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LET Learning of Assessment

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1. Under what category will a B. symbolic indifference? How can we fight

globe as an instructional C. symbolic and enactive our indifference to the water
material fall? D. iconic pollution problem around us?
A. picture 1. concept - level
B. model 7. I want my students to show 2. facts and concepts level
C. mock-up historical ages graphically, 3. value level
D. real which will be the most 4. concept and value level
2. Below is a list of methods used A. Fishbone diagram
to establish the reliability of B. Continuous scale 13. The Venn diagram is most fit
the instrument. Which C. Series of events chain for lesson on ____
method is questioned for its D. flow chart 1. comparison
reliability due to practice and 8. Which is a characteristic of 2. contrast
familiarity? skill - based instruction for 3. categorization
A. split half language? 4. analogy
B. equivalent form A. it is discovery - based
C. test-retest learning 14. Which technique is the most
D. Kuder-Richardson B. it is student-centered appropriate when a teacher wants
C. it is school learning a group of students to argue on a
3. Which method makes possible D. student take in planning plan action?
"hands-on, minds-on" lessons 1. consensual decision - making
learning? 9. Which one uses a projector? 2. composite report
A. unit A. model 3. agenda
B. demonstration B. slides 4. symposium
C. project C. mock-up
D. integrative D. real
10. The computer is user-friendly. 15. Which visual display is a result
4. Which is also called a bar This means that..... of student's comprehension of a
graph? A. The computer lets the selection read proven by his ability
A. lithograph user win. to organize and integrate concepts
B. hectograph B. The computer program and information gleaned from the
C. holograph has menus selection?
D. histogram C. A touch screen is used for 1. journal
input 2. story map
5. Which holds TRUE to the D. The computer program is 3. venn diagram
deductive method? easy to use. 4. semantic web
A. Teacher – dominated
B. Student – dominated 11. I want to teach concepts, 16. I combined several subject
C. Highly interactive patterns and abstractions. Which areas in order to focus on a single
D. Less subject matter method is most appropriate? concept for interdisciplinary
covered 1. indirect instruction teaching. Which strategy/method
2. discovery did i use?
6. Bruner's theory on intellectual 3. direct instruction 1. Problem-centered learning
development moves from 4. problem solving 2. Thematic instruction
enactive to iconic and 3. Reading - Writing activity
symbolic stages, which 12. Where in the three - level 4. unit method
stage(s) are diagram's helpful teaching strategy does the teacher
to accompany verbal pose the question: Can we say
information? that the root cause of water
A. enactive and iconic pollution is our very own

17. Why should a teacher not use 3. analysis 4. can be improved if she studies
direct instruction all the time? 4. all of the above hard
1. It requires much time.
2. It requires use of many 22. MAKABAYAN is taught using 27. When is the use of corporal
supplementary materials which method? punishment justified?
3. It is generally effective only in 1. Thematic approach 1. When the students are
the teaching of concepts and 2. Inductive approach exhibiting very aggressive
abstractions 3. mastery approach behavior.
4. It reduces student's 4. developmental approach 2. When the parent, head teacher
engagement in learning. or principal is not around
23. Which method is used when 3. When the parent gives
18. Which statement best teaching a song that is rather permission to do so.
describes the use of instructional long? 4. Never
materials in teaching? 1. phrase method
1. IMS should be inexpensive 2. wholde method 28. If the students does not
2. The use of the materials should 3. analytic method understand the lesson in English
be organized and relevant 4. ear and eye method the teacher should?
3. A good and effective teacher 1. translate it to the local dialect
does not need any IM\ 24. PE teachers are advised to right away
4. The teaching - learning process teach individual sports to their 2. translate it to Filipino
cannot proceed without the use of primary level classes: 3. use simpler english
materials 1. So that their motor skills and 4. ask the students if they still
muscular coordination will be want to continue with the
19. In the traditional method of developed. discussion
teaching, the classroom teacher 2. Because they are too little to
was the sole transmitter of engage in team sports. 29. If the teacher does not know
knowledge. In the modern 3. So that the teachers will not anything about the lesson she
method, the teacher serves as the have a difficult time teaching should:
: them. 1. resign because she has no
1. Facilitator of knowledge 4. None of the above business being a teacher.
2. surrogate parent 2. try to look up information
3. friend to the pupils 25. Which activity does not fall about the topic
4. defender of children's rights under the creating area in Music? 3. bluff her way out
1. coming up with dance steps 4. let another teacher substitute
20. A creative teacher and appropriate to music. for her that day
resourceful teacher: 2. singing songs to the
1. Tries new and innovative ways accompaniment of instruments
of teaching 3. Improvising notes on words 31. If one student is clearly a
2. Rellies solely on the prescribed 4. Putting poems to music victim of severe physical abuse at
textbook home, the teacher should:
3. Uses only indigenous and 26. The IQ level of an applicant 1. refer the case to the DSWD
recycled materials teacher : 2. not interfere
4. Consults with the learners 1. ensures that she will be an 3. allow the students to narrate
effective teacher. the incident to the class as a
2. has nothing to do with her learning experience
21. The cognitive domain involves: effectiveness as a teacher 4. hope and pray that it does not
1. comprehension happen again
3. is an important factor in her
2. synthesis work of instructing students

32. The laboratory method is an one another recite and wait for 40. When conducting field trips,
example of a process approach their turn to ask or answer? the teacher should:
because: 1. socialize recitation 1. remind the students of the
1. The teacher has to provide all 2. graded recitation purposes of the trip
the materials for the activity. 3. open forum 2. point out points of interest
2. The students directly 4. panel discussion along the way
experience the learning process 3. evaluate the outcome of the
3. The students are required to 37. The social studies teacher trip the next day in class
follow a series of goal-oriented plans to present a political 4. all of the above
steps. situation that is very close to
4. There is always a product reality particularly the role of 41. Which best explains what
produced at the end of the period. mayor and counselor or a mainstreaming in the classroom
barangay captain. What strategy is means?
33. The demonstration method the most appropriate? 1. pupils who were previously
can be used in teahcing: 1. Lecture enrolled in special education
1. Science 2. Discussion classes are now integrated into
2. Music 3. Reporting regular classes
3. Physical Education 4. Simulation 2. Teachers in SPED centers are
4. All of the above now teaching in the regular
38. Mr. David usually holds PE classrooms
34. Which of the following Classes in the open space of the 3. Teacher of regular classes are
statement about the felt board is school in the absence of a covered now teaching children with
false? court or gymnasium. One disabilities in SPED centers
1. proper planning of materials to afternoon after the warm up 4.Pupils in the regular classroom
be placed on the board is needed. activity and brief introduction of are now accepted in Special
2. the items can be moved around the new activity it started to rain. Education centers.
on the board Which is the best way to handle
3. the size of the materials to be the situation? 42. Teacher R helped his students
placed on the board is not a 1. Continue the activity since the recall that stalagmites grow on the
major consideration. students are in their PE uniforms ground while stalactites grow on
4. Pictures to be displayed should 2. Move the class to their room the ceiling of a cave by associating
be prepared ahead of the class and give a quit game G in the stalagmites with groud
3. Dismiss the class and continue and C in the stalactites with what
35. During recitation, teacher next meeting teacher R make use of?
should be reminded that.... 4. Stop the lesson and wait until 1. visual aid
1. practice makes perfect the rain stop 2. audiovisual aid
2. promoting should never be 3. meaning - maker device
allowed 39.What is popular teaching- 4. Mnemonic device
3. emphasis must be given to learning approach found in the
grammar more than the content Philippine schools were 43. Teacher Melissa wanted to
of the students answer. classrooms are generally self- show the parts of a seed by using
4. Only the answer of the brighter contained, teacher is the focal a large, wooden see, visual arts
students should be considered point and referrence, and the with detachable cotyledon and
pupils are taught the basic skills - tiny seed. Under what
36. which of these techniques is reading, writing and counting? classification does this wooden
being featured teacher Jay 1. situational approach structure fall?
encourages his students to 2. traditional approach 1. replica
participate actively in class 3. montessori approach 2. model
discussion by making them answer 4. eclectic approach 3. mock up
questions allow student to call on 4. real

4. all of the above two positions on a controversial
44. The mechanism that is used to issue are presented formally and
get data into the main memory of 50. Which group activity gives the each speaker is given a certain
a computer is called: group member a chance to voice amount of time to state a position.
1. entry device their opinions without being Which technique should he use?
2. input device judged as wrong? 1. simulation
3. temporary device 1. panel discussion 2. symposium
4. output device 2. Philips 66 3. debate
3. Buzz session 4. critiquing session
45. Which does not go into an 4. debate
integrated teaching strategy? 56. Which teaching technique
1. isolated bits of information 51. Teacher Janice wants her develops creative thinking by the
2. multidisciplinary pupils to master the skilling adding use of comparisons or analogy?
3. interconnected unlike fractions. Which teaching 1. Heuristic
4. interdisciplinary method should he use? 2. aesthetic
1. discovery method 3. synetic
46. The lesson is on the pros and 2. type method 4. intrinsic
cons of punishment. Teacher X 3. unit method
wants to use high level thinking 4. drill method 57. Which one will most likely
and to develop a view of capital increase student participation?
punishment form different 52. Which technique is most 1. Feeling or emotions are not
perspectives. Which is most appropriate when a teacher wants permitted in the classroom
appropriate? a group to agree on a plan of 2. The group leader allows quiet
1. lecture action? members to remain silent.
2. role-playing 1. agenda 3. The teacher models good
3. simulation 2. composite report listening habit.
4. panel discussion 3. symposium 4. Repeat directions over and over
4. consensus decision making until everyone listens
47. The following methods of
instruction fall under programmed 53. Determining the pronunciation 58. Which is the best indicator of a
instruction except: and meaning of words by well-managed class?
1. teleconferrencing analyzing roots, affixes and 1. The listener pursue their tasks
2. modular approach derived forms is called: without inhibition
3. self-learning approach 1. Contextual attack 2. The learners are controlled by
4. distance education 2. phonetic analysis the teacher
3. structure analysis 3. The learners blindly obey
48. A computer can be described 4. blending sound teacher's instructions
as being : 4. The learners are earnestly
1. multi-media 54. Under which teaching strategy engaged in an activity that leads
2. multi-sensory does a school's division practice of them to realize the stated goal
3. multifaceted assignment a girl scout as
4. multi-complicated superintendent of the day for 59. Which of the following teacher
leadership training fall? behaviors may not enhance the
49. Programmed and 1. symposium development of high level thinking
computerized instruction are 2. simulation skill?
similar because: 3. panel discussion 1. encouraging credibility as
1. They both have little need of a 4. dramatization criterion
teacher 2. asking convergent questions
2. They are both self-paced 55. Teacher Glenn wants to make 3. making students aware of their
3. they are both expensive use of a structured format where mental process

4. Teaching for meaning a. Objectivity b. Alternate-response test
b. Validity c. Essay test
61. Which is the ultimate aim of c. Reliability d. Portfolio
classroom management? d. Comprehensiveness
1. To remove the physical 9. Miss Mempin rated her
conditions in the room that 3. Setting up criteria for scoring students in terms of appropriate
distracts children's attention essay tests is meant to increase and effective use of some
2. To set up conditions that brings their: laboratory equipment and
about effective teaching and a. Objectivity measurement tools and if they are
learning. b. Reliability able to follow specified
c. Validity procedures. What mode of
3. To secure conforminty to rules d. Usability assessment should Miss del Sol
with ease 4. What should a teacher do use?
4. To make children realize that before constructing items for a
they cannot doe everything they particular test? a. Portfolio Assessment
want b. Journal Assessment
a.Prepare the table of c. Traditional Assessment
62. Which does not fall under specifications. d. performance-Based
extrapolation? b. Review the previous lessons. Assessment
1. inferring c. Determine the length of time
2. predicting for answering it. 10. How does measurement differ
3. concluding d. Announce to students the scope from evaluation?
4. observing of the test. a. Measurement is assigning a
numerical value to a given trait
63. If teacher wants to develop in 5. In preparing a multiple-choice while evaluation is giving
the skills to organize ideas, which test, how many options would be meaning to the numerical value
one should he employ? ideal? of the trait.
1. histogram a. Five b. Measurement is the process of
2. venn diagram b. Three quantifying data while evaluation
3. graphic organizer c. Any is the process of organizing data.
4. KWL technique d. Four c. Measurement is a pre-requisite
of assessment while evaluation is
ASSESSEMENT OF LEARNING 6. To evaluate teaching skills, the pre-requisite of testing.
which is the most authentic tool? d. Measurement is gathering data
1. Marking on a normative basis a.Observation while assessment is quantifying
means that __________. b. Non-restricted essay test the data gathered
c. Short answer test
a. the normal curve of distribution d. Essay test 11. Who among the teachers
should be followed below performed a formative
b. The symbols used in grading 7. Which does NOT belong to the evaluation?
indicate how a student achieved group? a. Ms. De Alday, who asked
relative to other students a. Short Answer questions when the discussion
c. Some get high marks b. Completion was going on to know who among
d. Some are expected to fail c. Multiple Choice her students understood what
d. Restricted-response essay she was trying to stress.
2. The same test is administered b. Mr. Pabico, who gave a short
to different groups at different 8. Which assessment tool will be quiz after discussing thoroughly
places at different times. most authentic? the lesson to determine the
This process is done in testing the: outcome of instruction.
a. Short answer test

c. Ms. Lara, who gave a 10-item d. Mrs. Estonactoc, who
test to find out the specific lessons administered a readiness test to
which the students failed to the incoming grade one pupils
15. Under what type of question 20. Which is claimed to be the
12. St. Andrews School gave a does this item fall? overall advantage of criterion-
standardized achievement test a. Convergent referenced over norm-referenced
instead of giving a teacher-made b. Evaluative
test to the graduating elementary c. Application
pupils. Which could have been the d. Divergent a. An individual’s score is
reason why this was the kind of compared with the set mastery
test given? 16. In a normal distribution curve, level.
a. Standardized test has items of a T-score of 70 is: b. An individual’s score is
average level of difficulty while a. Two SDs below the mean compared with that of his peers.
teacher-made test has varying b.Two SDs above the mean c. An individual’s score is
levels of difficulty. c.One SD below the mean compared with the average
b. Standardized test uses multiple- d. One SD above the mean scores.
choice format while teacher-made d. An individual’s score does not
test uses the essay test format. 17. Which type of test measures need to be compared with any
c. Standardized test is used for higher-order thinking skills (HOT)? measure.
mastery while teacher-made test a. Enumeration
is used for survey. b. Matching 21. A test is considered reliable if:
d. Standardized test is valid while c. Completion
teacher-made test is just reliable. d. Analogy a. it is easy to score.
b. it served the purpose for which
13. Which test format is best to 18. All examinees obtained scores it is constructed.
use if the purpose of the test is to below the mean. A graphic c. it is consistent and stable.
relate inventors and their representation of the score d. it is easy to administer
inventions? distribution will be __________.
a. Short-Answer a. Negatively skewed 22. Which does NOT belong to the
b. True-False b. Perfect normal curve group?
c. Matching Type c. Leptokurtic a. Completion
d. Multiple Choice d. Positively skewed b. Matching
c. Multiple Choice
14. In the parlance of index of test 19. Teacher Loraine does norm- d. Alternate Response
construction, what does TOS referenced interpretation of
mean? scores. Which of the following 23. Which is (are) a norm-
a. Table of Specifics does she do? referenced statement?
b. Terms of Specifications a. She uses a specified content as a. Edwin performed better in
c. Table of Scopes its frame of reference. spelling than 60% of his
d. Table of Specifications b. She describes group classmates.
performance in relation to a set b. Edwin was able to spell 90% of
Here is an item: mastery level. the words correctly.
“From the data presented in the c. She compares every individual c. Edwin was able to spell 90% of
table, form generalizations that student score with others’ scores. the words correctly and spelled 35
are supported by the data.” d. She describes what should be words out of 50 correctly.
their performance. d. Edwin spelled 35 words out of
50 correctly

24. Which guideline in test 28. The strongest disadvantage of 33. Which form of assessment is
construction is NOT observed in the alternate-response type of consistent with the saying “The
this test item? test is: proof of the pudding is in the
EDGAR ALLAN POE WROTE a. the demand for critical thinking eating?”
__________. b. the absence of analysis a. Contrived
a. The length of the blank suggests c. the encouragement of rote b. Authentic
the answer. memory c. Traditional
b. The central problem is not d. the high possibility of guessing d. Indirect
packed in the stem.
c. It is open to more than one 29. A class is composed of 34. Which error do teachers
correct answer. academically poor students. The commit when they tend to
d. The blank is at the end of the distribution will most likely to be: overrate the achievement of
question. a. leptokurtic students identified by aptitude
b. skewed to the right tests as gifted because they expect
25. The following are synonymous c. skewed to the left achievement and giftedness to go
to performance objectives d. symmetrical together?
EXCEPT: a. Generosity Error
a. Learner’s objective 30. Hanne obtained an NSAT b. Central Tendency Error
b. Instructional objective percentile rank of 80. This c. Severity Error
c. Teacher’s objective indicates that: d. Logical Error
d. Behavioral objective a. She surpassed in performance
80% of her fellow examinees. 35. Under which assumption is
items: Who is the best admired for b. She got a score of 80. portfolio assessment based?
outstanding contribution to world c. She surpassed in performance a. Portfolio assessment is
peace? 20% of her fellow examinees. dynamic assessment.
A. Kissinger d. She answered 80 items b. Assessment should stress the
B. Kennedy correctly. reproduction of knowledge.
C. Clinton c. An individual learner is
D. Mother Teresa 31. Which term refers to the inadequately characterized by a
collection of students’ products test score.
26. What is WRONG with above and accomplishments for a period d. An individual learner is
item? for evaluation purposes? adequately characterized by a test
a. Item is overly specific. a. Anecdotal Records score.
b. Content is trivial. b. Portfolio
c.Test item is opinion-based. c. Observation Report 36. Teacher Sharon discovered
d.There is a cue to the right d. Diary that her pupils are weak in
answer comprehension. To further
32. Mr. Borja tasked his students determine which particular skill(s)
27. Of the following types of tests, to play volleyball. What learning her pupils are weak in, which test
which is the most subjective in target is he assessing? should Teacher Sharon give?
scoring? a. Knowledge a. Standardized test
a. Enumeration b. Skill b. Placement
b. Matching Type c. Products c. Diagnostic
c. Essay d. Reasoning d. Aptitude test
d. Multiple Choice
37. “Group the following items
according to phylum” is a thought
test item on __________.
a. Inferring
b. Classifying

c. Generalizing behavior or pass on responsibility a. The blank should be longer to
d. Comparing for their own behavior to other accommodate all possible
people? answers.
38. Which is a valid assessment a. Thematic tests b. The blank should be at the
tool if I want to find out how well b. Sentence Completion tests beginning of the sentence.
my students can speak c. Stylistic tests c. The question should have only
extemporaneously? d. Locus-of-control tests one acceptable answer.
a. Writing speeches d. The item should give more
b. Written quiz on how to deliver 43. “By observing unity, clues.
extemporaneous speech coherence, emphasis, and variety,
c. Performance test in write a short paragraph on taking Here is Teacher D’s lesson
extemporaneous speaking examinations.” objective:
d. Display of speeches delivered This is an item that test the “To trace the causes of
students’ skill to Alzheimer’s Disease.”
39. In a multiple choice test, a. a. Evaluate 47. Which is a valid test for this
keeping the options brief b. Comprehend particular objective?
indicates________. c. Synthesize a. Can Alzheimer’s Disease be
a. Inclusion in the item irrelevant d. Recall traced to old age? Explain.
clues such as the use in the correct b. To what factors can
answer 44. Teacher Kathlyene constructed Alzheimer’s Disease be traced?
b. Non-inclusion of option that a matching type of test. In her Explain.
mean the same columns of items are a c. What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
c. Plausibility & attractiveness of combination of events, peoples, d. Do young people get attacked
the item and circumstances. Which of the by Alzheimer’s Disease? Support
d. Inclusion in the item any word following guidelines in your answer.
that must otherwise repeated in constructing matching type of test
each response did he violate? 48. What characteristic of a good
a. List options in an alphabetical test will pupils be assured of when
40. With types of test in mind, order. a teacher Janice constructs a table
which does NOT belong to the b. Make list of items of specifications for test
group? homogeneous. construction purposes?
a. Restricted response essay c. Make list of items a. Reliability
b. Completion heterogeneous. b. Content Validity
c. Multiple choice d. Provide three or more options c. Construct Validity
d. Short answer d. Scorability
45. Measuring the work done by a
41. Which will be the most gravitational force is a learning 49. Ms. Latenazo has only one
authentic assessment tool for an task. At what level of cognition is form of test and she administered
instructional objective on working it? her test only once. What test of
with and relating to people? a. Comprehension reliability can she do?
a. Writing articles on working and b. Application a. Test of stability
relating to people c. Evaluation b.Test of equivalence
b. Organizing a community d. Analysis c. Test of correlation
project d. Test of internal consistency
c. Home visitation 46. Which improvement/s should
d. Conducting a mock election be done in this completion test 50. Teacher Karen wants to
item: An example of a mammal determine if her students’ scores
42. Which tests determine is __________. in the second grading is reliable.
whether the students accept However, she has only one test
responsibility for their own and her students are already on

their semestral break. What test
of reliability can she use? 54. The computed r for English 58. A test item has a difficulty
and Math scores is -0.75. What index of .81 and a discrimination
a. Test-Retest does this mean? index of .13. What should the test
b. Split-half a. The higher the scores in English, constructor do?
c. Equivalent forms the higher the scores in Math. a. Retain the item.
d. Test-Retest with equivalent b. The scores in Math and English b. Make it a bonus item.
forms do not have any relationship. c. Revise the item.
c. The higher the scores in Math, d. Reject the item
51. In taking a test, one examinee the lower the scores in English.
approached the proctor for d. The lower the scores in English, 59. A positive discrimination index
clarification on what to do. This the lower the scores in Math. means that:
implies a problem on which a. The test item could not
characteristic of a good test? 55. Which of the following steps discriminate between the lower
should be completed first in and upper groups.
a. Objectivity planning an achievement test? b. More from the upper group got
b. Administrability a. Set-up a table of specifications. the item correctly.
c. Scorability b. Go back to the instructional b. More from the lower group got
d. Economy objectives. the item correctly.
c. Determine the length of the d. The test item has low reliability.
52. Which of the following reasons test.
for measuring student d. Select the type of test items to 60. Teacher Gui discovered that
achievement is NOT valid? use. her pupils are very good in
a. To prepare feedback on the dramatizing. Which tool must
effectiveness of the learning 56. Which statement holds TRUE have helped her discover her
process to grades? pupils’ strength?
b. To certify the students have Grades __________. a. Portfolio Assessment
attained a level of competence in a. Are exact measurements of b. Performance Assessment
a subject area intelligence and achievement c. Journal Entry
c. To discourage students from b. Are necessarily a measure of a d. Pen-and-Paper test
cheating during test and getting student’s intelligence
high scores c. Are intrinsic motivators for 61. If your LET items sample
d. To motivate students to learn learning adequately the competencies
and master the materials they d. Are a measure of achievement listed in education courses syllabi,
think will be covered by the it can be said that LET possesses
achievement test 57. If a teacher wants to measure __________ validity.
her students’ ability to a. Concurrent
53. What is the advantage of using discriminate, which of these is an b. Construct
computers in processing test appropriate type of test item as c. Content
results? implied by the direction? d. Predictive
a. Test results can easily be a. “Outline the chapter on The
assessed. Cell”. 62. Which test has broad sampling
b. Its statistical computation is b. “Summarize the lesson of topics as strength?
accurate. yesterday.” a. Objective Test
c. Its processing takes a shorter c. “Group the following items b. Short Answer Test
period of time. according to shape.” c. Essay
d. All of the above d. “State a set of principles that d. Problem Type
can explain the following events.”

63. What does a negatively
skewed score distribution imply? 67. Median is to point as standard
a. The score congregate on the left deviation is to __________. 72. What should be AVOIDED in
side of the normal distribution a. Area arranging the items of the final
curve. b. Volume form of the test?
b. The scores are widespread. c. Distance a. Space the items so they can be
c. The students must be d. Square read easily.
academically poor. b. Follow a definite response
d. The scores congregate on the 68. NSAT and NEAT results are pattern for the correct answers to
right side of the normal interpreted against a set of ensure ease of scoring.
distribution. mastery level. This means that c. Arrange the sections such that
NSAT and NEAT fall under: they progress from the very
64. Which statement about a. Criterion-referenced test simple to very complex.
performance-based assessment is b. Achievement test d. Keep all the items and options
FALSE? c. Aptitude test together on the same page.
a. They emphasize merely d. Norm-referenced test
process. 73. Below is a list of methods used
b. They stress on doing, not only 69. What is an advantage of point to establish the reliability of the
knowing. system of grading? instrument. Which method is
c. Essay tests are examples of a. It does away with establishing questioned for its reliability due to
performance-based assessments. clear distinctions among practice and familiarity?
d. They accentuate on process as students. a. Split-half
well as product. b. It is precise. b. Equivalent Forms
c. It is qualitative. c. Test-Retest
65. Which applies when there are d. It emphasizes learning not d. Kuder-Richardson Formula 20
extreme scores? objectivity of scoring.
a. The median will not be a very 74. Which test items do NOT
reliable measure of central 70. Mike is one-half standard affect variability of test scores?
tendency. deviation above the mean of his a. Test items that are a bit easy.
b. The mode will be the most group in arithmetic and one b. Test items that are moderate in
reliable measure of central standard deviation above in difficulty.
tendency. spelling. What does this imply? c. Test items that are a bit difficult.
c. There is no reliable measure for a. She excels both is arithmetic d. Test items that every examinee
central tendency. and spelling. gets correctly.
d. The mean will not be a very b. She is better in arithmetic than
reliable measure of central in spelling. 75. What type of test is this?
tendency. c. She does not excel in spelling Knee is to leg as elbow is to
nor in arithmetic. __________.
66. If the scores of your test follow d. She is better in spelling than in A. Hand B. Fingers C. Arm D. Wrist
a negatively skewed distribution, arithmetic. a. Analogy
what should you do? b. Rearrangement type
71. Q3 is to 75th percentile as c. Short answer type
Find out_________________. median is to: d. Problem type
a. Why your items were easy a. 40th percentile
b. Why most of the scores are b. 25th percentile
high c. 50th percentile
c. Why most of the scores are low d. 49th percentile
d. Why some pupils scored high

76. Which statement about d. Negatively skewed 86. The test item has a
standard deviation is CORRECT? discrimination index of -0.38 and a
The lower the SD, the more spread 81. Which test items do NOT difficulty index of 1.0. What does
the scores are. affect variability of test scores? this imply to test construction?
The higher the SD, the less spread a. Test items that are a bit easy. Teacher must __________.
the scores are. b. Test items that are moderate in recast the item
The higher the SD, the more difficulty. shelve the item for future use
spread the scores are. c. Test items that are a bit difficult. reject the item
It is a measure of central d. Test items that every examinee retain the item
tendency. gets correctly.
87. Here is a sample TRUE-FALSE
77. Teacher Manalo wants to 82. Describe the reasoning errors test item:
diagnose in which vowel sound(s) in the following paragraph” is a All women have a longer life-span
his students have difficulty. Which sample thought question on than men.
tool is most appropriate? __________.
a. Portfolio Assessment synthesizing What is wrong with the test item?
b. Journal Entry applying The test item is quoted verbatim
c. Performance Test analyzing from a textbook.
d. Paper-and-pencil Test summarizing The test item contains trivial
78. The index of difficulty of a 83. In a one hundred-item test, A specific determiner was used in
particular test is 0.10. What does what does Ryan’s raw score of 70 the statement.
this mean? My students mean? The test item was vague.
__________. He surpassed 70 of his classmates
a. Gained mastery over the item. in terms of score. 88. With the current emphasis on
b. Performed very well against He surpassed 30 of his classmates self-assessment and performance
expectation. in terms of score. assessment, which is
c. Found that the test item was He got a score above the mean. indispensable?
either easy nor difficult. He got 70 items correct. Numerical grading
d. Find the test item difficult. Paper-and-Pencil Test
84. Standard deviation is to Transmutation Table
79. Which of the following is the variability as _________ is to Scoring Rubric
MOST important purpose for using central tendency.
achievement test? To measure a. quartile 89. Which measure(s) of central
the_______. b. mode tendency is (are) most appropriate
a. Quality & quantity of previous c. range when the score distribution is
learning d. Pearson r badly skewed?
b. Quality & quantity of previous Mode
teaching 85. Analyn takes an IQ test thrice Mean and mode
c. Educational & vocational and each time earns a similar Median
aptitude score. The test is said to possess Mean
d. It emphasizes learning not __________.
objectivity of scoring. a. Objectivity 90. In which competency do my
b. Reliability students find greatest difficulty? In
80. Which applies when the c. Validity the item with the difficulty index
distribution is concentrated on the d. Scorability of:
left side of the curve? a. 1.0
a. Bell curve b .50
b. Positively skewed c .90
c. Leptokurtic d .10

91. Which holds TRUE to 95. Ms. Ramos gave a test to find 100. Teacher Bing wanted to teach
standardized tests? out how the students feel toward the pupils the skill of cross-
a. They are used for comparative their subject Science. Her first stitching. Her check-up quiz was a
purposes. item was stated as written test on the steps of cross
b. They are administered “Science is an interesting _ _ _ _ _ stitching. What characteristics of a
differently. boring subject. What kind of good test does it lack?
c. They are scored according to instrument was given? a. Objectivity
different standards. a. Rubric b. Predictive validity
d. They are used for assigning b. Likert-scale c. Content validity
grades c. Rating Scale d. Reliability
d. Semantic Differential Scale
92. What is simple frequency 101. Which must go with self-
distribution? A graphic 96. For professional growth, which assessment for it to be effective?
representation of: is a source of teacher a. Public display of results of self-
a. means performance? evaluation
b. standard deviation a. Self-evaluation b.Scoring rubric
c. raw scores b. Supervisory evaluation c. Consensus of evaluation results
d. lowest and highest scores c. Student’s evaluation from teacher and student
d. Peer evaluation d. External monitor
93. Which applies when skewness
is 0? 97. Which goes with the spirit of 102. If I favor “assessment for
a. Mean is greater than the “assessment for learning?” learning”, which will I do more
median. a. Stress on summative tests most likely?
b. Median is greater than the b. Absence of formative tests.
mean. c. Emphasis on self-assessment i. Conduct a pre-test; formative
c. Scores have 3 modes. d. Emphasis on grades and honor and summative tests.
d. Scores are normally ii Teach based on pre-test results.
distributed. 98. The main purpose in iii. Give specific feedback to
administering a pretest and a students
94. When points in a scattergram posttest to students is iv. Conduct peer tutoring for
are spread evenly in all directions to_________. students in need of help.
this means that: a. accustom the students to a. II, III and IV
a. The correlation between two frequent testing b. I, II, III and IV
variables is positive. b. measure the value of the c. I, II and III
b. The correlation between two material taught d. I, II and IV
variables is low. c. measure gains in learning
c. The correlation between two d. keep adequate records 103. Assessment is said to be
variables is high. AUTHENTIC when the teacher
d. There is no correlation 99. Teacher Janice would use a ____________.
between two variables. standardized test ___________. a. considers students’ suggestions
a. to engage in easy scoring in testing
Which group of scores is most b. to serve as a final examination b. gives valid and reliable paper-
varied? c. to compare her students to and pencil test
The group with __________ national norms c. gives students real-life tasks to
a.10 SD d. to serve as a unit test accomplish includes parents in
b.75 SD the
c.90 SD d. determination of assessment
d.50 SD procedures

104. If all of your students in your 110. In a 50-item test where the III.The item is so difficult that
class passed the pretest, what mean is 20 and the standard nobody could get it.
should you do? deviation is 8, Julius obtained a
a. Go through the lesson quickly score of 16. What descriptive a.III only
in order not to skip any. rating should his teacher give him? b. II only
b. Go through the unit as usual a. Average c.I and II
because it is part of the syllabus. b. Below Average D. II and III
c. Administer the posttest. c. Poor
d. Go on to the next unit. d. Above Average 114. Which is TRUE of a bimodal
score distribution?
105. Students’ scores on a test 111. Principal A is talking about a. The scores are high.
were 72, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 81, 83, “grading on the curve” in a faculty b. The scores are low.
85. The score 76 is the meeting. What does this c. The group tested has two
__________. expression refer to? different groups.
a. Mean a. A student mark compares his d. The scores are neither high nor
b. Cutoff score achievement to his effort. low
c. Median b. A student grade or mark
d. Average depends on how his achievement 115. The difficulty index of a test
compares with the achievement item is 1. This means that
106. An examinee whose score is of other students in a class. a. the test item is quality item
within X + 1 SD belongs to which c. A student grade determines b. the test is very easy
of the following groups? whether or not a student attains a c. nobody got the item correctly
defined standard of achievement. d. the test is very difficult
a. Needs improvement d. A student mark tells how closely
b. Average he is achieving to his potential. 116. Other than finding out how
c. Above average well the course competencies
d. Below average 112.The score distribution of Set A were met, Teacher Riza also wants
and Set B have equal mean but to know her students’
107.What can be said of student with different SDs. Set A has an SD performance when compared with
performance in a positively of 1.7 while Set B has an SD of 3.2. other students in the country.
skewed score distribution? Which statement is TRUE of the What is Teacher Riza interested to
a. Almost all students had average score distributions? do?
performance. a. The scores of Set B has less a. Formative evaluation
b. Most students performed variability than the scores in Set A. b. Authentic evaluation
poorly. b. Scores in Set A are more widely c. Norm-referenced evaluation
c. A few students performed scattered. d. Criterion-referenced evaluation
excellently. c. Majority of the scores in Set A
d. Most students performed well. are clustered around the mean. 117. Teacher Lea would use a
d. Majority of the scores in Set are STANDARDIZED TEST
108. In an entrance examination, clustered around the mean. a. to engage in easy scoring
student A’s Percentile is 25 (P25). b. to serve as a final examination
Based on this percentile rank, 113. A number of test items in a c. to compare her students to
which is likely to happen? test are said to be non- national norms
a. Student A has 50-50 percent discriminating. What conclusion/s d. to serve as a unit test
chance to be admitted. can be drawn?
b. Student A will not be admitted. I. Teaching or learning was very Which process enhances the
c. Student A has a 75-percent good. comparability of grades?
chance to be admitted. II.The item is so easy that anyone a. Determining the level of
d. Student A will be admitted. could get it right. difficulty of the test

b. Constructing departmentalized 122. Which of the following BEST
examinations for each subject describe “Portfolios Assessment”
area a. An individual learner is
c. Using table of specifications adequately characterize by test
d. Giving more high-level results
questions b. an individual learner cannot be
solely assessed by his test score
Here is a score distribution: 98, 93, c. It is dynamic, ongoing and
93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 85, 70, collaborative gathering of
51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, multiple indicators of student
6, 3, 1. progress
118. Which is a characteristic of d. Assessment of acquired
the score distribution? knowledge through test results
a. Bi-modal
b. Tri-modal 123. What does this statement
c. Skewed to the right “grading on the curve” mean?
d. No discernible pattern a. Grade determines whether or
not, the student attained a
119. “Describe the reasoning defined standard of achievement
errors in the following paragraph” b. Grade defines the performance
is a sample thought question on of the student in a certain test
__________. relative to that other students
a. synthesizing c. Grade defines his performance
b. applying relative to that of his potentials
c. analyzing d. Grade defines his performance
d. summarizing relative to that of his efforts.

120. Which is an advantage of 124. What does a “normal

teacher-made tests over those of distribution “ mean?
standardized tests? a. Negatively skewed
Teacher-made tests are: b. mean and median equal
a. highly reliable c. Positively skewed
b. better adapted to the needs of d. Very few average score
the pupils
c. more objectively scored 125.The BEST technique to assess
d. highly valid the objective “ Plans and Designs
are Experiment’s to be
121. Zero standard deviation a. Checklist
means that: b. Paper and Pencil Test
c. Essay
a. The students’ scores are the d. Criterion based ”The GOD we serve has made a
same. way for you. Have FAITH, TRUST
b. 50% of the scores obtained is HIM and walk in your Purpose.”
c. More than 50% of the scores Batch SEPTEMBER 2015
obtained is zero.
d. Less than 50% of the scores
obtained is zero.


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