River Conservancy Act 1884
River Conservancy Act 1884
River Conservancy Act 1884
Act 6 of 1884
Conservancy of Rivers, Specified River, Survey of Rivers, Conservators of
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188.2: T.N. Act V] ·Forest 2'17
1884 : T.N. Act VI] Rivers Oor,,servam,ey
The surplus (if any), if not ola.imed within two
months from the da.te of the sale by the person
entitled thereto, sha.ll be forfeited to Government .
. ~ 1..~·Whenedve! it ~ppdea.firs to thef h[Govemment] ~!;;:J~der
tw.t a.ny 1an 1s reqwre or any o t e purposes of this Act to
this Aot, suoh land sha.11 be deemed to be needed for be deemed
· · a. public purpose within the mooning of the Land for to be nee~ed
Central ...
Acqu1S1t1on Aot, l 87 O, sect'10n 411. · a public
· Act ofx purpose
Powers of
4. All persons authorized to make a survey under
surveying (feCtion 3 shall have the like powers to e?ter upon
officers to
enter upon land and to do all acts necessary for the survey as are
lands. given in sections 4 and 5 of the Land Acquisition Central
.Act, 1870, 3 and subject to the provisos therein of:· fscio.x
Duties of
5. It shall be the duty of the surveyor appointed
11urveyor. to make a survey of any river to note upon the charts
thereof all cultivation existing or ordinarily can-ied
on, and all groynes, buildings, plantations, co~truc-
tions or obstructions within the surveyed limits of
the said river and to prepare a register to be styled
the survey-register, containing the above particulars.
The surveyor shall also mark upon the charts the
Survery- ordinary channel as it exists at the date of the survey
so far as it can be ascertained.
said section.
1[16. Whenever, under sections 11, 12, 13 or 14,
tion to the Conservator of Rivers refuses the owner or occupier
owner or
oocupier of of any land permission to pla.nt, cultivate or build
land within on any land, or requires him to remove a.ny groynes,
river-bed for buildings, constructions, plantations, grasses, trees
removed. or other obstructions or works e~isting at the time
of the survey, or subsequently authorized by the
Conservator of Rivers, such owner or occupier shall be
entitled to compensation for any damages sustained
by him by reason of such requirement or refusal of