J Allergy Clin Immunol February 2018
J Allergy Clin Immunol February 2018
J Allergy Clin Immunol February 2018
with higher odds of milk and egg sensitization. Participants with allergies
likely have an altered responsiveness to microbial components leading to or inhaled corticosteroid use. Correspondingly, persistent milk allergy was
allergic disease. This effect of endotoxin is beneficial for understanding associated with a greater decline in weight and also BMI z-scores from
how environmental factors play a role in food allergies. baseline visit (2-4 yo) (weight: mean z-difference 0.25, 95%CI: 0.06– 0.43,
p50.008, BMI: mean z-difference 0.34,95%CI: 0.09- 0.59,p50.007).
CONCLUSIONS: Persistent cow’s milk allergy may negatively influence
476 Surfing is a risk factor of sensitization to
poly(gamma-glutamic acid) in
soybean-induced late-onset anaphylaxis
fermented growth through pre-adolescence. Further study is needed to better under-
stand the complex relationship between food allergy and childhood growth
Naoko Inomata, Mami Miyakawa, and Michiko Aihara; Yokohama City
University School of Medicine, Yokohama.
RATIONALE: Poly(g-glutamic acid) (PGA) is the allergen of fermented
soybeans, natto, that causes late-onset anaphylaxis. We speculated that
jellyfish stings sensitize adults to PGA because a surfer had allergies to
both natto and jellyfish, which produce PGA while stinging someone. The
aim of the study was to identify demographic and behavior factors, such as
marine sports, associated with PGA sensitization.
METHODS: Outpatients diagnosed with food allergies based on relevant
clinical history, positive skin test and/or food challenge test were asked to
answer a questionnaire during a regular visit in 2016.
RESULTS: Questionnaire data from 140 outpatients were analyzed.
These patients were divided into two groups: natto allergy group (13
patients, M:F510:3, mean age 40.6 yrs) and non-natto allergy group (127
patients, M:F546:81, mean age 44.5 yrs). All 13 patients with natto allergy
had positive results in both skin prick test and basophil activation test with
PGA. 92.3% of them had a hobby in marine sports, especially surfing