Supply Chain Kodak
Supply Chain Kodak
Supply Chain Kodak
Clinton J. Rockwell
Signature of Author
Sloan School of Management
Department of Mechanical Engineering
May 5, 2002
Certified by
Dr. Stephen C. Graves & Dr. RI E. Welsch, Thesis Advisors
Sloan School of Management
Certified by
Dr. David Simchi-Levi, Thesis Advisor
Department of Civil Engineering
Certified by
-D. DanieJ itney, Thesis Reader
Departmen of Mechanical Engineering
Accepted by
Ain Sonin,.; I 5epariNentil Committee for Graduate Students
Departu*IUfW-Mhanical Engineering
Accepted by
Margar&t Andrews, Executive Director of Master's Program
Sloan School of Management
MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE Sloan School of Management
4 2002
A Framework For Optimizing the Supply Chain: A Case Study at Kodak
Clinton J. Rockwell
Submitted to the Sloan School of Management and the Department of Mechanical Engineering
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of
This thesis proposes a simple method for uncovering inefficiencies and resolving supply
chain issues through the use of information flow mapping. As a supporting example, the
European Consumer Imaging Division of Eastman Kodak Company in the European, African
and Middle Eastern Region (EAMER) is studied. In particular, the process of introducing and
discontinuing consumer film products, termed the commercialization process, is examined for
improvement opportunities. Although all products in the Consumer Imaging Division use a
similar commercialization process, film products provide the most interesting example because
they have the most extreme rate of introduction, discontinuation, and product proliferation. To
successfully manage environments with this kind of product turnover, it is important to have
common and known processes. The EAMER Consumer Imaging commercialization process,
however, is neither standardized nor communicated, which leads to excess inventory, long lead
times, and variable throughput time, which in turn creates waste, lower customer service, and
reduced consumer confidence.
To give both depth and breadth to the analysis, information flow maps are generated at
two levels. One analysis maps the systems, spreadsheets, and databases used in the
commercialization process, including those of Manufacturing, Planning, and the
Commercialization Group. This map provides valuable insight into the commercialization
process and exposes redundant systems, information barriers, and operational inefficiencies. The
second map is of the entire Commercialization process and allows one to see the opportunities to
integrate information across a larger part of the organization including Marketing, Sales, and
Manufacturing. Standardization, communication, and an integrated database system are used to
minimize inefficiencies in the commercialization process and reduce inventories by
approximately $2 million.
Thesis advisors: Steve Graves, Abraham Siegel Professor Of Management & Chair Of Faculty
Roy Welsch, Professor of Statistics & Management Science
David Simchi-Levi, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Thesis reader: Daniel Whitney, Senior Research Scientist
This thesis is dedicated to my younger brother and sister, Jason and Kendra. While
this paper signifies the completion of my academic journey, it also signifies the beginning
of theirs. I hope that my hard work in academics and the opportunities as a result of that
work inspires them to also pursue a higher education and to discover their true interests in
I would first like to thank Kodak for an opportunity of a lifetime. A special thank
you goes out Earl Chapman for all of his wise advice and direction on the project. To
Clive Russell and Paul Shepherd for helping me every step of the way and making my stay
in Europe unforgettable. To John Lester and Ann Shaw who ensured that I always had
what I needed to get my job done. To Lee Dame, Diane Martin, Yves Montel, Bob
Estochen, and James Kennedy for guidance, support, and resources. To Dan Meek who
has an unrelenting drive for success and is inspiration to me.
I would also like to recognize all those who have helped prepare me for MIT and
all those who helped me get through the two-year Leaders for Manufacturing Program. I
am indebted to these people who have mentored me and taught me life's lessons. Thank
you to the Gallegos Family, Dennis Gallegos, Flora Jaramillo, Tu Tran, Al and Diane
Stone, Dave Edelen, Joe Vivian, Ron McMath, and Larry Wright. Thank you to Dave and
Kim Wehrlin who were a major inspiration to my entrance essays. Thank you to Bill
Sheppard, Jaime Jofre, Mark Schaeffer, Luis Espinosa, and John Russell for putting their
credibility on the line for me. Thank you to my best friend, Heath Sheppard, for exuding
integrity and leadership. Thank you to my faculty advisors, Steve Graves, David Simchi-
Levi, Roy Welsch, and Dan Whitney who have been extremely helpful in guiding me
throughout the entire research and thesis process. I am also very gratefully for the support
and resources made available to me through the MIT Leaders for Manufacturing Program.
I would like to thank my wife, Sylvia, who has stood behind me from day one. She
has helped me develop spiritually, emotionally, and professionally. She has given me
courage to discover myself and to realize my true potential and desires in life. I am
eternally grateful to her. Finally, I would like to thank God for introducing me to my wife,
giving me the opportunity to experience so much, and for giving me hope.
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Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 7
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Table of Figures
Figure 1: Manufacturing Flow for Consumer Imaging Products 18
Figure 2: Product Proliferation of Film 20
Figure 3: Example Graph of Variable Demand Over Time 23
Figure 4: European Manufacturing Flow Diagram 24
Figure 5: Commercialization Process for Consumer Film 27
Figure 6: Commercialization Process Map with Life Cycle Statuses Highlighted 30
Figure 7: Commercialization Process Flow Map with Area of Focus Circled 45
Figure 8: System map of Commercialization Process 46
Figure 9: System Map with Highlights of the Eight Key Solutions 50
Figure 10: Solutions List for Improving the Commercialization Process 55
Figure 11: Commercialization Process with Existing Portfolio Systems 62
Figure 12: Commercialization Process with New Portfolio Database 64
Table of Tables
Table 1: Life Cycle of Film ............................................................................................. 25
Table 2: Objectives by Job Function............................................................................... 32
Table 3: Systems Used to Manage the Product Portfolio ................................................ 60
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The objective of this thesis is to propose a framework for identifying and resolving
supply chain improvement opportunities through the use of information flow mapping.
Research was conducted in the Consumer Imaging Division in Europe within the
European, African and Middle Eastern Region (EAMER) of Eastman Kodak Company
from June of 2001 to January of 2002. The thesis has four main sections. Section 1
describes the overall theme and structure of the thesis. Section 2 depicts the project
settings and objectives. Section 3 discusses the proposed framework and project solutions.
Section 4 describes the results and conclusions.
Before reviewing the subject content of this thesis, it would be useful to define the
term "supply chain" as it is used in this paper. According to Future Three, supply chain is:
"The functions within and outside a company that enable the value chaini to make products
and provide services to the customer." 2 From this definition we can glean that supply
chain management involves managing the flow of both products and information, either
within a company or between companies. A slightly modified and perhaps more insightful
definition is one that Simchi-Levi (2000) uses for supply chain management: "A set of
approaches utilized to efficiently integrate suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and
stores, so that merchandise is produced and distributed at the right quantities, to the right
locations, and at the right time, in order to minimize system-wide costs while satisfying
service level requirements." From this definition, we can see that supply chain
management not only involves management of product and information flows but also of
The value chain in this context is simply the entities involved in producing the goods or service.
2 Source:
cash. Pulling the two definitions together, we can conclude that the topic of supply chain
involves the flow of products, information, and cash both within and between companies.
While supply chain topics have been around for many years, much of the research
and literature have centered on the technical aspects of identifying key issues in Supply
Chain Management (SCM) and finding solutions that bring global resolution to those
issues. Some of the most commonly researched topics are inventory management,
distribution strategies, strategic partnering, product design, and decision support systems
(Simchi-Levi, 2000). While the principles behind these techniques are simple to
understand, implementing these ideals can be quite complex and difficult for firms. This is
mainly because of the paradigm shifts required in thinking about managing a business,
integrating activities and processes with supplier and customers, and sharing information
and resources across multiple constituents. In fact, some of the most formidable obstacles
that must be overcome in Supply Chain Management are not technical in nature at all but
rather organizational.
Different stakeholders in the supply chain may strongly disagree on the scope of
the project, the ownership of the tasks, the relevance of data, the way data should be
shared, and the timing of transactions. Divergent incentives, clashing cultures,
misinformed management, and territorial battles often stand in the way of even small
improvement projects. Unless an organization is willing to embrace a solution, even if it is
analytically perfect, the implementation phase will fail and the bottom line will not be
impacted. Perhaps Supply Chain Management is an area where analysis is easier than
implementation and is why Jonathan Byrnes exclaims to his students at MIT "Perfect
analysis without implementation equals F!" 3
3 Quote from Jonathan Byrnes who is a professor at MIT and teaches a course on Logistics and Supply Chain
If supply chain improvements are so difficult to implement, how does one identify
go about making an impact to the bottom-line? To answer this question, this thesis
proposes a simple method for identifying and resolving supply chain problems. While the
solutions suggested in this thesis are specific to the EAMER Consumer Imaging Division
at Kodak, the structure is intended to be applicable to any supply chain. In particular, the
framework presented in this paper tries to help the reader answer the following questions:
1) how does one understand the organization's needs and identify supply chain
opportunities, and 2) how does one choose and implement a solution.
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Section 3 describes the proposed framework as well as literature relevant to the
thesis. The concepts in this section can be broken into two parts: 1) identifying supply
chain improvement opportunities, and 2) resolving supply chain problems and
implementing solutions. Part 1, Identifying Supply Chain Improvement Opportunities,
reviews the methods used to identify gaps and inefficiencies in the supply chain of Kodak.
The primary emphasis is on understanding the organization and a visual mapping
technique, called information flow mapping.
The second part of section 3, Resolving Supply Chain Problems and Implementing
Solutions, describes three typical solution types in Supply Chain Management including IT
systems, process improvements, and modeling/simulation. The goal of section 3 is not to
introduce a new and innovative solution to Supply Chain Management but rather to
illustrate what types of solutions exist and how the chosen solution may affect success of
the project.
This last part of the section also describes methods for implementing supply chain
solutions. Implementation, in its most practical form, is probably the most overlooked
aspect in Supply Chain Management (SCM). Perhaps this is because the process of getting
people to buy into a solution and run with it is more often associated with change
management and leadership and not SCM. Despite this fact, a solution cannot add value
until it is implemented. Often people become so focused on obtaining the perfect answer
they forget to consider the broader issues at hand such as company culture, organizational
structure, underlying assumptions, and credibility of the implementer. Yet, it is these
issues that are most likely to impede a successful implementation. Section 4, discusses the
project successes, shortcomings, and lessons learned.
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1.3 Definitions
Several words used in the thesis are context sensitive and/or specific to the research
project. Key definitions that will help the reader throughout the thesis include:
1. Catalogue number - A finished goods item with unique characteristics (e.g. 200-
speed, 24-exporsure color film in a single box with French language on the carton)
2. Commercialization Group - The team of people responsible for managing the
commercialization process.
3. Commercialization process - The process of introducing and discontinuing
products to and from the product portfolio.
4. Consumer - Individual buyer of a product (such as a person).
5. Consumer Imaging - The division at Kodak that produces photographic film.
6. Customer - A retailer such as Wal-Mart or CVS.
7. InfoSys - A disguised name for the ERP system at Kodak.
8. MfgSys - A disguised name for the MRP system at Kodak.
9. Portfolio Database - The database where information about film products is kept
10. Product - A finished goods item (see catalogue number)
11. Product portfolio - The platform of products that make-up finished film items.
12. SKU - Stock keeping unit (same as catalogue number except that is differentiated
by its storage location).
13. Supply chain - The flow of information, products, and cash within and between
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The research for this thesis was completed in the European Commercialization
Group, whose primary function is to manage the introduction and discontinuation of
Kodak film in the European region. This function is termed the commercialization
process. The following paragraphs give a brief overview of Kodak and the current
condition of the imaging industry. Then several key project attributes, such as the project
division, group, and location are discussed so that the reader can put into perspective the
particular project settings and how they might affect the project motivation and objectives.
Finally, a description of the project approach is given, which also serves as a lead into the
methods section.
After completing this section, the reader should understand the role of the
Commercialization Group, how the commercialization process works, and how the process
introduces waste into the supply chain, and the objectives chosen to analyze and minimize
this waste. This section should also help the reader gauge the complexity of the problem.
Understanding the project description will not only help the reader grasp concepts
presented later in the paper, but also enable him or her to formulate a strategy of their own
based on the similarities and differences they note here.
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in the world with over 75,000 employees. 5 Mr. Eastman's original vision was to make the
photographic experience more accessible to the 'everyday-man' by simplifying the process
and making it affordable. One of the company's earliest strategies was captured in a
slogan released in the late eighteen-hundreds, "You push the button, we'll do the rest."6
Since that time, Kodak has extended its reach into multiple industries and technologies and
continually strives to be the world leader in the imaging domain.
To ensure that Kodak achieves its goal, the company has aligned itself into two
segments, with six divisions that each focus on a particular piece of the business. The six
division are: 1) Consumer Imaging, 2) Digital & Applied Imaging, 3) Kodak Professional,
4) Document Imaging, 5) Health Imaging, and 6) Entertainment Imaging. While
Consumer Imaging and Digital & Applied Imaging fall under the Consumer segment, the
others are categorized beneath the Commercial segment. The Consumer Imaging division
produces consumer film, specialty film, one-time-use cameras, and traditional film
cameras. Some of the better-known items in this division include the film families of
Kodak Gold, Kodak Advantix, Kodak Kodachrome, and Kodak Elite film. The Digital &
Applied Imaging division produces digital cameras, scanners, software, and projectors.
Kodak Professional manufactures a variety of high-quality and specialty products
including color-reversal and color-negative film to be used by professional photographers.
Document Imaging turns out scanners, microfilm, and integrated imaging products such as
those that allow micrographic to digital image transfers. Health Imaging is primarily
focused on fabricating film for the fields of cardiology, dentistry, radiography, and
oncology as well as other scientific imaging fields. Lastly, Entertainment Imaging
produces film used in motion picture and television. This includes film used to shoot the
6 Eastman Kodak
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original storyline as well as film used for copying and distribution to local cinemas and
broadcasting stations.
So what are the common themes among these disparate divisions and how do they
affect Kodak's strategy? The common themes are innovation, quality, and customer
service to the imaging industry. For many years, Kodak had maintained its position as
market leader in this industry through rapid releases of innovative designs, high-quality
products, and a relentless pursuit to satisfy the customer. Kodak has raised product
awareness through aggressive advertising and appealing phrases such as "Take Pictures.
FurtherT M", and "Share Moments. Share Life.TM" The company has used its
internationally recognized brand name to help lead the world market and to attract new
customers. In the past, Kodak was able to retain customers by offering promotions,
customized packaging, and a myriad of new products, which met the individual needs of
each consumer. Although this was an expensive strategy, it allowed Kodak to gain market
share, reputation, and huge revenues. Because Kodak had little competition in the first 100
years of operation, they had no incentive to change.
Over the past few years, however, Kodak has fallen under increased pressure to
lower film prices and has consequently added cost reduction to their list of priorities. In
addition to pricing pressure, Kodak has recently been subjected to changing dynamics in
the imaging market such as retailer consolidation, increased competition, and growth in
digital demand. Major consolidations of businesses around the globe have shifted market
power within the supply chain, giving retailers such as Wal-Mart substantial bargaining
power. Competitors like Fuji have lowered prices in an attempt to attract a growing
segment of seemingly price-sensitive buyers. Add to this pile the reduction of growth in
film demand that digital imaging has caused, and it becomes clear why Kodak has recently
taken drastic measures to cut cost and increase profits.
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Kodak's primary tool to root out waste and drive down cost is the Toyota
Production System, known inside the walls of the imaging giant as the "Kodak Operating
System" (KOS). Lean manufacturing and KOS are interchangeable terms but neither is yet
well understood by Kodak's general population. Currently, the principles behind lean
manufacturing are often confused with the tools that are used to support it. Most people do
not realize that lean is a way of thinking; a set of rules, and behaviors that define how
organizations make decisions and eliminate waste. Instead, people confuse lean to be the
familiar tools associated with waste reduction efforts such as Six-sigma, Kan-ban, and
The company is doing much to change this paradigm and to make lean
manufacturing a regular part of everyone's daily diet. For instance, in a recent issue of a
company newsletter, Kodak dedicated a large portion of the journal to discussing lean. In
the article, Kodak redefined itself as "a manufacturing culture that aims to provide
customers with what they want, in the amount they want, and when they want it." (Kodak
News, 2001) This, of course, is what 'lean' companies do and is the strategic direction of
Kodak began applying KOS efforts just over 18 months ago to its largest and most
profitable region, which includes the US and Canada. The success of these initiatives
persuaded Kodak to proliferate the system to other regions beginning with Europe, which
is the second largest revenue source for the company. KOS ambitions in Europe included
optimization of supply chain components such as product throughput time, inventory
levels, and product portfolio size. To help the help evaluate lean improvement
opportunities and other supply chain improvement opportunities, Kodak created a seven-
month internship assignment, which lead to this project.
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2.2 Project Settings
The project settings are described in three parts: project division, project location,
and project group. A description of the project division is intended to describe the
operations of the division in which the internship was performed. A discussion of the
project location describes the peculiarities of the region where the internship was located
and brings to light the motivation behind the project. Finally, an overview of the project
group discusses the role of the team with whom the research was conducted and how that
team fits into the bigger picture.
The research for this project was carried out in the Consumer Imaging division,
which is a vertically integrated organization that produces a variety of consumer film. As
one Kodak employee put it "We begin with cow bones and produce color film products.
You can't get much more integrated than that." 7 Although Consumer Imaging produces
both film and one-time-use cameras, the research project was primarily focused on amateur
and semi-serious photographer film products. Below is a simplified diagram of the
manufacturing process for consumer film.
7 Quote from a former VP and General Manager of the Photographic Products Group, as captured by John
Preuninger, "Kodak: Control Through Information Management," Harvard Business School, Case 9-191 -
060, Revised (March 29, 1993), pp. 3-4.
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Acetate Sensitizing Slit/Perforate Spool/Pack
8 Substrate is the clear plastic substance that chemicals are deposited onto to make fihn.
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checks to ensure that only the highest-quality products are released to downstream
operations. Sensitizing, like Acetate and Emulsions, is also a large batch process but not
because of low product value, in fact, most film value is added during the Sensitizing
operation. The large batches, in this case, are due to the cost and complexity of the
equipment and the long setup times required for product changes. Because the cost of the
sensitizing equipment is so high, the operational strategy is to achieve the highest
utilization, which means fewer changeovers and large batches. Some have compared the
complexity of the Sensitizing operation to that of the semi-conductor industry, which uses
similar processes to deposit photosensitive chemicals and other substances onto silicon
The final operation in the film manufacturing process is called Packing. Bulk
product is placed into specific package styles such as single boxes, multi-packs, and
merchandisers. Each pack style is customized to accommodate a myriad of languages,
promotions, and retailers. The number of packages can be significant for regions such as
EAMER, which has many countries, languages, and varying consumer trends. Although
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most product value is added during the Sensitizing operation, the Packing operation causes
a tremendous amount of inventory in the supply chain because of product proliferation.
The concept of how a few basic film grades turn into hundreds of finished goods
and how this affects the product portfolio is important to this thesis and deserves some
explanation. Perhaps the easiest way to explain the phenomenon of product proliferation is
through a diagram (Figure 2)9 and reference to the manufacturing process described earlier.
To protect Kodak information, the actual numbers have been omitted and replaced by a
scaling factor 'x'. For example, if there were 20 film grades, then the number of catalogue
numbers would be 600 (= 20 x 30) and the number of SKUs would be 1000 (= 20 x 50). A
description of the diagram follows.
The following two paragraphs explain Figure 2 from left to right. Emulsions are
the chemicals used to produce film. Many chemicals are required to produce a single film
grade. Therefore, the number of emulsions is greater than the number of film grades. Film
grades are differentiated by their product attributes (e.g. 200-speed color negatives, black
& white, 400-speed color slides). After film grades (coated films) have been slit into
specific widths and perforated, they are passed to the spooling operation where they are cut
into different exposure lengths and spooled into metal canisters, also known as film
cassettes. Several different cassettes are produced from each film grade causing an
increase in the variety of items.
These cassettes are then packed into a plethora of packages, each with different
characteristics such as language, shape, and graphics. Thereby causing an even greater
variety in items. Each unique package is a finished good item and known as a catalogue
number. The catalogue numbers (packed film) are then sent to different warehousing
locations and called stock keeping units (SKUs). For instance, if one catalogue number
were kept in three regional warehouses then that catalogue number would be associated
with three SKUs. In summary, product proliferation is a result of product specialization at
each stage of the manufacturing process and can be very extreme, especially if there are
many package styles, as is the case in Europe.
The product portfolio is the platform of products that make up finished film items
(e.g. Kodak Gold film 200-speed, 24-exposure in a single box with English writing) and
can refer to either catalogue numbers or SKUs. Each region in the Consumer Imaging
division has its own product portfolio, which is designed by Regional Marketing to best
suit the interests and buying habits of that region's consumers. Because film is faced with
competing technologies such as digital and ever increasing competition from other
manufacture's film products, marketing must continually create strategies that differentiate
Kodak products from its competitors. These strategies not only attract consumers but can
also cause product proliferation. An increase in the size of the product portfolio increases
9 Adopted from thesis of Kris Homsi (LFM, 1995), pp. 16 (Numbers have been removed)
the multiplier affect of 'x' in Figure 2 (e.g. as more package styles are added, the multiplier
effect of finished goods items would move from 30 to a number greater than 30).
There are three primary methods to introduce products into the portfolio 1) a new
film grade is introduced (e.g. Kodak Gold film, Kodak Advantix film, etc...), 2) a re-
branding strategy is initiated, or 3) a new package is introduced. The introduction of film
grades is managed by corporate marketing, which is also responsible for determining the
minimum number of products that each region must carry to comply with corporate
standards. For example, corporate may declare that every region must carry a basic
portfolio of 100 products (e.g. Kodak Gold Film 400-speed, 24 and 36-exposure, Kodak
Gold film 200-speed, 24 and 36-exposure, etc...). Regional Marketing manages re-
branding strategies such as graphic art changes that help the consumer to distinguish 200-
speed film from 400-speed film. Local marketing (i.e. country marketing) handles new
package introductions that are targeted at local events such as the Olympics or local
promotions such as buy two get one free. Together, these product introductions cause the
portfolio to turnover about once every 18-months. Most turnovers, however, are in the
form of package changes and not film grade modifications. More information about the
product portfolio and why proliferation occurs is presented in section 2.3 on page 31.
'0 Taken from the Knowledge Review presentation of Manny Gillio's (LFM, 2002)
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Variable enstomer
Both product proliferation and demand variability cause increased waste and
inventories in the supply chain. To effectively battle waste, both the product portfolio and
demand variability issues need to be addressed. Therefore, much of the project focuses on
managing product proliferation and reducing inventories through portfolio process
improvements and increased visibility of the product portfolio. The focus of another
intern, (Gillio, 2002), is on mitigating demand variability and the bullwhip effect on
manufacturing operations by implementing a visual pull system and an optimized
manufacturing process. Both projects are aimed at reducing waste in the system: one
through product portfolio management, the other through process improvement.
The Consumer Imaging (CI) division of Kodak has manufacturing, marketing, and
sales locations all over the world, including major operations in the United States,
England, France, Mexico, Brazil, and China. The internship was based in Europe within
the European, African and Middle Eastern Region (EAMER) of Kodak. The project was
limited to only those products made by CI such as 135 mm and Advanced Photo System
(APS). Not only is CI the most profitable division at Kodak, but it is also the most
complex because of the number of products manufactured, the highly volatile and seasonal
demand, the length of the supply chain, and in the case of Europe, the disparate locations
of the manufacturing sites. Figure 4 shows the European manufacturing flow.
From the manufacturing flow diagram below, one can see that most consumer
imaging products in Europe must traverse country borders several times throughout the
supply chain. The Sensitizing plant in France receives chemicals from England and
Acetate from Rochester, New York. The France site also performs the Slit and Perforate
operations and then sends the product back to Annesley, England to be spooled and placed
in canisters. From that point the product can either be hand-packed or machine-packed in
England by one of the high-speed packing lines or hand-packed in France. Most products
are sent to a central distribution center in England and then to one of several regional
distribution centers serving Europe.
Emulsions Spool
United Kingdom
Figure 4: European Manufacturing Flow Diagram
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2.2.4 Project Group
The primary focus of the Commercialization Group is to mange the life cycle of
products by coordinating the introduction and discontinuation of film to and from the
product portfolio. This includes managing product specifications such as carton languages,
product status, and catalogue numbers. Although Marketing initiates the process, the
Commercialization Group administers it by acting as a liaison between Manufacturing and
Marketing. Product introductions were discussed in section 2.2.2 on page 7 and are simply
the process of adding a new film grade or package to the product portfolio.
Discontinuations are basically the opposite and involve removing an item (or group of
items) from the product portfolio. The Commercialization Group is also expected to
furnish Marketing with up-to-date information on the size of the portfolio as well as the
inventory and sales levels associated with each catalogue number.
The process of introducing and discontinuing film to and from the portfolio is
known as the commercialization process and is the main focus of this research project.
Although a map of the commercialization process did not exist when the research project
began, one was needed to understand the groups involved. Figure 5 shows a map
commercialization process (a description follows).
Commercialization Process for Consumer Film
Country Marketing Sales
Propose portfolio Negotiate sales Calstoser
with Promotional forecast and Give feedback on Report item level
weight andct promotional - proposed promotions o promotion plan
objective sales offers with and/or products
Start volume marketing
Re goa
CD Manufacturing Grou z Aggregate plan
G Pacagby country and
Distribution Update systems initiate SPIF
DC and RDC Spool film and with product info;
package product Product check SPIF for
Info. mfg feasibility
Volume If.Volume Info. SPIF
anning IoemDemand Approved
Customer Sup ply Planning Vendor Scheduler
Sales Volume Adjust ROP for Adjust ROP for Place film orders
CD Data Available film raw material on mfg and raw
+ material orders on No
supplier Commercialization
I I Group
Demand Plannin
Sales Adjust ROP Drop product
Mrketing Gops
EvalateContinue Discontinue . Stop
selling product and
sales data
product? No archive SP IF
The commercialization process starts when Marketing, Sales, or a customer (such
as Wal-Mart) requests a new product (usually in the form of a package for promotional
purposes). The product at this point is in planning (status 1). Local Marketing then
writes a business case to justify the new product introduction, which is called a Special
Product Introduction Form (SPIF). If Regional Marketing rejects the business case, the
product introduction plans are dropped and the product moves into status 2. If Regional
Marketing (EAMER) accepts the business case, the product moves to status 3. Volume
and timeframe information are passed to Planning, while product specifications such as
speed, exposure length, and design concepts are passed to the Commercialization Group.
Planning aggregates the approved volume information into the ERP system and places
orders on Manufacturing.
Sales and Marketing collect information on how well the product is selling and
decide whether to continue or discontinue producing the product. If Marketing decides to
continue producing an item, the product stays in status 3. Planning establishes a re-order
point (ROP) for finished goods and raw materials so that future orders can be triggered
automatically whenever inventories have fallen below the ROP level. Film re-order
points are managed through the MRP system, while carton re-order points are managed in
an Excel spreadsheet. If Marketing decides that a product should be discontinued, the
status is changed from 3 to 4 so that remaining inventories can be sold. The status then
moves to 5 and the Commercialization Group is responsible for coordinating the removal
- 28 -
of inventory from warehouses and updating the product portfolio and the ERP system to
reflect that the product is no longer being sold. Added cost and complexity not only
come from the size of the product portfolio, but also from trying to manage the constant
portfolio turnover and status changes caused by promotions and re-branding strategies.
Figure 6 relates the commercialization process presented in Figure 5 with the life cycle of
film presented in Table 1. Figure 11 shows how the various portfolio management
systems fit into the commercialization process.
- 29 -
Commercialization Process for Consumer Film
Country Marketing Sales Statu I
Propose portfolio Negotiate sales Sales
with Promotional forecast and Give feedback on
Report itemn
weight andpromotional pp- V --proposed promotions
objective sales offers with and/or products
Start volume marketing
Status Manufacturing
_ _p
Aggregate plan
country and
Distribution Ig Update systems initiate SPIF
Spool film and with product info;
package product Product check SPIF for . -
Info. mfg feasibility
oInfo SPIF
0 ,Customer Supy flanrnn Vendor Scheduier nf.Volumi Approved
Demand Planning Info
Sales Volume Adjust ROP for Adjust ROP for
_ Data Available film raw materialPlcfimodr
on mfg and raw
znateral orders on No
F Commercialization
In the past, the size of the portfolio was not a large concern as customer needs
were met through an expansive product portfolio with many promotions and customized
packages. At that time, the role of the Commercialization Group was mainly data
management and transactional efficiency between Marketing and Manufacturing. Lean
manufacturing and cost reduction efforts, however, have changed the focus from product
proliferation to product consolidation and meeting customer needs through quick
response and competitive prices. As a result, the size of the product portfolio and
optimality of the commercialization process have become a more important source of
cost savings and efficiency. Accordingly, the role of the Commercialization Group has
become more focused on streamlining the commercialization process and finding
opportunities to reduce the size of the portfolio.
-31 -
Table 2: Objectives by Job Function.
Manufacturing, on the other hand, is constantly trying to drive down costs. So, it
prefers a smaller portfolio to prevent frequent changeovers. However, it to drive-up
inventories when given a larger product portfolios as a result of maximizing batch runs to
lower manufacturing costs. As new products are introduced, Manufacturing pushes to no
- 32 -
longer produce "old" products. The issue, however, is that although some products are
no longer manufactured, they are not discontinued from the systems (i.e. product must be
in system to be sold but not out of the system to stop manufacturing). There has been
little to no effort to eliminate this problem because the cost of maintaining this "excess
data" in the ERP system is not easily quantifiable and it is therefore difficult to justify the
expense of cleaning-up the data.
Because the systems are not "cleaned up," these discontinued products are
virtually indistinguishable from live products. This is not only a data management
nightmare but can wreak havoc on the manufacturing systems. For instance, if a sales
person is looking for a particular item and sees an allegedly discontinued item in InfoSys,
he or she can offer that product to a customer and sometimes does. Manufacturing,
however, is not prepared to produce this item because they no longer carry the raw
materials. But because a promise was made to a customer, Manufacturing must find a
way to produce the item, which usually involves expensive expediting of material.
So although new products are being introduced into the system on the premise
that they must be on the system in order to be sold, there is no similar incentive for a
group to move products out of the system (i.e. discontinue them). The result is that the
master data system, InfoSys, becomes inaccurate and people who use InfoSys as a
decision-making tool about the product portfolio are misled and misinformed.
- 33 -
demand signals Manufacturing sees. This not only wreaks havoc on the production
schedules but also affects the amount of inventories that Kodak must carry to ensure high
customer service levels.
Even when processes are clearly defined, the process is not always followed. For
example, some countries avoid the commercialization process by doing things such as re-
using catalogue numbers. To illustrate the point, assume that France used catalogue
number 12345 for a summer promotion of 200-speed, 24-exposure film. After the
summer promotion was over, France decided to use the same catalogue number for a
winter promotion, which has the same film inside but a different package. In this event,
the promotion does not go through the new product introduction process and most likely
does not go through SPIF process either. Because the product introduction circumvents
these processes, the promotional volume is not aggregated into capacity planning but
capacity is still used to produce the products. During peak demand seasons, which is
when "sneak" promotions are likely to occur, this causes a strain on Manufacturing which
must run at higher than expected utilization rates to meet the unplanned demand.
Because there is little integration between the product portfolios that each
department maintains, data integrity also makes it difficult to optimize the portfolio. This
was apparent in several meetings setup to discuss the European product portfolio as it
usually required some time for the group to reconcile their data to one another. In one
instance, one person came to a meeting with a hand-written version of the portfolio,
another with an MS Excel spread sheet, and yet another with an MS Access table. We
spent the first one-third of the meeting trying to reconcile each of the reports to one
another and determine why they didn't agree.
A final difficulty is that groups that should be communicating with one another to
optimize the portfolio size and the commercialization process such as Manufacturing,
- 34 -
Planning, and Marketing sometime work in silos. Although, many systems contain
relevant data about the product portfolio but none are complete or accurate. In some
cases, the lack of having an integrated database with up-to-date information is critical.
For example, assume that Marketing decides to discontinue an item (i.e. move an item
from status 3 to status 4). The item had been live (i.e. status 3) and selling for quite some
time, therefore orders for both finished goods and raw materials were placed based using
re-order point process. Also assume that Marketing asked Sales to do a last push on this
product to get rid of the remaining inventory. As Sales moved the product, film and raw
materials (primarily cartons) were depleted. After a short period of time, the carton
vendor scheduler sees that the inventory level for cartons has fallen below the re-order
point and triggers an order to the carton supplier. Two-weeks later, Manufacturing finds
out that the product has been discontinued and must discard the newly ordered cartons.
Although this is a fictitious example, hundreds of thousands of real-dollars are thrown
away annually in material that becomes obsolete as a result of these kinds of
communication failures and/or lack of data.
- 35 -
by the current introduction/discontinuation process and size of the product portfolio. To
ensure that these goals were met, three specific objectives were defined:
1. Identify the cost savings from the elimination of an SKU. Although reducing the
size of the portfolio seems like an obvious step in eliminating waste and reducing
inventories, there were people in the European organization who were not convinced
that doing so would have any positive impact. This task, therefore, was aimed at
providing evidence to those people. Step one was to understand the assumptions
behind the current cost savings number being used in the U.S. and other parts of
Kodak. Step two was to understand which of these assumptions was applicable to
Europe and calculate a specific cost savings number for the European region. Step
three was to establish a methodology for determining this number in the future so that
it could be recalculated with changing business conditions.
file.' Next, a database was to be created. The point of the database was to have a
single point of data collection and review by all parties (instead of ten plus
spreadsheets/systems), to have interface tools that would easily allow any user to
manipulate the data in a way that turned data into useful information (e.g. provide
insight into products that are not selling well and/or products that can be
consolidated), and to increase the visibility of portfolio information and the speed in
which it was transmitted. A question that arose was "why not just use the ERP
database, InfoSys, as the official product portfolio". This question is answered in
section 3.3.2.
Although there were many steps required to identify and resolve the supply chain
issues in the commercialization process, only three primary were employed: 1)
interviewing, 2) information flow mapping, and 3) prototyping.
2.5.1 Interviewing
Even though the project was based in Europe, it began at Kodak corporate
headquarters in Rochester, New York. This opportunity was used to learn more about
Kodak business operations from a corporate point of view and to network with
employees who were based in Rochester yet had an interest in European operations. For
instance, to get a high-level perspective on Europe's most pressing needs, divisional vice
presidents from Marketing, Manufacturing, Supply chain, and Finance were interviewed
and asked to comment on Europe's operations. While each VP had independent
viewpoints and suggestions, their common theme was the size of the product portfolio
and Europe's seeming inability to accurately report it. This input catalyzed an effort to
create an integrated database for portfolio management so that the portfolio could be
accurately reported.
- 37 -
2.5.2 Information Flow Mapping
Once in Europe, the first three weeks were spent traveling to various sites across
Western Europe interviewing key players, understanding systems, and building a map of
the commercialization process. This map, which was presented in Figure 5, was then
used to define the scope of a more detailed system map, presented in Figure 8 . The
system map was used with basic lean manufacturing principles such as process
standardization and elimination of non-value added tasks to determine which issues were
causing the most disruption to the European commercialization process. From this
analysis, a list of improvement projects and solutions was generated.
2.5.3 Prototyping
- 38 -
The proposed framework includes two steps to improve the supply chain: 1)
identify the supply chain improvement opportunities, and 2) generate and implement
solutions. Of course, this is a continual process and may require multiple loops.
Although these steps do not seem overly complex, the process of going through them is
difficult and will determine the success of the project.
From chapter 1 we know that supply chain management involves the flow of
product, information, and/or cash within or between companies. So when choosing a
method to identify supply chain improvement opportunities, a few considerations are: 1)
what is important to the organization, 2) which flow (product, information, or cash)
should be analyzed, 3) at what level should the flow be evaluated (strategic, tactical, or
operational), and 4) what method should be used to identify the improvement
opportunities and understand the organization.
As previously mentioned, the first few weeks of the internship were spent
interviewing key people in the organization and learning about Kodak culture and
operations. This time proved invaluable to the rest of the research project as it provided
vital contacts and a basic understanding of the company's strategic and operational
- 39 -
values. It was during this time that much was learned about Kodak efforts to implement
lean manufacturing and the company's desire to improve the commercialization process.
Plant tours helped in understanding the film manufacturing process used to produce film.
Hands-on activities were used to gain an understanding of operational processes and
company culture. For instance, part of this research project included participation in a
Kaizen event, which is a small team focused on radically improving a specific set of
processes by instituting paradigmatic change. Participation in the Kaizen event brought
visibility of how Kodak translates its strategic vision into operational procedures. It also
demonstrated the company's ability to effectively catalyze change. Site visits, plant
tours, and interviews were continued during the first few weeks of the research in Europe
as well.
Recall that the original project objectives were to 1) identify the cost savings from
eliminating a product from the portfolio, 2) build an integrated database to help the
Commercialization Group manage the product portfolio, and 3) analyze the systems used
in the European commercialization process. During the interview process it was
discovered that the second two objectives were more valued by Kodak management and
the Commercialization Group than the first. As a result, the goal of identifying a cost
savings for eliminating an SKU from the portfolio was dropped, which freed precious
time for the other two objectives. If extensive interviews had not been completed, this
prioritization would have been overlooked, all three projects would have been worked on,
and the overall outcome would have been diminished.
It is not always the case that one or two projects become evident as the most
important objectives to focus on. If several important issues are identified during the
discovery process and it is not clear which are the most important, look for solutions that
include the most important elements of each issue. Understand and evaluate the
symptoms from both a strategic and tactical level perspective and find the commonality
- 40 -
between the two so a problem statement can be created. Some basic things to think
about are: Which problems do you have the skill sets to complete? Which problems are
not currently being worked on? Which problems do you have control over (resources,
functional alignment, etc...). Which problems will have the highest dollar impact?
Which problems seem to be the most important to the company and the people you work
with? Create and share a narrowed list of project objectives with all stakeholders and
confirm understanding and importance of issues.
Once a basic understanding of the organization is obtained, how does one choose
which flow to analyze? Choosing a flow is fairly easy as it is usually dictated by the
project objective. For example, one objective of this project was to integrate the
spreadsheets and databases used to manage the product portfolio, which deals with
information flows. Another objective was to determine the cost savings from eliminating
a product from the portfolio, which deals with cash flows. Another intern (Gillio, 2002)
was tasked with implementing a pull system for color film manufacturing, which deals
with both product and information flows. If a flow is not obvious, start with an
information flow as any movement of product or cash is precipitated by that of
Once a flow has been chosen, how does one choose the level at which to analyze
the flow? Choosing a level is also easy but not as intuitive. If the requesting party does
not choose a level, then a level should be chosen based on one's maximum sphere of
influence. For example, one objective of this project was to integrate the databases used
to manage the product portfolio. Although these databases span several functional
groups across many European countries, the author only had connections within the
-- 41 -
manufacturing organization. Therefore, only the manufacturing systems were studied
until credibility was built in organizations outside manufacturing such as Marketing and
planning. After determining the highest level of accessibility and/or influence in the
organization, expand to the next level through networking and relationship building.
At this point, an understanding of the organization has been obtained, a flow has
been chosen, and the level at which the flow is going to be analyzed has been chosen.
How does one now uncover the improvement opportunities in the given supply chain?
Whether you are looking at information, product, or cash flows, visualization techniques
are perhaps the most intuitive and most often used method for identifying improvement
opportunities in the supply chain. The ability to visualize data such as routes,
inventories, and locations is not only important for presentation purposes but also may
reveal issues that are otherwise not apparent.
* Over/Under resourced systems (resources are given but not required or vice versa)
" Gaps (resources are given but not in the right mix / at the right time)
* Non-standardized processes
* Bottlenecks and inefficiencies (lots going in but very little coming out)
- 42 -
Other visualization techniques include System Dynamics, Value Stream Mapping,
and Enterprise Value Stream Mapping. There are no cookbook answers for aligning a
particular method with a particular situation. Much of the choice depends on the type of
flow being analyzed, and the level at which the analysis takes place. A good rule of
thumb, however, is that the more complex the supply chain problem, the simpler the
problem identification method should be. Remember, that "Perfect analysis without
implementation equals F" and that the identification method must also act as justification
for moving forward with a solution. If the identification method is difficult to
understand, then it will be tough to convince management that the problem identified is
the right one.
Now that information flow mapping has been chosen as the visualization
technique, it is necessary to define the scope of the map. In this case, the objective is to
map and understand the processes, systems, spreadsheets, and databases currently being
used to manage the commercialization process. Two pieces of information gathered
during the interview process help define the boundaries of scope. First, recall from the
description of the commercialization process that the process doesn't actually begin until
Regional Marketing approves the Special Product Introduction Form (SPIF). Second,
recall from Table 1 that the Commercialization Group is a key player in all stages of the
product life cycle except stage 3, when the product goes into the Sales and distribution
Therefore, it is important to map all of the systems beginning after SPIF approval
and all systems outside of the Sales and distribution loop. Figure 7 recalls the
Commercialization process map and highlights the defined scope of systems to be
- 43 -
analyzed. After the scope was defined, the focus area was mapped through additional
interviews and site visits. The resulting map was very extensive and detailed, therefore a
simplified version is shown in Figure 8 (a description follows). Note that the system map
matches the scope defined in Figure 6, as it begins with Marketing and ends with
Distribution. The process of constructing the map should also be used as an opportunity
to build credibility and check your understanding of the process by sharing the map with
several people.
- 44 -
-- M- JRMENNI ---- - dpawftm-- A
Demand PlanninGro-
Sales Adjust ROP Drop product
9 Collect Sales levels plans
CD SPIFarchive
0 .-
FlawArea Commercialization
Evalute < Continue Discontinue
Eseut -t>g
selling n stoptan
9 10 1 rdc
CD rsales data No \archive SPIF ..
System Map of Commercialization Process
Supplier Systems Product Portfolio Management Syster S
Package Product
Stop specifications
Package Supplier - Orders marnally placed _ spe cific ation - - - - - - Graphic Design Process -
through generic ROP process evaluated daily 14
through manual inspection of spreadsheet - - 1* Cre ation of Package Design
inventories Barcode,L Item CreationProcess - Creation -4
ItemNo of Cat No, Barcode, & Item No
Metals Supplier- Orders placedbased on ROP
Distribution process. Inventoryvisually inspected weekly
DC and
~ - Current: 4 days - 40 days
Current: 5 days - 20 dayrs - -- - a Proposed: 4 days
RDC Product
Proposed: 8 days I
00 Specs and
BOM Marketing
I irished
IPro duct
Manufacturing Systems Planning Systems
initiates SPIF
Confract Packing - Hand packed Vendor Scheduler - IT Systems
items such as merchandisers and i1 Order ffished goods
- 4-
Cn automated packing components (excluding
spooledproduct) and
MRP - Film & raw
- materials orders
manage ROP's
-- Packing - Automated packing 4 createdusingBOM
-47 -
bulk film orders on manufacturing through a supply planner and raw material orders
(primarily cartons) on suppliers through a vendor scheduler. The package (i.e. carton)
supplier receives volume information from the vendor scheduler and package
specifications from the graphics department and manufactures the appropriate amount.
After the cartons are manufactured they are sent to the film manufacturing location where
the cartons are packed with the spooled product and become a finished good. Finished
goods are then sent to distribution. The entire process can vary by as much as six-weeks.
The fourth opportunity was also somewhat obvious and involved reducing the
sources of portfolio data. The fifth opportunity involved creating a system that could
take into account and relate excess promotional volume demand to available
manufacturing capacity. The sixth opportunity was to reduce the annual amount of
wasted raw materials. The seventh opportunity was to reduce waste caused by producing
initial volumes of new product greater than predicted demand. The final opportunity was
to reduce the amount of inventory kept in the warehouse of the contract packer.
Improvement opportunities were not found in the map itself but rather in the process of
creating the map. Figure 9 shows the system map presented earlier with callouts
highlighting the locations of the eight improvement projects.
- 49 -
'%vcSystens Map of Commercialization Process
Supplier Systems Product Portfolio Management Systems
Stop Package Product
Package Supplier - Order s manually placed specifications
_sp1cfcation - - - - - Graphic Design Pncess -
. through generic ROP proce ss evaluated daily Creation of Package Design
through marual inspectio n of spreadsheet 4 CatNo, 3
inventorie s Barcode,L _ Item CreationProcess - Creation -- 4
Item No of Cat No, Barcode, & Item No
Metals Supplier - Orders place d base d on ROP
Distribution process. Inventory visuall: inspe cted weekly
Current: 4 days - 40 days
- -a Proposed: 4 days -J
I RDC I Current: 5 days -20 days Product
Proposed: 8 days
Specs and
Finished BOM Marketing
Product Manufacturing Systems
Planning Systems
initiates SPIF
CD Contract Packing - Hand packed 8 Vendor Scheduler - IT Systems
items such as merchandisers and i 1- Order finished goods
automated packing components (excluding 4 MRP - Film & raw
spooledproduct) - materials orders
manage ROP's.6
Packing - Automated packing 4 createdusing BOM
S -
Supply Planner - Order 4 ales
Spooling - Spooling orders placed. - spooled pro duct and (orders)
by Supply Planners Order
4 ' manage ROPs
ERP - Finished-
through -J-
goods orders are
MRP Demand Planner -
placed by demand
Sit/Pera Forecast and order planners
finished goods and
manage against forecast
-LWidj Ryj using ROPs to stock the Current: 4 day -20 days
RDCs Proposed: 4 days
Benveniste and Morad (2001), on the other-hand, claim that supply chain has
given rise to an even greater need for models to help understand, optimize, and control its
various elements. They also say that the use of models, often quite sophisticated, has
proved to be of great help in advancing supply chain management. Operation Research
and Management Science (OR/MS) literature contains numerous examples of such
- 51 -
models and applications such as optimization, decomposition, stochastic programming,
heuristic routing and scheduling, forecasting, simulation, and other hybrid approaches.
All are combined with managerial experience and insight.
To find solutions to the issues outlined above, a solutions list was created by
generating a list of the gaps and inefficiencies that were causing the issues and then
narrowing that list to core problems by applying a root-cause analysis (ask why five
times). Next, each problem was listed with its impact and a goal for solving it. The list
was shared with all stakeholders to determine the importance of each specific problem
and to build support for the solutions. Research was done to determine if anyone else
was working on the same issue. If so, an effort was made to team up with these people or
to hand-off part of the project. Interviews were held again to determine if other people
agreed with the assessment of the problem and the recommended solutions. If support
was not evident for a particular solution, an effort was made to ask for resources and/or
direction so that a proper solution could be found. Figure 10 contains the details of the
- 52 -
Although several projects were identified, it was not possible to complete all of
them alone. Therefore, a Kodak team was formed to tackle the improvement projects and
generate feasible implementation plans. Having many people involved in the
implementation not only ensured that the problems were solved but also that the solutions
would succeed after the internship was over. Interns tend to come up with really good
plans but if the people who are left behind to do the work haven't bought into the plans or
don't understand the solutions as well as they thought, the project could quickly lose
momentum and die.
The eight improvement opportunities were grouped into three themes. The first
focuses on standardization and documentation of the commercialization process. A lack
of standardization was causing information delays, which led to the incentive problem
seen between those who introduce and those discontinue products to and from the
portfolio. It also brought about poor and untimely communication between departments,
which led to waste in manufacturing capacity and raw materials.
- 53 -
Because the integrated database was the most technically complex issue and had
the largest potential impact, it is where most of the subsequent project research was
focused. Therefore, the next section is dedicated to discussing the Portfolio Database
- 54 -
List of Improvement Projects
1. Commercialization process not standalized nor 5. No tool to relate demand to available capacity.
communicated. -Impact: Capacity planning does not include all relevant data,
-Impact: Low visibility of the data used in the process and the which leads to poor scheduling of promotions, blind
commitments, leads to unpredictability in order fulfillment. Manufacturing commitments, and imperfect order fulfilment.
0 -Caal: Implement a formal, gate based process based on standard -Coal: Implement a promotion scheduling board fed by planners
committed lead times. Pilot November 01, implement 1Q02 input. Translate it in load forecast for Manufacturing. Make it
Implement supporting metrics : visible and shared.
- Reliability: lst quantity at customer location
- Robustness: % process violations 6. Thousand of dollars wasted in cartansupplies annually.
-Impact: Huge waste in manufacturing capacity, materials and
2. Product introduction process u too long and variable. warehouse space.
-Impact: Creates information delays which lead to excess inventory -Goal: Revise carton ROP's, standardize communication between
and waste. portfolio management and carton planner, implement an effective
- Gal: Drive standard introduction process down 60% (non-standard end of promotion gate with elimination of obsolete inventory
("a introduction 50%). Eliminate variation in product introduction times
0 due to process, standardization, and communication issues. Document
7. Pro-promotional launch quantity too high
9 standard lead-times for product introductions.
-Impact: Excess inventory, increased risk of scrap, bottleneck on
Manufacturing schedules
3. Item Creation Process and Graphic Design Process not linked
-Coal: Implement a post launch review of actual sales (Nov 01),
9 - Impact: Unbalanced workload in Packaging Services Group and use history and demonstrated replenishment lead times to support
unpredictable output from the Portfolio Management Systems box. better estimates.
0 -Caal: Link start times for SPIF process and Graphic Design process
to create predictable output.
8. Pack Center has excess packagi inventon
0 4. Many portfolio systems/tools exist that do not communicate
-Impact: Large inventory holding costs, inappropriate allocation
of manufacturing resources, large amounts of scrapped material,
with one anatler. poor customer service.
- Impact: Erroneous data, redundant data entry and p oor -Coal: Reduce supplier lead times, eliminat e all o ff site
communication between manufacturing, marketing, planning, and warehouses, and reduce inventory by 75%.
corporate about actually portfolio.
- Coal: Implement a standard database to support data consolidation.
Pilot August 2001, implement 1Q02.
3.3 The Integrated Database Solution
One of the original project objectives was to build an integrated database that
could be used as a single point of data collection and review by all parties (instead of
current ten plus spreadsheets and systems). The objective was initiated because the
existing method for managing portfolio data was thought to be insufficient. This was
implied during the interview process at a high-level when multiple people described a
situation where Corporate Marketing, Finance, and Supply Chain all claimed that
EAMER had more products in its portfolio then it claimed. Unreliable data was noted
again at a lower level, when several people from EAMER showed up to a meeting to
discuss the product portfolio and all had different information from different data
management systems. The insufficiency claim was supported during the creation of the
system map, which revealed that there was no database that contained the entire product
portfolio (i.e. the true size of the EAMER portfolio was unknown).
project) and to have a fully functional version implemented by end of the first quarter of
2002 (three-months after the end of the research project).
- 57 -
3.3.2 Why not use InfoSys
One of the greatest obstacles facing the Portfolio DB was the question "Why does
EAMER need to have a database in addition to the ERP system, InfoSys, to manage the
European product portfolio. Some argued that InfoSys is the master data system and
should therefore be the official portfolio. However, three main reasons were found that
supported the idea of having a system outside of InfoSys to manage the portfolio. The
first and most obvious reason is that not all countries use InfoSys, therefore, InfoSys does
not have all of the data. The second reason is that InfoSys is not forward looking (i.e. it
only reports 'what is' and not what will be). The third reason is that InfoSys does not
contain the filter capabilities necessary to perform everyday analysis on the product
portfolio. In the following paragraphs, each of these reasons are discussed and expanded
Not all countries are on InfoSys: Because not all countries are using InfoSys,
there is an inherent need to track the portfolio for those countries in another system. A
possible remedy would be to track some products using InfoSys and others using a
different system. This is neither practical nor desirable because it would require constant
fluctuations between the two systems and would reduce visibility to potential
consolidation efforts between ERP and non-ERP countries. The only practical solution is
to develop an integrated database that communicates with InfoSys and can be used by
any country regardless of its ERP capabilities.
InfoSys is not forward looking: One of the most important tasks in portfolio
management is managing the introduction and discontinuation of products. This requires
that the portfolio managers understand present, past, and future portfolio modifications.
InfoSys allows for present and past management, but not future. This restricts all
analyses to historical data and/or snap-shots of the present situation. Users may,
- 58 -
however, need to know what the portfolio will look like at the end of the year and this
would not be feasible using InfoSys.
InfoSys does not have the filter capabilities necessary to actively manage the
portfolio: InfoSys has detailed descriptions and much information about each product
including a sophisticated hierarchy. Unfortunately, these InfoSys descriptions and fields
leave the user wanting when it comes to portfolio drill-downs and complex analyses. For
instance, what if a user wanted to consider a product consolidation opportunity for
multiple countries based on a cross-reference of carton languages, pack-styles, and sales
volume. This would be impossible using InfoSys, but very simple using the Portfolio
DB. The product hierarchy developed in the Portfolio DB is aligned with current
business needs and organizational structure and can be easily modified to reflect any new
requirements, thereby allowing users to dissect the data in a way that is practical and
insightful to them under existing business conditions.
- 59 -
3.3.3 How the Portfolio DB was built
Commercial- Excel Life Cycle As needed Used to manage the life cycle of
ization spreadsheet Coordinators products into and out of product
GrouD nortfhlin
Supply Ruiviuu;
Planning planners
13 MfgSys is a disguised name for the manufacturing execution system (MES) at Kodak
- 60 -
Step 2: The portfolio systems in Table 3 were put into the commercialization
process map to find poor and/or unstable communication links, duplicate efforts,
information gaps, and entry points for erroneous data (Figure 11). From the figure, we
can see the reason for some of issues listed in the project motivation section. For
example, tracing the flow of an introduction and discontinuation through the portfolio
systems illustrates the incentive problem between those who introduce and those who
discontinue products. When a product is introduced, information about that product
flows from the Country Marketing spreadsheet(s) (CM spreadsheets), to the sales catalog,
then to the Regional Marketing spreadsheets (RM spreadsheets), then to the
Commercialization Group spreadsheets (CG spreadsheets) and InfoSys where the product
enters status 3.
- 61 -
Commercialization Process for Consumer Film
Country Marketin Sales Sa u s
Propose portfolio Negotiate sales Sales
with Promotional forecast and Give feedback on
Report item ee
weight and --- promotional ---- P-proposed promotions --- rmoi e-e
offers with and/or products
objective sales
Start volume marketing
......... gional Marketing:
Q t a i i ISFaca
a n f a c u ri g G o u pb y c o untryplan
Aggregate a nd
Distribution Update systems initiate SPIF
Spool film and with product info
package product Product check SPIF for
Info. mfg feasibility
Volume Info. SPIF
Ino Voluna Approved
Customer Supply Planning Vendor Scheduler Dm dF.i Ifo
Demand Planning Info.
Sales Volume Adjust ROP for Adjust ROP for
Place film orders
Data Available film raw material
on mfg and raw
W material orders on No
?.... ..... Commercialization
-d Group
Demand Planning ..
Sales Adjust ROP Drop product
Collect Sales plans and archive
YStatus 4 Status 5 Status.2
GrC .1..
~ Contau Discontinue So
FhsseAes .at product and
5 aesdtpd~ct? .-N archive SPIF
From the figure above we can also see that Manufacturing cannot produce any
new products until it receives volume information, which comes from Demand Planning
via InfoSys. From this flow of information, it becomes obvious how Marketing ensures
that new product information always gets into the ERP system. For products that
continue to be produced after the initial launch, re-order points are established in MfgSys
for film and the Vendor Scheduler spreadsheet (VS spreadsheet) for raw materials.
Again, Manufacturing cannot produce any products until it receives volume information
for Planning (this time in the form of re-order points).
Another issue that can be seen from the map is that of information transfer
between the Commercialization Group and the Vendor Scheduler. Even if all of the other
systems are updated, someone must contact the Vendor Scheduler and have that person
update the VS spreadsheet. The unstable communication link can sometimes cause
information to be delayed or not delivered at all. In these instances, the Vendor
Scheduler could mistakenly order raw materials for an item that has fallen below the re-
order point but is no longer being sold. This is a cause of material obsolescence and
waste in the EAMER supply chain.
- 63 -
Commercialization Process for Consumer Film
Country Marketing Sales Status 1
- Propose portfolio Negotiate sales Sales
with Promotional ? forecast and Give feedback on
R Report item level-
weight and promotional proposed promotions pr
,r , promotion plan
objective sales offers with and/or products
-tart volume marketing
Demand Hrannin
Sales Adjust ROP Drop product
Collect Sales plans and archive
...Status 4 Status 5 ............... I...
Commercialization Status 2
Contin.ue.. Discontinue
Evaluat e
selkg product and Itr
sales data
prpduct? .No archive SPIF
Step3: A new map was built showing how the new Portfolio database would
replace and improve some of the old systems (Figure 12).
Step 4: A prototype database was built in MS Excel to build credibility and act as
a springboard to launch a professional version. After the prototype proved useful,
permission was granted to hire a consultant to help design and build a proper database.
Step 5: A beta version of the database was built using MS Sequel Server and MS
Visual Basic. It took four weeks to design and build the first version.
Step 6: The database was taken on a road show in Europe to get feedback from
managers in the various departments that would be using the database. Up to this point,
the benefits of the Portfolio database were mostly unsubstantiated. The road show created
an opportunity to convince the unsure by physically demonstrating some of the features
such as performing complex portfolio analyses that were very difficult and/or nearly
impossible in the past. The road show was also used as a forum to gain feedback, which
was then incorporated into future revisions. It is important to include as many people in
the implementation as possible so that others are a part of the solution and create the
necessary support.
- 65 -
3.3.4 Benefits of the Portfolio DB
There are several benefits of the Portfolio database. The most obvious benefit is
that it adds the visibility necessary to globally optimize the product portfolio as
opposed to local optimization. The previous process did not allow multiple users on one
system, each country had to manage its product portfolio on personalized spreadsheets.
This not only limited the visibility of the entire portfolio to upper management but also
prevented each country from leveraging the other's product portfolio. Providing country-
to-country visibility increases potential cost savings by making consolidation
opportunities more apparent at both a high and low level.
A third benefit is increased data integrity. Prior to the creation of the Portfolio
DB, managers were making decisions on incomplete or inaccurate information. The
increased accuracy of the portfolio will now allow managers to make faster and better
decisions about their countries and/or regions. It will also allow Corporate Marketing to
- 66 -
accurately compare one region to another to find best-in-class performance and create
company benchmarks.
Fifth, there were also issues with data being too finely defined or not being
defined finely enough. For instance, carton styles were named based on its
manufacturing design, which could include twin-pack with flap, twin-pack without flap,
twin-pack with notch, twin-pack with double flap, etc. The lack of consistency in naming
conventions stimulated the design of a product hierarchy, which was adopted by
Marketing, Manufacturing, and Planning. See Appendix A for more information on the
product hierarchy. Sixth, the Portfolio DB ensures that the master data system
(InfoSys) remains accurate by running exception reports between the two systems,
which can then be used to reconcile the differences.
- 67 -
Finally, the Portfolio DB is a user-friendly tool that provides the users with the
information they need when they need it. This will increase the likelihood that users
will keep the system updated.
- 68 -
The objective of this thesis was to propose simple method for discovering and
resolving supply chain issues through the use of information flow mapping. The
framework for this method included two major components. First, identifying supply
chain problems through the use of interviews, site visits, organizational understanding,
and information flow mapping. Information flow mapping not only helped me identify
key areas for improvement but also brought a level of visibility to the process that had not
been seen before. This visibility seemed to create more interest in the project and made
the implementation phase much easier. Second, resolving supply chain problems through
the use of models, process, and/or IT solutions. The introduction of the thesis mentioned
that supply chain problems are sometimes more difficult because of implementation
and/or organizational roadblocks than actual technical issues. Shoji Shiba (Shiba, 1993)
said, "There are many good problem-solving methodologies. Sometimes the greatest
challenge is not solving a problem, but finding the correct problem to solve." By
spending time up-front, ensuring that you have chosen the correct problem and that you
have proven to people that you understand the problem, you can avoid some
organizational resistance.
Kodak did a fantastic job of aligning the research for this project with the strategic
objectives of the organization and removing many of the roadblocks that one typically
sees in project work. Everyone was interested in improving the product
introduction/discontinuance process and having an integrated database that not only
allowed Kodak to track their product portfolio accurately but also to perform insightful
analyses. The beginning of research project also happened to coincide perfectly at the
timeframe in which Kodak was beginning a major effort to optimize its European supply
chain; as a result, the research project was an excellent fit. As part of the KOS initiative
there was a frontal attack on the size of the product portfolio, which also created strong
- 69 -
alignment between the research project and strategic direction of Kodak. Because of this
alignment, interviews were had with employees from every level in the organization, that
would have otherwise been unlikely. The interviews provided valuable insight into
Kodak European operations and helped build credibility and support for the project.
Consequently, the research and implementation process went smoothly. Most supply
chain projects, however, are not so lucky.
4.1 Successes
Much of the project was spent working on the Portfolio DB. The largest benefit
came from the process of creating the Portfolio DB as opposed to its actual creation. For
example, the process of integrating various databases used in the commercialization
process revealed many products that were already discontinued but still in the system,
products that should be discontinued but still in the system, and products that could be
consolidated between countries. These opportunities helped Kodak reduce the size of the
portfolio by 30%, which led to a direct cost savings of approximately $2,300,000. The
value of carrying fewer inventories also created a significant ongoing cost savings of
approximately $500,000/year. The process of creating the Portfolio DB also enabled the
Commercialization Group to update the official master data system of Kodak, InfoSys, to
reflect actual portfolio size.
Having the Portfolio DB also creates potential cost savings of several million
dollars by allowing a single person to perform complex product portfolio analyses in a
few minutes over what used to take several people several days to complete. Other
successes include:
- 70 -
9 Standardized product introduction times
* Raised confidence level of Europe's portfolio count from very low to almost
4.2 Shortcomings
Although the project was very successful in terms of completing the original
project objectives, these are items that were planned to be implemented but did not get
done by the end of the project:
" Server Location: There are two types of servers at Kodak: development servers
and production servers. There is no physical difference between the two server
types except the rules that govern them. Because the Portfolio DB needed to be
established in a very short period of time it was built on a development server.
Getting access to a production server takes time and there are rules in place that
dictate what kind of applications can be installed on production servers and who
can maintain them. The portfolio DB will need to move to a production server at
some time but can reside at its current location for the time being.
" Pass down: Most people, including myself, did not anticipate the number of last
minute problems with implementing the database, so a proper pass down was not
completed. For example, when trying to install the Portfolio DB on computers in
France the database did not work. It was found that French and English
- 71 -
computers have different system component files, which affects installation. This
only allowed for installation on one French computer before leaving.
* Final presentation: A final presentation was not given to Kodak because too
much time was spent trying to work the "bugs" out of the Portfolio DB.
" Building Momentum: The foundation from which the Portfolio DB was built
not only impacted the portfolio size but also significantly increased opportunities
to eliminate waste in other areas. For instance, by simply adding a table that
relates a known database field, such as pack-format, to a particular packing
machine, you can easily determine impacts on manufacturing capacity as a result
of changes in the portfolio.
* Importance of good data: Because Kodak European region did not have any real
database from which to manage their portfolio, they could not make any
significant headroom in discontinuing products
* Simplicity works best: The problem solving method and solutions to this project
were very basic but had a large impact. The reason that a lot of supply chain
projects fail is because they are too complex. The two information maps that
were created for this project were used over and over again. The advantage of
using these maps was two-fold. First they were developed in interview with the
people whom the solutions would impact. This gives the solutions more
credibility and makes implementation easier than it would have been otherwise.
Second, by forcing yourself to relate all information to a map that is believed by
- 72 -
the organization to be accurate, you must challenge every piece of information
you receive and take nothing for granted.
- 73 -
3. Baudin, Michael (1999). ""Learning to See" and Learning to See." Takt Times
Volume 4, (November 1999): 1-4.
5. Bonini, James (1992). "A case study on using performance measures to nurture
cultural change on the factory floor." Massachusetts Institute of Technology, LFM
10. Escalle, Cedric, and Mark Cotteleer (1999). "Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP):
Technology Note." Harvard Business School Case (9-699-020). (February 11, 1999)
11. Gillio, Emanuele (2002). "Lean Principles Applied to a Supply Chain with Demand
Uncertainty." Massachusetts Institute of Technology, LFM Thesis.
12. Henczel, Susan (2000). "The information audit as a first step towards effective
knowledge management: An opportunity for the special librarian." INSPEL Volume
34, (2000): 210-226.
- 75 -
13. Homsi, Kristopher (1995). "Information flow and demand forecasting issues in a
complex supply chain." Massachusetts Institute of Technology, LFM Thesis.
14. Kodak (2001). "KOS a breath of fresh air." Kodak News Volume 35 Number 6,
(December 7, 2001): 8-9
15. Raftery, Michael (1994). "Using the Seven Step Method to Reduce Defects in a
Polymer Sheet Making Process." Massachusetts Institute of Technology, LFM
16. Raman, Ananth, and Jasit Singh (1999). "i2 Technologies, Inc." Harvard Business
School Case (9-699-042). (February 24, 1999)
17. Rother, Mike, and John Shook (2000). Training to See: A Value Stream Mapping
Workshop. Productivity Press Inc.
18. Shiba, Shoji, Alan Graham, and David Walden (1993). A New American TQM: Four
Practical Revolutions in Management. Center for Quality of Management.
19. Simchi-Levi, David, Philip Kaminsky and Edith Simchi-Levi (2000). Designing and
Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies and Case Studies. Irwin/McGraw-
21. Sterman, John (2000). Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a
Complex World. Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
- 76 -
There are only two system requirements for the Portfolio DB:
The front-end Visual Basic program has been compiled into an executable file,
which can be installed and run from each computer. Because the program is compiled,
users do not need to have MS Visual Basic installed on their computers. Instead, all of
the necessary dynamic link library files (*.dll) and Active-X controls (*.ocx) are installed
when setup.exe file is run.
- 77 -
6.1.3 Software Installation
Because Kodak computers are run from a Windows NT platform, only a person
who has administrative rights can install software on a computer. Therefore a request
must be made to the local IT group to install the software. A process was established,
however, that an administrator of the Portfolio DB would do this on behalf of the user.
After a request for access has been approved by one of the Commercialization team
members or the Commercialization Manager, the user's name, user ID and computer ID
is sent to the local IT group along with the installation software. The local IT group can
then remotely install the software on the requester's computer. As part of the installation
program, an icon is installed on the user's start menu and gives direct access to the
Portfolio DB.
Once the Portfolio DB has been installed on the computer there is no need to
make a manual connection to the sequel server. The Portfolio DB initialization file
'Portfolio.ini' contains all of the necessary information for the computer to connect
automatically to the server. However, if the server location changes, the initialization
file, which is located in the Program Files directory in the Portfolio folder, will need to be
updated. The Portfolio DB administrator must update the initialization file and e-mail it
to all users who then must copy that file into a specified directory file. In the event that a
change is necessary, a complete set of instructions will accompany the new initialization
There are four user types: guest/unregistered user, registered user, owner, and
super-user. Each user type has specified restrictions to the Portfolio DB capabilities,
which are outlined in following sections.
- 78 -
An unregistered user is defined as someone who is registered as a 'view-only'
user or someone who has access to the Portfolio DB but is not 'registered' at all and
therefore must sign-in as a guest. Unregistered user's have the lowest level of
permissions and can therefore only view data. Any person who has a need or interest to
view the product portfolio but will not make change requests should be classified as an
unregistered user. Examples of these types of persons are managers, planners and
The major difference between unregistered and registered users is the fact that
registered users can request changes to the database using the menu option 'Modify
Product Data' or 'Add New Cat.No.' while unregistered users can only view the data.
Giving users the ability to make change requests is perhaps one greatest features of the
Portfolio DB tool and will significantly increase the accuracy of the portfolio while
simultaneously decreasing the amount of work required to maintain it. This feature
enables users who have specific knowledge about particular products to not only view
relevant data but also make corrections and/or changes.
Super-users do not have any restrictions to the database and can modify any table,
query, report, and/or relationship. However, in order to make these types of
modifications, the user must have Visual Basic installed on their computer. Because a
super-user has so little restrictions in the Portfolio DB, very few people will have super-
user privileges. Super-users should have strong programming skills in Visual Basic and
an understanding of MS Sequel Server.
- 79 -
" Product Family: CI Film, KP Film, OTUC, Merchandisers
" Status: Current and future are
o Status 1: Item in planning
o Status 2: Plans dropped
o Status 3: Live item (Purchasing of raw material and Selling OK)
o Status 4: Planned for discontinuance (No purchasing of raw material,
selling OK)
Status 5: Item discontinued (No purchasing of raw material and no selling)
" Marketing Strategy: Strategic (longer than six months), Tactical (less than six
months), Intermediate (not a finished good), Non-EAMER (product sold in a
region other than EAMER)
* Product Class: 110, 120, 135, APS, etc...
" Product Subclass: APS, Elite, Gold, etc...
" Speed: 100, 200, 400, etc...
- Exposure: 24, 27, 36, etc...
The name of the Portfolio DB program is Portfolio.exe and an icon can be found
on your desktop or in your Start Menu under Programs then Portfolio. The icon looks
- 80 -
name and password from a life cycle coordinator, contact the commercialization
manager. After you have logged in, the Portfolio will open to a blank screen. Use the
menu bar at the top of the screen to select an option. For example, if you choose the
menu option 'Queries' the screen would like the one shown below.
Depending on your security level, different menu options will be available to you. The
following paragraphs outline the different user types and their respective permission
- 81 -
Double clicking a particular cell of a cross-tab report, like the one shown above, reveals
further details about the particular catalogue numbers that comprise that cell. For
example, the table above indicates that there are 21 tactical APS catalogue numbers.
Double clicking on the number '21' would reveal the specific details of those cat no's.
In addition to standard reports, users can analyze portfolio data using custom
queries. These queries allow users to drill-down into the data by narrowing search results
with sophisticated filtering tools. This gives users access to very specific subsets of data,
which is sometimes necessary and more practical. For example, if a request was made to
determine the CI Film SKU count for Emerging Markets by exposure for all multi-pack,
Gold, 400-speed film that are currently status 4 (live) items, a user could easily generate
this report using a custom query. Below is a screen shot that shows how the filter tools
could be used to create this query.
- 82 -
6.4.2 Exporting Data
The Portfolio DB allows you to export most of the data that can be seen to MS
Excel. To export the data simply click on the export button located on the left of screen.
The button looks like this: . If an export button is not visible, then the particular
data on the screen cannot be exported. After the button is clicked a save dialog box
appears asking the user to choose a location and to name the file. The file is saved as a
comma separated-value file (*.csv), which can be opened in MS Excel.
- 83 -