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European Standard EN 14584 Norme Europeenne Europaische Norm

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ICS 17.140.20; 77.040.20

English Version

Non-destructive testing - Acoustic emission - Examination of

metallic pressure equipment during proof testing - Planar
location of AE sources
Essais non destructifs - Emission acoustique - Verification Zerstorungsfreie Prufung - Schallemissionsprufung -
des equipements metalliques sous pression pendant Prufung von metallischen Druckgeraten wahrend der
I'epreuve - Localisation planaire des sources d'EA AbnahmeprCifung - Planare Ortung von

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 8 July 2005.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-10S0 Brussels

© 2005 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 14584:2005: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
EN 14584:2005 (E)


1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................4
2 Normative references ...............................................................................................................................4
3 Terms and definitions ..............................................................................................................................4
4 Personnel qualification ............................................................................................................................4
5 Test method..............................................................................................................................................4
5.1 General......................................................................................................................................................4
5.2 Application of load ...................................................................................................................................5
5.3 Sensors.....................................................................................................................................................5
5.4 Location ....................................................................................................................................................5
5.5 Preliminary information............................................................................................................................5
5.6 Written instruction requirements .............................................................................................................6
6 Instrumentation... .................................................................................................................................... 6
7 Testing ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
7.1 Pre-test measurements ............................................................................................................................7
7.2 Test steps .................................................................................................................................................9
8 Interpretation of results......................................................................................................................... 10
8.1 Grading criteria...................................................................................................................................... 10
8.2 Real time control ................................................................................................................................... 10
8.3 AE source severity grading .................................................................................................................. 11
9 Documentation .......................................................................................................................................12
Annex A (normative) Distance peak amplitude correction procedures ...........................................................13
Bibliography....................................................................................................................................................... 15
EN 14584:2005 (E)

This European Standard (EN 14584:2005) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 138 "Non-
destructive testing", the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or
by endorsement, at the latest by February 2006, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest
by February 2006.

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association.

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
EN 14584:2005 (E)

1 Scope
This European Standard specifies the method for conducting acoustic emission (AE) + testing of metallic pressure
equipment during acceptance pressure testing using a planar location method. General principles of acoustic
emissions are described in EN 13554.

The objectives of the AE testing are to provide 100 % volumetric testing to define regions of the structure, which
are acoustically active with burst type AE e.g. as a result of sub-critical flaw evolution; thus increasing the reliability
of the acceptance test. The test provides a reference map for comparison with results of future tests.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this European Standard. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies, for undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document
(including any amendments) applies.

EN 473, Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel - General principles EN

1330-1:1998, Non-destructive testing- Terminology - Part 1: List of general terms

EN 1330-2:1998, Non-destructive testing - Terminology- Part 2: Terms common to the non-destructive testing

EN 1330-9:2000, Non-destructive testing - Terminology - Part 9: Terms used in acoustic emission testing

EN 13477-1, Non-destructive testing - Acoustic emission - Equipment characterisation - Part 1: Equipment


EN 13477-2, Non-destructive testing - Acoustic emission - Equipment characterisation - Part 2: Verification of

operating characteristic

3 Terms and definitions

For the purpose of this European Standard, the terms and definitions given in EN 1330-1:1998, EN 1330-2:1998
and EN 1330-9:2000 apply.

4 Personnel qualification
It is assumed that acoustic emission testing is performed by qualified and capable personnel. In order to prove this
qualification, it is recommended to certify the personnel in accordance with EN 473.

NOTE For pressure equipment see directive 97/23/EC, Annex 3.1.3: "For pressure equipment in categories III and IV, the
personnel must be approved by a third party organization recognized by a Member State".

5 Test method

5.1 General
The main target of the AE test is to locate and monitor acoustic emission sources caused by phenomena e.g. crack
growth and yielding generated by the applied load to the equipment.

The properties and structural state of the material, the type and magnitude of the applied stress and stress rate are
significant factors affecting the emission.
EN 14584:2005 (E)

All the relevant located AE sources shall be evaluated by other NDT methods.

5.2 Application of load

The application of the stress to the equipment shall be made using internal pressure following the procedure
specified in the relevant product standard. The rate of the application of pressure shall be established so as to
avoid burst signal overlap. The pressurising system shall permit pressurisation at a steady controllable rate and
shall allow the pressure to be held constant at the hold points. The pressurisation rate would not normally
exceed 1 % for pneumatic and 5 % for hydraulic test pressure per minute. The intermediate hold periods, if
necessary according to the AE activity or the pre-defined pressure schedule, will normally be 5 min to 10 min. The
final hold period at the test pressure shall have a minimum duration of 15 min.

NOTE Intermediate hold periods are strongly recommended, especially if pressurisation rates exceed 0,5 %/min for
pneumatic or 2 %/min for hydraulic tests.

Prior to starting the test, all the necessary actions shall be taken to identify and to reduce potential sources of
extraneous noise.

Dependent upon the results of the initial loading, a reduction of the load to working pressure or lower, followed by
re-pressurisation, may be required.

5.3 Sensors

The most commonly used frequency range is 100 kHz to 300 kHz. Lower frequency monitoring allows detection at
greater distances and high frequency monitoring provides improved rejection of external noise. Selection of
frequency range may optimise location accuracy by avoiding the detection of multiple wave modes.

The equipment surface below the sensors shall be cleaned to ensure the maximum coupling efficiency. The sensor
couplant shall be as specified in the written test instruction. The sensors may be directly attached to the structure
using magnetic devices or an adhesive.

The effectiveness and reliability of the acoustic couplant shall be verified. The characteristics of the type of the
acoustic couplant used shall not affect the structure adversely.

5.4 Location
The location of AE sources is performed using delta t measurement.

The accuracy is normally within ± 5 % of the sensor spacing and shall be measured and verified using an artificial
source. If the accuracy is not within ± 5 %, appropriate action shall be taken.

For difficult geometry e.g. nozzles, manholes, reference measurements shall be made.

5.5 Preliminary information

Prior to the test, the AE Test Organisation shall collect the following information, as relevant:

a) relevant product standard;

b) type of equipment or structure and material characteristics and specifications;

c) assembly and/or layout drawings with sufficient details of the structure;

d) material specifications, including heat treatment, if applicable;

e) proposed pressure/stress application sequence;

f) potential acoustic noise interference sources and the isolating mechanism applied;
EN 14584:2005 (E)

g) where possible, locations of known discontinuities and the general results of prior NDT.

5.6 Written instruction requirements

The AE test organisation shall provide a written test procedure, which shall include but not necessarily be restricted
to the following:

a) explicit indication of the purpose of the test and limitations if any;

b) sensor type, frequency and manufacturer;

c) method of sensor attachment;

d) type of acoustic couplant used;

e) type of surface preparation;

f) type of AE equipment used with the main characteristics;

g) energy measurement method to be used;

h) value of K from relevant product standard, if available;

i) sensor location maps representing the structure or part of it;

j) description of equipment verification procedure;

k) description of the in-situ verification (see 7.2.2);

I) sequence of pressurisation;

m) recorded data and recording method;

n) available on-line presentation of data;

o) real time evaluation criteria;

p) post analysis procedure with adopted filtering technique if used;

q) final report requirements;

r) qualification/certification of the personnel.

The test instruction shall be prepared in accordance with EN 473.

6 Instrumentation
An AE system consists of sensors and equipment for signal conditioning and processing and for displaying and
recording data according to EN 13447-1.

The AE instrument shall be capable of measuring at least the following parameters on the first hit channel:

a) AE burst count;

b) burst signal peak amplitude;

c) burst signal duration;

EN 14584:2005 (E)

d) burst signal rise time;

e) burst signal energy;

f) arrival time (leading edge and/or peak);

g) pressure and/or other stress parameters.

The test instrumentation shall:

• store all the acquired AE data and the external parameter(s);
• provide an on-line location display; and
• provide an on-line display of AE data and pressure;
to allow a real time control of the pressure equipment under test. To assist the on-line evaluation it is recommended
that the instrumentation provides real time distance peak amplitude correction and applies grading.

The AE system performance check (including sensors) shall be performed according to EN 13477-2.

7 Testing

7.1 Pre-test measurements

7.1.1 Wave propagation

Attenuation measurements shall be performed on the structure in order to determine the maximum sensor spacing.
The measurements shall be performed with the test fluid in the equipment using the Hsu-Nielsen source. In the
case that the Hsu-Nielsen source saturates the measurement chain, a lower energy artificial source shall be used
up to the 20e distance (see Annex A). The obtained curve shall be shifted-up to correspond with the original Hsu-
Nielsen source.

The burst signal peak amplitude versus distance and wave velocity to be used in the location algorithm shall be
measured using two sensors mounted in a region of the pressure equipment away from nozzles, manways etc.

The shadowing effect of nozzles and ancillary attachments shall be quantified and transmission through the test
fluid shall be taken into consideration.

7.1.2 Determination of maximum allowed sensor spacing

The sensors shall be positioned on the structure such that a source K dB less than those of the Hsu-Nielsen source
at any position on the equipment can be detected by at least three sensors and can be located to the specified
accuracy for the test.

The value of K shall be obtained from the relevant product standard and given in the written test instruction.

With reference to Figure 1:

a) set the detection threshold X dB above the peak background noise;

b) set the evaluation threshold for determining the sensor spacing K dB above the detection threshold;

c) maximum distance (dmax) is given by the intersection of the attenuation curve with the evaluation threshold

The sensor spacing shall not be greater than dmax-

EN 14584:2005 (E)

In Table 1 an example for calculation of evaluation threshold is shown.

Table 1 — Example for calculation of evaluation threshold

Key Example
of values

An Peak background noise 24

Ad Detection threshold (An + X; X = 6 dB) 30

Ae Evaluation threshold (Ad + K; K = 12 dB) 42

7.2 Test steps

7.2.1 General Guidelines

The test shall ensure that genuine AE data is collected during pressurisation, free from extraneous noises and
without significant event overlap.

7.2.2 In situ verification

Prior to test, the correct functioning of all sensors and instrumentation shall be checked using an Hsu-Nielsen
source at a fixed distance from each sensor.

Results shall be recorded together with sensor serial number and position. The average peak amplitude of four
signals from any sensor shall be within ± 3 dB of the average of all sensors.

Following the test, this check shall be repeated to confirm continuing correct operation.

The use of an electronic pulser to check, that there is no subsequent change in sensitivity, by comparison with that
obtained prior to the test, is an acceptable alternative to repeating the Hsu-Nielsen source check.

Correct operation of any location function shall be confirmed by use of a Hsu-Nielsen source in general areas and
around details such as nozzles and manways. The evaluation threshold used for this check shall be adjusted to
compensate for the high peak amplitude of the Hsu-Nielsen source compared with the required sensitivity during
the test.

7.2.3 Background noise

The pressure equipment shall be monitored immediately prior to pressurisation for a minimum of 10 min at the
detection threshold, to confirm that there is no ambient noise, which might interfere with the test.

At the start of pressurisation, the instrumentation shall be observed for indications of extraneous noise caused by
the pressurisation process. Should noise be observed the pressurisation shall be paused to identify the source and
to take suitable remedial action.

Possible causes are turbulence due to flow restriction close to the pressure equipment, pump noise and leakage. A
flexible line between the pump and the pressure equipment will usually remove pump noise.

Pressure equipment may also move on its supports during pressurisation, resulting in extraneous noise, which, if
correctly identified, may be removed, from the data during post analysis. In order to minimise this effect the
pressure equipment may be supported on rubber covered supports or rollers.
EN 14584:2005 (E)

7.2.4 Equipment pressurisation

The pressurisation shall follow the pre-arranged schedule defined in the product standard, unless there are
difficulties with noise, or concerns about equipment integrity.

It is essential that good, instantaneous communication exist between the AE operator and the pressurisation
operator in order that pressurisation may be paused, or the pressure reduced, if necessary.

It is normal for AE to occur during initial loading due to stress-relief of the equipment.

The AE monitoring, when a second pressurisation is performed, will identify locations where the stress-relief is
incomplete or any flaws present are still active.
This does not mean, that the evaluation shall be done only with the results of the 2 pressurization. The evaluation
criteria have to be determined separately for the first and sub-sequent pressurization, as a result of the Kaiser

8 Interpretation of results

8.1 Grading criteria

The grading criteria are used for real time control and for subsequent source severity classification. They shall be
defined by the AE test organisation on the basis of experience and are influenced by:

— type and size of the pressure equipment;

— material and heat treatment;

— first or subsequent pressurisation.

The decision to continue with the pressurisation or to decrease the rate or to hold steady or decrease the pressure,
for further evaluation and/or for NDT, shall be based on the following:

1) progressive increase of acoustic emission activity rate and/or energy rate on any AE channel as a function
of the pressure;

2) number N1 of located burst signals with a distance corrected peak amplitude above a "high" specified
value A1;

3) number N2 of located burst signals with a distance corrected peak amplitude above a "low" specified value
A2 within a square of an edge length or circle with a diameter of Z;

4) occurrence of a number N3 of located burst signals above the specified corrected peak amplitude A2 in a
defined time period V during the hold. The time period th starts 2 min after the beginning of the hold

The distance dependent peak amplitude correction shall be carried out in accordance with Annex A.

The values of A1, A2, N1, N2, N3, Z and th for real time control and for subsequent source severity grading shall be
given by the AE test organisation within the test instruction.

8.2 Real time control

The pressurisation shall be stopped, if:

— one of the numbers N1, N2 or N3 is exceeded;

EN 14584:2005 (E)

— energy doubles from any channel in two consecutive pressure intervals of 5 % of the maximum test pressure.

— energy, from which the doubling leads to a test stop shall be given within the written test instruction.

Before the pressurisation is continued the reasons for the suspension shall be investigated and if necessary
appropriate NDT measurements made.

Examples of values for real time control are given in the Table 2 below.

Table 2 — Examples for real time control parameters

CAUTION: The values in the table are an example valid for a particular type of material and may be quite
different for other types of pressure equipment.

Real time control Type of equipment Hydrogen storage

parameters tank, material St 2.2 Total volume <100
A1 100 dBAE

A2 88 dBAE

N1 3

N2 10

N3 2

Z 0,1 dmax

th 5 min

8.3 AE source severity grading

Following the test, the sources (clusters) shall be classified according their AE activity into 3 categories, see Table
3. The grading criteria shall be defined in the test instruction and/or has to be agreed between the customer and
the AE test organisation.

EN 14584:2005 (E)

Table 3 — Source severity grading

Source severity Definition Further actions

1 minor source no further actions shall be necessary; included in the

report for comparison with subsequent tests

2 active source further NDT shall be recommended if the source is

associated with specific parts of the pressure
equipment (e.g. weld seams, attachments)

3 further evaluation by other appropriate NDT shall be

very active carried out before the pressure equipment goes into

The interpretation of the results, including all necessary pressure stops, shall be recorded and, where possible, the
results of supporting NDT should be added into the test report.

9 Documentation
The final report should include the following:

a) test instruction and revision number;

b) name(s) of test operator(s);

c) date and place of the test site;

d) type of AE instrumentation;

e) description of the pressure equipment;

f) drawing with dimensions showing sensor locations;

g) results of system verifications;

h) test fluid employed and temperature;

i) results of attenuation measurement;

j) map showing location of simulated sources;

k) schematic representation of the test sequence of applied load;

I) maps of the structure showing the AE sources identified during the test;

m) description of the AE sources with the classification obtained from the evaluation criteria.

The report should be in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17025:2000, 5.10.

EN 14584:2005 (E)

Annex A

Distance peak amplitude correction procedures

Two acceptable methods are given below. Both methods are applicable in the far field. Since in the near field
inaccuracies in the measurement of attenuation may occur, for the post analysis the most suitably positioned
sensor shall be used. For on-line correction of source peak amplitude the nearest sensor may be used.

a) Use of attenuation curve (see Figure 1):

ds.. .distance from the located source to the nearest sensor;

Am...measured peak amplitude of the source:

1. Find the peak amplitude As of the Hsu-Nielsen source at ds.

2. Subtract this value from Ah (Hsu-Nielsen source peak amplitude at 20 mm from the sensor).

3. Corrected source peak amplitude is obtained by adding the resulting value (Ah - As) to Am.

b) Calculation by using a linear approximation:

Corrected source peak amplitude in the far field is equal to measured peak amplitude plus near field attenuation
plus far field attenuation, where it is assumed that:

• Near-field attenuation (AAN) is equal the Hsu-Nielsen source peak amplitude at 0,02 m from sensor
minus Hsu-Nielsen source peak amplitude at 20 times wall thickness.

• The far-field attenuation is equal to the far-field attenuation coefficient (a) times the far-field source
distance (Ad). The far-field attenuation coefficient is the Hsu-Nielsen source peak amplitude at 20e
minus Ae divided by the distance between dmax and 20e.

A2Oe=Am+a.Ad (A.1)

Ac=A20e+AAN (A.2)

Ac = Am + a.Ad + AAN (A.3)


Ac is the distance dependent corrected peak amplitude of source (dBAE);

Am is the measured peak amplitude of source(dBAE);
A2oe 's the assumed peak amplitude of source at 20e distance (dB);
AAN is the measured attenuation of Hsu-Nielsen source between 0,02 m and 20e distance (dB);
Ad is the distance from AE source to sensor minus 20e (m);
e is the wall thickness (m);
a is the attenuation coefficient between 20e and the maximum detection distance (dB/m).

EN 14584:2005 (E)

If the located source is within the near field, during on-line measurement the source peak amplitude correction
may be done by using a near field attenuation coefficient ((3). The near field attenuation coefficient is the Hsu-
Nielsen source peak amplitude at 0,02m minus Hsu-Nielsen source peak amplitude at 20e divided by the
distance 20e minus 0,02m.
E = AAN / (20e - 0,02) (A.4)

Ac = Am + IS.(ds - 0,02) (for ds < 20e) (A.5)

See for example Figure A.1.

NOTE For the practical implementation of the on-line source peak amplitude correction in the near field, the term '20e - 0,02' can
be replaced by '20e' and 'ds - 0,02' by 'ds'.

A [dB

Figure A.1 — Example for source peak amplitude correction for source in the far field

EN 14584:2005 (E)


[1] EN 13554, Non-destructive testing - Acoustic emission - General principles \2\

Directive 97/23/EC, Pressure Equipment

[3] EN ISO/IEC 17025:2000, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
(ISO/IEC 17025:1999)


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