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Programming Guide
VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

Contents Programming Guide


1 Introduction 3
1.1 How to Read This Programming Guide 3
1.2 Definitions 4
1.3 Electrical Wiring - Control Cables 7

2 Safety 11
2.1 Safety Symbols 11
2.2 Qualified Personnel 11
2.3 Safety Precautions 11

3 Programming 13
3.1 Local Control Panel Operations 13
3.2 Basic Programming 21

4 Parameter Descriptions 24
4.1 Parameters: 0-** Operation and Display 24
4.2 Parameters: 1-** Load and Motor 33
4.3 Parameters: 2-** Brakes 45
4.4 Parameters: 3-** Reference/Ramps 48
4.5 Parameters: 4-** Limits/Warnings 54
4.6 Parameters: 5-** Digital In/Out 57
4.7 Parameters: 6-** Analog In/Out 71
4.8 Parameters: 7-** Controllers 74
4.9 Parameters: 8-** Communications and Options 79
4.10 Parameters: 9-** PROFIdrive 84
4.11 Parameters: 12-** Ethernet 90
4.12 Parameters: 13-** Smart Logic Control 93
4.13 Parameters: 14-** Special Functions 100
4.14 Parameters: 15-** Drive Information 106
4.15 Parameters: 16-** Data Readouts 108
4.16 Parameters: 17-** Feedback Options 112
4.17 Parameters: 18-** Data Readouts 2 112
4.18 Parameters: 21-** Ext. Closed Loop 113
4.19 Parameters: 22-** Application Functions 115
4.20 Parameters: 30-** Special Features 117
4.21 Parameters: 32-** Motion Control Basic Settings 117
4.22 Parameters: 33-** Motion Control Adv. Settings 117
4.23 Parameters: 34-** Motion Control Data Readouts 118
4.24 Parameters: 37-** Application Settings 120

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 1

Contents VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

5 Parameter Lists 125

5.1 Introduction 125
5.2 Parameter Lists 128

6 Troubleshooting 149
6.1 Warnings and Alarms 149
6.1.1 Alarms 149
6.1.2 Warnings 149

Index 159

2 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Introduction Programming Guide

1 Introduction 1 1

1.1 How to Read This Programming Guide °C Degrees Celsius

°F Fahrenheit
1.1.1 Purpose of the Manual AC Alternating current
AEO Automatic energy optimization
This programming guide provides information about ACP Application control processor
controlling the frequency converter, parameter access, AWG American wire gauge
programming, and troubleshooting. AMA Automatic motor adaptation
The programming guide is intended for use by qualified DC Direct current
personnel who are familiar with VLT® AutomationDrive FC Electrically erasable programmable
read-only memory
Read the instructions before programming and follow the EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
procedures in this manual.
EMI Electromagnetic interference
VLT® is a registered trademark.
ESD Electrostatic discharge
ETR Electronic thermal relay
1.1.2 Additional Resources fM,N Nominal motor frequency
FC Frequency converter
Additional resources include: IGBT Insulated-gate bipolar transistor
IP Ingress protection
• VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360 Quick Guide provide ILIM Current limit
the necessary information for getting the IINV Rated inverter output current
frequency converter up and running. IM,N Nominal motor current
• VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360 Design Guide IVLT,MAX Maximum output current
provides detailed technical information about the Rated output current supplied by the
frequency converter and customer design and frequency converter
applications. Ld Motor d-axis inductance
Lq Motor q-axis inductance
Contact the local Danfoss supplier or go to
www.danfoss.com/fc360 to download the documentations. LCP Local control panel
LED Light-emitting diode
MCP Motor control processor
1.1.3 Document and Software Version
N.A. Not applicable
National Electrical Manufacturers
This manual is regularly reviewed and updated. All NEMA
suggestions for improvement are welcome. Table 1.1 shows
PM,N Nominal motor power
the document version and the corresponding software
version. PCB Printed circuit board
PE Protective earth
PELV Protective extra low voltage
Edition Remarks PWM Pulse width modulation
Update due to new software version Rs Stator resistance
MG06C7 1.7x Regen Regenerative terminals
RPM Revolutions per minute
Table 1.1 Document and Software Version RFI Radio frequency interference
SCR Silicon controlled rectifier
SMPS Switch mode power supply
TLIM Torque limit
UM,N Nominal motor voltage
Xh Motor main reactance

Table 1.2 Abbreviations

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 3

Introduction VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

1 1 1.1.4 Approvals and Certifications IM,N

Nominal motor current (nameplate data).
Nominal motor speed (nameplate data).
Synchronous motor speed.
2 × Parameter 1−23 × 60 s
1.2 Definitions ns =
Parameter 1−39
1.2.1 Frequency Converter Motor slip.

Coast PM,N
The motor shaft is in free mode. No torque on the motor. Rated motor power (nameplate data in kW or hp).

Maximum output current. Rated torque (motor).

Rated output current supplied by the frequency converter. Instantaneous motor voltage.

Maximum output voltage. Rated motor voltage (nameplate data).
Break-away torque
1.2.2 Input Torque

Control commands
Start and stop the connected motor with the LCP and
digital inputs.
Functions are divided into 2 groups.
Functions in group 1 have higher priority than functions in
group 2.
Group 1 Coast stop, reset and coast stop, quick stop, DC
braking, stop, and [OFF].
Group 2 Start, latched start, start reversing, jog, freeze
output, and [Hand On].

Table 1.3 Function Groups
Illustration 1.1 Break-away Torque
1.2.3 Motor

Motor running ηVLT

Torque generated on the output shaft and speed from The efficiency of the frequency converter is defined as the
0 RPM to maximum speed on the motor. ratio between the power output and the power input.

fJOG Start-disable command

Motor frequency when the jog function is activated (via A start-disable command belonging to the control
digital terminals or bus). commands in group 1. See Table 1.3 for more details.

fM Stop command
Motor frequency. A stop command belonging to the control commands in
group 1. See Table 1.3 for more details.
Maximum motor frequency.
1.2.4 References
Minimum motor frequency. Analog reference
fM,N A signal transmitted to the analog inputs 53 or 54 can be
Rated motor frequency (nameplate data). voltage or current.
IM Binary reference
Motor current (actual). A signal transmitted via the serial communication port.

4 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Introduction Programming Guide

Preset reference FC standard bus 1 1

A defined preset reference to be set from -100% to +100% Includes RS485 bus with FC protocol or MC protocol. See
of the reference range. Selection of 8 preset references via parameter 8-30 Protocol.
the digital terminals. Selection of 4 preset references via Initializing
the bus. If initializing is carried out (parameter 14-22 Operation Mode
Pulse reference or 2 finger reset), the frequency converter returns to the
A pulse frequency signal transmitted to the digital inputs default setting.
(terminal 29 or 33). Intermittent duty cycle
RefMAX An intermittent duty rating refers to a sequence of duty
Determines the relationship between the reference input at cycles. Each cycle consists of an on-load and an off-load
100% full scale value (typically 10 V, 20 mA) and the period. The operation can be either periodic duty or non-
resulting reference. The maximum reference value is set in periodic duty.
parameter 3-03 Maximum Reference. LCP
RefMIN The local control panel makes up a complete interface for
Determines the relationship between the reference input at control and programming of the frequency converter. The
0% value (typically 0 V, 0 mA, 4 mA) and the resulting LCP is detachable. With the installation kit option, the LCP
reference. The minimum reference value is set in can be installed up to 3 m (9.8 ft) from the frequency
parameter 3-02 Minimum Reference. converter in a front panel.
1.2.5 Miscellaneous The graphic local control panel (LCP 102) interface for
control and programming of the frequency converter. The
Analog inputs display is graphic and the panel is used to show process
The analog inputs are used for controlling various values. The GLCP has storing and copy functions.
functions of the frequency converter.
There are 2 types of analog inputs:
The numerical local control panel (LCP 21) interface for
• Current input: 0–20 mA and 4–20 mA. control and programming of the frequency converter. The
display is numerical and the panel is used to show process
• Voltage input: 0–10 V DC.
values. The NLCP has storing and copy functions.
Analog outputs
The analog outputs can supply a signal of 0–20 mA, or 4– lsb
20 mA. Least significant bit.

Automatic motor adaptation, AMA msb

The AMA algorithm determines the electrical parameters Most significant bit.
for the connected motor at standstill. MCM
Brake resistor Short for mille circular mil, an American measuring unit for
The brake resistor is a module capable of absorbing the cable cross-section. 1 MCM = 0.5067 mm2.
brake power generated in regenerative braking. This On-line/off-line parameters
regenerative brake power increases the DC-link voltage Changes to on-line parameters are activated immediately
and a brake chopper ensures that the power is transmitted after the data value is changed. To activate changes to off-
to the brake resistor. line parameters, press [OK].
CT characteristics Process PID
Constant torque characteristics used for all applications The PID control maintains speed, pressure, and
such as conveyor belts, displacement pumps, and cranes. temperature by adjusting the output frequency to match
Digital inputs the varying load.
The digital inputs can be used for controlling various PCD
functions of the frequency converter. Process control data.
Digital outputs Power cycle
The frequency converter features 2 solid-state outputs that Switch off the mains until the display (LCP) is dark, then
can supply a 24 V DC (maximum 40 mA) signal. turn power on again.
ETR Power factor
Electronic thermal relay is a thermal load calculation based The power factor is the relation between I1 and IRMS.
on present load and time. Its purpose is to estimate the
3 x U x I1 cosϕ1
motor temperature. Power  factor  =  
3 x U x IRMS

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 5

Introduction VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

1 1 For VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360 frequency converters, STW

cosϕ1 = 1, therefore: Status word.

I1 x cosϕ1 I1 THD
Power  factor  =    =    Total harmonic distortion states the total contribution of
The power factor indicates to which extent the frequency harmonic distortion.
converter imposes a load on the mains supply. Thermistor
The lower the power factor, the higher the IRMS for the A temperature-dependent resistor placed where the
same kW performance. temperature is monitored (frequency converter or motor).

 IRMS   =   I21  +  I25  + I27  +  ..  +  I2n Trip

In addition, a high-power factor indicates that the different A state entered in fault situations, for example if the
harmonic currents are low. frequency converter is subject to overvoltage or when it is
The built-in DC coils produce a high-power factor, protecting the motor, process, or mechanism. Restart is
minimizing the imposed load on the mains supply. prevented until the cause of the fault has disappeared, and
the trip state is canceled by activating reset or, sometimes,
Pulse input/incremental encoder by being programmed to reset automatically. Do not use
An external, digital pulse transmitter used for feeding back trip for personal safety.
information on motor speed. The encoder is used in
applications where great accuracy in speed control is Trip lock
required. Trip lock is a state entered in fault situations when the
frequency converter is protecting itself and requiring
RCD physical intervention., An example causing a trip lock is the
Residual current device. frequency converter being subject to a short circuit on the
Set-up output. A locked trip can only be canceled by cutting off
Save parameter settings in 2 set-ups. Change between the mains, removing the cause of the fault, and reconnecting
2 parameter set-ups and edit 1 set-up while another set-up the frequency converter. Restart is prevented until the trip
is active. state is canceled by activating reset or, sometimes, by
being programmed to reset automatically. Do not use trip
lock for personal safety.
Acronym describing the switching pattern stator flux-
oriented asynchronous vector modulation. VT characteristics
Variable torque characteristics used for pumps and fans.
Slip compensation
The frequency converter compensates for the motor slip by VVC+
giving the frequency a supplement that follows the If compared with standard voltage/frequency ratio control,
measured motor load, keeping the motor speed almost voltage vector control (VVC+) improves the dynamics and
constant. stability, both when the speed reference is changed and in
Smart logic control (SLC) relation to the load torque.
The SLC is a sequence of user-defined actions executed 60° AVM
when the smart logic controller evaluates the associated Refers to the switching pattern 60° asynchronous vector
user-defined events as true (parameter group 13-** Smart modulation.
Logic Control).

6 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Introduction Programming Guide

1.3 Electrical Wiring - Control Cables 1 1

1.3.1 Overview

91 (L1) (U) 96
3 phase 92 (L2) (V) 97
power 93 (L3) (W) 98
input (PE) 99
95 PE
Switch Mode
Power Supply 1) (-UDC) 88
10 V DC 24 V DC (+UDC) 89 Brake
15 mA 100 mA
50 (+10 V OUT) + - + -
+10 V DC (BR) 81 5)
0-10 V DC
0/4-20 mA 53 (A IN)

0-10 V DC 54 (A IN)
0/4-20 mA
Relay 1
55 (COM A IN/OUT) 03
250 V AC, 3 A
Analog 42 (A OUT)
0/4-20 mA
45 (A OUT)

12 (+24 V OUT)
Relay 2 2)

P 5-00 06
250 V AC, 3 A
24 V (NPN) 05
18 (D IN) 0 V (PNP)
24 V (NPN) 04
19 (D IN) 0 V (PNP)

20 (COM D IN)
24 V (NPN) ON=Terminated
1 2


27 (D IN/OUT) 0 V (PNP) OFF=Open

24 V
24 V (NPN)
29 (D IN/OUT) 0 V (PNP)
24 V S801 0V

(N RS485) 69 RS485
0V Interface

24 V (NPN) (P RS485) 68
31 (D IN) 0 V (PNP)
0V (COM RS485) 61
24 V (NPN)
32 (D IN) 0 V (PNP) (PNP) = Source
24 V (NPN) (NPN) = Sink
33 (D IN) 0 V (PNP)

Illustration 1.2 Basic Wiring Schematic Drawing

A=Analog, D=Digital
1) Built-in brake chopper available from J1–J5.
2) Relay 2 is 2-pole for J1–J3 and 3-pole for J4–J7. Relay 2 of J4–J7 with terminals 4, 5, and 6 has same NO/NC logic as relay 1.
Relays are pluggable in J1–J5 and fixed in J6–J7.

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Introduction VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

1 1 3) Single DC choke in J1–J5; Dual DC choke in J6–J7.

4) Switch S801 (bus terminal) can be used to enable termination on the RS485 port (terminals 68 and 69).
5) No BR for J6–J7.

In rare cases, long control cables and analog signals could

+24 VDC

result in 50/60 Hz ground loops due to noise from mains NPN (Sink)
Digital input wiring
supply cables. If this occurs, break the shield or insert a
100 nF capacitor between shield and chassis. 12 18 19 27 29 31 32 33 55

The digital and analog inputs and outputs must be

connected separately to the common inputs (terminal 20
and 55) of the frequency converter to avoid ground
currents from both groups to affect other groups. For
example, switching on the digital input could disturb the
analog input signal.

Input polarity of control terminals

PNP (Source)
+24 VDC

Digital input wiring


12 13 18 19 27 29 32 33 55
Illustration 1.4 NPN (Sink)

Control cables must be shielded/armored.

See the section Using Shielded Control Cables in the design

guide for the correct termination of control cables.

Illustration 1.3 PNP (Source)

Illustration 1.5 Grounding of Shielded/Armored Control Cables

8 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Introduction Programming Guide

1.3.2 Start/Stop 1.3.3 Latched Start/Stop Inverse 1 1

Terminal 18 = Parameter 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input [8] Terminal 18 = Parameter 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input [9]
Start. Latched start.
Terminal 27 = Parameter 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input [0] Terminal 27 = Parameter 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input [6]
No operation (Default coast inverse). Stop inverse.


P 5-10 [8]
P 5-12 [0]

P 5 - 10 [9]

P 5 - 12 [6]

+24 V
12 18 19 27 29 31 32 33 20
12 13 18 19 27 29 32 33



Latched start Stop inverse


Illustration 1.6 Start/Stop

Latched start (18)

Stop inverse (27)

Illustration 1.7 Latched Start/Stop Inverse

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 9

Introduction VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

1 1 1.3.4 Speed Up/Down 1.3.5 Potentiometer Reference

Terminals 29/32=Speed up/down Voltage reference via a potentiometer

Terminal 18 = Parameter 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Reference source 1=[1] Analog input 53 (default).
Input [8] Start (default). Terminal 53, low voltage=0 V.
Terminal 27 = Parameter 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Terminal 53, high voltage=10 V.
Input [19] Freeze reference.
Terminal 53, low ref./feedback=0.
Terminal 29 = Parameter 5-13 Terminal 29 Digital
Input [21] Speed up. Terminal 53, high ref./feedback=50.

Terminal 32 = Parameter 5-14 Terminal 32 Digital Parameter 6-19 Terminal 53 mode=[1] Voltage.
Input [22] Speed down.

+10 V/30 mA


+24 V 12
D IN 18 P 6-15 50 53 54 55
D IN 19
D IN 27
D IN 29
D IN 31
D IN 32
Ref. voltage
D IN 33 P 6-11 10V

1 kΩ
+10 V 50
A IN 53
A IN 54 Illustration 1.9 Potentiometer Reference
COM 55
A OUT 42

Illustration 1.8 Speed Up/Down

10 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Safety Programming Guide

2 Safety
2 2
2.1 Safety Symbols WARNING
The following symbols are used in this guide: UNINTENDED START
When the frequency converter is connected to AC mains,
DC supply, or load sharing, the motor may start at any
WARNING time. Unintended start during programming, service, or
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that could repair work can result in death, serious injury, or
result in death or serious injury. property damage. The motor can start via an external
switch, a serial bus command, an input reference signal

CAUTION from the LCP, or after a cleared fault condition.

To prevent unintended motor start:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that could
result in minor or moderate injury. It can also be used to • Disconnect the frequency converter from the
alert against unsafe practices.
• Press [Off/Reset] on the LCP before
programming parameters.
Indicates important information, including situations that • Completely wire and assemble the frequency
can result in damage to equipment or property. converter, motor, and any driven equipment
before connecting the frequency converter to
AC mains, DC supply, or load sharing.
2.2 Qualified Personnel
Correct and reliable transport, storage, installation,
operation, and maintenance are required for the trouble- WARNING
free and safe operation of the frequency converter. Only DISCHARGE TIME
qualified personnel are allowed to install and operate this The frequency converter contains DC-link capacitors,
equipment. which can remain charged even when the frequency
converter is not powered. High voltage can be present
Qualified personnel are defined as trained staff, who are even when the warning LED indicator lights are off.
authorized to install, commission, and maintain equipment, Failure to wait the specified time after power has been
systems, and circuits in accordance with pertinent laws and removed before performing service or repair work can
regulations. Also, the qualified personnel must be familiar result in death or serious injury.
with the instructions and safety measures described in this
• Stop the motor.
• Disconnect AC mains and remote DC-link power
2.3 Safety Precautions supplies, including battery back-ups, UPS, and
DC-link connections to other frequency
WARNING converters.
HIGH VOLTAGE • Disconnect or lock PM motor.
Frequency converters contain high voltage when
• Wait for the capacitors to discharge fully. The
connected to AC mains input, DC supply, or load sharing. minimum duration of waiting time is specified
Failure to perform installation, start-up, and maintenance in Table 2.1 and is also visible on the product
by qualified personnel can result in death or serious label on top of the frequency converter.
• Before performing any service or repair work,
• Only qualified personnel must perform instal- use an appropriate voltage measuring device to
lation, start-up, and maintenance. make sure that the capacitors are fully
• Before performing any service or repair work, discharged.
use an appropriate voltage measuring device to
make sure that there is no remaining voltage on
the drive.

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 11

Safety VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

Minimum waiting
Voltage Power range
[V] [kW (hp)]

2 2
0.37–7.5 kW
380–480 4
(0.5–10 hp)
11–75 kW
380–480 15
(15–100 hp)

Table 2.1 Discharge Time

Leakage currents exceed 3.5 mA. Failure to ground the
frequency converter properly can result in death or
serious injury.
• Ensure the correct grounding of the equipment
by a certified electrical installer.

Contact with rotating shafts and electrical equipment
can result in death or serious injury.
• Ensure that only trained and qualified personnel
perform installation, start-up, and maintenance.
• Ensure that electrical work conforms to national
and local electrical codes.
• Follow the procedures in this guide.

An internal failure in the frequency converter can result
in serious injury when the frequency converter is not
properly closed.
• Ensure that all safety covers are in place and
securely fastened before applying power.

For installation at altitudes above 2000 m (6562 ft),
contact Danfoss regarding PELV.

For details about the use of the frequency converter on
isolated mains, refer to the section RFI Switch in the
design guide.
Follow the recommendations regarding the installation
on IT mains. Use relevant monitoring devices for IT
mains to avoid damage.

12 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Programming Programming Guide

3 Programming

3.1 Local Control Panel Operations A. Numeric display

The LCD display is backlit with 1 numeric line. All data is
VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360 supports numerical local
control panel (NLCP) LCP 21, graphic local control panel
shown in the LCP. 3 3
(GLCP) LCP 102, and blind cover. This chapter describes the 1 The set-up number shows the active set-up and the edit
operations with LCP 21 and LCP 102. set-up. If the same set-up acts as both active and edit set-
up, only that set-up number is shown (factory setting).
When active and edit set-ups differ, both numbers are
NOTICE shown in the display (set-up 12). The number flashing
The frequency converter can also be programmed from indicates the edit set-up.
the MCT-10 Set-up Software on PC via RS485 com-port. 2 Parameter number.
This software can be ordered using code number 3 Parameter value.
130B1000 or downloaded from the Danfoss website:
4 Motor direction is shown at the bottom left of the display.
A small arrow indicates the direction.
5 The triangle indicates whether the LCP is in Status, Quick
3.1.1 Numerical Local Control Panel Menu, or Main Menu.

The numerical local control panel LCP 21 is divided into 4 Table 3.1 Legend to Illustration 3.1, Section A
functional sections.

Setup 1234 AHP
A. Numeric display. VkW
B. Menu key. p5 p4
n1 n2 n3
INDEX p3 p2 p1

C. Navigation keys and indicator lights (LEDs). Illustration 3.2 Display Information
D. Operation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).

1 B. Menu key
To select between Status, Quick Menu, or Main Menu,
press [Menu].
C. Indicator lights (LEDs) and navigation keys
Setup 1
5 Indicator Light Function
2 ON turns on when the frequency
Status Quick Main converter receives power from the
4 B 10
6 On Green
Menu Menu mains voltage, a DC bus terminal, or a
Menu 24 V external supply.
9 When warning conditions are met, the
C 11 yellow WARN LED turns on, and text
7 Warn Yellow

appears in the display area identifying

6 the problem.
A fault condition causes the red alarm
8 Alarm Red LED to flash and an alarm text is
Alarm shown.
8 10
D Hand Off Auto Table 3.2 Legend to Illustration 3.1, Indicator Lights (LEDs)
On Reset On

13 14 15

Illustration 3.1 View of the LCP 21

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Programming VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

Key Function
Setup 1
For moving to the previous step or layer
9 [Back]
in the navigation structure.
For switching between parameter groups,
parameters, and within parameters, or
3 3 10 [▲] [▼] increasing/decreasing parameter values. Setup 1

Arrows can also be used for setting local

Press to access parameter groups or to
11 [OK]
enable a selection.
Press to move from left to right within Setup 1

12 [►] the parameter value to change each digit


Table 3.3 Legend to Illustration 3.1, Navigation Keys

Setup 1

D. Operation keys and indicator lights (LEDs)

Key Function
Starts the frequency converter in local control.
Setup 1
• An external stop signal by control input or
13 Hand On serial communication overrides the local
hand on.
Illustration 3.3 Right-key Function
Stops the motor but does not remove power
to the frequency converter, or resets the
14 Off/Reset frequency converter manually after a fault has
been cleared. If in alarm mode, the alarm is
[►] can also be used for moving between parameter
reset if the alarm condition is removed.
groups. When in Main Menu, press [►] to move to the first
parameter in the next parameter group (for example, move
Puts the system in remote operational mode.
from parameter 0-03 Regional Settings [0] International to
15 Auto On • Responds to an external start command by
parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode [0] Open loop).
control terminals or bus communication.

Table 3.4 Legend to Illustration 3.1, Section D 3.1.3 Quick Menu on NLCP

WARNING The Quick Menu gives easy access to the most frequently
used parameters.
Touching the frequency converter after pressing the [Off/ 1. To enter Quick Menu, press [Menu] until the
Reset] key is still dangerous, because the key does not indicator in display is placed above Quick Menu.
disconnect the frequency converter from the mains.
2. Press [▲] [▼] to select either QM1 or QM2, then
press [OK].
• Disconnect the frequency converter from the
mains and wait for the frequency converter to 3. Press [▲] [▼] to browse through the parameters in
fully discharge. See the discharge time in Quick Menu.
Table 2.1. 4. Press [OK] to select a parameter.
5. Press [▲] [▼] to change the value of a parameter
3.1.2 The Right-key Function on NLCP

Press [►] to edit any of the 4 digits on the display 6. Press [OK] to accept the change.
individually. When pressing [►] once, the cursor moves to 7. To exit, press either [Back] twice (or 3 times if in
the first digit and the digit starts flashing as shown in QM2 and QM3) to enter Status, or press [Menu]
Illustration 3.3. Press the [▲] [▼] to change the value. once to enter Main Menu.
Pressing [►] does not change the value of the digits or
move the decimal point.

14 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702


QM 1 QM 2 Changes made QM 3 QM 4 QM 5

Alarm log TBD

Language 0-01 [0] Basic motor set-up Adv. motor set-up Encoder set-up


Motor Type 1-10 [0] AMS
Last 10 changes Since factory setting
PM motor Asynchronous motor
Stator Terminal 32/33
Motor current 1-00 [0] 1-30 XXXX Resistance (Rs) 5-70 XXXX
1-24 XXXX A 1-20 XXXX kW Motor power mode pulses per revolution

Motor control 1-39 XXXX Motor poles Terminal 32/33
nominal 1-25 XXXX RPM 1-22 XXXX V Motor voltage 1-01 [1] 5-71 [0]
principle encoder direction
Motor cont. Motor thermal
rated torque
1-26 XXXX 1-23 XXXX Hz Motor frequency 1-90 [0] protection
Motor type 1-10 [0]
Stator PM motor Asynchronous motor
Resistance (Rs) 1-30 XXXX 1-24 XXXX A Motor current 2-10 [0] Brake function

Motor poles 1-39 XXXX Motor 1-24 XXXX A 1-20 XXXX kW Motor power
1-25 XXXX RPM nominal current 4-16 XXXX % Torque limit motor mode
Back EMF at 1-40 XXXX 1-25 XXXX RPM
nominal 1-22 XXXX V Motor voltage
1000 RPM
Programming Guide

speed 4-17 XXXX % Torque limit generator mode

d-axis 1-37 XXXX Motor cont.

inductance (Ld) rated torque
1-26 XXXX 1-23 XXXX Hz Motor frequency
4-18 XXXX % Current limit

Resistance (Rs) 1-30 XXXX 1-24 XXXX A Motor current
3-02 XXXX Hz Minimum reference

Motor poles 1-39 XXXX Motor

Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved.

3-03 XXXX Hz Maximum reference 1-25 XXXX RPM nominal
Back EMF at
1000 RPM 1-40 XXXX
3-41 XXXX S Ramp 1 ramp-up time

d-axis 1-37 XXXX

inductance (Ld)
3-42 XXXX S Ramp 1 ramp-down time

5-12 [2] Terminal 27 digital input

4-19 XXXX Hz Maximum output frequency
1-29 [1] AMA

4-14 XXXX Hz Motor speed high limit [Hz]

Illustration 3.4 Quick Menu Structure

3 3
Programming VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

3.1.4 Status Menu on NLCP 3.1.5 Main Menu on NLCP

After power-up, Status Menu is active. Press [Menu] to The Main Menu gives access to all parameters.
toggle between Status, Quick Menu, and Main Menu.
1. To enter Main Menu, press [Menu] until the

3 3 [▲] and [▼] toggle between the options in each menu. indicator in the display is placed above Main
The display indicates the status mode with a small arrow 2. [▲] [▼]: Browse through the parameter groups.
above Status.
3. Press [OK] to select a parameter group.
4. [▲] [▼]: Browse through the parameters in the

specific group.
5. Press [OK] to select the parameter.
6. [►] and [▲] [▼]: Set/change the parameter value.
7. Press [OK] to accept the value.
8. To exit, press either [Back] twice (or 3 times for
array parameters) to enter Main Menu, or press
[Menu] once to enter Status.
See Illustration 3.6, Illustration 3.7, and Illustration 3.8 for the
Illustration 3.5 Indicating Status Mode principles of changing the value of continuous,
enumerated, and array parameters, respectively. The
actions in the illustrations are described in Table 3.5,
The following 8 parameters can be accessed from NLCP Table 3.6, and Table 3.7.
status menu in auto-on mode:
• Parameter 16-02 Reference [%].
• Parameter 16-09 Custom Readout.
• Parameter 16-10 Power [kW].
• Parameter 16-13 Frequency.
• Parameter 16-14 Motor current.
• Parameter 16-16 Torque [Nm].
• Parameter 16-30 DC Link Voltage.
• Parameter 16-52 Feedback[Unit].
The following 6 parameters can be accessed from NLCP
status menu in [Hand On] mode:
• Parameter 16-09 Custom Readout.
• Parameter 16-10 Power [kW].
• Parameter 16-13 Frequency.
• Parameter 16-14 Motor current.
• Parameter 16-16 Torque [Nm].
• Parameter 16-30 DC Link Voltage.

16 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Programming Programming Guide

1 [OK]: The first parameter in the group is shown.

Setup 1
12 2 Press [▼] repeatedly to move down to the parameter.
3 Press [OK] to start editing.
OK 1 4 [►]: First digit flashing (can be edited).

5 [►]: Second digit flashing (can be edited).

3 3
Setup 1
6 [►]: Third digit flashing (can be edited).
2x 10
7 [▼]: Decreases the parameter value, the decimal point
2 changes automatically.
+ OK Setup 1 8 [▲]: Increases the parameter value.
9 [Back]: Cancel changes, return to 2.
[OK]: Accept changes, return to 2.
OK 3
10 [▲][▼]: Select parameter within the group.
Setup 1
11 [Back]: Removes the value and shows the parameter group.
12 [▲][▼]: Select group.
Table 3.5 Changing Values in Continuous Parameters
Setup 1

For enumerated parameters, the interaction is similar, but

the parameter value is shown in brackets because of the
LCP 21 digits limitation (4 large digits), and the enum can
Setup 1 be greater than 99. When the enum value is greater than
99, the LCP 21 can only show the first part of the bracket.

Setup 1 Setup 1 7

7 OK 1

Setup 1
Setup 1

8 OK 2
Setup 1 Back
4 OK
Setup 1

Illustration 3.6 Main Menu Interactions - Continuous

Parameters Illustration 3.7 Main Menu Interactions - Enumerated

1 [OK]: The first parameter in the group is shown.

2 Press [OK] to start editing.
3 [▲][▼]: Change parameter value (flashing).
4 Press [Back] to cancel changes or [OK] to accept changes
(return to screen 2).
5 [▲][▼]: Select a parameter within the group.
6 [Back]: Removes the value and shows the parameter group.
7 [▲][▼]: Select a group.

Table 3.6 Changing Values in Enumerated Parameters

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 17

Programming VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

Array parameters function as follows: The GLCP is divided into 4 functional groups (see
Illustration 3.9).

Setup 1 10
A. Display area.
1 9 B. Display menu keys.
3 3

C. Navigation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).
Setup 1
8 D. Operation keys and reset.

OK 2
1 3
Setup 1 Status 1(1)
799 RPM 7.83 A 36.4 kW

% 7
53.2 %
Setup 1 OK
% 4 Auto Remote Ramping

OK 4 6 9
Quick Main Alarm
B Status Menu Menu Log
Setup 1

% 5



Illustration 3.8 Main Menu Interactions - Array Parameters
10 C

1 [OK]: Shows parameter numbers and the value in the first 15
16 13
2 [OK]: Index can be selected. Alarm
3 [▲][▼]: Select index. 17

4 [OK]: Value can be edited. D Hand Auto Reset

On On
5 [▲][▼]: Change parameter value (flashing). 14

6 [Back]: Cancels changes. 18 19 20 21

[OK]: Accepts changes. Illustration 3.9 Graphic Local Control Panel (GLCP)
7 [Back]: Cancels editing index, a new parameter can be
8 [▲][▼]: Select parameter within the group. A. Display area
9 [Back]: Removes parameter index value and shows the The display area is activated when the frequency converter
parameter group. receives power from the mains voltage or a DC bus
10 [▲][▼]: Select group. terminal.
The information shown on the LCP can be customized for
Table 3.7 Changing Values in Array Parameters
user applications. Select options in the Quick Menu Q3-13
Display Settings.
3.1.6 Graphical Local Control Panel
Display Parameter number Default setting
The graphical local control panel LCP 102 has a larger 1 0-20 [1602] Reference [%]
display area, which shows more information than LCP 21. 2 0-21 [1614] Motor Current
LCP 102 supports English, Chinese, and Portuguese 3 0-22 [1610] Power [kW]
displays. 4 0-23 [1613] Frequency
5 0-24 [1502] kWh Counter

Table 3.8 Legend to Illustration 3.9, Display Area

18 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Programming Programming Guide

B. Display menu keys Key Function

Menu keys are used for menu access for parameter set-up, Starts the frequency converter in hand-on
toggling through status display modes during normal mode.
operation, and viewing fault log data. 18 Hand On • An external stop signal by control input
or serial communication overrides the
Key Function
3 3
local hand on.
6 Status Shows operational information.
Stops the motor but does not remove power
Allows access to programming parameters 19 Off
Quick to the frequency converter.
7 for initial set-up instructions and many
Menu Puts the system in remote operational mode.
detailed application instructions.
Allows access to all programming • Responds to an external start command
8 Main Menu 20 Auto On by control terminals or serial communi-
Shows a list of current warnings, the last 10
9 Alarm Log
alarms, and the maintenance log. Resets the frequency converter manually
21 Reset
after a fault has been cleared.
Table 3.9 Legend to Illustration 3.9, Display Menu Keys
Table 3.12 Legend to Illustration 3.9, Operation Keys and Reset
C. Navigation keys and indicator lights (LEDs)
Navigation keys are used for programming functions and NOTICE
moving the display cursor. The navigation keys also To adjust the display contrast, press [Status] and the
provide speed control in local operation. There are also 3 [▲]/[▼] keys.
frequency converter status indicator lights in this area.

Key Function 3.1.7 Changing Parameter Settings with

Reverts to the previous step or list in the GLCP
10 Back
menu structure.
Cancels the last change or command as long Access and change parameter settings from the Quick
11 Cancel Menu or from the Main Menu. The Quick Menu only gives
as the display mode has not changed.
Press for a definition of the function being access to a limited number of parameters.
12 Info
Navigation To move between items in the menu, use the 1. Press [Quick Menu] or [Main Menu] on the LCP.
keys 4 navigation keys. 2. Press [▲] [▼] to browse through the parameter
Press to access parameter groups or to groups, press [OK] to select a parameter group.
14 OK
enable a selection.
3. Press [▲] [▼] to browse through the parameters,
Table 3.10 Legend to Illustration 3.9, Navigation Keys press [OK] to select a parameter.
4. Press [▲] [▼] to change the value of a parameter
Indicator Light Function
ON turns on when the frequency
converter receives power from the 5. Press [◄] [►] to shift digit when a decimal
15 On Green parameter is in the editing state.
mains voltage or a DC bus
terminal. 6. Press [OK] to accept the change.
When warning conditions are met,
7. Press either [Back] twice to enter Status, or press
the yellow WARN LED turns on,
16 Warn Yellow [Main Menu] once to enter the Main Menu.
and text appears in the display
area identifying the problem. View changes
A fault condition causes the red Quick Menu Q5 - Changes Made lists all parameters
17 Alarm Red alarm LED to flash, and an alarm changed from default settings.
text is shown. • The list only shows parameters, which have been
changed in the current edit set-up.
Table 3.11 Legend to Illustration 3.9, Indicator Lights (LEDs)
• Parameters which have been reset to default
D. Operation keys and reset values are not listed.
Operation keys are at the bottom of the LCP. • The message Empty indicates that no parameters
have been changed.

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 19

Programming VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

3.1.8 Mounting the GLCP Back-up/download process

1. Press [Off] on GLCP or [Off Reset] on NLCP to stop
Use the GLCP adapter (ordering number: 132B0281) and a the motor before uploading or downloading data.
cable to connect the LCP 102 to frequency converter, as 2. Press [Main Menu] parameter 0-50 LCP Copy and
shown in Illustration 3.10. press [OK].

3 3 3. Select [1] All to LCP to upload data to the LCP, or

select [2] All from LCP to download data from the

LCP, or select [3] Size indep. from LCP to download
motor size independent parameters from LCP.
4. Press [OK]. A progress bar shows the uploading or
downloading progress.
5. Press [Hand On] or [Auto On] to return to normal

3.1.10 Restoring Default Settings with LCP

Risk of losing programming, motor data, localization, and
monitoring records by restoration of default settings. To
provide a back-up, upload data to the LCP before initiali-

Restoring the default parameter settings is done by initiali-

zation of the frequency converter. Initialization is carried
out through parameter 14-22 Operation Mode
(recommended) or manually. Initialization does not reset
the settings for parameter 1-06 Clockwise Direction and
Illustration 3.10 GLCP Adapter and Connecting Cable
parameter 0-03 Regional Settings.

• Initialization using parameter 14-22 Operation

Mode does not reset frequency converter settings,
3.1.9 Backing Up/Downloading Parameters
such as operating hours, serial communication
with LCP
selections, fault log, alarm log, and other
monitoring functions.
Establishing the correct programming for applications
often requires setting functions in several related • Manual initialization erases all motor,
parameters. Parameter details are provided in programming, localization, and monitoring data,
chapter 4 Parameter Descriptions. and restores factory default settings.
Recommended initialization procedure, via
Programming data is stored internally in the frequency parameter 14-22 Operation Mode
converter. 1. Select parameter 14-22 Operation Mode and press
• For back-up, upload data into the LCP memory. 2. Select [2] Initialisation and press [OK].
• To download data to another frequency 3. Remove power to the unit and wait until the
converter, connect the LCP to that unit and display turns off.
download the stored settings.
4. Apply power to the unit.
• Restoring factory default settings does not
Default parameter settings are restored during start-up.
change data stored in the LCP memory.
This may take slightly longer than normal.

5. Alarm 80, Drive initialized to default value is shown.

6. Press [Reset] to return to operating mode.

20 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Programming Programming Guide

Manual initialization procedure 3.2.2 PM Motor Set-up in VVC+

1. Remove power to the unit and wait until the
display turns off. Initial programming steps
2. Press and hold [Status], [Main Menu], and [OK] at 1. Set parameter 1-10 Motor Construction to the
the same time on the GLCP, or press [Menu] and following options to activate PM motor operation:
[OK] at the same time on the NLCP while
applying power to the unit (approximately 5 s or
1a [1] PM, non salient SPM 3 3
until a click is heard and the fan starts). 1b [3] PM, salient IPM

Factory default parameter settings are restored during 2. Select [0] Open Loop in parameter 1-00 Configu-
start-up. This may take slightly longer than normal. ration Mode.

Manual initialization does not reset the following Encoder feedback is not supported for PM motors.
frequency converter information:
• Parameter 0-03 Regional Settings Programming motor data
• Parameter 1-06 Clockwise Direction When the initial programming steps are completed, the PM
motor-related parameters in parameter groups 1-2* Motor
• Parameter 15-00 Operating hours
Data, 1-3* Adv. Motor Data, and 1-4* Adv. Motor Data II are
• Parameter 15-03 Power Up's active.
• Parameter 15-04 Over Temp's The information is on the motor nameplate and in the
motor datasheet.
• Parameter 15-05 Over Volt's
Program the following parameters in the listed order:
• Parameter 15-30 Alarm Log: Error Code
1. Parameter 1-24 Motor Current.
3.2 Basic Programming 2. Parameter 1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque.
3.2.1 Asynchronous Motor Set-up 3. Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed.
4. Parameter 1-39 Motor Poles.
Enter the following motor data in the listed order. Find the
5. Parameter 1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM.
information on the motor nameplate.
6. Parameter 1-42 Motor Cable Length.
1. Parameter 1-20 Motor Power. Run a complete AMA using parameter 1-29 Automatic
2. Parameter 1-22 Motor Voltage. Motor Adaption (AMA) and select [1] Enable Complete AMA.
If a complete AMA is not performed successfully, configure
3. Parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency. the following parameters manually.
4. Parameter 1-24 Motor Current.
5. Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed. 1. Parameter 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs).
Enter phase common stator winding resistance
For optimum performance in VVC+ mode, extra motor data (Rs). If only phase-to-phase data is available,
is required to set up the following parameters. divide the phase-to-phase value by 2 to achieve
the phase value.
6. Parameter 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs). It is also possible to measure the value with an
7. Parameter 1-31 Rotor Resistance (Rr). ohmmeter, which also takes the resistance of the
cable into account. Divide the measured value by
8. Parameter 1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1).
2 and enter the result.
9. Parameter 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh).
2. Parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld).
The data is found in the motor datasheet (this data is Enter direct axis inductance of the PM motor.
typically not available on the motor nameplate). Run a If only phase-to-phase data is available, divide the
complete AMA using parameter 1-29 Automatic Motor phase-to-phase value by 2 to achieve the phase
Adaption (AMA) [1] Enable Complete AMA or enter the value.
parameters manually. It is also possible to measure the value with an
inductance meter, which also takes the
Application-specific adjustment when running VVC+ inductance of the cable into account. Divide the
VVC+ is the most robust control mode. In most situations, measured value by 2 and enter the result.
it provides optimum performance without further 3. Parameter 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq).
adjustments. Run a complete AMA for best performance.

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Programming VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

This parameter is active only when Parking

parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set to [3] PM, This function is the recommended option for applications
salient IPM. where the motor is rotating at low speed, for example
Enter the quadrature axis inductance of the PM windmilling in fan applications. Parameter 2-06 Parking
motor. If only phase-to-phase data is available, Current and parameter 2-07 Parking Time are adjustable.
divide the phase-to-phase value by 2 to achieve Increase the factory setting of these parameters for
3 3 the phase value. applications with high inertia.
It is also possible to measure the value with an Start the motor at nominal speed. If the application does
inductance meter, which also takes the
not run well, check the VVC+ PM settings. Table 3.13 shows
inductance of the cable into account. Make 1
recommendations in different applications.
rotation of the motor’s rotor and find the
maximum phase-to-phase inductance value.
Application Settings
Divide the value by 2 and enter the result.
Low inertia applications • Increase the value for
4. Parameter 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat). parameter 1-17 Voltage filter time
ILoad1)/IMotor2) <5
This parameter is active only when const. by factor 5 to 10.
parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set to [3] PM,
salient IPM. • Reduce the value for
parameter 1-14 Damping Gain.
This parameter corresponds to the saturation
inductance of d-axis. The default value is the • Reduce the value (<100%) for
value set in parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld). parameter 1-66 Min. Current at
Do not change the default value in most cases. If Low Speed.
the motor supplier provides the saturation curve, Medium inertia Keep calculated values.
enter the d-axis inductance value, which is 100% applications
of the nominal current. 50>ILoad/IMotor >5
5. Parameter 1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat). High inertia applications Increase the values for
This parameter is active only when ILoad/IMotor > 50 parameter 1-14 Damping Gain,
parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set to [3] PM, parameter 1-15 Low Speed Filter Time
salient IPM. Const., and parameter 1-16 High
This parameter corresponds to the saturation Speed Filter Time Const.
inductance of q-axis. The default value is the High load at low speed Decrease parameter 1-17 Voltage
value set in parameter 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq). <30% (rated speed) filter time const.
In most cases, do not change the default. If the Decrease parameter 1-66 Min. Current
motor supplier provides the saturation curve, at Low Speed (>100% for longer time
enter the q-axis inductance value, which is 100% can overheat the motor).
of the nominal current.
Table 3.13 Recommendations in Different Applications
Test motor operation
1) ILoad=The inertia of load.
1. Start the motor at low speed (100–200 RPM). If 2) IMotor=The inertia of motor.
the motor does not run, check installation,
general programming, and motor data. If the motor starts oscillating at a certain speed, increase
2. Check if the start function in parameter 1-70 Start parameter 1-14 Damping Gain. Increase the value in small
Mode fits the application requirements. steps.

Rotor detection
Adjust the starting torque in parameter 1-66 Min. Current at
This function is the recommended selection for
Low Speed. 100% provides nominal torque as starting
applications where the motor starts from standstill, for
example pumps or conveyors. For some motors, a sound is
heard when the frequency converter performs the rotor
detection. This sound does not harm the motor. Adjust the
value in parameter 1-46 Position Detection Gain for different
motors. If the frequency converter fails to start, or an
overcurrent alarm occurs when the frequency converter
starts, check if the rotor is blocked or not. If the rotor is
not blocked, set parameter 1-70 Start Mode to [1] Parking
and try again.

22 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Programming Programming Guide

3.2.3 Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA)

It is highly recommended to run AMA because it measures

the electrical characteristics of the motor to optimize
compatibility between the frequency converter and the
motor under VVC+ mode.
3 3
• The frequency converter builds a mathematical
model of the motor for regulating output motor
current, thus enhancing motor performance.
• Some motors are unable to run the complete
version of the test. In that case, select Enable
reduced AMA (not for PM).
• If warnings or alarms occur, see
chapter 6.1.3 Warning/alarm Messages.
• Run this procedure on a cold motor for best
To run AMA using the numeric LCP
1. By default parameter setting, connect terminals
12 and 27 before running AMA.
2. Enter the Main Menu.
3. Go to parameter group 1-** Load and Motor.
4. Press [OK].
5. Set motor parameters using nameplate data for
parameter group 1-2* Motor Data.
6. Set parameter 1-39 Motor Poles for IM and PM.
7. Set parameter 1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM for PM.
8. Set motor cable length in parameter 1-42 Motor
Cable Length.
9. Go to parameter 1-29 Automatic Motor Adaptation
10. Press [OK].
11. Select [1] Enable complete AMA.
12. Press [OK].
13. Press [Hand On] to activate AMA.
14. The test runs automatically and indicates when it
is complete.
Depending on the power size, the AMA takes 3–10
minutes to complete.

The AMA function does not cause the motor to run, and
it does not harm the motor.

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 23

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4 Parameter Descriptions

4.1 Parameters: 0-** Operation and Display 0-06 GridType

Option: Function:
Parameters related to the fundamental functions of the
Select the grid type of the supply
frequency converter, function of the LCP keys, and configu-
ration of the LCP display.
4 4 4.1.1 0-0* Basic Settings
Not all options are supported in
all power sizes.
0-01 Language
Option: Function: IT grid is a supply mains, where the
neutral point of secondary side of the
[0] * English
transformer is not connected to
[10] Chinese
[28] Portuguese
Delta is a supply mains where the
0-03 Regional Settings secondary part of the transformer is
Option: Function: delta-connected and 1 phase is

NOTICE connected to ground.

This parameter cannot be adjusted while [10] 380-440V/50Hz/IT-

the motor is running. grid
[11] 380-440V/50Hz/
[0] * Interna- Activate parameter 1-20 Motor Power [kW] for
tional setting the motor power in kW and set the [12] 380-440V/50Hz
default value of parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency [20] 440-480V/50Hz/IT-
to 50 Hz. grid
[21] 440-480V/50Hz/
[1] US Activate parameter 1-20 Motor Power [kW] for
setting the motor power in hp and set the
[22] 440-480V/50Hz
default value of parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency
[110] 380-440V/60Hz/IT-
to 60 Hz.
[111] 380-440V/60Hz/
0-04 Operating State at Power-up (Hand)
Option: Function:
[112] 380-440V/60Hz
Select the operating mode upon
[120] 440-480V/60Hz/IT-
reconnection of the frequency converter to
mains voltage after power down in hand-on
[121] 440-480V/60Hz/
[0] Resume Restart the frequency converter, maintaining [122] 440-480V/60Hz
the start/stop settings (applied by [Hand On/
Off]) selected before the power-down of the 0-07 Auto DC Braking
frequency converter. Option: Function:
[1] * Forced stop, Restart the frequency converter with a saved Protective function against overvoltage at coast in IT
ref=old local reference after mains voltage reappears grid environment. This parameter is active only when
and after pressing [Hand On]. [1] On is selected in this parameter.

[2] Forced stop, Reset the local reference to 0 upon restarting [0] Off This function is not active.
ref=0 the frequency converter. [1] * On This function is active.

24 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.1.2 0-1* Set-up Operations 0-11 Programming Set-up

Option: Function:
Define and control the individual parameter set-ups. Select the set-up to be programmed during
The frequency converter has 2 parameter set-ups that can operation; either the active set-up or the
be programmed independently of each other. This makes inactive set-up. The set-up number being
the frequency converter flexible and able to solve edited flashes in the LCP.
advanced control functionality problems, often saving the
cost of external control equipment. For example, the 2 set- [1] Set-up 1 [1] Set-up 1 to [2] Set-up 2 can be edited freely
during operation, independently of the active
4 4
ups can be used to program the frequency converter to
operate according to 1 control scheme in 1 set-up (for set-up.
example, motor 1 for horizontal movement) and another [2] Set-up 2
control scheme in another set-up (for example, motor 2 for [9] * Active The set-up in which the frequency converter is
vertical movement). Alternatively, they can be used by an Set-up operating can also be edited during operation.
OEM machine builder to program all their factory-fitted
frequency converters for different machine types within a 0-12 Link Setups
range to have the same parameters and then during
Option: Function:
production/commissioning simply select a specific set-up,
The link ensures synchronizing of the Not
depending on which machine the frequency converter is
changeable during operation parameter values
installed on.
enabling shift from 1 set-up to another during
The active set-up (that is, the set-up in which the
frequency converter is operating) can be selected in
parameter 0-10 Active Set-up and is shown in the LCP. By If the set-ups are not linked, a change between
selecting [9] Multi set-up, it is possible to switch between them is not possible while the motor is running.
set-ups with the frequency converter running or stopped, Thus the set-up change does not occur until the
via digital input or serial communication commands. If it is motor is coasted.
necessary to change set-ups while running, ensure that [0] Not Leave parameters unchanged in both set-ups
parameter 0-12 Link Setups is set as required. Use linked and cannot be changed while the motor is
parameter 0-11 Programming Set-up to edit parameters running.
within any of the set-ups while continuing the operation of
the frequency converter in its active set-up, which can be a [20] * Linked Copy Not changeable during operation
different set-up to that being edited. Use parameters from 1 set-up to the other, so they
parameter 0-51 Set-up Copy to copy parameter settings are identical in both set-ups.
between the set-ups to enable quicker commissioning if
similar parameter settings are required in different set-ups. 0-14 Readout: Edit Set-ups / Channel
Range: Function:
0-10 Active Set-up
0* [-2147483647 - View the setting of
Option: Function: 2147483647 ] parameter 0-11 Programming Set-up. Edit
Select the set-up in which the frequency converter set-up for each communication channel. A
is to operate. Select parameter 0-51 Set-up Copy to means active set-up; F means factory;
copy a set-up to 1 or all set-ups. To avoid numbers indicate set-up code. Communi-
conflicting settings of the same parameter within cation channels from right to left are LCP,
2 different set-ups, link the set-ups together in FC-bus, USB, and HPFB1-5.
parameter 0-12 Link Setups. Stop the frequency
converter before switching between set-ups where 0-16 Application Selection
the parameters marked Not changeable during
Option: Function:
operation have different values. Parameters which
Select integrated application
are Not changeable during operation are marked
functions. When an application
FALSE in the parameter lists in chapter 5 Parameter
is selected, a set of related
parameters are set automat-
[1] * Set-up Set-up 1 is active. ically.
[0] * None
[2] Set-up Set-up 2 is active.
[1] Simple Process Close Loop
[2] Local/Remote
[9] Multi This option is used for remote set-up selections
[3] Speed Open Loop
Set-up via digital inputs and the serial communication
[4] Simple Speed Close Loop
port. This set-up uses the settings from
parameter 0-12 Link Setups. [5] Multi Speed

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 25

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

0-16 Application Selection 0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small

Option: Function: Select a variable to be shown in line 1, left position.
[6] OGD LA10 Option: Function:
[7] OGD V210 [1663] Terminal 54 Setting
[1664] Analog input 54
4.1.3 0-2* LCP Display [1665] Analog output 42 [mA]
[1666] Digital Output
Use parameters in this group to define the variables that [1667] Pulse input 29 [Hz]
4 4 are shown in the GLCP. Parameter 16-17 Speed [RPM] is one [1668] Pulse input 33 [Hz]
option for each parameter in parameter group 0-2* LCP [1669] Pulse output 27 [Hz]
Display. [1670] Pulse output 29 [Hz]
0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small [1671] Relay output
[1672] Counter A
Select a variable to be shown in line 1, left position.
[1673] Counter B
Option: Function:
[1679] Analog output 45 [mA]
[0] None
[1680] Fieldbus CTW 1
[37] Display Text 1
[1682] Fieldbus REF 1
[38] Display Text 2
[1684] Comm. Option STW
[39] Display Text 3
[1685] FC Port CTW 1
[748] PCD Feed Forward
[1686] FC Port REF 1
[953] Profibus Warning Word
[1690] Alarm Word
[1501] Running Hours
[1691] Alarm Word 2
[1502] kWh Counter
[1692] Warning Word
[1600] Control Word
[1693] Warning Word 2
[1601] Reference [Unit]
[1694] Ext. Status Word
[1602] * Reference [%]
[1695] Ext. Status Word 2
[1603] Status Word
[1697] Alarm Word 3
[1605] Main Actual Value [%]
[1890] Process PID Error
[1609] Custom Readout
[1891] Process PID Output
[1610] Power [kW]
[1892] Process PID Clamped Output
[1611] Power [hp]
[1893] Process PID Gain Scaled Output
[1612] Motor Voltage
[2117] Ext. 1 Reference [Unit]
[1613] Frequency
[2118] Ext. 1 Feedback [Unit]
[1614] Motor current
[2119] Ext. 1 Output [%]
[1615] Frequency [%]
[3401] PCD 1 Write For Application
[1616] Torque [Nm]
[3402] PCD 2 Write For Application
[1617] Speed [RPM]
[3403] PCD 3 Write For Application
[1618] Motor Thermal
[3404] PCD 4 Write For Application
[1622] Torque [%]
[3405] PCD 5 Write For Application
[1630] DC Link Voltage
[3406] PCD 6 Write For Application
[1633] Brake Energy /2 min
[3407] PCD 7 Write For Application
[1634] Heatsink Temp.
[3408] PCD 8 Write For Application
[1635] Inverter Thermal
[3409] PCD 9 Write For Application
[1636] Inv. Nom. Current
[3410] PCD 10 Write For Application
[1637] Inv. Max. Current
[3421] PCD 1 Read For Application
[1638] SL Controller State
[3422] PCD 2 Read For Application
[1639] Control Card Temp.
[3423] PCD 3 Read For Application
[1650] External Reference
[3424] PCD 4 Read For Application
[1652] Feedback[Unit]
[3425] PCD 5 Read For Application
[1653] Digi Pot Reference
[3426] PCD 6 Read For Application
[1657] Feedback [RPM]
[3427] PCD 7 Read For Application
[1660] Digital Input
[3428] PCD 8 Read For Application
[1661] Terminal 53 Setting
[3429] PCD 9 Read For Application
[1662] Analog input 53
[3430] PCD 10 Read For Application

26 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small 0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small
Select a variable to be shown in line 1, left position. Select a variable to be shown in line 1, middle position.
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[3450] Actual Position [1669] Pulse output 27 [Hz]
[3456] Track Error [1670] Pulse output 29 [Hz]
[1671] Relay output
0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small
[1672] Counter A
Select a variable to be shown in line 1, middle position. [1673] Counter B
Option: Function: [1679] Analog output 45 [mA] 4 4
[0] None [1680] Fieldbus CTW 1
[37] Display Text 1 [1682] Fieldbus REF 1
[38] Display Text 2 [1684] Comm. Option STW
[39] Display Text 3 [1685] FC Port CTW 1
[748] PCD Feed Forward [1686] FC Port REF 1
[953] Profibus Warning Word [1690] Alarm Word
[1501] Running Hours [1691] Alarm Word 2
[1502] kWh Counter [1692] Warning Word
[1600] Control Word [1693] Warning Word 2
[1601] Reference [Unit] [1694] Ext. Status Word
[1602] Reference [%] [1695] Ext. Status Word 2
[1603] Status Word [1697] Alarm Word 3
[1605] Main Actual Value [%] [1890] Process PID Error
[1609] Custom Readout [1891] Process PID Output
[1610] Power [kW] [1892] Process PID Clamped Output
[1611] Power [hp] [1893] Process PID Gain Scaled Output
[1612] Motor Voltage [2117] Ext. 1 Reference [Unit]
[1613] Frequency [2118] Ext. 1 Feedback [Unit]
[1614] * Motor current [2119] Ext. 1 Output [%]
[1615] Frequency [%] [3401] PCD 1 Write For Application
[1616] Torque [Nm] [3402] PCD 2 Write For Application
[1617] Speed [RPM] [3403] PCD 3 Write For Application
[1618] Motor Thermal [3404] PCD 4 Write For Application
[1622] Torque [%] [3405] PCD 5 Write For Application
[1630] DC Link Voltage [3406] PCD 6 Write For Application
[1633] Brake Energy /2 min [3407] PCD 7 Write For Application
[1634] Heatsink Temp. [3408] PCD 8 Write For Application
[1635] Inverter Thermal [3409] PCD 9 Write For Application
[1636] Inv. Nom. Current [3410] PCD 10 Write For Application
[1637] Inv. Max. Current [3421] PCD 1 Read For Application
[1638] SL Controller State [3422] PCD 2 Read For Application
[1639] Control Card Temp. [3423] PCD 3 Read For Application
[1650] External Reference [3424] PCD 4 Read For Application
[1652] Feedback[Unit] [3425] PCD 5 Read For Application
[1653] Digi Pot Reference [3426] PCD 6 Read For Application
[1657] Feedback [RPM] [3427] PCD 7 Read For Application
[1660] Digital Input [3428] PCD 8 Read For Application
[1661] Terminal 53 Setting [3429] PCD 9 Read For Application
[1662] Analog input 53 [3430] PCD 10 Read For Application
[1663] Terminal 54 Setting [3450] Actual Position
[1664] Analog input 54 [3456] Track Error
[1665] Analog output 42 [mA]
[1666] Digital Output
[1667] Pulse input 29 [Hz]
[1668] Pulse input 33 [Hz]

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 27

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small 0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small
Select a variable to be shown in line 1, right position. Select a variable to be shown in line 1, right position.
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[0] None [1680] Fieldbus CTW 1
[37] Display Text 1 [1682] Fieldbus REF 1
[38] Display Text 2 [1684] Comm. Option STW
[39] Display Text 3 [1685] FC Port CTW 1
[748] PCD Feed Forward [1686] FC Port REF 1
4 4 [953] Profibus Warning Word [1690] Alarm Word
[1501] Running Hours [1691] Alarm Word 2
[1502] kWh Counter [1692] Warning Word
[1600] Control Word [1693] Warning Word 2
[1601] Reference [Unit] [1694] Ext. Status Word
[1602] Reference [%] [1695] Ext. Status Word 2
[1603] Status Word [1697] Alarm Word 3
[1605] Main Actual Value [%] [1890] Process PID Error
[1609] Custom Readout [1891] Process PID Output
[1610] * Power [kW] [1892] Process PID Clamped Output
[1611] Power [hp] [1893] Process PID Gain Scaled Output
[1612] Motor Voltage [2117] Ext. 1 Reference [Unit]
[1613] Frequency [2118] Ext. 1 Feedback [Unit]
[1614] Motor current [2119] Ext. 1 Output [%]
[1615] Frequency [%] [3401] PCD 1 Write For Application
[1616] Torque [Nm] [3402] PCD 2 Write For Application
[1617] Speed [RPM] [3403] PCD 3 Write For Application
[1618] Motor Thermal [3404] PCD 4 Write For Application
[1622] Torque [%] [3405] PCD 5 Write For Application
[1630] DC Link Voltage [3406] PCD 6 Write For Application
[1633] Brake Energy /2 min [3407] PCD 7 Write For Application
[1634] Heatsink Temp. [3408] PCD 8 Write For Application
[1635] Inverter Thermal [3409] PCD 9 Write For Application
[1636] Inv. Nom. Current [3410] PCD 10 Write For Application
[1637] Inv. Max. Current [3421] PCD 1 Read For Application
[1638] SL Controller State [3422] PCD 2 Read For Application
[1639] Control Card Temp. [3423] PCD 3 Read For Application
[1650] External Reference [3424] PCD 4 Read For Application
[1652] Feedback[Unit] [3425] PCD 5 Read For Application
[1653] Digi Pot Reference [3426] PCD 6 Read For Application
[1657] Feedback [RPM] [3427] PCD 7 Read For Application
[1660] Digital Input [3428] PCD 8 Read For Application
[1661] Terminal 53 Setting [3429] PCD 9 Read For Application
[1662] Analog input 53 [3430] PCD 10 Read For Application
[1663] Terminal 54 Setting [3450] Actual Position
[1664] Analog input 54 [3456] Track Error
[1665] Analog output 42 [mA]
0-23 Display Line 2 Large
[1666] Digital Output
[1667] Pulse input 29 [Hz] Select a variable to be shown in line 2.

[1668] Pulse input 33 [Hz] Option: Function:

[1669] Pulse output 27 [Hz] [0] None
[1670] Pulse output 29 [Hz] [37] Display Text 1
[1671] Relay output [38] Display Text 2
[1672] Counter A [39] Display Text 3
[1673] Counter B [748] PCD Feed Forward
[1679] Analog output 45 [mA] [953] Profibus Warning Word

28 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

0-23 Display Line 2 Large 0-23 Display Line 2 Large

Select a variable to be shown in line 2. Select a variable to be shown in line 2.
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[1501] Running Hours [1691] Alarm Word 2
[1502] kWh Counter [1692] Warning Word
[1600] Control Word [1693] Warning Word 2
[1601] Reference [Unit] [1694] Ext. Status Word
[1602] Reference [%] [1695] Ext. Status Word 2
[1603] Status Word [1697] Alarm Word 3 4 4
[1605] Main Actual Value [%] [1890] Process PID Error
[1609] Custom Readout [1891] Process PID Output
[1610] Power [kW] [1892] Process PID Clamped Output
[1611] Power [hp] [1893] Process PID Gain Scaled Output
[1612] Motor Voltage [2117] Ext. 1 Reference [Unit]
[1613] * Frequency [2118] Ext. 1 Feedback [Unit]
[1614] Motor current [2119] Ext. 1 Output [%]
[1615] Frequency [%] [3401] PCD 1 Write For Application
[1616] Torque [Nm] [3402] PCD 2 Write For Application
[1617] Speed [RPM] [3403] PCD 3 Write For Application
[1618] Motor Thermal [3404] PCD 4 Write For Application
[1622] Torque [%] [3405] PCD 5 Write For Application
[1630] DC Link Voltage [3406] PCD 6 Write For Application
[1633] Brake Energy /2 min [3407] PCD 7 Write For Application
[1634] Heatsink Temp. [3408] PCD 8 Write For Application
[1635] Inverter Thermal [3409] PCD 9 Write For Application
[1636] Inv. Nom. Current [3410] PCD 10 Write For Application
[1637] Inv. Max. Current [3421] PCD 1 Read For Application
[1638] SL Controller State [3422] PCD 2 Read For Application
[1639] Control Card Temp. [3423] PCD 3 Read For Application
[1650] External Reference [3424] PCD 4 Read For Application
[1652] Feedback[Unit] [3425] PCD 5 Read For Application
[1653] Digi Pot Reference [3426] PCD 6 Read For Application
[1657] Feedback [RPM] [3427] PCD 7 Read For Application
[1660] Digital Input [3428] PCD 8 Read For Application
[1661] Terminal 53 Setting [3429] PCD 9 Read For Application
[1662] Analog input 53 [3430] PCD 10 Read For Application
[1663] Terminal 54 Setting [3450] Actual Position
[1664] Analog input 54 [3456] Track Error
[1665] Analog output 42 [mA]
0-24 Display Line 3 Large
[1666] Digital Output
[1667] Pulse input 29 [Hz] Select a variable to be shown in line 3.

[1668] Pulse input 33 [Hz] Option: Function:

[1669] Pulse output 27 [Hz] [0] None
[1670] Pulse output 29 [Hz] [37] Display Text 1
[1671] Relay output [38] Display Text 2
[1672] Counter A [39] Display Text 3
[1673] Counter B [748] PCD Feed Forward
[1679] Analog output 45 [mA] [953] Profibus Warning Word
[1680] Fieldbus CTW 1 [1501] Running Hours
[1682] Fieldbus REF 1 [1502] * kWh Counter
[1684] Comm. Option STW [1600] Control Word
[1685] FC Port CTW 1 [1601] Reference [Unit]
[1686] FC Port REF 1 [1602] Reference [%]
[1690] Alarm Word [1603] Status Word

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 29

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

0-24 Display Line 3 Large 0-24 Display Line 3 Large

Select a variable to be shown in line 3. Select a variable to be shown in line 3.
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[1605] Main Actual Value [%] [1890] Process PID Error
[1609] Custom Readout [1891] Process PID Output
[1610] Power [kW] [1892] Process PID Clamped Output
[1611] Power [hp] [1893] Process PID Gain Scaled Output
[1612] Motor Voltage [2117] Ext. 1 Reference [Unit]
4 4 [1613] Frequency [2118] Ext. 1 Feedback [Unit]
[1614] Motor current [2119] Ext. 1 Output [%]
[1615] Frequency [%] [3401] PCD 1 Write For Application
[1616] Torque [Nm] [3402] PCD 2 Write For Application
[1617] Speed [RPM] [3403] PCD 3 Write For Application
[1618] Motor Thermal [3404] PCD 4 Write For Application
[1622] Torque [%] [3405] PCD 5 Write For Application
[1630] DC Link Voltage [3406] PCD 6 Write For Application
[1633] Brake Energy /2 min [3407] PCD 7 Write For Application
[1634] Heatsink Temp. [3408] PCD 8 Write For Application
[1635] Inverter Thermal [3409] PCD 9 Write For Application
[1636] Inv. Nom. Current [3410] PCD 10 Write For Application
[1637] Inv. Max. Current [3421] PCD 1 Read For Application
[1638] SL Controller State [3422] PCD 2 Read For Application
[1639] Control Card Temp. [3423] PCD 3 Read For Application
[1650] External Reference [3424] PCD 4 Read For Application
[1652] Feedback[Unit] [3425] PCD 5 Read For Application
[1653] Digi Pot Reference [3426] PCD 6 Read For Application
[1657] Feedback [RPM] [3427] PCD 7 Read For Application
[1660] Digital Input [3428] PCD 8 Read For Application
[1661] Terminal 53 Setting [3429] PCD 9 Read For Application
[1662] Analog input 53 [3430] PCD 10 Read For Application
[1663] Terminal 54 Setting [3450] Actual Position
[1664] Analog input 54 [3456] Track Error
[1665] Analog output 42 [mA]
[1666] Digital Output
[1667] Pulse input 29 [Hz]
[1668] Pulse input 33 [Hz]
[1669] Pulse output 27 [Hz]
[1670] Pulse output 29 [Hz]
[1671] Relay output
[1672] Counter A
[1673] Counter B
[1679] Analog output 45 [mA]
[1680] Fieldbus CTW 1
[1682] Fieldbus REF 1
[1684] Comm. Option STW
[1685] FC Port CTW 1
[1686] FC Port REF 1
[1690] Alarm Word
[1691] Alarm Word 2
[1692] Warning Word
[1693] Warning Word 2
[1694] Ext. Status Word
[1695] Ext. Status Word 2
[1697] Alarm Word 3

30 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.1.4 0-3* LCP Custom Readout 0-30 Custom Readout Unit

Option: Function:
It is possible to customise the display elements in the LCP. Set a value to be shown in the LCP. The value has
a linear, squared, or cubed relation to speed. This
Custom readout relation depends on the unit selected. See
The calculated value to be shown is based on settings in Table 4.1. The actual calculated valued can be
parameter 0-30 Custom Readout Unit, read in parameter 16-09 Custom Readout.
parameter 0-31 Custom Readout Min Value (linear only),
[0] None
parameter 0-32 Custom Readout Max Value,
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz], and actual
[1] * % 4 4
speed. [5] PPM
[10] 1/min

Custom Readout (Value)
[11] RPM
P 16-09 [12] Pulse/s
Custom Readout
Unit P 0-30 [20] l/s
Max value
P 0-32 [21] l/min
[22] l/h
nd [23] m³/s
ee e)
. Sp ur [24] m³/min
e.g ss
it ( re
Un (P ) [25] m³/h
r nit er
ea U ow
Lin at
t (P [30] kg/s
a dr ni
Min value Qu cU [31] kg/min
Liniar Cu Motor Speed
units only [32] kg/h
P 0-31
Motor Speed [33] t/min
High limit
P 4-14 (Hz)
[34] t/h
[40] m/s
Illustration 4.1 Custom Readout [41] m/min
[45] m
[60] °C
The relation depends on the type of unit selected in [70] mbar
parameter 0-30 Custom Readout Unit: [71] bar
[72] Pa
Unit type Speed relation
[73] kPa
[74] m WG
[80] kW
Flow, volume
[120] GPM
Flow, mass Linear
[121] gal/s
[122] gal/min
[123] gal/h
[124] CFM
Pressure Quadratic
[127] ft³/h
Power Cubic
[140] ft/s
Table 4.1 Relation between Unit Type and Speed [141] ft/min
[160] °F
[170] psi
[171] lb/in2
[172] in WG
[173] ft WG
[180] HP

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 31

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

0-31 Custom Readout Min Value 0-44 [Off/Reset] Key on LCP

Range: Function: Option: Function:
0 CustomRea- [0 - This parameter sets the [0] Disabled
doutUnit* 999999.99 minimum value of the custom [1] * Enabled
CustomRea- readout (occurs at 0 speed). It is [7] Enable Reset Only
doutUnit] only possible to select a value
different from 0 when selecting a
4.1.6 0-5* Copy/Save
linear unit in

4 4 parameter 0-30 Custom Readout

Unit. For quadratic and cubic
Copy parameters from and to NLCP and GLCP. Use these
parameters for saving and copying set-ups from 1
units, the minimum value is 0.
frequency converter to another.
0-32 Custom Readout Max Value 0-50 LCP Copy
Range: Function: Option: Function:
100 Custom- [ 0.0 - This parameter sets the [0] * No copy No function.
ReadoutUnit* 999999.99 maximum value to be shown
[1] All to LCP Copy all parameters in all set-ups from the
CustomRea- when the motor speed has
frequency converter memory to the LCP. For
doutUnit] reached the value set in
service purposes, copy all parameters to the
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed
LCP after commissioning.
High Limit [Hz].
[2] All from Copy all parameters in all set-ups from the LCP
0-37 Display Text 1 LCP memory to the frequency converter memory.

Range: Function: [3] Size indep. Copy only the parameters that are
[0 - 0 ] Free text, for example used for the device tag of from LCP independent of the motor size. This selection
fieldbus application. can be used to program several frequency
converters with the same function without
0-38 Display Text 2 disturbing motor data that is already set.

Range: Function:
0-51 Set-up Copy
[0 - 0 ] Free text, for example used for the location tag of
fieldbus application. Option: Function:
[0] * No copy No function.
0-39 Display Text 3 [1] Copy from Copy from set-up 1 to set-up 2.
Range: Function: setup 1
[0 - 0 ] Free text, for example used for the help tag of [2] Copy from Copy from set-up 2 to set-up 1.
fieldbus application. setup 2
[9] Copy from Copy factory setting to programming set-
Factory setup up (selected in parameter 0-11 Programming
4.1.5 0-4* LCP Keypad Set-up).

Enable, disable, and password protect individual keys on

the LCP. 4.1.7 0-6* Password
0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP
0-60 Main Menu Password
Option: Function:
Range: Function:
[0] Disabled Avoid accidental start of the frequency converter
0* [0 - 999 ] Define the password for access to the Main Menu
in hand-on mode.
via the [Main Menu] key. Setting values to 0
[1] * Enabled [Hand On] is enabled. disables the password function.

0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP

Option: Function:
[0] Disabled Avoid accidental start of the freqeuncy converter
from LCP.

[1] * Enabled [Hand On] is enabled.

32 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.2 Parameters: 1-** Load and Motor 1-01 Motor Control Principle
Option: Function:
4.2.1 1-0* General Settings
parameter 1-55 U/f Characteristic - U and
parameter 1-56 U/f Characteristic - F.
1-00 Configuration Mode
Option: Function:
When parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is
Select the application control principle to be
used when a remote reference (that is, via set to PM-enabled options, only VVC+ option
analog input or fieldbus) is active. is available.
4 4
[0] Open Loop Enables speed control (without feedback signal
Normal running mode, including slip and load
* from motor) with automatic slip compensation
for almost constant speed at varying loads.
Compensations are active, but can be disabled
1-03 Torque Characteristics
in parameter group 1-** Load and Motor.
Option: Function:
[1] Speed Enables speed closed-loop control with
Select the torque characteristic required. VT
closed loop feedback. For increased speed accuracy,
and AEO are both energy-saving operations.
provide a feedback signal and set the speed
PID control. The speed control parameters are [0] * Constant Motor shaft output provides constant torque
set in parameter group 7-0* Speed PID Control. torque under variable speed control.

[2] Torque Enables torque closed-loop control with speed [1] Variable Motor shaft output provides variable torque
closed loop feedback. Only possible when option [1] VVC+ Torque under variable speed control. Set the variable
is selected in parameter 1-01 Motor Control torque level in parameter 14-40 VT Level.
Principle. [2] Auto Energy Automatically optimizes energy consumption
[3] Process Enables the use of process control in the Optim. CT by minimizing magnetization and frequency
Closed frequency converter. The process control via parameter 14-41 AEO Minimum Magneti-
Loop parameters are set in parameter group 7-2* sation.
Process Ctrl. Feedback and parameter group 7-3*
Process PID Ctrl. 1-06 Clockwise Direction
Option: Function:
[4] Torque Enables the use of torque open loop in VVC+
open loop mode (parameter 1-01 Motor Control Principle). NOTICE
The torque PID parameters are set in parameter This parameter cannot be adjusted while
group 7-1* Torque PI Control. the motor is running.
[6] Surface Enables the use of surface winder control.
Winder Specific parameters in parameter group 7-2* This parameter defines the term clockwise
Process Ctrl. Feedb. and parameter group 7-3* corresponding to the LCP direction arrow. Used for
Process PID Ctrl. easy change of direction of shaft rotation without
swapping motor wires.
[7] Extended Enables the use of extended PID speed OL.
PID Speed Specific parameters in parameter group 7-2* [0] * Normal The motor shaft turns in clockwise direction when
OL Process Ctrl. Feedb. to parameter group 7-5* Ext. frequency converter is connected U⇒U; V⇒V; and
Process PID Ctrl. W⇒W to motor.

[1] Inverse The motor shaft turns in counterclockwise

1-01 Motor Control Principle direction when frequency converter is connected
Option: Function: U⇒U; V⇒V; and W⇒W to motor.
[0] U/f NOTICE
1-08 Motor Control Bandwidth
When running U/f, control slip and load
compensations are not included. Option: Function:
[0] High Suitable for high dynamic response.
Used for parallel-connected motors and/or special [1] * Medium Suitable for smooth steady-state operation.
motor applications. Set the U/f settings in [2] Low Suitable for smooth steady-state operation with
lowest dynamic response.
[3] Adaptive 1 Optimized for smooth steady-state operation,
with extra active damping.

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 33

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

1-08 Motor Control Bandwidth

Option: Function:
[4] Adaptive 2 Focus on low-inductance PM motors. This
option is an alternative to [3] Adaptive 1.

4.2.2 1-1* Motor Selection

Parameter group for setting general motor data. The parameters cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.

4 4 The active parameters are shown in Table 4.2. x indicates that a particular parameter is active when the option is selected.

Parameter 1-10 Motor Construction [0] Asynchron [1] PM, non salient SPM [3] PM, salient IPM
Parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode x x x
Parameter 1-03 Torque Characteristics x
Parameter 1-06 Clockwise Direction x x x
Parameter 1-08 Motor Control Bandwidth x x x
Parameter 1-14 Damping Gain x x
Parameter 1-15 Low Speed Filter Time Const. x x
Parameter 1-16 High Speed Filter Time Const. x x
Parameter 1-17 Voltage filter time const. x x
Parameter 1-20 Motor Power [kW] x
Parameter 1-22 Motor Voltage x
Parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency x
Parameter 1-24 Motor Current x x x
Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed x x x
Parameter 1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque x x
Parameter 1-29 Automatic Motor Adaption (AMA) x x x
Parameter 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) x x x
Parameter 1-31 Rotor Resistance (Rr) x
Parameter 1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1) x
Parameter 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh) x
Parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld) x x
Parameter 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq) x
Parameter 1-39 Motor Poles x x x
Parameter 1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM x x
Parameter 1-42 Motor Cable Length x x x
Parameter 1-43 Motor Cable Length Feet x x x
Parameter 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat) x
Parameter 1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat) x
Parameter 1-46 Position Detection Gain x x
Parameter 1-48 Current at Min Inductance for d-axis x
Parameter 1-49 Current at Min Inductance for q-axis x
Parameter 1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Speed x
Parameter 1-52 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [Hz] x
Parameter 1-55 U/f Characteristic - U x
Parameter 1-56 U/f Characteristic - F x
Parameter 1-60 Low Speed Load Compensation x
Parameter 1-61 High Speed Load Compensation x
Parameter 1-62 Slip Compensation x
Parameter 1-63 Slip Compensation Time Constant x
Parameter 1-64 Resonance Dampening x
Parameter 1-65 Resonance Dampening Time Constant x
Parameter 1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed x x
Parameter 1-70 PM Start Mode x x

34 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

Parameter 1-10 Motor Construction [0] Asynchron [1] PM, non salient SPM [3] PM, salient IPM
Parameter 1-71 Start Delay x x x
Parameter 1-72 Start Function x x x
Parameter 1-73 Flying Start x x x
Parameter 1-80 Function at Stop x x x
Parameter 1-88 AC Brake Gain x
Parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection x x x
Parameter 2-00 DC Hold Current x x x
Parameter 2-01 DC Brake Current
Parameter 2-02 DC Braking Time
4 4
Parameter 2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed [Hz] x x x
Parameter 2-06 Parking Current x x
Parameter 2-07 Parking Time x x
Parameter 2-10 Brake Function x x x
Parameter 2-16 AC brake Max. Current x
Parameter 2-17 Over-voltage Control x x x
Parameter 4-10 Motor Speed Direction x x x
Parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] x x x
Parameter 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode x
Parameter 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode x
Parameter 4-18 Current Limit x x x
Parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency x x x
Parameter 4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function x x x
Parameter 14-01 Switching Frequency x x x
Parameter 14-03 Overmodulation x x x
Parameter 14-07 Dead Time Compensation Level x x x
Parameter 14-08 Damping Gain Factor x x x
Parameter 14-09 Dead Time Bias Current Level x x x
Parameter 14-10 Mains Failure x
Parameter 14-11 Mains Voltage at Mains Fault x
Parameter 14-12 Function at Mains Imbalance x x x
Parameter 14-27 Action At Inverter Fault x x x
Parameter 14-40 VT Level x
Parameter 14-41 AEO Minimum Magnetisation x
Parameter 14-50 RFI Filter x x x
Parameter 14-51 DC-Link Voltage Compensation x x x
Parameter 14-55 Output Filter x x x
Parameter 14-64 Dead Time Compensation Zero Current Level x x x
Parameter 14-65 Speed Derate Dead Time Compensation x x x
Parameter 30-22 Locked Rotor Detection x x
Parameter 30-23 Locked Rotor Detection Time [s] x x

Table 4.2 Active Parameters

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

1-10 Motor Construction 4.2.3 1-2* Motor Data

Option: Function:
[0] * Asynchron For asynchronous motors.
This parameter group comprises input data from the
nameplate on the connected motor.
[1] PM, non For permanent magnet (PM) motors with
salient SPM surface-mounted (non-salient) magnets.
Refer to parameter 1-14 Damping Gain to
parameter 1-17 Voltage filter time const. for Changing the value of these parameters affects the
details about optimizing the motor setting of other parameters.
4 4 operation.

[3] PM, salient For permanent magnet (PM) motors with 1-20 Motor Power
IPM interior (salient) magnets. Option: Function:
[2] 0.12 kW - 0.16 hp
1-14 Damping Gain [3] 0.18 kW - 0.25 hp
Range: Function: [4] 0.25 kW - 0.33 hp
120 [0 - The damping gain stabilizes the PM machine. [5] 0.37 kW - 0.5 hp
%* 250 %] The value of damping gain controls the dynamic [6] 0.55 kW - 0.75 hp
performance of the PM machine. High damping [7] 0.75 kW - 1 hp
gain gives high dynamic performance, and low [8] 1.1 kW - 1.5 hp
damping gain gives low dynamic performance. [9] 1.5 kW - 2 hp
The dynamic performance is related to the [10] 2.2 kW - 3 hp
machine data and load type. If the damping gain [11] 3 kW - 4 hp
is too high or low, the control becomes unstable. [12] 3.7 kW - 5 hp
[13] 4 kW - 5.4 hp
1-15 Low Speed Filter Time Const.
[14] 5.5 kW - 7.5 hp
Range: Function: [15] 7.5 kW - 10 hp
Size related* [ 0.01 - 20 This time constant is used below [16] 11 kW - 15 hp
s] 10% rated speed. Obtain quick [17] 15 kW - 20 hp
control through a short damping [18] 18.5 kW - 25 hp
time constant. However, if this value [19] 22 kW - 30 hp
is too short, the control becomes
[20] 30 kW - 40 hp
[21] 37 kW - 50 hp
[22] 45 kW - 60 hp
1-16 High Speed Filter Time Const.
[23] 55 kW - 75 hp
Range: Function:
[24] 75 kW - 100 hp
Size related* [ 0.01 - 20 This time constant is used above [25] 90 kW - 120 hp
s] 10% rated speed. Obtain quick
control through a short damping 1-22 Motor Voltage
time constant. However, if this value Range: Function:
is too short, the control becomes
Size [50 - 1000 Enter the nominal motor voltage
related* V] according to the motor nameplate
data. The default value corresponds to
1-17 Voltage filter time const. the nominal rated output of the unit.
Range: Function:
Size [ 0.001 - 1 Reduces the influence of high
related* s] frequency ripple and system
resonance in the calculation of supply
voltage. Without this filter, the ripples
in the currents can distort the
calculated voltage and affect the
stability of the system.

36 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

1-23 Motor Frequency 1-29 Automatic Motor Adaption (AMA)

Range: Function: Option: Function:
This parameter cannot be adjusted Terminal 27 digital input
while the motor is running. (parameter 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input)
has coast inverse as the default setting.
Size [ 20 - Select the motor frequency value from the This setting means that AMA cannot be
performed if terminal 27 is switched off.
4 4
related* 500 motor nameplate. For 87 Hz operation with
Hz] 230/440 V motors, set the value according to
the nameplate data for 230 V/50 Hz. Adapt The AMA function optimizes dynamic motor
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] and performance by automatically optimizing the
parameter 3-03 Maximum Reference to the 87 advanced motor parameters.
Hz application. [0] Off No function.
1-24 Motor Current
[1] Enable Depending on the option selected in
Range: Function: Complete parameter 1-10 Motor Construction, the AMA is
Size [ 0.01 - Enter the nominal motor current AMA performed on different parameters.
related* 1000.00 A] value from the motor nameplate
• If [0] Asynchron is selected, the AMA is
data. This data is used for calculating performed on:
motor torque, motor thermal
- Parameter 1-30 Stator
protection, and so on.
Resistance (Rs).

1-25 Motor Nominal Speed - Parameter 1-31 Rotor Resistance

Range: Function: (Rr).

Size related* [50 - 60000 Enter the nominal motor speed - Parameter 1-33 Stator Leakage
RPM] value from the motor nameplate Reactance (X1).
data. This data is used for - Parameter 1-35 Main Reactance
calculating automatic motor (Xh).
• If [1] PM, non-salient SPM is selected,
the AMA is performed on:
1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque
Range: Function: - Parameter 1-30 Stator
Resistance (Rs).
Size [0.1 - Enter the value from the motor
related* 10000.0 nameplate data. The default value - Parameter 1-37 d-axis
Nm] corresponds to the nominal rated output. Inductance (Ld).
This parameter is available when • If [3] PM, salient IPM is selected, the
parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set AMA is performed on:
to [1] PM, non salient SPM or [3] PM,
- Parameter 1-30 Stator
salient IPM, that is, the parameter is valid
Resistance (Rs).
for PM, non-salient SPM and PM, salient
IPM motors only. - Parameter 1-37 d-axis
Inductance (Ld).
1-29 Automatic Motor Adaption (AMA) - Parameter 1-38 q-axis
Option: Function: Inductance (Lq).

NOTICE - Parameter 1-44 d-axis

This parameter cannot be adjusted while Inductance Sat. (LdSat).
the motor is running. - Parameter 1-45 q-axis
Inductance Sat. (LqSat).

[2] Enable Perform a reduced AMA of the stator resistance

Reduced Rs (parameter 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs)) in the
AMA system only. If an LC filter is used between the
frequency converter and the motor, select this
option. (This option is only for asynchronous

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 37

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

When parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set to options 1-31 Rotor Resistance (Rr)
that enable permanent motor mode, the only option Range: Function:
available is [1] Enable Complete AMA.
motor. The default setting is calculated
by the frequency converter from the
Activate the AMA function by pressing [Hand On] after motor nameplate data.
selecting [1] Enable Complete AMA or [2] Enable Reduced
AMA. After a normal sequence, the display reads: Press [OK] 1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1)
to finish AMA. After pressing [OK], the frequency converter
Range: Function:
4 4
is ready for operation.
Size [ 0.0 - NOTICE
related* 9999.000
This parameter cannot be
adjusted while the motor is
• For the best adaptation of the frequency running.
converter, run AMA on a cold motor.
• AMA cannot be performed while the motor is Set the stator leakage reactance
running. value. Obtain the value from a motor
datasheet or perform an AMA on a
cold motor. The default setting is
NOTICE calculated by the frequency converter
Avoid generating external torque during AMA. from the motor nameplate data.

If an LC filter is used, set the frequency converter to run in 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh)
U/f control mode (recommended), or perform reduced Range: Function:
AMA in VVC+ mode. If an LC filter is not used, perform Size [ 0.0 - NOTICE
complete AMA. related* 9999.00
This parameter cannot be adjusted
while the motor is running.
4.2.4 1-3* Adv. Motor Data I
Set the main reactance of the motor using
Set parameters for advanced motor data. The motor data 1 of these methods:
in parameters 1-30 to 1-39 must match the motor for
• Run an AMA on a cold motor.
optimal performance. If the motor data is not known, The frequency converter
running an AMA is recommended. measures the value from the
1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) motor.

Range: Function: • Enter the Xh value manually.

Size [ 0.0 - NOTICE Obtain the value from the motor
related* 9999.000
This parameter cannot be
adjusted while the motor is • Use the Xh default setting. The
running. frequency converter establishes
the setting based on the motor
nameplate data.
Set the stator resistance value. Enter
the value from a motor datasheet
1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld)
or perform an AMA on a cold
motor. Range: Function:
Size [ 0 - 65535 NOTICE
1-31 Rotor Resistance (Rr) related* mH]
This parameter cannot be
Range: Function: adjusted while the motor is
Size [0 - NOTICE running.
related* 9999.000
This parameter cannot be
Ohm] Enter the value of the d-axis
adjusted while the motor is
running. inductance. Obtain the value from the
permanent magnet motor datasheet
or perform an AMA on a cold motor.
Enter the rotor resistance value. Obtain
the value from a motor datasheet or
by performing an AMA on a cold

38 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq) 1-42 Motor Cable Length

Range: Function: Range: Function:
Size [ 0.000 - NOTICE 50 m* [0 - 100 m] Set the motor cable length in meters.
related* 65535 mH]
This parameter cannot be
adjusted while the motor is 1-43 Motor Cable Length Feet
running. Range: Function:
164 ft* [0 - 328 ft] Set the motor cable length. The length unit
Set the value of the q-axis is foot.
inductance. Find the value in the
1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat)
4 4
motor datasheet or perform an AMA
on a cold motor. Range: Function:
Size [0 - This parameter is active only when
1-39 Motor Poles related 65535 parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set to
Range: Function: mH] [3] PM, salient IPM.
Size [2 - NOTICE This parameter corresponds to the saturation
related* 100 ] inductance of d-axis. The default value is the
This parameter cannot be adjusted
value set in parameter 1-37 d-axis Inductance
while the motor is running.
(Ld). In most cases, do not change the
default value. If the motor supplier provides
Enter the number of motor poles.
the saturation curve, enter the d-axis
The motor pole value is always an even inductance value, which is under 100% of
number, because it refers to the total pole the nominal current or perform an AMA on a
numbers, not pairs of poles. cold motor.

1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat)

4.2.5 1-4* Adv. Motor Data II
Range: Function:
Set parameters for advanced motor data. Size [0 - This parameter is active only when
related* 65535 parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set to
1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM mH] [3] PM, salient IPM.
Range: Function: This parameter corresponds to the q-axis
Size [1 - Set the nominal back EMF for the motor saturation inductance. The default value is
related* 9000 V] when running at 1000 RPM. the value set in parameter 1-38 q-axis
Back EMF is the voltage generated by a PM Inductance (Lq). In most cases, do not
motor when no frequency converter is change the default value. If the motor
connected and the shaft is turned supplier provides the saturation curve, enter
externally. Back EMF is normally specified the q-axis inductance value, which is under
for nominal motor speed or for 1000 RPM 100% of the nominal current or perform an
measured between 2 lines. If the value is AMA on a cold motor.
not available for a motor speed of 1000
RPM, calculate the correct value as follows: 1-46 Position Detection Gain
If back EMF is, for example, 320 V at 1800 Range: Function:
RPM, it can be calculated at 1000 RPM: 100 %* [ 20 - Adjust the amplitude of the test pulse
Example 200 %] during position detection at start. Adjust
Back EMF 320 V at 1800 RPM. Back EMF = this parameter to improve the position
(Voltage/RPM)*1000 = (320/1800)*1000 = measurement.

This parameter is only active when 1-48 Current at Min Inductance for d-axis
parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set to Range: Function:
options that enable PM (permanent 100 % [ 20 - 200 %] Use this parameter to set the inductance
magnet) motors. saturation point.

When using PM motors, it is
recommended to use brake resistors.

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 39

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

1-49 Current at Min Inductance for q-axis 1-56 U/f Characteristic - F

Range: Function: Range: Function:
100 % [ 20 - This parameter specifies the saturation curve of Size [0 - Enter frequency points to form a U/f charac-
200 %] the q-inductance values. From 20–100% of this related* 500.0 teristic matching motor. Voltage at each point
parameter, the inductance is linearly Hz] is defined in parameter 1-55 U/f Characteristic
approximated due to parameter 1-38 q-axis - U.
Inductance (Lq) and parameter 1-45 q-axis
Make a U/f characteristic based on 6
Inductance Sat. (LqSat). These parameters are
definable voltages and frequencies, see
4 4 related to the motor nameplate load compen-
sations, the application load type, and the
Illustration 4.3.
Motor Voltage

electronic brake function for quick stop/hold of Par 1-55 [x]

the motor. 1-55[5]



4.2.6 1-5* Load Indep. Setting 1-55[2]


1-56 1-56 1-56 1-56 1-56 1-56

Parameters for load-independent motor settings.
[0] [1] [2] [3] [4]

Output Frequency
Par 1-56 [x]

1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Speed Illustration 4.3 Example of U/f Charac-
Range: Function: teristic
100 [0 - Use this parameter along with parameter 1-52 Min
%* 300 % Speed Normal Magnetising [Hz] to obtain a
] different thermal load on the motor when running
at low speed. 4.2.7 1-6* Load Depen. Setting
Enter a value that is a percentage of the rated
magnetizing current. If the setting is too low, the Parameters for adjusting the load-dependent motor
torque on the motor shaft may be reduced. settings.
Magn. current

1-60 Low Speed Load Compensation

90% Range: Function:
100 %* [0 - Enter the low-speed voltage compensation
Par.1-52 Hz 300 %] value in percent. This parameter is used for
optimizing the low-speed load performance.
Illustration 4.2 Motor Magnetization
This parameter is only active if
parameter 1-10 Motor Construction = [0]
1-52 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [Hz]
1-61 High Speed Load Compensation
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
1 Hz* [ 0.1 - 10.0 Set the required frequency for normal
Hz] magnetizing current. Use this parameter 100 %* [0 - Enter the high-speed load voltage compen-
along with parameter 1-50 Motor Magneti- 300 %] sation value in percent. This parameter is
sation at Zero Speed, also see Illustration 4.2. used for optimizing the high-speed load
performance. This parameter is only active if
1-55 U/f Characteristic - U parameter 1-10 Motor Construction = [0]
Range: Function:
Size [0 - 1000 Enter voltage at each frequency point
1-62 Slip Compensation
related* V] to manually form a U/f characteristic
Range: Function:
matching motor. Frequency points are
defined in parameter 1-56 U/f Charac- Size [ -400 - Enter the % value for slip compensation
teristic - F. related* 400.0 %] to compensate for tolerance in the
value of nM,N. Slip compensation is
calculated automatically, that is, based
on the nominal motor speed nM,N.

40 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

1-63 Slip Compensation Time Constant 4.2.8 1-7* Start Adjustments

Range: Function:
0.1 s* [0.05 - 5 s] Enter the slip compensation reaction speed.
Parameters for adjusting the motor start settings.
A high value results in slow reaction, and a 1-70 Start Mode
low value results in quick reaction. If low-
Select the PM motor start-up mode. To initialize the VVC+ control
frequency resonance problems occur, use a
core for previously free-running PM motor. Active for PM motors
longer time setting.
in VVC+ only if the motor is stopped (or running at very low
1-64 Resonance Dampening
Range: Function:
Option: Function: 4 4
[0] * Rotor Detection Estimates the electrical angle of the rotor
100 [0 - Enter the resonance dampening value. Set
and uses this angle as a starting point.
%* 500 %] parameter 1-64 Resonance Dampening and
This option is the standard selection for
parameter 1-65 Resonance Dampening Time
industrial applications. If flystart detects
Constant to help eliminate high-frequency
that the motor runs at low speed or has
resonance problems. To reduce resonance
stopped, the frequency converter detects
oscillation, increase the value of
the rotor position (the angle) and starts
parameter 1-64 Resonance Dampening.
the motor from that position.

1-65 Resonance Dampening Time Constant [1] Parking The parking function applies DC current
Range: Function: across the stator winding and rotates the
rotor to electrical 0 position. This option is
0.005 s* [ 0.001 - Set parameter 1-64 Resonance Dampening
typically for pump and fan applications. If
0.05 s] and parameter 1-65 Resonance Dampening
flystart detects that the motor runs at low
Time Constant to help eliminate high-
speed or has stopped, the frequency
frequency resonance problems. Enter the
converter sends out a DC current to make
time constant that provides the best
the motor park at an angle and then
starts the motor from that position.

1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed

1-71 Start Delay
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
50 %* [0 - Enter the minimum motor current at low
0 s* [0.0 - This parameter enables a delay of the starting
120 %] speed. Increasing this current improves
10.0 s] time. The frequency converter begins with the
motor torque at low speed.
start function selected in parameter 1-72 Start
Parameter 1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed is
Function. Set the start delay time until
enabled only for PM motor.
acceleration is to begin.

1-72 Start Function

Option: Function:
Select the start function during start delay.
This parameter is linked to parameter 1-71 Start

[0] DC Hold/ Energizes motor with a DC hold current

delay time (parameter 2-00 DC Hold/Motor Preheat Current)
during the start delay time.

[2] Coast/delay Motor coasted during the start delay time

* time (inverter off).

[3] Start speed Only possible with VVC+. Regardless of the

cw value applied by the reference signal, the
output speed applies the setting of the start
speed in parameter 1-75 Start Speed [Hz] and
the output current corresponds to the setting
of the start current in parameter 1-76 Start
Current. This function is typically used in
hoisting applications without counterweight

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 41

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

1-72 Start Function 1-75 Start Speed [Hz]

Option: Function: Range: Function:
and especially in applications with a Cone- Size [0 - This parameter can be used for hoist
motor, where the start is clockwise, followed related* 500.0 applications (cone rotor). Set a motor start
by rotation in the reference direction. Hz] speed. After the start signal, the output
speed leaps to the set value. Set the start
[4] Horizontal Only possible with VVC+.
function in parameter 1-72 Start Function to
operation For obtaining the function described in
[3] Start speed cw, [4] Horizontal operation, or
parameter 1-75 Start Speed [Hz] and
4 4 parameter 1-76 Start Current during the start
[5] VVC+ clockwise, and set a start delay time
in parameter 1-71 Start Delay.
delay time. The motor rotates in the reference
direction. If the reference signal equals zero (0),
1-76 Start Current
parameter 1-75 Start Speed [Hz] is ignored and
the output speed equals zero (0). The output Range: Function:
current corresponds to the setting of the start Size [0 - Some motors, for example cone rotor
current in parameter 1-76 Start Current. related* 1000 A] motors, need extra current/starting speed to
disengage the rotor. To obtain this boost, set
[5] VVC+ The start speed is calculated automatically. This
the required current in this parameter. Set
clockwise function uses the start speed in the start delay
parameter 1-72 Start Function to [3] Start
time only.
speed cw or [4] Horizontal operation, and set
a start delay time in parameter 1-71 Start
1-73 Flying Start
Option: Function:
NOTICE 1-78 Compressor Start Max Speed [Hz]
To obtain the best flying start Range: Function:
performance, the advanced motor data, 0 Hz* [0 - This parameter enables high starting torque. This
parameter 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) to 500 Hz] function ignores current limit and torque limit
parameter 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh), during start of the motor. The time from the start
must be correct. signal is given until the speed exceeds the speed
set in this parameter becomes a start zone. In
Catch a motor which is spinning freely due to the start zone, the current limit and motoric
a mains dropout. torque limit are set to the maximum possible
[0] Disabled No function. value for the frequency converter/motor
* combination. The time without protection from
[1] Enabled Enable the frequency converter to catch and the current limit and torque limit must not
control a spinning motor. When exceed the value set in
parameter 1-73 Flying Start is enabled, parameter 1-79 Compressor Start Max Time to Trip.
parameter 1-71 Start Delay, and Otherwise, the frequency converter trips with
parameter 1-72 Start Function have no function. alarm 18, Start Failed.

[2] Enabled Enable flying start at every start command. 1-79 Compressor Start Max Time to Trip
Range: Function:
[3] Enabled Enable the frequency converter to catch and
5 s* [0 - The time from the start signal is given until the
Ref. Dir. control a spinning motor. The search is
10 s] speed exceeds the speed set in
performed only in the reference direction.
parameter 1-78 Compressor Start Max Speed [Hz]
[4] Enab. Enable flying start at every start command. The must not exceed the time set in this parameter.
Always Ref. search is performed only in the reference Otherwise, the frequency converter trips with alarm
Dir. direction. 18, Start Failed. Any time set in parameter 1-71 Start
Delay for use of a start function must be executed
within the time limit.

42 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.2.9 1-8* Stop Adjustments 1-80 Function at Stop

Option: Function:
Parameters for adjusting motor stop settings. 1 kW=0.2 s
1-80 Function at Stop 10 kW=0.5 s
100 kW=1.7 s
Option: Function:
Select the frequency converter function after
1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz]
a stop command or after the speed is ramped
Range: Function:
4 4
down to the settings in parameter 1-82 Min
Speed for Function at Stop [Hz]. 0 Hz* [0 - 20 Hz] Set the output frequency at which to
activate parameter 1-80 Function at Stop.
Available selections depend on the setting in
parameter 1-10 Motor Construction.
1-88 AC Brake Gain
• [0] Asynchron.
Range: Function:
- [0] Coast. 1.4* [1.0 - This parameter is used to set AC brake power
- [1] DC hold / Motor Preheat. 2.0 ] capability (set ramp-down time when inertia is
constant). In cases where the DC-link voltage is
- [3] Pre-magnetizing.
not higher than DC-link voltage trip value, the
• [1] PM, non salient SPM. generator torque can be adjusted with this
• [3] PM, salient IPM. parameter. The higher AC brake gain is, the
stronger the brake capability is. Select 1.0 means
- [0] Coast.
that there is no AC brake capability.
- [1] DC hold / Motor Preheat.
[0] Coast Leaves the motor in free mode.
If there is continuous generator torque,
higher generator torque causes higher
[1] DC hold / Energizes the motor with a DC hold current
motor current, and the motor becomes hot.
Motor (see parameter 2-00 DC Hold/Motor Preheat
In this condition, parameter 2-16 AC Brake,
Preheat Current.
Max current can be used to protect the
[3] Pre- Builds up a magnetic field while the motor is motor from overheating.
magnetizing stopped. This allows the motor to produce
torque quickly at commands (asynchronous
motors only). This premagnetizing function
does not help the very first start command.
Two different solutions are available to pre-
magnetize the machine for the first start

Solution 1:
1. Start the frequency converter with a
0 RPM reference.

2. Wait 2 to 4 rotor time constants (see

the equation below) before
increasing the speed reference.

Solution 2:
1. Set parameter 1-71 Start Delay to the
premagnetize time (2–4 rotor time

2. Set parameter 1-72 Start Function to

[0] DC hold.

3. Set the DC-hold current magnitude

(parameter 2-00 DC Hold/Motor
Preheat Current to be equal to Ipre-mag
= Unom/(1.73 x Xh).

Sample rotor time constants=


MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 43

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.2.10 1-9* Motor Temperature R


Parameters for adjusting temperature protection settings

for the motor.

1-90 Motor Thermal Protection 4000

Option: Function:
[0] * No Continuously overloaded motor, when no

4 4
protection warning or trip of the frequency converter is 1330

[1] Thermistor Activates a warning when the connected 550

warning thermistor in the motor reacts to a motor

overtemperature. 250
[2] Thermistor Stops (trips) the frequency converter when
trip the connected thermistor in the motor reacts
to a motor overtemperature.  [°C]
The thermistor cutout value must be >3 kΩ. -20 °C  nominal -5 °C  nominal +5 °C
 nominal
Integrate a thermistor (PTC sensor) in the
motor for winding protection. Illustration 4.4 PTC Profile

[3] ETR warning Calculates the load and activates a warning in

1 the display when the motor is overloaded.
Using a digital input and 10 V as supply:
Program a warning signal via 1 of the digital
Example: The frequency converter trips when the motor
temperature is too high.
[4] ETR trip 1 Calculates the load and stops (trips) the Parameter set-up:
frequency converter when the motor is • Set parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection to [2]
overloaded. Program a warning signal via 1 of Thermistor Trip.
the digital outputs. The signal appears in the
event of a warning and if the frequency
• Set parameter 1-93 Thermistor Source to [6] Digital
Input 33.
converter trips (thermal warning). Once the
MOTOR ETR OVER alarm is reported, it can

+10 V

reset immediately.
42 53 54 50 55
[22] ETR Trip - Calculates the load and stops (trips) the
Extended frequency converter when the motor is
Detection overloaded. Program a warning signal via 1 of OFF
the digital outputs. The signal appears in the 37 38 12 13 18 19 27 29 31 32 33
event of a warning and if the frequency
converter trips (thermal warning). Once the
MOTOR ETR OVER alarm is reported, it can
only reset after parameter 16-18 Motor
PTC / Thermistor <800 Ω >2.9 kΩ R
Thermal decreases to 0.
Illustration 4.5 PTC Thermistor Connection - Digital Input

Using an analog input and 10 V as supply:

Example: The frequency converter trips when the motor
temperature is too high.
Parameter set-up:
• Set parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection to [2]
Thermistor Trip.
• Set parameter 1-93 Thermistor Source to [2] Analog
Input 54.

44 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

1-93 Thermistor Source

+10 V Option: Function:
42 53 54 50 55 [7] Digital input
OFF 31

4.3 Parameters: 2-** Brakes

4.3.1 2-0* DC Brake

4 4
PTC / Thermistor <800 Ω >2.9 kΩ Use this parameter group to configure DC brake and DC
hold functions.
Illustration 4.6 PTC Thermistor Connection - Analog Input
2-00 DC Hold/Motor Preheat Current
Range: Function:
Input Supply voltage Threshold 50 % [0 - Set the holding current as a percentage of the
digital/analog cutout values * 160 %] rated motor current IM,N parameter 1-24 Motor
Digital 10 V <800 Ω - 2.9 kΩ Current. This parameter holds the motor function
Analog 10 V <800 Ω - 2.9 kΩ (holding torque) or pre-heats the motor. This
parameter is active if [0] DC hold is selected in
Table 4.3 Threshold Cutout Values
parameter 1-72 Start Function, or if [1] DC hold/pre-
heat is selected in parameter 1-80 Function at
Check that the selected supply voltage follows the
specification of the used thermistor element. NOTICE
The maximum value depends on the rated
motor current. Avoid 100% current for too
1-93 Thermistor Source
long. It may damage the motor.
Option: Function:
2-01 DC Brake Current
This parameter cannot be changed
while the motor is running. Range: Function:
50 [0 - NOTICE
NOTICE %* 150 %
Digital input should be set to [0] PNP The maximum value depends on the rated
- Active at 24 V in motor current.
parameter 5-00 Digital Input Mode. To avoid motor damage caused by
overheating, do not run at 100% for too
Select the input to which the thermistor long.
(PTC sensor) should be connected. If an
analog input in this parameter is set as a Set current as % of rated motor current,
source, it cannot be used for other parameter 1-24 Motor Current. When speed is
purpose, for example, reference, feedback. below the limit set in parameter 2-04 DC Brake Cut
In Speed, or when the DC-brake inverse function is
[0] * None
active (in parameter group 5-1* Digital Inputs set to
[1] Analog Input
[5] DC-brake inverse; or via the serial port), a DC-
brake current is applied on a stop command. See
[2] Analog Input
parameter 2-02 DC Braking Time for duration.
[3] Digital input
2-02 DC Braking Time
Range: Function:
[4] Digital input
19 10 s* [0 - 60 s] Set the duration of the DC-brake current set in
[5] Digital input parameter 2-01 DC Brake Current, once
32 activated.

[6] Digital input


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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed 2-11 Brake Resistor (ohm)

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0 Hz* [ 0 - 500 This parameter is for setting the DC brake Size [0 - Set the brake resistor value in Ω. This
Hz] cut-in speed at which the DC brake current related* 6200 value is used for monitoring the power to
parameter 2-01 DC Brake Current is to be Ohm] the brake resistor. Parameter 2-11 Brake
active, with a stop command. Resistor (ohm) is only active in frequency
converters with an integral dynamic brake.
2-06 Parking Current Use this parameter for values without

4 4 Range: Function: decimals.

100 %* [0 - 150 %] Set current as percentage of rated motor

2-12 Brake Power Limit (kW)
current, parameter 1-24 Motor Current.
Range: Function:
2-07 Parking Time Size [0.001 - Parameter 2-12 Brake Power Limit (kW) is the
Range: Function: related* 2000 expected average power dissipated in the
kW] brake resistor over a period of 120 s. It is
3 s* [0.1 - 60 s] Set the duration of the parking current set in
used as the monitoring limit for
parameter 2-06 Parking Current, once activated.
parameter 16-33 Brake Energy Average and
specifies when a warning/alarm is given.
4.3.2 2-1* Brake Energy Funct. To calculate parameter 2-12 Brake Power
Limit (kW), the following formula can be
Parameter group for selecting dynamic braking parameters. used.
Only valid for frequency converters with brake chopper. Pbr, avg W =
U 2br V × t br s
Rbr Ω × T br s
2-10 Brake Function Pbr,avg is the average power dissipated in
Option: Function: the brake resistor. Rbr is the resistance of
[0] Off No brake resistor is installed. the brake resistor. tbr is the active breaking
* time within the 120 s period Tbr.
Ubr is the DC voltage where the brake
[1] Resistor A brake resistor is incorporated in the system for
resistor is active. For T4 units, the DC
brake dissipating surplus brake energy as heat.
voltage is 770 V, which can be reduced by
Connecting a brake resistor allows a higher DC-
parameter 2-14 Brake voltage reduce.
link voltage during braking (generating
operation). The brake resistor function is only NOTICE
active in frequency converters with an integral If Rbr is not known or if Tbr is different
dynamic brake. from 120 s, the practical approach is
[2] AC brake Improve braking without using a brake resistor. to run the brake application, read out
This parameter controls an overmagnetization of parameter 16-33 Brake Energy Average,
the motor when running with a generatoric load. and then enter this value + 20% in
This function can improve the OVC function. parameter 2-12 Brake Power Limit
Increasing the electrical losses in the motor (kW).
allows the OVC function to increase braking
torque without exceeding the voltage limit.
2-14 Brake voltage reduce
NOTICE Range: Function:
The AC brake is not as efficient as
0 V* [ 0 - 71 V] Setting this parameter may change the brake
dynamic braking with resistor.
resistor (parameter 2-11 Brake Resistor (ohm)).
AC brake is for VVC+ mode in both open
and closed loop.

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Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

2-16 AC Brake, Max current 4.3.3 2-2* Mechanical Brake

Range: Function:
100 %* [0 - Enter the maximum allowed current when 2-20 Release Brake Current
160 %] using AC brake to avoid overheating of Range: Function:
motor windings. 0 A* [0 - 100 Set the motor current for release of the

NOTICE A] mechanical brake when a start condition is

present. The upper limit is specified in
Parameter 2-16 AC Brake, Max current
parameter 16-37 Inv. Max. Current.

4 4
is only available for asynchronous
motors. NOTICE
When mechanical brake control output is
selected, but no mechanical brake is
2-17 Over-voltage Control connected, the function does not work by
Option: Function: default setting due to too low motor
Overvoltage control (OVC) reduces the risk of current.
the frequency converter tripping due to an
overvoltage on the DC link caused by
generative power from the load. 2-22 Activate Brake Speed [Hz]

[0] * Disabled No OVC required.

Range: Function:
0 Hz* [0 - 400 Hz] Set the motor frequency for activation of
[1] Enabled Activate OVC except when using a stop signal
the mechanical brake when a stop
(not at to stop the frequency converter.
condition is present.
[2] Enabled Activate OVC. 2-23 Activate Brake Delay

0 s*
[0 - 5 s] Enter the brake delay time of the coast after
PERSONAL INJURY AND ramp-down time. The shaft is held at 0 speed
EQUIPMENT DAMAGE with full holding torque. Ensure that the
Enabling OVC in hoisting applications mechanical brake has locked the load before the
may lead to personal injuries and motor enters coast mode.
equipment damage.
• DO NOT enable OVC in hoisting

2-19 Over-voltage Gain

Range: Function:
100 %* [0 - 200 %] Select overvoltage gain.

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.4 Parameters: 3-** Reference/Ramps 3-01 Reference/Feedback Unit

Option: Function:
4.4.1 3-0* Reference Limits
[130] lb/s
[131] lb/min
Parameters for setting the reference unit, limits, and
[132] lb/h
[140] ft/s
3-00 Reference Range [141] ft/min
Option: Function: [145] ft
4 4 [0] * Min - Max Select the range of the reference signal and [150] lb ft
the feedback signal. Signal values can be [160] °F
positive only, or positive and negative. [170] psi

[1] -Max - For both positive and negative values (both [171] lb/in2
+Max directions), relative to parameter 4-10 Motor [172] in WG
Speed Direction. [173] ft WG
[180] HP
3-01 Reference/Feedback Unit
3-02 Minimum Reference
Option: Function:
Range: Function:
[0] None
0 Reference- [ -4999.0 - Enter the minimum reference. The
[1] %
FeedbackUnit* 4999 minimum reference is the lowest
[2] RPM
ReferenceFeed- value obtainable by summing all
[3] Hz
backUnit] references.
[4] Nm The minimum reference is active
[5] PPM only when
[10] 1/min parameter 3-00 Reference Range is
[12] Pulse/s set to [0] Min.–Max.
[20] l/s
The minimum reference unit
[21] l/min matches:
[22] l/h
• The option in
[23] m³/s parameter 1-00 Configu-
[24] m³/min ration Mode.
[25] m³/h
• The unit selected in
[30] kg/s
parameter 3-01 Reference/
[31] kg/min Feedback Unit.
[32] kg/h
[33] t/min 3-03 Maximum Reference
[34] t/h
Range: Function:
[40] m/s
Size [-4999.0 - 4999 Enter the maximum reference. The
[41] m/min
related* ReferenceFeed- maximum reference is the highest
[45] m backUnit] value obtainable by summing all
[60] °C references.
[70] mbar
The maximum reference unit
[71] bar
[72] Pa
• The option selected in
[73] kPa
parameter 1-00 Configuration
[74] m WG Mode.
[80] kW
[120] GPM
• The unit selected in
parameter 3-00 Reference
[121] gal/s
[122] gal/min
[123] gal/h
[124] CFM
[125] ft³/s
[126] ft³/min
[127] ft³/h

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Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

3-04 Reference Function

Relative Z Resulting
Option: Function: actual
X Z=X+X*Y/100 reference
[0] * Sum Sum both external and preset reference
sources. Illustration 4.7 Preset Relative Reference
[1] External/ Use either the preset or the external
Preset reference source. Shift between external and
preset via a command or a digital input.


4.4.2 3-1* References X+X

4 4
3-10 Preset Reference
Range: Function:
0 %* [-100 - Enter up to 8 different preset references (0–7) Y
100 %] in this parameter, using array programming. For
-100 0 100 %
selecting dedicated references, select preset
P 3-14
reference bit 0/1/2 [16], [17], or [18] for the
Illustration 4.8 Actual Reference
corresponding digital inputs in parameter group
5-1* Digital Inputs.

3-11 Jog Speed [Hz] 3-15 Reference 1 Source

Range: Function: Option: Function:
5 Hz* [0 - The jog speed is a fixed output speed at which Select the reference input to be used
500.0 Hz] the frequency converter runs when the jog for the first reference signal.
function is activated. See also Parameter 3-15 Reference 1 Source,
parameter 3-80 Jog Ramp Time. parameter 3-16 Reference 2 Source, and
parameter 3-17 Reference 3 Source define
The jog speed must not exceed the setting in
up to 3 different reference signals. The
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz].
sum of these reference signals defines
the actual reference.
3-12 Catch up/slow Down Value
[0] No function
Range: Function:
[1] * Analog Input 53
0 %* [0 - Enter a percentage value to be either added to or
[2] Analog Input 54
100 %] deducted from the actual reference for catching
[7] Frequency input
up or slowing down respectively. If [28] Catch up is
selected via 1 of the digital inputs
(parameter 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input to [8] Frequency input
parameter 5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input), the 33
percentage value is added to the total reference. If [11] Local bus
[29] Slow down is selected via 1 of the digital reference
inputs (parameter 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input to [20] Digital pot.meter
parameter 5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input), the [32] Bus PCD
percentage value is deducted from the total

3-14 Preset Relative Reference

Range: Function:
0 %* [-100 - The actual reference, X, is increased or decreased
100 %] with the percentage Y, set in
parameter 3-14 Preset Relative Reference. This
results in the actual reference Z. Actual reference
(X) is the sum of the inputs selected in
parameter 3-15 Reference 1 Source,
parameter 3-16 Reference 2 Source,
parameter 3-17 Reference 3 Source, and
parameter 8-02 Control Source.

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

3-16 Reference 2 Source 3-18 Relative Scaling Reference Resource

Option: Function: Option: Function:
Select the reference input to be used NOTICE
for the second reference signal.
This parameter cannot be adjusted
Parameter 3-15 Reference 1 Source,
while the motor is running.
parameter 3-16 Reference 2 Source, and
parameter 3-17 Reference 3 Source define
Select a variable value to be added to the
up to 3 different reference signals. The
fixed value (defined in
4 4 sum of these reference signals defines
the actual reference.
parameter 3-14 Preset Relative Reference).
The sum of the fixed and variable values
[0] No function (labeled Y in Illustration 4.9) is multiplied
[1] Analog Input 53 by the actual reference (labeled X in
[2] * Analog Input 54 Illustration 4.9). This product is then
[7] Frequency input added to the actual reference (X+X*Y/100)
29 to give the resulting actual reference.
[8] Frequency input

33 Relative Z Resulting
X Z=X+X*Y/100 reference
[11] Local bus
[20] Digital pot.meter Illustration 4.9 Resulting Actual
[32] Bus PCD Reference

3-17 Reference 3 Source

Option: Function: [0] * No function
Select the reference input to be used [1] Analog Input 53
for the third reference signal. [2] Analog Input 54
Parameter 3-15 Reference 1 Source, [7] Frequency input
parameter 3-16 Reference 2 Source, and 29
parameter 3-17 Reference 3 Source [8] Frequency input
define up to 3 different reference 33
signals. The sum of these reference [11] Local bus
signals defines the actual reference. reference
[0] No function
[1] Analog Input 53 4.4.3 3-4* Ramp 1
[2] Analog Input 54
[7] Frequency input Configure the ramp parameter, ramping times, for each of
29 the 4 ramps (parameter group 3-4* Ramp 1, parameter
[8] Frequency input group 3-5* Ramp 2, parameter group 3-6* Ramp 3, and
33 parameter group 3-7* Ramp 4).
[11] * Local bus

[20] Digital pot.meter P 4-14
[32] Bus PCD
P 1-23
P 4-12
Low limit

P 3-*2 Time
P 3-*1 Ramp (X)
Ramp (X)Up Down
Time (Acc) Time (Dec)

tacc tdec

Illustration 4.10 Example of Ramp 1

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Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

3-40 Ramp 1 Type 4.4.4 3-5* Ramp 2

Option: Function:
Select the ramp type, depending on
This parameter group configures ramp 2 parameters.
requirements for acceleration/deceleration. A 3-50 Ramp 2 Type
linear ramp gives constant acceleration during
Option: Function:
ramping. A sine 2 ramp gives non-linear
Select the ramp type, depending on
requirements for acceleration/deceleration. A
[0] * Linear
4 4
linear ramp gives constant acceleration during
[2] Sine 2 (Only be used with speed control mode.) S-ramp ramping. A sine 2 ramp gives non-linear
Ramp based on the values set in parameter 3-41 Ramp acceleration.
1 Ramp Up Time and parameter 3-42 Ramp 1
[0] * Linear
Ramp Down Time.
[2] Sine 2 S-ramp based on the values set in
Ramp parameter 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time and
3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time
parameter 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time.
Range: Function:
Size [0.01 - Enter the ramp-up time, that is the 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time
related* 3600 s] acceleration time from 0 Hz to the
Range: Function:
synchronous motor speed nS
Size [0.01 - Enter the ramp-up time, which is the
parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency or from 0
related* 3600 s] acceleration time from 0 Hz to the rated
NM to the nominal torque if torque configu-
motor speed ns. Select a ramp-up time
ration modes are selected. It is applicable
such that the output current does not
for Ramp 1 to Ramp 4. Select a ramp-up
exceed the current limit in
time such that the output current does not
parameter 4-18 Current Limit during
exceed the current limit in
ramping. See ramp-down time in
parameter 4-18 Current Limit during ramping.
parameter 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time.
See ramp-down time in
parameter 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time. t acc  s  x ns  Hz
Par .  3 − 51  =  
 ref   Hz
t acc  s  x ns  Hz
Par .  3 − 41  =  
 ref   Hz 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time
3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time Range: Function:
Range: Function: Size [0.01 - Enter the ramp-down time, that is the
related* 3600 s] deceleration time from the rated motor
Size [0.01 - Enter the ramp-down time, that is the
speed ns to 0 Hz or from the nominal
related* 3600 s] deceleration time from the synchronous
torque to 0 NM if the torque configuration
motor speed ns to 0 Hz or from the
modes are selected. Select a ramp-down
nominal torque to 0 NM if the torque
time such that no overvoltage arises in the
configuration modes are selected. Select a
frequency converter due to regenerative
ramp-down time such that no overvoltage
operation of the motor, and such that the
occurs in the inverter due to regenerative
generated current does not exceed the
operation of the motor, and such that the
current limit set in parameter 4-18 Current
generated current does not exceed the
Limit. See ramp-up time in
current limit set in parameter 4-18 Current
parameter 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time.
Limit. See ramp-up time in
parameter 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time. t dec  s  x ns  Hz
Par .  3 − 52  =  
 ref   Hz
t dec  s  x ns  Hz
Par .  3 − 42  =  
 ref   Hz

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.4.5 3-6* Ramp 3 3-70 Ramp 4 Type

Option: Function:
This parameter group configures ramp 3 parameters. [2] Sine 2 S-ramp based on the values set in
3-60 Ramp 3 Type Ramp parameter 3-71 Ramp 4 Ramp up Time and
parameter 3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down Time.
Option: Function:
Select the ramp type, depending on
3-71 Ramp 4 Ramp up Time
requirements for acceleration/deceleration. A
Range: Function:
4 4
linear ramp gives constant acceleration during
ramping. An S-ramp gives non-linear Size [0.01 - Enter the ramp-up time, which is the
acceleration. related* 3600 s] acceleration time from 0 Hz to the rated
motor speed ns. Select a ramp-up time
[0] * Linear
such that the output current does not
[2] Sine 2 S-ramp based on the values set in
exceed the current limit in
Ramp parameter 3-61 Ramp 3 Ramp up Time and
parameter 4-18 Current Limit during
parameter 3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down Time.
ramping. See ramp-down time in
parameter 3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down Time.
3-61 Ramp 3 Ramp up Time
t acc  s  x ns  Hz
Range: Function: Par .  3 − 71  =  
 ref   Hz

Size [0.01 - Enter the ramp-up time, which is the

3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down Time
related* 3600 s] acceleration time from 0 Hz to the rated
motor speed ns. Select a ramp-up time Range: Function:
such that the output current does not Size [0.01 - Enter the ramp-down time, which is the
exceed the current limit in related* 3600 s] deceleration time from the rated motor
parameter 4-18 Current Limit during speed ns to 0 Hz. Select a ramp-down time
ramping. See ramp-down time in such that no overvoltage arises in the
parameter 3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down Time. inverter due to regenerative operation of the
motor, and such that the generated current
3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down Time does not exceed the current limit set in
Range: Function: parameter 4-18 Current Limit. See ramp-up
time in parameter 3-71 Ramp 4 Ramp up
Size [0.01 - Enter the ramp-down time, which is the
related* 3600 s] deceleration time from the rated motor
t dec  s  x ns  Hz
speed ns to 0 Hz. Select a ramp-down time Par .  3 − 72  =  
 ref   Hz
such that no overvoltage arises in the
inverter due to regenerative operation of the
motor, and such that the generated current
4.4.7 3-8* Other Ramps
does not exceed the current limit set in
parameter 4-18 Current Limit. See ramp-up 3-80 Jog Ramp Time
time in parameter 3-61 Ramp 3 Ramp up Range: Function:
Time. Size [0.01 Enter the jog ramp time, which is the
Par .  3 − 62  =  
t dec  s  x ns  Hz related* - 3600 acceleration/deceleration time between 0 Hz
 ref   Hz
s] and the rated motor frequency ns. Ensure that
the resulting output current required for the
4.4.6 3-7* Ramp 4 given jog ramp time does not exceed the
current limit in parameter 4-18 Current Limit.
This parameter group configures ramp 4 parameters. The jog ramp time starts when activating a
jog signal via the LCP, a selected digital
3-70 Ramp 4 Type
output, or the serial communication port.
Option: Function: When jog state is disabled, the normal
Select the ramp type, depending on ramping times are valid.
requirements for acceleration/deceleration. A
linear ramp gives constant acceleration during
ramping. An S-ramp gives non-linear

[0] * Linear

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Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.4.8 3-9* Digital Potentiometer


The digital potentiometer enables increase or decrease of

P 4-14 Hz the actual reference by adjusting the set-up of the digital
High limit
inputs using the functions Increase, Decrease or Clear. To
P 1-23
Motor frequency activate the function, at least 1 digital input must be set to
Increase or Decrease.
P 3-19
Jog speed
3-90 Step Size
P 4-12 Hz
Low limit
t jog t jog Time
Range: Function: 4 4
0.10 % [0.01 - Enter the increment size required for
P 3-80 P 3-80
Ramp up Ramp down * 200 %] increase/decrease as a percentage of the
(acc) (dec) synchronous motor speed, ns. If increase/
decrease is activated, the resulting reference
Illustration 4.11 Jog Ramp Time
is increased/decreased by the amount set in
this parameter.

t jog  s  x ns  Hz
Par .  3 − 80  =  
 Δ  jog speed  par .  3  −  19   Hz 3-92 Power Restore
3-81 Quick Stop Ramp Time Option: Function:
Range: Function: [0] * Off Reset the digital potentiometer reference to 0% after
Size [0.01 - Enter the quick-stop ramp-down time, power-up.
related* 3600 s] which is the deceleration time from the [1] On Restore the most recent digital potentiometer
synchronous motor speed to 0 Hz. Ensure reference at power-up.
that no resulting overvoltage occurs in the
inverter due to regenerative operation of 3-93 Maximum Limit
the motor required to achieve the given
Range: Function:
ramp-down time. Ensure also that the
100 %* [-200 - Set the maximum permissible value for the
generated current required to achieve the
200 %] resulting reference. This is recommended if
given ramp-down time does not exceed
the digital potentiometer is used for fine-
the current limit (set in
tuning of the resulting reference.
parameter 4-18 Current Limit). Activate quick
stop with a signal on a selected digital
3-94 Minimum Limit
input, or via the serial communication port.
Range: Function:
-100 % [-200 - Set the minimum allowed value for the

200 %] resulting reference. This is recommended if
the digital potentiometer is used for fine-
P 4-14 Hz tuning of the resulting reference.
high limit

Reference 3-95 Ramp Delay

P 1-23
Motor frequency
Range: Function:
1000 [0 - Enter the delay required from activation
P 4-12 Hz ms* 3600000 ms] of the digital potentiometer function
low limit
until the frequency converter starts to
ramp the reference. With a delay of 0 ms,
P 3-81 the reference starts to ramp as soon as
Qramp increase/decrease is activated.


Illustration 4.12 Quick Stop Ramp Time

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.5 Parameters: 4-** Limits/Warnings 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode

Range: Function:
4.5.1 4-1* Motor Limits
Size related* [ 0 - 1000 %] This function limits the torque on
the shaft to protect the mechanical
Define torque, current, and speed limits for the motor, and
the reaction of the frequency converter when the limits are
4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode
A limit may generate a message in the display. A warning
always generates a message in the display or on the Range: Function:
4 4 fieldbus. A monitoring function may initiate a warning or a 100 %* [ 0 - 1000 %] This function limits the torque on the
trip, after which the frequency converter stops and shaft to protect the mechanical instal-
generates an alarm message. lation.

4-10 Motor Speed Direction 4-18 Current Limit

Option: Function: Range: Function:
[0] Clockwise NOTICE Size [0 - This is a true current limit function that
The setting in parameter 4-10 Motor related* 1000 %] continues in the oversynchronous range.
Speed Direction has impact on However, due to field weakening, the
parameter 1-73 Flying Start. motor torque at current limit drops
accordingly when the voltage increase
Only operation in clockwise direction is stops above the synchronized motor
allowed. speed.

[2] * Both Operation in both clockwise and counter-

4-19 Max Output Frequency
directions clockwise directions are allowed.
Range: Function:
4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] Size [0 - NOTICE
related* 500
Range: Function: This parameter cannot be adjusted
0 Hz* [0 - Enter the minimum limit for motor speed. The while the motor is running.
500.0 Hz] motor speed low limit can be set to
correspond to the minimum output frequency NOTICE
of the motor shaft. Maximum output frequency cannot
The motor speed low limit must not exceed exceed 10% of the inverter switching
the setting in parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High frequency (parameter 14-01 Switching
Limit [Hz]. Frequency).
4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]
Provide a final limit on the output frequency
Range: Function:
for improved safety in applications at risk of
65 [ 0.1 - NOTICE overspeeding. This limit is final in all configu-
Hz* 500
Maximum output frequency cannot exceed rations (independent of the setting in
10% of the inverter switching frequency parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode).
(parameter 14-01 Switching Frequency).

Enter the maximum limit for motor speed. The

motor speed high limit can be set to correspond
to the manufacturer’s recommended maximum of
the motor shaft.

The motor speed high limit must exceed the

value in parameter 4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit
[Hz], and must not exceed the value in
parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency.

54 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.5.2 4-2* Limit Factors 4-30 Motor Feedback Loss Function

Option: Function:
4-20 Torque Limit Factor Source This function is used to monitor consistency
Select an analog input for scaling the settings in in the feedback signal, that is if the feedback
parameter 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode and signal is available. Select the action of the
parameter 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode 0–100% (or inverse). frequency converter if a feedback fault is
The signal levels corresponding to 0% and 100% are defined in detected. The selected action takes place
the analog input scaling, for example parameter group 6-1* when the feedback signal differs from the
Analog Input 1. This parameter is only active when
parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode is set to [0] Open Loop or [1]
output speed by the value set in
parameter 4-31 Motor Feedback Speed Error
4 4
Speed Closed Loop. for longer than the value set in
Option: Function: parameter 4-32 Motor Feedback Loss Timeout.

[0] * No function [0] Disabled

[2] Analog in 53 [1] Warning
[4] Analog in 53 inv [2] * Trip
[6] Analog in 54 [3] Jog
[8] Analog in 54 inv [4] Freeze
4-21 Speed Limit Factor Source
[5] Max Speed
Select an analog input for scaling the settings in [6] Switch to
parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency 0–100% (or inverse). The Open Loop
signal levels corresponding to 0% and 100% are defined in the
analog input scaling, for example parameter group 6-1* Analog 4-31 Motor Feedback Speed Error
Input 1. This parameter is only active when Range: Function:
parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode is in torque mode. 20 Hz* [0 - 50 Hz] Select the maximum allowed error in speed
Option: Function: (output speed versus feedback).
[0] * No function

[2] Analog in 53 [rpm]
[4] Analog in 53 inv
[6] Analog in 54
[8] Analog in 54 inv

4-22 Break Away Boost

Option: Function:
[0] * Off
[1] On The frequency converter provides higher current than
normal current levels to enhance breakaway-torque
P 4-31

4.5.3 4-3* Motor Feedback Monitoring

NOTICE P 4-32 Time


Warning 61, Feedback error is active as soon as the value Illustration 4.13 Motor Feedback Speed Error
in parameter 4-31 Motor Feedback Speed Error is
exceeded, regardless of the setting in
parameter 4-32 Motor Feedback Loss Timeout. Alarm 61, 4-32 Motor Feedback Loss Timeout
Feedback error is related to the motor feedback loss
Range: Function:
0.05 s* [0 - 60 Set the timeout value allowing the speed
s] error set in parameter 4-31 Motor Feedback
Speed Error to be exceeded before enabling
the function selected in parameter 4-30 Motor
Feedback Loss Function.

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.5.4 4-4* Adjustable Warnings 2 4-51 Warning Current High

Range: Function:
4-40 Warning Freq. Low Size [ 0.0 - Enter the IHIGH value. When the motor
Range: Function: related* 194.0 A] current exceeds this limit, a bit in the
Size [0 - Use this parameter for setting a lower limit for status word is set. This value can also be
related* 500 the frequency range. When the motor speed programmed to produce a signal on the
Hz] drops below this limit, the display reads Speed digital output or the relay output.
low. Warning bit 10 is set in

4 4 parameter 16-94 Ext. Status Word. Output relay

can be configured to indicate this warning.
4-54 Warning Reference Low
Range: Function:
LCP warning light is not lit when the limit set -4999* [-4999 - Enter the low reference limit. When the actual
is reached. 4999 ] reference drops below this limit, the display
The value must not exceed the setting in shows RefLOW. Bit 20 is set in
parameter 4-41 Warning Freq. High. parameter 16-94 Ext. Status Word. The output
relay or the digital output can be configured
4-41 Warning Freq. High to indicate this warning. The LCP warning
light is not turned on when this parameter set
Range: Function:
limit is reached.
Size [0 - Use this parameter for setting a higher limit
related* 500 for the frequency range. When the motor
4-55 Warning Reference High
Hz] speed exceeds this limit, the display reads
Speed high. Warning bit 9 is set in Range: Function:
parameter 16-94 Ext. Status Word. Output relay 4999* [-4999 - Use this parameter to set a high limit for the
can be configured to indicate this warning. 4999 ] reference range. When the actual reference
LCP warning light is not lit when the limit set exceeds this limit, the display shows RefHIGH. Bit
is reached. 19 is set in parameter 16-94 Ext. Status Word.
The output relay or the digital output can be
The value must exceed the value in
configured to indicate this warning. The LCP
parameter 4-40 Warning Freq. Low, and must
warning light is not turned on when this
not exceed the value in parameter 4-14 Motor
parameter set limit is reached.
Speed High Limit [Hz].

4-56 Warning Feedback Low

4-42 Adjustable Temperature Warning
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
-4999 [-4999 - 4999 Use this parameter to set a
0* [ 0 - 200 ] Use this parameter to set the motor temperature
ProcessCtrlUnit* ProcessCtrlUnit] low limit for the feedback
range. When the feedback
drops below this limit, the
4.5.5 4-5* Adjustable Warnings display shows Feedb Low. Bit
6 is set in
Use these parameters to adjust warning limits for current, parameter 16-94 Ext. Status
speed, reference, and feedback. Word. The output relay or the
digital output can be
4-50 Warning Current Low configured to indicate this
Range: Function: warning. The LCP warning
0 A* [ 0 - 194.0 Enter the ILOW value. When the motor current light is not turned on when
A] drops below this limit, a bit in the status word this parameter set limit is
is set. This value can also be programmed to reached.
produce a signal on the digital output or the
relay output.

56 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4-57 Warning Feedback High 4.6 Parameters: 5-** Digital In/Out

Range: Function:
4.6.1 5-0* Digital I/O Mode
4999 [-4999 - 4999 Use this parameter to set a
ProcessCtrlUnit* ProcessCtrlUnit] high limit for the feedback
Parameters for configuring the input and output using
range. When the feedback
NPN and PNP.
exceeds this limit, the display
reads Feedb High. Bit 5 is set 5-00 Digital Input Mode
in parameter 16-94 Ext. Status Option: Function:
Word. The output relay or the
digital output can be
Set NPN or PNP mode for digital inputs. 4 4
configured to indicate this NOTICE
warning. The LCP warning This parameter cannot be adjusted while the
light is not turned on when motor runs.
this parameter set limit is
[0] * PNP Action on positive directional pulses (0). PNP systems
are pulled down to ground (GND).
4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function
[1] NPN Action on negative directional pulses (1). NPN
Option: Function:
systems are pulled up to +24 V, internally in the
[0] Off No alarm is shown if a missing motor phase occurs. frequency converter.
[1] * On An alarm is shown if a missing motor phase occurs.
5-01 Terminal 27 Mode
Option: Function:
4.5.6 4-6* Speed Bypass
[0] * Input Define terminal 27 as a digital input.

4-61 Bypass Speed From [Hz] [1] Output Define terminal 27 as a digital output.

Range: Function:
5-02 Terminal 29 Mode
0 Hz* [0 - Some systems call for avoiding certain output
500 Hz] speeds due to resonance problems in the
Option: Function:
system. Enter the lower limits of the speeds to [0] * Input Defines terminal 29 as a digital input.
be avoided. [1] Output Defines terminal 29 as a digital output.
The bypass speed from must not exceed the
setting in parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit The digital inputs are used for selecting various functions
[Hz]. in the frequency converter.
5-10 to 5-16 Digital Inputs
4-63 Bypass Speed To [Hz] [0] No No reaction to signals transmitted to the
Range: Function: operation terminal.
0 Hz* [0 - Some systems call for avoiding certain output [1] Reset Resets frequency converter after a TRIP/ALARM.
500 Hz] speeds due to resonance problems in the Not all alarms can be reset.
system. Enter the upper limits of the speeds to [2] Coast Coasting stop, inverted input (NC). The
be avoided. inverse frequency converter leaves the motor in free
The bypass speed to must not exceed the
Logic 0⇒ coasting stop.
setting in parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit
[3] Coast and Reset and coasting stop inverted input (NC).
reset Leaves motor in free mode and resets
inverse frequency converter.
Logic 0⇒coasting stop.
Logic 1 to Logic 0⇒reset.
[4] Quick stop Inverted input (NC). Generates a stop in
inverse accordance with the quick stop ramp time set
in parameter 3-81 Quick Stop Ramp Time. When
the motor stops, the shaft is in free mode.
Logic 0⇒ Quick-stop.
[5] DC-brake Inverted input for DC braking (NC). Stops the
inverse motor by energizing it with a DC current for a

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

certain time period. See parameter 2-01 DC [18] Preset ref Same as [16] Preset ref bit 0.
Brake Current to parameter 2-04 DC Brake Cut In bit 2
Speed [Hz]. The function is only active when
the value in parameter 2-02 DC Braking Time is Preset ref. bit 2 1 0
different from 0. Logic 0=>DC braking. Preset ref. 0 0 0 0
[6] Stop NOTICE Preset ref. 1 0 0 1
inverse Preset ref. 2 0 1 0
When the frequency converter is at the
Preset ref. 3 0 1 1
torque limit and has received a stop

4 4 command, it may not stop by itself. To Preset ref. 4 1 0 0

ensure that the frequency converter Preset ref. 5 1 0 1
stops, configure a digital output to [27] Preset ref. 6 1 1 0
Torque limit and stop and connect this Preset ref. 7 1 1 1
digital output to a digital input that is
Table 4.4 Preset Ref. Bit
configured as coast.
Stop inverted function. Generates a stop
[19] Freeze Freezes the actual reference, which is now the
function when the selected terminal goes from
ref point of enable/condition for [21] Speed up and [22]
logic 1 to logic 0. The stop is performed
Speed down to be used. If [21] Speed up or [22]
according to the selected ramp time
Speed down is used, the speed change always
(parameter 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time,
follows ramp 2 (parameter 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp Up
parameter 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time,
Time and parameter 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time)
parameter 3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down Time,
in the range 0–parameter 3-03 Maximum Reference.
parameter 3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down Time).
[8] Start Select start for a start/stop command. Logic
[20] Freeze NOTICE
1=start, logic 0=stop. When [20] Freeze output is active, the
[9] Latched The motor starts when a pulse is applied for frequency converter cannot be stopped by
start minimum 4 ms. The motor stops when stop setting the signal on [8] Start to low. Stop
commands are given. the frequency converter via a terminal
programmed for [2] Coasting inverse or [3]
[10] Reversing Change the direction of motor shaft rotation.
Coast and reset, inverse.
Select logic 1 to reverse. The reversing signal
only changes the direction of rotation. It does Freezes the actual motor frequency (Hz), which is
not activate the start function. Select both now the point of enable/condition for [21] Speed
directions in parameter 4-10 Motor Speed up and [22] Speed down to be used. If [21] Speed up
Direction. The function is not active in process or [22] Speed down is used, the speed change
closed loop. always follows ramp 2 (parameter 3-51 Ramp 2
[11] Start Used for start/stop and for reversing on the Ramp Up Time and parameter 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp
reversing same wire. Signals on start are not allowed at Down Time) in the range 0–parameter 1-23 Motor
the same time. Frequency.
[12] Enable Disengages the counterclockwise movement [21] Speed Select [21] Speed up and [22] Speed down if digital
start and allows for the clockwise direction. up control of the up/down speed is needed (motor
forward potentiometer). Activate this function by selecting
[13] Enable Disengages the clockwise movement and either [19] Freeze reference or [20] Freeze output.
start allows for the counterclockwise direction. When speed up/down is activated for less than 400
reverse ms, the resulting reference is increased/ decreased
by 0.1%. If speed up/down is activated for more
[14] Jog Use to activate jog speed. See
than 400 ms, the resulting reference follows the
parameter 3-11 Jog Speed [Hz].
setting in ramping up/down parameter 3-51/ 3-52.
[15] Preset Shifts between external reference and preset
reference reference. It is assumed that [1] External/preset
Shut down Catch up
on has been selected in parameter 3-04 Reference
Unchanged speed 0 0
Function. Logic 0=external reference active;
Reduced by %-value 1 0
logic 1=1 of the 8 preset references is active.
Increased by %-value 0 1
[16] Preset ref Preset ref. bits 0, 1, and 2 enable the selection
Reduced by %-value 1 1
bit 0 of 1 of the 8 preset references according to
Table 4.4. Table 4.5 Shut Down/Catch Up
[17] Preset ref Same as [16] Preset ref bit 0.
bit 1

58 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

[22] Speed Same as [21] Speed up. [56] DigiPot Decrease signal to the digital potentiometer
down decrease function described in parameter group 3-9*
[23] Set-up Select [23] Set-up select bit 0 to select 1 of the 2 Digital Pot. Meter.
select set-ups. Set parameter 0-10 Active Set-up to [9] [57] DigiPot Clear the digital potentiometer reference
bit 0 Multi Set-up. clear described in parameter group 3-9* Digital Pot.
[26] Precise Precise stop inverse function is available for Meter.
stop inv. terminals 18 or 19. [60] Counter A Input for increment counting in the SLC
[28] Catch Increases reference value by percentage (relative) (up) counter.

4 4
up set in parameter 3-12 Catch up/slow Down Value. [61] Counter A Input for decrement counting in the SLC
[29] Slow Reduces reference value by percentage (relative) (down) counter.
down set in parameter 3-12 Catch up/slow Down Value. [62] Reset Input for reset of counter A.
[32] Pulse (Terminal 29 or 33 only) Measures the duration Counter A
input between pulse flanks. This parameter has a higher [63] Counter B Input for increment counting in the SLC
resolution at lower frequencies, but is not as (up) counter.
precise at higher frequencies. This principle has a [64] Counter B Input for decrement counting in the SLC
cut-off frequency, which makes it unsuited for (down) counter.
encoders with low resolutions (for example 30 [65] Reset Input for reset of counter B.
PPR) at low speeds. Counter B
[72] PID error Inverts the resulting error from the process
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

inverse PID controller. Available only if

parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode is set to [6]
a Time[sec] b Time[sec] Surface Winder or [7] Extended PID Speed OL.
a: Low encoder b: Standard encoder [73] PID reset I- Resets the I-part of the process PID controller.
resolution resolution part Equivalent to parameter 7-40 Process PID I-part
Reset. Available only when
parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode is set to [6]

Sample time Surface Winder or [7] Extended PID Speed OL.
Time counter
Time Start Read Timer:
20 timer tides
Read Timer:
20 timer tides [74] PID enable This option enables the extended process PID
controller. Equivalent to
Illustration 4.14 Duration Between Pulse Flanks parameter 7-50 Process PID Extended PID.
Available only if parameter 1-00 Configuration
Mode is set to [7] Extended PID Speed OL.
[34] Ramp Enables a selection from the 4 ramps available, [150] Go To The frequency converter moves to the home
bit 0 according to Table 4.6. Home position.
[35] Ramp Same as ramp bit 0. [151] Home Ref. Indicates the status of the home referenced
bit 1 Switch switch. On means that the home position is
reached, off means that the home position is
Preset ramp bit 1 0 not reached.
Ramp 1 0 0 [155] HW Limit The positive hardware position limit is
Ramp 2 0 1 Positive exceeded. This option is active on the falling
Ramp 3 1 0 edge.
Ramp 4 1 1 [156] HW Limit The negative hardware position limit is
Negative exceeded. This option is active on the falling
Table 4.6 Preset Ramp Bits edge.
[157] Pos. Quick Stops the frequency converter during
[45] Latched The motor starts to run reverse when a pulse Stop Inv positioning with the ramp time that is set in
start is applied for minimum 4 ms. The motor stops parameter 32-81 Motion Ctrl Quick Stop Ramp.
reverse when stop commands are given. This option is only effective when
[51] External This function makes it possible to give an parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to [2]
interlock external fault to the frequency converter. This Position Control.
fault is treated in the same way as an [160] Go To The frequency converter moves to the target
internally generated alarm. Target Pos. position. This option is only effective when
[55] DigiPot Increase signal to the digital potentiometer parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to [2]
increase function described in parameter group 3-9* Position Control.
Digital Pot. Meter. [162] Pos. Idx Position index bit 0. This option is only
Bit0 effective when parameter 37-00 Application
Mode is set to [2] Position Control.

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

[163] Pos. Idx Position index bit 1. This option is only 5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input
Bit1 effective when parameter 37-00 Application
Option: Function:
Mode is set to [2] Position Control.
[8] * Start Functions are described in parameter group 5-1*
[164] Pos. Idx Position index bit 2. This option is only
Digital Inputs.
Bit2 effective when parameter 37-00 Application
Mode is set to [2] Position Control. 5-11 Terminal 19 Digital Input
[165] Core The core diameter source. off means core 1 is Option: Function:
diameter selected, and on means that core 2 is
[10] * Reversing Functions are described in parameter group 5-1*

4 4
source selected. This option is only effective when
Digital Inputs.
parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to [1]
Center winder. 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input
[166] New Configures whether to select partial roll Option: Function:
diameter diameter (off) or core diameter (on). This
[2] * Coast inverse Functions are described in parameter group
select option is only effective when
5-1* Digital Inputs.
parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to [1]
Center winder. 5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input
[167] Reset Resets the diameter. This option is only Option: Function:
diameter effective when parameter 37-00 Application
[14] * Jog Functions are described in parameter group
Mode is set to [1] Center winder.
5-1* Digital Inputs.
[168] Winder jog Enables jog forward during center winding.
[32] Pulse input
forward This option is only effective when
parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to [1] 5-14 Terminal 32 Digital Input
Center winder. Option: Function:
[169] Winder jog Enables jog reverse during center winding.
[0] * No operation Functions are described in parameter
reverse This option is only effective when
group 5-1* Digital Inputs.
parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to [1]
[82] Encoder input B
Center winder.
[170] Tension on Enables tension PID control. This option is 5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input
only effective when Option: Function:
parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to [1]
[0] No operation Functions are described in parameter
Center winder.
group 5-1* Digital Inputs.
[16] * Preset ref bit 0
[32] Pulse input
[81] Enocder input A

5-16 Terminal 31 Digital Input

Option: Function:
[0] No operation Functions are described in parameter group
5-1* Digital Inputs.

60 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.6.2 5-3* Digital Outputs [16] Below The output speed is lower than the
frequency, low setting in parameter 4-40 Warning Freq.
The 2 solid-state digital outputs are common for terminals Low.
27 and 29. Set the I/O function for terminal 27 in [17] Above The output speed is higher than the
parameter 5-01 Terminal 27 Mode, and set the I/O function frequency, high setting in parameter 4-41 Warning Freq.
for terminal 29 in parameter 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode. High.
[18] Out of The feedback is outside the range set in
Terminals 42 and 45 can also be configured as digital feedback range parameter 4-56 Warning Feedback Low and

4 4
outputs. parameter 4-57 Warning Feedback High.
[19] Below The feedback is below the limit set in
feedback low parameter 4-56 Warning Feedback Low.
NOTICE [20] Above The feedback is above the limit set in
These parameters cannot be adjusted while the motor is
feedback high parameter 4-57 Warning Feedback High.
[21] Thermal The thermal warning turns on when the
warning temperature exceeds the limit in the
5-30 to 5-31 Digital Outputs motor, the frequency converter, the brake
[0] No operation Default for all digital outputs and relay resistor, or the thermistor.
outputs. [22] Ready, no The frequency converter is ready for
[1] Control ready The control card is ready. thermal operation, and there is no overtem-
[2] Drive ready The frequency converter is ready for warning perature warning.
operation and applies a supply signal on [23] Remote, ready, The frequency converter is ready for
the control board. no thermal operation and is in auto-on mode. There
[3] Drive ready / The frequency converter is ready for warning is no overtemperature warning.
remote control operation and is in auto-on mode. [24] Ready, no The frequency converter is ready for
[4] Enable / no Ready for operation. No start or stop overvoltage/ operation and the mains voltage is within
warning command is given (start/disable). No undervoltage the specified voltage range (see General
warnings are active. Specifications section in the design guide).
[5] Running The motor is running and shaft torque is [25] Reverse The motor runs (or is ready to run)
present. clockwise when logic=0 and counter-
[6] Running / no The motor is running and there are no clockwise when logic=1. The output
warning warnings. changes as soon as the reversing signal is
[7] Run in range / The motor is running within the applied.
no warning programmed current and speed ranges [26] Bus OK Active communication (no timeout) via
set in parameter 4-50 Warning Current Low the serial communication port.
to parameter 4-51 Warning Current High. [27] Torque limit Use in performing a coast stop and in
There are no warnings. and stop torque limit condition. If the frequency
[8] Run on The motor runs at reference speed. No converter has received a stop signal and
reference / no warnings. is at the torque limit, the signal is logic 0.
warning [28] Brake, no brake The brake is active and there are no
[9] Alarm An alarm activates the output. warning warnings.
[10] Alarm or An alarm or a warning activates the [29] Brake ready, no The brake is ready for operation and
warning output. fault there are no faults.
[11] At torque limit The torque limit set in [30] Brake fault The output is logic 1 when the brake
parameter 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode (IGBT) IGBT is short-circuited. Use this function
or parameter 4-17 Torque Limit Generator to protect the frequency converter if
Mode has been exceeded. there is a fault on the brake modules. Use
[12] Out of current The motor current is outside the range the output/relay to cut out the mains
range set in parameter 4-18 Current Limit. voltage from the frequency converter.
[13] Below current, The motor current is lower than set in [31] Relay 123 The relay is activated when [0] Control
low parameter 4-50 Warning Current Low. Word is selected in parameter group 8-**
[14] Above current, The motor current is higher than set in Communications and Options.
high parameter 4-51 Warning Current High. [32] Mechanical Enables control of an external mechanical
[15] Out of Output frequency is outside the brake control brake. See parameter group 2-2*
frequency frequency range. Mechanical Brake for more details.
range [36] Control word
bit 11

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

[37] Control word [74] Logic Rule 4 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. If
bit 12 logic rule 4 is evaluated as TRUE, the
[40] Out of ref This option is active when the actual output goes high. Otherwise, it is low.
range speed is outside the settings in [75] Logic Rule 5 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. If
parameter 4-54 Warning Reference Low to logic rule 5 is evaluated as TRUE, the
parameter 4-55 Warning Reference High. output goes high. Otherwise, it is low.
[41] Below This option is active when the actual [80] SL Digital See parameter 13-52 SL Controller Action.
reference low speed is below the speed reference Output A The output goes high whenever the

4 4
setting. smart logic action [38] Set dig. out. A high
[42] Above This option is active when the actual is executed. The output goes low
reference high speed is above the speed reference whenever the smart logic action [32] Set
setting. dig. out. A low is executed.
[45] Bus Ctrl Controls output via fieldbus. The state of [81] SL Digital See parameter 13-52 SL Controller Action.
the output is set in parameter 5-90 Digital Output B The input goes high whenever the smart
& Relay Bus Control. The output state is logic action [39] Set dig. out. B high is
retained in the event of fieldbus timeout. executed. The input goes low whenever
[46] Bus Ctrl On at Controls output via fieldbus. The state of the smart logic action [33] Set dig. out. B
timeout the output is set in parameter 5-90 Digital low is executed.
& Relay Bus Control. When bus timeout [82] SL Digital See parameter 13-52 SL Controller Action.
occurs, the output state is set high (On). Output C The input goes high whenever the smart
[47] Bus Ctrl Off at logic action [40] Set dig. out. C high is
timeout executed. The input goes low whenever
[55] Pulse output the smart logic action [34] Set dig. out. C
[56] Heat sink low is executed.
cleaning [83] SL Digital See parameter 13-52 SL Controller Action.
warning, high Output D The input goes high whenever the smart
[60] Comparator 0 See parameter group 13-1* Comparators. If logic action [41] Set dig. out. D high is
comparator 0 is evaluated as TRUE, the executed. The input goes low whenever
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. the smart logic action [35] Set dig. out. D
[61] Comparator 1 See parameter group 13-1* Comparators. If low is executed.
comparator 1 is evaluated as TRUE, the [160] No alarm The output is high when no alarm is
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. present.
[62] Comparator 2 See parameter group 13-1* Comparators. If [161] Running The output is high when the frequency
comparator 2 is evaluated as TRUE, the reverse converter is running counterclockwise
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. (the logical product of the status bits
[63] Comparator 3 See parameter group 13-1* Comparators. If Running AND Reverse).
comparator 3 is evaluated as TRUE, the [165] Local reference
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. active
[64] Comparator 4 See parameter group 13-1* Comparators. If [166] Remote ref
comparator 4 is evaluated as TRUE, the active
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. [167] Start command The output is high when there is an
[65] Comparator 5 See parameter group 13-1* Comparators. If active active start command, and no stop
comparator 5 is evaluated as TRUE, the command is active.
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. [168] Drive in hand The output is high when the frequency
[70] Logic Rule 0 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. If mode converter is in hand-on mode.
logic rule 0 is evaluated as TRUE, the [169] Drive in auto The output is high when the frequency
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. mode converter is in auto-on mode.
[71] Logic Rule 1 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. If [170] Homing The homing operation is completed. This
logic rule 1 is evaluated as TRUE, the Completed option is only effective when
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to
[72] Logic Rule 2 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. If [2] Position Control.
logic rule 2 is evaluated as TRUE, the [171] Target Position The target position is reached. This option
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. Reached is only effective when
[73] Logic Rule 3 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. If parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to
logic rule 3 is evaluated as TRUE, the [2] Position Control.
output goes high. Otherwise, it is low. [172] Position A fault occurred in the positioning
Control Fault process. Refer to parameter 37-18 Pos. Ctrl

62 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

Fault Reason for details about the fault. 4.6.3 5-4* Relays
This option is only effective when
parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to Parameters for configuring the timing and the output
[2] Position Control. functions for the relays.
[173] Position Mech Selects mechanical control for positioning.
Brake This option is only effective when The parameter is an array parameter representing 2 relays:
parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to Array [2] (Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1]).
[2] Position Control.
5-40 Function Relay
4 4
[174] TLD indicator Indicates whether the tension is out of
limit (on) during center winding. This Option: Function:
option is only effective when [0] No operation Default setting for all digital and relay
parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to outputs.
[1] Center winder.
[1] Control Ready The control card is ready.
[175] Running on Indicates whether tension PID control is
tension active (on) or inactive (off). This option is [2] Drive ready The frequency converter is ready to
only effective when operate. Mains and control supplies are
parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to OK.
[1] Center winder. [3] Drive rdy/rem ctrl The frequency converter is ready for
[176] Ready to run The center winder control is ready to run. operation, and is in auto-on mode.
This option is only effective when
[4] Stand-by / no Ready for operation. No start or stop
parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to
warning commands have been applied. No
[1] Center winder.
warnings are active.
[177] End of roll The diameter limit is reached. This option
is only effective when [5] Running The motor is running and a shaft
parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set to torque is present.
[1] Center winder.
[6] Running / no The motor is running and no warnings
[193] Sleep mode The frequency converter/system has warning are present.
entered sleep mode. See parameter group
22-4* Sleep Mode. [7] Run in range/no The motor is running within the
warn programmed current ranges set in
[194] Broken belt A broken belt condition has been
parameter 4-50 Warning Current Low.
detected. See parameter group 22-4* Sleep
Mode. [8] Run on ref/no The motor runs at reference speed. No
warn warnings.
5-30 Terminal 27 Digital Output
[9] Alarm An alarm activates the output.
Option: Function:
[0] * No operation Functions are described in parameter group [10] Alarm or warning An alarm or warning activates the
5-3* Digital Outputs. output.

[11] At torque limit The torque limit set in

5-31 Terminal 29 Digital Output
parameter 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode
Option: Function: or parameter 4-17 Torque Limit
[0] * No operation Functions are described in parameter group Generator Mode has been exceeded.
5-3* Digital Outputs.
[12] Out of current The motor current is outside the range
5-34 On Delay, Digital Output range set in parameter 4-18 Current Limit.

Range: Function: [13] Below current, The motor current is lower than set in
0.01 s* [0 - 600 s] low parameter 4-50 Warning Current Low.

[14] Above current, The motor current is higher than set in

5-35 Off Delay, Digital Output
high parameter 4-51 Warning Current High.
Range: Function:
[15] Out of frequency The output speed/frequency exceeds
0.01 s* [0 - 600 s]
range the limit that is set in
parameter 4-40 Warning Freq. Low and
parameter 4-41 Warning Freq. High.

[16] Below frequency, The output frequency is lower than the

low setting in parameter 4-40 Warning Freq.

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 63

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

5-40 Function Relay 5-40 Function Relay

Option: Function: Option: Function:
[17] Above frequency, The frequency is higher than the parameter group 8-** Comm. and
high setting in parameter 4-41 Warning Freq. Options.
[32] Mech brake ctrl Selection of mechanical brake control.
[18] Out of feedb. The feedback is outside the range set When selected parameters in parameter
range in parameter 4-56 Warning Feedback group 2-2* Mechanical Brake are active,
Low and parameter 4-57 Warning the output must be reinforced to carry
4 4 Feedback High. the current for the coil in the brake.
This issue is solved by connecting an
[19] Below feedback, The feedback is below the limit set in
external relay to the selected digital
low parameter 4-56 Warning Feedback Low.
[20] Above feedback, The feedback is above the limit set in
[36] Control word bit Activate relay 1 by a control word from
high parameter 4-57 Warning Feedback High.
11 the fieldbus. No other functional
[21] Thermal warning Thermal warning turns on when the impact on the frequency converter.
temperature exceeds the limit within Typical application: Controlling an
the motor, frequency converter, brake auxiliary device from a fieldbus. The
resistor, or connected resistor. function is valid when [0] FC Profile is
[22] Ready, no thermal The frequency converter is ready for selected in parameter 8-10 Control Word
warning operation and there is no overtem- Profile.
perature warning. [37] Control word bit Activate relay 2 by a control word from
[23] Remote,ready,no The frequency converter is ready for 12 the fieldbus. No other functional
TW operation and is in auto-on mode. impact on the frequency converter.
There is no overtemperature warning. Typical application: Controlling an
auxiliary device from a fieldbus. The
[24] Ready, no over-/ The frequency converter is ready for
function is valid when [0] FC Profile is
under voltage operation, and the mains voltage is
selected in parameter 8-10 Control Word
within the specified voltage range.
[25] Reverse The motor runs (or is ready to run)
[40] Out of ref range Active when the actual speed is
clockwise when logic=0 and counter-
outside the settings in
clockwise when logic=1. The output
parameter 4-54 Warning Reference Low
changes as soon as the reversing signal
and parameter 4-55 Warning Reference
is applied.
[26] Bus OK Active communication (no timeout) via
[41] Below reference, Active when the actual speed is below
the serial communication port.
low the speed reference setting.
[27] Torque limit & Use for performing a coasted stop for
[42] Above ref, high Active when the actual speed is above
stop frequency converter in torque limit
the speed reference setting.
condition. If the frequency converter
has received a stop signal and is in [45] Bus ctrl. Controls the digital output/relay via
torque limit, the signal is logic=0. bus. The state of the output is set in
parameter 5-90 Digital & Relay Bus
[28] Brake, no brake The brake is active and there are no
Control. The output state is retained in
warning warnings.
the event of a bus timeout.
[29] Brake ready, no The brake is ready for operation and
[46] Bus control, Controls output via bus. The state of
fault there are no faults.
timeout: On the output is set in
[30] Brake fault (IGBT) The output is logic=1 when the brake parameter 5-90 Digital & Relay Bus
IGBT is short-circuited. Use this Control. When a bus timeout occurs,
function to protect the frequency the output state is set high (on).
converter if there is a fault on the
[47] Bus control, Controls output via bus. The state of
brake module. Use the digital output/
timeout: Off the output is set in
relay to cut out the mains voltage from
parameter 5-90 Digital & Relay Bus
the frequency converter.
Control. When a bus timeout occurs,
[31] Relay 123 Digital output/relay is activated when the output state is set low (off).
[0] Control word is selected in

64 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

5-40 Function Relay 5-40 Function Relay

Option: Function: Option: Function:
[56] Heat sink output goes high. Otherwise, it goes
cleaning warning, low.
[80] SL digital output See parameter 13-52 SL Controller
[60] Comparator 0 See parameter group 13-1* Smart Logic A Action. Output A is low on [32] Smart
Control. If comparator 0 in SLC is TRUE, Logic Action. Output A is high on [38]
the output goes high. Otherwise, it Smart Logic Action.
goes low.
[81] SL digital output See parameter 13-52 SL Controller 4 4
[61] Comparator 1 See parameter group 13-1* Smart Logic B Action. Output B is low on [32] Smart
Control. If comparator 1 in SLC is TRUE, Logic Action. Output B is high on [38]
the output goes high. Otherwise, it Smart Logic Action.
goes low.
[82] SL digital output See parameter 13-52 SL Controller
[62] Comparator 2 See parameter group 13-1* Smart Logic C Action. Output C is low on [32] Smart
Control. If comparator 2 in SLC is TRUE, Logic Action. Output C is high on [38]
the output goes high. Otherwise, it Smart Logic Action.
goes low.
[83] SL digital output See parameter 13-52 SL Controller
[63] Comparator 3 See parameter group 13-1* Smart Logic D Action. Output D is low on [32] Smart
Control. If comparator 3 in SLC is TRUE, Logic Action. Output D is high on [38]
the output goes high. Otherwise, it Smart Logic Action.
goes low.
[160] No alarm The output is high when no alarm is
[64] Comparator 4 See parameter group 13-1* Smart Logic present.
Control. If comparator 4 in SLC is TRUE,
the output goes high. Otherwise, it [161] Running reverse The output is high when the frequency
goes low. converter is running counterclockwise
(the logical product of the status bits
[65] Comparator 5 See parameter group 13-1* Smart Logic Running AND Reverse).
Control. If comparator 5 in SLC is TRUE,
the output goes high. Otherwise, it [165] Local ref active
goes low. [166] Remote ref active
[167] Start command The output is high when there is an
[70] Logic rule 0 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules.
activ active start command, and no stop
If logic rule 0 in SLC is TRUE, the
command is active.
output goes high. Otherwise, it goes
low. [168] Drive in hand The output is high when the frequency
mode converter is in hand-on mode.
[71] Logic rule 1 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules.
If logic rule 1 in SLC is TRUE, the [169] Drive in auto The output is high when the frequency
output goes high. Otherwise, it goes mode converter is in auto-on mode.
low. [170] Homing The homing operation is completed.
[72] Logic rule 2 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. Completed This option is only effective when
If logic rule 2 in SLC is TRUE, the parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set
output goes high. Otherwise, it goes to [2] Position Control.
low. [171] Target Position The target position is reached. This
[73] Logic rule 3 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. Reached option is only effective when
If logic rule 3 in SLC is TRUE, the parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set
output goes high. Otherwise, it goes to [2] Position Control.
low. [172] Position Control A fault occurred in the positioning
[74] Logic rule 4 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules. Fault process. Refer to parameter 37-18 Pos.
If logic rule 4 in SLC is TRUE, the Ctrl Fault Reason for details about the
output goes high. Otherwise, it goes fault. This option is only effective when
low. parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set
to [2] Position Control.
[75] Logic rule 5 See parameter group 13-4* Logic Rules.
If logic rule 5 in SLC is TRUE, the [173] Position Mech Selects mechanical control for
Brake positioning. This option is only
effective when

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

5-40 Function Relay

Option: Function:
parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set Event
to [2] Position Control.

[175] Running on Indicates whether tension PID control Relay

tension is active (on) or inactive (off). This output
option is only effective when
parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set On Delay Off Delay
4 4 to [1] Center winder. P 5-41 P 5-42
Illustration 4.16 Off Delay, Relay
[176] Ready to run The center winder control is ready to
run. This option is only effective when
parameter 37-00 Application Mode is set
to [1] Center winder.
If the selected event condition changes before the on- or
off delay timer expires, the relay output is unaffected.
[193] Sleep Mode The frequency converter/system has
entered sleep mode. See parameter
group 22-4* Sleep Mode.

[194] Broken Belt A broken belt condition has been

Function detected. See parameter group 22-4*
Sleep Mode.

5-41 On Delay, Relay

Array [2](Relay 1 [0], Relay 2 [1])
Range: Function:
0.01 s* [0 - 600 s] Enter the delay of the relay cutin time. The
relay only cuts in if the condition in
parameter 5-40 Function Relay is uninter-
rupted during the specified time.



On Delay Off Delay

P 5-41 P 5-42



On Delay
P 5-41
Illustration 4.15 On Delay, Relay

5-42 Off Delay, Relay

Array[2]: Relay1[0], Relay2[1]
Range: Function:
0.01 s* [0 - 600 s] Enter the delay of the relay cutout time.

66 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.6.4 5-5* Pulse Input 5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb. Value

Range: Function:
The pulse input parameters are used to define an Size [-4999 - Enter the high reference value [Hz] for the
appropriate window for the impulse reference area by related* 4999 ] motor shaft speed, and the high feedback
configuring the scaling and filter settings for the pulse value. See also parameter 5-58 Term. 33
inputs. Input terminals 29 or 33 act as frequency reference High Ref./Feedb. Value. Select terminal 29
inputs. Set terminal 29 (parameter 5-13 Terminal 29 Digital as a digital input (parameter 5-02 Terminal
Input) or terminal 33 (parameter 5-15 Terminal 33 Digital 29 Mode=[0] Input (default) and

4 4
Input) to [32] Pulse input. If terminal 29 is used as an input, parameter 5-13 Terminal 29 Digital
then set parameter 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode to [0] Input. Input=applicable value).

5-55 Term. 33 Low Frequency


High Range: Function:

value 4 Hz* [4 - 31999 Enter the low frequency corresponding to
P 5-53/
p 5-58 Hz] the low motor shaft speed (which is low
reference value) in parameter 5-57 Term. 33
Low Ref./Feedb. Value.

5-56 Term. 33 High Frequency

ref. Range: Function:
P 5-52/
p 5-57 Low freq. High freq. Input 32000 [5 - 32000 Enter the high frequency corresponding
P 5-50/ P 5-51/ (Hz)
P 5-55 P 5-56 Hz* Hz] to the high motor shaft speed (that is
Illustration 4.17 Pulse Input high reference value) in
parameter 5-58 Term. 33 High Ref./Feedb.

5-50 Term. 29 Low Frequency

5-57 Term. 33 Low Ref./Feedb. Value
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
4 Hz* [4 - 31999 Enter the low frequency limit corresponding
0* [-4999 - Enter the low reference value [Hz] for the
Hz] to the low motor shaft speed (that is low
4999 ] motor shaft speed. This value is also the low
reference value) in parameter 5-52 Term. 29
feedback value. See also parameter 5-52 Term.
Low Ref./Feedb. Value. Refer to
29 Low Ref./Feedb. Value.
Illustration 4.17.

5-58 Term. 33 High Ref./Feedb. Value

5-51 Term. 29 High Frequency
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
Size related* [-4999 - Enter the high reference value [Hz]
32000 [5 - 32000 Enter the high frequency limit
4999 ] for the motor shaft speed. See also
Hz* Hz] corresponding to the high motor shaft
parameter 5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./
speed (which is high reference value) in
Feedb. Value.
parameter 5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb.

5-52 Term. 29 Low Ref./Feedb. Value

Range: Function:
0* [-4999 - Enter the low reference value limit for the motor
4999 ] shaft speed [Hz]. This value is also the lowest
feedback value. See also parameter 5-57 Term. 33
Low Ref./Feedb. Value. Set terminal 29 to digital
input (parameter 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode = [0]
Input and parameter 5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input
= applicable value).

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 67

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.6.5 5-6* Pulse Outputs 5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse Output Variable

Option: Function:
NOTICE [0] * No operation
These parameters cannot be adjusted while the motor is [45] Bus ctrl.
running. [48] Bus ctrl., timeout
[100] Output frequency
Use these parameters to configure pulse outputs with their [101] Reference
functions and scaling. Terminal 27 and 29 are allocated to [102] Process Feedback
4 4 pulse output via parameter 5-01 Terminal 27 Mode and
parameter 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode.
[103] Motor Current
[104] Torque rel to limit
[105] Torq relate to rated
Output value

[106] Power
[107] Speed
[109] Max Out Freq
High output
value [113] PID Clamped Output
P 5-60(term27)
P 5-63(term29) 5-65 Pulse Output Max Freq 29
Range: Function:
5000 Hz* [4 - 32000 Set the maximum frequency for terminal
Hz] 29 corresponding to the output variable
set in parameter 5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse
Output Variable.
High freq. Output
P 5-62(term27) (Hz)
P 5-65(term29)
4.6.6 5-7* 24 V Encoder Input
Illustration 4.18 Configuration of Pulse Outputs

Connect the 24 V encoder to terminal 12 (24 V DC supply),

terminal 32 (channel A), terminal 33 (channel B), and
5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output Variable terminal 20 (GND). The digital inputs 32/33 are active for
Option: Function: encoder inputs when [1] 24 V encoder is selected in
[0] * No operation parameter 7-00 Speed PID Feedback Source. The encoder is a
dual channel (A and B) 24 V type. Maximum input
[45] Bus ctrl.
frequency: 32 kHz.
[48] Bus ctrl., timeout
[100] Output frequency
[101] Reference
Encoder connection to the frequency converter
24 V incremental encoder. Maximum cable length 5 m
[102] Process Feedback
(16.4 ft).
[103] Motor Current
[104] Torque rel to limit
[105] Torq relate to rated
[106] Power
[107] Speed
[109] Max Out Freq
[113] PID Clamped Output

5-62 Pulse Output Max Freq 27

Range: Function:
5000 Hz* [4 - 32000 Set the maximum frequency for terminal
Hz] 27, corresponding to the output variable
selected in parameter 5-60 Terminal 27
Pulse Output Variable.

68 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

+24 V DC
5-70 Term 32/33 Pulses Per Revolution

Range: Function:

1024* [1 - 4096 ] Set the encoder pulses per revolution on the
12 18 19 27 29 32 33 20
motor shaft. Read the correct value from the

5-71 Term 32/33 Encoder Direction

Option: Function:
This parameter cannot be adjusted
while the motor is running.

Change the detected encoder rotation

direction without changing the wiring to the

[0] * Clockwise Set channel A 90° (electrical degrees) behind

channel B after clockwise rotation of the
encoder shaft.

[1] Counter Set channel A 90° (electrical degrees) ahead

clockwise of channel B after clockwise rotation of the
encoder shaft.

4.6.7 5-9* Bus Controlled

Illustration 4.19 24 V or 10–30 V Encoder Connection This parameter group selects digital and relay outputs via a
fieldbus setting.

5-90 Digital & Relay Bus Control


CW Range: Function:
0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFF ] This parameter holds the state of the bus-
controlled digital outputs and relays.
A logical 1 indicates that the output is
high or active.
A logical 0 indicates that the output is
low or inactive.

Bit 0 Digital Output Terminal 27

Bit 1 Digital Output Terminal 29
Bit 2–3 Reserved
Bit 4 Relay 1 output terminal
Bit 6–23 Reserved
Bit 24 Terminal 42 digital output
Bit 26–31 Reserved
Illustration 4.20 Encoder Rotation Direction
Table 4.7 Bit Functions

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 69

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

5-93 Pulse Out 27 Bus Control

Range: Function:
0 %* [0 - Set the output frequency transferred to the
100 %] output terminal 27 when the terminal is
configured as [45] Bus Controlled in
parameter 5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output

4 4 5-94 Pulse Out 27 Timeout Preset

Range: Function:
0 %* [0 - Set the output frequency transferred to the
100 %] output terminal 27 when the terminal is
configured as [48] Bus Ctrl Timeout in
parameter 5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output Variable
and a timeout is detected.

5-95 Pulse Out 29 Bus Control

Range: Function:
0 %* [0 - Set the output frequency transferred to the
100 %] output terminal 29 when the terminal is
configured as [45] Bus Controlled in
parameter 5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse Output

5-96 Pulse Out 29 Timeout Preset

Range: Function:
0 %* [0 - Set the output frequency transferred to the
100 %] output terminal 29 when the terminal is
configured as [48] Bus Ctrl Timeout in
parameter 5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse Output
Variable, and a timeout is detected.

70 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.7 Parameters: 6-** Analog In/Out Ref./Feedback

Parameter group for setting up the analog I/O configu-
ration and the digital output. Par 6-xx
High Ref./ 50
Feedb. Value'
The frequency converter provides 2 analog inputs:
• Terminal 53. 30

• Terminal 54. 20

The analog inputs can be freely allocated to either voltage

(0–10 V) or current input (0/4–20 mA).
Par 6-xx
Low Ref./
10 4 4
Feedb. Value'
1V 5V 10 V [V]
4.7.1 6-0* Analog I/O Mode Par 6-xx Analog input
'Low Voltage'or
'Low Current'
6-00 Live Zero Timeout Time
Par 6-xx
Range: Function: 'High Voltage'or
'High Current'
10 s* [1 - 99 s] Enter the timeout time.
Illustration 4.21 Timeout Function
6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function
Option: Function:
Select the timeout function. The function set
4.7.2 6-1* Analog Input 53
in parameter 6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function is
activated if the input signal on terminal 53 or
Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits for analog
54 is below 50% of the value in
input 53 (terminal 53).
parameter 6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage, 6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage
parameter 6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current,
Range: Function:
parameter 6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage, or
0.07 V* [0 - 10 Enter the voltage (V) that corresponds to
parameter 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current for a
V] parameter 6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb.
time period defined in parameter 6-00 Live
Value. To activate parameter 6-01 Live Zero
Zero Timeout Time.
Timeout Function, set the value at >1 V.
[0] * Off
[1] Freeze 6-11 Terminal 53 High Voltage
output Range: Function:
[2] Stop
10 V* [0 - 10 V] Enter the voltage (V) that corresponds to the
[3] Jogging
high reference value (set in
[4] Max. speed parameter 6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb.
[5] Stop and Value).
6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current
Range: Function:
4 mA* [0 - 20 Enter the low current value. This reference
mA] signal corresponds to the low reference/
feedback value that is set in
parameter 6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb.
Value. To activate parameter 6-01 Live Zero
Timeout Function, set the value to >2 mA.

6-13 Terminal 53 High Current

Range: Function:
20 mA* [0 - 20 Enter the high current value corresponding
mA] to the high reference/feedback set in
parameter 6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb.

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 71

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0* [-4999 - Enter the reference or feedback value that 4 mA* [0 - 20 Enter the low current value. This reference
4999 ] corresponds to the voltage or current set in mA] signal corresponds to the low reference/
parameter 6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage to feedback value set in parameter 6-24 Terminal
parameter 6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current. 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Value. To activate the live
zero timeout function in parameter 6-01 Live
6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. Value Zero Timeout Function, set the value to >2 mA.

4 4 Range: Function:
6-23 Terminal 54 High Current
Size [-4999 - Enter the reference or feedback value
related* 4999 ] that corresponds to the voltage or Range: Function:
current set in parameter 6-11 Terminal 20 mA* [0 - 20 Enter the high current value corresponding
53 High Voltage to mA] to the high reference/feedback value set in
parameter 6-13 Terminal 53 High parameter 6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb.
Current. Value.

6-16 Terminal 53 Filter Time Constant 6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Value
Range: Function: Range: Function:
0.01 s* [0.01 - 10 Enter the time constant. This constant is a 0* [-4999 - Enter the reference or feedback value that
s] first-order digital low-pass filter time 4999 ] corresponds to the voltage or current set in
constant for suppressing electrical noise in parameter 6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage/
terminal 53. A high time constant value parameter 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current.
improves dampening, but also increases the
time delay through the filter. 6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. Value
Range: Function:
6-19 Terminal 53 mode
Size [-4999 - Enter the reference or feedback value
Option: Function: related* 4999 ] that corresponds to the voltage or
Select whether terminal 53 is used for current set in parameter 6-21 Terminal
current or voltage input. 54 High Voltage/
parameter 6-23 Terminal 54 High
[0] Current mode
[1] * Voltage mode

6-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant

4.7.3 6-2* Analog Input 54 Range: Function:
0.01 s* [0.01 - 10 Enter the time constant, which is a first-
Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits for analog
s] order digital low-pass filter time constant
input 54 (terminal 54).
for suppressing electrical noise in terminal
6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage 54. A high time constant value improves
Range: Function: dampening, but also increases the time
delay through the filter.
0.07 V* [0 - 10 Enter the voltage (V) that corresponds to the
V] low reference value (set in
6-29 Terminal 54 mode
parameter 6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb.
Value). To activate parameter 6-01 Live Zero Option: Function:
Timeout Function, set the value at >1 V. Select if terminal 54 is used for current
input or voltage input.
6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage
[0] Current mode
Range: Function: [1] * Voltage mode
10 V* [0 - 10 V] Enter the voltage (V) that corresponds to the
high reference value (set in
parameter 6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb.

72 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.7.4 6-7* Analog/Digital Output 45 6-74 Terminal 45 Output Max Scale

Range: Function:
Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits for 100 %* [0 - Scale for the maximum output (20 mA) of the
analog/digital output terminal 45. Analog outputs are 200 %] analog signal at terminal 45. Set the value to
current outputs: 0/4–20 mA. Resolution on analog output be the percentage of the full range of the
is 12 bit. Analog output terminals can also be set up as variable selected in parameter 6-71 Terminal 45
digital output. Analog Output.
6-70 Terminal 45 Mode
Option: Function:
6-76 Terminal 45 Output Bus Control
Range: Function:
4 4
Set terminal 45 to act as analog output or
as digital output. 0* [0 - 16384 ] Holds the level of analog output if controlled
by bus. This parameter is N2 format.
[0] * 0-20 mA
[1] 4-20 mA
[2] Digital Output 4.7.5 6-9* Analog/Digital Output 42
6-71 Terminal 45 Analog Output
Parameters for configuring the limits for analog/digital
Option: Function: output terminal 42. Analog outputs are current outputs:
[0] * No operation 0/4–20 mA. Resolution on analog outputs is 12 bit. Analog
[100] Output frequency 0–100 Hz output terminals can also be set up as digital output.
[101] Reference MinRef–MaxRef 6-90 Terminal 42 Mode
[102] Process Feedback MinFB–MaxFB Option: Function:
[103] Motor Current 0–Imax Set terminal 42 to act as analog output or
as digital output.
[104] Torque rel to limit
[0] * 0-20 mA
[105] Torq relate to rated
[1] 4-20 mA
[106] Power 0–Pnom
[2] Digital Output
[107] Speed
[111] Speed Feedback 6-91 Terminal 42 Analog Output
[113] PID Clamped Output Option: Function:
[139] Bus Control 0–100% [0] * No operation
[143] Ext. CL 1 [100] Output frequency
[162] Tapered tension set point [101] Reference
[254] DC Link Voltage [102] Process Feedback
[103] Motor Current
6-72 Terminal 45 Digital Output [104] Torque rel to limit
Option: Function: [105] Torq relate to rated
Select the function of terminal 45 as a [106] Power
digital current output. See also [107] Speed
parameter 6-70 Terminal 45 Mode. See [111] Speed Feedback
chapter 4.6.2 5-3* Digital Outputs for each [113] PID Clamped Output
options and descriptions. [139] Bus Control
[0] * No operation [143] Ext. CL 1
[198] Drive Bypass [162] Tapered tension set point
[254] DC Link Voltage
6-73 Terminal 45 Output Min Scale
Range: Function: 6-92 Terminal 42 Digital Output
0 %* [0 - Scale for the minimum output (0 or 4 mA) of Option: Function:
200 %] the analog signal at terminal 45. Set the value See chapter 4.6.2 5-3* Digital Outputs for
to be the percentage of the full range of the each options and descriptions.
variable selected in parameter 6-71 Terminal 45
[0] * No operation
Analog Output.
[198] Drive Bypass

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 73

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

6-93 Terminal 42 Output Min Scale 7-00 Speed PID Feedback Source
Range: Function: Option: Function:
0 %* [0 - Scale for the minimum output (0 mA or 4 mA) [20] * None
200 %] of the analog signal at terminal 42. Set the
value to be the percentage of the full range of
7-02 Speed PID Proportional Gain
the variable selected in parameter 6-91 Terminal Range: Function:
42 Analog Output. 0.015* [0 - Enter the speed controller proportional gain. The
1] proportional gain amplifies the error (that is the

4 4 6-94 Terminal 42 Output Max Scale

Range: Function:
deviation between the feedback signal and the
setpoint). This parameter is used with
100 [0 - Scale for maximum output (20 mA) of the scaling parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode [1] Speed closed
%* 200 %] at terminal 42. Set the value to be the loop control. Quick control is obtained at high
percentage of the full range of the variable amplification. However, if the amplification is too
selected in parameter 6-91 Terminal 42 Analog high, the process may become unstable.
7-03 Speed PID Integral Time

Current Range: Function:


8 [2 - Enter the speed controller integral time, which
ms* 20000 determines the time the internal PID control
ms] takes to correct errors. The greater the error,
the more quickly the gain increases. The
integral time causes a delay of the signal, and
0% Analog Analog 100% Variable
output Output for therefore a dampening effect, and can be used
Min Scale Max Scale output to eliminate steady-state speed error. Obtain
par. 6-93 par. 6-94 example:
Power quick control through a short integral time,
though if the integral time is too short, the
Illustration 4.22 Output Scale versus Current process becomes unstable. An excessively long
integral time disables the integral action,
leading to major deviations from the required
reference, since the process regulator takes too
6-96 Terminal 42 Output Bus Control
long to regulate errors. This parameter is used
Range: Function: with [1] Speed closed loop control set in
0* [0 - 16384 ] Hold the analog output at terminal 42 if parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode.
controlled by bus. This parameter is N2 format.
7-04 Speed PID Differentiation Time
4.8 Parameters: 7-** Controllers Range: Function:
30 [0 - Enter the speed controller differentiation time.
4.8.1 7-0* Speed PID Ctrl.
ms* 200 ms] The differentiator does not react to constant
error. It provides gain proportional to the rate
7-00 Speed PID Feedback Source of change of the speed feedback. The quicker
Option: Function: the error changes, the stronger the gain from
NOTICE the differentiator. The gain is proportional with
the speed at which errors change. Setting this
This parameter cannot be
parameter to 0 disables the differentiator. This
changed while the motor is
parameter is used with parameter 1-00 Configu-
ration Mode [1] Speed closed loop control.

Select feedback source for Speed CL

7-05 Speed PID Diff. Gain Limit
Range: Function:
[1] 24V encoder
5* [1 - Set a limit for the gain provided by the differen-
[2] MCB 102
20 ] tiator. Since the differential gain increases at higher
[3] MCB 103 frequencies, limiting the gain may be useful. For
[6] Analog Input 53 example, set up a pure D-link at low frequencies
[7] Analog Input 54 and a constant D-link at higher frequencies. This
[8] Frequency input 29 parameter is used with parameter 1-00 Configuration
[9] Frequency input 33 Mode [1] Speed closed loop control.

74 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

7-06 Speed PID Lowpass Filter Time 7-06 Speed PID Lowpass Filter Time
Range: Function: Range: Function:
10 [1 - NOTICE Feedback

ms* 6000
Severe filtering can be detrimental to
Disturbed feedback signal

dynamic performance.

Set a time constant for the speed control low-

pass filter. The low-pass filter improves steady-
state performance and dampens oscillations on 4 4
the feedback signal. This parameter is used
0.6 t (Sec.)
with parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode [1]
Speed closed loop or [2] Torque closed loop. This Lowpass filter

parameter is useful if there is a great amount fg = 10 Hz

of noise in the system, see Illustration 4.23. For Feedback

example, if a time constant (τ) of 100 ms is

Filtered feedback signal
programmed, the cutoff frequency for the low-
pass filter is 1/0.1=10 RAD/s., corresponding to
(10/2 x π)=1.6 Hz. The PID regulator only
regulates a feedback signal that varies by a
frequency of less than 1.6 Hz. If the feedback
signal varies by a higher frequency than 1.6 Hz,
the PID regulator does not react.
0.6 t (Sec.)
Practical settings of parameter 7-06 Speed PID
Illustration 4.23 Feedback Signal
Lowpass Filter Time taken from the number of
pulses per revolutions from encoder:

Encoder PPR Parameter 7-06 Speed

PID Lowpass Filter
7-07 Speed PID Feedback Gear Ratio
Time Range: Function:
512 10 ms 1* [0.0001 - 32 ]

1024 5 ms
n1 n2
2048 2 ms
4096 1 ms Motor

Par 7-07=1.00 Par 7-07=n1/n2

Illustration 4.24 Speed PID Feedback Gear


7-08 Speed PID Feed Forward Factor

Range: Function:
0 %* [0 - 500 %] The reference signal bypasses the speed
controller by the amount specified. This
feature increases the dynamic performance
of the speed control loop.

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 75

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.8.2 7-1* Torque PI Control 7-22 Process CL Feedback 2 Resource

Option: Function:
Parameters for configuring the torque PI control. [4] Frequency input
7-12 Torque PID Proportional Gain 33

Range: Function:
100 %* [0 - 500 %] Enter the proportional gain value for the 4.8.4 7-3* Process PID Ctrl.
torque controller. Selection of a high value
7-30 Process PID Normal/ Inverse Control
4 4
makes the controller react faster. Too high
a setting leads to controller instability. Option: Function:
Normal and inverse controls are implemented by
7-13 Torque PID Integration Time
introducing a difference between the reference
Range: Function: signal and the feedback signal.
0.020 s* [0.002 - 2 s] Enter the integration time for the torque
[0] * Normal Set process control to increase the output
controller. The lower the integration time,
the faster the controller reacts. However,
too low a setting leads to controller [1] Inverse Set process control to decrease the output
instability. frequency.

7-31 Process PID Anti Windup

4.8.3 7-2* Process Ctrl. Feedb. Option: Function:
[0] Off Continue regulation of an error even when the output
Select the feedback sources for the process PID control,
frequency cannot be increased or decreased.
and how this feedback should be handled.
[1] * On Cease regulation of an error when the output
7-20 Process CL Feedback 1 Resource frequency can no longer be adjusted.
Option: Function:
The effective feedback signal is made up 7-32 Process PID Start Speed
of the sum of up to 2 different input Range: Function:
signals. Select which input is treated as 0 RPM* [0 - Enter the motor speed to be attained as a
the source of the first of these signals. 6000 start signal for commencement of PID
The 2nd input signal is defined in RPM] control. When the power is switched on, the
parameter 7-22 Process CL Feedback 2 frequency converter starts to ramp and then
Resource. operates under speed open-loop control.
[0] * No function When the process PID start speed is reached,
[1] Analog Input 53 the frequency converter changes to process
[2] Analog Input 54 PID control.

[3] Frequency input

7-33 Process PID Proportional Gain
[4] Frequency input Range: Function:
33 0.01* [0 - 10 ] Enter the PID proportional gain. The propor-
tional gain multiplies the error between the
7-22 Process CL Feedback 2 Resource setpoint and the feedback signal.
Option: Function:
The effective feedback signal is made up 7-34 Process PID Integral Time
of the sum of up to 2 different input Range: Function:
signals. Select which input is treated as 9999 s* [0.10 - Enter the PID integral time. The integrator
the source of the 2nd of these signals. 9999 s] provides an increasing gain at a constant
The 1st input signal is defined in error between the setpoint and the
parameter 7-20 Process CL Feedback 1 feedback signal. The integral time is the
Resource. time needed by the integrator to reach the
[0] * No function same gain as the proportional gain.
[1] Analog Input 53
[2] Analog Input 54
[3] Frequency input

76 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

7-35 Process PID Differentiation Time 4.8.5 7-4* Advanced Process PID Ctrl.
Range: Function:
0 s* [0 - 20 s] Enter the PID differentiation time. The differen-
This parameter group is only used if parameter 1-00 Config-
tiator does not react to a constant error, but
uration Mode is set to [7] Extended PID speed CL.
provides a gain only when the error changes. 7-40 Process PID I-part Reset
The shorter the PID differentiation time, the
Option: Function:
stronger the gain from the differentiator.
[0] * No

4 4
[1] Yes Select [1] Yes to reset the I-part of the process PID
7-36 Process PID Diff. Gain Limit
controller. The selection automatically returns to [0]
Range: Function:
No. Resetting the I-part makes it possible to start from
5* [1 - 50] Enter a limit for the differentiator gain. If there is a well-defined point after changing something in the
no limit, the differentiator gain increases when process, for example changing a textile roll.
there are fast changes. To obtain a pure differen-
tiator gain at slow changes and a constant 7-41 Process PID Output Neg. Clamp
differentiator gain where fast changes occur, limit
Range: Function:
the differentiator gain.
-100 %* [ -100 - 100 %] Enter a negative limit for the process
PID controller output.
7-38 Process PID Feed Forward Factor
Range: Function:
7-42 Process PID Output Pos. Clamp
0 %* [0 - Enter the PID feed forward (FF) factor. The FF
Range: Function:
200 %] factor sends a constant fraction of the reference
100 %* [ -100 - 100 %] Enter a positive limit for the process
signal to bypass the PID control, so the PID
PID controller output.
control only affects the remaining fraction of the
control signal. Any change to this parameter
7-43 Process PID Gain Scale at Min. Ref.
affects the motor speed. When the FF factor is
activated, it provides less overshoot, and high Range: Function:
dynamics when changing the setpoint. 100 %* [0 - Enter a scaling percentage to apply to the
Parameter 7-38 Process PID Feed Forward Factor is 100 %] process PID output when operating at the
active when parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode minimum reference. The scaling percentage is
is set to [3] Process. adjusted linearly between the scale at
minimum reference (parameter 7-43 Process PID
7-39 On Reference Bandwidth Gain Scale at Min. Ref.) and the scale at
Range: Function: maximum reference (parameter 7-44 Process
PID Gain Scale at Max. Ref.).
5 %* [0 - Enter the on-reference bandwidth. When the
200 %] PID control error (the difference between the
7-44 Process PID Gain Scale at Max. Ref.
reference and the feedback) is less than the
value of this parameter, the on-reference Range: Function:
status bit is 1. 100 %* [0 - Enter a scaling percentage to apply to the
100 %] process PID output when operating at the
maximum reference. The scaling percentage is
adjusted linearly between the scale at
minimum reference (parameter 7-43 Process PID
Gain Scale at Min. Ref.) and the scale at
maximum reference (parameter 7-44 Process
PID Gain Scale at Max. Ref.).

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

7-45 Process PID Feed Fwd Resource 7-51 Process PID Feed Fwd Gain
Option: Function: Range: Function:
Select which frequency converter input 1* [0 - The feed forward is used to obtain the gain, based
is used as the feed forward factor. The 100 ] on a well-known signal available. The PID controller
FF factor is added directly to the then only takes care of the smaller part of the
output of the PID controller. This control, necessary because of unknown characters.
parameter can increase dynamic The standard feed-forward factor in
performance. parameter 7-38 Process PID Feed Forward Factor is

4 4 The feed forward set from bus should

be in N2 format.
always related to the reference whereas
parameter 7-51 Process PID Feed Fwd Gain has more
options. In winder applications, the feed-forward
[0] * No function
factor is typically the line speed of the system.
[1] Analog Input 53
[2] Analog Input 54
7-52 Process PID Feed Fwd Ramp up
[7] Frequency input 29
Range: Function:
[8] Frequency input 33
[11] Local bus reference 0.01 s* [0.01 - 100 s] Control dynamics of the feed-forward
signal when ramping up.
[32] Bus PCD

7-46 Process PID Feed Fwd Normal/ Inv. Ctrl. 7-53 Process PID Feed Fwd Ramp down
Option: Function: Range: Function:
[0] * Normal Select [0] Normal to set the feed-forward factor to 0.01 s* [0.01 - 100 s] Control the dynamics of the feed-forward
treat the FF resource as a positive value. signal when ramping down.

[1] Inverse Select [1] Inverse to treat the feed-forward resource

7-56 Process PID Ref. Filter Time
as a negative value.
Range: Function:
7-48 PCD Feed Forward 0.001 s* [0.001 - 1 Set a time constant for the reference first-
Range: Function: s] order low-pass filter. The low-pass filter
improves steady-state performance and
0* [0 - 65535 ] Readout parameter where the bus
dampens oscillations on the reference/
parameter 7-45 Process PID Feed Fwd Resource
feedback signals. However, severe filtering
[32] can be read.
can be detrimental to dynamic
The feed forward set from bus should be in N2

7-57 Process PID Fb. Filter Time

7-49 Process PID Output Normal/ Inv. Ctrl.
Range: Function:
Option: Function:
0.001 s* [0.001 - 1 Set a time constant for the feedback first-
[0] * Normal Select [0] Normal to use the resulting output from
s] order low-pass filter. The low-pass filter
the process PID controller as is.
improves steady-state performance and
[1] Inverse Select [1] Inverse to invert the resulting output dampens oscillations on the reference/
from the process PID controller. This operation is feedback signals. However, severe filtering
performed after the feed-forward factor is applied. can be detrimental to dynamic

4.8.6 7-5* Ext. Process PID Ctrl.

This parameter group is only used if parameter 1-00 Config-

uration Mode is set to [7] Extended PID speed CL.

7-50 Process PID Extended PID

Option: Function:
[0] Disabled Disable the extended parts of the process PID

[1] * Enabled Enable the extended parts of the PID controller.

78 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.8.7 7-6* Feedback Conversion 8-04 Control Timeout Function

Select the timeout function. The timeout function activates when
Use the parameter group to configure conversions for the control word fails to be updated within the time period
feedback signals. specified in parameter 8-03 Control Word Timeout Time.

7-60 Feedback 1 Conversion Option: Function:

Select a conversion for the feedback 1 signal. Select [0] Linear to [0] * Off Resume control via fieldbus (fieldbus or
leave the feedback signal unchanged. standard), using the most recent control
Option: Function:
[0] * Linear [1] Freeze output Freeze output frequency until communi- 4 4
[1] Square root cation resumes.

[2] Stop Stop with auto restart until communication

7-62 Feedback 2 Conversion
Select a conversion for the feedback 2 signal. Select [0] Linear to
leave the feedback signal unchanged. [3] Jogging Run the motor at jog frequency until
communication resumes.
Option: Function:
[0] * Linear [4] Max. speed Run the motor at maximum frequency until
communication resumes.
[1] Square root
[5] Stop and trip Stop the motor and trip, then reset the
4.9 Parameters: 8-** Communications and frequency converter to restart:
Options • Via the fieldbus.
4.9.1 8-0* General Settings • Via [Reset].

• Via a digital input.

8-01 Control Site
8-07 Diagnosis Trigger
Option: Function:
Option: Function:
The setting in this parameter overrides
the settings in parameter 8-50 Coasting [0] * Disable Send no extended diagnosis data (EDD).
Select to parameter 8-56 Preset Reference [1] Trigger on Send EDD upon alarms.
Select. alarms
[0] * Digital and Control by using both digital input and [2] Trigger Send EDD upon alarms or warnings in
ctrl.word control word. alarm/warn. parameter 16-90 Alarm Word,
parameter 9-53 Profibus Warning Word, or
[1] Digital only Control by using digital inputs only.
parameter 16-92 Warning Word.
[2] Controlword Control by using control word only.
4.9.2 8-1* Ctrl. Word Settings
8-02 Control Source
Option: Function: 8-10 Control Word Profile
Select the source of the control word. Select the interpretation of the control and status words
corresponding to the installed fieldbus. Only the selections valid
[0] None
for the installed fieldbus are visible in the LCP display.
[1] FC Port
[3] Option A PROFIBUS and PROFINET. Option: Function:
[0] * FC profile
8-03 Control Timeout Time [1] PROFIdrive profile
Range: Function:
8-14 Configurable Control Word CTW
1 s* [0.1 - Enter the maximum time expected to pass
Option: Function:
6000 s] between the reception of 2 consecutive
[0] None
telegrams. If this time is exceeded, it indicates
that the serial communication has stopped. The [1] * Profile default
function that is selected in [2] CTW Valid, active low
parameter 8-04 Control Timeout Function is then [4] PID error inverse
carried out. [5] PID reset I part
[6] PID enable

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 79

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

8-19 Product Code 8-36 Maximum Response Delay

Range: Function: Range: Function:
Size [0 - Select 0 to read out the actual Size related* [ 0.1 - 10.0 Specify the maximum allowed delay
related* 2147483647] fieldbus product code according s] time between receiving a request and
to the mounted fieldbus option. transmitting the response. If this time
Select 1 to read out the actual is exceeded, no response is returned.
vendor ID.

4.9.4 8-4* FC MC Protocol Set

4 4 4.9.3 8-3* FC Port Settings
8-42 PCD Write Configuration
8-30 Protocol Select the parameters to be assigned to the PCD's telegrams. The
Option: Function: number of available PCDs depends on the telegram type. The
Select the protocol for the integrated RS485 values in the PCDs are then written to the selected parameters as
port. data values.
Enter up to 16 different preset mapping 0–15 in this parameter,
[0] * FC Communication according to the FC protocol.
using array programming. If this parameter is active, addresses
[2] Modbus RTU Communication according to the Modbus 2810–2825 represent values of the 16 parameters. If this
RTU protocol. parameter is not active, addresses 2810 and 2811 are used as
input-data-drive control word and bus reference. Addresses
8-31 Address 2812–2825 are reserved.
Range: Function: Option: Function:
1* [ 0 - 247 ] Enter the address for the RS485 port. Valid range: [0] None
1–126 for FC-bus, or 1–247 for Modbus. [1] [302] Minimum Reference
[2] [303] Maximum Reference
8-32 Baud Rate
[3] [341] Ramp 1 Ramp up
Option: Function: time
Select the baud rate for the RS485 port. [4] [342] Ramp 1 Ramp down
[0] 2400 Baud time
[1] 4800 Baud [5] [351] Ramp 2 Ramp up
[2] 9600 Baud time
[3] 19200 Baud [6] [352] Ramp 2 Ramp down
[4] 38400 Baud time
[5] 57600 Baud [7] [380] Jog Ramp Time
[6] 76800 Baud [8] [381] Quick Stop Time
[7] 115200 Baud [9] [412] Motor Speed Low
Limit [Hz]
8-33 Parity / Stop Bits [10] [414] Motor Speed High
Option: Function: Limit [Hz]
[0] * Even Parity, 1 Stop Bit [11] [590] Digital & Relay Bus
[1] Odd Parity, 1 Stop Bit Control
[2] No Parity, 1 Stop Bit [12] [676] Terminal45 Output
[3] No Parity, 2 Stop Bits Bus Control
[13] [696] Terminal 42 Output
8-35 Minimum Response Delay Bus Control
Range: Function: [15] FC Port CTW
0.01 s* [ 0.0010 - 0.5 Specify the minimum delay time [16] FC Port REF
s] between receiving a request and [18] [311] Jog Speed [Hz]
transmitting a response. This is used for
overcoming modem turn-around

80 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

8-43 PCD Read Configuration 8-43 PCD Read Configuration

Select the parameters to be assigned to the PCDs of the Select the parameters to be assigned to the PCDs of the
telegrams. The number of available PCDs depends on the telegrams. The number of available PCDs depends on the
telegram type. PCDs contain the actual data values of the telegram type. PCDs contain the actual data values of the
selected parameters. selected parameters.
Enter up to 16 different preset mapping (0-15) in this parameter, Enter up to 16 different preset mapping (0-15) in this parameter,
using array programming. If this parameter is active, addresses using array programming. If this parameter is active, addresses
from 2910 to 2925 represent values of the 16 parameters. If this from 2910 to 2925 represent values of the 16 parameters. If this
parameter is not active, addresses 2910 and 2911 are used as
status word register and main actual value. Addresses from 2912
parameter is not active, addresses 2910 and 2911 are used as
status word register and main actual value. Addresses from 2912 4 4
to 2925 are reserved. to 2925 are reserved.
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[0] None [42] [1679] Analog Output 45
[1] [1500] Operation Hours [mA]
[2] [1501] Running Hours
[3] [1502] kWh Counter 4.9.5 8-5* Digital/Bus
[4] [1600] Control Word
[5] [1601] Reference [Unit] Parameters for configuring the control word merging.
[6] [1602] Reference %
[7] [1603] Status Word
[8] [1605] Main Actual Value [%]
These parameters are active only when
[9] [1609] Custom Readout
parameter 8-01 Control Site is set to [0] Digital and control
[10] [1610] Power [kW] word.
[11] [1611] Power [hp]
[12] [1612] Motor Voltage
8-50 Coasting Select
[13] [1613] Frequency
[14] [1614] Motor Current
Option: Function:
[15] [1615] Frequency [%] Select control of the coasting function via the
[16] [1616] Torque [Nm] terminals (digital input) and/or via the bus.

[17] [1618] Motor Thermal [0] Digital Activate coasting command via a digital input.
[18] [1630] DC Link Voltage input
[19] [1634] Heatsink Temp. [1] Bus Activate coasting command via the serial
[20] [1635] Inverter Thermal communication port or fieldbus option.
[21] [1638] SL Controller State [2] Logic AND Activate coasting command via the fieldbus/
[22] [1650] External Reference serial communication port and 1 extra digital
[23] [1652] Feedback [Unit] input.
[24] [1660] Digital Input
[3] * Logic OR Activate coasting command via the fieldbus/
serial communication port or via 1 of the
[25] [1661] Terminal 53 Switch
digital inputs.
[26] [1662] Analog input 53 8-51 Quick Stop Select
[27] [1663] Terminal 54 Switch
Option: Function:
[0] Digital Activate quick stop command via a digital
[28] [1664] Analog input 54
input input.
[29] [1665] Analog output 42
[mA] [1] Bus Activate quick stop command via the serial
[30] [1671] Relay output communication port or fieldbus option.
[31] [1672] Counter A [2] Logic AND Activate quick stop command via the fieldbus/
[32] [1673] Counter B serial communication port and additionally via
[33] [1690] Alarm Word 1 of the digital inputs.
[34] [1692] Warning Word
[3] * Logic OR Activate quick stop command via the fieldbus/
[35] [1694] Ext. Status Word
serial communication port or via 1 of the
[38] [1622] Torque [%] digital inputs.
[41] [1657] Feedback [RPM]

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 81

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

8-52 DC Brake Select 8-55 Set-up Select

Option: Function: Select the trigger for the set-up selection.
Select control of the DC brake via the terminals Option: Function:
(digital input) and/or via the fieldbus. [2] Logic AND The fieldbus/serial communication port and a
NOTICE digital input trigger the set-up selection.

When parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is [3] * Logic OR The fieldbus/serial communication port or a
set to [1] PM non-salient SPM, only digital input triggers the set-up selection.

4 4
selection [0] Digital input is available.
8-56 Preset Reference Select
[0] Digital Activate DC brake command via a digital input. Option: Function:
input Select the trigger for the preset reference
[1] Bus Activate DC brake command via the serial selection.
communication port or fieldbus option.
[0] Digital A digital input triggers the preset reference
[2] Logic Activate DC brake command via the fieldbus/ input selection.
AND serial communication port and additionally via 1
[1] Bus A serial communication port or the fieldbus
of the digital inputs.
triggers the preset reference selection.
[3] * Logic OR Activate DC brake command via the fieldbus/
[2] Logic AND The fieldbus/serial communication port and a
serial communication port or via 1 of the digital
digital input trigger the preset reference

8-53 Start Select [3] * Logic OR The fieldbus/serial communication port or a

digital input triggers the preset reference
Select the trigger for the start function.
Option: Function:
[0] Digital input A digital input triggers the start function. 8-57 Profidrive OFF2 Select
[1] Bus A serial communication port or the fieldbus Select control of the frequency converter OFF2 selection via the
triggers the start function. terminals (digital input) and/or via the fieldbus. This parameter is
active only when parameter 8-01 Control Site is set to [0] Digital
[2] Logic AND The fieldbus/serial communication port and a
and ctrl. word and parameter 8-10 Control Word Profile is set to [1]
digital input trigger the start function.
Profidrive profile.
[3] * Logic OR The fieldbus/serial communication port or a
Option: Function:
digital input triggers the start function.
[0] Digital input
8-54 Reversing Select [1] Bus
[2] Logic AND
Option: Function:
[3] * Logic OR
Select the trigger for the reversing function.

[0] Digital A digital input triggers the reversing function. 8-58 Profidrive OFF3 Select
input Select control of the frequency converter OFF3 selection via the
[1] Bus A serial communication port or the fieldbus terminals (digital input) and/or via the fieldbus. This parameter is
triggers the reversing function. active only when parameter 8-01 Control Site is set to [0] Digital
and ctrl. word, and parameter 8-10 Control Word Profile is set to [1]
[2] Logic AND The fieldbus/serial communication port and a
Profidrive profile.
digital input trigger the reversing function.
Option: Function:
[3] * Logic OR The fieldbus/serial communication port or a
[0] Digital input
digital input triggers the reversing function.
[1] Bus
[2] Logic AND
8-55 Set-up Select
[3] * Logic OR
Select the trigger for the set-up selection.
Option: Function:
[0] Digital input A digital input triggers the set-up selection.

[1] Bus A serial communication port or the fieldbus

triggers the set-up selection.

82 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.9.6 8-7* Protocol SW Version 4.9.8 8-9* Bus Feedback

8-79 Protocol Firmware version Use the parameter group to configure the bus feedback.
Range: Function: 8-90 Bus Jog 1 Speed
Size related* [0 - 65535 ] Firmware revision: FC is in index 0; Range: Function:
Modbus is in index 1; indexes 2–4
100 RPM* [ 0 - 1500 Enter the jog speed. This is a fixed
are reserved.
RPM] jog speed activated via the serial

4 4
port or fieldbus option.
4.9.7 8-8* FC Port Diagnostics
8-91 Bus Jog 2 Speed
These parameters are used for monitoring the bus Range: Function:
communication via the frequency converter port. 200 RPM* [ 0 - 1500 Enter the jog speed. This value is a
RPM] fixed jog speed activated via the
8-80 Bus Message Count
serial port or fieldbus option.
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] This parameter shows the number of
valid telegrams detected on the bus.

8-81 Bus Error Count

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] This parameter shows the number of
telegrams with faults (for example CRC
faults) detected on the bus.

8-82 Slave Messages Rcvd

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] This parameter shows the number of
valid telegrams sent by the frequency
converter to the slave.

8-83 Slave Error Count

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] This parameter shows the number of
error telegrams, which could not be
executed by the frequency converter.

8-84 Slave Messages Sent

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] This parameter shows the number of
messages sent from the slave.

8-85 Slave Timeout Errors

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] This parameter shows the number of
slave timeout errors.

8-88 Reset FC port Diagnostics

Option: Function:
[0] * Do not reset Do not reset all FC port diagnostic counters.

[1] Reset counter Reset all FC port diagnostic counters.

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.10 Parameters: 9-** PROFIdrive 9-15 PCD Write Configuration

Select the parameters to be assigned to PCD 3–10 of the
For more information about PROFIBUS parameter
telegrams. The number of available PCDs depends on the
descriptions, see the VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360 telegram type. Values in PCD 3–10 are written to the selected
PROFIBUS DP Programming Guide. parameters as data. For standard PROFIBUS telegrams, see
parameter 9-22 Telegram Selection.
For more information about PROFINET parameter
Option: Function:
descriptions, see the VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360
[676] Terminal 45 Output Bus Control
4 4 PROFINET Programming Guide.

9-00 Setpoint
Terminal 42 Output Bus Control
Process PID Proportional Gain
Range: Function: [734] Process PID Integral Time
0* [0 - This parameter receives cyclic reference from a [735] Process PID Differentiation Time
65535 ] master class 2. If the control priority is set to [748] PCD Feed Forward
master class 2, the reference for the frequency [890] Bus Jog 1 Speed
converter is taken from this parameter, whereas [891] Bus Jog 2 Speed
the cyclic reference is ignored. [1680] Fieldbus CTW 1
[1682] Fieldbus REF 1
9-07 Actual Value [3401] PCD 1 Write For Application
Range: Function: [3402] PCD 2 Write For Application
0* [0 - 65535 ] This parameter delivers the MAV for a master [3403] PCD 3 Write For Application
class 2. The parameter is valid if the control [3404] PCD 4 Write For Application
priority is set to master class 2. [3405] PCD 5 Write For Application
[3406] PCD 6 Write For Application
9-15 PCD Write Configuration [3407] PCD 7 Write For Application
Select the parameters to be assigned to PCD 3–10 of the [3408] PCD 8 Write For Application
telegrams. The number of available PCDs depends on the [3409] PCD 9 Write For Application
telegram type. Values in PCD 3–10 are written to the selected [3410] PCD 10 Write For Application
parameters as data. For standard PROFIBUS telegrams, see
parameter 9-22 Telegram Selection. 9-16 PCD Read Configuration
Option: Function: Select the parameters to be assigned to PCD 3–10 of the
telegrams. The number of available PCDs depends on the
[0] None
telegram type. Values in PCD 3–10 contain the actual data values
[302] Minimum Reference
of the selected parameters.
[303] Maximum Reference
[311] Jog Speed [Hz] Option: Function:
[312] Catch up/slow Down Value [0] None
[341] Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time [1500] Operating hours
[342] Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time [1501] Running Hours
[351] Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time [1502] kWh Counter
[352] Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time [1600] Control Word
[380] Jog Ramp Time [1601] Reference [Unit]
[381] Quick Stop Ramp Time [1602] Reference [%]
[412] Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] [1603] Status Word
[414] Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] [1605] Main Actual Value [%]
[416] Torque Limit Motor Mode [1609] Custom Readout
[417] Torque Limit Generator Mode [1610] Power [kW]
[553] Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb. Value [1611] Power [hp]
[558] Term. 33 High Ref./Feedb. Value [1612] Motor Voltage
[590] Digital & Relay Bus Control [1613] Frequency
[593] Pulse Out 27 Bus Control [1614] Motor current
[595] Pulse Out 29 Bus Control [1615] Frequency [%]
[615] Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. [1616] Torque [Nm]
Value [1617] Speed [RPM]
[625] Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. [1618] Motor Thermal
Value [1622] Torque [%]

84 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

9-16 PCD Read Configuration 9-18 Node Address

Select the parameters to be assigned to PCD 3–10 of the Range: Function:
telegrams. The number of available PCDs depends on the 126* [1 - Enter the station address in this parameter or,
telegram type. Values in PCD 3–10 contain the actual data values 126 ] alternatively, in the hardware switch. To adjust the
of the selected parameters. station address in parameter 9-18 Node Address,
Option: Function: set the hardware switch to 126 or 127 (that is all
[1630] DC Link Voltage switches set to on). Otherwise, this parameter
[1633] Brake Energy /2 min shows the actual setting of the switch.

[1634] Heatsink Temp.

9-19 Drive Unit System Number
4 4
[1635] Inverter Thermal
[1638] SL Controller State Range: Function:
[1639] Control Card Temp. 1037* [0 - 65535 ] Manufacturer specific system ID.
[1650] External Reference
[1652] Feedback[Unit] 9-22 Telegram Selection
[1653] Digi Pot Reference Select a standard PROFIBUS telegram configuration for the
[1657] Feedback [RPM] frequency converter as an alternative to the freely configurable
[1660] Digital Input telegrams in parameter 9-15 PCD Write Configuration and
[1661] Terminal 53 Setting parameter 9-16 PCD Read Configuration.

[1662] Analog input 53 Option: Function:

[1663] Terminal 54 Setting [1] Standard telegram 1
[1664] Analog input 54 [100] * None
[1665] Analog output 42 [mA] [101] PPO 1
[1667] Pulse input 29 [Hz] [102] PPO 2
[1668] Pulse input 33 [Hz] [103] PPO 3
[1669] Pulse output 27 [Hz] [104] PPO 4
[1670] Pulse output 29 [Hz] [105] PPO 5
[1671] Relay output [106] PPO 6
[1672] Counter A [107] PPO 7
[1673] Counter B [108] PPO 8
[1679] Analog output 45 [mA] [200] Custom telegram 1
[1684] Comm. Option STW
9-23 Parameters for Signals
[1685] FC Port CTW 1
[1690] Alarm Word Option: Function:
[1691] Alarm Word 2 [0] * None
[1692] Warning Word [302] Minimum Reference
[1693] Warning Word 2 [303] Maximum Reference
[1694] Ext. Status Word [311] Jog Speed [Hz]
[1695] Ext. Status Word 2 [312] Catch up/slow Down Value
[1697] Alarm Word 3 [341] Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time
[3421] PCD 1 Read For Application [342] Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time
[3422] PCD 2 Read For Application [351] Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time
[3423] PCD 3 Read For Application [352] Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time
[3424] PCD 4 Read For Application [380] Jog Ramp Time
[3425] PCD 5 Read For Application [381] Quick Stop Ramp Time
[3426] PCD 6 Read For Application [412] Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz]
[3427] PCD 7 Read For Application [414] Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]
[3428] PCD 8 Read For Application [416] Torque Limit Motor Mode
[3429] PCD 9 Read For Application [417] Torque Limit Generator Mode
[3430] PCD 10 Read For Application [553] Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb. Value
[3450] Actual Position [558] Term. 33 High Ref./Feedb. Value
[3456] Track Error [590] Digital & Relay Bus Control
[593] Pulse Out 27 Bus Control
[595] Pulse Out 29 Bus Control
[615] Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. Value

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

9-23 Parameters for Signals 9-23 Parameters for Signals

Option: Function: Option: Function:
[625] Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. Value [1680] Fieldbus CTW 1
[676] Terminal 45 Output Bus Control [1682] Fieldbus REF 1
[696] Terminal 42 Output Bus Control [1684] Comm. Option STW
[733] Process PID Proportional Gain [1685] FC Port CTW 1
[734] Process PID Integral Time [1690] Alarm Word
[735] Process PID Differentiation Time [1691] Alarm Word 2
4 4 [748] PCD Feed Forward [1692] Warning Word
[890] Bus Jog 1 Speed [1693] Warning Word 2
[891] Bus Jog 2 Speed [1694] Ext. Status Word
[1500] Operating hours [1695] Ext. Status Word 2
[1501] Running Hours [1697] Alarm Word 3
[1502] kWh Counter [3401] PCD 1 Write For Application
[1600] Control Word [3402] PCD 2 Write For Application
[1601] Reference [Unit] [3403] PCD 3 Write For Application
[1602] Reference [%] [3404] PCD 4 Write For Application
[1603] Status Word [3405] PCD 5 Write For Application
[1605] Main Actual Value [%] [3406] PCD 6 Write For Application
[1609] Custom Readout [3407] PCD 7 Write For Application
[1610] Power [kW] [3408] PCD 8 Write For Application
[1611] Power [hp] [3409] PCD 9 Write For Application
[1612] Motor Voltage [3410] PCD 10 Write For Application
[1613] Frequency [3421] PCD 1 Read For Application
[1614] Motor current [3422] PCD 2 Read For Application
[1615] Frequency [%] [3423] PCD 3 Read For Application
[1616] Torque [Nm] [3424] PCD 4 Read For Application
[1617] Speed [RPM] [3425] PCD 5 Read For Application
[1618] Motor Thermal [3426] PCD 6 Read For Application
[1622] Torque [%] [3427] PCD 7 Read For Application
[1630] DC Link Voltage [3428] PCD 8 Read For Application
[1633] Brake Energy /2 min [3429] PCD 9 Read For Application
[1634] Heatsink Temp. [3430] PCD 10 Read For Application
[1635] Inverter Thermal [3450] Actual Position
[1638] SL Controller State [3456] Track Error
[1639] Control Card Temp.
9-27 Parameter Edit
[1650] External Reference
[1652] Feedback[Unit] Option: Function:
[1653] Digi Pot Reference Parameters can be edited via PROFIBUS, the
[1657] Feedback [RPM] standard RS485 interface, or the LCP.
[1660] Digital Input [0] Disabled Disable editing via PROFIBUS.
[1661] Terminal 53 Setting
[1] * Enabled Enable editing via PROFIBUS.
[1662] Analog input 53
[1663] Terminal 54 Setting
[1664] Analog input 54
[1665] Analog output 42 [mA]
[1667] Pulse input 29 [Hz]
[1668] Pulse input 33 [Hz]
[1669] Pulse output 27 [Hz]
[1670] Pulse output 29 [Hz]
[1671] Relay output
[1672] Counter A
[1673] Counter B
[1679] Analog output 45 [mA]

86 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

9-28 Process Control 9-53 Profibus Warning Word

Option: Function: Range: Function:
Process control (setting of control word, speed 0* [0 - This parameter shows PROFIBUS communication
reference, and process data) is possible via either 65535 ] warnings.
PROFIBUS or standard fieldbus, but not both
simultaneously. Local control is always possible via Bit Description
the LCP. Control via process control is possible via 0 Connection with DP master is lost.
either terminals or fieldbus depending on the 1 Not used.
settings in parameter 8-50 Coasting Select to
parameter 8-56 Preset Reference Select.
2 FDL (fieldbus data link layer) is not
OK. 4 4
3 Clear data command received.
[0] Disable Disables process control via PROFIBUS master
4 Actual value is not updated.
class 1 and enables process control via standard
5 Baud rate search.
fieldbus or PROFIBUS master class 2.
6 PROFIBUS ASIC is not transmitting.
[1] Enable Enables process control via PROFIBUS master class
7 Initializing of PROFIBUS is not OK.
* cyclic 1 and disables process control via standard
8 Frequency converter is tripped.
master fieldbus or PROFIBUS master class 2.
9 Internal CAN error.
10 Wrong configuration data from PLC.
9-44 Fault Message Counter
11 Wrong ID sent by PLC.
Range: Function:
12 Internal fault occurred.
0* [0 - Indicates the number of fault events presently
13 Not configured.
65535 ] stored in parameter 9-45 Fault Code. The buffer
14 Timeout active.
capacity is maximum 8 error events. The buffer
15 Warning 34 active.
and counter are set to 0 by reset or power-up.
Table 4.8 Bit Definition
9-45 Fault Code
Range: Function:
9-63 Actual Baud Rate
0* [0 - 0 ] This buffer contains the alarm word for all alarms
and warnings that have occurred since last reset or
Option: Function:
power-up. The buffer capacity is maximum 8 error This parameter shows the actual
events. PROFIBUS baud rate. The PROFIBUS
master automatically sets the baud
9-47 Fault Number rate.

Range: Function: [0] 9,6 kbit/s

0* [0 - 0 ] This buffer contains the alarm word for all alarms [1] 19,2 kbit/s
and warnings that have occurred since last reset or [2] 93,75 kbit/s
power-up. The buffer capacity is maximum 8 error [3] 187,5 kbit/s
events. [4] 500 kbit/s
[6] 1500 kbit/s
9-52 Fault Situation Counter [7] 3000 kbit/s
Range: Function: [8] 6000 kbit/s
0* [0 - 1000 ] Indicates the number of fault events that have [9] 12000 kbit/s
occurred since last reset or power-up. [10] 31,25 kbit/s
[11] 45,45 kbit/s
[255] * No baudrate found

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

9-64 Device Identification 9-70 Edit Set-up

Range: Function: Option: Function:
0* [0 - NOTICE Select the set-up in which programming
0] (change of data) is performed during operation.
This parameter is not visible via LCP.
It is possible to program the 2 set-ups
independently of the set-up selected as active
The device identification parameter. The data type is
set-up. Parameter access from each master is
array [n] of unsigned16. The assignment of the 1st
directed to the set-up selected by the

4 4
subindexes is defined and shown in Table 4.9.
individual master (cyclic, acyclic MCL1, 1st
Index Content Value acyclic MCL2, 2nd acyclic MCL2, 3rd acyclic
0 Manufacturer 128 MCL2).
1 Device type 1 [1] Set-up 1
2 Version xxyy [2] Set-up 2
3 Firmware date year yyyy [9] * Active Set-
4 Firmware date ddmm up
5 No. of axes Variable 9-71 Profibus Save Data Values
6 Vendor specific: PB xxyy Option: Function:
Version Parameter values changed via RS485 are not
7 Vendor specific: xxyy automatically stored in a non-volatile memory.
Database Version Use this parameter to activate a function that
8 Vendor specific: xxyy stores parameter values in the EEPROM non-
AOC Version volatile memory, so changed parameter values
9 Vendor specific: xxyy are retained at power-down.
MOC Version [0] * Off Deactivates the non-volatile storage function.

Table 4.9 Device Identification 1st Subindex [1] Store all Stores all parameter values in the set-up selected
Assignment setups in parameter 9-70 Edit Set-up in the non-volatile
memory. The selection returns to [0] Off when all
values are stored.
9-65 Profile Number
Range: Function: 9-72 ProfibusDriveReset
0* [0 - 0 ] NOTICE Option: Function:
This parameter is not visible via LCP. NOTICE
This parameter contains the profile identification. 101 option only.
Byte 1 contains the profile number and byte 2 the
version number of the profile.
[0] * No action
[1] Power-on reset Resets the frequency converter after
9-67 Control Word 1
power-up, as for power cycle.
Range: Function:
[2] Power-on reset
0* [0 - 65535 ] This parameter accepts the control word from a
master class 2 in the same format as PCD 1.
[3] Comm option When reset, the frequency converter
reset disappears from the fieldbus, which may
9-68 Status Word 1
cause a communication error from the
Range: Function: master.
0* [0 - 65535 ] This parameter delivers the status word for a
master class 2 in the same format as PCD 2. 9-75 DO Identification
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Provides information about the DO (drive
object). This parameter is for PROFINET only.

88 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

9-80 Defined Parameters (1) 9-94 Changed Parameters (5)

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0* [0 - 9999 ] This parameter shows a list of all the defined 0* [0 - 9999 ] This parameter shows a list of all the frequency
frequency converter parameters. converter parameters deviating from default
9-81 Defined Parameters (2)
Range: Function: 9-99 Profibus Revision Counter
0* [0 - 9999 ] This parameter shows a list of all the defined Range: Function:
frequency converter parameters. 0* [0 - 65535 ] Readout of revision count. 4 4
9-82 Defined Parameters (3)
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 9999 ] This parameter shows a list of all the defined
frequency converter parameters.

9-83 Defined Parameters (4)

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 9999 ] This parameter shows a list of all the defined
frequency converter parameters.

9-84 Defined Parameters (5)

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 9999 ] This parameter shows a list of all the defined
frequency converter parameters.

9-85 Defined Parameters (6)

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 9999 ] This parameter shows a list of all the defined
frequency converter parameters.

9-90 Changed Parameters (1)

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 9999 ] This parameter shows a list of all the frequency
converter parameters deviating from default

9-91 Changed Parameters (2)

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 9999 ] This parameter shows a list of all the frequency
converter parameters deviating from default

9-92 Changed Parameters (3)

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 9999 ] This parameter shows a list of all the frequency
converter parameters deviating from default

9-93 Changed Parameters (4)

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 9999 ] This parameter shows a list of all the frequency
converter parameters deviating from default

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.11 Parameters: 12-** Ethernet 12-06 Name Servers

Range: Function:
For more information about Ethernet parameter
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] IP addresses of domain name servers.
descriptions, see the VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360
Can be automatically assigned when
PROFINET Programming Guide.
using DHCP.

4.11.1 12-0* IP Settings 12-07 Domain Name

Range: Function:
4 4 12-00 IP Address Assignment
Option: Function:
0* [1 - 48 ] Domain name of the attached network. Can be
automatically assigned when using DHCP network.
Select the IP address assignment method.
[0] MANUAL IP address can be set in parameter 12-01 IP 12-08 Host Name
Address IP Address. Range: Function:
[1] DHCP IP address is assigned via DHCP server. 0* [1 - 48 ] Logical (given) name of option.
[2] BOOTP IP address is assigned via BOOTP server.
[10] * DCP DCP is assigned via the DCP protocol. 12-09 Physical Address
12-01 IP Address Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0* [0 - 17 ] Read only.
Shows the physical (MAC) address of the option.
0* [0 - Configure the IP address of the option.
4294967295 ] Read-only if parameter 12-00 IP Address
Assignment is set to [1] DHCP, [2] BOOTP, 4.11.2 12-1* Ethernet Link Parameters
or via DIP switches.

12-10 Link Status

12-02 Subnet Mask
Option: Function:
Range: Function:
[0] * No Link
0* [0 - Configure the IP subnet mask of the
[1] Link Shows the link status of the Ethernet ports.
4294967295 ] option. Read-only if parameter 12-00 IP
Address Assignment is set to [1] DHCP or
12-11 Link Duration
[2] BOOTP.
Range: Function:
12-03 Default Gateway Size related* [ 0 - 0 ] Shows the duration of the present link
on each port in dd:hh:mm:ss.
Range: Function:
0* [0 - Configure the IP default gateway of the
12-12 Auto Negotiation
4294967295 ] option. Read-only if parameter 12-00 IP
Address Assignment set to [1] DHCP or [2] Option: Function:
BOOTP. Configures auto negotiation of Ethernet link
parameters, for each port: ON or OFF.
12-04 DHCP Server [0] Off Link speed and link duplex can be configured in
Range: Function: parameter 12-13 Link Speed and parameter 12-14 Link
0* [0 - 2147483647 ] NOTICE Duplex.

A power cycle is necessary after [1] * On

setting the IP parameters manually.
12-13 Link Speed

Read only. Shows the IP address of the

Option: Function:
found DHCP or BOOTP server. Forces the link speed for each port in 10 Mbps
or 100 Mbps. If parameter 12-12 Auto Negotiation
12-05 Lease Expires is set to [1] On, this parameter is read-only and
shows the actual link speed. If no link is present,
Range: Function:
None is shown.
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] Read only. Shows the lease time left for
the current DHCP-assigned IP address. [0] * None
[1] 10 Mbps
[2] 100

90 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

12-14 Link Duplex 12-91 Auto Cross Over

Option: Function: Option: Function:
Forces the duplex for each port to full or half NOTICE
duplex. If parameter 12-12 Auto Negotiation is
Disabling of the auto-crossover function
set to [1] On, this parameter is read-only.
requires crossed Ethernet cables for daisy-
[0] Half Duplex chaining the options.
[1] * Full Duplex

4 4
[0] Disabled Disables the auto-crossover function.
4.11.3 12-8* Other Ethernet Services [1] * Enabled Enables the auto-crossover function.

12-80 FTP Server 12-92 IGMP Snooping

Option: Function: Option: Function:
[0] * Disabled [0] Disabled
[1] Enabled [1] * Enabled

12-81 HTTP Server 12-93 Cable Error Length

Option: Function: Range: Function:
[0] * Disabled 0* [0 - If cable diagnostics is enabled in
[1] Enabled 65535 ] parameter 12-90 Cable Diagnostic, the built-in
switch is possible via time domain reflectometry
12-82 SMTP Service (TDR). This is a measurement technique which
Option: Function: detects common cabling problems such as open
[0] * Disabled circuits, short circuits, and impedance mismatches
[1] Enabled or breaks in transmission cables. The distance from
the option to the error is shown in meters with an
12-89 Transparent Socket Channel Port accuracy of ±2 m (6.6 ft). The value 0 means no
Range: Function: errors detected.
4000* [0 - 65535 ] Configures the TCP port number for the
transient socket channel. This enables FC 12-94 Broadcast Storm Protection
telegrams to be sent transiently on Ethernet Range: Function:
via TCP. Default value is 4000. 0 indicates -1 % [-1 - The built-in switch is capable of protecting the
disabled. * 20 %] switch system from receiving too many broadcast
packages, which can use up network resources. The
value indicates a percentage of the total
4.11.4 12-9* Advanced Ethernet Services bandwidth that is allowed for broadcast messages.

12-90 Cable Diagnostic
OFF means that the filter is disabled - all broadcast
Option: Function: messages are passed through. The value 0% means
Enables/disables advanced cable diagnosis that no broadcast messages are passed through. A
function. If enabled, the distance to cable errors value of 10% means that 10% of the total
can be read out in parameter 12-93 Cable Error bandwidth is allowed for broadcast messages. If
Length. The parameter resumes to the default the amount of broadcast messages exceeds the
setting [0] Disable after the diagnostics have 10% threshold, they are blocked.

NOTICE 12-95 Broadcast Storm Filter

The cable diagnostics function is only Applies to parameter 12-94 Broadcast Storm Protection, if the
issued on ports where there is no link (see broadcast storm protection also includes multicast telegrams.
parameter 12-10 Link Status). Option: Function:
[0] * Broadcast only
[0] * Disabled [1] Broadcast & Multicast
[1] Enabled

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 91

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

12-96 Port Config

Option: Function:
[0] * Normal
[1] Mirror Port 1 to 2
[2] Mirror Port 2 to 1
[10] Port 1 disabled
[11] Port 2 disabled
[254] Mirror Int. Port to 1
4 4 [255] Mirror Int. Port to 2

12-98 Interface Counters

Range: Function:
4000* [0 - Read-only.
4294967295 ] Advanced interface counters from a
built-in switch can be used for low-
level trouble shooting. The parameter
shows a sum of port 1 + port 2.

12-99 Media Counters

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 4294967295 ] Read-only.
Advanced interface counters from a built-
in switch can be used for low-level
troubleshooting. The parameter shows a
sum of port 1 + port 2.

92 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.12 Parameters: 13-** Smart Logic Control

Smart logic control (SLC) is a sequence of user-defined Start

event P13-01
actions (see parameter 13-52 SL Controller Action) executed
by the SLC when the associated user-defined event (see State 1
parameter 13-51 SL Controller Event) is evaluated as true by 13-52.0 State 2
Stop 13-51.1
the SLC. event P13-02 13-52.1

The condition for an event can be a particular status, or Stop

event P13-02
that the output from a logic rule or a comparator operand
4 4
State 4
becomes true. That leads to an associated action as 13-52.3
State 3
illustrated: 13-51.2

Par. 13-51 Par. 13-52

SL Controller Event SL Controller Action event P13-02
Illustration 4.26 Events and Actions
Running Coast
Warning Start timer
Torque limit Set Do X low
Digital input X 30/2 Select set-up 2 Starting and stopping the SLC
... ... Start and stop the SLC by selecting [1] On or [0] Off in
parameter 13-00 SL Controller Mode. The SLC always starts
Par. 13-43
Logic Rule Operator 2 in state 0 (where it evaluates event [0]). The SLC starts
when the Start Event (defined in parameter 13-01 Start
Event) is evaluated as true (provided that [1] On is selected
in parameter 13-00 SL Controller Mode). The SLC stops when
the stop event (parameter 13-02 Stop Event) is true.
Parameter 13-03 Reset SLC resets all SLC parameters and
Par. 13-11 starts programming from scratch.
Comparator Operator
= SLC is only active in auto-on mode, not hand-on mode.
TRUE longer than..


Illustration 4.25 Smart Logic Control (SLC)

Events and actions are each numbered and linked in pairs

(states). This means that when the first event is fulfilled
(becomes true), the first action is executed. After this, the
conditions of the 2nd event are evaluated and if evaluated
true, the 2nd action is executed, and so on. Only 1 event is
evaluated at any time. If an event is evaluated as false,
nothing happens (in the SLC) during the current scan
interval and no other events are evaluated. This means
that when the SLC starts, it evaluates the first event (and
only the first event) in each scan interval. Only when the
first event is evaluated true, the SLC executes the first
action and starts evaluating the 2nd event. It is possible to
program 1–20 events and actions.
When the last event/action has been executed, the
sequence starts over again from the first event/action.
Illustration 4.26 shows an example with 3 events/actions:

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.12.1 13-0* SLC Settings 13-02 Stop Event

Option: Function:
Use the SLC settings to activate, deactivate, and reset the [0] False
smart logic control sequence. The logic functions and
[1] True
comparators are always running in the background, which
[2] Running
opens for separate control of digital inputs and outputs.
[3] In range
13-00 SL Controller Mode [4] On reference
Option: Function: [7] Out of current range
4 4 [0] * Off Disable the smart logic controller. [8] Below I low
[9] Above I high
[1] On Enable the smart logic controller.
[16] Thermal warning
[17] Mains out of range
13-01 Start Event
[18] Reversing
Option: Function:
[19] Warning
[0] False
[20] Alarm (trip)
[1] True
[21] Alarm (trip lock)
[2] Running
[22] Comparator 0
[3] In range
[23] Comparator 1
[4] On reference
[24] Comparator 2
[7] Out of current range
[25] Comparator 3
[8] Below I low
[26] Logic rule 0
[9] Above I high
[27] Logic rule 1
[16] Thermal warning
[28] Logic rule 2
[17] Mains out of range
[29] Logic rule 3
[18] Reversing
[30] SL Time-out 0
[19] Warning
[31] SL Time-out 1
[20] Alarm (trip)
[32] SL Time-out 2
[21] Alarm (trip lock)
[33] Digital input DI18
[22] Comparator 0
[34] Digital input DI19
[23] Comparator 1
[35] Digital input DI27
[24] Comparator 2
[36] Digital input DI29
[25] Comparator 3
[39] Start command
[26] Logic rule 0
[40] * Drive stopped
[27] Logic rule 1
[42] Auto Reset Trip
[28] Logic rule 2
[50] Comparator 4
[29] Logic rule 3
[51] Comparator 5
[33] Digital input DI18
[60] Logic rule 4
[34] Digital input DI19
[61] Logic rule 5
[35] Digital input DI27
[70] SL Time-out 3
[36] Digital input DI29
[71] SL Time-out 4
[39] * Start command
[72] SL Time-out 5
[40] Drive stopped
[73] SL Time-out 6
[42] Auto Reset Trip
[74] SL Time-out 7
[50] Comparator 4
[83] Broken Belt
[51] Comparator 5
[60] Logic rule 4 13-03 Reset SLC
[61] Logic rule 5 Option: Function:
[83] Broken Belt [0] * Do not reset Retain programmed settings in parameter
SLC group 13-** Smart Logic.

[1] Reset SLC Reset all parameters in parameter group 13-

** Smart Logic to default settings.

94 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.12.2 13-1* Comparators 13-11 Comparator Operator

Option: Function:
Comparators are used for comparing continuous variables Select the operator to be used in the
(that is output frequency, output current, analog input, and comparison. This is an array parameter
so on.) to fixed preset values. containing comparator operators 0–5.

[0] Less Than (<) The result of the evaluation is true when the
Par. 13-11

Comparator Operator variable selected in
Par. 13-10 parameter 13-10 Comparator Operand is
Comparator Operand
smaller than the fixed value in 4 4
parameter 13-12 Comparator Value. The result
Par. 13-12 TRUE longer than.
Comparator Value ... is false if the variable selected in
... parameter 13-10 Comparator Operand is
greater than the fixed value in
Illustration 4.27 Comparators parameter 13-12 Comparator Value.

[1] Approx.Equal The result of the evaluation is true when the

* (~) variable speed selected in
There are digital values that are compared to fixed time parameter 13-10 Comparator Operand is
values. See explanation in parameter 13-10 Comparator approximately equal to the fixed value in
Operand. Comparators are evaluated once in each scan parameter 13-12 Comparator Value.
interval. Use the result (true or false) directly. All
parameters in this parameter group are array parameters [2] Greater Than Inverse logic of [0] Less Than (<).
with index 0 to 5. Select index 0 to program comparator 0, (>)
select index 1 to program comparator 1, and so on.
13-12 Comparator Value
13-10 Comparator Operand Range: Function:
Option: Function: 0* [-9999 - Enter the trigger level for the variable that is
[0] * Disabled 9999 ] monitored by this comparator. This is an
[1] Reference % array parameter containing comparator
[2] Feedback % values 0–5.
[3] Motor speed
[4] Motor Current 4.12.3 13-2* Timers
[6] Motor power
[7] Motor voltage Use the result (true or false) from timers directly to define
[8] DC-link voltage an event (see parameter 13-51 SL Controller Event), or as
[12] Analog input AI53 boolean input in a logic rule (see parameter 13-40 Logic
[13] Analog input AI54 Rule Boolean 1, parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2, or
[18] Pulse input FI29 parameter 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3). A timer is only false
[19] Pulse input FI33 when started by an action (for example [29] Start timer 1)
[20] Alarm number until the timer value entered in this parameter has elapsed.
[30] Counter A Then it becomes true again.
[31] Counter B All parameters in this parameter group are array
parameters with index 0 to 2. Select index 0 to program
timer 0, select index 1 to program timer 1, and so on.

13-20 SL Controller Timer

Range: Function:
0 s* [0 - 3600 Enter the value to define the duration of the
s] false output from the programmed timer. A
timer is only false if it is started by an action
(for example [29] Start timer 1) and until the
given timer value has elapsed.

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.12.4 13-4* Logic Rules 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1

Option: Function:
Combine up to 3 boolean inputs (true/false inputs) from [25] Comparator 3
timers, comparators, digital inputs, status bits, and events
[26] Logic rule 0
using the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT. Select
[27] Logic rule 1
boolean inputs for the calculation in parameter 13-40 Logic
[28] Logic rule 2
Rule Boolean 1, parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2, and
[29] Logic rule 3
parameter 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3. Define the operators
[30] SL Time-out 0
4 4
used to logically combine the selected inputs in
parameter 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1 and [31] SL Time-out 1
parameter 13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2. [32] SL Time-out 2
[33] Digital input DI18

Par. 13-41 Par. 13-43

[34] Digital input DI19

Logic Rule Operator 1 Logic Rule Operator 2 [35] Digital input DI27
Par. 13-40
Logic Rule Boolean 1 [36] Digital input DI29
Par. 13-42 [39] Start command
Logic Rule Boolean 2 ...
... ...
[40] Drive stopped
... [42] Auto Reset Trip
Par. 13-44 [50] Comparator 4
Logic Rule Boolean 3 [51] Comparator 5
Illustration 4.28 Logic Rules [60] Logic rule 4
[61] Logic rule 5
[70] SL Time-out 3
Priority of calculation [71] SL Time-out 4
The results of parameter 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1, [72] SL Time-out 5
parameter 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1, and [73] SL Time-out 6
parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2 are calculated first.
[74] SL Time-out 7
The outcome (true/false) of this calculation is combined
[83] Broken Belt
with the settings of parameter 13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2
and parameter 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3, yielding the final 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1
result (true/false) of the logic rule. Option: Function:
13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1 Select the 1st logical operator to use on the
Option: Function: boolean inputs from parameter 13-40 Logic
Rule Boolean 1 and parameter 13-42 Logic Rule
Select the 1st boolean (true or false)
Boolean 2.
input for the selected logic rule. See
parameter 13-01 Start Event ([0]–[61]) [0] * Disabled Ignore parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2,
and parameter 13-02 Stop Event ([70]– parameter 13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2, and
[74]) for further description. parameter 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3.

[0] * False [1] AND Evaluate the expression [13-40] AND [13-42].
[1] True [2] OR Evaluate the expression [13-40] OR [13-42].
[2] Running
[3] AND NOT Evaluate the expression [13-40] AND NOT
[3] In range
[4] On reference
[7] Out of current range [4] OR NOT Evaluate the expression [13-40] OR NOT
[8] Below I low [13-42].
[9] Above I high [5] NOT AND Evaluate the expression NOT [13-40] AND
[16] Thermal warning [13-42].
[17] Mains out of range
[6] NOT OR Evaluate the expression NOT [13-40] OR
[18] Reversing
[19] Warning
[7] NOT AND Evaluate the expression NOT [13-40] AND
[20] Alarm (trip)
NOT NOT [13-42].
[21] Alarm (trip lock)
[22] Comparator 0 [8] NOT OR Evaluate the expression NOT [13-40] OR NOT
[23] Comparator 1 NOT [13-42].
[24] Comparator 2

96 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2 13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2

Option: Function: Option: Function:
Select the 2nd boolean (true or false) Select the 2nd logical operator to be used on
input for the selected logic rule. See the boolean input calculated in
parameter 13-01 Start Event ([0]–[61]), parameter 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1,
and parameter 13-02 Stop Event ([70]– parameter 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1, and
[74]) for further description. parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2, and
the boolean input coming from
[0] * False
[1] True
parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2.
Parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2
4 4
[2] Running
signifies the boolean input of
[3] In range
parameter 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3.
[4] On reference
Parameter 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1, and
[7] Out of current range parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2 signify
[8] Below I low the boolean input calculated in
[9] Above I high parameter 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1,
[16] Thermal warning parameter 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1, and
[17] Mains out of range parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2.
[18] Reversing
[0] * Disabled Ignore parameter 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3.
[19] Warning
[20] Alarm (trip) [1] AND

[21] Alarm (trip lock) [2] OR

[22] Comparator 0 [3] AND NOT

[23] Comparator 1 [4] OR NOT

[24] Comparator 2 [5] NOT AND

[25] Comparator 3 [6] NOT OR

[26] Logic rule 0 [7] NOT AND

[27] Logic rule 1
[28] Logic rule 2
[29] Logic rule 3 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3
[30] SL Time-out 0
Option: Function:
[31] SL Time-out 1
Select the 3rd boolean (true or false)
[32] SL Time-out 2
input for the selected logic rule. See
[33] Digital input DI18
parameter 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1,
[34] Digital input DI19
parameter 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1,
[35] Digital input DI27 and parameter 13-42 Logic Rule
[36] Digital input DI29 Boolean 2, and the boolean input.
[39] Start command See parameter 13-01 Start Event ([0]–
[40] Drive stopped [61]), and parameter 13-02 Stop Event
[42] Auto Reset Trip ([70]–[74]) for further description.
[50] Comparator 4
[0] * False
[51] Comparator 5
[1] True
[60] Logic rule 4
[2] Running
[61] Logic rule 5
[3] In range
[70] SL Time-out 3
[4] On reference
[71] SL Time-out 4
[7] Out of current range
[72] SL Time-out 5
[8] Below I low
[73] SL Time-out 6
[9] Above I high
[74] SL Time-out 7
[16] Thermal warning
[83] Broken Belt
[17] Mains out of range
[18] Reversing
[19] Warning
[20] Alarm (trip)
[21] Alarm (trip lock)

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3 13-51 SL Controller Event

Option: Function: Option: Function:
[22] Comparator 0 [18] Reversing
[23] Comparator 1 [19] Warning
[24] Comparator 2 [20] Alarm (trip)
[25] Comparator 3 [21] Alarm (trip lock)
[26] Logic rule 0 [22] Comparator 0
[27] Logic rule 1 [23] Comparator 1
4 4 [28] Logic rule 2 [24] Comparator 2
[29] Logic rule 3 [25] Comparator 3
[30] SL Time-out 0 [26] Logic rule 0
[31] SL Time-out 1 [27] Logic rule 1
[32] SL Time-out 2 [28] Logic rule 2
[33] Digital input DI18 [29] Logic rule 3
[34] Digital input DI19 [30] SL Time-out 0
[35] Digital input DI27 [31] SL Time-out 1
[36] Digital input DI29 [32] SL Time-out 2
[39] Start command [33] Digital input DI18
[40] Drive stopped [34] Digital input DI19
[42] Auto Reset Trip [35] Digital input DI27
[50] Comparator 4 [36] Digital input DI29
[51] Comparator 5 [39] Start command
[60] Logic rule 4 [40] Drive stopped
[61] Logic rule 5 [42] Auto Reset Trip
[70] SL Time-out 3 [50] Comparator 4
[71] SL Time-out 4 [51] Comparator 5
[72] SL Time-out 5 [60] Logic rule 4
[73] SL Time-out 6 [61] Logic rule 5
[74] SL Time-out 7 [70] SL Time-out 3
[83] Broken Belt [71] SL Time-out 4
[72] SL Time-out 5
4.12.5 13-5* States [73] SL Time-out 6
[74] SL Time-out 7

13-51 SL Controller Event [83] Broken Belt

Option: Function: 13-52 SL Controller Action

Select the 3rd boolean (true or false) Option: Function:
input for the selected logic rule. See [0] * Disabled Select the action corresponding to the SLC
parameter 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1, event. Actions are executed when the
parameter 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1, corresponding event (defined in
parameter 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2, parameter 13-51 SL Controller Event) is
and the boolean input. See evaluated as true.
parameter 13-01 Start Event ([0]–[61])
[1] No action
and parameter 13-02 Stop Event ([70]–
[74]) for further description. [2] Select set-up Changes the active set-up
1 (parameter 0-10 Active Set-up) to 1. If the set-
[0] * False up is changed, it merges with other set-up
[1] True commands coming from either the digital
[2] Running inputs, or via a fieldbus.
[3] In range
[3] Select set-up Changes the active set-up
[4] On reference
2 (parameter 0-10 Active Set-up) to 2. If the set-
[7] Out of current range
up is changed, it merges with other set-up
[8] Below I low
commands coming from either the digital
[9] Above I high inputs, or via a fieldbus.
[16] Thermal warning
[17] Mains out of range

98 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

13-52 SL Controller Action 13-52 SL Controller Action

Option: Function: Option: Function:
[10] Select preset Select preset reference 0. If the active preset [26] DC Brake Issues a DC-brake command to the
ref 0 reference is changed, it merges with other frequency converter.
preset reference commands coming from
[27] Coast The frequency converter coasts immediately.
either the digital inputs or via a fieldbus.
All stop commands including the coast
[11] Select preset Selects preset reference 1. If the active command stop the SLC.
ref 1 preset reference is changed, it merges with
other preset reference commands coming
[28] Freeze output Freezes the output of the frequency
converter. 4 4
from either the digital inputs, or via a
fieldbus. [29] Start timer 0 See parameter 13-20 SL Controller Timer for
further description.
[12] Select preset Selects preset reference 2. If the active
ref 2 preset reference is changed, it merges with [30] Start timer 1 See parameter 13-20 SL Controller Timer for
other preset reference commands coming further description.
from either the digital inputs, or via a [31] Start timer 2 See parameter 13-20 SL Controller Timer for
fieldbus. further description.
[13] Select preset Selects preset reference 3. If the active [32] Set digital Any output with SL output A is low.
ref 3 preset reference is changed, it merges with out A low
other preset reference commands coming [33] Set digital Any output with SL output B is low.
from either the digital inputs, or via a out B low
fieldbus. [34] Set digital Any output with SL output C is low.
[14] Select preset Selects preset reference 4. If the active out C low
ref 4 preset reference is changed, it merges with [35] Set digital Any output with SL output D is low.
other preset reference commands coming out D low
from either the digital inputs, or via a [38] Set digital Any output with SL output A is high.
fieldbus. out A high

[15] Select preset Selects preset reference 5. If the active [39] Set digital Any output with SL output B is high.
ref 5 preset reference is changed, it merges with out B high
other preset reference commands coming [40] Set digital Any output with SL output C is high.
from either the digital inputs, or via a out C high
fieldbus. [41] Set digital Any output with SL output D is high.
out D high
[16] Select preset Selects preset reference 6. If the active
[60] Reset Resets Counter A to zero.
ref 6 preset reference is changed, it merges with
Counter A
other preset reference commands coming
[61] Reset Resets Counter B to zero.
from either the digital inputs, or via a
Counter B
[70] Start Timer 3 See parameter 13-20 SL Controller Timer for
[17] Select preset Selects preset reference 7. If the active further description.
ref 7 preset reference is changed, it merges with
[71] Start Timer 4 See parameter 13-20 SL Controller Timer for
other preset reference commands coming
further description.
from either the digital inputs, or via a
fieldbus. [72] Start Timer 5 See parameter 13-20 SL Controller Timer for
further description.
[18] Select ramp 1 Selects ramp 1.
[73] Start Timer 6 See parameter 13-20 SL Controller Timer for
[19] Select ramp 2 Selects ramp 2.
further description.
[22] Run Issues a start command to the frequency
[74] Start Timer 7 See parameter 13-20 SL Controller Timer for
further description.
[23] Run reverse Issues a start reverse command to the
frequency converter.

[24] Stop Issues a stop command to the frequency


[25] Qstop Issues a quick stop command to the

frequency converter.

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.13 Parameters: 14-** Special Functions 14-08 Damping Gain Factor

Range: Function:
4.13.1 14-0* Inverter Switching
Size related* [0 - 100 %] Damping factor for DC-link voltage
14-01 Switching Frequency
Option: Function: 14-09 Dead Time Bias Current Level
Select the inverter switching frequency. Changing Range: Function:
the switching frequency helps to reduce acoustic Size related* [0 - 100 %] Set a bias signal (in [%]) to add to
4 4 noise from the motor. the current-sense signal for deadtime
[0] Ran3 3 kHz true random PWM (white noise compensation.

[1] Ran5 5 kHz true random PWM (white noise 4.13.2 14-1* Mains On/Off

[2] 2.0 kHz Parameters for configuring mains failure monitoring and
[3] 3.0 kHz handling. If a mains failure appears, the frequency
[4] 4.0 kHz converter tries to continue in a controlled way until the
[5] 5.0 kHz power in the DC link is exhausted.
[6] 6.0 kHz 14-10 Mains Failure
[7] 8.0 kHz Option: Function:
[8] 10.0 kHz
[9] 12.0 kHz
Parameter 14-10 Mains Failure cannot be
[10] 16.0 kHz
changed while the motor is running.
14-03 Overmodulation
Option: Function: Parameter 14-10 Mains Failure is typically used
[0] Off To avoid torque ripple on the motor shaft, select [0] where short mains interruptions (voltage dips) are
Off for no overmodulation of the output voltage. This present. At 100% load and a short voltage
feature may be useful for applications such as grinding interruption, the DC voltage on the main
machines. capacitors drops quickly. For larger frequency
converters, it only takes a few milliseconds before
[1] * On Select [1] On to enable the overmodulation function
the DC level is down to about 373 V DC and the
for the output voltage. Select this setting when it is
IGBTs cut off and lose control of the motor. When
required that the output voltage is >95% of the input
mains is restored, and the IGBTs start again, the
voltage (typical when running oversynchronously). The
output frequency and voltage vector do not
output voltage is increased according to the degree of
correspond to the speed/frequency of the motor,
and the result is normally an overvoltage or
NOTICE overcurrent, mostly resulting in a trip lock.
Overmodulation leads to increased torque Parameter 14-10 Mains Failure can be programmed
ripple as harmonics are increased. to avoid this situation.

Select the function to which the frequency

converter must act when the threshold in
14-07 Dead Time Compensation Level parameter 14-11 Mains Voltage at Mains Fault has
Range: Function: been reached.
Size [0 - Level of applied deadtime compensation [0] No The frequency converter does not compensate for
related* 100 ] in percentage. A high level (>90%) * function a mains interruption. The voltage on the DC-link
optimizes the dynamic motor response; a drops quickly, and the motor is lost within
level 50–90% is good for both motor- milliseconds to seconds. Trip lock is the result.
torque-ripple minimization and the
[1] Ctrl. The frequency converter retains control of the
motor dynamics. A 0-level turns the
ramp- motor and does a controlled ramp down from
deadtime compensation off.
down parameter 14-11 Mains Fault Voltage Level level. If
parameter 2-10 Brake Function is [0] Off or [2] AC
brake, the ramp follows the overvoltage ramping.
If parameter 2-10 Brake Function is [1] Resistor
Brake, the ramp follows the setting in

100 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

14-10 Mains Failure 14-10 Mains Failure

Option: Function: Option: Function:
parameter 3-81 Quick Stop Ramp Time. This If the mains does not return, UDC is maintained as
selection is useful in pump applications, where the long as possible by ramping the speed down
inertia is low and the friction is high. When mains towards 0 RPM. Finally, the frequency converter
is restored, the output frequency ramps the motor coasts.
up to the reference speed (if the mains If mains returns while in kinetic back-up, UDC
interruption is prolonged, the controlled ramp increases above parameter 14-11 Mains Fault
down might take down the output frequency to 0
RPM, and when the mains is restored, the
Voltage Level x 1.35. This is detected in 1 of the
following ways:
4 4
application is ramped up from 0 RPM to the
• If UDC >parameter 14-11 Mains Fault
previous reference speed via the normal ramp up). Voltage Level x 1.35 x 1.05
If the energy in the DC-link disappears before the
motor is ramped to 0, the motor is coasted. • If the speed is above the reference. This
is relevant if mains comes back at a
[2] Ctrl. This selection is similar to selection [1] Ctrl. ramp- lower level than before, for example,
ramp- down, except that in [2] Ctrl. ramp-down, trip a parameter 14-11 Mains Fault Voltage Level
down, reset is necessary for starting up after power-up. x 1.35 x 1.02. This does not fulfill the
trip criterion above, and the frequency
[3] Coasting Centrifuges can run for an hour without power converter tries to reduce UDC to
supply. In those situations, it is possible to select a parameter 14-11 Mains Fault Voltage Level
coast function at mains interruption, together with x 1.35 by increasing the speed. This does
a flying start, which occurs when the mains is not succeed as mains cannot be lowered.
• If running motoric. The same mechanism
[4] Kinetic Kinetic back-up ensures that the frequency as in the previous point, but where the
back-up converter keeps running as long as there is energy inertia prevents the speed from going
in the system due to the inertia from motor and above the reference speed. This leads to
load. This is done by converting the mechanical the motor running motoric until the
energy to the DC-link and thereby maintaining speed is above the reference speed, and
control of the frequency converter and motor. This the above situation occurs. Instead of
can extend the controlled operation, depending waiting for that, the present criterion is
on the inertia in the system. For fans, it is typically introduced.
several seconds, for pumps up to 2 s and for
[5] Kinetic The difference between kinetic back-up with and
compressors only for a fraction of a second. Many
back-up, without trip is that the latter always ramps down
industry applications can extend controlled
trip to 0 RPM and trips, regardless of whether mains
operation for many seconds, which is often
return or not.
enough time for the mains to return.
The function is made so that it does not even
detect if mains return. This is the reason for the

relatively high level on the DC-link during ramp
n [RPM] t [S]

790 V

t [S] UDC
n [RPM] t [S]

A Normal operation
B Mains failure
C Kinetic back-up 0
t [S]

D Mains return
E Normal operation: Ramping A Normal operation
B Mains failure
Illustration 4.29 Kinetic Back-up C Kinetic back-up
D Trip

The DC-level during [4] Kinetic back-up is Illustration 4.30 Kinetic Back-up Trip
parameter 14-11 Mains Fault Voltage Level x 1.35.

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

14-10 Mains Failure 4.13.3 14-2* Trip Reset

Option: Function:
[6] Alarm
Parameters for configuring auto reset handling, special trip
handling, and control card self test, or initialization.
[7] Kin. Kinetic back-up with recovery combines the
back-up, features of kinetic back-up and kinetic back-up 14-20 Reset Mode
trip w with trip. This feature makes it possible to select
Option: Function:
recovery between kinetic back-up and kinetic back-up with
trip based on a recovery speed, which is config- WARNING
4 4 urable in parameter 14-15 Kin. Back-up Trip
Recovery Level to enable detection of mains
When the frequency converter is
returning. If the mains do not return, the
connected to AC mains, DC supply,
frequency converter ramps down to 0 RPM and
or load sharing, the motor may
trips. If mains return while kinetic back-up is at a
start at any time. Unintended start
speed above the value set in parameter 14-15 Kin.
during programming, service, or
Back-up Trip Recovery Level, normal operation is
repair work can result in death,
resumed. This is equal to [4] Kinetic Back-up. The
serious injury, or property damage.
DC level during [7] Kinetic back-up is
The motor can start via an external
parameter 14-11 Mains Fault Voltage Level x 1.35. If
switch, a fieldbus command, an
mains return while kinetic back-up is at a speed
input reference signal from the LCP,
below parameter 14-15 Kin. Back-up Trip Recovery
or after a cleared fault condition.
Level, the frequency converter ramps down to 0
To prevent unintended motor start:
RPM using the ramp and then trips.
• Disconnect the frequency
14-11 Mains Fault Voltage Level converter from the mains.
Range: Function: • Press [Off/Reset] on the
342 [100 - This parameter defines the threshold voltage at LCP before programming
V* 800 V] which the selected function in parameters.
parameter 14-10 Mains Failure is activated. Based • Fully wire and assembly
on the supply quality, consider to select 90% of the frequency converter,
the nominal mains as the detection level. For a motor, and any driven
supply of 380 V, parameter 14-11 Mains Fault equipment before
Voltage Level should be set to 342 V. This results connecting the frequency
in a DC detection level of 462 V converter to AC mains, DC
(parameter 14-11 Mains Fault Voltage Level x supply, or load sharing.

14-12 Response to Mains Imbalance NOTICE

Option: Function: If the specified number of
Operation under severe mains imbalance automatic resets is reached within
conditions reduces the lifetime of the motor. 10 minutes, the frequency
Conditions are considered severe if the motor is converter enters [0] Manual reset
operated continuously near nominal load (for mode. After the manual reset is
example, a pump or fan running near full speed). performed, the setting of
parameter 14-20 Reset Mode reverts
[0] * Trip Trips the frequency converter. to the original selection. If the
[1] Warning Issues a warning. number of automatic resets is not
reached within 10 minutes, or
[2] Disabled No action is taken.
when a manual reset is performed,
[3] Derate Derates the frequency converter. the internal automatic reset
counter returns to 0.
14-15 Kin. Back-up Trip Recovery Level
Range: Function: Select the reset function after tripping.
Size related* [0 - 500.000 Reference- This parameter specifies Once reset, the frequency converter can
FeedbackUnit] the kinetic back-up trip be restarted.
recovery level. [0] * Manual reset Select [0] Manual reset, to perform a
reset via [Reset] or via the digital inputs.

102 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

14-20 Reset Mode 14-24 Trip Delay at Current Limit

Option: Function: Range: Function:
[1] Automatic reset Select [1]-[12] Automatic reset x 1…x 20 60 s* [0 - Enter the current limit trip delay in seconds. When
x1 to perform between 1 and 20 automatic 60 s] the output current reaches the current limit
resets after tripping. (parameter 4-18 Current Limit), a warning is
triggered. When the current limit warning has
[2] Automatic reset
been continuously present for the period specified
in this parameter, the frequency converter trips. To
[3] Automatic reset
run continuously in current limit without tripping,
set the parameter to 60 s=Off. Thermal monitoring
4 4
[4] Automatic reset
of the frequency converter remains active.
[5] Automatic reset
14-25 Trip Delay at Torque Limit
Range: Function:
[6] Automatic reset
x6 60 s* [0 - Enter the torque limit trip delay in seconds. When
[7] Automatic reset 60 s] the output torque reaches the torque limits
x7 (parameter 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode and
parameter 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode), a
[8] Automatic reset
warning is triggered. When the torque limit
warning has been continuously present for the
[9] Automatic reset
period specified in this parameter, the frequency
converter trips. Disable the trip delay by setting
[10] Automatic reset
the parameter to 60 s=Off. Thermal monitoring of
x 10
the frequency converter remains active.
[11] Automatic reset
x 15
14-27 Action At Inverter Fault
[12] Automatic reset
Option: Function:
x 20
[13] Infinite auto Select [13] Infinite Automatic Reset for Select how the frequency converter reacts when
reset continuous resetting after tripping. an overvoltage or grounding fault occurs.

[14] Reset at power- [0] Trip Disable the protection filters and trips at the first
up fault.

[1] * Warning Run the protection filters normally.

14-21 Automatic Restart Time
Range: Function: 14-28 Production Settings
10 s* [0 - 600 Enter the time interval from trip to start of the Option: Function:
s] automatic reset function. This parameter is
[0] * No action
active when parameter 14-20 Reset Mode is set
[1] Service reset
to [1]–[13] Automatic reset.
[3] Software Reset

14-22 Operation Mode 14-29 Service Code

Option: Function: Range: Function:
[0] * Normal Normal operation with motor selected. 0* [0 - 0x7FFFFFFF ] Only for service technicians use.
[2] Initialisation Reset parameter values to default
settings. The frequency converter resets
during the next power-up.

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 103

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.13.4 14-3* Current Limit Control 14-41 AEO Minimum Magnetisation

Range: Function:
The frequency converter features an integral current limit 66 %* [40 - Enter the minimum allowable magnetization
controller, which is activated when the motor current, and 75 %] for AEO. Selection of a low value reduces
thus the torque, is higher than the torque limits set in energy loss in the motor, but can also
parameter 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode and reduce resistance to sudden load changes.
parameter 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode.
When the current limit is reached during motor operation 14-44 d-axis current optimization for IPM

4 4
or regenerative operation, the frequency converter tries to
Range: Function:
reduce torque below the preset torque limits as quickly as
possible without losing control of the motor. 100 [0 - This parameter is available only when
%* 200 %] parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set to [3]
14-30 Current Lim Ctrl, Proportional Gain PM, salient IPM.
Range: Function:
Normally, VVC+ PM control automatically
100 %* [0 - 500 %] Enter the proportional gain value for the optimizes d-axis demagnetizing current based on
current limit controller. Selection of a high d-axis and q-axis settings. When
value makes the controller react faster. Too parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set to [3]
high a setting leads to controller PM, salient IPM, use this parameter to
instability. compensate the saturation effect at high load.
Usually, decreasing this value improves the
14-31 Current Lim Ctrl, Integration Time efficiency. However, 0% means no optimization
Range: Function: and the d-axis current is 0 (not recommended).
0.020 s* [0.002 - 2 s] Control the current limit control
integration time. Setting it to a lower
4.13.6 14-5* Environment
value makes it react faster. A setting too
low leads to control instability.
14-32 Current Lim Ctrl, Filter Time Perform a power cycle after changing any of the
Range: Function: parameters in parameter group 14-5* Environment.
5 ms* [1 - 100 ms] Set a time constant for the current limit
controller low-pass filter. These parameters help the frequency converter to operate
under special environmental conditions.

14-50 RFI Filter

4.13.5 14-4* Energy Optimizing
Option: Function:
Parameters for adjusting the energy optimization level in [0] Off
both variable torque (VT) and automatic energy optimi- [1] On
zation (AEO) mode in parameter 1-03 Torque Characteristics. [2] * Grid Type

14-40 VT Level 14-51 DC-Link Voltage Compensation

Range: Function: Option: Function:
66 % [40 - NOTICE [0] Off Disable DC-link compensation.
* 90 %]
This parameter cannot be adjusted while [1] * On Enable DC-link compensation.
the motor is running.
14-52 Fan Control
NOTICE This feature is only available in frequency converters 11–75 kW.
This parameter is not active when Option: Function:
parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is set to [5] * Constant-on mode
options that enable PM motor mode. [6] Constant-off mode
[7] On-when-Inverter-is-on-else-off Mode
Enter the level of motor magnetization at low [8] Variable-speed mode
speed. Selection of a low value reduces energy
loss in the motor, but also reduces load

104 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

14-55 Output Filter 4.13.8 14-8* Options

Option: Function:
14-89 Option Detection
Selects the behavior when an option change is detected. This
This parameter cannot be changed
parameter returns to [0] Protect Option Config. after an option
while the motor is running.

Select the type of output filter connected. Option: Function:

[0] * Protect Option Config. Freezes the current settings and
[0] * No Filter
[1] Sine-Wave Filter
prevents unwanted changes when 4 4
missing or defective options are
4.13.7 14-6* Auto Derate
[1] Enable Option Settings can be changed when the
Change system configuration is being
Use this parameter group to configure automatic derating
for the output current of the frequency converter.

14-61 Function at Inverter Overload

4.13.9 14-9* Fault Settings
When the frequency converter issues a frequency converter
overload warning, select whether to continue and trip the
Use the parameters to configure the fault settings.
frequency converter, or derate the output current.
Option: Function: 14-90 Fault Level
[0] * Trip Use this parameter to customize fault levels. Use the 8th element
[1] Derate to control the fault level of alarm 13, Overcurrent.
Option: Function:
14-63 Min Switch Frequency
[3] * Trip Lock Alarm is set to trip lock.
Option: Function:
[4] Trip w. Alarm is configured into trip alarm, which
Set the minimum switch frequency allowed by
delayed reset can be reset after a delay time. For
the output filter.
example, if alarm 13, Overcurrent is
[2] * 2.0 kHz configured to this option, it can be reset 3
[3] 3.0 kHz minutes after the alarm.
[4] 4.0 kHz
[5] Flystart At start-up, the frequency converter tries to
[5] 5.0 kHz
catch a spinning motor. If this option is
[6] 6.0 kHz selected, parameter 1-73 Flying Start is
[7] 8.0 kHz forced to [1] Enabled.
[8] 10.0 kHz
[9] 12.0 kHz Index Alarm Trip lock Trip w. Flystart
[10] 16.0 kHz delayed
0 Reserved – – –
14-64 Dead Time Compensation Zero Current Level
1 Reserved – – –
Option: Function:
2 Reserved – – –
[0] * Disabled
3 Reserved – – –
[1] Enabled If using a long motor cable, select this option to
4 Reserved – – –
minimize the motor torque ripple.
5 Reserved – – –
6 Reserved – – –
14-65 Speed Derate Dead Time Compensation
7 Overcurrent D x x
Range: Function:
Size [ 20 - Deadtime compensation level is reduced Table 4.10 Table for Selection of Action when
related* 1000 Hz] linearly versus output frequency from Selected Alarm Appears (Parameter 14-90 Fault Level)
the maximum level set in D = Default setting
parameter 14-07 Dead Time Compen- x = Possible selection
sation Level to a minimum level set in
this parameter.

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 105

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.14 Parameters: 15-** Drive Information 4.14.2 15-3* Alarm Log

4.14.1 15-0* Operating Data Parameters in this group are array parameters, where up to
10 fault logs can be viewed. 0 is the most recent logged
15-00 Operating hours data, and 9 is the oldest. Fault codes and values can be
Range: Function: viewed for all logged data.
0 h* [0 - 0x7fffffff. h] View how many hours the frequency 15-30 Alarm Log: Error Code
converter has run. The value is saved, Range: Function:
4 4 when the frequency converter is turned
0* [0 - 255 ] View the error code and look up its meaning in
chapter 6 Troubleshooting.

15-01 Running Hours

15-31 InternalFaultReason
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
0 h* [0 - View how many hours the motor has run.
0* [-32767 - View an extra description of the error. This
0x7fffffff. h] Reset the counter in parameter 15-07 Reset
32767 ] parameter is mostly used in combination
Running Hours Counter. The value is saved,
with alarm 38, Internal Fault.
when the frequency converter is turned off.

15-02 kWh Counter 4.14.3 15-4* Drive Identification

Range: Function:
0 kWh* [0 - Register the power consumption of Parameters containing read-only information about the
2147483647 the motor as an average value over 1 hardware and software configuration of the frequency
kWh] hour. Reset the counter in converter.
parameter 15-06 Reset kWh Counter.
15-40 FC Type
Range: Function:
15-03 Power Up's
0* [0 - 0 ] View the frequency converter type. The readout is
Range: Function:
identical to the power field of the type code
0* [0 - 2147483647 ] View the number of times the frequency
definition, characters 1–6.
converter has been powered up.

15-41 Power Section

15-04 Over Temp's
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 20 ] View the FC type. The readout is identical to the
0* [0 - 65535 ] View the number of frequency converter
power field of the type code definition, characters
temperature faults.

15-05 Over Volt's 15-42 Voltage

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] View the number of frequency converter
0* [0 - 20 ] View the FC type. The readout is identical to the
power field type of the type code definition,
characters 11–12.
15-06 Reset kWh Counter
Option: Function: 15-43 Software Version
[0] * Do not reset No reset of the kWh counter is required. Range: Function:
[1] Reset counter Press [OK] to reset the kWh counter to 0 0* [0 - 5 ] View the combined SW version (or package
(see parameter 15-02 kWh Counter). version) consisting of power SW and control SW.

15-07 Reset Running Hours Counter 15-44 Ordered Typecode String

Option: Function: Range: Function:
[0] * Do not reset 0* [0 - 40 ] View the type code string used for reordering the
[1] Reset counter Press [OK] to reset the running hours frequency converter in its original configuration.
counter to 0 (see parameter 15-01 Running

106 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

15-45 Actual Typecode String 15-63 Option Serial No

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0* [0 - 40 ] View the actual type code. Size related* [0 - 18 ] View the installed option serial number.

15-46 Drive Ordering No 15-70 Option in Slot A

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0* [0 - 0 ] View the 8-digit ordering number used for 0* [0 - 30 ] View the type code string for the option A, and a
reordering the frequency converter in its original translation of the type code string.
15-71 Slot A Option SW Version
4 4
15-47 Power Card Ordering No Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0* [0 - 20 ] View the software version for the option A.
0* [0 - 8 ] View the power card ordering number.

15-48 LCP Id No 4.14.5 15-9* Parameter Info

Range: Function:
Use this parameter group to view information about
0* [0 - 20 ] View the LCP ID number.
available parameters for the frequency converter.

15-49 SW ID Control Card 15-92 Defined Parameters

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0* [0 - 20 ] View the control card software version number. 0* [0 - 2000 ] View a list of all defined parameters in the
frequency converter. The list ends with 0.
15-50 SW ID Power Card
Range: Function: 15-97 Application Type

0* [0 - 20 ] View the power card software version number. Range: Function:

0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFF ] This parameter contains data used by
15-51 Frequency Converter Serial Number MCT-10 Set-up Software.

Range: Function:
15-98 Drive Identification
0* [0 - 10 ] View the frequency converter serial number.
Range: Function:
15-53 Power Card Serial Number 0* [0 - 56 ] This parameter contains data used by MCT-10 Set-
up Software.
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 19 ] View the power card serial number.
15-99 Parameter Metadata
Range: Function:
4.14.4 15-6* Option Indent. 0* [0 - 9999 ] This parameter contains data used by MCT-10
Set-up Software.
This read-only parameter group contains information about
the hardware and software configuration of the options
installed in slots A, B, C0, and C1.

15-60 Option Mounted

Range: Function:
Size related* [0 - 30 ] View the installed option type.

15-61 Option SW Version

Range: Function:
Size related* [0 - 20 ] View the installed option software

15-62 Option Ordering No

Range: Function:
Size related* [0 - 8 ] Shows the ordering number for the
installed options.

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 107

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.15 Parameters: 16-** Data Readouts 4.15.2 16-1* Motor Status

16-10 Power [kW]

4.15.1 16-0* General Status Range: Function:
0 kW* [0 - Shows motor power in kW. The calculated
16-00 Control Word 1000 value shown is based on the actual motor
Range: Function: kW] voltage and motor current. The value is filtered,
0* [0 - 65535 ] View the control word sent from the frequency and therefore approximately 300 ms may pass

4 4 converter via the serial communication port in

hex code.
from when an input value changes to when
the data readout values change. The resolution
of readout value on fieldbus is in 10 W steps.
16-01 Reference [Unit]
Range: Function: 16-11 Power [hp]
0 ReferenceFeed- [-4999 - 4999 View the present reference Range: Function:
backUnit* ReferenceFeed- value applied on impulse 0 hp* [0 - View the motor power in hp. The value shown
backUnit] or analog basis in the unit 1000 hp] is calculated on the basis of the actual motor
resulting from the configu- voltage and motor current. The value is
ration selected in filtered, and therefore approximately 300 ms
parameter 1-00 Configu- may pass from when an input value changes
ration Mode. to when the data readout values change.

16-02 Reference [%] 16-12 Motor Voltage

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0 %* [-200 - View the total reference. The total reference 0 V* [0 - 65535 V] View the motor voltage. A calculated value
200 %] is the sum of digital, analog, preset, bus, is used for controlling the motor.
and freeze references, plus catch up and
slow down. 16-13 Frequency
Range: Function:
16-03 Status Word 0 Hz* [0 - 6553.5 Hz] View the motor frequency, without
Range: Function: resonance dampening.
0* [0 - 65535 ] View the status word sent from the frequency
converter via the serial communication port in 16-14 Motor current
hex code. Range: Function:
0 A* [0 - 655.35 View the motor current measured as an
16-05 Main Actual Value [%] A] average value, IRMS. The value is filtered, and
Range: Function: approximately 200 ms may pass from when
0 %* [-200 - 200 %] View the 2-byte word sent with the status an input value changes to when the data
word to the bus master reporting the readout values change.
main actual value.
16-15 Frequency [%]
16-09 Custom Readout Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0 %* [0 - View a 2-byte word reporting the actual
0 CustomRea- [0 - 9999 View the custom readout from 6553.5 %] motor frequency (without resonance
doutUnit* CustomRea- parameter 0-30 Custom dampening) as a percentage (scale
doutUnit] Readout Unit to 0000-4000 hex) of parameter 4-19 Max
parameter 0-32 Custom Output Frequency.
Readout Max Value.

108 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

16-16 Torque [Nm] 16-36 Inv. Nom. Current

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0 Nm [-30000 - View the torque value with sign, applied to 0 A* [0 - 655.35 A] View the inverter nominal current, which
30000 Nm] the motor shaft. Some motors supply more should match the nameplate data on the
than 160% torque. As a result, the minimum connected motor. The data is used for
value and the maximum value depend on calculation of torque and motor protection.
the maximum motor current as well as the
motor used. 16-37 Inv. Max. Current

16-17 Speed [RPM]

Range: Function: 4 4
0 A* [0 - 655.35 A] View the inverter maximum current, which
Range: Function: should match the nameplate data on the
0 RPM [-30000 - View the actual motor RPM. In open-loop connected motor. The data is used for
30000 RPM] or closed-loop process control, the motor calculation of torque and motor protection.
RPM is estimated. In speed closed-loop
modes, the motor RPM is measured. 16-38 SL Controller State
Range: Function:
16-18 Motor Thermal
0* [0 - 20 ] View the state of the event under execution by
Range: Function: the SL controller.
0 %* [0 - View the calculated thermal load on the motor.
100 %] The cutout limit is 100%. The basis for 16-39 Control Card Temp.
calculation is the ETR function selected in Range: Function:
parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection.
0 °C* [0 - 65535 °C] View the temperature on the control card,
stated in °C.
16-22 Torque [%]
Range: Function:
0 %* [ -200– 200 % ] View the torque in percent of nominal
4.15.4 16-5* Ref. & Feedb.
torque, with sign, applied to the motor
shaft. 16-50 External Reference
Range: Function:
4.15.3 16-3* Drive Status 0 %* [-200 - View the total reference, the sum of digital,
200 %] analog, preset, bus, and freeze references,
16-30 DC Link Voltage plus catch up and slow down.

Range: Function:
16-52 Feedback[Unit]
0 V* [0 - 65535 V] View a measured value. The value is filtered
Range: Function:
with a 128 ms time constant.
0 [-4999 - 4999 View the feedback unit
16-33 Brake Energy Average ProcessCtrlUnit* ProcessCtrlUnit] resulting from the selection
of unit and scaling in
Range: Function:
parameter 3-00 Reference
0 kW* [0 - 10000 View the brake power transmitted to an
kW] external brake resistor. The mean power is
parameter 3-01 Reference/
calculated on an average level based on
Feedback Unit,
the latest 120 s.
parameter 3-02 Minimum
Reference, and
16-34 Heatsink Temp. parameter 3-03 Maximum
Range: Function: Reference.
0 °C* [-128 - View the frequency converter heat sink
127 °C] temperature. The cutout limit is 90 ±5 °C 16-53 Digi Pot Reference
[194 °F], and the motor cuts back in at 60 Range: Function:
±5 °C [140 °F].
0* [-200 - 200 ] View the contribution of the digital potenti-
ometer to the actual reference.
16-35 Inverter Thermal
Range: Function:
0 %* [0 - 255 %] View the percentage load on the inverter.

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 109

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

16-57 Feedback [RPM] 16-66 Digital Output

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0 RPM* [-30000 - Readout parameter where the actual motor 0* [0 - 15 ] View the binary value of all digital outputs.
30000 RPM] RPM from the feedback source can be read
in both closed loop and open loop. The Bit 2 Digital output terminal 29
feedback source is selected in Bit 3 Digital output terminal 27
parameter 7-00 Speed PID Feedback Source. Bit 4 Digital output terminal 45
Bit 5 Digital output terminal 42

4 4 4.15.5 16-6* Inputs and Outputs Table 4.12 Bits Definition

16-60 Digital Input 16-67 Pulse input 29 [Hz]

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0* [0 - View the actual state of the digital inputs 18, 19, 0* [0 - 130000 ] View the actual frequency rate on terminal 29.
65535 ] 27, and 29.
16-68 Pulse input 33 [Hz]
Bit 0 Digital input terminal 33
Bit 1 Digital input terminal 32 Range: Function:
Bit 2 Digital input terminal 29 0* [0 - 130000 ] View the actual value of the frequency
Bit 3 Digital input terminal 27 applied at terminal 33 as an impulse input.
Bit 4 Digital input terminal 19
Bit 5 Digital input terminal 18 16-69 Pulse output 27 [Hz]
Bit 10 Digital input terminal 31 Range: Function:
0* [0 - 40000 ] View the actual value of impulses applied to
Table 4.11 Bits Definition terminal 27 in digital output mode.

16-61 Terminal 53 Setting 16-70 Pulse output 29 [Hz]

Option: Function: Range: Function:

View the setting of input terminal 53. 0* [0 - 40000 ] View the actual value of pulses to terminal 29
in digital output mode.
[0] Current mode
[1] Voltage mode 16-71 Relay output
16-62 Analog input 53 Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0* [0 - 65535 ] View the settings of all relays.

1* [0 - 20 ] View the actual value at input 53. Bit 3 User relay 02

Bit 4 User relay 01
16-63 Terminal 54 Setting
Option: Function: Table 4.13 Bits Definition
View the setting of input terminal 54.

[0] Current mode 16-72 Counter A

[1] Voltage mode Range: Function:
0* [-32768 - View the present value of counter A. Counters are
16-64 Analog input 54
32767 ] useful as comparator operands, see
Range: Function: parameter 13-10 Comparator Operand.
1* [0 - 20 ] View the actual value at input 54. The value can be reset or changed either via
digital inputs (parameter group 5-1* Digital Inputs),
16-65 Analog output 42 [mA] or by using an SLC action (parameter 13-52 SL
Range: Function: Controller Action).
0 mA* [0 - 20 View the actual value at output 42. The
mA] value shown reflects the selections in
parameter 6-90 Terminal 42 Mode and
parameter 6-91 Terminal 42 Analog Output.

110 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

16-73 Counter B 16-86 FC Port REF 1

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0* [-32768 - View the present value of counter B. Counters are 0* [-32768 - 32767 ] View the last received reference from the
32767 ] useful as comparator operands FC port.
(parameter 13-10 Comparator Operand).
The value can be reset or changed either via
digital inputs (parameter group 5-1* Digital Inputs)
4.15.7 16-9* Diagnosis Readouts
or by using an SLC action (parameter 13-52 SL
Controller Action). Use the parameters to display alarm, warning, and
extended status words. 4 4
16-79 Analog output 45 [mA] 16-90 Alarm Word
Range: Function: Range: Function:
0 mA* [0 - 20 View the actual value at output 45 in mA. 0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFFUL ] View the alarm word sent via the serial
mA] The value shown reflects the selection in communication port in hex code.
parameter 6-70 Terminal 45 Mode and
parameter 6-71 Terminal 45 Analog Output. 16-91 Alarm Word 2
Range: Function:
4.15.6 16-8* Fieldbus & FC Port 0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFFUL ] View the alarm word 2 sent via the
serial communication port in hex code.
Parameters for reporting the bus references and control
words. 16-92 Warning Word
Range: Function:
16-80 Fieldbus CTW 1
0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFFUL ] View the warning word sent via the
Range: Function:
serial communication port in hex code.
0* [0 - View the 2-byte control word (CTW) received
65535 ] from the bus master. Interpretation of the CTW
16-93 Warning Word 2
depends on the fieldbus option installed and the
Range: Function:
CTW profile selected in parameter 8-10 Control
Word Profile. For more information, see relevant 0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFFUL ] View the warning word 2 sent via the
fieldbus manuals. serial communication port in hex code.

16-82 Fieldbus REF 1 16-94 Ext. Status Word

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0* [-32768 - To set the reference value, view the 2-byte 0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFFUL ] Return the extended status word sent
32767 ] word sent with the control word from the via the serial communication port in
bus master. For more information, refer to hex code.
the relevant fieldbus manual.
16-95 Ext. Status Word 2
16-84 Comm. Option STW Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFFUL ] Return the extended status word 2 sent
0* [0 - 65535 ] View the extended fieldbus communication via the serial communication port in
option status word. For more information, refer hex code.
to the relevant fieldbus manual.
16-97 Alarm Word 3
16-85 FC Port CTW 1 Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0* [0 - 0xFFFFFFFFUL ] Show the alarm word 3 sent via the
1084* [0 - View the 2-byte control word (CTW) received serial communication port in hex code.
65535 ] from the bus master. Interpretation of the
control word depends on the fieldbus option
installed and the control word profile
selected in parameter 8-10 Control Word

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 111

Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.16 Parameters: 17-** Feedback Options 4.16.3 17-6* Monitoring and App.
4.16.1 17-1* Inc.Enc.Interface 17-60 Feedback Direction
Option: Function:
17-10 Signal Type
[0] * Clockwise
Select the incremental type (A/B channel) of the encoder in use. [1] Counter clockwise
Find the information on the encoder datasheet.
Option: Function: 17-61 Feedback Signal Monitoring

4 4 [0] None Option:

[0] Disabled
[1] * RS422 (5V TTL)
[2] Sinusoidal 1Vpp [1] * Warning
[2] Trip
17-11 Resolution (PPR) [3] Jog
Range: Function: [4] Freeze Output
1024* [10 - 10000 ] Enter the resolution of the incremental [5] Max Speed
track, which is the number of pulses or [6] Switch to Open Loop
periods per revolution.
4.17 Parameters: 18-** Data Readouts 2
4.16.2 17-5* Resolver Interface 4.17.1 18-8* Center Winder Readout

17-50 Poles 18-81 Tension PID Output

Range: Function: Range: Function:
2* [2 - 2 ] 0 Hz* [-5000 - 5000 Hz] Read-only parameter used to show
the output of the tension loop PID.
17-51 Input Voltage
Range: Function: 18-82 Center Winder Output
7 V* [2 - 8 V] Range: Function:
17-52 Input Frequency 0 Hz* [-5000 - 5000 Hz] Read-only parameter used to display
the output of the tension loop PID.
Range: Function:
10 kHz* [2 - 15 kHz] 18-83 Line Speed
17-53 Transformation Ratio Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0 Hz* [-5000 - 5000 Hz] Read-only parameter used to display
the output of the tension loop PID.
0.5* [0.1 - 1.1 ]

17-56 Encoder Sim. Resolution 18-84 Diameter

Option: Function: Range: Function:
[0] * Disabled 0 %* [0 - 100 %] Read-only parameter that is used to display
[1] 512 the diameter of the roll.
[2] 1024
[3] 2048 18-85 Tapered Tension Set Point
[4] 4096 Range: Function:
0 %* [0 - 100 %] Read-only parameter used to display the
17-59 Resolver Interface
tapered tension set point.
Option: Function:
[0] * Disabled 18-86 Tension Feedback
[1] Enabled Range: Function:
0 %* [0 - 100 %] Read-only parameter used to display the
actual tension feedback.

112 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.17.2 18-9* PID Readouts 21-13 Ext. 1 Reference Source

This parameter defines which input on the frequency converter
18-90 Process PID Error should be treated as the source of the reference signal.
Range: Function: Option: Function:
0 %* [-200 - 200 %] Give the present error value used by the [0] * No function
process PID controller. [1] Analog Input 53
[2] Analog Input 54
18-91 Process PID Output [7] Frequency input 29
Range: Function: [8] Frequency input 33 4 4
0 %* [-200 - 200 %] Give the present raw output value from
21-14 Ext. 1 Feedback Source
the process PID controller.
This parameter defines which input on the frequency converter
18-92 Process PID Clamped Output should be treated as the source of the feedback signal.

Range: Function: Option: Function:

0 %* [-200 - 200 %] Give the present output value from the [0] * No function
process PID controller after the clamp [1] Analog Input 53
limits have been observed. [2] Analog Input 54
[3] Frequency input 29
18-93 Process PID Gain Scaled Output [4] Frequency input 33
Range: Function:
21-15 Ext. 1 Setpoint
0 %* [-200 - Give the present output value from the
Range: Function:
200 %] process PID controller after the clamp
limits have been observed, and the 0 ExtPID1Unit* [-999999.999 - This parameter is used as the
resulting value has been gain scaled. 999999.999 reference for comparing
ExtPID1Unit] feedback values. The setpoint
4.18 Parameters: 21-** Ext. Closed Loop can be offset with digital,
analog, or bus references.
4.18.1 21-0* Ext. CL Autotuning
21-17 Ext. 1 Reference [Unit]
21-09 Extended PID Enable Range: Function:
Select the extended CL PID controller that is to be autotuned. 0 ExtPID1Unit* [-999999.999 - Return the resulting
999999.999 ExtPID1Unit] reference value.
Option: Function:
[0] * Disabled
21-18 Ext. 1 Feedback [Unit]
[1] Enabled Ext CL1 PID
Range: Function:
0 ExtPID1Unit* [-999999.999 - Return the feedback
4.18.2 21-1* Ext. Closed-loop Reference/ 999999.999 ExtPID1Unit] value.
21-19 Ext. 1 Output [%]
21-11 Ext. 1 Minimum Reference
Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0 %* [0 - 100 %] Return the extended closed loop 1 PID
0 ExtPID1Unit* [ -999999.999 - This parameter sets the controller output value.
999999.999 minimum value that can be
ExtPID1Unit] obtained by the sum of the 21-20 Ext. 1 Normal/Inverse Control
setpoint and reference.
Select [0] Normal if the controller output should be reduced
when the feedback is higher than the reference. Select [1] Inverse
21-12 Ext. 1 Maximum Reference if the output should be increased when the feedback is higher
Range: Function: than the reference.
100 [ -999999.999 - This parameter sets the Option: Function:
ExtPID1Unit 999999.999 maximum value that can
[0] * Normal
ExtPID1Unit] be obtained by the sum of
[1] Inverse
the setpoint and reference.

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

21-21 Ext. 1 Proportional Gain

Range: Function:
0.01* [0 - 10 ] The proportional gain indicates the number of
times the error between the setpoint and the
feedback signal is to be applied.

21-22 Ext. 1 Integral Time

Range: Function:
4 4 10000 s* [0.01 - The integrator provides an increasing
10000 s] gain at a constant error between the
setpoint and the feedback signal. The
integral time is the time needed by the
integrator to reach the same gain as the
proportional gain.

21-23 Ext. 1 Differentation Time

Range: Function:
0 s* [0 - 10 s] The differentiator does not react to a constant
error. It only provides a gain when the error
changes. The quicker the error changes, the
stronger the gain from the differentiator.

21-24 Ext. 1 Dif. Gain Limit

Range: Function:
5* [1 - 50 ] Set a limit for the differentiator gain (DG). The DG
increases if there are fast changes. Limit the DG to
obtain a pure differentiator gain at slow changes
and a constant differentiator gain where quick
changes occur.

114 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.19 Parameters: 22-** Application 4. When the error between reference and feedback
Functions is greater than parameter 22-44 Wake-Up Ref./FB
Diff, and the condition lasts more than
22-02 Sleepmode CL Control Mode parameter 22-41 Minimum Sleep Time, the
frequency converter is out of sleep mode.
This parameter is used to set whether feedback is detected for
entering sleep mode in process closed loop. 5. The frequency converter reverts to closed-loop
Option: Function: control.
[0] * Normal Detect feedback together NOTICE
with other parameters. Sleep mode is not active when local reference is active 4 4
[1] Simplified Do not detect feedback. (set speed manually with navigation keys on the LCP).
Only check sleep speed and Does not work in hand-on mode. Auto set-up in open
time. loop must be carried out before setting input/output in
closed loop.

4.19.1 22-4* Sleep Mode 22-40 Minimum Run Time

Range: Function:
The sequence when running sleep mode in open loop:
1. The motor speed is less than 10 s* [0 - 600 s] Set the wanted minimum running time for
parameter 22-47 Sleep Speed [Hz] and the motor the motor after a start command (digital
has been running longer than input or bus) before entering sleep mode.
parameter 22-40 Minimum Run Time.
22-41 Minimum Sleep Time
2. The frequency converter ramps the motor speed
Range: Function:
down to parameter 1-82 Min Speed for Function at
Stop [Hz]. 10 s* [0 - 600 s] Set the minimum time for staying in sleep
mode. This time overrides any wake-up
3. The frequency converter activates
parameter 1-80 Function at Stop. The frequency
converter is now in sleep mode.
22-43 Wake-Up Speed [Hz]
4. The frequency converter compares the speed Range: Function:
setpoint with parameter 22-43 Wake-Up Speed [Hz]
10* [0 - Only to be used if parameter 1-00 Configuration
to detect wake-up situation.
400.0 ] Mode is set to [0] Open loop, and an external
5. The speed setpoint is greater than controller applies speed reference. Set the
parameter 22-43 Wake-Up Speed [Hz] and the reference speed at which the sleep mode should
sleep condition has last for more than be deactivated.
parameter 22-41 Minimum Sleep Time. The The wake-up speed must not exceed the setting
frequency converter is now out of sleep mode. in parameter 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz].
6. Go back to speed open-loop control (ramp motor
speed up to the speed setpoint). 22-44 Wake-Up Ref./FB Diff
The sequence when running sleep mode in closed loop: Range: Function:
1. If parameter 20-81 PI Normal/ Inverse Control=[0] 10 % [0 - Only to be used if parameter 1-00 Configuration
Normal. When error between reference and * 100 %] Mode is set to [1] Closed loop, and the
feedback is greater than parameter 22-44 Wake-Up integrated PI controller is used for controlling
Ref./FB Diff, the frequency converter enters boost the pressure.
status. If parameter 22-45 Setpoint Boost is not set, Set the pressure drop allowed in percentage of
the frequency converter enters sleep mode. setpoint for the pressure (Pset) before canceling
the sleep mode.
2. After parameter 22-46 Maximum Boost Time, the
frequency converter ramps the motor speed
down to parameter 1-82 Min Speed for Function at
Stop [Hz].
3. The frequency converter activates
parameter 1-80 Function at Stop. The frequency
converter is now in sleep mode.

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

22-45 Setpoint Boost 4.19.2 22-6* Broken-belt Detection

Range: Function:
0% [-100 Only to be used if parameter 1-00 Configuration
Use broken-belt detection in both closed-loop systems and
* - Mode is set for [1] Closed loop, and the integrated
open-loop systems for pumps and fans. If the estimated
100 %] PI controller is used. In systems with for example
motor torque (current) is below the broken-belt torque
constant pressure control, it is advantageous to
(current) value (parameter 22-61 Broken Belt Torque), and
increase the system pressure before the motor is
the frequency converter output frequency is above or
stopped. This extends the time in which the motor
equal to 15 Hz, parameter 22-60 Broken Belt Function is

4 4 is stopped and helps to avoid frequent start/stop.

Set the desired overpressure/temperature in 22-60 Broken Belt Function
percentage of setpoint for the pressure (Pset)/
Option: Function:
temperature before entering the sleep mode.
Select the actions to be performed if the broken-
If setting for 5%, the boost pressure is Pset x 1.05.
belt condition is detected.
The negative values can be used for cooling tower
control where a negative change is needed. [0] * Off
[1] Warning The frequency converter continues to run, but
22-46 Maximum Boost Time activates warning 95, Broken belt. A frequency
Range: Function: converter digital output or a serial communication
bus communicates a warning to other equipment.
60 [0 - Only to be used when parameter 1-00 Configu-
s* 600 s] ration Mode is set for [1] Closed loop, and the [2] Trip The frequency converter stops running and
integrated PI controller is used for controlling the activates alarm 95, Broken belt. A frequency
pressure. converter digital output or a serial communication
Set the maximum time for which boost mode is bus communicates an alarm to other equipment.
allowed. If the set time is exceeded, sleep mode is
entered, not waiting for the set boost pressure to 22-61 Broken Belt Torque
be reached. Range: Function:
10 %* [5 - 100 %] Set the broken-belt torque as a percentage
22-47 Sleep Speed [Hz]
of the rated motor torque.
Range: Function:
0* [0 - Set the speed below which the frequency 22-62 Broken Belt Delay
400.0 ] converter goes into sleep mode. Range: Function:
The sleep speed must not exceed the setting in 10 s* [0 - 600 Set the time for which the broken-belt
parameter 22-43 Wake-Up Speed [Hz]. s] conditions must be active before carrying out
the action selected in parameter 22-60 Broken
22-48 Sleep Delay Time Belt Function.
Range: Function:
0 s* [0 - 3600 s] Set the delay time that the motor waits
before entering sleep mode when the
condition to enter sleep mode is met.

22-49 Wake-Up Delay Time

Range: Function:
0 s* [0 - 3600 s] Set the delay time that the motor waits
before waking up from sleep mode when the
condition to wake up is met.

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Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.20 Parameters: 30-** Special Features 32-67 Max. Tolerated Position Error
Range: Function:
4.20.1 30-2* Adv. Start Adjust
2000000* [1 - This parameter defines the
2147483648 ] maximum error allowed between
30-20 High Starting Torque Time [s] the actual position and the
Range: Function: calculated command position. If
Size related* [0 - 60 s] High starting torque time for PM the actual error exceeds the value
motors in VVC+ mode without set in this parameter, the position-
feedback. control-fault alarm is triggered.
4 4
30-21 High Starting Torque Current [%] 32-80 Maximum Allowed Velocity
Range: Function: Range: Function:
Size related* [ 0 - 200.0 %] High starting torque current for PM 1500 RPM* [1 - 30000 RPM] This parameter defines the
motors in VVC+ mode without maximum velocity in RPM during
feedback. motion control.

30-22 Locked Rotor Protection 32-81 Motion Ctrl Quick Stop Ramp
Option: Function: Range: Function:
[0] * Off 1000 ms* [50 - 3600000 This parameter defines the quick-
[1] On The locked rotor protection for PM motors. ms] stop ramp time from the
maximum allowed velocity to 0
30-23 Locked Rotor Detection Time [s] for motion control.

Range: Function:
4.22 Parameters: 33-** Motion Control Adv.
0.10 s* [0.05 - 1 s] The locked rotor detection time for PM
33-00 Homing Mode
4.21 Parameters: 32-** Motion Control Basic
Select the homing mode.
Option: Function:
32-11 User Unit Denominator [0] * Not forced
Range: Function: [1] Forced manual homing

1* [1 - All target positions are made in user units and [2] Forced automated homing
65535 ] are converted to quad-counts internally. By
33-01 Home Offset
selecting scaling units, it is possible to work
Range: Function:
with any measurement unit (for example mm).
This factor consists of a numerator and 0* [-1073741824 - Use this parameter to set an offset of
denominator. 1073741824 ] 0 (home position) compared to the
position after homing.
32-12 User Unit Numerator
33-02 Home Ramp Time
Range: Function:
Range: Function:
1* [1 - All target positions are made in user units and
65535 ] are converted to quad-counts internally. By 10 ms* [1 - 1000 This parameter defines the ramp time (in
selecting scaling units, it is possible to work ms] ms) from standstill to the value set in
with any measurement unit (for example mm). parameter 32-80 Maximum Allowed Velocity.
This factor consists of a numerator and
denominator. 33-03 Homing Velocity
Range: Function:
100 [-1500 - This parameter defines the velocity of
RPM* 1500 RPM] homing. It must not exceed the
parameter 32-80 Maximum Allowed

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

33-04 Homing Behaviour 4.23 Parameters: 34-** Motion Control Data

Option: Function: Readouts
Define the behavior when the home
switch is found: Reversing without index
4.23.1 34-0* PCD Writer Par.
(0 pulse) search, or forwarding without
index search. Parameters for readout of fieldbus data received from
fieldbus master.
[1] * Reverse no index
[3] Forward no index 34-01 PCD 1 Write For Application
4 4 33-41 Negative Software Limit
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value received in PCD1 of fieldbus telegram.
Range: Function:
-500000* [-1073741824 This parameter is active only during 34-02 PCD 2 Write For Application
- 1073741824 ] positioning if
Range: Function:
parameter 33-43 Negative Software
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value received in PCD2 of fieldbus telegram.
Limit Active is set to [1] Active. When
parameter 34-50 Actual Position
34-03 PCD 3 Write For Application
reaches below the negative software
limit set in this parameter, a position Range: Function:
control fault alarm is reported. 0* [0 - 65535 ] Value received in PCD3 of fieldbus telegram.

33-42 Positive Software Limit 34-04 PCD 4 Write For Application

Range: Function: Range: Function:
500000* [-1073741824 This parameter is active only during 0* [0 - 65535 ] Value received in PCD4 of fieldbus telegram.
- 1073741824 ] positioning if parameter 33-44 Positive
Software Limit Active is set to [1] 34-05 PCD 5 Write For Application
Active. When parameter 34-50 Actual Range: Function:
Position reaches above the positive 0* [0 - 65535 ] Value received in PCD5 of fieldbus telegram.
software limit set in this parameter, a
position control fault alarm is reported. 34-06 PCD 6 Write For Application
Range: Function:
33-43 Negative Software Limit Active
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value received in PCD6 of fieldbus telegram.
Option: Function:
[0] * Inactive 34-07 PCD 7 Write For Application
[1] Active When this parameter is set to active, the
Range: Function:
frequency converter continuously checks whether
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value received in PCD7 of fieldbus telegram.
the target position is below the negative software
limit. If it occurs, an error is issued and the
34-08 PCD 8 Write For Application
frequency converter control is switched off.
Range: Function:
33-44 Positive Software Limit Active 0* [0 - 65535 ] Value received in PCD8 of fieldbus telegram.
Option: Function:
34-09 PCD 9 Write For Application
[0] * Inactive
[1] Active When this parameter is set to active, the Range: Function:
frequency converter continuously checks whether 0* [0 - 65535 ] Value received in PCD9 of fieldbus telegram.
the target position is above the positive software
limit. If it occurs, an error is issued and the 34-10 PCD 10 Write For Application
frequency converter control is switched off. Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value received in PCD10 of fieldbus telegram.
33-47 Target Position Window
Range: Function:
512* [1 - 10000 ] Defines the size of the target window with
user unit. A position is only viewed as
reached when the actual position is within
this window.

118 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

4.23.2 34-2* PCD Read Par. 4.23.3 34-5* Process Data

Parameters for readout of fieldbus data sent to the fieldbus Readout of process data for motion control.
34-50 Actual Position
34-21 PCD 1 Read For Application Range: Function:
Range: Function: 0* [-1073741824 - The actual position in user
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value sent in PCD1 of fieldbus telegram. 1073741824 ] unit.

34-22 PCD 2 Read For Application 34-56 Track Error 4 4

Range: Function: Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value sent in PCD2 of fieldbus telegram. 0* [-2147483647 - Readout of the error between
2147483647 ] calculated command position and
34-23 PCD 3 Read For Application actual position in user unit.
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value sent in PCD3 of fieldbus telegram.

34-24 PCD 4 Read For Application

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value sent in PCD4 of fieldbus telegram.

34-25 PCD 5 Read For Application

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value sent in PCD5 of fieldbus telegram.

34-26 PCD 6 Read For Application

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value sent in PCD6 of fieldbus telegram.

34-27 PCD 7 Read For Application

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value sent in PCD7 of fieldbus telegram.

34-28 PCD 8 Read For Application

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value sent in PCD8 of fieldbus telegram.

34-29 PCD 9 Read For Application

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value sent in PCD9 of fieldbus telegram.

34-30 PCD 10 Read For Application

Range: Function:
0* [0 - 65535 ] Value sent in PCD10 of fieldbus telegram.

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

4.24 Parameters: 37-** Application Settings 37-06 Pos. Ramp Down Time
Range: Function:
4.24.1 37-0* Application Mode
5000 [50 - It is defined as the time in milliseconds
ms* 100000 ms] that it takes to ramp from
37-00 Application Mode parameter 32-80 Maximum Allowed
Option: Function: Velocity to standstill.
[0] * Drive mode
[1] Center winder 37-07 Pos. Auto Brake Ctrl

4 4 [2]
Position Control
When the automatic brake control function is disabled, the
frequency converter controls the application also at standstill.
When the automatic brake control function is enabled, the
mechanical brake is automatically activated every time the
4.24.2 37-1* Position Control
application is at standstill for a time period specified in
parameter 37-08 Pos. Hold Delay.
37-01 Pos. Feedback Source
Option: Function:
Select position feedback source.
[0] Disable
Option: Function:
[1] * Enable
[0] * 24V Encoder
[1] MCB102 37-08 Pos. Hold Delay
[2] MCB103 Range: Function:
0 ms* [0 - 10000 To be used with the automatic brake
37-02 Pos. Target
ms] control function. The hold delay is a
Range: Function: waiting period in which the brake is not
0* [-1073741824 If parameter 37-03 Pos. Type is set to [0] activated even though the application is at
- 1073741824 ] Absolute, the target position is an absolute standstill.
position (relative to home position). If the
parameter 37-03 Pos. Type is set to [1] Relative 37-09 Pos. Coast Delay
and the last position was obtained through
Range: Function:
jogging, the target position is relative to that
200 ms* [0 - 1000 To be used with the automatic brake
position. If the last position was reached as a
ms] control function. The coast delay is the
result of a positioning command, then the
delay from activating the mechanical
target position is relative to the last target
brake to disabling the controller and
position regardless of being reached or not.
coasting the frequency converter.

37-03 Pos. Type

37-10 Pos. Brake Delay
This parameter defines the target position type.
Range: Function:
Option: Function:
200 ms* [0 - 1000 To be used with the automatic brake
[0] * Absolute ms] control function. The brake delay is the
[1] Relative delay after activating the control and
magnetizing the motor before opening
37-04 Pos. Velocity
the brake.
Range: Function:
100 [1 - 30000 Defines the velocity during positioning. 37-11 Pos. Brake Wear Limit
RPM* RPM] The maximum value must not exceed the
Range: Function:
value specified in
0* [0 - Set this parameter to a positive value.
parameter 32-80 Maximum Allowed Velocity.
1073741824 ] While the brake is activated, if the
frequency converter moves more than the
37-05 Pos. Ramp Up Time
limit in user unit set in this parameter, the
Range: Function: frequency converter reports an alarm
5000 [50 - It is defined as the time in milliseconds POSITION CTRL FAULT with fault reason
ms* 100000 ms] that it takes to ramp from standstill to Brake Wear Limit Exceeded.
parameter 32-80 Maximum Allowed

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Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

37-12 Pos. PID Anti Windup 4.24.3 37-2* Center Winder

Configure whether to enable the anti-windup of positioning PID.
Option: Function: 37-20 Winder Mode Selection
[0] Disable Use the machine for either winding or unwinding.
[1] * Enable Option: Function:
[0] * Wind
37-13 Pos. PID Output Clamp
[1] Unwind
Range: Function:
1000* [1 -
10000 ]
This parameter clamps the total output of
the PID. A setting of 1000 corresponds to
37-21 Tension Set Point
Range: Function:
4 4
100% of parameter 32-80 Maximum Allowed 0 %* [0 - Set the desired running tension. 100.0% means
Velocity. 100 %] full tension. Full tension is the point at which the
load cell or dancer produces a 20 mA or 10 V
37-14 Pos. Ctrl. Source signal.
Select the control source for positioning control.
Option: Function:
The taper setting affects the actual tension
[0] * DI on the web. If a dancer system is used, this
[1] FieldBus value sets the dancer running position
which would normally be 500 or center of
37-15 Pos. Direction Block
movement. This parameter is only active if
Use this parameter to configure whether to block a direction, parameter 37-36 Tension Set Point Input is
and the direction to be blocked. set to 0.
Option: Function:
[0] * No Blocking
[1] Block Reverse
37-22 Taper Set Point
[2] Block Forward Range: Function:
0% [-110 Change the tension setpoint as the diameter
37-17 Pos. Ctrl Fault Behaviour * - increases. The result of the taper function is called
This parameter determines the behavior of the frequency 110 %] the tapered tension setpoint. The tapered tension
converter after a fault is detected. setpoint is always equal to the tension setpoint at
Option: Function: core. This parameter is only active if
[0] * Ramp Down&Brake parameter 37-37 Taper Set Point Input is set to a
value of 0. A value of 0 means no taper or the
[1] Brake Directly
tapered tension setpoint will always be equal to
37-18 Pos. Ctrl Fault Reason the tension setpoint. A value of 100.0% is 100.0%
READ-ONLY PARAMETER: The current fault reason of the alarm. taper or each time the diameter doubles from core
POSITION CTRL FAULT is shown in this parameter. the tapered tension setpoint is decreased to 50%
of the previous value. Negative tapers are also
Option: Function:
[0] * No Fault
[1] Homing Needed
[2] Pos. HW Limit
[3] Neg. HW Limit
[4] Pos. SW Limit
[5] Neg. SW Limit
[7] Brake Wear Limit
[8] Quick Stop
Illustration 4.31 Tapered Tension Setpoint
[9] PID Error Too Big
[12] Rev. Operation
[13] Fwd. Operation
[20] Can not find home position
Taper is not required in unwinding
37-19 Pos. New Index applications. For unwinding applications,
Range: Function: leave this parameter set to 0.
0* [0 - 255 ] The currently latched index number.

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

37-23 Partial Roll Diameter Value 37-30 TLDOnDelay

Range: Function: Enable this parameter to allow time for the winder to stabilize
5 %* [5 - Preset the diameter when a partial roll is loaded the web tension. When the tension moves within the low and
100 %] on the winder. If Input 4 is ON when the high tension limits, the TLD function begins operating normally.
diameter is reset with Input 8, the diameter is This function can be useful during a quick machine start with a
preset to the value programmed in this slack web. This function is only active while running.
parameter. For unwinding applications, use this Option: Function:
parameter to set the full roll diameter. [0] Disabled
4 4 37-24 Core1 Diameter
[1] * Enabled

Range: Function: 37-31 Diameter Limit Detector

5 %* [5 - Set the main core value to be used on the Range: Function:
100 %] winder. This parameter must be set for the 100 %* [0 - When the calculated roll diameter reaches
smallest core diameter for both winding and 100 %] the set diameter, the corresponding digital
unwinding applications. output is turned on to indicate the end of
the roll. This indicates a full roll when
NOTICE winding and an empty roll when unwinding.
The value of parameter 37-24 Core1
Diameter must be less than 37-32 Initial Diameter Measurement
parameter 37-25 Core2 Diameter.
It is possible to connect a roll diameter sensor to one of the
frequency converter analog inputs. This signal can be used to
37-25 Core2 Diameter make the controller use a measured initial diameter, rather than a
diameter size set by parameters.
Range: Function:
Option: Function:
5 %* [5 - 100 %] Set a secondary core diameter for winding
applications, or a secondary full roll diameter [0] * Set diameter Set the diameter in
for unwinding applications. when diameter parameter 37-23 Partial Roll
reset Diameter Value to
37-26 Winder Jog Speed parameter 37-25 Core2 Diameter
when the diameter is reset.
Range: Function:
0 %* [0 - 100 %] Set the winder jog speed percentage. This [1] Set diameter The frequency converter sets the
percentage value is used for both forward based on analog diameter based on an analog
and reverse jogging speed. signal signal. The diameter can only be
reset when the tension is OFF.
37-27 TLD Low Limit
37-33 Diameter Measurement Input
Range: Function:
Set the analog input used for diameter measurement.
0 %* [0 - 100 %] Set the low limit for the tension limit
detection. Option: Function:
[0] * No Function
37-28 TLD High Limit [1] Input53(0~10 VDC or 0~20 mA )
Range: Function: [2] Input54(0~10 VDC or 0~20 mA )
0 %* [0 - 100 %] Set the high limit for the tension limit
37-34 Reading at Core
Range: Function:
37-29 TLD Timer 0* [0 - 10 ] Set the analog input signal reading at the smallest
core used.
Range: Function:
0.001 s* [0.001 - 5 s] Set the time within which the tension
37-35 Reading at Full Roll
must exceed the high or low tension
Range: Function:
0 V* [0 - 20 V] Set the analog input signal reading at the full
roll size used.

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Parameter Descriptions Programming Guide

37-36 Tension Set Point Input 37-43 Diameter Calculator Min Speed
Set the source of the tension setpoint. Range: Function:
Option: Function: 0 %* [0 - Set the minimum line speed to be achieved
[0] * Par.3721 100 %] before the diameter calculator is activated. At
[1] Input53(0~10 VDC or 0~20 mA ) low line speeds, the resolution of the line and
winder speed are too low for the diameter to
[2] Input54(0~10 VDC or 0~20 mA )
be accurately calculated.
37-37 Taper Set Point Input
Set the source of the taper setpoint. 37-44 Line Acceleration Feed Forward
Range: Function:
4 4
Option: Function:
[0] * Par.3722 0* [-20 - 20 ] Set the feed forward speed that helps
[1] Input53(0~10 VDC or 0~20 mA ) compensate for tension changes caused by line
speed acceleration and deceleration.
[2] Input54(0~10 VDC or 0~20 mA )

37-38 Tension Feedback Input 37-45 Line Speed Source

Set analog input used for tension feedback. Use this parameter to set the input for line speed.
Option: Function: Option: Function:
[0] * No Function [0] * No function
[1] Input53(0~10 VDC or 0~20 mA ) [1] 24V encoder
[2] Input54(0~10 VDC or 0~20 mA ) [2] MCB102
[3] MCB103
37-39 Tension Feedback Type
[4] Analog input 53
Select the device type used for tension feedback. [5] Analog input 54
Option: Function: [6] Frequency input 29
[0] * Load cell [7] Frequency input 33
[1] Dancer
37-46 Winder Speed Match Scale
37-40 Center Winder Cmd Src Range: Function:
Configure the command source for controlling. 1* [0.001 - 1000 ] Match the surface speeds of line and winder
Option: Function: at smallest core while running line at 100%
[0] Digital and parameter speed.

[1] * Parameter 3754~3759 control the functions

37-47 Tension PID Profile
[2] Digital input control
Range: Function:
37-41 Diameter Change Rate 0% [0 - Allow scaling the tension loop PID output to
Range: Function: * 100 compensate for roll diameter. Ideally, the output
0.001 %* [0.001 - 0.05 %] Set the number of changes allowed %] from the tension loop PID amplifier is halved each
for the diameter in each program time the diameter doubles, which is considered fully
scan. profiled. Sometimes, it might be desirable to be less
than fully profiled, which would give over compen-
37-42 Tapered Tension Change Rate sation when the diameter increases.
Range: Function:
0.1 %* [0.1 - Set the amount of tapered tension that can
1 %] change during each scan period. This
function ramps the tapered tension setpoint
to the preset value when the user changes
either the tension or taper setpoints. This
ensures stability during step changes in
setpoints. Illustration 4.32 Tension PID Profiler

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Parameter Descriptions VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

37-48 Tension PID Proportional Gain 37-56 New Diameter Select

Range: Function: Select partial roll diameter as the preset starting diameter when
0* [0 - 10 ] Set the proportional gain for tension loop PID the diameter reset is energized, rather than using 1 of the 2
amplifier. preset core diameters.
Option: Function:
37-49 Tension PID Derivate Time [0] * Core diameter
Range: Function: [1] Partial roll diameter
0 s* [0 - 20 s] Set the derivative time for tension loop PID
4 4 amplifier.
37-57 Tension On/Off
Turn the tension controller on or off.
37-50 Tension PID Integral Time Option: Function:
Range: Function: [0] * Off
501 s* [0.01 - 501 s] Set the integral time for tension loop PID [1] On
37-58 Core Select
37-51 Tension PID Out Limit Select 1 of the 2 preset core sizes.

Range: Function: Option: Function:

0 %* [0 - Set the maximum tension PID loop output [0] * Core1 diameter
100 %] that can be added to the open loop speed [1] Core2 diameter
reference. The value is normally set to limit
37-59 Diameter Reset
the contribution of the tension PID loop to
10% of the maximum reference speed. Reset the diameter to a new value. If the new diameter select is
energized, the partial core diameter value is used, otherwise the
37-52 Tension PID Der Gain Limit diameter is reset to core 1 or core 2 values based on the
selected core.
Range: Function:
Option: Function:
5* [1 - 50 ] Set the limit for derivation gain in tension loop
PID amplifier. [0] * Off
[1] On
37-53 Tension PID Anti Windup
Activate the anti-wind-up function in tension loop PID amplifier.
Option: Function:
[0] Disabled
[1] * Enabled

37-54 Winder Jog Reverse

Jog the winder in the reverse winding direction at the speed set
in parameter 37-26 Winder Jog Speed.
Option: Function:
[0] * No Function
[1] Jog reverse

37-55 Winder Jog Forward

Jog the winder in forward winding direction at the speed set in
parameter 37-26 Winder Jog Speed.
Option: Function:
[0] * No function
[1] Jog forward

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Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5 Parameter Lists

5.1 Introduction 5.1.2 Conversion

5.1.1 Default Settings The various attributes of each parameter are shown in
Factory Setting. Parameter values are transferred as whole
Changes during operation numbers only. Conversion factors are therefore used to
True means that the parameter can be changed while the transfer decimals.
frequency converter is in operation, and false means that
the frequency converter must be stopped before a change Parameter 4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] has a conversion
can be made. factor of 0.1. To set the minimum frequency to 10 Hz, 5 5
2-set-up transfer the value 100. A conversion factor of 0.1 means
All set-ups: The parameter can be set individually in each that the value transferred is multiplied by 0.1. The value
of the 2 set-ups, that is 1 single parameter can have 2 100 is therefore read as 10.0.
different data values.
1 set-up: Data value is the same in all set-ups. Examples:
0 s⇒conversion index 0
Data Description Type
0.00 s⇒conversion index -2
0 ms⇒conversion index -3
2 Integer 8 Int8 0.00 ms⇒conversion index -5
3 Integer 16 Int16
4 Integer 32 Int32
Conversion index Conversion factor
5 Unsigned 8 Uint8
100 1
6 Unsigned 16 Uint16
75 3600000
7 Unsigned 32 Uint32
74 3600
9 Visible string VisStr
70 60
10 Byte string ByStr
67 1/60
33 Normalized value 2 bytes N2
6 1000000
35 Bit sequence BitSeq
5 100000
54 Time difference w/o date TimD
4 10000

Table 5.1 Data Type 3 1000

2 100
1 10
0 1
-1 0.1
-2 0.01
-3 0.001
-4 0.0001
-5 0.00001
-6 0.000001
-7 0.0000001

Table 5.2 Conversion Table

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Parameter Lists VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

5.1.3 Active/Inactive Parameters in Different Drive Control Modes

+ indicates that the parameter is active in the mode.

- indicates that the parameter is inactive in the mode.

Parameter 1-10 Motor Construction AC motor

Parameter 1-01 Motor Control Principle U/f mode VVC+
Parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode
[0] Speed Open Loop + +
[1] Speed Closed Loop - +
[2] Torque Closed Loop - +

5 5 [3] Process Closed Loop

[4] Torque Open Loop
[6] Surface Winder + +
[7] Extended PID Speed OL + +
Parameter 1-03 Torque Characteristics - +1, 2, 3)
Parameter 1-06 Clockwise Direction + +
Parameter 1-20 Motor Power [kW]
+ +
(parameter 0-03 Regional Settings = [0] International)
Parameter 1-22 Motor Voltage + +
Parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency + +
Parameter 1-24 Motor Current + +
Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed + +
Parameter 1-29 Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA) - +
Parameter 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) + +
Parameter 1-31 Rotor Resistance (Rr) + +
Parameter 1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1) + +
Parameter 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh) + +
Parameter 1-39 Motor Poles + +

Table 5.3 Active/Inactive Parameters

1) Constant torque.
2) Variable torque.
3) AEO.

Parameter 1-10 Motor Construction AC motor

Parameter 1-01 Motor Control Principle U/f mode VVC+
Parameter 1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Speed - +
Parameter 1-52 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [Hz] - +
Parameter 1-55 U/f Characteristic - U + -
Parameter 1-56 U/f Characteristic - F + -
Parameter 1-60 Low Speed Load Compensation - +
Parameter 1-61 High Speed Load Compensation - +
Parameter 1-62 Slip Compensation - +4)
Parameter 1-63 Slip Compensation Time Constant +5) +
Parameter 1-64 Resonance Dampening + +
Parameter 1-65 Resonance Dampening Time Constant + +
Parameter 1-71 Start Delay + +
Parameter 1-72 Start Function + +
Parameter 1-73 Flying Start - +
Parameter 1-75 Start Speed [Hz] - +
Parameter 1-76 Start Current - +

Table 5.4 Active/Inactive Parameters

4) Not used when parameter 1-03 Torque Characteristics = VT.

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Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5) Part of resonance damping.

Parameter 1-10 Motor Construction AC motor

Parameter 1-01 Motor Control Principle U/f mode VVC+
Parameter 1-80 Function at Stop + +
Parameter 1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz] + +
Parameter 1-88 AC Brake Gain - +
Parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection + +
Parameter 1-93 Thermistor Resource + +
Parameter 2-00 DC Hold Current + +
Parameter 2-01 DC Brake Current + +
Parameter 2-02 DC Braking Time
Parameter 2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed [Hz]
+ 5 5
Parameter 2-10 Brake Function +6) +
Parameter 2-11 Brake Resistor (ohm) + +
Parameter 2-12 Brake Power Limit (kW) + +
Parameter 2-16 AC brake Max. Current - +
Parameter 2-17 Over-voltage Control + +
Parameter 2-19 Over-voltage Gain + +
Parameter 2-20 Release Brake Current + +
Parameter 2-22 Activate Brake Speed [Hz] + +

Table 5.5 Active/Inactive Parameters

6) Not AC brake.

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Parameter Lists VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

5.2 Parameter Lists

5.2.1 0-** Operation and Display

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type
during index
0-0* Basic Settings
0-01 Language [0] English 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
0-03 Regional Settings [0] International 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
0-04 Operating State at Power-up [0] Resume All set-ups TRUE – Uint8

5 5 0-06
Auto DC Braking
[1] On
1 set-up
1 set-up

0-1* Set-up Operations
0-10 Active Set-up [1] Set-up 1 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
0-11 Programming Set-up [9] Active Set-up 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
0-12 Link Setups [20] Linked All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
0-14 Readout: Edit Set-ups/Channel 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
0-16 Application Selection [0] None All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
0-2* LCP Display
0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small 1602 All set-ups TRUE – Uint16
0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small 1614 All set-ups TRUE – Uint16
0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small 1610 All set-ups TRUE – Uint16
0-23 Display Line 2 Large 1613 All set-ups TRUE – Uint16
0-24 Display Line 3 Large 1502 All set-ups TRUE – Uint16
0-3* LCP Custom Readout
0-30 Custom Readout Unit [1] % 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
0-31 Custom Readout Min Value 0 CustomReadoutUnit 1 set-up TRUE -2 Int32
0-32 Custom Readout Max Value 100 CustomReadoutUnit 1 set-up TRUE -2 Int32
0-37 Display Text 1 [] 1 set-up TRUE 0 VisStr[21]
0-38 Display Text 2 [] 1 set-up TRUE 0 VisStr[26]
0-39 Display Text 3 [] 1 set-up TRUE 0 VisStr[26]
0-4* LCP Keypad
0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP [1] Enabled All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP [1] Enabled All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
0-44 [Off/Reset] Key on LCP [1] Enabled All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
0-5* Copy/Save
0-50 LCP Copy [0] No copy 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
0-51 Set-up Copy [0] No copy 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
0-6* Password
0-60 Main Menu Password 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16

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Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5.2.2 1-** Load and Motor

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
1-0* General Settings
1-00 Configuration Mode [0] Open Loop All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
1-01 Motor Control Principle [1] VVC+ All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-03 Torque Characteristics [0] Constant torque All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-06 Clockwise Direction [0] Normal 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
1-08 Motor Control Bandwidth ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-1* Motor Selection
1-10 Motor Construction [0] Asynchron All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
5 5
1-14 Damping Gain 120% All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
1-15 Low Speed Filter Time Const. ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
1-16 High Speed Filter Time Const. ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
1-17 Voltage filter time const. ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
1-2* Motor Data
1-20 Motor Power ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-22 Motor Voltage ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-23 Motor Frequency ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-24 Motor Current ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
1-25 Motor Nominal Speed ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 67 Uint16
1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint32
1-29 Automatic Motor Adaption (AMA) [0] Off All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
1-3* Adv. Motor Data I
1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -3 Uint32
1-31 Rotor Resistance (Rr) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -3 Uint32
1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -3 Uint32
1-35 Main Reactance (Xh) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -2 Uint32
1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -6 Int32
1-39 Motor Poles ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
1-4* Adv. Motor Data II
1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-42 Motor Cable Length 50 m All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
1-43 Motor Cable Length Feet 164 ft All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -3 Int32
1-46 Position Detection Gain 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
1-48 Current at Min Inductance for d-axis 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
1-49 Current at Min Inductance for q-axis 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
1-5* Load Indep. Setting
1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Speed 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
1-52 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [Hz] 1 Hz All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
1-55 U/f Characteristic - U ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
1-56 U/f Characteristic - F ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
1-6* Load Depen. Setting
1-60 Low Speed Load Compensation 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
1-61 High Speed Load Compensation 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
1-62 Slip Compensation ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
1-63 Slip Compensation Time Constant 0.1 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
1-64 Resonance Dampening 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
1-65 Resonance Dampening Time Constant 0.005 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16

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Parameter Lists VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
1-66 Min. Current at Low Speed 50% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
1-7* Start Adjustments
1-70 PM Start Mode [0] Rotor Detection All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
1-71 Start Delay 0s All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint8
1-72 Start Function [2] Coast/delay time All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
1-73 Flying Start ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
1-75 Start Speed [Hz] ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
1-76 Start Current ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32

5 5 1-78
Compressor Start Max Speed [Hz]
Compressor Start Max Time to Trip
0 Hz
All set-ups
All set-ups
1-8* Stop Adjustments
1-80 Function at Stop [0] Coast All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz] 0 Hz All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
1-9* Motor Temperature
1-90 Motor Thermal Protection [0] No protection All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
1-93 Thermistor Source [0] None All set-ups FALSE – Uint8

5.2.3 2-** Brakes

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
2-0* DC-Brake
2-00 DC Hold/Motor Preheat Current 50% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
2-01 DC Brake Current 50% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
2-02 DC Braking Time 10 s All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed 0 Hz All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
2-06 Parking Current 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
2-07 Parking Time 3s All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
2-1* Brake Energy Funct.
2-10 Brake Function [0] Off All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
2-11 Brake Resistor (ohm) ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
2-12 Brake Power Limit (kW) ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
2-14 Brake voltage reduce 0V All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
2-16 AC Brake, Max current 100% All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
2-17 Over-voltage Control [0] Disabled All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
2-19 Over-voltage Gain 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
2-2* Mechanical Brake
2-20 Release Brake Current 0A All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
2-22 Activate Brake Speed [Hz] 0 Hz All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
2-23 Activate Brake Delay 0.0 s All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint8

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Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5.2.4 3-** Reference/Ramps

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
3-0* Reference Limits
3-00 Reference Range [0] Min - Max All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
3-01 Reference/Feedback Unit ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
3-02 Minimum Reference 0 ReferenceFeedbackUnit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
3-03 Maximum Reference ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
3-04 Reference Function [0] Sum All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
3-1* References
3-10 Preset Reference 0% All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
5 5
3-11 Jog Speed [Hz] 5 Hz All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
3-12 Catch up/slow Down Value 0% All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
3-14 Preset Relative Reference 0% All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
3-15 Reference 1 Source [1] Analog Input 53 All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
3-16 Reference 2 Source [2] Analog Input 54 All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
3-17 Reference 3 Source [11] Local bus reference All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
3-18 Relative Scaling Reference Resource [0] No function All set-ups TRUE –- Uint8
3-4* Ramp 1
3-40 Ramp 1 Type [0] Linear All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-5* Ramp 2
3-50 Ramp 2 Type [0] Linear All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-6* Ramp 3
3-60 Ramp 3 Type [0] Linear All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
3-61 Ramp 3 Ramp up Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-7* Ramp 4
3-70 Ramp 4 Type [0] Linear All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
3-71 Ramp 4 Ramp up Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp Down Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-8* Other Ramps
3-80 Jog Ramp Time ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
3-81 Quick Stop Ramp Time ExpressionLimit 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint32
3-9* Digital Pot.Meter
3-90 Step Size 0.10% All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
3-92 Power Restore [0] Off All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
3-93 Maximum Limit 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
3-94 Minimum Limit -100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
3-95 Ramp Delay 1000 ms All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16

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Parameter Lists VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

5.2.5 4-** Limits/Warnings

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
4-1* Motor Limits
4-10 Motor Speed Direction [2] Both directions All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz] 0 Hz All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] 65 Hz All set-ups FALSE -1 Uint16
4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16

5 5 4-18
Current Limit
Max Output Frequency
All set-ups
All set-ups
4-2* Limit Factors
4-20 Torque Limit Factor Source [0] No function All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
4-21 Speed Limit Factor Source [0] No function All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
4-22 Break Away Boost [0] Off All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
4-3* Motor Fb Monitor
4-30 Motor Feedback Loss Function [0] Disabled All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
4-31 Motor Feedback Speed Error 20 Hz All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
4-32 Motor Feedback Loss Timeout 0.05 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
4-4* Adj. Warnings 2
4-40 Warning Freq. Low ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
4-41 Warning Freq. High ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
4-42 Adjustable Temperature Warning 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
4-5* Adj. Warnings
4-50 Warning Current Low 0A All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
4-51 Warning Current High ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
4-54 Warning Reference Low -4999 N/A All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
4-55 Warning Reference High 4999 N/A All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
4-56 Warning Feedback Low -4999 ProcessCtrlUnit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
4-57 Warning Feedback High 4999 ProcessCtrlUnit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function [1] On All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
4-6* Speed Bypass
4-61 Bypass Speed From [Hz] 0 Hz All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
4-63 Bypass Speed To [Hz] 0 Hz All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16

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Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5.2.6 5-** Digital In/Out

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
5-0* Digital I/O mode
5-00 Digital I/O Mode [0] PNP 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
5-01 Terminal 27 Mode [0] Input All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
5-02 Terminal 29 Mode [0] Input All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
5-1* Digital Inputs
5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input [8] Start All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
Terminal 19 Digital Input
Terminal 27 Digital Input
[10] Reversing
All set-ups
All set-ups

5 5
5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input [14] Jog All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
5-14 Terminal 32 Digital Input [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input [16] Preset ref bit 0 All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
5-16 Terminal 31 Digital Input [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
5-3* Digital Outputs
5-30 Terminal 27 Digital Output [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE – Uint8

5-31 Terminal 29 Digital Output [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
5-34 On Delay, Digital Output 0.01 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
5-35 Off Delay, Digital Output 0.01 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
5-4* Relays
5-40 Function Relay ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
5-41 On Delay, Relay 0.01 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
5-42 Off Delay, Relay 0.01 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
5-5* Pulse Input
5-50 Term. 29 Low Frequency 4 Hz All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
5-51 Term. 29 High Frequency 32000 Hz All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
5-52 Term. 29 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb. Value ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
5-55 Term. 33 Low Frequency 4 Hz All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
5-56 Term. 33 High Frequency 32000 Hz All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
5-57 Term. 33 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
5-58 Term. 33 High Ref./Feedb. Value ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
5-6* Pulse Output
5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output Variable [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
5-62 Pulse Output Max Freq 27 5000 Hz All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse Output Variable [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
5-65 Pulse Output Max Freq 29 5000 Hz All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
5-7* 24 V Encoder Input
5-70 Term 32/33 Pulses Per Revolution 1024 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
5-71 Term 32/33 Encoder Direction [0] Clockwise All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
5-9* Bus Controlled
5-90 Digital & Relay Bus Control 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
5-93 Pulse Out 27 Bus Control 0% All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
5-94 Pulse Out 27 Timeout Preset 0% 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16
5-95 Pulse Out 29 Bus Control 0% All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
5-96 Pulse Out 29 Timeout Preset 0% 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16

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Parameter Lists VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

5.2.7 6-** Analog In/Out

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
6-0* Analog I/O Mode
6-00 Live Zero Timeout Time 10 s All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function [0] Off All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
6-1* Analog Input 53
6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage 0.07 V All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
6-11 Terminal 53 High Voltage 10 V All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16

5 5 6-12
Terminal 53 Low Current
Terminal 53 High Current
4 mA
20 mA
All set-ups
All set-ups
6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. Value ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
6-16 Terminal 53 Filter Time Constant 0.01 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
6-19 Terminal 53 mode [1] Voltage mode 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
6-2* Analog Input 54
6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage 0.07 V All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage 10 V All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current 4 mA All set-ups TRUE -5 Uint16
6-23 Terminal 54 High Current 20 mA All set-ups TRUE -5 Uint16
6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. Value ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
6-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant 0.01 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
6-29 Terminal 54 mode [1] Voltage mode 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
6-7* Analog/Digital Output 45
6-70 Terminal 45 Mode [0] 0-20 mA All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
6-71 Terminal 45 Analog Output [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
6-72 Terminal 45 Digital Output [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
6-73 Terminal 45 Output Min Scale 0% All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
6-74 Terminal 45 Output Max Scale 100% All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
6-76 Terminal 45 Output Bus Control 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
6-9* Analog/Digital Output 42
6-90 Terminal 42 Mode [0] 0-20 mA All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
6-91 Terminal 42 Analog Output [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
6-92 Terminal 42 Digital Output [0] No operation All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
6-93 Terminal 42 Output Min Scale 0% All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
6-94 Terminal 42 Output Max Scale 100% All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
6-96 Terminal 42 Output Bus Control 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16

134 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5.2.8 7-** Controllers

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
7-0* Speed PID Ctrl.
7-00 Speed PID Feedback Source [20] None All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
7-02 Speed PID Proportional Gain 0.015 N/A All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
7-03 Speed PID Integral Time 8 ms All set-ups TRUE -4 Uint32
7-04 Speed PID Differentiation Time 30 ms All set-ups TRUE -4 Uint16
7-05 Speed PID Diff. Gain Limit 5 N/A All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
Speed PID Lowpass Filter Time
Speed PID Feedback Gear Ratio
10 ms
1 N/A
All set-ups
All set-ups
5 5
7-08 Speed PID Feed Forward Factor 0% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
7-1* Torque PID Ctrl.
7-12 Torque PID Proportional Gain 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
7-13 Torque PID Integration Time 0.020 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
7-2* Process Ctrl. Feedb
7-20 Process CL Feedback 1 Resource [0] No function All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
7-22 Process CL Feedback 2 Resource [0] No function All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
7-3* Process PID Ctrl.
7-30 Process PID Normal/ Inverse Control [0] Normal All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
7-31 Process PID Anti Windup [1] On All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
7-32 Process PID Start Speed 0 RPM All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
7-33 Process PID Proportional Gain 0.01 N/A All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
7-34 Process PID Integral Time 9999 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
7-35 Process PID Differentiation Time 0s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
7-36 Process PID Diff. Gain Limit 5 N/A All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
7-38 Process PID Feed Forward Factor 0% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
7-39 On Reference Bandwidth 5% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
7-4* Adv. Process PID I
7-40 Process PID I-part Reset [0] No All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
7-41 Process PID Output Neg. Clamp -100 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
7-42 Process PID Output Pos. Clamp 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
7-43 Process PID Gain Scale at Min. Ref. 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
7-44 Process PID Gain Scale at Max. Ref. 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Int16
7-45 Process PID Feed Fwd Resource [0] No function All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
7-46 Process PID Feed Fwd Normal/ Inv. Ctrl. [0] Normal All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
7-48 PCD Feed Forward 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
7-49 Process PID Output Normal/ Inv. Ctrl. [0] Normal All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
7-5* Adv. Process PID II
7-50 Process PID Extended PID [1] Enabled All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
7-51 Process PID Feed Fwd Gain 1 N/A All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
7-52 Process PID Feed Fwd Ramp up 0.01 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
7-53 Process PID Feed Fwd Ramp down 0.01 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
7-56 Process PID Ref. Filter Time 0.001 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
7-57 Process PID Fb. Filter Time 0.001 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
7-6* Feedback Conversion
7-60 Feedback 1 Conversion [0] Linear All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
7-62 Feedback 2 Conversion [0] Linear All set-ups TRUE – Uint8

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5.2.9 8-** Communications and Options

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
8-0* General Settings
8-01 Control Site [0] Digital and ctrl.word All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-02 Control Source ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-03 Control Timeout Time 1s 1 set-up TRUE -1 Uint16
8-04 Control Timeout Function [0] Off 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
8-07 Diagnosis Trigger [0] Disable 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8

5 5 8-1* Ctrl. Word Settings

8-10 Control Word Profile [0] FC profile All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-14 Configurable Control Word CTW [1] Profile default All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-19 Product Code ExpressionLimit 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
8-3* FC Port Settings
8-30 Protocol [0] FC 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
8-31 Address 1 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint8
8-32 Baud Rate ExpressionLimit 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
8-33 Parity/Stop Bits ExpressionLimit 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
8-35 Minimum Response Delay 0.01 s 1 set-up TRUE -3 Uint16
8-36 Maximum Response Delay ExpressionLimit 1 set-up TRUE -3 Uint16
8-37 Maximum Inter-char delay 0.025 s 1 set-up TRUE -3 Uint16
8-4* FC MC protocol set
8-42 PCD Write Configuration ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-43 PCD Read Configuration ExpressionLimit 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
8-5* Digital/Bus
8-50 Coasting Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-51 Quick Stop Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-52 DC Brake Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-53 Start Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-54 Reversing Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-55 Set-up Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-56 Preset Reference Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-57 PROFIdrive OFF2 Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-58 PROFIdrive OFF3 Select [3] Logic OR All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
8-7* Protocol Firmware Version
8-79 Protocol Firmware version ExpressionLimit 1 set-up FALSE -2 Uint16
8-8* FC Port Diagnostics
8-80 Bus Message Count 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
8-81 Bus Error Count 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
8-82 Slave Messages Rcvd 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
8-83 Slave Error Count 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
8-84 Slave Messages Sent 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
8-85 Slave Timeout Errors 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
8-88 Reset FC port Diagnostics [0] Do not reset 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
8-9* Bus Feedback
8-90 Bus Jog 1 Speed 100 RPM All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16
8-91 Bus Jog 2 Speed 200 RPM All set-ups TRUE 67 Uint16

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Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5.2.10 9-** PROFIdrive

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type
during index
9-00 Setpoint 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
9-07 Actual Value 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-15 PCD Write Configuration ExpressionLimit 1 set-up TRUE – Uint16
9-16 PCD Read Configuration ExpressionLimit 1 set-up TRUE – Uint16
9-18 Node Address 126 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint8
9-19 Drive Unit System Number 1037 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
Telegram Selection
Parameters for Signals
[100] None
1 set-up
All set-ups

5 5
9-27 Parameter Edit [1] Enabled 1 set-up FALSE – Uint16
9-28 Process Control [1] Enable cyclic master 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
9-44 Fault Message Counter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
9-45 Fault Code 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
9-47 Fault Number 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
9-52 Fault Situation Counter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
9-53 PROFIBUS Warning Word 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 V2
9-63 Actual Baud Rate [255] No baudrate found All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
9-64 Device Identification 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
9-65 Profile Number 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 OctStr[0]
9-67 Control Word 1 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 V2
9-68 Status Word 1 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 V2
9-70 Programming Set-up [9] Active Set-up 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
9-71 PROFIBUS Save Data Values [0] Off All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
9-72 PROFIBUSDriveReset [0] No action 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
9-75 DO Identification 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
9-80 Defined Parameters (1) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-81 Defined Parameters (2) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-82 Defined Parameters (3) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-83 Defined Parameters (4) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-84 Defined Parameters (5) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-90 Changed Parameters (1) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-91 Changed Parameters (2) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-92 Changed Parameters (3) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-93 Changed Parameters (4) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-94 Changed Parameters (5) 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
9-99 PROFIBUS Revision Counter 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16

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5.2.11 12-** Ethernet

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type
during index
12-0* IP Settings
12-00 IP Address Assignment [10] DCP 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
12-01 IP Address 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 OctStr[4]
12-02 Subnet Mask 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 OctStr[4]
12-03 Default Gateway 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 OctStr[4]
12-04 DHCP Server 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 OctStr[4]

5 5 12-05
Lease Expires
Name Servers
0 N/A
0 N/A
All set-ups
1 set-up
12-07 Domain Name 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 VisStr[48]
12-08 Host Name 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 VisStr[48]
12-09 Physical Address 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 VisStr[17]
12-1* Ethernet Link Parameters
12-10 Link Status [0] No Link 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
12-11 Link Duration ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE 0 TimD
12-12 Auto Negotiation [1] On 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
12-13 Link Speed [0] None 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
12-14 Link Duplex [1] Full Duplex 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
12-8* Other Ethernet Services
12-80 FTP Server [0] Disabled 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
12-81 HTTP Server [0] Disabled 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
12-82 SMTP Service [0] Disabled 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
12-89 Transparent Socket Channel Port 4000 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
12-9* Advanced Ethernet Services
12-90 Cable Diagnostic [0] Disabled 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
12-91 Auto Cross Over [1] Enabled 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
12-92 IGMP Snooping [1] Enabled 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
12-93 Cable Error Length 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
12-94 Broadcast Storm Protection -1 % 1 set-up TRUE 0 Int8
12-95 Broadcast Storm Filter [0] Broadcast only 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
12-96 Port Config ExpressionLimit 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
12-98 Interface Counters 4000 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
12-99 Media Counters 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32

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Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5.2.12 13-** Smart Logic Control

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
13-0* SLC Settings
13-00 SL Controller Mode [0] Off 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
13-01 Start Event [39] Start command 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
13-02 Stop Event [40] Drive stopped 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
13-03 Reset SLC [0] Do not reset SLC 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
13-1* Comparators
Comparator Operand
Comparator Operator
[0] Disabled
[1] Approx.Equal (~)
1 set-up
1 set-up

5 5
13-12 Comparator Value 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE -3 Int32
13-2* Timers
13-20 SL Controller Timer 0s 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint32
13-4* Logic Rules
13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1 [0] False 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1 [0] Disabled 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2 [0] False 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2 [0] Disabled 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3 [0] False 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
13-5* States
13-51 SL Controller Event [0] False 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
13-52 SL Controller Action [0] Disabled 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8

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5.2.13 14-** Special Functions

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 4-set-up Change during Conversion Type
operation index
14-0* Inverter Switching
14-01 Switching Frequency ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
14-03 Overmodulation [1] On All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
14-07 Dead Time Compensation Level ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
14-08 Damping Gain Factor ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
14-09 Dead Time Bias Current Level ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
14-1* Mains On/Off

5 5 14-10
Mains Failure
Mains Voltage at Mains Fault
[0] No function
342 V
All set-ups
All set-ups
14-12 Function at Mains Imbalance [0] Trip 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
14-15 Kin. Backup Trip Recovery Level ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint32
14-2* Reset Functions
14-20 Reset Mode [0] Manual reset All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
14-21 Automatic Restart Time 10 s All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
14-22 Operation Mode [0] Normal operation 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
14-24 Trip Delay at Current Limit 60 s All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
14-25 Trip Delay at Torque Limit 60 s All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
14-27 Action At Inverter Fault [1] Warning All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
14-28 Production Settings [0] No action 1 set-up FALSE - Uint8
14-29 Service Code 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
14-3* Current Limit Ctrl.
14-30 Current Lim Ctrl, Proportional Gain 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
14-31 Current Lim Ctrl, Integration Time 0.020 s All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
14-32 Current Lim Ctrl, Filter Time 5 ms All set-ups TRUE -4 Uint16
14-4* Energy Optimising
14-40 VT Level 66% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
14-41 AEO Minimum Magnetisation 66% All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint8
14-44 d-axis current optimization for IPM 100% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
14-5* Environment
14-50 RFI Filter [2] Grid Type 1 set-up FALSE - Uint8
14-51 DC-Link Voltage Compensation [1] On All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
14-52 Fan Control [5] Constant-on mode 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
14-55 Output Filter [0] No Filter 1 set-up FALSE - Uint8
14-6* Auto Derate
14-61 Function at Inverter Overload [0] Trip All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
14-63 Min Switch Frequency [2] 2.0 kHz 1 set-up FALSE - Uint8
Dead Time Compensation Zero
14-64 Current Level [0] Disabled All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
Speed Derate Dead Time Compen-
14-65 sation ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
14-8* Options
[0] Protect Option
14-89 Option Detection Config. 1 set-up TRUE - Uint8
14-9* Fault Settings
14-90 Fault Level [3] Trip Lock All set-ups TRUE - Uint8

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Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5.2.14 15-** Drive Information

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
15-0* Operating Data
15-00 Operating hours 0h 1 set-up TRUE 74 Uint32
15-01 Running Hours 0h 1 set-up TRUE 74 Uint32
15-02 kWh Counter 0 kWh 1 set-up TRUE 75 Uint32
15-03 Power Up's 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
15-04 Over Temp's 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
Over Volt's
Reset kWh Counter
0 N/A
[0] Do not reset
1 set-up
1 set-up

5 5
15-07 Reset Running Hours Counter [0] Do not reset 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
15-3* Alarm Log
15-30 Alarm Log: Error Code 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint8
15-31 InternalFaultReason 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Int16
15-4* Drive Identification
15-40 FC Type 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[7]
15-41 Power Section 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-42 Voltage 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-43 Software Version 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-44 Ordered TypeCode 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[41]
15-45 Actual Typecode String 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[40]
15-46 Drive Ordering No 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[9]
15-48 LCP Id No 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[21]
15-49 SW ID Control Card 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[21]
15-50 SW ID Power Card 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[21]
15-51 Drive Serial Number 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[13]
15-53 Power Card Serial Number 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[21]
15-6* Option Ident
15-60 Option Mounted ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[30]
15-61 Option SW Version ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-62 Option Ordering No ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[8]
15-63 Option Serial No ExpressionLimit All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[18]
15-70 Option in Slot A 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[30]
15-71 Slot A Option SW Version 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 VisStr[20]
15-9* Parameter Info
15-92 Defined Parameters 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
15-97 Application Type 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
15-98 Drive Identification 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 VisStr[56]
15-99 Parameter Metadata 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint16

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5.2.15 16-** Data Readouts

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type
during index
16-0* General Status
16-00 Control Word 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
16-01 Reference [Unit] 0 ReferenceFeedbackUnit 1 set-up TRUE -3 Int32
16-02 Reference [%] 0% 1 set-up TRUE -1 Int16
16-03 Status Word 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
16-05 Main Actual Value [%] 0% 1 set-up TRUE -2 Int16

5 5 16-09 Custom Readout

16-1* Motor Status
0 CustomReadoutUnit 1 set-up TRUE -2 Int32

16-10 Power [kW] 0 kW 1 set-up TRUE -3 Uint32

16-11 Power [hp] 0 hp 1 set-up TRUE -3 Uint32
16-12 Motor Voltage 0V 1 set-up TRUE -1 Uint32
16-13 Frequency 0 Hz 1 set-up TRUE -1 Uint32
16-14 Motor current 0A 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16
16-15 Frequency [%] 0% 1 set-up TRUE -1 Uint16
16-16 Torque [Nm] 0 Nm All set-ups FALSE -1 Int32
16-17 Speed [RPM] 0 RPM All set-ups FALSE 0 Int32
16-18 Motor Thermal 0% 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint8
16-22 Torque [%] 0% All set-ups FALSE 0 Int16
16-3* Drive Status
16-30 DC Link Voltage 0V 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
16-33 Brake Energy /2 min 0 kW All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
16-34 Heatsink Temp. 0 °C 1 set-up TRUE 100 Int8
16-35 Inverter Thermal 0% 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint8
16-36 Inv. Nom. Current 0A 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16
16-37 Inv. Max. Current 0A 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16
16-38 SL Controller State 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint8
16-39 Control Card Temp. 0 °C All set-ups FALSE 100 Uint16
16-5* Ref. & Feedb.
16-50 External Reference 0% 1 set-up TRUE -1 Int16

16-52 Feedback[Unit] 0 ProcessCtrlUnit 1 set-up TRUE -3 Int32

16-53 Digi Pot Reference 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE -2 Int16
16-57 Feedback [RPM] 0 RPM All set-ups FALSE 67 Int32
16-6* Inputs & Outputs
16-60 Digital Input 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
16-61 Terminal 53 Setting ExpressionLimit 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8

16-62 Analog Input 53 1 N/A 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16

16-63 Terminal 54 Setting ExpressionLimit 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
16-64 Analog Input AI54 1 N/A 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16
16-65 Analog Output 42 [mA] 0 mA 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16
16-66 Digital Output 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 VisStr[5]
16-67 Pulse Input 29[Hz] 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Int32
16-68 Pulse Input 33 [Hz] 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Int32
16-69 Pulse Output 27 [Hz] 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Int32
16-70 Pulse Output 29 [Hz] 0 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Int32
16-71 Relay Output 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
16-72 Counter A 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Int16
16-73 Counter B 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Int16
16-79 Analog Output AO45 0 mA 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16

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Parameter Lists Programming Guide

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type
during index
16-8* Fieldbus & FC Port
16-80 Fieldbus CTW 1 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
16-82 Fieldbus REF 1 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Int16
16-84 Comm. Option STW 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
16-85 FC Port CTW 1 1084 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 uint16
16-86 FC Port REF 1 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Int16
16-9* Diagnosis Readouts
16-90 Alarm Word 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
Alarm Word 2
Warning Word
0 N/A
0 N/A
1 set-up
1 set-up
5 5
16-93 Warning Word 2 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
16-94 Ext. Status Word 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
16-95 Ext. Status Word 2 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
16-97 Alarm Word 3 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32

5.2.16 17-** Feedback Options

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversion Type
during index

17-1* Inc.Enc.Interface
17-10 Signal Type [1] RS422 (5 V TTL) All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
17-11 Resolution (PPR) 1024 N/A All set-ups FALSE 0 Uint16
17-5* Resolver Interface
17-50 Poles 2 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Uint8
17-51 Input Voltage 7V 1 set-up FALSE -1 Uint8
17-52 Input Frequency 10 kHz 1 set-up FALSE 2 Uint8
17-53 Transformation Ratio 0.5 N/A 1 set-up FALSE -1 Uint8
17-56 Encoder Sim. Resolution [0] Disabled 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
17-59 Resolver Interface [0] Disabled All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
17-6* Monitoring and App.
17-60 Feedback Direction [0] Clockwise All set-ups FALSE – Uint8
17-61 Feedback Signal Monitoring [1] Warning All set-ups TRUE – Uint8

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5.2.17 18-** Data Readouts 2

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up Change Conversion Type

No. # during index
18-8* Center Winder Readout
18-81 Tension PID Output 0 Hz 1 set-up TRUE -3 Int32

18-82 Center Winder Output 0 Hz 1 set-up TRUE -3 Int32

18-83 Line Speed 0 Hz 1 set-up TRUE -3 Int32
18-84 Diameter 0% 1 set-up TRUE -3 Int32
18-85 Tapered Tension Set Point 0% 1 set-up TRUE -1 Int32
5 5 18-86 Tension Feedback 0% 1 set-up TRUE -1 Int32
18-9* PID Readouts
18-90 Process PID Error 0% All set-ups FALSE -1 Int16
18-91 Process PID Output 0% All set-ups FALSE -1 Int16
18-92 Process PID Clamped Output 0% All set-ups FALSE -1 Int16
18-93 Process PID Gain Scaled Output 0% All set-ups FALSE -1 Int16

5.2.18 21-** Ext. Closed Loop

Par. Parameter description Default value 4-set-up Change Conversion Type

No. # during index
21-0* Ext. CL Autotuning
21-09 Extended PID Enable [0] Disabled All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
21-1* Ext. CL 1 Ref./Fb.
21-11 Ext. 1 Minimum Reference 0 ExtPID1Unit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
21-12 Ext. 1 Maximum Reference 100 ExtPID1Unit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
21-13 Ext. 1 Reference Source [0] No function All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
21-14 Ext. 1 Feedback Source [0] No function All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
21-15 Ext. 1 Setpoint 0 ExtPID1Unit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
21-17 Ext. 1 Reference [Unit] 0 ExtPID1Unit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
21-18 Ext. 1 Feedback [Unit] 0 ExtPID1Unit All set-ups TRUE -3 Int32
21-19 Ext. 1 Output [%] 0% All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
Ext. CL 1 PID
21-20 Ext. 1 Normal/Inverse Control [0] Normal All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
21-21 Ext. 1 Proportional Gain 0.01 N/A All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
21-22 Ext. 1 Integral Time 10000 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint32
21-23 Ext. 1 Differentiation Time 0s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
21-24 Ext. 1 Dif. Gain Limit 5 N/A All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16

144 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5.2.19 22-** Application Functions

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
22-4* Sleep Mode
22-40 Minimum Run Time 10 s All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
22-41 Minimum Sleep Time 10 s All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
22-43 Wake-Up Speed [Hz] 10 N/A All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
22-44 Wake-Up Ref./FB Diff 10% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
22-45 Setpoint Boost 0% All set-ups TRUE 0 Int8
Maximum Boost Time
Sleep Speed [Hz]
60 s
0 N/A
All set-ups
All set-ups
5 5
22-6* Broken Belt Detection
22-60 Broken Belt Function [0] Off All set-ups TRUE – Uint8
22-61 Broken Belt Torque 10% All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
22-62 Broken Belt Delay 10 s All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16

5.2.20 30-** Special Features

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
30-2* Adv. Start Adjust

30-20 High Starting Torque Time [s] ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
30-21 High Starting Torque Current [%] ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint32
30-22 Locked Rotor Protection [0] Off All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
30-23 Locked Rotor Detection Time [s] 0.10 s All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint8

5.2.21 32-** Motion Control Basic Settings

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
32-11 User Unit Denominator 1 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
32-12 User Unit Numerator 1 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32

32-67 Max. Tolerated Position Error 2000000 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32

32-80 Maximum Allowed Velocity 1500 RPM 1 set-up FALSE 67 Uint16

32-81 Motion Ctrl Quick Stop Ramp 1000 ms 1 set-up TRUE -3 Uint32

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Parameter Lists VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

5.2.22 33-** Motion Control Adv. Settings

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index

33-00 Force Home [0] Home not forced 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
33-01 Home Offset 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Int32
33-02 Home Ramp Time 10 ms 1 set-up TRUE -3 Uint16
33-03 Homing Velocity 100 RPM 1 set-up TRUE 67 Int16
33-04 Homing Type [1] Reverse no index 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
33-41 Negative Software Limit -500000 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Int32
5 5 33-42 Positive Software Limit 500000 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Int32
33-43 Negative Software Limit Active [0] Inactive 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
33-44 Positive Software Limit Active [0] Inactive 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
33-47 Target Position Window 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16

5.2.23 34-** Motion Control Data Readouts

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
34-0* PCD Write Par.

34-01 PCD 1 Write For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-02 PCD 2 Write For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-03 PCD 3 Write For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-04 PCD 4 Write For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-05 PCD 5 Write For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-06 PCD 6 Write For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-07 PCD 7 Write For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-08 PCD 8 Write For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-09 PCD 9 Write For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-10 PCD 10 Write For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-2* PCD Read Par.
34-21 PCD 1 Read For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-22 PCD 2 Read For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-23 PCD 3 Read For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-24 PCD 4 Read For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-25 PCD 5 Read For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-26 PCD 6 Read For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-27 PCD 7 Read For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-28 PCD 8 Read For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-29 PCD 9 Read For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-30 PCD 10 Read For Application 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint16
34-5* Process Data
34-50 Actual Position 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
34-56 Track Error 0 N/A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32

146 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Parameter Lists Programming Guide

5.2.24 37-** Application Settings

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index

37-0* Application Mode

37-00 Application Mode [0] Drive mode 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
37-1* Position Control
37-01 Pos. Feedback Source [0] 24 V Encoder 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
37-02 Pos. Target 0 N/A 1 set-up FALSE 0 Int32
37-03 Pos. Type [0] Absolute 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
37-04 Pos. Velocity 100 RPM 1 set-up FALSE 67 Uint16 5 5
37-05 Pos. Ramp Up Time 5000 ms 1 set-up FALSE -3 Uint32
37-06 Pos. Ramp Down Time 5000 ms 1 set-up FALSE -3 Uint32
37-07 Pos. Auto Brake Ctrl [1] Enable 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8

37-08 Pos. Hold Delay 0 ms 1 set-up TRUE -3 Uint32

37-09 Pos. Coast Delay 200 ms 1 set-up TRUE -3 Uint16
37-10 Pos. Brake Delay 200 ms 1 set-up TRUE -3 Uint16
37-11 Pos. Brake Wear Limit 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint32
37-12 Pos. PID Anti Windup [1] Enable 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
37-13 Pos. PID Output Clamp 1000 N/A 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
37-14 Pos. Ctrl. Source [0] DI 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
37-15 Pos. Direction Block [0] No Blocking 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
37-16 Pos. Power Recovery [1] Enable 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
37-17 Pos. Ctrl Fault Behaviour [0] Ramp Down&Brake 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
37-18 Pos. Ctrl Fault Reason [0] No Fault 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
37-19 Pos. New Index 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
37-2* Center Winder1 set-up
37-20 Winder Mode Selection [0] Wind 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
37-21 Tension Set Point 0% 1 set-up TRUE -1 Uint16
37-22 Taper Set Point 0% 1 set-up TRUE -1 Int16
37-23 Partial Roll Diameter Value 5% 1 set-up FALSE -3 Uint32
37-24 Core1 Diameter 5% 1 set-up FALSE -3 Uint32
37-25 Core2 Diameter 5% 1 set-up FALSE -3 Uint32
37-26 Winder Jog Speed 0% 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint8
37-27 TLD Low Limit 0% 1 set-up TRUE -1 Uint16
37-28 TLD High Limit 0% 1 set-up TRUE -1 Uint16
37-29 TLD Timer 0.001 s 1 set-up TRUE -3 Uint16
37-30 TLDOnDelay [1] Enabled 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
37-31 Diameter Limit Detector 100% 1 set-up TRUE -3 Uint32
[0] Set diameter when
37-32 Initial Diameter Measurement diameter reset 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
37-33 Diameter Measurement Input [0] No Function 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
37-34 Reading at Core 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE -2 Int16
37-35 Reading at Full Roll 0V 1 set-up TRUE -2 Int16
37-36 Tension Set Point Input [0] Par.3721 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
37-37 Taper Set Point Input [0] Par.3722 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
37-38 Tension Feedback Input [0] No Function 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
37-39 Tension Feedback Type [0] Load cell 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
[1] Parameter 3754~3759
37-40 Center Winder Cmd Src control the functions 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
37-41 Diameter Change Rate 0.001% 1 set-up TRUE -3 Uint8
37-42 Tapered Tension Change Rate 0.1% 1 set-up TRUE -1 Uint8

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Parameter Lists VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 2-set-up Change Conversio Type
during n index
37-43 Diameter Calculator Min Speed 0% 1 set-up TRUE 0 Uint16
37-44 Line Acceleration Feed Forward 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE -3 Int16
37-45 Line Speed Source [0] No function 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
37-46 Winder Speed Match Scale 1 N/A 1 set-up FALSE -3 Uint32
37-47 Tension PID Profile 0% 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16
37-48 Tension PID Proportional Gain 0 N/A 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16
37-49 Tension PID Derivate Time 0s 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint16
37-50 Tension PID Integral Time 501 s 1 set-up TRUE -2 Uint32

5 5 37-51
Tension PID Out Limit
Tension PID Der Gain Limit
5 N/A
1 set-up
1 set-up
37-53 Tension PID Anti Windup [1] Enabled 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
37-54 Winder Jog Reverse [0] No Function 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
37-55 Winder Jog Forward [0] No function 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
37-56 New Diameter Select [0] Core diameter 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
37-57 Tension On/Off [0] Off 1 set-up TRUE – Uint8
37-58 Core Select [0] Core1 diameter 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8
37-59 Diameter Reset [0] Off 1 set-up FALSE – Uint8

148 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Troubleshooting Programming Guide

6 Troubleshooting

6.1 Warnings and Alarms 6.1.3 Warning/alarm Messages

When the frequency converter fault circuitry detects a fault The LEDs on the front of the frequency converter and a
condition or a pending fault, a warning or alarm is issued. code in the display signal a warning or an alarm.
A flashing display on the LCP indicates an alarm or
warning condition and the associated number code on line
LED indication
2. Sometimes a warning precedes an alarm.
Warning Yellow
Alarm Flashing red
6.1.1 Alarms
Table 6.1 Control Terminals and Associated Parameter
An alarm causes the frequency converter to trip (suspend A warning indicates a condition that requires attention, or
operation). The frequency converter has 3 trip conditions,
which are shown in line 1:
a trend that would eventually require attention. A warning 6 6
remains active until the cause is no longer present. Under
some circumstances, motor operation could continue.
Trip (auto restart)
The frequency converter is programmed to restart An alarm triggers a trip. The trip removes power to the
automatically after the fault is removed. The number of motor. It can be reset after the condition has been cleared
automatic reset attempts can be continuous or limited to a by pressing [Reset], or through a digital input (parameter
programmed number of attempts. If the selected number group 5–1* Digital Inputs). The event that caused an alarm
of automatic reset attempts is exceeded, the trip condition cannot damage the frequency converter, or cause a
changes to trip (reset). dangerous condition. Alarms must be reset to restart
Trip (reset) operation once their cause has been rectified.
Requires resetting of the frequency converter before
operation after a fault is cleared. To reset the frequency The reset can be done in 3 ways:
converter manually, press [Reset] or use a digital input, or
a fieldbus command. For NLCP, stop and reset are the same • Press [Reset].
key, [Off/Reset]. If [Off/Reset] is used to reset the frequency
converter, press [Start] to initiate a run command in either • A digital reset input.
hand-on mode or auto-on mode. • Serial communication/optional fieldbus reset
Trip lock (disc>mains)
Disconnect the mains AC input power to the frequency NOTICE
converter long enough for the display to go blank. Remove After a manual reset pressing [Reset], press [Auto On] to
the fault condition and reapply power. Following power-up, restart the motor.
the fault indication changes to trip (reset) and allows for
manual, digital, or fieldbus reset.
A warning precedes an alarm.

6.1.2 Warnings A trip lock is an action when an alarm occurs which can
damage the frequency converter or connected equipment.
During a warning, the frequency converter remains Power is removed from the motor. A trip lock can only be
operational, although the warning flashes for as long as reset after a cycling power has cleared the condition. Once
the condition exists. The frequency converter could, the problem has been rectified, only the alarm continues
however, reduce the warning condition. For example, if the flashing until the frequency converter is reset.
warning shown was warning 12, Torque Limit, the frequency
converter would reduce speed to compensate for the
The warnings and alarms are explained in Table 6.2.
overcurrent condition. Sometimes, if the condition is not
corrected or worsens, an alarm condition is activated and
the frequency converter stops output to the motor
terminals. Line 1 identifies the warning in plain language,
and line 2 identifies the warning number.

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Troubleshooting VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

Description Warning Alarm Trip lock Cause
Signal on terminal 53 or 54 is less than 50% of value set
in parameter 6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage,
2 Live zero error X X – parameter 6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current,
parameter 6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage, and
parameter 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current.
No motor has been connected to the output of the
3 No motor X – –
frequency converter, or 1 motor phase is missing.
Missing phase on supply side, or the voltage imbalance is
4 Mains phase loss1) X X X
too high. Check the supply voltage.
7 DC overvoltage1) X X – Intermediate circuit voltage exceeds limit.
Intermediate circuit voltage drops below the voltage
8 DC undervoltage1) X X –
warning low limit.

6 6 9

Inverter overloaded

Motor ETR overtemperature




More than 100% load for too long.
Motor is too hot due to more than 100% load for too
Motor thermistor overtem-
11 X X – Thermistor or thermistor connection is disconnected.
Torque exceeds value set in either parameter 4-16 Torque
12 Torque limit X X – Limit Motor Mode or parameter 4-17 Torque Limit Generator
Inverter peak current limit is exceeded. For J1–J6 units, if
13 Overcurrent X X X this alarm occurs on power-up, check whether power
cables are mistakenly connected to the motor terminals.
14 Earth fault – X X Discharge from output phases to ground.
Short circuit in motor or on motor terminals. For J7 units,
16 Short circuit – X X if this alarm occurs on power-up, check whether power
cables are mistakenly connected to the motor terminals.
17 Control word timeout X X – No communication to frequency converter.
18 Start failed – X – –
Brake resistor is short-circuited, thus the brake function is
25 Brake resistor short-circuited – X X
The power transmitted to the brake resistor over the last
26 Brake overload X X – 120 s exceeds the limit. Possible corrections: Decrease
brake energy via lower speed or longer ramp time.
Brake IGBT/Brake chopper short- Brake transistor is short-circuited, thus brake function is
27 – X X
circuited disconnected.
28 Brake check – X – Brake resistor is not connected/working.
30 U phase loss – X X Motor phase U is missing. Check the phase.
31 V phase loss – X X Motor phase V is missing. Check the phase.
32 W phase loss – X X Motor phase W is missing. Check the phase.
34 Fieldbus fault X X – PROFIBUS communication issues have occurred.
35 Option fault – X – Fieldbus or option B detects internal faults.
This warning/alarm is only active if the supply voltage to
the frequency converter is less than the value set in
36 Mains failure X X – parameter 14-11 Mains Fault Voltage Level, and
parameter 14-10 Mains Failure is NOT set to [0] No
38 Internal fault – X X Contact the local Danfoss supplier.
Check the load connected to terminal 27 or remove
40 Overload T27 X – –
short-circuit connection.
Check the load connected to terminal 29 or remove
41 Overload T29 X – –
short-circuit connection.
46 Gate drive voltage fault – X X –

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Troubleshooting Programming Guide

Description Warning Alarm Trip lock Cause
47 24 V supply low X X X 24 V DC may be overloaded.
50 AMA calibration – X – –
51 AMA check Unom and Inom – X – Wrong setting for motor voltage and/or motor current.
52 AMA low Inom – X – Motor current is too low. Check the settings.
The power size of the motor is too large for the AMA to
53 AMA big motor – X –
The power size of the motor is too small for the AMA to
54 AMA small motor – X –
The parameter values of the motor are outside of the
55 AMA parameter range – X –
acceptable range. AMA does not run.
56 AMA interrupt – X – The AMA is interrupted.
57 AMA timeout – X – –
58 AMA internal – X – Contact Danfoss.
6 6
59 Current limit X X – Frequency converter overload.

60 External Interlock – X – –
61 Feedback error X X – –
Actual motor current has not exceeded release brake
63 Mechanical brake low – X –
current within start delay time window.
The cutout temperature of the control card is 80 °C
65 Control card temp X X X
(176 °F).
69 Power card temp X X X –
70 Illegal FC config – X X –
Frequency converter initialized
80 – X – All parameter settings are initialized to default settings.
to default value
Occurs in IT mains when the frequency converter coasts
and the DC voltage are higher than 830 V. Energy on DC-
87 Auto DC brake X – –
link is consumed by the motor. This function can be
enabled/disabled in parameter 0-07 Auto DC Braking.
90 Feedback monitor X X – A feedback fault is detected by option B.
95 Broken belt X X – –
99 Locked rotor – X – –
Flow/pressure information
101 – X X –
120 Position control fault – X – –
124 Tension limit – X – –
126 Motor rotating – X – –
Try to start PM motor which is rotating in an abnormal
127 Back EMF too high2) X – –
high speed.
250 New spare part – X X –
251 New type code – X X –

Table 6.2 Warnings and Alarms Code List

1) These faults may be caused by mains distortions. Installing a Danfoss line filter may rectify this problem.
2) For enclosure size J7, the warning can also be caused by high UDC voltage.

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For diagnosis, read out the alarm words, warning words, and extended status words.

Alarm word Alarm word Warning word Extended

Alarm word Warning word Extended
2 3 2 status word
(parameter 1 (parameter 16- status word 2
Bit Hex Dec (parameter (parameter 1 (parameter 16 (parameter 16-
6-90 Alarm 92 Warning (parameter 16-95 Ext
16-91 Alarm 6-97 Alarm -93 Warning 94 Ext. Status
Word) Word) . Status Word 2)
Word 2) Word 3) Word 2) Word)

0 1 Brake check Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Ramping Off
000000 Pwr. card Gate drive Pwr. card
1 2 Reserved Reserved AMA tuning Hand/Auto
02 temp voltage fault temp

6 6 2
4 Earth fault Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Start CW/CCW
000000 Ctrl. card PROFIBUS OFF2
3 8 Reserved Reserved Ctrl. card temp Reserved Slowdown
08 temp active
000000 Ctrl. word Illegal FC PROFIBUS OFF3
4 16 Reserved Ctrl. word TO Reserved Catch up
10 TO config active
5 32 Overcurrent Reserved Reserved Overcurrent Reserved Feedback high Reserved
6 64 Torque limit Reserved Reserved Torque limit Reserved Feedback low Reserved
000000 Motor Th. Output current
7 128 Reserved Reserved Motor Th. over Reserved Control ready
80 over high
000001 Motor ETR Motor ETR Output current Frequency converter
8 256 Broken belt Reserved Broken belt
00 over over low ready
000002 Inverter Output freq.
9 512 Reserved Reserved Inverter overld. Reserved Quick stop
00 overld. high
000004 DC Output freq.
10 1024 Start failed Reserved DC undervolt. Reserved DC brake
00 undervolt. low
11 2048 DC overvolt. Reserved Reserved DC overvolt. Reserved Brake check OK Stop
000010 External
12 4096 Short circuit Reserved Reserved Reserved Braking max Latched
00 interlock
13 8192 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Braking Reserved
000040 Mains ph.
14 16384 Reserved Reserved Mains ph. loss Reserved Reserved Freeze output
00 loss
15 32768 AMA not OK Reserved Reserved No motor Auto DC brake OVC active Reserved
000100 Live zero
16 65536 Reserved Reserved Live zero error Reserved AC brake Jog
00 error
17 131072 Internal fault Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
000400 Brake Brake resistor
18 262144 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Start
00 overload power limit
19 524288 U phase loss Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reference high Reserved
001000 Option
20 1048576 V phase loss Reserved Reserved Overload T27 Reference low Start delay
00 detection
21 2097152 W phase loss Option fault Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Sleep

152 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Troubleshooting Programming Guide

Alarm word Alarm word Warning word Extended

Alarm word Warning word Extended
2 3 2 status word
(parameter 1 (parameter 16- status word 2
Bit Hex Dec (parameter (parameter 1 (parameter 16 (parameter 16-
6-90 Alarm 92 Warning (parameter 16-95 Ext
16-91 Alarm 6-97 Alarm -93 Warning 94 Ext. Status
Word) Word) . Status Word 2)
Word 2) Word 3) Word 2) Word)

004000 Fieldbus
22 4194304 Locked rotor Reserved Fieldbus fault Reserved Reserved Sleep boost
00 fault
008000 24 V supply Position ctrl. 24 V supply
23 8388608 Reserved Reserved Reserved Running
00 low fault low
010000 Tension
24 16777216 Mains failure Reserved Mains failure Reserved Reserved Bypass
00 Limit

33554432 Reserved Current limit Reserved Current limit Reserved Reserved Reserved 6 6
040000 Brake
26 67108864 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved External interlock
00 resistor
080000 13421772
27 Brake IGBT Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
00 8
100000 26843545 Option Feedback
28 Reserved Encoder loss Reserved Reserved FlyStart active
00 6 change fault
200000 53687091 Back EMF too Heat sink clean
29 converter Encoder loss Reserved Reserved Reserved
00 2 high warning
400000 10737418
30 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
00 24
800000 21474836 Mech. brake
31 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Database busy Reserved
00 48 low

Table 6.3 Description of Alarm Word, Warning Word, and Extended Status Word

The alarm words, warning words and extended status

words can be accessed via fieldbus or optional fieldbus for

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WARNING/ALARM 2, Live zero error • Show the thermal frequency converter load on
This warning or alarm only appears if programmed in the LCP and monitor the value. When running
parameter 6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function. The signal on 1 above the frequency converter continuous
of the analog inputs is less than 50% of the minimum current rating, the counter increases. When
value programmed for that input. Broken wiring or faulty running below the frequency converter
device sending the signal can cause this condition. continuous current rating, the counter decreases.
Troubleshooting WARNING/ALARM 10, Motor overload temperature
• Check connections on all the analog input According to the electronic thermal protection (ETR), the
terminals. Control card terminals 53 and 54 for motor is too hot. Select whether the frequency converter
signals, terminal 55 common. issues a warning or an alarm when the counter reaches
100% in parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection. The fault
• Check that the frequency converter programming
occurs when the motor runs with more than 100%
and switch settings match the analog signal type.
overload for too long.
• Perform the input terminal signal test.
6 6 WARNING/ALARM 4, Mains phase loss
A phase is missing on the supply side, or the mains
• Check for motor overheating.
voltage imbalance is too high. This message also appears • Check if the motor is mechanically overloaded.
for a fault in the input rectifier. Options are programmed in • Check that the motor current set in
parameter 14-12 Function at Mains Imbalance. parameter 1-24 Motor Current is correct.
Troubleshooting • Ensure that motor data in parameters 1-20 to 1-25
• Check the supply voltage and supply currents to is set correctly.
the frequency converter.
• Running AMA in parameter 1-29 Automatic Motor
WARNING/ALARM 7, DC overvoltage Adaptation (AMA) tunes the frequency converter
If the DC-link voltage exceeds the limit, the frequency to the motor more accurately and reduces
converter trips after a time. thermal loading.
Troubleshooting WARNING/ALARM 11, Motor thermistor over temp
• Extend the ramp time. Check whether the thermistor is disconnected. Select
whether the frequency converter issues a warning or an
• Change the ramp type.
alarm in parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection.
WARNING/ALARM 8, DC under voltage
If the DC-link voltage (DC-link) drops below the
undervoltage limit, the frequency converter trips after a • Check for motor overheating.
fixed time delay. The time delay varies with unit size. • Check if the motor is mechanically overloaded.
Troubleshooting • When using terminal 53 or 54, check that the
• Check that the supply voltage matches the thermistor is connected correctly between either
frequency converter voltage. terminal 53 or 54 (analog voltage input) and
terminal 50 (+10 V supply). Also check that the
• Perform the input voltage test.
terminal switch for 53 or 54 is set for voltage.
• Perform the soft charge circuit test. Check that parameter 1-93 Thermistor Resource
WARNING/ALARM 9, Inverter overload selects terminal 53 or 54.
The frequency converter is about to cut out because of an • When using terminal 18, 19, 31, 32, or 33 (digital
overload (too high current for too long). The counter for inputs), check that the thermistor is connected
electronic, thermal inverter protection issues a warning at correctly between the digital input terminal used
90% and trips at 100%, while giving an alarm. The (digital input PNP only) and terminal 50. Select
frequency converter cannot be reset until the counter is the terminal to use in parameter 1-93 Thermistor
below 0%. Resource.
The fault occurs when the frequency converter has run
WARNING/ALARM 12, Torque limit
with more than 100% overload for too long.
The torque has exceeded the value in
Troubleshooting parameter 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode or the value in
• Compare the output current shown on the LCP parameter 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode.
with the frequency converter rated current. Parameter 14-25 Trip Delay at Torque Limit can change this
• Compare the output current shown on the LCP warning from a warning-only condition to a warning
with measured motor current. followed by an alarm.

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Troubleshooting Programming Guide

Troubleshooting • Check the operation of the communication

• If the motor torque limit is exceeded during equipment.
ramp-up, extend the ramp-up time.
• Verify a proper installation based on EMC
• If the generator torque limit is exceeded during requirements.
ramp-down, extend the ramp-down time. ALARM 18, Start failed
• If torque limit occurs while running, increase the The speed cannot exceed the value set in
torque limit. Make sure that the system can parameter 1-78 Compressor Start Max Speed [Hz] during
operate safely at a higher torque. start within the allowed time which is set in
parameter 1-79 Compressor Start Max Time to Trip. The
• Check the application for excessive current draw
alarm may be caused by a blocked motor.
on the motor.
WARNING 25, Brake resistor short circuit
WARNING/ALARM 13, Over current
The brake resistor is monitored during start-up. If a short
The inverter peak current limit (approximately 200% of the
circuit occurs, the brake function is disabled and the alarm
rated current) is exceeded. The warning lasts about 5 s,
appears. The frequency converter is tripped.
then the frequency converter trips and issues an alarm.
Shock loading or fast acceleration with high-inertia loads Troubleshooting 6 6
can cause this fault. • Remove the power to the frequency converter
and check the connection of the brake resistor.
• Remove power and check if the motor shaft can WARNING/ALARM 26, Brake resistor power limit
be turned. The power transmitted to the brake resistor is calculated as
a mean value over the last 120 s of run time. The
• Check that the motor size matches the frequency
calculation is based on the DC-link voltage and the brake
resistor value set in parameter 2-11 Brake Resistor (ohm).
• Check parameters 1-20 to 1-25 for correct motor The warning is active when the dissipated braking power
data. is higher than the value set in parameter 2-12 Brake Power
ALARM 14, Earth (ground) fault Limit (kW). The frequency converter trips if the warning
There is current from the output phases to ground, either persists for 1200 s.
in the cable between the frequency converter and the Troubleshooting
motor, or in the motor itself. • Decrease brake energy via lower speed or longer
Troubleshooting ramp time.
• Remove power to the frequency converter and WARNING/ALARM 27, Brake chopper fault
repair the ground fault. The brake transistor is monitored during start-up. If a short
• Check for ground faults in the motor by circuit occurs, the brake function is disabled, and an alarm
measuring the resistance to ground of the motor is issued. The frequency converter is tripped.
cables and the motor with a megohmmeter. Troubleshooting
ALARM 16, Short circuit • Remove the power to the frequency converter
There is short-circuiting in the motor or motor wiring. and remove the brake resistor.

• Remove power to the frequency converter and WARNING/ALARM 28, Brake check failed
repair the short circuit. The brake resistor is not connected or not working.

WARNING/ALARM 17, Control word timeout Troubleshooting

There is no communication to the frequency converter. • Check if brake resistor is connected or it is too
The warning is only active when parameter 8-04 Control large for the frequency converter.
Word Timeout Function is NOT set to [0] Off. ALARM 30, Motor phase U missing
If parameter 8-04 Control Word Timeout Function is set to [5] Motor phase U between the frequency converter and the
Stop and Trip, a warning appears. The frequency converter motor is missing.
then ramps down until it trips, while giving an alarm.
Parameter 8-03 Control Timeout Time could possibly be
increased. • Remove power from the frequency converter and
check motor phase U.
• Check connections on the serial communication
• Increase parameter 8-03 Control Word Timeout

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Troubleshooting VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

ALARM 31, Motor phase V missing Fault

Cause Solution
Motor phase V between the frequency converter and the number
motor is missing. The hardware version of the
Troubleshooting Option hardware option or the fieldbus variant is
• Remove power from the frequency converter and version error not compatible with the
check motor phase V. frequency converter software.
The software version of the
ALARM 32, Motor phase W missing option or the fieldbus variant is
Motor phase W between the frequency converter and the not compatible with the
motor is missing. Option software
5888 frequency converter software.
version error
Troubleshooting Change either the fieldbus
• Remove power from the frequency converter and software or the frequency
check motor phase W. converter software.

WARNING/ALARM 34, communication fault The option is not Check if the product supports
supported this option.
6 6 The fieldbus on the communication option card is not
working. 6400
The option
Remove the option.
combination error
ALARM 38, Internal fault
Power cycle the frequency
When an internal fault occurs, a code number is shown.
converter. If the alarm occurs
Other Other internal faults
Troubleshooting again, contact a Danfoss
See Table 6.4 for the causes and solutions for different supplier.
internal faults. If the fault persists, contact the Danfoss
supplier or service department for assistance. Table 6.4 Internal Fault List

Fault WARNING 40, Overload of digital output terminal 27

Cause Solution
number Check the load connected to terminal 27 or remove the
Upgrade the software in the short-circuit connection. Check parameter 5-00 Digital I/O
Power board
140–142 frequency converter to the Mode and parameter 5-01 Terminal 27 Mode.
EEPROM data error
latest version.
WARNING 41, Overload of digital output terminal 29
The firmware in the Check the load connected to terminal 29 or remove the
Upgrade the software in the
frequency converter short circuit connection. Check parameter 5-00 Digital I/O
176 frequency converter to the
does not match the Mode and parameter 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode.
latest version.
frequency converter.
ALARM 46, Power card supply
Upgrade the software in the
Flash ROM The supply for the gate drive on the power card is out of
256 frequency converter to the
checksum error range. It is generated by the switch mode supply (SMPS)
latest version.
on the power card.
Firmware mismatch
Upgrade the software in the
between the control Troubleshooting
2304 frequency converter to the
card and the power
latest version.
• Check for a defective power card.
card. WARNING 47, 24 V supply low
Upgrade the software in the The 24 V DC is measured on the control card.
frequency converter to the
Communication ALARM 50, AMA calibration failed
latest version. If the alarm
error between the A calibration error has occurred. Contact a Danfoss supplier
2560 occurs again, check the
control card and the or the Danfoss Service Department.
connection between the
power card.
control card and the power ALARM 51, AMA check Unom and Inom
card. The settings for motor voltage, motor current, and motor
Upgrade the software in the power are wrong.
Serial flash version
3840 frequency converter to the Troubleshooting
latest version.
• Check the settings in parameters 1-20 to 1-25.
Upgrade the software in the
frequency converter to the
ALARM 52, AMA low Inom
Frequency converter The motor current is too low.
4608 latest version. If the alarm
power size error
occurs again, contact a Danfoss Troubleshooting
supplier. • Check the setting in parameter 1-24 Motor Current.
ALARM 53, AMA motor too big
The motor is too large for the AMA to operate.

156 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Troubleshooting Programming Guide

ALARM 54, AMA motor too small WARNING/ALARM 65, Control card over temperature
The motor is too small for the AMA to operate. The cutout temperature of the control card has exceeded
the upper limit.
ALARM 55, AMA parameter out of range
The parameter values of the motor are outside of the Troubleshooting
acceptable range. The AMA does not run. • Check that the ambient operating temperature is
within the limits.
ALARM 56, AMA interrupted by user
The AMA is manually interrupted. • Check the fan operation.
ALARM 57, AMA internal fault • Check the control card.
Try to restart the AMA again. Repeated restarts can ALARM 67, Option module configuration has changed
overheat the motor. One or more options have either been added or removed
ALARM 58, Internal fault since the last power-down. Check that the configuration
Contact a Danfoss supplier. change is intentional and reset the unit.
WARNING 59, Current limit ALARM 68, Safe stop activated
The current is higher than the value in
parameter 4-18 Current Limit.
Safe Torque Off (STO) is activated. If STO is in manual
restart mode (default), to resume normal operation, apply
6 6
24 V DC to terminals 37 and 38 and initiate a reset signal
(via fieldbus, digital I/O, or [Reset]/[Off Reset] key). If STO is
• Ensure that motor data in parameters 1-20 to 1-25 in automatic restart mode, applying 24 V DC to terminals
is set correctly.
37 and 38 automatically resumes the frequency converter
• Possibly increase the current limit. to normal operation.
• Be sure that the system can operate safely at a ALARM 69, Power card temperaturePower card
higher limit. temperature
ALARM 60, External interlock The cutout temperature of the power card has exceeded
A digital input signal indicates a fault condition external to the upper limit.
the frequency converter. An external interlock has Troubleshooting
commanded the frequency converter to trip. • Check that the ambient operating temperature is
Troubleshooting within limits.
• Clear the external fault condition. • Check fan operation.
• To resume normal operation, apply 24 V DC to • Check the power card.
the terminal programmed for external interlock.
ALARM 80, Drive initialised to default value
• Reset the frequency converter. Parameter settings are initialized to default settings after a
WARNING/ALARM 61, Feedback error manual reset.
An error between calculated speed and speed Troubleshooting
measurement from feedback device. • To clear the alarm, reset the unit.
Troubleshooting WARNING 87, Auto DC-Braking
• Check the settings for warning/alarm/disabling in Occurs in IT mains when the frequency converter coasts,
parameter 4-30 Motor Feedback Loss Function. and the DC voltage is higher than 830 V for 400 V units
• Set the tolerable error in parameter 4-31 Motor and 425 V for 200 V units. The motor consumes energy on
Feedback Speed Error. the DC link. This function can be enabled/disabled in
parameter 0-07 Auto DC Braking.
• Set the tolerable feedback loss time in
parameter 4-32 Motor Feedback Loss Timeout. ALARM 88, Option detection
A new option configuration has been detected. Set
ALARM 63, Mechanical brake low
parameter 14-89 Option Detection to [1] Enable Option
The actual motor current has not exceeded the release
Change, and power cycle the frequency converter to
brake current within the start delay time window.
accept the new configuration.
ALARM 95, Broken belt
Torque is below the torque level set for no load, indicating
a broken belt. Parameter 22-60 Broken Belt Function is set
for alarm.
• Troubleshoot the system and reset the frequency
converter after clearing the fault.

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Troubleshooting VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

ALARM 99, Locked Rotor

The rotor is blocked. It is only enabled for PM motor
• Check if the motor shaft is locked.
• Check if the start current triggers the current limit
set in parameter 4-18 Current Limit.
• Check if it increases the value in
parameter 30-23 Locked Rotor Detection Time [s].
ALARM 126, Motor Rotating
During AMA start-up, the motor is rotating. It is only valid
for PM motor.
6 6 • Check if the motor is rotating before starting the
WARNING 127, Back EMF too High
This warning applies to PM motors only. When the back
EMF exceeds 90% x Uinvmax (overvoltage threshold) and
does not drop to normal level within 5 s, this warning is
reported. The warning remains until the back EMF returns
to a normal level.

158 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Index Programming Guide

Index see also ETR

EMC......................................................................................................... 155
A ETR...................................................................................................... 5, 109
Abbreviations........................................................................................... 3 see also Electronic thermal relay

Adjustable warning............................................................................. 56 External process PID control, 7-5*.................................................. 78

Alarm log........................................................................................ 19, 106

AMA........................................................................................... 5, 154, 156
Analog signal....................................................................................... 154 log.......................................................................................................... 19
Approvals and certifications............................................................... 4 FC MC protocol...................................................................................... 80
Auto on..................................................................................................... 19 Feedback conversion, 7-6*................................................................ 79
Automatic motor adaptation................................................ 5, 23, 37 Fieldbus................................................................................................. 153
Freeze output........................................................................................... 4
Frequency converter identification............................................. 106
energy function, 2-1*...................................................................... 46 Frequency converter status............................................................ 109
power...................................................................................................... 5
resistor.................................................................................................... 5 G
resistor power limit....................................................................... 155
General settings.................................................................................... 79
Break-away torque.................................................................................. 4
General status...................................................................................... 108
Broken-belt detection...................................................................... 116
Broken-belt torque............................................................................ 116 H
Hand on.................................................................................................... 19
High altitude.......................................................................................... 12
Catch up................................................................................................... 59
High voltage........................................................................................... 11
Coast............................................................................................................ 4
Comparator............................................................................................. 95 I
Identification, frequency converter............................................. 106
cable........................................................................................................ 8
terminal...................................................................................... 19, 152 Initialization
Current limit control..................................................................... 104 Manual procedure........................................................................... 21
Process control feedback.............................................................. 76 Procedure............................................................................................ 20
Process PID control.......................................................................... 76 Input signal........................................................................................... 157
Speed PID control............................................................................ 74
Torque PI control.............................................................................. 76 Inputs
Analog input.......................................................................... 4, 5, 154
Control card Digital input mode.......................................................................... 57
Control card..................................................................................... 154
Intermittent duty cycle......................................................................... 5
Current rating...................................................................................... 154
Inverter switching.............................................................................. 100

Data readout........................................................................................ 108
Jog................................................................................................................ 4
DC brake current................................................................................... 45
DC brake cut-in speed........................................................................ 46
DC braking time.................................................................................... 45
LCP.................................................................................................. 4, 5, 149
Default setting............................................................................. 20, 125
LCP copy/save........................................................................................ 32
Digital Input............................................................................................ 57
Leakage current.................................................................................... 12
Discharge time...................................................................................... 11
LED.......................................................................................................... 149
Live zero................................................................................................... 71
Load compensation............................................................................. 33
Electrical wiring....................................................................................... 7
Load sharing................................................................................. 11, 102
Electronic thermal relay........................................................................ 5

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 159

Index VLT® AutomationDrive FC 360

Local control........................................................................................... 19 Port setting............................................................................................. 80

Local reference...................................................................................... 24 Potentiometer reference.................................................................... 10
Logic rule................................................................................................. 96 Power cycle............................................................................................... 5
Preset reference.................................................................................... 49
M Programming......................................................................... 19, 20, 154
Main menu....................................................................................... 16, 19 Pulse input.............................................................................................. 67
Main reactance............................................................................... 37, 38 Pulse output, 5-6*................................................................................. 68
Mains Pulse reference......................................................................................... 5
on/off................................................................................................. 100
supply..................................................................................................... 6
Voltage................................................................................................. 18 Q
Mechanical brake................................................................................. 47 Qualified personnel............................................................................. 11
Menu key................................................................................... 13, 18, 19 Quick menu.............................................................................. 14, 18, 19
Menu structure...................................................................................... 19
Minimum sleep time......................................................................... 115
Motor Rated motor current.............................................................................. 4
High back EMF................................................................................ 158 Rated motor speed................................................................................. 4
control principle............................................................................... 33
RCD............................................................................................................... 6
current.......................................................................... 18, 23, 37, 156
data............................................................................. 21, 23, 154, 157 Reference....................................................................................... 18, 109
limit....................................................................................................... 54 Relay configuration.............................................................................. 63
magnetization at 0 speed............................................................. 40
pole....................................................................................................... 39 Relay output........................................................................................... 61
power.......................................................................................... 18, 156 Reset......................................................................... 18, 19, 21, 154, 157
rotating............................................................................................. 158
Rotor resistance..................................................................................... 38
speed direction................................................................................. 54
status.................................................................................................. 108
voltage................................................................................................. 36 S
Overheating.................................................................................... 154
Warning............................................................................................. 154 Safety........................................................................................................ 12
Serial bus............................................................................................... 149
N Serial communication.................................................................... 4, 19
Navigation key......................................................................... 13, 18, 19 Set-up operation, 0-1*........................................................................ 25
Nominal motor speed......................................................................... 37 Short circuit.......................................................................................... 155
NPN............................................................................................................ 57 SLC............................................................................................................. 93
Numeric display.................................................................................... 13 Sleep mode.......................................................................................... 115
Sleep speed [Hz]................................................................................. 116
O Slip compensation.................................................................................. 6
Operating data.................................................................................... 106 Smart logic control............................................................................... 93
Operating mode................................................................................... 24 Start delay............................................................................................... 41
Operation key................................................................................. 13, 18 Start/stop................................................................................................... 9
Output current.................................................................................... 154 Start-up.................................................................................................... 20
Outputs Stator leakage reactance............................................................ 37, 38
Analog output..................................................................................... 5 Stator resistance.................................................................................... 38
Status menu........................................................................................... 16
Synchronous motor speed.................................................................. 4
Password.................................................................................................. 32
PELV........................................................................................................... 12 T
Phase loss.............................................................................................. 154 Terminal 42
PNP............................................................................................................ 57 Terminal 42 mode............................................................................ 73
Port diagnostics.................................................................................... 83 Terminal 45
Terminal 45 mode............................................................................ 73

160 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. MG06C702

Index Programming Guide

Terminal 53
Terminal 53 filter time constant.................................................. 72
Terminal 53 high current............................................................... 71
Terminal 53 high voltage.............................................................. 71
Terminal 53 low current................................................................. 71
Terminal 53 low voltage................................................................ 71
Terminal 53 mode............................................................................ 72
Terminal 54
Terminal 54 filter time constant.................................................. 72
Terminal 54 high current............................................................... 72
Terminal 54 high voltage.............................................................. 72
Terminal 54 low current................................................................. 72
Terminal 54 low voltage................................................................ 72
Terminal 54 mode............................................................................ 72
Control terminal............................................................................... 19
Input terminal................................................................................. 154
Thermal load................................................................................. 40, 109
Thermistor................................................................................................. 6
Timer......................................................................................................... 95
Limit.................................................................................................... 154
[%]....................................................................................................... 109
Trip................................................................................................................ 6
Trip condition...................................................................................... 149
Trip lock................................................................................................. 149

Unintended start......................................................................... 11, 102

Voltage imbalance............................................................................. 154
VVC+............................................................................................................ 6

Warning and alarm list..................................................................... 151
Warning current high.......................................................................... 56
Warning current low............................................................................ 56

MG06C702 Danfoss A/S © 06/2017 All rights reserved. 161

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