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Project Report On: "Inputs of Cultural Values in TV Commercials"

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Project Report

“Inputs of Cultural Values in TV Commercials”

Submitted By
Group No.
MMS- Marketing





Sr. No. Description Page No.
Executive Summary 03

  Chapter 1
1.1 Objectives 06
1.2 Scope of the project 06
1.3 Research Methodology 06
1.4 Data Sources 07
1.5 Limitation of the Project 10

  Chapter 2
Data Interpretation and Findings 11

  Chapter 3
Conclusion 16

Bibliography 17

Annexure 18

Executive Summary
Marketing in the simplest description attempts to understand customers in terms of what they
buy, when they buy, why they buy, how much they buy, where they buy it, and with what they
buy. Internationally, this means understanding culture. How marketing efforts interact with
culture determines the success or failure of a product.

There are many examples of cultural differences that have affected marketing success or
failure." The relationship with culture comes into play with the realization that each of the
consumer behavior factors noted above varies from culture to culture.
One of the most influential cultural elements is language. "Every form of culture is identified in
terms of language." In short, every language serves as a vehicle of the culture of the people
who speak that language.

Consequently, global companies, when entering a foreign market, need to know what the
message they are trying to convey is and what is the message they are actually conveying
about their product.

Definition of Culture
Culture is the learned way of group living and the group's responses to various stimuli. It is also
the total way of life and thinking patterns that are passed from generation to generation. "A
cultured person is one who behaves in a becoming way according to his society's standard of
behavior; one who has cultivated taste for what society judges admirable and worthy of the
human spirit." It is the patterns of behavior and thinking that people living in social groups learn,
create, and share.

It encompasses norms, values, customs, art, and beliefs, distinguishing one human group from
others. A people's Culture includes their beliefs, rules of behavior, language, rituals, art, and

technology, styles of dress, ways of producing and cooking food, religion, and political and
economic systems.

Culture is a problematic issue for marketers since it is inherently nebulous and often difficult to
understand. "It is a convenient catchall for the many differences in market structure and
behavior that cannot readily be explained in terms of more tangible factors." Inevitably, global
companies need to develop a capability to conduct cross-cultural analysis of foreign markets, in
order to better their understanding of their cultural context.

By understanding a nation's national culture the global manager understands how the
inhabitants of that country behave and form opinions and therefore can anticipate changes in
sales and make important decisions based on these understandings Accordingly, the
company's international marketing plan must be modified and adapted to the dictates of the
foreign market.

As established, culture plays an important role in the field of international marketing. Of all the
cultural aspects, language may be the most critical, as it can be one of the biggest barriers a
company has to face when it becomes global. It is certain that language has been involved in a
number of cultural confusions. Thus, good communication linkages must be set between a
company and its customers, suppliers, employees and the governments of the foreign countries
where it performs business activities.

Conversely, poor communication can obviously cause various difficulties. For example, the fact
that English is widely spoken in India can be very misleading, as there is a difference between
Indian English and the English we know. Some words or terms sound like English but they are
Indian-English, giving them a completely different meaning. For instance what sounds as "a lack

of rupees" could mean "lakh of rupees" signifying a 100,000 of them.

A country's language is key to its culture. Language expresses the thinking patterns of a culture;
what is important and what is not important to a particular culture can be ascertained by what is
present and what is not present in its language. The words of the language are merely concepts
reflecting the culture from which it is derived. It is the spoken language that dominates as it
changes more quickly and reflects the culture more directly.

Despite the attractive culture, the question of cultural values in advertisements from India has
not been explored in depth. Moreover, cultural study in case of viral marketing is very new. India
being a front-runner in economic growth is a major market to be considered and thus research
on cultural values and advertising is of immense value today, more than ever before. Therefore,
the current study aims to shed light on how advertisers for Indian market account for their

The study is based on primary data acquired by interviewing around 100 respondents of
different demographic characteristics. The data collected was used to identify the influence level
of cultural factors on consumers when they watch the TV commercial including it.

The report findings are also backed by secondary statistical data in terms of sales volumes and
other statistical findings published through the relevant media channels.

Chapter 1
1.1 Objectives

1) Check consumer preference level for companies using cultural values in their TV

2) Check the effect of Ads relating with festivals.

3) Check demographic preference patterns for cultural values in ads.

4) Effect of using regional languages in TV commercials.

1.2 Scope of the project

Demography- The study was limited to customers residing in Mumbai area and some parts of
Panvel city.

Sample Space- Due to time constraints, the no. of respondents were restricted to hundred.
The respondents were selected as five distinct age groups and an equal ratio of male/ female in
order to ensure accuracy in data interpretation.

Data Interpretation- some of the objectives are tested and proved on the basis of secondary
data available on the internet and print media.

1.3 Research Methodology

Data Sources- The data required for the research work was collected through print media,
internet (secondary data) as well as through interaction with consumers (primary data).

Applications of Marketing Research

1) To evaluate influence level of cultural values in TVC.

2) To study effect of language in TVC.
Tools used for the study- Data interpretation were done using chi-square and correlation test.
Statistical tables, Bar/ Pie Charts and Diagrams are used for the presentation of the data.

1.4 Data Source

Secondary data from previous research

To check the preference level of consumers in terms of cultural factors included in TV

Role played by Cultural Traditions and Norms in the in the Communication with respect to the
TV advertisements by Indian TV Channels Keeping in view the technology of persuasive
communication used by Mass Media.

Research by AC Nielson for year2009

“Culture is the socially constructed and maintained through communication. It limits as well as
liberates us; it differentiates as well as unites us.” It defines our realities and thereby shapes the
ways we think, feel and act. Culture is depicted from how and what we talk, what we eat, what
we wear, how parents raise their children, when grandparents pass on their recipes, when
politicians campaign, when media professionals produce content that we read, listen and watch,
hence meaning is being shared and culture is being constructed and maintained. Culture is
something that is learned with time. Culture is deeply rooted in our daily lives no matter we
realize it or we don’t. Society is the General Public these people are inter-related and hence
interact with each other no matter if there are cultural or religious differences. Traditions are the
Ways of life one adopts while living in a society. Norms are the rules that one follow in order to
abide by their heritage and values are defined by the principles. Hence a cultural society defines
what’s desirable and what’s not desirable. Similarly, it defines what’s beneficial and what’s not in
a society. Media is here to make people aware of the happenings around them.

I think, Culture is not defined by the religion but yes, religion comes somewhere in the culture. In
the advertisement our culture is depicted too. So let’s see what advertisement is and what does
it do. An advertiser is the one who is there to exhibit its product in the best possible way, in spite
of realizing its effect on different ages, classes, genders and sectors. So the question arises,

what advertising is and what it can be. So the answer is,
“Advertising is the paid, non personal communication of information about products or ideas by
an identified sponsor through the mass media in an effort to persuade or influence behavior.”
Advertising is classified into Target Audience, Geographic Area, Media, Purpose or Function
and the Types of Ads are Product VS Non Product, Commercial VS Noncommercial, Primary
demand VS Selective demand and direct response VS Delayed response.

What is shown in the TV advertisements? As mentioned above, TV advertisement is a part of

the depiction of our culture too that is influenced or uninfluenced by the foreign media.
This is a natural fact that exposure leads to the acceptance of ‘new ideas’ and ‘new fashion’ and
if it comes with some “sensationalism” then it is more likely to be accepted by the public,
regardless of their cultural, social and religious norms. The endeavor of advertisements is also
to share the idea by the people hence culture is being ‘constructed’ and ‘maintained’. So this
plays consequently a positive role towards the society too. Now days this production has
become less ethical and more commercial.

To check sales in relation to advertisement during festival season

According to Rahul Bajaj (MD Bajaj automobiles) that the sales creep up to very high extent
during festival seasons like (Diwali,Ganesh uatsov.Durga festival, Eid, Ramazan etc) that it
sometimes gets difficult to cope up with the supply of the bikes.
He further added in in interview to “Indian Journal 2009” that during these season even though
the intensity at which the Commercials is reduced, irrespective of that the sales goes up.
During these seasons some promotional offers are also given by Bajaj which further rise to the
demand of the consumers.(Indian Journal 2009)
Alcohol Drinking is not liked by both cultures religiously (for Muslims) and ethically (for both),
but still it is promoted in Indian ads. Cigarette Smoking Ads are always picturized and supported
with the awesome adventures by the heroes. These ads always depict the message that,

smoking motivates and causes success in the adventures of life. However, the impressive
advertisement is followed by a small unimpressive statement that “Cigarette smoking is injurious
to health”. In India, cigarette ads are ban (for the past few years). Furthermore, the religious and
social festivals in India and are certainly projected in the TV Advertisements. For example (Eid,
Ramazan) in and (Diwali, Raksha Bandhan, Holi) in India are especially projected in the
advertisements. Special Offers and prizes are the main incentive for the public.

I end up by saying that, advertising media is impressive, attractive and temping and its ruling the
world of glamour. This business is flourishing day by day. Our duty is to nourish the society and
not to empty it from inside. Being Muslims our culture, our norms, our religion are valuable for
us and are act as an asset to us. It is our pride. We must not lose it.

For Bajaj Automobiles for year 2008

1.5 Limitations of the project

The research work carried out was based on primary data obtained through consumer
interaction. The secondary data was obtained through various print media records and internet.

The reliability of the available data cannot be measured as it is not fool proof, may involve errors
in recording and measurement and interpretation of findings. Also the data sources (consumers)
may be reluctant to provide accurate data due to some specific experiences or perceptions.

Due to limitations of time and other factors, the sample space selected for data collection was
not large enough but sufficient for coming to a reliable conclusion.

Chapter 2
Data Interpretation and Findings

Which factor influences you the most when you watch a TV commercial of a product?

Fig 1
41% of the viewers get influenced by brand name. 24% by utility value of the product and rest

by message and language of the advertisement.

Which type of ads you prefer to watch?

Fig 2
44%of the viewers prefer to watch which includes cultural values.
20% prefer to watch humorous ads also 18% youth centered ads
Will you switch to other brand, if you are impressed/ influenced by cultural ad on

Fig 3
54 respondents will switch to other brand if they are influenced by cultural ads and rest may or
may not switch.

Do you watch the regional channels regularly?

Fig 4
General entertainment category viewers are more in hindi/english/others viewers whereas its
less in regional viewers.

Do you remember the pears ad in Marathi where mother-daughter duo discusses about

Fig 5
The mother-daughter duo speaks about Humanyu-akbar while mother is giving bath to her
daughter. This ad signifies that her mother is using pears and daughter in her inquisitiveness
does it same. This usage of soap is passed on to daughter by her mother whose message is
unsaid. Though the ad being in Marathi conveys the same feelings and is being watched by
audience with same curiosity. Thus the effect of Marathi in the ad is influential and does not
differentiate the context with which it is being aired on the TV.

Data Interpretation:
Correlation Analysis:

To check is there any relationship between Age of the Viewer and the their liking towards
cultural ads

Let x & y be the two independent variables

X- Average age of the viewer
Y- Number of Viewers who likes the cultural ads

X Y XY X2 Y2
20 4 80 400 16
30 11 330 900 121
40 13 520 1600 169
50 15 750 2500 125
60 11 660 3600 121
∑X=200 ∑Y=44 ∑XY=2340 ∑X2=9000 ∑Y2=652

Conclusion: As coefficient of correlation between X & Y is 0.55, shows the moderate correlation
between age and the preference for cultural tvc ads.

Chi –square Analysis:

ho: advertisement in English/hindi is not effective if dubbed in local language.

h1: advertisement in English/hindi is effective if dubbed in local language.

Advertisements Effective Not effective Total

English/hindi 22 12 34
Local Language 09 47 66
Total 31 69 100

Observe Expected (O-E) (O-E)² (O-E)²/E
22 31×34/100=10.54 11.46 131.33 12.46
12 69×34/100=23.46 -11.46 131.33 5.59
09 31×66/100=20.46 -11.46 131.33 6.41
47 69×66/100=45.54 1.46 2.13 .046

Degree of freedom=(r-1)(c-1)=(2-1)(2-1)=1

At 95%significnace level,table value=3.84

Calculated value=24.506

As calculated value>table value

Reject ho.

Thus advertisement in English/hindi is effective even if it is dubbed in local language.

Chapter 3
1) Consumer preference level for companies using cultural values in their TV Commercial.
Viewer likes to watch ads which are having cultural values but they are not ready to switch to
other brands just because of they like that ad.

2) Effect of Ads relating with festivals:

During festival season input of cultural values in advertisement is not effective whereas during
non-festive season it helps to boost the sales.

3) Demographic preference patterns for cultural values in ads.

Age group of 35-55 years prefers to watch ads which include cultural values. Age group of 15-
35 years prefers to watch ads which are having humor and focus on youth whereas viewer more
than 55 years like to watch ads related to social issues.

4) Effect of using regional languages in TV commercials.

Regional languages do not impact the mind if the customer even if the ad is being dubbed. The
message is being conveyed through the ad irrespective of the language as being asked for the
pears ad.


 www.dokeefe.net/pub/HornikxOKeefeCYinpress.doc
 www.acnielsen.org
 Book on Integrated Marketing Communications By-Don E. Schultz, Stanley I.
Tannenbaum, Robert F. Lauterborn


Group No. __
Name of the project- “Input of cultural values in TV Commercials “

Gender :-
Occupation :-

1. Please mention your age

15-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56 and above

2. What factor influences you the most when you watch a TV commercial of a product?
a) Brand Name
b) Language of the Ad (Hindi/ English/ Regional)
c) Message (story of the Ad)
d) Utility Value of Product
e) Other (please mention) ______________________

3. Which type of ads you prefer to watch?

a) Humorous ads
b) Ads focusing youth (Contemporary Ads)
c) Ads focusing Cultural values
d) Ads showing Society related issues
e) Other (please mention) ______________________

4. Do you watch regional channel regularly?

a) Yes
b) No

5. Do you remember the pears ad in Marathi where mother-daughter duo discusses about
a) Yes
b) No
6. Do you find the message being conveyed through regional language is same as local
language in an ad?
a) Yes
b) No

7. Will you switch to other brand, if you are impressed/ influenced by cultural ad on
a) Yes
b) No
c) May Be


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