Gretna Band Boosters - 2019 Bylaws Final Version

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(​Revised July 2019​, ​Approved​ ​July 2019​)


Section 1​: The name of this organization shall be the Gretna Band Boosters (“Organization”)


Section 1​: To enable the parents/guardians, friends, and supporters of the Gretna Band members
to enter into a working relationship with the Gretna Band Director for the benefit of the
band members.

Section 2​: To promote and support music education in schools.

Section 3​: To provide financial support to the Gretna (Middle & High School) Band Program
through fundraising efforts and donations.

Section 4​: To use our time and means, not to direct, but to aid and assist the director, band staff
and students of the Gretna Band Program in promoting the activities of the band and
schools. At no time will the boosters try to control policies or make decisions that are
reserved for the Band Director.


Section 1​: Parents and guardians of students (Middle & High School) that are involved in the band
program are, by virtue of their child’s participation, members of the Organization. The
Band Director is a member of the Organization.

Section 2​: Membership may also be extended to any person interested in contributing to the
activities of the band boosters who does not have a student in the program with the
following specifications:
a. To become a member, you must contact the Band Director requesting
membership and include how you plan to actively contribute to the program.
b. Extension of membership shall be granted by a majority vote of the Executive
Board. This membership is not ongoing and must be voted on and approved
annually if the individual wishes to continue being involved.
c. Membership must be approved before the individual is permitted to attend
booster meetings.
d. Members without students currently enrolled in the band program do not have
voting rights; including but not limited to voting and making motions. Although
input and suggestions are welcome, such members should refrain from heavily
driving the decisions that are to be made by the voting members of the boosters.
Section 3​: Band members are encouraged to attend meetings, stay involved and informed, and
when appropriate enter into discussion, but do not have voting rights.

Section 4​: The Exec-Board reserves the right to dismiss any person from a meeting, or revoke


Section 1​: The Executive Board (“Exec-Board”) of the Gretna Band Boosters shall consist of the
Band Director, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Project

Section 2​: Qualifications for Officers​: To be eligible for election as an officer of the Gretna Band
Boosters, an individual must be:
a. The parent/guardian of an active band member. Should their child quit or be
dismissed from the band program at any point in the year, their executive
position will be deemed vacant and open for re-election immediately.
b. Must be able to attend monthly exec-board and booster meetings except in the
case of illness or emergencies. If attendance is an issue or the officer is unable
to fulfill their duties, they may be asked to resign.
c. Must work cooperatively with the Band Director and other members of the
Exec-Board and booster club. If the officer becomes difficult to work with, they
may be asked to resign from the Exec-Board or the Organization entirely by a
majority vote of the remaining Exec-Board.

Section 3​: Term of Office​: Term of office is one year for all positions with the following
a. Individuals may serve consecutive terms in the same office or in different
b. The President position of the Organization may only be held by the same person
for a max of two years consecutively.


Section 1​: President​: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at and lead all meetings of the
Organization. The President shall have a prepared agenda for all meetings. The
President shall preserve order and enforce Robert’s Rules of Order, which the
Organization follows during its meetings.
a. In the event of the resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall take over
the office of the President and a new Vice-President will be elected if needed or
b. The President should have the most open line of communication with the Band
Director and all members involved with the Organization.

Section 2​: Vice-President​: It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to assume all duties
of the President in his or her absence.
a. Due to the size of the job of the Treasurer, the Vice-President may be asked to
assist in the duties of the Treasurer.

Section 3​: Secretary​: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep records and minutes of the
Gretna Band Boosters and Exec-Board meetings. The Secretary will:
a. Provide a typed copy of the previous meeting's minutes to the band director and
all Exec-Board members within one week of the meeting through email.
b. Provide printed copies of the previous meeting’s minutes to read at the following
c. Maintain a record of those present at meetings to be included in the minutes.
d. File an organized binder of all minutes and records that occur during their term to
be passed on to the next Secretary; including the agenda provided by the
President and the Treasurer’s Report provided by the Treasurer.
e. Maintain contact information of membership within the Organization.
f. Conduct official correspondence of the Organization alongside the Project

Section 4​: Treasurer​: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and disburse all moneys of
the Gretna Band Boosters in accordance with the approved budget, the decisions of the
Boosters at a regular or called meeting, or for urgent matters between regular meeting
by majority approval of the Exec-Board. The Treasurer will create and present an
updated Treasurer’s Report at each monthly meeting.
a. The Treasurer’s Report shall be in writing and broken down by income deposits
and expenses including exact amounts, what the transactions were for, and a
current balance of the account.
b. The Treasurer should supply copies of the report to be given out at the next
meeting and will be placed with the meeting minutes.
c. The Treasurer shall receive all funds collected by the Gretna Band Boosters for
deposit to an appropriate account.
d. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to contact and coordinate with the Band
Director frequently to collect money students turn in between meetings.
e. The Treasurer will insure procedures are in place for payments and
f. The financial year for the Boosters is July 1 - June 30.
g. The President, Vice-President, and the Treasurer shall have authority to sign
checks drawn on the financial accounts for the Grenta Band Boosters.

Section 5​: Project Coordinator​: It is the duty of the Project Coordinator to seek, secure and plan
fundraising, community, educational and social opportunities for the band program, as
well as assist in these events themselves, advertise or come up with methods of
advertisement, and acquire additional volunteers.
a. At monthly meetings, the Project Coordinator will keep the Organization informed
of upcoming or ongoing fundraisers, and present opportunities for future
fundraisers for discussion and approval.
b. The Project Coordinator will acquire volunteers and administer jobs for all events
hosted by the Gretna Band Boosters (including but not limited to the annual ​Band
Banquet​, the annual ​Band Social​, and the ​Pittsylvania County Marching Band
Home Show​ and ​All-County Band Concert a ​ s they occur)
c. The Project Coordinator may need to make various phone calls or visits to
businesses to secure and plan these events.
d. It is their duty to provide the band director with an updated list of businesses for
annual sponsorship mailing and address labels.


Section 1​: Nominations for officers shall begin at the March meeting. The floor will be reopened for
additional nominations at the April meeting. All positions will be elected at the May

Section 2​: Procedure​: A motion will be made to nominate an individual for the office in question
and must be seconded.
a. The nominated individual may accept or decline the nomination.
b. An individual may not nominate themselves or ‘volunteer’ for the position.
c. During elections, the nominees will be asked to leave the room while discussion
and voting occurs, even if there is only one candidate.
d. A motion will be made for a hand or paper vote.
e. If a paper vote is approved, the President and Vice President will collect and
count the votes.
f. In the event of an ongoing vacancy, a member may be asked directly by the
Band Director of their interest to fill the position. If they accept the offer, the
remaining Exec-Board will be informed and can vote to accept or deny the
individual to fill that office.

Section 3​: All new officers will assume their roles immediately upon election.

Section 4​: Past officers should be prepared to turn over all documents, records, and any other
position-related materials or information to the new officer taking their place at the May
meeting. Individuals in positions which require signatures and transfers of names on the
Gretna Band Booster bank account should communicate and plan to get this process
taken care of in a timely manner (within 2-3 weeks) once the new Exec-Board has been


Section 1​: Regular meetings occur on the first available Thursday of each month in the Gretna
High School band room, or as amended by the Exec-Board. Changes to regular
meetings will be communicated via email.

Section 2​: The Exec-Board will meet monthly prior to the regular booster meeting at a location,
day, and time decided by the Exec-Board.

Section 3​: Special or Emergency meetings of this organization or its Exec-Board may be called by
the Band Director, the President, or by a majority vote of the Exec-Board with at least 3
full days prior notice given.

Section 4​: At all meetings of the organization, all questions or motions shall be determined by a
majority vote of the voting members present, with each member being entitled to one
Section 5​: Procedure​: The meeting will occur in the following order of events:
Open Door Meeting:​ This portion of the meeting can include all members of the
Organization including school administration, the Band Director, Exec-Board, voting
members, approved non-voting members, and students. No motions or voting (other
than approving the previous meeting’s minutes and Treasurer’s Report) will occur
during these reports.
a. Reading and Approval of the previous meeting’s minutes
b. Reading and Approval of the Treasurer’s Report
c. President’s Report
d. Project Coordinator’s Report
e. Band Director’s Report
Closed Door Meeting:​ This portion of the meeting will only include voting members of
the Organization. All others will be asked to leave with special permissions given to
school administration.
a. Old Business
b. New Business


Section 1​: A majority of the of the voting members of the organization shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1​: The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by a majority of voting members
present, which must constitute a quorum as defined in Article VIII

Section 2​: The amendments shall have been presented in writing at the preceding regular meeting.


Section 1​: All qualifying band seniors have the opportunity to apply for the Gretna Band Boosters
Scholarship, awarded to one senior.

Section 2​: To be eligible, students must complete an application.

Section 3​: The application process must be clearly communicated, and the application must be
readily available to all potential applicants. Copies of the application should be left with
the Band Director and the Guidance Office.

Section 4​: The Exec-Board considers all qualifying applicants. Any scholarship applications which
do not have the required information are considered incomplete and are not considered.

Section 5​: The applicant’s intended major is not a factor in scholarship consideration.

Section 6​: The applicant’s enrollment in an accredited institution (college, university, trade school,
etc.) is a requirement for receiving the scholarship funds. Payment of the scholarship
must be made to the institution, not the individual student.

Section 7​: Applications must be turned into the band director by the end of March each year to be
considered. The Exec-Board will review the applications and vote on the recipient at
their April Exec-Board meeting.

Section 8​: The President of the Gretna Band Boosters is expected to attend Gretna High School’s
Awards Assembly in May to present the scholarship. In the event that the President
cannot attend, the Vice-President will present the award. If both cannot attend, the
presentation is open to any available Exec-Board member, or may be given to the
Gretna Band Director to present at the Awards Assembly.

Section 9​: This Article applies only to scholarships and awards that have a monetary value.


Section 1​: In the event of dissolution of the Gretna Band Boosters, all profits, property and assets
of the Organization, after payment of obligations, shall be rendered to Gretna High
School band class account for use in the band program.
a. The Gretna Band Boosters may be disbanded by majority vote of the
Exec-Board, or by the Band Director with explanation to and approval of the
Gretna High School principal.

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