Hamworthy Moss: Moss Nitrogen Generator System
Hamworthy Moss: Moss Nitrogen Generator System
Hamworthy Moss: Moss Nitrogen Generator System
Generator System
Hamworthy Moss
Moss Nitrogen Generator System
The unique design is based fibres. Within these fibres, the The Control System is based
on experience from hundreds separation of air takes place on a Programmable Logical
of installations of inert gas producing nitrogen gas under Control (PLC). The control
systems of all kinds. The first pressure. The resulting nitro- panel has a mimic flow dia-
conventional inert gas sys- gen is dry and depleted of gram and the controls
tems were delivered in the carbon dioxides. required for safe and easy
early 1960`s, the first nitrogen operation of the plant with a
systems in 1994. High effici- Depending on the application, minimum of operator super-
ency, low maintenance costs, a system might consist of one vision. On chemical/product
easy and safe operation or two separate nitrogen carriers the N2 capacity may
combined with minimum generation lines. be remotely controlled from
space requirements are the panel in the cargo control
important features of the room.
Moss design. This is reflected
in the overall layout, the Special features On Chemical/Product Carriers
choice of materials / corrosion a Double Block and Bleed Sys-
protection and the control The Moss Membrane Assem- tem and a Moss Pressure/
system. bly Vacuum Breaker may be inclu-
The required number of mem- ded in the supply.
The Moss nitrogen generators branes are assembled in
use membranes developed in handy cabinets or on racks. A design based on handy
a co-operation between Air The design caters for low modules means that the Moss
Liquide and DuPont. They are space requirement as well as Nitrogen Generator System
manufactured by Medal, a easy installation and mainte- offers highly important
subsidiary of the Air Liquide nance. savings in space and installa-
Group. tion costs both for new-
The Moss Filter and buildings and for retrofitting
Membranes separate gases by Heater Assembly on existing vessels.
the principle of selective per- The various components are
meation across the membrane in general installed on a com-
wall. Ambient air is compres- mon skid. For smaller systems
sed, rigorously filtered, and the components might be
temperature controlled be- installed in a common mem-
fore entering one or more brane and filter cabinet.
membrane modules, each con-
taining thousands of hollow
Air Air
Performance data
Product capacity: 10 - 4000 Nm3/h Capacity/purity relation: Nominal el. power consumption:
or more. Approx. 0,315 kW/Nm3 gas
Product dew point: -60ºC or lower. Product flow Purity (N2+Inerts) at 5% O2/h (excluding water pump).
Product CO2: Less than 5 ppm. 100% 95%
Product pressure: Up to 12 bar g, 84% 96% Nominal sea/fresh water consumption:
without product 69% 97% 8 l/Nm3 gas at 5% O2/h.
compressor. 54% 98%
37% 99%
27% 99,5%
14% 99,9%
Hamworthy Moss AS
P.O. Box 1053
NO-1510 Moss
e-mail: [email protected]
web: http://www.hamworthy.com © All details copyright Hamworthy plc.
Certificate no.: NO-800121
A subsidiary of Hamworthy plc