WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Set No. 1
WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Set No. 1
WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Set No. 1
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2016
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question paper consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answer ALL sub questions from Part-A
Answer any THREE questions from Part-B
PART–A (22 Marks)
1. a) Define multiple-time-around echoes? [4]
b) List out the types of plumbing losses? [4]
c) Define blind speed error? [4]
d) Why is the amplitude –comparison mono pulse more likely to be preferred over
the phase-comparison mono pulse? [4]
e) List out the characteristics of a matched filter? [3]
f) List out the components which are used as duplexer? [3]
3. What type of losses may exist in radar system? Explain in detail? [16]
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Code No: RT41048 R13 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2016
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question paper consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answer ALL sub questions from Part-A
Answer any THREE questions from Part-B
PART–A (22 Marks)
1. a) Define maximum unambiguous range? [4]
b) Define Doppler frequency shift? [4]
c) Define a STALO? [4]
d) Why is the conical scan tracker more likely to be preferred over the sequential
lobing or lobe switching, tracker? [4]
e) What is the difference between array and phased array? [3]
f) Define the terms beam width and beam steering? [3]
3. How FMCW technique is required in radar system? Explain, how can identify
the target direction (front or fro)? [16]
4. a) Explain the working principle and function of each block in power amplifier
transmitter in MTI Radar? [8]
b) Explain the function and necessity of non coherent MTI radar? [8]
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Code No: RT41048 R13 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2016
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question paper consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answer ALL sub questions from Part-A
Answer any THREE questions from Part-B
PART–A (22 Marks)
1. a) Define a creeping wave? [4]
b) List out the types of measurement errors? [4]
c) Define a COHO? [4]
d) Why does a parabolic surface make a good reflector antenna? [4]
e) Define an electronically steered phased array antenna? [3]
f) Define a noise temperature? [3]
PART–B (3x16 = 48 Marks)
2. a) Explain the function of Radar cross section? [8]
b) Derive an equation of probability of false alarm? [8]
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Code No: RT41048 R13 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November - 2016
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question paper consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answer ALL sub questions from Part-A
Answer any THREE questions from Part-B
PART–A (22 Marks)
1. a) Define pre detection and post detection integration? [4]
b) Define non-zero IF Receiver? [4]
c) Define a track-while-scan? [4]
d) List out the scanning patterns to scan an area? [4]
e) What is the difference between array and frequency scanned array? [3]
f) Define A-scope and PPI scope? [3]
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