The Power of Prana

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The power of Prana


Journal List > Int J Yoga > v.2(2); Jul–Dec 2009

Int J Yoga. 2009 Jul–Dec; 2(2): 45. PMCID: PMC2934574
doi: 10.4103/0973-6131.60042.

Copyright © International Journal of Yoga

The power of Prana

H R Nagendra
Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, (A Yoga University), No.9, Appajappa Agrahara Chamarajpet, Bangalore -
560 018, India. E-mail: [email protected]

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

As we move from gross to subtle, the laws of Physics become more generalized and
encompassing. We have seen in Science that generalized laws contain the grosser laws; often,
the subtler laws reduce themselves to grosser laws. The theory of relativity is totally different
when the velocity of particles reaches the velocity of light. But at normal speed, the laws reduce to
Newtonian laws.

Molecules are bound very closely in ice and much less rigidly in water; hence water acquires
fluidity and follows the law that water finds its own level by flowing from higher to lower levels. The
rigid binding of molecules in water is loosened by heating. When we raise the temperature to
nearly 100°C, the molecules are so energized that they get the freedom to leave the folds of
gravitation and start evaporating raising high in air. It is the heat energy that makes solid ice
become water and then steam. Yet another happening is the absorption of latent heat, which
converts boiling water into steam at 100 degrees Celsius. This phase transition energy goes on
accumulating without an increase in temperature at this boiling point of water. Steam, when
cooled, becomes water and later ice. The whole process is reversible.

In the same way, the panchabhutas – akasa (space), vayu (wind), agni (fire), apah (water) and
prithivi (earth) are grossified dimensions of subtle Pancha Tanmatras, which constitute our
Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya and Vijnanamaya koshas while Anandamaya Kosha is the
causal dimension from where all others emerge. The laws of Pranamya Kosha are therefore more
generalized than those of Annamaya Kosha (Physical world), which have been almost fully tracked
by modern physics, both by classical (CM) and quantum mechanics (QM). So the laws that govern
the Pranamaya kosha are more generalized and subtler than those of CM and QM. There is
greater freedom for subtle particles of Pranamaya Kosha than molecules and atoms of the
physical world. When a Yogi with his sadhana, purifies the gross body and moves to the subtle
body, the process of purification converts his Annamaya grossness to subtlety of Pranamaya
Kosha. Levitation and flying in air, freedom from need of gross food and water (liquid intake in
general) will all emerge. These are regarded as siddhis or, in common parlance, super natural
powers. These siddhis are rarely found well demonstrable in modern times as there are not many
highly purified Yogis who get these powers. Many of them get the glimpses of the same, but have
no further purification to sustain those powers - leading often to doubt whether such siddhis exist
at all.

Patanjali's Yoga sutras not only describe such possibilities, they also offer precise methods to
achieve the same through Samyama – the Dharana, dhyana, Samadhi triplet. Maharishi Mahesh

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The power of Prana

Yogi's efforts towards the same were partially accomplished; few sadhakas could really get
glimpses of such lightness, which made them feel as if they were levitating. However, more
purification is needed to make such glimpses grow to repeatable and demonstrable levels.

Interaction of Pranamaya and Annamaya kosha is imbedded in psycho-kinetic powers which have
become more demonstrable today. The delegates who attended our earlier international
conferences were awe-stuck to see Senehi bend spoons, metal coins and wooden pencils by the
mere passing of palms over them, not only on the stage (which is normally well equipped with
tools and gadgets by the magicians) but also in front of all scientists without any hidden tricks.

The power of Prana used in pranic healing demonstrated by us[1] and in bringing significant
favorable changes in cancer cells published recently by Gloria Gronowicz[2] from the University of
Connecticut are empirical proof of the above mentioned, holding great promise of bringing these
higher capacities of powered up prana in human systems, to deal with subtle and modern
diseases such as cancer and HIV.


1. Jain R, Nagarathna R, Nagendra HR, Telles S. Effect of 'pranic' healing in chronic musculoskeletal pain: A single blind
control study. Int J Alternat Compl Med. 1999;17:14–7.

2. Gronowicz G. Therapeutic touch affects osteoblast proliferation and bone formation in cell culture “Connection” J Nurse
Healers Prof Assoc Int. 2007;27:1–3.

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