Note of FNF
Note of FNF
Note of FNF
2) Ask Employee to get signed No dues certificate from all concerned departments.
3) Check employees available EL or PL balance.
4) Check whether employee gratuity is payable or not.
5) Check Bonus payable to employee
6) Check employees salary due
7) Prepare full & final Sheet
8) Add in F&F Sheet: PL or EL amount, Gratuity Amount (Get Form of Gratuity Filled
either by employee or by his nominee if a case of death), Bonus Amount and also add
any other amount payable to employee.
9)Deduct from F&F sheet: Notice period salary if any and also check No Dues Certificate
if any deduction is there deduct it
10) After completion of Full & Final sheet get it approved from approving Authority.
11) after Approval Submit it to Account for payment with relevant documents.
I Hope this will help you & Kindly prepare it accordingly your company Separation Policy.
a. Resignation
b. Termination
c. Death
d. Retrenchment
e. Superannuation etc..
k. Along with the acceptance letter, the employee is given a Departmental Clearance Form. The
employee will
get clearance from all departments mentioned in the form and give it to HR.
l. The HR Deptt. will satisfy itself that the form is complete and filled in properly.
m. Then the HR will prepare the F & F statement for the employee.
n. The F & F Statement will be sent to the Accounts Department for necessary action at their
o. Once the Accounts Department clears the statement, the HR will then prepare a final version
of the same
p. On the last day a farewll could be organized and a warm send off may be arranged for the
q. The cheque along with a Service Certificate may be handed over to the employee and the HR
in particular
The steps for the full and Final Settlement would be as follows:
3. Along with the acceptance letter, Ask Employee to get signed No dues Certificate from all
concerned departments and give it to HR.
4. The HR Department will satisfy itself that the form is completed and filled in properly.
6. Check whether employee gratuity is payable or not. (Get Form of Gratuity Filled either by
employee or by his nominee if a case of death),
10. The F & F Statement will be sent to the Accounts Department for necessary action at their
11. Once the Accounts Department clears the statement, the HR will then prepare a final version
of the same and request Accounts to prepare a cheque for the payable amount.
12. On the last day a farewell could be organized and a warm send off may be arranged for the
13. The cheque along with a Service Certificate may be handed over to the employee and the
HR in particular.
14. Should wish the employee very best in his/her future endeavors.