Module 004 - Recognize A Potential Market
Module 004 - Recognize A Potential Market
Module 004 - Recognize A Potential Market
To deliver products that solve your target customers’ problems, you must
first identify market problems. These problems may be stated directly as
customer needs or implied indirectly.
Course Module
Recognize a Potential Market
Course Module
Recognize a Potential Market
Using this outside-in approach enables you to concentrate on and solve your
target market’s problems. It removes the guesswork from product
development and reduces concerns related what your competitors are
developing. Listening to the market is the best research you can do to ensure
that you build the right solutions.
In today’s world, especially living in the San Francisco Bay area, everyone has
his or her stereotype of what an entrepreneur is. Are they someone who
wears a hoodie? Someone who eats pizza and plays video games at work at 3
am? On the other hand, someone else who neglects all for her garage
laboratory? They might be entrepreneurs, but at the real heart of
entrepreneurship are three things: the ability to identify or recognize
opportunity, the ability to review or assess opportunity, and last but not
least, the ability to successfully execute and realize opportunity. While these
tasks seem straightforward on paper, the skills you need for each one are
very different, and it is difficult to be good at all of them. To be a successful
entrepreneur, you need to excel at all three, all at the same time.
Opportunity Recognition
The people who typically excel at opportunity recognition are the right-brain
creative type people. These people are clever and look at the same situations
that everyone else does, but envision something different. They see new
angles, new possibilities, and new ways to do things. Scientists, especially
those in the heavily analytical fields, often struggle with this phase. Being a
scientist, we strive for reproducibility and have the mindset that if A + B = C
today, then A + B = C tomorrow. People who excel at opportunity recognition
often look at a situation and say, what if tomorrow, A + B = D? Then what?
Opportunity recognizers truly think outside the box, stretch the limits, and
are combinatorial in non-traditional ways.
While the opportunity recognition phase is crucial when beginning a new
enterprise, it is important to seek new opportunities throughout the entire
lifetime of any enterprise. To stay ahead and on top of the market, companies
must constantly recognize opportunity as they continue to grow and evolve.
Steve Jobs is the quintessential opportunity recognizer of our era; his
iterations of Apple have successfully capitalized on opportunity after
opportunity. Facebook also excels in opportunity recognition. As Facebook
usage increased, advertisers wanted a piece of the action, thus the ability to
“Like” “Pages” was born.
Course Module
Recognize a Potential Market
Opportunity Assessment
The opportunity review phase is where scientists generally stand out in the
entrepreneurship process. The opportunity review is when the analytical
assessment of the opportunity that was recognized occurs. During this stage,
an entrepreneur must assess potential strategies and business models as
well as conduct market and economic analyses in order to establish an
answer to the question: Can I bring this idea to market in an economically
successful way?
Next, it is time to construct a business plan, a concept any MBA student
knows all too well! A good business plan will answer several key questions:
What is the market for my good or service? What does the market need
and/or want? Who are my competitors? How will I create and sustain a
competitive advantage? Is my product or service distinct and unique? If you
are a “me too” enterprise, meaning that you are simply imitating another
business’s product or service, then you will only be able to do as well as the
firm your imitating, never better. To be better, you must differentiate
yourself in some way such as differentiation by price, value, features and
benefits, guarantee, location, retail availability, or specialization.
Other questions to consider during the assessment phase: What are the
intellectual property implications of your core idea? Do you plan to
trademark, copyright, or have proprietary information? Are you going to be
able to get the start-up capital to trademark or copyright without divulging
the uniqueness of the company?
What is the model that builds in sufficient revenue compared to cost? How
will you pay back investors, on top of all ongoing costs, supporting
employees, maintaining raw materials and all of your other expenses? How
impressive do your income statements and balance sheets look? How would
you price this technology, idea, or product?
The 2007 book by Heath and Heath titled Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas
Survive and Others Die talks about the difference between things you hear
once and never forget and things you hear over and over, but fail to
remember. For example, we all remember hearing “you can see the Great
Wall of China from outer space,” but the best part is – it’s not true! No matter
how many times this has been put to rest, it has never left the public
consciousness (the Great Wall of China is about as wide as a highway; you
cannot see highways from outer space). So how do you make your company
that memorable? According to Made to Stick, you need to have a “sticky”
tagline that is simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional, and told as a
Course Module
Recognize a Potential Market
Course Module
Recognize a Potential Market
Entrepreneur: A person who organizes and operates a business or
businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.
Investor: Allocates capital with the expectation of a future financial return.
Market Potential: The entire size of the market for a product at a specific
Opportunity: A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
Revenue: The income that a business has from its normal business activities,
usually from the sale of goods and services to customers.
1. Determine Market Potential;
market-potential; June 6, 2017
2. Identifying market problems: Building products to meet customers’
problems/; April 29, 2017
3. The Three Pieces of Entrepreneurship: Opportunity Recognition,
Opportunity Assessment, and Opportunity Realization;;
April 29, 2017
4. Eduardo A. Morato, Jr.; 2016; Entrepreneurship 2016 Edition; Manila;
Rex Bookstore
Course Module