Impact of Aerobic Exercise On Physical Fitness and Fatigue in Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia PDF
Impact of Aerobic Exercise On Physical Fitness and Fatigue in Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia PDF
Impact of Aerobic Exercise On Physical Fitness and Fatigue in Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia PDF
Background: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is one type of childhood cancer. In the past decades,
cure rates of ALL have increased and the survivor’s quality of life and physical fitness have become a
growing concern. Furthermore cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is reported to be the most distressing symptom
in cancer. Objective: We aimed to examine the effect of aerobic exercise on the physical fitness and
fatigue in children suffering from ALL. Methods: Thirty patients of 8 to 16 years with ALL participated in
this study. Participants were randomized to study group (Group A), who participated in supervised aerobic
exercise program in addition to home program, and control group (Group B), who were instructed to
maintain their usual level of activity in addition to home program. Measurement of physical fitness and
fatigue were done at the baseline and after 16 th weeks. Results: Post measurement results suggested that,
there was significance difference between both groups (P< 0.05). The percentage of improvement of
physical fitness and fatigue level for group A was 31.06% and 21.56% respectively, while the percentage of
improvement for group B was 4.16 % and 2.78% respectively. Conclusion: Aerobic exercise is effective in
improving physical fitness and management of CRF in children with ALL.
Key Words: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Cancer related fatigue exercise training, Physical fitness.
aerobic exercise to home program on both physical effort was achieved the test was terminated [15,17].
fitness and cancer related fatigue in children with Acute During GXT, the patient breathed through a face mask
Lymphoblastic Leukemia. (Hans Rudolph Inc, Kansas City, MO, USA) that
connected to a calibrated expired gas analysis system
(Zan-680 Ergospiro Ergospirometry System,
METHODS manufactured by ZAN Me Bgerate GmbH, Germany).
Study Design: Gas analyzers and flow meter were connected to a
This is a prospective, randomized controlled computer and calculate oxygen uptake. Heart rate (HR)
study. It was conducted in the Cardiorespiratory Lab at was monitored continuously during the graded exercise
Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Giza, test. VO2max was calculated as the average value over
Egypt. The study was approved by Postgraduate the last 30 seconds during the exercise test [18].
Institutional Ethical Committee at Faculty of Physical Table -1: The Modified Borg Scale for
Therapy. Each patient and their parents individually Breathlessness,(Adapted from Deturk et al.,) [16]
received written and verbal information about the study. 0 Nothing at all
Written informed consent was obtained from the
parents or legal guardian of each patient, and also from 0.5 Very very slight
each patient aged 12 years and older. 1 Very slight
Of 36 eligible patients, 30 patients (boys and 2 Slight
girls) with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia agreed to 3 Moderate
participate in this study. The patients were referred by
an Oncologist from Children's Cancer 4 Somewhat sever
Hospital Foundation 57357 to participate in this study. 5 Sever
They were chosen on the basis of the following criteria:
1) Patients' age from 8 to 16 years, 2) Patient
complained from fatigue, 3) There were absence of 7 Very sever
musculoskeletal disturbances that may limit
participation in the exercise training program, 4)
Preserved cardiac structure and function, as assessed 9 Very very sever (almost maximal)
by an echocardiogram, 5) Ambulant without need for 10 Maximal
human assistance in addition to 6) The elapsed time
since their last chemotherapy had to be at least 6
months. Children were excluded when they suffered Fatigue measurement:
from cardiovascular disease, acute or chronic Fatigue level was assessed by the subscale
respiratory disease, acute or chronic bone, joint, or fatigue of The Checklist Individual Strength (CIS) [19].
muscular abnormalities, or immune deficiency that Earlier the CIS was used to investigate cancer survivors
might compromise the patient’s ability to participate in [20,21]. It is reported as a useful and a valid multi-
the exercise rehabilitation program. dimensional instrument, for both assessment and
Participants who had fulfilled the eligibility scoring. CIS is designed to measure four aspects of
criteria were randomized using simple randomization fatigue; subjective experience of fatigue, concentration,
method to either study group (Group A) (n= 15, 8 boys motivation, and physical activity. It consists of eight
and 7 girls), who participated in supervised moderate items scored on a seven-point Likert Scale, with scores
intensity aerobic exercise program in addition to a ranging from eight to 56 (with 1 indicating best and 7
home-based exercises program, and control group worst function) [22,23].
(Group B) (n= 15, 9 boys and 6 girls), who were
instructed to maintain their usual level of activity as well Exercise Intervention
as to perform home-based exercises, Fig. 1 Aerobic exercise:
Measurement procedures Group (A) started aerobic exercise program
Assessment for both physical fitness and fatigue were approximately 24 hours after assessment and lasted for
done at the baseline and after 16th weeks. 16th weeks in addition to home-based exercises. An
Physical fitness measurement exercise session would be only cancelled if a patient
Vo2max was used to measure the patient's was experiencing fever (temperature > 38°C/100.4°F),
physical fitness. Participants performed a Graded low blood platelet levels (< 50.000 per μl), a neutrophil
Exercise Test (GXT) on treadmill using the modified count lower than 500 cells per μl, marked anemia
Bruce protocol, table (1). (hemoglobin < 8 g/dl) or severe cachexia (i.e., weight
Patients were constantly asked to complete 3 mass loss > 35%) [24]. Patients had participated in a
minutes for each stage and once the peak volitional supervised aerobic exercise program by one of the
IJTRR 2017; 6 (2):137-145
researcher (3 sessions /week with each session lasting Exercise Plans for Physical Fitness’ and was composed
from 20–40 minutes). A RAM model 770 CF electronic of five basic exercises to enhance strength, flexibility
treadmill was used for aerobic exercise. Each and aerobic fitness. At each home training session the
participant exercised at 70–85% of his/her previously children accomplished five exercises a given number of
determined individual VO2max. The exercise program times in 11 min, stepwise increasing intensity and the
was divided into 5 min stretching exercise, warm up number of times during the 16th weeks [25]. The
period, followed by moderate intensity of aerobic children or their parents were asked to record training
exercises, and finishing with a cool down period. frequency and training progression.
Warming-up and cooling down periods were in the form Data Analysis:
of walking on the treadmill for about 5–10 minutes at a Data were analyzed with Statistical Package of
speed of 1–1.5 km/h with zero inclination. In the cooling Social Science (SPSS) version 22.0 (Chicago USA).
down period, the speed was gradually decreased until Normal distributed data (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, P >
reaching zero [7]. Participants were regularly monitored 0.05) were expressed as mean and standard deviation
throughout the exercise program, and their heart rates (SD). The paired t-test was used to compare variables
were recorded during the exercise sessions. at the baseline and after 16th weeks within each group,
Home program: while independent-t test was used to compare variables
The children in both groups were instructed to between both groups. For fatigue level nonparametric
exercise at home for at least two times per week. The statistical analysis was used including the Wilcoxon
exercises were outlined by photos, and verbally by us Signed Rank test for variable comparison within groups
at the first session. Furthermore parents were asked to and the Mann-Whitney U test for comparison between
supervise the home exercises. The home training groups. All P-values in the analysis were considered
program was based on the ‘Royal Canadian Air Force statistically significant when P < 0.05.
Randomized (n = 30)
the pre fatigue scores of both groups (p= 0.97), while scores (P> 0.05), fig 3.
there was significance difference in the post fatigue
GA 12.51±3.40
Age - 0.185 0.853*
GB 13.2±3.83
GA 1.25±0.2
Height (m) -0.568 0.570*
GB 1.27±0.3
GA 40.59±6.97
Weight (kg) -0.092 0.935*
GB 41.90±9.19
GA 19.70±3.04
BMI (kg/m2) -0.154 0.895*
GB 19.99±2.23
% of
Variables Groups Pre Post
Data are presented as the mean (SD),*Significant (P < 0.05) improvement between the pre and post measurements.
GA -2.823a 21.56 %*
Fatigue (37-51) (30-44)
CIS-score 42±5.34
GB -1.732a 2.78%
(38-54) (38-54)
*Significant (P < 0.05) improvement between the pre and post measurements, a. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
IJTRR 2017; 6 (2):137-145
Figure 2. Statistical analysis between Pre and Post VO2max between both groups
Figure 3. Statistical analysis between Pre and Post Fatigue between both groups