10 LM Comprehensive Drug Act

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Friday Legal Medicine
LDT 408 Epifania A. Jinon, MD, LLB

o Is the desire to have a continuous use of the drug but
with the capacity to refrain physically from using it
I. Definition
o Characteristics:
II. Drug Dependence
1. Desire to use is not compulsive but merely
III. Withdrawal Syndrome
IV. Drug Testing
2. There is little or no tendency to increase the
V. Record Requirements
3. Dependence is not physical but merely psychical
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9165 4. The detrimental effect if any, is primarily on the
 "Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002"
 AN ACT INSTITUTING THE COMPREHENSIVE DANGEROUS DDA of 1972 include the following Dangerous Drug:
DRUGS ACT OF 2002, REPEALING REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6425, 1. Prohibited drugs
A. Hypnotics
DANGEROUS DRUGS B. Sedatives and tranquilizers
 Drug to which use is attended by risk, and therefore is unsafe, C. Halucinogens and psychomimetics
perilous and hazardous to people and society D. Stimulants
 Include those drugs listed in schedules annexed to the 1961 E. Depressants
Single Convention on Narcotic Drug, as amended by 1972 F. Deliriants and Intoxicants
Protocol and in the schedules annexed to 1971 Single
Convention on Psychotropic Substances OPIATES & THEIR DERIVATIVES
a. Illegal Trafficking Stages in the signs and symptoms of opium administration
b. Chemical Diversion 1. Stage of excitement
2. Stage of stupor
DRUG DEPENDENCE 3. Stage of narcosis

 Cluster of physiological, behavioral & cognitive phenomena of

variable intensity, in which use of psychoactive drugs takes on
a high priority thereby, involving among others a strong desire  Generally, symptoms of withdrawal are the opposite of the
or a sense of compulsion to take the substance and the drug’s effects; worse in people who have used large doses for
difficulties in controlling substance-taking behavior in terms of longer times
its onset, termination or levels of use  Objective signs: 6 to 8 hrs after withdrawal

o State of periodic or chronic intoxication produced by 1. Importation of Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled
the repeated consumption of a drug, synthetic or Precursors and Essential Chemicals
natural, and found to be detrimental to the individual 2. Sale, Trading, Administration, Dispensation, Delivery,
and the society Distribution and Transportation of Dangerous Drugs
Characteristics of Drug Addiction and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals
1. An overpowering desire or need to continue taking the 3. Maintenance of a Den, Dive or Resort
drug or to obtain it by any means 4. Employees and Visitors of a Den, Dive or Resort
2. A tendency to increase the dose 5. Manufacture of Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled
3. A psychological and physical dependence Precursors and Essential Chemicals.
4. A detrimental effect to the society and to the individual

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6. Illegal Chemical Diversion of Controlled Precursors and screening test. Drug test certificates issued by accredited
Essential Chemicals drug testing centers shall be valid for a one-year period
7. Manufacture or Delivery of Equipment, Instrument, from the date of issue which may be used for other
Apparatus, and Other Paraphernalia for Dangerous Drugs purposes.
and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals.
8. Possession of Dangerous Drugs  The following shall be subjected to undergo drug testing:
9. Possession of Equipment, Instrument, Apparatus and o Applicants for driver's license
Other Paraphernalia for Dangerous Drugs. o Applicants for firearm's license and for permit to carry
10. Possession of Dangerous Drugs During Parties, Social firearms outside of residence
Gatherings or Meetings. o Students of secondary and tertiary schools Officers
11. Possession of Equipment, Instrument, Apparatus and and employees of public and private offices officers
Other Paraphernalia for Dangerous Drugs During Parties, and members of the military, police and other law
Social Gatherings or Meetings. enforcement agencies
12. Use of Dangerous Drugs o All persons charged before the prosecutor's office
13. Cultivation or Culture of Plants Classified as Dangerous with a criminal offense having an imposable penalty
Drugs or are Sources Thereof of imprisonment of not less than six (6) years and one
14. Maintenance and Keeping of Original Records of (1) day shall have to undergo a mandatory drug test;
Transactions on Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled and
Precursors and Essential Chemicals. o All candidates for public office whether appointed or
15. Unnecessary Prescription of Dangerous Drugs. elected both in the national or local government shall
16. Unlawful Prescription of Dangerous Drugs undergo a mandatory drug test.
17. Confiscation and Forfeiture of the Proceeds or
Instruments of the Unlawful Act, Including the Properties Important Provisions
or Proceeds Derived from the Illegal Trafficking of  Issuance of False or Fraudulent Drug Test Results
Dangerous Drugs and/or Precursors and Essential  Laboratory Examination or Test on Apprehended/Arrested
Chemicals Offenders
 Accreditation of Drug Testing Centers and Physicians
Important Provisions: Attempt or Conspiracy
Qualifying Aggravating Circumstances in the Commission of a
Crime by an Offender Under the Influence of Dangerous Drugs RECORDS REQUIRED FOR TRANSACTIONS ON DANGEROUS DRUG
– Notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the contrary, a AND PRECURSORS AND ESSENTIAL CHEMICALS
positive finding for the use of dangerous drugs shall be a qualifying
aggravating circumstance in the commission of a crime by an  Every pharmacist dealing in dangerous drugs and/or controlled
offender, and the application of the penalty provided for in the precursors and essential chemicals shall maintain and keep an
Revised Penal Code shall be applicable. original record of sales, purchases, acquisitions and deliveries
of dangerous drugs, indicating therein the following
o License number and address of the pharmacist;
ARTICLE III: DANGEROUS DRUGS TEST AND o Name, address and license of the manufacturer,
RECORD REQUIREMENTS importer or wholesaler from whom the dangerous
drugs have been purchased;
AUTHORIZED DRUG TESTING o Quantity and name of the dangerous drugs
 Authorized drug testing shall be done by any government purchased or acquired;
forensic laboratories or by any of the drug testing laboratories o Date of acquisition or purchase;
accredited and monitored by the DOH to safeguard the quality o Name, address and community tax certificate
of test results. number of the buyer;
 The following are important points to consider in doing drug o Serial number of the prescription and the name the
testing: physician, dentist, veterinarian or practitioner issuing
1. The DOH shall take steps in setting the price of the drug the same;
test with DOH accredited drug testing centers to further o Quantity and name of the dangerous drugs sold or
reduce the cost of such drug test. delivered; and
2. The drug testing shall employ, among others, two (2) o Date of sale or delivery.
testing methods, the screening test which will determine
the positive result as well as the type of the drug used and
the confirmatory test which will confirm a positive

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 A certified true copy of such record covering a period of six (6)
months, duly signed by the pharmacist or the owner of the
drugstore, pharmacy or chemical establishment, shall be
forwarded to the Board within fifteen (15) days following the
last day of June and December of each year, with a copy
thereof furnished the city or municipal health officer

 A physician, dentist, veterinarian or practitioner authorized to

prescribe any dangerous drug shall issue the prescription
therefor in one (1) original and two (2) duplicate copies.
o The original, after the prescription has been filled,
shall be retained by the pharmacist for a period of
one (1) year from the date of sale or delivery of such
o One (1) copy shall be retained by the buyer or by the
person to whom the drug is delivered until such drug
is consumed
o Second copy shall be retained by the person issuing
the prescription
 For purposes of this Act, all prescriptions issued by physicians,
dentists, veterinarians or practitioners shall be written on
forms exclusively issued by and obtainable from the DOH.
 Such forms shall be made of a special kind of paper and shall
be distributed in such quantities and contain such information
and other data as the DOH may, by rules and regulations,
 Such forms shall only be issued by the DOH through its
authorized employees to licensed physicians, dentists,
veterinarians and practitioners in such quantities as the Board
may authorize.
 In emergency cases, however, as the Board may specify in the
public interest, a prescription need not be accomplished on
such forms.
 The prescribing physician, dentist, veterinarian or practitioner
shall, within three (3) days after issuing such prescription,
inform the DOH of the same in writing.
 No prescription once served by the drugstore or pharmacy be
reused nor any prescription once issued be refilled.


 Doctor Jinon’s Powerpoint Presentation

CPU College of Medicine | Medentes Cum Corde | 2020 | Group 12

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