Synopsis : Student 1 (SRN), Student 2 (SRN), Student 3 (SRN)

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Student 1 (SRN), Student 2 (SRN), Student 3 (SRN)

under the guidance of Dr./Prof. <<Faculty Name>>


A brief description of the problem statement and what your project is going to deal with.

Literature Review

Include the essence of the literature referred (books/journals/other sources) and its relevance
to your project title in this section.

If a statement/ information is taken from a reference and included in your report do not forget
to mention relevant reference number in the format [1]

Methodology/Experimental Details/ Analyses adopted

This section to include an overview of your approach towards solution of your problem
statement. It may contain methodology of solution/ description of experimental set up to be
used/ method of analysis you will be using in to solve the stated problem [2]

Include flow-charts and other pictorial representations to convey information with relevant
and sufficient explanation wherever required.


Include the tentative timeline that will be followed through your project work in the form of a
Gantt Chart (refer Fig.1)
Fig.1: Project Timeline

Expeccted Outcomes

List out with brief explanation what out is being expected at the end of this project.


Include the details of the text books, journal papers, web-links in this section in the following

[1] Title of the Book. Author/s. Publishing House. Edition. Year.

[2] Title of the Paper. Author/s. Journal Title. Volume. Page No. Year.

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