IgG and IgM for herpes Candida albicans 05 20.8
infection. Wet mount preparation for Trichomonas
Herpes 1 and 2 02 8.3
vaginalis. Gram positive yeast cell from urethral smear
Trichomonas vaginalis 02 8.3
for candida infection. VDRL and HIV for associated
Others (S. cocci, SJS) 04 16.7

We have excluded female patients, and male patients Table 3: Symptoms of male urethritis
without investigation report. Boys less than or equal to 10
years were not included in this study. The data recorded Percentage
Complaints Cases
in OPD Register was analyzed using Microsoft Excel (%)
software. Dysuria 16 22.85
Dysuria and urethral
48 68.6
RESULTS discharge
Urethral discharge 06 8.55
Among total male urethritis patients, Neisseria
gonorrhoeae was the most common (61.42%) causative Table 4: Type of discharge.
organism (Table 1). Chlamydia (45.9%) was the most
common cause of non-gonoccocal urethritis (NGU) Percentage
Discharge Cases
(Table 2). In three patients co-infection of GU and NGU (%)
were seen Figure 1. Urethritis had been confirmed by Scanty mucoid 20 28.57
demonstrating ≥5 PMNLs from the anterior urethra using Moderate mucopurulent 30 42.86
a gram stained urethral smear. Acute conditions (7-14 Frank purulent 04 5.71
days) were more common in GU than NGU. Dysuria and No discharge 16 22.86
purulent urethral discharge (68.6%) was seen in male
urethritis and this was more common in GU, Table 3 and Table 5: Clinical categories of cases according to
Figure 2 and 3. Whereas mucoid or muco-purulent with duration.
dysuria was more prominent in NGU (Table 4). Acute
conditions (7-14 days) are more common in male Percentage
Type of urethritis Cases
urethritis (Table 5). In urine specimen pus cells count (%)
were more than 10. The most common affected age group Acute (7-14 days) 48 68.6
was 21-30 year (42.86%) followed by 31-40 age groups Sub acute (15-28 days) 10 14.2
(Table 6). In our study most patients were from low Chronic (more than 28
12 17,2
socio-economic status (62.85%) (Table 7), history of days)
sexual exposure was more common in unmarried patients
(94.74%) (Table 8) heterosexual exposure (93.75%) was Table 6: Age of incidence among male urethritis.
more common (Table 9). Homosexual exposure was seen
in four patients. Among homosexual one was PCR Percentage
positive chlamydia. Urethritis was associated with genital Age group in years Cases
ulcer, genital herpes, genital wart, candida balanitis in 14 11-20 6 8.57
patients, Figure 4, 5 and 6 Also there were association of 21-30 30 42.86
lymphadenopathy, syphilis and hypospadias in 4 patients. 31-40 20 28.57
Two patients were associated with HIV. Infection and 41-50 08 11.43
three patients were associated with VDRL positive. 51-60 04 5.72
More than 60 02 2.85

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Dwari BC et al. Int J Res Dermatol. 2018 Nov;4(4):xxx-xxx

Table 7: Socio economic grading.

Grading Cases Percentage (%)

Poor 44 62.85
Middle class 22 31.44
Upper class 04 5.71

Table 8: History of exposure.

Marital No of No of Percentage
status cases exposure (%)
Married 32 28 87.5
Unmarried 38 36 94.74
Figure 3: Gram negative diplococci from urethral
Table 9: Type of exposure. swab.

Exposure Cases Percentage (%)

Heterosexual 61 93.75
Homosexual 04 6.25

Figure 4: Urethritis with candida balanitis.

Figure 1: GU and chlamydia discharge.

Figure 5: Urethritis with genital ulcer.

Figure 2: Gonococcal discharge. Figure 6: Urethral discharge with genital wart.

International Journal of Research in Dermatology | October-December 2018 | Vol 4 | Issue 4 Page 3

Dwari BC et al. Int J Res Dermatol. 2018 Nov;4(4):xxx-xxx

DISCUSSION common in GU and chronic presentation was more

common in chlamydia. Similar presentation had been
Nayak et al study shows that GU was the most common mentioned in Horner et al study.15 We did not get any
cause of urethritis followed by chlamydia infection. Mycoplasma genitalium from urethral swab. Nayak et al
Among NGU, Chlamydia trachomatis was the most also mentioned that they did not get any Mycoplasma
common cause.4 In our study Neisseria gonorrhoeae was from urethral swab but Mycoplsma is more common in
also the most common cause of urethritis followed by western areas.4 In our study there was no disseminated
chlamydia infection. Similar study was also seen in GU. We found lesser percentage of herpes genitalis and
Saleem et al article.5 There was a co-infection of GU with Trichomonas vaginalis. Bradshaw et al mentioned 3%
chlamydia, similar study was also shown by Saleem et al association with herpes infections.9 Saleem et al described
and Nayak et al.4,5 Debattista et al also mentioned 4% Trichomonas vaginalis in their study.5 Also there was
association with gonococci and chlamydia.6 Hakenberg et HIV positive in two patients and VDRL positive in three
al showed that, chlamydia infection was the cause of 25- patients. Thappa et al and Laga et al also describe similar
50% male urethritis.7 In our study 57 patients did not give association in their studies.16,17 Vigneswaran et al
history of use of condom. Nayak et also told that almost mentioned that there was association of HIV infection
75% had no history of use of condom.4 In our study, with urethriris.14 Similar findings were also mentioned by
dysuria with urethral discharge was seen in 68.6% Thailand study.8
patients and mucoid discharge with or only dysuria was
more common in NGU. Same study was done in Thailand CONCLUSION
by Leeyaphan et al.8 Only dysuria seen in 73% NGU
patients by Bradshaw et al study.9 We found only dysuria Urethritis is inflammation of urethra which is manifested
in 16 patients (22.85%). Fourteen NGU patients (58.3%) by dysuria with or without urethral discharge. Though
had PMNL more than or equal to 5 in urethral swab. there is increased incidence of chlamydia infections, still
Karachi study and Haddow et al mentioned same.5,10 now gonococcal infection is the most common cause of
Thailand study also mentioned PMNL more than 5. 8 Few urethritis.
patients had less than 5 PMNL in their urethral swab.
Similar study also done by Bradshaw et al.9 In European Funding: No funding sources
study 2016, it has been mentioned that chlamydia Conflict of interest: None declared
infections are associated with PMNL more than or equal Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
to five from urethral swab.11 Our study also mentioned institutional ethics committee
PMNL count was more than or equal to five in urethral
swab for positive chlamydia infections. Two patients REFERENCES
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