The students could write the format of the notice correctly. The students showed less
interests in writing when compared to other lessons. There were students who could not
understand the English terms. The teacher had made an error in the exercises given to the
students. The word “notice” in the exercises provided should be in capital letters. Thus, in the
next lesson, teacher should prepare more interesting activities to motivate students in writing
skill. The teacher should also check the exercises provided again to ensure no mistake is made
in the exercises given to the students.
Review (Lecturer) :
Review (Supervisor) :
Appendix 1
For the chinese whispers game, teacher will pass the message orally to the first person in every
Groups Messages
1 Sekolah Kebangsaan Saujana Indah
2 Notice
3 1 July 2019
4 Cultural Performance
5 1 August 2019
6 2 p.m. till 4 p.m.
7 School hall
8 Mr Ramesh
9 Teacher-in-charge
Appendix 2
Cultural performance
Sekolah Kebangsaan Saujana Indah ___________________________________________
Date : __________________________________
Time :___________________________________
Mr Ramesh
( )
Appendix 3
Remedial activity
In your group, discuss and draw the activities that are happening in the cultural performance.
Enrichment activity
Think and list out the activities that are carried out in a school concert.