Saab R4 DGPS Brochure
Saab R4 DGPS Brochure
Saab R4 DGPS Brochure
Saab R4
Navigation Systems
IMO require SOLAS class ships to carry a type- R4 DGPS Navigation Sensor
approved GPS and further that any new GPS The new R4 DGPS Navigation Sensor is the ultimate
installation shall be compliant with the new sensor for any Commercial Marine application. This
performance standard for GPS. This was defined product has all the features of the GPS Sensor and a
by MSC 112(73) and resulted in the associated test dual channel beacon receiver for reception of IALA
standard IEC 61108-1 Ed. 2. Saab TransponderTech beacon DGPS corrections.
can now offer a number of IMO-, Wheelmark-
and US Coast Guard-compliant GPS and DGPS R4 Control and Display unit
solutions, either as stand-alone Navigation Systems The R4 Control and Display Unit is a variant of the
or as additions to existing Saab AIS systems. well-known R4 AIS MKD, performing navigation
The new navigation products from Saab are functions. The traffic-light LEDs are used to
self-monitoring and extremely user friendly. They continuously indicate the status of the RAIM
perform continuous RAIM (Receiver Autonomous calculations. Green light tells the OOW that the
Integrity Monitoring) calculations. This allows the position accuracy is within the required value and red
Officer Of the Watch (OOW) to set the required light that the accuracy is not within the defined limit.
navigation accuracy for any stage of the journey. In combined DGPS/AIS configurations, the R4
The R4 Navigation System will then give continuous Control and Display Unit will display and control
feedback on whether the accuracy requirement is Navigation data, in addition to the AIS information.
being met. The new Saab R4 GPS/DGPS products will
of course be ideal to connect to existing or future
R4 GPS Navigation Sensor AIS systems, ensuring that the ship operates in full
The new R4 GPS Navigation Sensor is a high- compliance with all relevant regulations. It is a well-
precision GPS receiver, capable of receiving known fact that many existing GPS systems don’t
WAAS, EGNOS and MSAS differential provide correct information, in the required formats,
corrections. The unit performs continuous RAIM as defined in the AIS standard. GPS information is
calculations, which enhance the integrity of the becoming extremely vital for many systems onboard
position data. and hence critical to overall safety.
System Configurations
P. O. B ox 4 1 1 3 , S E - 1 7 1 0 4 S o l n a , S we d e n
Tel +46 13 18 80 00 · Fax: +46 8 627 49 49
H o m e p a g e : w w w. t r a n s p o n d e r t e c h . s e
E - m a i l : i n fo @ t r a n s p o n d e r t e c h . s e
A s u b s i d i a r y w i t h i n t h e S a a b G ro u p