Sampson2010 PDF
Sampson2010 PDF
Sampson2010 PDF
School of Teacher Education and FSU-Teach, College of Education, The Florida State
University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4459, USA
School of Teacher Education, College of Education, The Florida State University,
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4459, USA
DOI 10.1002/sce.20421
Published online 11 October 2010 in Wiley Online Library (
ABSTRACT: This exploratory study examines how a series of laboratory activities de-
signed using a new instructional model, called Argument-Driven Inquiry (ADI), influences
the ways students participate in scientific argumentation and the quality of the scientific
arguments they craft as part of this process. The two outcomes of interest were assessed
with a performance task that required small groups of students to explain a discrepant
event and then generate a scientific argument. Student performance on this task was com-
pared before and after an 18-week intervention that included 15 ADI laboratory activities.
The results of this study suggest that the students had better disciplinary engagement and
produced better arguments after the intervention although some learning issues arose that
seemed to hinder the students’ overall improvement. The conclusions and implications
of this research include several recommendations for improving the nature of laboratory-
based instruction to help cultivate the knowledge and skills students need to participate in
scientific argumentation and to craft written arguments. C 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Sci
Science Education
In light of the goals of the investigation outlined above and this analytical focus, the
research questions that guided this study were as follows:
1. To what extent does a series of laboratory activities designed using the ADI instruc-
tional model influence the ways students participate in scientific argumentation and
craft a written scientific argument?
2. Is there a relationship between the ways groups of students participate in scientific
argumentation and the nature of the written arguments they create?
3. What types of learning issues need to be addressed to better help students learn how
to participate in scientific argumentation and craft written scientific arguments?
A Scientific Argument
The Claim
A conjecture, conclusion, explanation, or The quality of an argument
an answer to a research question is evaluated by using…
Explains how the evidence supports the
explanation and why the evidence should count
as support
This practice
The models, theories, and laws that are important in the discipline
is influenced
Accepted methods for inquiry within the discipline
by discipline-
Standards of evidence within the discipline
based norms
The ways scientists within the discipline share ideas
that include…
Figure 1. A framework that can be used to illustrate the components of a scientific argument and some criteria
that can and should be used to evaluate the merits of a scientific argument.
authentic context for students to learn how to participate in the social aspects of scientific
The argumentation sessions are intended to promote and support learning by taking
advantage of the variation in student ideas that are found within a classroom and by
helping students negotiate and adopt new criteria for evaluating claims or arguments. This
is important because current research indicates that students often have a repertoire of ideas
about a given phenomenon “that are sound, contradictory, confused, idiosyncratic, arbitrary,
and based on flimsy evidence” and that “most students lack criteria for distinguishing
between these ideas” (Linn and Eylon, 2006, p. 8). Similarly, the work of Kuhn and
Reiser (2005) and Sampson and Clark (2009a) suggests that students often rely on informal
criteria, such as plausibility, the teacher’s authority, and fit with personal inferences, to
determine which ideas to accept or reject during discussions and debates. We include the
argumentation sessions as a way to help students learn how to use criteria valued in science,
such as fit with evidence or consistency with scientific theories or laws, to distinguish
between alternative ideas (see Figure 1 for other criteria that are made explicit to students).
It also gives students an opportunity to refine and improve on their initial ideas, conclusions,
or methods by encouraging them to negotiate meaning as a group (Hand et al., 2009). These
sessions, in other words, are designed to encourage students to use the conceptual structures,
cognitive processes, and epistemic frameworks of science to support, evaluate, and refine a
Science Education
The fifth stage of ADI is the creation of a written investigation report by individual
students. We chose to integrate opportunities for students to write into this instructional
model because writing is an important part of doing science. Scientists, for example, must
be able to share the results of their own research through writing (Saul, 2004). Scientists
must also be able to read and understand the writing of others as well as evaluate its worth.
In order for students to be able to do this, they need to learn how to write in a manner that
reflects the standards and norms of the scientific community (Shanahan, 2004). In addition
to learning how to write in science, requiring students to write can also help students make
sense of the topic and develop a better understanding of how to craft scientific arguments.
This process often encourages metacognition and can improve student understanding of
the content and scientific inquiry (Wallace, Hand, & Prain, 2004).
To encourage students to learn how to write in science and to write to learn about a topic
under investigation, we use a nontraditional laboratory report format that is designed to be
more persuasive than expository in nature. The format is intended to encourage students to
think about what they know, how they know it, and why they believe it over alternatives.
To do this, we require students to produce a manuscript that answers three basic questions:
What were you trying to do and why?, What did you do and why?, and What is your
argument? The responses to these questions are written as a two page “investigation report”
that includes the data the students gathered and then analyzed during the second step of
the model as evidence. Students are encouraged to organize this information into tables or
graphs that they can embed into the text. The three questions are designed to target the same
information that is included in more traditional laboratory reports but are intended to elicit
student awareness of the audience, the multimodel and nonnarrative structure of scientific
texts, and to help them understand the importance of argument in science as they write.
This step of the model also requires each student to negotiate meaning as he or she writes
and helps students refine or enhance their understanding of the material under investigation
(Wallace et al., 2005; Hand et al., 2009).
The sixth stage of ADI is a double-blind peer review of these reports to ensure quality.
Once students complete their investigation reports they submit three typed copies without
any identifying information to the classroom teacher. The teacher then randomly distributes
three or four sets of reports (i.e., the reports written by three or four different students) to
each lab group along with a peer review sheet for each set of reports. The peer review sheet
includes specific criteria to be used to evaluate the quality of an investigation report and
space to provide feedback to the author. The review criteria are framed as questions such as
Did the author make the research question and/or goals of the investigation explicit?, Did the
author describe how they went about his or her work?, Did the author use genuine evidence
to support their explanation?, and Is the author’s reasoning sufficient and appropriate? The
lab groups review each report as a team and then decide whether it can be accepted as is
or whether it needs to be revised based on a negotiated decision that reflects the criteria
included on the peer review sheet. Groups are also required to provide explicit feedback to
the author about what needs to be done to improve the quality of the report and the writing
as part of the review.
This step of the instructional model is designed to provide students with educative
feedback, encourage students to develop and use appropriate standards for “what counts”
as quality, and to help students be more metacognitive as they work. It is also designed
to create a community of learners that values evidence and critical thinking inside the
classroom. This is accomplished by creating a learning environment where students are
expected to hold each other accountable. Students, as a result, should expect to discuss
the validity or the acceptability of scientific claims and, over time, begin to adopt more
and more rigorous criteria for evaluating or critiquing them. This type of focus also gives
Science Education
students a chance to see both strong and weak examples of scientific arguments (see
Sampson, Walker, Dial, & Swanson, 2010, for more information about this process).
The seventh, and final, stage of the ADI instructional model is the revision of the report
based on the results of the peer review. The reports that are accepted by the reviewers are
given credit (complete) by the teacher and then returned to the author while the reports that
need to be revised are returned to the author without credit (incomplete). These authors,
however, are encouraged to rewrite their reports based on the reviewers’ feedback. Once
completed, the revised reports (along with the original version of the report and the peer
review sheet) are then resubmitted to the classroom teacher for a second evaluation. If the
revised report has reached an acceptable level of quality then the author is given full credit
(complete). Yet, if the report is still unacceptable it is returned to the author once again for
a second round of revisions. This step is intended to provide an opportunity for students to
improve their writing mechanics, argument skills, and their understanding of the content
without imposing a grade-related penalty. It also provides students with an opportunity
to engage in the writing process (i.e., the construction, evaluation, revision, and eventual
submission of a manuscript) in the context of science.
be used to generate such knowledge (Sandoval & Reiser, 2004). These ideas make some
practices in science (such as using empirical evidence to support a claim) more useful
or important to scientists and makes science different from other ways of knowing. It is
therefore important for students to understand what makes certain strategies or techniques
more productive or useful to learn how to engage in authentic scientific practices in more
productive ways. In other words, students’ laboratory experiences need to also be educative
in nature.
Given this theoretical perspective, the design of the ADI instructional model is based
on the hypothesis that efforts to improve students’ abilities to participate in scientific
argumentation and to craft written arguments will require the development and use of
laboratory activities that are more authentic and educative. In order for a laboratory activity
to be more authentic, students need to have an opportunity to engage in specific practices
that are valued by the scientific community (such as investigation design, argumentation,
writing, and peer review). These types of authentic experiences, however, also need to be
educative to promote student learning. To accomplish this requirement, mechanisms that
enable students to not only see what they are doing wrong but also what they need to do to
improve need to be built into each laboratory activity. This type of approach, where students
have a chance to engage in authentic scientific practices and receive feedback about their
performance, should enable learners to see why some techniques, strategies, tools, ways of
interacting, or activities are more useful or productive than others in science as they complete
the laboratory activities embedded into a course. It should also help students understand
how scientific knowledge is developed and evaluated and how scientific explanations are
used to solve problems. This approach, in turn, should enable students to develop more
complex argumentation skills and a more fluid “grasp of practice” (Ford, 2008) that will
enable them to use their knowledge and skills in different contexts or in novel situations.
to determine which ideas to accept, reject, or modify when they participate in scientific
argumentation. Students, for example, often do not base their decisions to accept or reject
an idea on the available evidence. Instead, students tend to use inappropriate reasoning
strategies (Zeidler, 1997), rely on plausibility or fit with past experiences to evaluate the
merits of an idea (Sampson & Clark, 2009a), and distort, trivialize, or ignore evidence in
an effort to reaffirm their own conceptions (Clark & Sampson, 2006; Kuhn, 1989). These
findings, however, should not be surprising given the few opportunities students have to
gather and analyze data or evaluate ideas based on genuine evidence outside the science
Students also need to be able to generate explanations and craft a written argument
that includes appropriate evidence and reasoning to participate in scientific argumentation.
Current research indicates that these complex tasks are also difficult for students. For
example, many students do not understand what counts as a good explanation in science
(McNeill & Krajcik, 2007; Sandoval & Reiser, 2004; Tabak, Smith, Sandoval, & Reiser,
1996) so they tend to offer explanations that are insufficient and vague or they only offer a
description of what they observed rather than providing an underlying causal mechanism for
the phenomenon under investigation (Driver, Leach, Millar, & Scott, 1996; McNeill, Lizotte,
Krajcik, & Marx, 2006; Sandoval & Millwood, 2005). Students also often find it difficult
to differentiate between what is relevant and what is irrelevant data when crafting a written
argument (McNeill & Krajcik, 2007) and often do not use sufficient evidence to support
their claims (Sandoval & Millwood, 2005). Students also tend to rely on unsubstantiated
inferences to support their ideas (Kuhn, 1991) or use inferences to replace evidence that
is lacking or missing (Brem & Rips, 2000). Empirical research also indicates that students
often do not provide warrants, or what some authors refer to as reasoning (e.g., Kuhn
& Reiser, 2005; McNeill & Krajcik, 2007), to justify their use of evidence (Bell & Linn,
2000; Erduran, Simon, & Osborne, 2004; Jimenez-Aleixandre, Rodriguez, & Duschl, 2000).
These observations, however, once again seem to reflect students’ lack of understanding of
the goals or norms of scientific argumentation and “what counts” in science rather than a
unique mental ability.
To summarize, these studies indicate that students often struggle with many aspects of
scientific argumentation in spite of their ability to support, evaluate, and challenge claims
or viewpoints during everyday conversations. Students, in other words, seem to be able to
participate in nonscientific forms of argumentation with ease, but often find it difficult to
make sense of data, to generate appropriate explanations, and to justify or evaluate claims
using criteria valued in science when they are asked to engage in more scientific forms
of argumentation. Students also struggle to produce high-quality written arguments in
science. Thus, the available literature indicates that secondary students have the cognitive
abilities and social skills needed to participate in scientific argumentations, but need an
opportunity to develop new conceptual, cognitive, and epistemic frameworks to guide their
decisions and interactions in the context of science. We, therefore, developed the ADI
instructional model as a way to help students learn the conceptual structures, cognitive
processes, and epistemological commitments of science by giving them an opportunity to
engage in scientific practices, such as investigation design, argumentation, and peer review,
and making these important aspects of science explicit and valuable to the students.
Although the literature reviewed here suggests that the ADI instructional model should
be an effective way to help students learn how to participate in scientific argumentation and
to produce high-quality written arguments, we decided to conduct an exploratory study to
Science Education
examine the potential and feasibility of the model as a first step in our research program.
Our goal was to use the ADI instructional model to design a series of laboratory activities
and then pilot them inside an actual classroom with one of the authors serving as the
instructor of record. This type of study had several advantages given our research goals
and questions. First, it allowed us to determine whether the model functions as intended
in an actual, although in some ways atypical, classroom setting. Second, it allowed us to
examine the changes in the ways students interacted with ideas, materials, and each other in
greater detail than is often feasible in studies with larger samples. Finally, and perhaps most
importantly at this stage of our research program, it permitted us to examine the successes
and failures of the ADI instructional model so we can refine it to help improve student
learning. This focus also enabled us to clarify our understanding of several dimensions of
ADI that seem to contribute to changes in student practices and some learning issues that
seem to arise when science educators attempt to make laboratory activities more authentic
and educative for students.
Nineteen 10th-grade students (7 males, 12 females, average age = 15.4 years) chose to
participate in this study. These students were all enrolled in the same section (23 students
in total) of a chemistry course. The course was taught at a small private school located in
the southwest United States that served families with middle to high socioeconomic status.
The ethnic diversity of the student population at the school was 94.9% White and 5.1%
African American. This school requires 4 years of science for graduation and follows a
“physics first” science curriculum. This means that all the students enrolled at the school
are required to take conceptual physics in 9th grade, chemistry in 10th grade, biology in
11th grade, and either advanced physics, chemistry, or biology in the 12th grade.
The 19 participants were randomly assigned (by pulling names out of a jar) to one of six
groups after the second day of class. Groups 1–5 were made up of three individuals, and
Group 6 consisted of four individuals (due to the odd number of participants). Groups 1, 2,
3, and 5 each consisted of two females and one male, Group 4 consisted of three females,
and Group 6 was three males and one female. Groups 1 and 3 each had a student who
spoke Russian at home. Each group was then asked to complete a performance task (see
the section Data Sources). The performance task required each group to make sense of a
discrepant event and then generate a written argument that provided and justified the group’s
explanation. All six groups completed this task during a lunch period or after school prior
to the first ADI lab investigation without any input or support from the classroom teacher.
Each group worked in an empty room and in front of a video camera so that the interactions
that took place between the students and the available materials could be recorded. At the
conclusion of the 18-week intervention (see the section The Intervention), the six original
groups were asked to complete the same performance task for a second time. As before,
each group completed the task during a lunch period or after school without any input or
support from the classroom teacher and each group worked in an empty room in front of a
video camera.
We chose to use the same performance task as a pre- and postintervention assessment in
this study to facilitate comparisons over time. Given the substantial literature that indicates
that the nature of argumentation that take place within a group is influenced by a wide
range of contextual factors (such as object of the discussion, the available resources) and
Science Education
not just the argumentation skills of the participants (Andriessen, Baker, & Suthers, 2003),
we needed to ensure that the complexity of the task, the underlying content, and the
materials available for the students to use were the same during both administrations of the
assessment. It is important to note, however, that the use of an identical assessment pre-
and postintervention can result in a testing effect in some situations.
The testing effect refers to the robust finding that the act of taking a test not only assesses
what people know about a topic but also tends to lead to more learning and increased
long-term retention of the material that is being assessed (Roediger & Karpicke, 2006).
There are several factors that can contribute to a testing effect (see Roediger & Karpicke,
2006, for an overview); however, the two most serious issues are (1) when a test provides
additional exposure to the material (i.e., overlearning) and (2) when individuals are able to
learn from their mistakes during the first administration of a test (i.e., feedback). We, as a
result, attempted to limit these two potential sources of error by using an assessment that
required the students to generate an original and complex explanation for an ill-defined
problem rather than having them select from a list of several options (see the section Data
Sources). We also did not give the students any feedback about their performance after
the first administration of the assessment. It is important to acknowledge, however, that
the students in this study might have continued to think about the problem after the first
classroom experience with it, which may have artificially inflated the overall quality of the
arguments crafted by each group postintervention. This issue, unfortunately, could not be
controlled for given the nature of the research design employed and is therefore a limitation
of this study.
The Intervention
All the students enrolled in the chemistry course participated in 15 different labora-
tory activities that were designed using the ADI instructional model. Table 1 includes an
overview of each ADI laboratory activity. All 15 of these investigations included the seven
stages of the ADI instructional model that were outlined earlier. For each lab, the students
worked in a collaborative team of three or four. Students were randomly assigned to a new
team after each lab so that all the students had an opportunity to work in a wide variety of
groups throughout the 18-week semester.
There were four types of ADI investigations (see Table 1). The goal of the first type of
investigation was to develop a new explanation. In these investigations, students were asked
to explore a phenomenon (such as the macroscopic behavior of matter) and then to create an
explanation or model for that phenomenon. This type of investigation was used as a way to
introduce students to an important theory, law, or concept in science (such as the molecular-
kinetic theory of matter) and was the focus of six different labs. The goal of the second type
of investigation was to revise an explanation. In these investigations, students were asked
to refine and expand on an explanation they developed in a previous investigation so they
could use it to explain a different but related phenomenon. This type of investigation was
the focus of two different labs. The goal of the third type of investigation was to evaluate
an explanation. In these investigations, students were provided with a scientific explanation
(such as the law of conservation of mass) or several alternative explanations and then asked
to develop a way to test it or them. This type of investigation was the focus of two different
labs. The goal of the fourth, and final, type of investigation was to use an explanation to
solve a problem. In these investigations, students were asked to use a concept introduced
in class (such as molar mass or types of chemical reactions) to solve a problem (identify an
unknown powder or the products of a reaction). This type of investigation was the focus of
five different labs.
Science Education
Overview of the 15 Argument-Driven Inquiry Laboratory Activities
Lab Type of Investigation Overview of the Laboratory Activity
1 Develop a new The students are introduced to Aristotle’s model of matter
explanation and asked to develop a better explanation for the
behavior of matter based on data they collect about the
behavior of gases, liquids, and solids when heated and
when matter is mixed with other forms of matter.
2 Revise an explanation The students are asked to revise the explanation they
developed during Lab #1 so they can also use it to
explain the difference between heat and temperature.
To do this, students collect data about the rate of
diffusion of a gas at different temperatures and
temperature changes in water when it s heated and/or
mixed with water at a different temperature.
3 Revise an explanation The students are asked to revise their model from lab #2
so they can also use it to explain what happens to
matter at the submicroscopic level during a chemical
reaction. To do this, students collect data about six
different chemical reactions and two different physical
4 Evaluate an The students develop and implement a method to test the
explanation validity of the law of conservation of mass.
5 Develop a new The students develop an explanation for the structure of
explanation the atom based on 14 observations about the
characteristics of atoms gathered through empirical
6 Use a scientific The students develop and implement a method to identify
explanation to solve six different compounds using the atomic spectra of 10
a problem known compounds.
7 Develop a new The students develop a way to organize 30 elements into
explanation a table based on similarities and differences in their
physical and chemical properties that will allow them to
predict the characteristics of an unknown element.
8 Use a scientific The students develop and implement a method to
explanation to solve determine whether density is a periodic property or not
a problem using elements from group 4A.
9 Develop a new The students develop a principle to explain why specific
explanation elements tend to form one type of ion and not another
based on the characteristics of 21 different elements.
10 Develop a new The students develop and implement a method to identify
explanation factors that affect the rate at which an ionic compound
dissolves in water. Then the students develop an
explanation to for why the factors they identified
influence the rate at which a solute dissolves in water.
11 Develop a new The students investigate the solubility of ionic, polar, and
explanation nonpolar compounds in a variety of polar and nonpolar
solvents. The students create a principle to explain their
Science Education
Lab Type of Investigation Overview of the Laboratory Activity
12 Use a scientific The students are given seven containers filled with seven
explanation to solve “unknown” powders. The students must identify each
a problem unknown from a list of 10 known compounds based on
the concept of molar mass.
13 Use a scientific Students are given two different unidentified hydrates.
explanation to solve The students then develop and implement a method to
a problem identify these hydrates from a list of possible unknowns
based on the concept of chemical composition.
14 Use a scientific Students determine the products produced in six different
explanation to solve chemical reactions based on the concepts of solubility,
a problem polyatomic ions, and common types of reactions (i.e.,
synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double
replacement, and combustion).
15 Evaluate an Students are provided with three alternative chemical
explanation reactions for the thermal decomposition of sodium
chlorate. The students then develop and implement a
method to determine which chemical equation is the
most valid or acceptable explanation.
The students also participated in a variety of activities that were designed to introduce
or reinforce important content before or after each laboratory experience during the in-
tervention (see Table 2). These activities included, but were not limited to, listening to
short targeted lectures (L), partaking in whole class discussions (WCD), engaging in group
work (GW), completing practice problems (PP), watching demonstrations (D), and com-
pleting readings (R) selected from the course textbook (Suchocki, 2000). These activities
reflect “commonplace” teaching practices that are often observed in high school science
classrooms (Stigler, Gonzales, Kawanaka, Knoll, & Serrano, 1999; Weiss, Banilower,
McMahon, & Smith, 2001). We predicted, however, that these “commonplace” teaching
activities would do little to influence the ways student participate in scientific argumenta-
tion or how they craft written arguments given the available literature. Table 2 provides an
overview of the classroom activities by day and the amount of time spent on each activity
for the entire 18-week intervention.
The students also completed a number of assessments throughout the 18-week semester
in addition to the laboratory experiences and other classroom activities. The classroom
teacher used these instruments for both formative (FA) and summative assessment (SA)
purposes (see Table 2). These instruments, however, were not deemed suitable for research
purposes. Therefore, any information about student learning or understanding that was
collected by the instructor using these instruments was not included as a source of data in
this study.
Data Sources
We used a performance task, as noted earlier, to assess how the students participate in
scientific argumentation and craft a scientific argument. This performance task, which we
call the candle and the inverted flask problem (see Lawson, 1999, 2002), required the small
groups of students to negotiate a shared understanding of a natural phenomenon and then
Science Education
Classroom Activities By Day Over the Course of the Intervention
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 L GW (PreIPT) L – PP (PreIPT) CA – R (PreIPT) ADI Lab #1
2 ADI Lab #1 cont. (Molecular Kinetic Theory of Matter A) L–D
3 No School ADI Lab #2 (Molecular Kinetic Theory of Matter B)
4 L – PP – GW ADI Lab #3 No School No School ADI Lab #3 cont.
5 ADI #3 cont. (Molecular Kinetic Theory of Matter C) L–D No School
6 L – PP ADI Lab #4 No School ADI Lab #4 cont. (Conservation of Matter)
7 WCD – PP CA ADI Lab #5 (Structure of Atom A)
8 ADI Lab #5 cont. L–D ADI Lab #6 (Structure of the Atom B)
9 ADI Lab #6 cont. L – PP ADI Lab #7 (Periodic Trends A)
10 L–D ADI Lab #8 (Periodic Trends B) No School
11 L – PP ADI Lab #9 (Periodic Trends C) WCD – PP
12 CA ADI Lab #10 (Solubility A)
13 L–D R – PP – GW ADI Lab #11 (Solubility B)
14 L–D L – PP ADI Lab #12 (Chemical Composition A)
15 R – PP ADI Lab #13 (Chemical Composition B)
16 WCD – PP L – D – PP ADI Lab #14 (Chemical Reactions A)
17 ADI #14 cont. R – PP – GW ADI Lab #15 (Chemical Reactions B)
18 ADI #15 cont. L – R (PostIPT) WCD – PP (PostIPT) CA (PostIPT)
Note: PreIPT = PreIntervention Performance Task completed by the groups after school or
during a lunch period (two/day), R = Reading from the textbook, L = Lecture, GW = group
work, PP = practice problems, WCD = Whole class discussion, D = Demonstration, CA =
Classroom assessment of student learning, PostIPT = Post-Intervention Performance Task
completed by the groups before school, after school, or during a lunch period (two/day).
develop a written scientific argument that provides and justifies an explanation for it. The
problem begins with a burning candle held upright in a pan of water with a small piece of
clay. A flask is then inverted over the burning candle and placed in the water. After a few
seconds, the candle flame goes out and water rises in the flask. Students are then asked:
Why does the water rush up into the inverted flask? Students are given a pan of water, a
flask, a graduated cylinder, five candles, a book of matches, a stopwatch, a wax pencil, and
a ruler and then directed to use these materials to generate the data they will need to answer
the research question. Once the group develops and agrees upon a sufficient answer, they
are required to produce a written argument that provides and justifies their conclusion with
evidence and reasoning.
The students needed to explain two observations to provide a sufficient answer to the
research question posed in this problem. First, they needed to explain why the flame goes
out. Second, they had to explain why the water rises into the flask. The generally accepted
explanation for the first observation is that the flame converts the oxygen in the flask
to carbon dioxide until too little oxygen remains to sustain combustion. The generally
accepted explanation for the second observation is that the flame transfers kinetic energy
to gas molecules inside the flask. The greater kinetic energy causes the gas to expand and
some of this gas escapes out from underneath the flask. When the flame goes out, the
remaining molecules transfer some of their kinetic energy to the flask walls and then to
the surrounding air and water. This transfer causes a decrease in gas pressure inside the
flask. The water inside the flask then rises into the flask until the air pressure pushing on
the outside water surface is equal to the air pressure pushing on the inside surface (Birk &
Lawson, 1999; Lawson, 1999; Peckham, 1993).
Science Education
A common student explanation for these observations is the idea that oxygen is “used up.”
The loss of oxygen results in a partial vacuum inside the flask. Water is then “sucked” into
the flask because of this vacuum. Most students, however, fail to realize that when oxygen
“burns” it combines with carbon (i.e., combustion) to produce an equal volume of CO2 gas
inside the flask (Lawson, 1999). Students also often fail to realize that a vacuum cannot
“suck” anything. Rather the force causing the water to rise is a push from the relatively
greater number of air molecules hitting the water surface outside the flask (see Lawson,
1999, for a more detailed description of this phenomenon and for additional examples of
student alternative conceptions).
These complex and ill-defined problems provided us with a unique context to examine
how students participate in scientific argumentation and craft a written scientific argu-
ment with the same task. The counterintuitive and collaborative nature of the problem
required the students to propose, support, challenge, and refine ideas to establish or val-
idate an explanation. These discussions provided us with a way to observe how these
students participated in scientific argumentation. The final arguments that the groups cre-
ated during the task also supplied us with useful information about how these students’
articulate and justify explanations. We choose to use the same task before and after the
intervention, as noted earlier, to facilitate comparisons because the nature of argumenta-
tion is context dependent and is therefore influenced by more than just the skills of the
participants. We also wanted the students to attempt to explain a phenomenon that was not
studied in class but could be explained using content introduced during the course (e.g., the
molecular-kinetic theory of matter, the conservation of mass, the difference between heat
and temperature).
Data Analysis
Our main interest, given the goal and research questions of this study, was to document
any changes in the two outcomes measures and to explore how the various components of
the ADI may have supported the development of new ways of thinking and behaviors. To do
this, we transcribed the videotapes of the conversations that took place within each group
during the candle and the inverted flask problem. The transcription focused specifically on
the sequence of turns and the nature of the interactions rather than speaker intonation or other
discourse properties. Transcripts were parsed into turns, which were defined as segments
of speaker-continuous speech. If an interruption stopped the speaker from speaking, the
turn was considered complete, even if the content of the turn was resumed later in the
conversation. If the student did not stop talking even though someone else was speaking,
then all of the content was considered to be part of that same turn. One-word utterances,
such as “yeah,” “uhm,” and so on, were also considered to be turns.
Coding schemes were then developed to document any potential changes in the ways
students participated in scientific argumentation and to score the quality of the written
arguments produced by each group before and after the intervention. Two researchers then
used these coding schemes to independently evaluate the transcripts and the answer sheets.
To assess the interrater reliability of the various coding schemes, a portion of the codes
generated by each researcher for each outcome measure was compared. Cohen’s κ values
ranged from a low of 0.72 to a high of 0.90. Although a Cohen’s κ value of 0.7 or greater
indicates strong interrater reliability (Fleiss, 1981), all discrepancies between the two re-
searchers were discussed and definitive codes were assigned once the two researchers
reached consensus. The data presented in the Results section reflects these definitive
Science Education
Codes Used to Examine the Ways Group Members Respond to Proposed
Code Definition Examples
Accept Any response where an individual voices “Yeah, that makes sense”
agreement with the speaker, supports the “You’re right”
proposal, or incorporates the idea into the “Let’s write that down”
group product but does not result in further
Reject Any response that voices disagreement with “That’s not it”
the speaker or makes a claim that an idea “That can’t be right”
is incorrect and the response does not
result in further discussion.
Discuss Any response that results in further discussion “What do mean by that?”
of an idea. Examples of this type of “Are you sure?”
response include questioning the rationale “But why does the water rise
behind an idea, challenging it with new when the candle goes out?”
information or a different idea, asking for “What if we say. . . ”
clarification, and revising or adding to an
Ignore Not giving a verbal response to an idea when
it was proposed.
how consistent the idea is with accepted theories, models, and laws (Passmore & Stewart,
2002; Stewart, Cartier, & Passmore, 2005), to support or challenge an idea, conclusion, or
other claim (i.e., an aspect of the epistemic framework that makes science different from
other ways of knowing; see Duschl, 2008). Then we decided to examine how often the
students used a scientific explanation (e.g., theories, models, and laws) when talking and
reasoning about the phenomenon under investigation (i.e., the conceptual structures and
cognitive processes of science; see Duschl, 2008).
Our first step in this part of the analysis was to develop a coding scheme to document
the nature of the criteria the students were using to either justify or refute their ideas. Two
categories of criteria were used: rigorous and informal (Cohen’s κ = 0.73). Rigorous cri-
teria include the reasons or standards that reflect the evaluative component of the argument
framework outlined in Figure 1. Examples of rigorous criteria include fit with data (e.g.,
“but the water went higher in the flask with two candles”), sufficiency of data (e.g., “you do
not have any evidence to support that”), coherence of an explanation (e.g., “how can some-
thing use up and produce oxygen at the same time?”), adequacy of an explanation (e.g.,
“that doesn’t answer the question”), and consistency with scientific theories or laws (e.g.,
“but the law of conservation of mass says matter cannot be destroyed”). Informal criteria
include reasons or standards that are often used in everyday contexts but are less powerful
for judging the validity of an idea in science. Examples of informal criteria include appeals
to authority (e.g., “well that’s what she said”), discrediting the speaker (e.g., “he never
knows what to do”), plausibility (e.g., “that makes sense to me”), appeals to analogies (e.g.,
“this is just like fits with personal experience (e.g., “that happened to me once”), judgments
about the importance of an idea (e.g., “that doesn’t matter”), and consistency with personal
inferences (e.g., “candles use up oxygen so there must be a vacuum inside the flask”).
We then developed a coding scheme to describe the nature of the content-related ideas
that were spoken aloud during the discussion (Cohen’s κ = 0.75). To do this, we used Hunt
Science Education
Codes Used to Examine the Overall Nature and Function of the
Contributions During Discuss Episodes
Move Definition Examples
Information Comments used by an individual to gather “What did you mean by
seeking more information from others. These that?”
utterances include requests for (a) “What do you think?”
additional information about the topic, (b) “Why?”
partners to share their views, (c) partners
to clarify a preceding comment, or (d)
information about the task.
Expositional Comments used by an individual to (a) “I think the candle uses up
articulate an idea or a position, (b) clarify a all the oxygen”
speaker’s own idea or argument in “I mean. . . ”
response to another participant’s
comment, (c) expand on one’s own idea, or
(d) support one’s own idea.
Oppositional Comments used by an individual to (a) “That can’t be right”
disagree with another, (b) disagree and “How do you know it used
offer an alternative, (c) disagree and up all the oxygen?”
provide a critique, or (d) make another
support his/her idea.
Supportive Comments used by an individual to (a) “Right”
elaborate on someone else’s ideas, (b) “That is just what I was
indicate agreement with someone else’s thinking”
ideas, (c) paraphrase someone else’s “You’re right, I was
preceding utterance with or without further wrong”
elaboration, (d) indicate that one has “That is just like. . . ”
abandoned or changed an idea, (e)
combines ideas, separates one idea into
two distinct ideas, or modify an idea in
some way, (f) justify someone else’s idea
or viewpoint, or (g) steer or organize the
discussion or how people are participating
in the discussion.
and Minstrell’s (1994) and Minstrell (2000) facet analysis approach to examine the content
of the students’ comments. Facets are ideas that lack the structure of a full explanation and
can consist of nominal and committed facts, intuitive conceptions, narratives, p-prims, or
mental models based on experiences at various stages of development and sophistication
(Clark, 2006). Examples of content-related ideas that were identified in this analysis include
inaccurate facets of student thinking such as “there is nothing inside the flask,” “the vacuum
sucks the water up,” and “the flame creates a vacuum” and accurate facets such as “oxygen
is transformed into carbon dioxide” and “gas expands as it heats up.” We then specifically
looked to see whether the students mentioned the scientific explanations introduced in class
during these discussions. The four scientific explanations that were introduced in class
that were needed to develop an accurate explanation for the candle and the inverted flask
problem, as noted earlier, were the kinetic-molecular theory of matter, the conservation of
mass, the process of combustion, and the gas laws.
Science Education
Examining the Relationship Between the Process and Product of Scientific Argu-
mentation. To determine whether there was a relationship between the level of a group’s
disciplinary engagement in scientific argumentation and the quality of the written arguments
they developed in this context, we needed to first calculate a composite argumentation score.
Science Education
We relied on three aspects of our previous analysis to accomplish this task. The first two
aspects were the proportion of discuss responses to a proposed idea (see Table 3) and
proportion of oppositional comments made during a discuss episode (see Table 4). These
aspects were included in the composite score because they provided a measure of group
engagement. The third aspect was how often the individuals within a group used rigorous
criteria valued in science to evaluate or justify ideas. We included this aspect in the com-
posite score because it provided a measure of the disciplinary nature of the argumentation
that took place within the groups.
To calculate the composite scores, we first rank ordered the observed proportions of a
specific type of comment within each aspect regardless of time (12 values per aspect). We
then assigned a score of one to the bottom quartile of values, a score of two to the next
quartile of values, and so on for each aspect. Finally, we summed the scores a group earned
on the four different aspects of argumentation before the intervention to create an overall
preintervention composite score and all the scores earned by a group after the intervention
to create a postintervention score. The composite argumentation scores for each group can
range from a low of 4 points to a high of 12 points (with higher scores representing greater
disciplinary engagement). We then compared the argumentation composite score to the
written argument score of each group both pre- and postintervention.
The presentation of our results is organized around the two main outcomes of interest
and the relationship between the two. In each subsection, we will provide descriptive and
inferential statistics to help illustrate the differences we observed in the performance of the
groups. We will also provide representative quotations from the transcripts and the written
arguments crafted by some of the groups to help support our assertions and to illustrate
patterns and trends in the practices of these students.
Figure 2. The number and proportion of comments contributed by each group member pre- and postintervention.
Note: Groups 1 – 5 consisted of three students, and Group 6 consisted of four students.
Science Education
Figure 3. How group members responded to an idea when it was introduced into the conversation pre- and
groups was much more balanced after participating in the 15 different ADI lab experiences.
This pattern is well illustrated by the students assigned to Group 1. This group was one of
the most lopsided in terms of participation at the beginning of the semester. The individual
that made the fewest contributions to the conversation in this group (student 1-C) made
14% of the comments whereas the other two students made 46% (student 1-B) and 40%
(student 1-A) of the total contributions. At end of the semester, however, the student that
made the fewest comments in this group (student 1-B) made 28% of the contributions to
the conversation and the other two made 37% (student 1-A) and 35% (student 1-C) of the
comments. This represents a substantial shift in the levels of engagement by individual
students and a much better balance of participation. This pattern held true for Groups 4, 5,
and 6 as well.
We also, as noted earlier, examined how often group members discussed an idea when
it was proposed as a second measure of engagement in scientific argumentation. Figure 3
provides the number and proportion of the four different types of responses (i.e., discuss,
accept, reject, and ignore) in the six groups before and after the intervention. As this figure
shows, all the groups with the exception of one (Group 2) had a lower a proportion of
ignore, reject, and accept responses and a higher proportion of discuss responses after
the intervention. A chi-square goodness-of-fit test confirmed that the observed pre- and
postintervention differences were statistically significant, χ 2 (3) = 14.52, p = .002. These
results indicate that more students in these groups were making substantive contributions
to the discussion after the intervention. To illustrate this change, consider the following
In the first example, taken from Group 3 before the intervention began, the various group
members propose a number of ideas, but these ideas are rejected, accepted, or ignored
without discussion.
Student 3-B: I already know what it is guys. It’s suffocating the candle.
Student 3-C: No, no that’s not it.
Student 3-A: What about the smoke?
Student 3-B: All the oxygen is being used up.
Student 3-C: Yeah, that sounds right.
Student 3-A: I still think it is the smoke.
Student 3-B: That’s not it.
Science Education
Figure 4. Types of comments group members made during discuss episodes pre- and postintervention.
These types of “that’s not it” reject responses and “yeah, that sounds right” accept responses
were common in the dialogue that took place within the groups prior to the intervention. As
a result, these students rarely examined the underlying reasons for or against a particular
idea or explanation. The groups instead seemed to spend a majority of their time indicating
that they were either for or against a particular idea.
In contrast, when an idea was proposed after the intervention, it often served as a starting
point for a more in-depth discussion. This trend is well illustrated in the following example.
This excerpt is once again taken from Group 3 to help illustrate this change in the way the
groups engaged in argumentation.
Student 3-B: When it . . . so this goes into here, and burns it up, creating smoke and it
goes out. Then, the water’s forced to go up.
Student 3-C: Why do you think that makes the water go up?
Student 3-B: Well, yeah . . . um, ’cause of the loss of oxygen. It’s basically sucking it
up into the thing because the oxygen is gone.
Student 3-A: But won’t the smoke take up the space of the oxygen?
Student 3-C: Yeah, there’s no way for smoke to come out because of the glass. [touches
Student 3-B: Yeah. That makes sense, so what do you think it is?
Unlike the previous example, the students did not accept or reject the initial explanation
outright. Instead the response of student 3-C led to a more in-depth discussion of the core
issues involved in the problem (why the candle goes out and why the water rises into the
flask). The greater frequency of discuss responses after the intervention indicates that the
students were more engaged and were more willing to talk about, evaluate, and revise ideas.
This type of interaction is important because some of the potential benefits of engaging
in scientific argumentation with others seem to be lost when groups reject or accept ideas
without discussing them first (Sampson & Clark, 2009a). Overall, this analysis suggests
that these students were better able or more willing to engage in argumentation after
participating in the 15 laboratory experiences designed using the ADI instructional model.
These data also suggest that these students were challenging each other’s ideas and
claims more frequently after the intervention. Figure 4 provides the proportion of informa-
tion seeking, exposition, oppositional, and supportive comments during the discuss episodes
before and after the intervention. As shown in Figure 4, most of the comments made by
students during the discuss episodes before the intervention were devoted to exposition (i.e.,
proposing, clarifying, or justifying one’s own idea) or were supportive (i.e., summarizing,
Science Education
revising, justifying, or adding to the ideas of others) and only a small proportion of the
comments was oppositional in nature (i.e., simple disagreements and disagreements ac-
companied by critiques). This trend, however, did not continue after the intervention. In all
the groups, except for one (Group 2), there were a much greater proportion of oppositional
comments during the discuss episodes. A chi-square goodness-of-fit test confirmed that this
observed difference was statistically significant as well, χ 2 (3) = 31.21, p < .001. Overall,
these results indicate that these students were more skeptical, or at least more critical, of
ideas after the intervention.
To illustrate this trend, consider the following examples. In the first example there are
two discuss episodes. These discuss episodes are representative of the overall nature of
the discourse that took place between individuals when discussing the merits of an idea
before the intervention. The conversation in this example includes comments that focus on
exposition or were supportive in nature. In other words, during these episodes the students
are clarifying and justifying their own idea or revising, justifying, and adding to the ideas
of the other members of the group.
Student 1-A: When the oxygen is removed from the air, the pressure. . .
Student 1-B: Inside the glass increases. Then why. . . ? I guess it’s taking out the air so
it’s. . . you know.
Student 1-A: And the water is drawn to it.
Student 1-B: Alright. That makes sense.
Student 1-A: Cuz it’s you know, it’s . . . like a suction cup or something.
Student 1-C: Yeah. [End of discuss episode 1]
Student 1-B: Oh, so I think the clay also has something to do with it, cuz it’s almost
like a stopper.
Student 1-A: Thank you. Wait, what do you mean a stopper?
Student 1-B: It’s just, it’s just making, like if there wasn’t the clay, obviously the candle
wouldn’t stay up. . .
Student 1-A: Yeah, it would go out if the clay wasn’t holding it up. I mean you need to
have the clay there.
Student 1-B: Totally. [End of discuss episode 2]
This excerpt is representative of the overall nature of the discussion that took place
within the groups when group members did not accept or reject an idea outright before
the intervention. During these episodes, there were few instances where students actually
challenged an idea. Instead, the students in these groups spent the vast majority of their
time either elaborating on an idea and asking questions or agreeing with and supporting
the ideas of the other group members. For example, in the first discuss episode, rather than
attempting to challenge the accuracy of an erroneous idea proposed by student 1-B (the
pressure inside the flask increases) or requiring student 1-B to justify this idea, student 1-A
simply added to the idea (“the water is drawn to it”). In the second discuss episode, student
1-A simply asks for clarification (“what do you mean a stopper?”) when an idea (“the clay
also has something to do with it”) is proposed and then elaborates on student 1-B’s idea
(“Yeah, it would go out if the clay wasn’t holding it up”). These types of interaction were
common before the intervention. The students seemed unwilling to disagree, challenge, or
critique the ideas of other group members (even when an idea that was introduced into the
discussion was inaccurate from a scientific perspective).
Now compare the above example with the following excerpt of dialogue taken from the
same group after the intervention. In this second example, the discourse is more oppositional
in nature.
Science Education
Student 1-C: So . . . the water is not causing the candle goes out.
Student 1-B: Why do you say that? I mean . . . like, how do you know it is not the
Student 1-C: It doesn’t look like it’s the water putting out the candle because the candle
went out before the water ever actually touched the flame.
Student 1-A: Are you sure? Why don’t we try it and check.
Student 1-C: Ok. [Student 1-C puts flask down over a lit candle.] Now watch.
Student 1-A: You’re right. It went out before the water touched the wick. [End of
discuss episode 1]
Student 1-C: Why don’t we try doing this with an unlighted candle. That way we can
see if it is the fire that is causing the water to rise . . . even though I think
it’s pretty safe to assume that the water won’t do anything if it’s unlit.
Student 1-B: Yeah I don’t think it will. [Student 1-C puts flask down with candle unlit.]
Student 1-A: Nope.
Student 1-C: Yeah, so it’s definitely the fire that causes it to rise—something the fire
is doing, and the only thing that the fire is doing inside the flask is
it’s consuming the oxygen because there’s really nothing else for it to
consume. For the fire to burn away the wick, there has to be oxygen to
react with. So, when the oxygen has been used up in there, we’ve got the
partial vacuum in there.
Student 1-B: But how do you know it used up all the oxygen?
Student 1-C: Why else would the candle go out? [End of discuss episode 2]
Figure 5. Types of criteria students used to support or challenge ideas when engaged in argumentation.
suggest that these students learned the criteria that we emphasized for evaluating the merits
of explanations and arguments and then adopted them as their own as a result of the
To illustrate this trend, consider the following examples. In the first example, the students
from Group 3 were relying on plausibility, personal inferences, and past experiences to
evaluate the merits of an idea once it was introduced into the discussion. In other words,
these students judged the validity or acceptability of ideas by how well they fit with their
personal viewpoints.
Student 3-A: Ok, first of all guys. It’s not asking “What is making the fire go out?” It
is asking “why does the water rush up into the inverted flask?”
Student 3-C: Because it’s the suction, like . . . it’s like suction. Like when you suck on
a straw.
Student 3-A: That sounds good to me.
Student 3-B: No it’s not suction. That means that there would have to be an opening
right here, and something would . . . something like a vacuum cleaner
would have to suck the air out. That’s the only way to get suction.
Student 3-A: Ok . . . how about this then. I think that since the candle’s warm it causes
smoke and the smoke causes the water rise . . .
Student 3-B: That doesn’t make any sense.
Comments such as “that sounds good to me” and “that doesn’t make any sense” were
common in the discussion before the intervention. The high frequencies of these types of
comments suggest that these students did not rely on rigorous criteria that are valued in
science, such as fit with data, to evaluate, or support ideas before participating in the ADI
lab experiences. After the intervention, however, these same students were more likely to
use rigorous criteria when supporting and critiquing ideas. In this example, the students in
Group 3 are attempting to evaluate the validity or acceptability of an idea by assessing how
well the idea fits with their observations.
Student 3-C: Watch, when I hold the flask over the candle, it’s going to keep going,
but when I put it down, it goes out. [Student 3-C sets the flask over the
candle and lets go. Candle goes out.] So it won’t let oxygen in and the
candle uses up the oxygen.
Science Education
Figure 6. The number and proportion of inaccurate, accurate, and scientific theories or laws that were mentioned
over the course of the performance task.
Student 3-B: Since there’s no oxygen, it’s trying to get to the oxygen on top, right?
How is that possible?
Student 3-A: Because the oxygen is coming in with the water.
Student 3-C: But if that was true, why didn’t the water keep going up?
Student 3-A: Because you let go.
Student 3-C: Oh.
Student 3-B: So keep on holding on. Try holding on.
Student 3-C: Ok. [Student 3-C lights the candle and puts the flask over the candle in
water but not all the way down. Candle goes out]
Student 3-B: Ok, so what does that tell us. It needs oxygen, so the water is being forced
into an isolated area with no oxygen. Is there any air being forced out?
What do you think? Would there be any air being forced out?
Student 3-A: I don’t know. How could we test that?
This excerpt is representative of many of the exchanges that took place within the groups
after the intervention. Students in these groups seemed to rely on more rigorous criteria
to distinguish between competing conjectures or ideas as they worked. These students, for
example, would often generate an idea and then use the available materials as a way to test
its merits. Although the students still used fit with a personal viewpoint as a criterion some
of the time, the individuals in these groups used criteria that are more aligned with those
valued in science with greater frequency after the intervention. This suggests that these
students adopted and used new standards to evaluate or validate knowledge in the context
of science.
The students in this study, however, did not use the conceptual structures of science
(i.e., important theories, laws, or concepts) much when attempting to make sense of their
observations before or after the intervention. Figure 6 provides the number and proportion
of inaccurate ideas (e.g., there is a vacuum inside the flask), accurate ideas (e.g., the pressure
is less inside the flask), scientific theories or laws (e.g., the conversation of mass) that were
mentioned by at least one group member over the course of the conversation. As illustrated
in Figure 6, no one in any of the groups mentioned a scientific theory or law before the
intervention. After the intervention, there was not much difference; three of the six groups
did not mention a single scientific explanation and the other three groups only mentioned
one (the kinetic-molecular theory of matter in Groups 1 and 4 and the gas laws in Group 6).
These results indicate that the students did not use scientific theories or laws to make sense
of their observations or to critique the merits of a potential explanation before or after the
Science Education
Figure 7. The overall score and the score on each aspect of the written argument produced by each group before
and after the intervention.
These results, on the other hand, do indicate that all the groups but one (Group 2)
mentioned a greater proportion of accurate ideas overall after the intervention, χ 2 (1) =
4.45, p = .03. This observation suggests that the students’ understanding of the relevant
content, as a whole, was better at the end of the intervention even though the students did not
make explicit references to the scientific theories or laws discussed in class as they worked.
This finding, however, was not unexpected given the length of the intervention, the number
of laboratory activities, and the instructional activities that took place between each lab.
What is your explanation? Oxygen was taken away so the fire went out. The water was
then sucked into the flask because a partial vacuum was created.
Each group crafted an argument on the answer sheet by responding to three prompts: What is your
explanation?, What is your evidence?, and What is your reasoning? The prompts were included on the
answer sheet to help increase the reliability of the coding schemes. This is important because students
often use inferences as evidence, which often makes it difficult for researchers to differentiate between
the various components of student-generated arguments. See Erduran et al (2004) and Sampson and Clark
(2008) for a discussion of this issue.
Science Education
What is your evidence? In a vacuum, there is less pressure, therefore, there is nothing
holding the water down. The air pressure pushing down is less than water pressure pushing
What is your reasoning? Because the flame consumed all the oxygen inside the bottle, it
then had no fuel, and went out. This created a vacuum and caused the water to rise.
This argument included an explanation that provided a reason for the candle going out
and a reason for the water rising into the flask but did not connect these two aspects of their
explanation (2 out of 3 points). This explanation, however, contained only inaccurate facets
so the conceptual quality was scored as poor (0 out of 3 points). The group then used an
inference as evidence to support their conclusion. Although this is not appropriate evidence
given our theoretical framework, it was scored as low (1 out of 3 points) because it was
relevant to the provided explanation. Finally, the sufficiency of the reasoning was scored
as poor (0 out of 3 points) because the group simply rephrased their initial explanation and
did not explain why the evidence supports the explanation or why they choose to use that
type of evidence. After the intervention, however, Group 4 produced a better argument:
What is your explanation? The flame consumes the oxygen inside the flask and creates a
partial vacuum. This lowers the air pressure inside the flask. The water is then pushed into
the flask because the air pressure outside the flask is greater than it is inside the flask.
What is your evidence? When we used two candles, the water went up more than it did
with only one candle. It also takes one candle longer to go out (6.8 seconds) than it takes
two candles to go out (4.5 seconds).
What is your reasoning? The flame needs oxygen to fuel it. Once the oxygen is consumed
the flame disappears. As the amount of oxygen decreases inside the flask so does the air
pressure. Our data indicates that this process happens quicker when more candles are used
because more candles consume the oxygen in a shorter amount of time.
This argument, unlike the groups’ first attempt, includes an explanation that provides a
reason for the candle going out, a reason for the water rising into the flask, and an explicit
connection between these two aspects of the explanation (3 out of 3 points). However,
this explanation contains a mixture of accurate (water is pushed into the flask, the air
pressure outside the flask is greater) and inaccurate facets (creates a partial vacuum, etc.)
so the conceptual quality of the entire explanation was scored as low (1 out of 3 points).
The group then included two pieces of appropriate and relevant evidence to support the
explanation (3 out of 3 points). The students’ reasoning explains why the evidence supports
the explanation but does not justify their choice of evidence (2 out of 3 points). Overall,
this argument is a good representation of the nature of the written arguments produced by
the six groups after the intervention. The arguments, in general, included a more adequate
explanation and better evidence and reasoning, but the explanation was often conceptually
This improvement in the quality of the written arguments seemed to be due, in large part,
to the students’ lack of familiarity with the nature of scientific arguments at the beginning
of the semester rather than a lack of skill or natural ability. This lack of familiarity with
scientific arguments often resulted in students not understanding what counts as evidence
and reasoning or what makes evidence different from reasoning. To illustrate this confusion,
consider the following excerpt that shows how students in Group 4 talked about the evidence
and reasoning components of an argument before the intervention. In this example, the
Science Education
students have decided on their explanation (i.e., the answer to the research question) and
are in the process of crafting their argument.
Student 4-C: Wait, no, there’s one more question . . . What is your reasoning?
Student 4-A: Don’t look at me . . . I don’t know.
Student 4-C: I don’t understand . . . I don’t understand the difference between evidence
and reasoning.
Student 4-B: Yeah, I don’t either.
Student 4-C: So how am I supposed to make the answer for reasoning different from
the answer we already wrote?
Student 4-A: Just summarize it or write the explanation again.
This excerpt is representative of many of the exchanges that took place between students
as they worked to develop their written argument prior to the intervention. Students clearly
did not understand what counts as evidence and reasoning in the context of science. As a
result, the arguments the students crafted often included an inference or a single observation
as evidence and a simple restatement of the groups’ explanation for reasoning. After the
intervention, however, the students seemed to have a much better understanding of the
nature of scientific arguments due to the explicit focus on the nature and structure of
arguments in science. To illustrate this difference, consider the following excerpt (from
Group 4 postintervention):
This excerpt is representative of many of the exchanges that took place within the groups
after the intervention. These exchanges suggest that the students developed a better under-
standing of what counts as an explanation, evidence, and reasoning in a scientific argument.
Although these students still struggled to produce an explanation that was accurate from a
scientific perspective, the overall quality of the written arguments improved pre- to postin-
tervention. These observations, when taken together, indicate that these students developed
a more nuanced understanding of the various components of a scientific argument (based
on how we defined them in our framework) and learned how to craft a better scientific
argument over the course of the semester by participating in the 15 ADI lab experiences.
Figure 8. The relationship between the product and process of argumentation pre- and postintervention.
and all of the groups, with the exception of Group 2, had higher scores postintervention.
These observations, while keeping in mind the small sample size, suggest that there is a
relationship between the level of disciplinary engagement in argumentation and the overall
quality of the written arguments crafted by these groups.
into the conversation and challenged the ideas of others with greater frequency after the
intervention (see Figures 3 and 4). In addition to these indicators of better engagement, the
students in five of the six groups also used criteria valued in science, such as fit with data
or adequacy of an explanation, more frequently postintervention than they did prior to the
intervention (see Figure 5). This observation suggests that the nature of the argumentation
that the students engaged in at the end of the semester was more disciplinary in nature than
it was at the beginning.
It is important to point out that the students in this study did not abandon using informal
criteria altogether after the intervention; nor do we think that these students should have
abandoned using this type of criteria as a way to evaluate ideas as a result of the intervention.
The use of informal criteria, such as how plausible an idea is or how well an idea fits with
personal experiences, can play an important role in scientific argumentation because these
type of criteria, when coupled with an adequate level of content knowledge about the
phenomenon under investigation, can serve as a useful and productive way to eliminate
flawed explanations or ideas. The results of our analysis, however, does indicate that these
students used the rigorous criteria that were emphasized during each ADI investigation with
greater frequency after the intervention and thus seemed to privilege some of the criteria
that are valued in science more than they did at the beginning of the semester.
Our analysis also indicates that all the groups were able to generate higher quality written
arguments after the intervention (see Figure 7). All six groups included a more sufficient
explanation postintervention and used better evidence and reasoning in their argument
to support their ideas. Although the conceptual quality of the explanations the students
included in the arguments did not improve much, the results of this study indicate that these
students developed a better understanding of what counts as an explanation, evidence, and
reasoning over the course of the intervention. It is important to note, however, that we
did not assess the students’ understanding of why it is important to include evidence and
reasoning in a scientific argument nor did we have the groups generate arguments without
using prompts to encourage them to include both evidence and reasoning in their answers
pre- or postintervention. Thus, it is possible that the students simply developed a better
understanding of what counts as an explanation, evidence, and reasoning in this context
rather than more fluid “grasp of practice” (Ford, 2008) that will allow them to transfer their
understanding of argumentation and arguments in science to other contexts. We, however,
believe that developing a basic understanding of “what counts” is an important first step
for students and a valuable educational outcome. After all, if students do not have a basic
understanding of what counts as evidence or reasoning in a scientific argument (as was the
case for these students at the beginning of the intervention), then it is highly unlikely that
students will be able to provide genuine evidence or reasoning in support of their claims
with or without encouragement and be able to identify invalid evidence or faulty reasoning
in other contexts.
Overall, we believe that these two findings are important. They suggest that a series of
laboratory activities designed using the ADI instructional model, which provides oppor-
tunities for students to participate in authentic scientific practices, encourages students to
use specific criteria to evaluate the merits of ideas and provides students with educative
feedback about their performance during each lab, can help some students develop new
knowledge and skills. These results, especially in light of the substantial literature that indi-
cates that students tend to struggle with many aspects of scientific argumentation (Berland
& Reiser, 2009; Jimenez-Aleixandre & Erduran, 2007; Jimenez-Aleixandre et al., 2000;
Osborne et al., 2004) and do not produce written arguments that reflect what counts as high
quality in science (McNeill et al., 2006; Sampson & Clark, 2008; Sandoval & Millwood,
2005), suggest that this instructional model has great promise and potential. Yet, despite
Science Education
these promising findings, we want to stress that this study was exploratory in nature and
the lack of a control group and the small sample size limits the generalizability of these
findings. Nonetheless, the results reported here indicate that an efficacy study of the model
with a larger sample and a control group is warranted.
unlike a paradigm shift, we see an epistemic shift as a fundamental change in the standards
or criteria that an individual uses or privileges to determine what counts as warranted
knowledge and how such knowledge can be generated and validated in a given context.
We conjecture that an epistemic shift requires two conditions to occur. First, an individual
must be introduced to new criteria or standards for what counts as warranted knowledge
in an explicit fashion. Second, individuals need to be encouraged by others to use these
new criteria and standards in a context where the use of these new criteria or standards are
valuable and make sense. An epistemic shift, however, does not seem to be an evolutionary
process given the observations we made during this study. Instead, it seems result from
reaching a tipping point.
All of the students in this study, for example, were introduced to standards that can be
used to determine what counts as warranted knowledge in the context of science during
the first lab activity. However, few if any of these students seemed adopt these standards
as their own at this point in time. Instead, the students were repeatedly exposed to and
encouraged to use these new criteria to generate explanations, craft arguments, and critique
each other’s ideas during each laboratory activity. To facilitate this process, we used the
ADI instructional model to create a classroom culture that was more conducive to student
engagement in the practices of science than a more traditional laboratory setting. As a
result of the sustained focus on the epistemic and social aspects of science over the entire
course of the intervention, most students seemed to reach a personal tipping point, and as a
result, underwent an epistemic shift. At this point in time, these students seemed to adopt the
criteria privileged inside the classroom as their own and begin to use them with much greater
frequency. This new epistemic framework or shared knowledge of “what counts,” in turn,
seemed to change the ways students interacted with each other, materials, and ideas in this
context. It also seemed to change how most of the students co-constructed their arguments.
This explanation for relationship between argument and argumentation, however, is only
speculative at this time and will require more targeted research to substantiate.
theory of matter or the process of combustion) or laws (e.g., the gas laws or the law of
conservation of matter) introduced in class as a way to make sense of the candle and the
inverted flask problem or to critique the merits of a potential explanation. These students,
instead, seemed to rely more on everyday explanations (e.g., “fire needs oxygen or it goes
out”) rather than scientific ones (e.g., “oxygen combines with carbon during the process
of combustion”) or past experiences that occurred outside the classroom as a way to make
sense of the phenomenon under investigation. This indicates that this instructional model,
which was designed to encourage students to use scientific theories, models, and laws as a
way to make sense of natural phenomenon, did not have much of an impact on this aspect
of scientific argumentation.
This observation is troubling given the emphasis that was placed on this important
aspect of scientific argumentation throughout the intervention. For example, students were
encouraged to use theoretical criteria, such as how well a potential claim or explanation
fits with other theories and laws, during the argumentation sessions and the double-blind
peer review of the reports. Students were also directed to use a scientific concept or
explanation introduced in class (such as molar mass or types of chemical reactions) to
solve a problem (identify an unknown powder or the products of a reaction) during 5 of
the 15 labs. This observation does, however, help to explain why the groups continued
to generate inaccurate explanations for the candle and inverted flask problem after the
intervention. For example, the idea that the flame uses up the oxygen in the flask and the
loss of oxygen creates a partial vacuum was a common idea discussed by the students both
pre- and postintervention. This is a reasonable inference to make based on observations
alone. This idea, however, is inconsistent with the law of conservation of matter and the
process of combustion. Therefore, it is not surprising that the students produced arguments
with inaccurate explanations that were well supported with evidence and reasoning because
the students did not take into account the theories, laws, and models of science to help them
make sense of their observations or to critique the merits of their ideas.
The underlying reason for this issue, unfortunately, remains unclear and will require more
research to straighten out. We can, however, suggest two potential explanations as initial
candidates for exploration at this point in time. First, it is possible that these students did
not understand the gas laws, combustion, the kinetic-molecular theory of matter, or the law
of conservation of mass well enough to use these ideas in a novel context. This explanation,
however, seems unlikely given the continual focus on these ideas throughout the semester.
The second potential explanation, which we feel is more likely than the first given the
content of the curriculum, is the students were not encouraged to use scientific theories,
models, or laws to explain novel phenomenon enough throughout the course. As a result,
students did not learn to use scientific explanations as a tool to make sense of the unknown
event though they were encouraged to use theoretical criteria to evaluate explanations or
claims throughout the intervention and encouraged to apply a specific concept to solve a
problem during several different labs. Regardless of the underlying cause, however, the
results of this study indicate these students did not use scientific theories or laws to make
sense of their observations or as a way to critique the validity or acceptability of a potential
explanation. This is a major issue that will need to be addressed to help students learn
how to generate novel explanations and participate in argumentation in a more scientific
Groups Do Not Always Discuss a Wide Range of Ideas and Their Actions Seem to Be
Influenced by a Confirmation Bias. These groups of students, as noted earlier, voiced a
wide range of unique content-related ideas (minimum = 9, maximum = 19) when they were
Science Education
engaged in scientific argumentation. Yet, many of these ideas were rejected or accepted
outright instead of being discussed by the students. This type of response was common in the
preintervention discussions. At the end of the intervention, however, all of the groups with
the exception of Group 2 were responding to ideas by discussing them with much greater
frequency (see Figure 3). Group 2 also had the lowest levels of disciplinary engagement
in argumentation and crafted the weakest argument postintervention (see Figure 8). We
conjecture that this is one reason why Group 2 lagged behind the other groups in terms of
performance. The students in Group 2 never discussed a wide range of ideas. To illustrate
this issue, consider the following excerpt taken from Group 2 after the intervention. This
conversation took place immediately after the students finished reading the instructions for
the task.
These students clearly did not discuss a wide range of ideas before agreeing on the best
way to explain their observations. The performance of Group 2 also seemed to be hampered,
like some of the other groups in this study, by a collective confirmation bias. A confirmation
bias is a tendency to only seek out or acknowledge information that affirms an existing idea
or belief (Zeidler, 1997). Many of the students in this study seemed to share the same ideas
about how to explain their observations and because of a confirmation bias they neglected
to explore any potential alternatives. The students in Group 2, for example, only looked for
a way to support their explanation and did not try to evaluate the merits of the ideas found in
their initial explanation, or for that matter, any other potential explanations. These students,
in other words, were only interested in finding a way to “prove” that their explanation was
This observation is once again troubling given the emphasis that was placed on the
importance of discussing and testing alternative explanations throughout the intervention.
Although it was clear that most students in this study understood the need to use evidence to
support their explanation in the context of science (see Figure 7), it seems that some students
never thought about attempting to evaluate their ideas based on the available evidence when
they were asked to solve the candle and the inverted flask problem. This issue is especially
problematic when everyone in a group has similar ideas and no one values the importance
of testing them (as seemed to be the case in Group 2). We feel that this is a second major
Science Education
issue that will need to be addressed to help students develop the skills and habits of mind
needed for productive participation in the practices of science.
for science teachers will be to strike an appropriate balance between these different but
important foci. Science teachers will also need to know much more than the theories, laws,
and concepts of science to support and promote student learning in this type of context.
Teachers that chose to use the ADI instructional model, or a model similar to it, will
need to know how to manage the ideas and information that are generated by students.
Teachers will also need to know how to establish and maintain a classroom culture and
discourse environment inside the laboratory that is more aligned with how knowledge
is communicated, represented, and argued in science. A challenge for science teacher
educators in the years to come, therefore, will be to determine how to best prepare teachers
so they are ready to teach in this manner. Although instructional models, such as ADI, can
provide a useful tool for both science teachers and science teacher educators looking to
reform laboratory-based instruction, this type of strategy is by no means a solution to all
these issues.
In closing, our findings provide new insight for science educators and instructional
designers interested in promoting and supporting argumentation inside the classroom. This
study also demonstrates what is possible in the classroom when laboratory activities are
designed to be more authentic and educative. Much work remains to be done, however,
to evaluate the efficacy of the ADI instructional model in a wider range of contexts and
at a larger scale and to identify other issues that might act as barriers to student learning.
Studies like this one also do not allow one to conclude that a particular instructional model,
such as ADI, is the most effective way to promote and support the development of the
knowledge and skills need to participate in scientific argumentation and to craft written
scientific arguments. Nevertheless, this study demonstrates that laboratory activities can be
designed to be more authentic and educative, what students can learn how to do in this type
of learning environment, and what challenges remain. This study, in other words, helps us
understand how to cultivate student learning, some potential barriers that must be taken
into account by science educators, and what teaching and learning inside the school science
laboratory could look like in the years to come.
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