Analysis of Effectiveness of Heat Exchanger Shell and Tube Type One Shell Two Tube Pass As Cooling Oil
Analysis of Effectiveness of Heat Exchanger Shell and Tube Type One Shell Two Tube Pass As Cooling Oil
Analysis of Effectiveness of Heat Exchanger Shell and Tube Type One Shell Two Tube Pass As Cooling Oil
Abstract. Heat exchanger is a device that produces heat transfer from a fluid to
another fluid, which can be applied as a cooling oil to maintain the oil temperature
at the operating standard. This study was conducted to determine whether the oil
temperature exit the shell and tube heat exchanger one shell and two tube pass, by
calculating the effectiveness of the cooling oil on the tube (tube) using water as the
cooling fluid flowing through the shell (shell) using NTU-ɛ and experimental
studies. Shell and tube heat exchanger one shell and two tube pass effective used to
cooling oil, because it can reduce oil temperature up to 32 %.
1. Introduction
In modern times the application of knowledge about heat transfer has developed rapidly
because it is needed in everyday life. In this case the heat exchanger is one of the most
widely used applications, where a heat exchanger is a device that produces heat transfer from
a fluid to another fluid. Because of its very important function, shell-and-tube heat
exchangers are widely used in the power plant and chemical engineering [1-2], refrigeration
[3], environment engineering and waste heat recovery due to their robust geometry
construction, reliable operation, easy maintenance and possible upgrades [4].
Knowledge of the characteristic of heat exchanger is important before it applied. Aman
Singh Rajpoot et al, optimized of finned tube oil cooler for turbin guide bearing application
by effective utilization of area so as to extract and deliver more heat as compared to the
existing system [5]. Srinivasa Rao and Kalyani, Analysis shell and tube heat exchanger with
different fluid flow. The research overall performance of shell and tube heat exchanger
operated with hot water-cold water, hot kerosene-cold water and hot oil transformes-cold
water, from the research result that hot oil transformer-cold water was the best combination
with heat transfer coefficient 5875.35 W [6]. Sumit S Mukadam et al, analysis using shell
and tube heat exchanger with various parameter such as pitch layout and baffle spacing on
the oil cooling. In the study, comparing the results obtained from experimental prosedure and
simulation approach. Heat exchanger can decrease hot oil temperature 26oC [7]. Yuxin and
Zhihua Wang studied on the heat transfer characteristics of a shell and tube phase change
energy storage heat exchanger. In this study, heat transfer characteristic of shell and tube
heat exchanger by using a comercial code computional fluid dynamic (CFD). Using shell
and tube heat exchanger can reduced 30%-40% of temperature [8]. M Zebua and Ambarita
simulated the efect of baffle spacing to the effectiveness of a shell and tube heat exchanger.
Baffle spacing having higer impact to increase effectiveness of shell and tube heat exchanger
[9]. Yan Li et al. investigated the flow filed and the heat transfer characteristics of a shell and
tube heat exchanger for syngas cooling. The result show that the higher operation pressure
can improve the heat transfer and space between baffles can decrease the resistance
effectively [10]. Observed heat transfer and effectiveness-number of transfer units for
different volume concentrations of Fe3O4 nanofluids flow in a inner tube of a double pipe U-
bend heat exchanger with different pitch ratios of wire coil with core-rod (WCCR) inserts.
The double pipe U-tube heat exchanger has an inner tube diameter of 0.019 m and an
annulus tube diameter of 0.05 m OD with a length of 5 m [11].
Study mainly focused on the oil cooler is basically shell and tube heat exchanger type
one shell and two tube pass. Water is used as cooling agent because of its higher specific
heat capacity, density and thermal conductivity. In this research variation rate flow of water
180 l/hour, 300 l/hour, 420 l/hour, 540 l/hour. The temperatur inlet and temperatur oulet of
oil and water will measure. Temperature of oil and effectiveness of shell and tube heat
exchanger type one shell and two tube pass are porposed based on the experimental data.
2. Solution Method
In this study the design used in the process is an experimental method and is a qualitative
research that clearly describes the experimental results from the laboratory against
previously determined variables, with the aim of analyzing the effectiveness of shell and
tube type heat exchanger with one shell and two tube passes as oil cooling. Figure 2.1 below
shows schematic of the experimental setup of the shell and tube exchanger.
Performance of a heat exchanger, it is necessary to relate the total heat transfer rate to the
temperature of the incoming and outgoing fluid, the overall heat transfer coefficient, and the
total surface area for the heat transfer rate. The heat transfer equation between hot fluid and
cold fluid is equilibrium. Figure 2.3 showed the fluid flow of heat exchanger one shell and
two tube pass. Temperature oil inlet is 60 0C and temperature water inlet is 27 0C.
Tabel 2.2 Geometric parameter of testing shell and tube heat exchanger type one shell
and two tube pass
No Parameter Shell Tube
1 Inner diameter (mm) 66 12
2 Outer diameter (mm) 70 13
3 Material steel cooper
Figure 2.3 shown the oil with high temperature flow from tube inlet heat exchanger and
water counter flow from inlet shell heat exchanger. Operational temperature and variation
debit of oil and water has shown in table 2.1.
Figure 2.3 Fluid flow of shell and tube heat exchanger one shell and two tube pass
The different parameters of shell and tube heat exchanger type one shell and two tube pas
installed are shown with in table 2.1, detailed rate flow and temperature operating of oil and
temperature operating of water.
The effectiveness of a heat exchanger, it is the total heat transfer rate to the temperature of
the inlet and outlet fluid, the overall heat transfer coefficient, and the total surface area for
the heat transfer rate. The heat transfer equation between hot fluid and cold fluid is
equilibrium. The rate of heat transfer between hot fluids and cold fluids and by ignoring the
heat transfer that occurs in heat exchangers on the environment, ignoring changes in
potential energy and kinetic energy, and by applying steady energy equations, and in the case
of this fluid does not under a phase change and assumed the condition of constant specific
heat, then the equation,
q = ṁh cph (Th,i – Th,o) (1)
q = ṁc cpc (Tc,o – Tc,i) (2)
If the direction of flow of the two fluids inside the heat exchanger is parallel. This means that
both fluids enter on one side and exit from the other side flowing in the same direction. If
the flow graph is parallel equation will be obtained,
If the assumption of the value of specific heat capacity (Cp) is cold and hot fluid is constant,
there is no loss of heat to the environment and the steady state, then the heat transferred,
q = U A ΔTRL (4)
ΔT1 − ΔT2
ΔTRL = (5)
ln (ΔT1/ΔT2)
Counter flow, that is if both fluids flow in opposite directions and exit on the opposite side
If the flow graph is parallel equation will be obtained,
Cross Flow, This means that the direction of the second flow of fluid intersects. The NTU-
effectiveness method is a method based on the effectiveness of heat exchangers in removing
certain amounts of heat. Where the effectiveness of the method has several advantages for
analyzing the problems which we have to compare different types of heat exchanger in order
to choose the best kind to carry out a specific task for heat. The effectiveness of heat
exchangers with the following equation [12]
Fouling factor in the heat exchanger, is the formation of a layer of deposit on the surface of
heat transfer from unwanted materials or compounds. For a shell tube type heat exchanger
that has no fins, the equation becomes,
Temperature of Oil
70 60 litre/hour oil-180
Temperature (C)
50 60 litre/hour oil-300
60 litre/hour-420
30 litre/hour
20 60 litre/hour oil-540
Tin Tout litre/hour
Figure 3.1 Graph temperature of oil inlet and outlet heat exchanger
Temperature of Water
30 60 litre/hour oil-180
Temperature (C) 29
60 litre/hour oil-300
28 litre/hour
27 60 litre/hour-420
60 litre/hour oil-540
25 litre/hour
Tin Tout
Figure 3.2 Graph temperature of water inlet and outlet heat exchanger
Figure 3.1 and figure 3.2 shown graph of temperature inlet and outlet. Temperature of water
inlet was constant 27 oC. The water flow with rate flow of water 540 litre/hour can reduce oil
temperature from 60.10 oC to 40.67 oC
60 41.48 44.58
60 litre/hour oil- 60 litre/hour oil- 60 litre/hour-420 60 litre/hour oil-
180 litre/hour 300 litre/hour litre/hour 540 litre/hour
fluid flow (l/h)
Figure 3.3 Efectivenes of shell and heat exchanger type one shell and two tube pass
From the calculation data, it can be seen that the effectiveness of the heat exchanger is
increase by the incoming fluid discharge of the heat exchanger both oil and water. Maximum
of effectiveness heat exchanger is 60.2% and minimum 41.48 %. The effectiveness increase
directly according to the debit of water.
4. Conclusions
An experimental test was showed that shell and tube heat exchanger one shell and two tube
pass effective used for oil cooling. It can reduce oil temperature up to 32.3 %. The rate flow
of fluid has hight impact to increase the effectiveness of shell and tube heat exchanger type
one shell and two tube pass.
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