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Focus : Writing

Date : 1 July 2019

Day : Monday
Time : 11:35 AM until 12:35 PM (60 Minutes)
Class : 4 Brilliant
Enrolment : 35 pupils
Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic : Topic 10: Unity in diversity
Content standard : 3.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, students will be able to
write using appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes.
Learning : 3.2.2 Able to write with guidance:
standard (b) notices

Behavioural : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

objectives i) read and fill in at least 3 blank correctly
Cross-curricular : Contextual learning, knowledge acquisition
Moral value : United we stand, divided we fall
Teaching aids : Worksheets, worksheets, worksheets, cards
Previous : Students know about the meaning of an event.
Sentence : 1. Sekolah Kebangsaan Saujana Indah is organising a cultural
patterns performance.
2. There will be a traditional costume parade, musical reciting,
singing, and dancing.
Word lists : Cultural performance, traditional costumes
Steps/ Time Content Activities Teaching aids/
Set induction Sticky note 1. The teacher shows a Teaching aid:
−5 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠) sticky note to the Sticky note
students. CCE: Contextual
2. The teacher asks some learning
Question: Students, do you
know what this is?
Answer : A sticky note
Question: What is the use of
sticky note?
Answer : To leave a message
Question: You have an event
which you want to tell
everyone about it. Do you
think a sticky note will be
enough to list the details of
the event?
Answer: No
3. The teacher introduces
the topic of the lesson,
Pre-writing Chinese whispers 1. The students line up in
−15 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠) game their own groups.
2. The teacher will pass a
message to the first
student standing in the
front line (Please refer to
Appendix 1).
3. The students will pass the
messages around orally
until it reaches the last
person in every group.
4. The teacher will call upon
the last person to write
about what he listens.
5. The teacher will correct
the answers.
While writing Notice 1. The teacher explains the Teaching aids:
−20 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠) format of notice. Worksheets
2. The teacher shows an
example of a notice to the
3. The teacher distributes
worksheets to every
4. The students work
together to fill the
worksheets (Please refer
to Appendix 2).
5. The teacher will check the
answers again with the
Post writing Illustrations 1. The teacher gives Teaching aids:
−15 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠) worksheets to students. Worksheets
2. The students need to CCE: Knowledge
discuss and draw the acquisition
activities which are
happening in a school
cultural performance in
the worksheet.
3. The students are given 10
minutes to draw the
picture out.
4. The teacher walks
around the class and
guides the students.
5. The group with the most
creative drawing gets a
Closure Summary of the 1. The teacher gives exit Teaching aids :
−5 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠) lesson cards to each group. Cards
2. The students need to list
out the knowledge which
they have learnt.
3. The teacher collects the
exit cards.
Reflection :

The students could write the format of the notice correctly. The students showed less
interests in writing when compared to other lessons. There were students who could not
understand the English terms. The teacher had made an error in the exercises given to the
students. The word “notice” in the exercises provided should be in capital letters. Thus, in the
next lesson, teacher should prepare more interesting activities to motivate students in writing
skill. The teacher should also check the exercises provided again to ensure no mistake is made
in the exercises given to the students.

Review (Lecturer) :

Review (Supervisor) :
Appendix 1
For the chinese whispers game, teacher will pass the message orally to the first person in every

Groups Messages
1 Sekolah Kebangsaan Saujana Indah
2 Notice
3 1 July 2019
4 Cultural Performance
5 1 August 2019
6 2 p.m. till 4 p.m.
7 School hall
8 Mr Ramesh
9 Teacher-in-charge
Appendix 2

Cultural performance
Sekolah Kebangsaan Saujana Indah ___________________________________________

________________________________________________________. All pupils are invited.

Date : __________________________________

Time :___________________________________

Venue : School hall

Pupils may wear their ________________________________ to the show.

There will be a ____________________________, musical reciting, ______________ and

dancing. Do not miss this special event.

Mr Ramesh

( )
Appendix 3
Remedial activity
In your group, discuss and draw the activities that are happening in the cultural performance.
Enrichment activity
Think and list out the activities that are carried out in a school concert.

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