Img 20190524 0002

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:==========-==:=======-========= PLEASE PRINT LEGIBI-I =========:================:=====
A, Is the Corporation a covered person under the Anti Money Laundering Act
Yes 'No
{AllllLlU, as amencled? (Rep. Acts. gle* /e7 64 / 10167/1 0365]
Please check the appropriate box:
a. Banks
4,8 Jewelry dealers in precious metals, who, as a
E b. Offshore Banking Units
business, trade in precious metals
E c. Quasi-Banks
I d. 'l'rrrt Entities
f] e. Non-Stock Savings and Loan Associations
I f. Pawnshops
I g. i'oreign Exchage Dealers rl-l Jer,t'eiry deaiers ut precioris slones, rvho, as a
f] h. Money Changers business, trade in precious stone
I i. Remittance Agents
! j. Elei:nnnic l,,lorrcy trssuci's
X k. Finr,l.ial lnstitutions w-hich Unrler Special Laws are subject to
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas' fl3SP) supervision and/or regularion, Company service providers which, as a business,
L provide any of the following services to third
il :. iils,-r:-r,*rue Cor;r1;.r::ils
I b. Insurance Agents fJ a. acting as a formation agent ofjuridical persons
fl c. Insurance Brokers I b. acring as for arran.qins for another person to act asl
fj d. Protessionai Reinsurers a director or corllorate secretary ofa c0rnpany, ir
I e. Reinsurance Brokers partner of a partnership, or a similar position in
n i. llolding Cornpanics relation to other juridical persons
I g. llolding Conrparri; S_ystenrs
[] h. Pre-need Companies I c. providirlg a registered office, business adclress or
I i. Mutual Benefit Association accommodation, correspondence or administrative
I j. Ail Other Perscns and entities superised and/or regulated bythe addre..s for a cr;inpar;,, :r partnelship ci ary cther-
Insurance Commission ucl legal person or arrangement
I.--) a. Securities Dealers
I d. acting as for arranging fbr anot]rer person to act as]
lI b. Securities Brokers a norninee shareholder for another person
I c. Securities Salesnran
7. Persons who provide any of the following selvrces

f d. lnvestnrent Houses f, a. rnanaging of clierrt nroney, securities or other assets

L] e. Investment Agents and Consultants
x f. Trading Advisors I b. management ofbank, savings or securities accounts
I g. Other entities managing Securities or lendering simiiar services
l h. Mutual Funds or Open-end lnvestment Companies f, c- organization of contributions for the creation,
T i. Close-end lnvestment Companies operation or management of companies
I-i-- j. Conrrnon Trust Fu[d-s or Issriers and othcr sinlilar entiticli
T k. Transf"er- Companies and other similar entities [] d. creation, operation or management of iuritlical
l l. Other entities administering or otherwise dealing in currency, persons or arrangements, and buying and selling
commodities or financial derivatives based there on business entities
I m. Entities ariministering of otherwise clealing in valuable obiects B, L,l None ofthe above
I n. Entities adrninistering or otherwise dealing rn cash Substitutes and Describe
other similar monetary itlstruments or properfy superwised and/or nature of
regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission ISL)CJ [rusiness:

B. Has the Corporation complied with the requirements on Customer Due Diligence
(CDD) or Know Your Customer (KYC), record-keeping, and sutrmission of reports Yes . No
. under the AMLA, iis amended, siltce the last filing of itu; GIST

GIS_STOCK(v.20 1 Bl Page 2

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