Chubb SG Sme Cyber Preparedness Report

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Too Small to Fail?

Singapore SME Cyber

Preparedness Report


Cyber risk – an international threat 3

Digital disasters 4

Are larger companies more vulnerable to cyber risk? 5

SMEs score ‘own goals’ 7

Confidence – or overconfidence – in managing a cyber issue 9

Data – a need for protection 11

Biggest concerns to SMEs following a cyber incident 12

The catastrophic domino effect on small businesses 13

The role of insurance 15

How SMEs can protect themselves from cyber risks 16

Commonly used cyber terms 17

About this research 18


Cyber risk - an international threat

There has never been a time when with organisations of all sizes, making
companies and organisations have their ability to protect themselves from
been more at risk of having their data cyber risks essential.
made public or stolen, be it through a
deliberate cyber attack from an external In August and September 2018, the
or internal party, or as a result of system world’s largest publicly traded property
or human error. and casualty insurer Chubb, partnered
with YouGov to conduct a survey among
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) 300 SMEs in Singapore to gauge their
are at the heart of Singapore’s economy attitude to cyber risks. We specifically
says the Singapore Government. wanted to know how vulnerable they
Employing less than 200 people, they believe they are; how they protect
make up 99% of enterprises, employ themselves and prepare for potential
two thirds of the workforce, and account risks; and, if exposed, how they react.
for around half of Singapore’s GDP 1 .
The results of our survey reveal a
Clearly, SMEs are a hugely important significant gap between the hard
part of the economy. They are deeply reality of cyber risk and how well small
interconnected with consumers and companies are prepared to deal with it.

Chart 1: SMEs in Singapore:

Make up 99% of enterprises

Employ 2/3 of workforce

Account for about 1/2 of GDP


Digital disasters

2017 saw two major global cyber events However, it is not just data breaches,
that affected many industries across but data exposure which organisations
multiple countries. These events pushed need to heed – when data is stored and
cyber resilience up the agenda of defended improperly, it can be accessed
governments and corporations alike. by anyone with even basic skills.

In May, the WannaCry virus struck first In Singapore, hotel chain Shangri-La
in Europe before spreading across the International Hotel had to tell more than
globe. The virus was indiscriminate. 4,300 of its rewards club members to
It crippled SMEs as well as major change their passwords following a data
companies, infecting more than 300,000 breach in 2018. The hotel said illegal
systems across 150 countries in a matter access to its mobile app gave hackers
of days. This was followed by the more access to Golden Circle members’
sinister malware, NotPetya, that brought names, membership numbers, log-
several U.S. government departments in e-mail addresses, membership
and major companies to a halt, costing levels, number of points and upgrade
billions of dollars in damage and lost conditions 2 .
revenue. These attacks highlighted our
unpreparedness to deal with cyber
incidents, and our dependency on SingHealth, Singapore’s largest
technology to conduct commerce. health group also experienced a
serious cyber attack in 2018. Personal
and healthcare information of
1.5 million people, around one-fifth of
Singapore’s population, were leaked -
including that of Prime Minister
Lee Hsien Loong 3 .


Are larger companies more vulnerable to cyber risk? Hint: No

With the news headlines focusing In fact, smaller companies face a far
on incidents taking place in large bigger risk exposure. Large businesses
corporations and within governments, spend enormous sums of money on
it could be easy to conclude that smaller corporate cyber security to institute
companies are relatively incident-free. sophisticated defences. SMEs face many
According to our research, nearly two of the same threats. However, most do
thirds of respondents in Singapore (63%) not have the means to make anywhere “Some SMEs believe they
believe they are in a better position than near the investment required to are too small to be targeted
their larger competitors. implement comprehensive protection, by cyber criminals or any
leaving significant risk uncovered.
However, nothing could be further from
internal issues will not greatly
the truth. As a result, it is becoming increasingly impact them. In effect, they
likely that if an SME has a security think they are “too small to
Our research shows that the majority weakness, it will be targeted sooner fail”. However, every report,
of small businesses in Singapore (56%) rather than later. This is why, for cyber
have experienced a cyber error or cyber criminals, these businesses are the
survey or set of statistics
attack in the past 12 months. proverbial “low-hanging fruit”. Not only on cyber events tell us that
are they easy targets, they also offer a all businesses are exposed,
substantial cumulative payoff. In fact, whether big or small. ”
SMEs, with their low or no investment
in cyber security measures, are actually
the ideal, and subsequently the most Andrew Taylor
common target for online crimes. Cyber Underwriting Manager,
Chubb Asia Pacific

Chart 2: Sentiments of SMEs towards cyber risks

63% 56%

Percentage of respondents who believe Percentage of respondents who have

they are better off than large companies experienced a cyber incident in the last
12 months

Case Study:
Hackers steal online retailer’s data

Retail US$200,000
Industry Claim Amount

US$35 million
Annual Revenue

A retail store with a large Police and regulators were required

proportion of products sold via to investigate the company and two
on-line trading platforms had its customers brought civil litigation
website compromised due to weak against the retail store. First-party
password management and security costs and forensics costs were
surrounding Virtual Private Network incurred to investigate the source
(VPN) access to the company’s of the breach as well as incident
website. This enabled the external response costs to identify and
hackers to steal personal information contact the affected customers.
from over 1,000 customers and to Solicitors would have been required
then conduct further phishing scams to defend the civil litigation.
against the company’s customers.

SMEs score ‘own goals’

While small businesses are hugely at These findings do not in any way reduce
risk from external cyber attacks, our the impact of external attacks but
research shows that the majority of data demonstrate that companies need to
loss incidents actually occur because of ensure their houses are in order at the
system breakdowns or human error. same time as guarding against outside
“Chubb’s claims data shows
clearly that the majority of
cyber or data issues have
The top three cyber incidents caused by internal factors among the companies
we surveyed were:
internal causes. Over the
past 20 years of underwriting
• Business interruption from system malfunction 22% cyber insurance, it’s become
• Business interruption or data loss through human error, such as a lost clear to me that cyber risk is
or stolen memory device or employees unintentionally exposing their
company data to risk 20%
an enterprise-wide issue, it’s
• Data loss through a system malfunction or technical fault 16% not just about technology.
Good cyber mitigation
strategies include strong
governance processes, vendor
Chart 3: Cyber incidents experienced by SMEs in the past 12 months management and employee
Incidents %

Business interruption from system malfunction, technical fault 22% Andrew Taylor
Business interruption due to reliance on a third party service provider that Cyber Underwriting Manager,
has suffered downtime 20%
Chubb Asia Pacific
Business interruption or data loss through human error, such as a lost or stolen
memory device or employees unintentionally exposing their company data to risk 20%

Data loss through system malfunction, technical fault 16%

Malicious parties disrupting operations 9%

Competitors stealing your Intellectual Property (IP), R&D or other

proprietary information 8%

Disgruntled employees or other malicious parties leaking compromising

company emails or other files 8%

Hackers/cyber criminals stealing or compromising customer records 8%

A supplier or business partner losing your data or causing it to be compromised 7%

Cyber criminals defrauding your business 6%

Cyber criminals compounding critical operational data and holding it to ransom 6%

State-sponsored agencies stealing your Intellectual Property (IP), R&D or other

proprietary information 5%

Don’t know 3%

Other notable cyber incident or breach 2%

Case Study:
Stolen laptop results in invasion of privacy

Industrial US$325,000
Industry Claim Amount

US$20 million
Annual Revenue

An energy company executive’s notified relevant customers and

laptop was stolen from a corporate employees and afforded call
vehicle. The laptop contained centre, monitoring, and restoration
significant private customer and services, as appropriate. While
employee information. Although the additional first-party cost was
the file was encrypted, the overall US$100,000, the energy company
password protection on the laptop also incurred US$75,000 in
was weak and the PIN for accessing expenses responding to a multi-
the encrypted information was state regulatory investigation.
Ultimately, the company was fined
After assessing the information US$100,000 for deviating from its
on the laptop with a forensic publicly stated privacy policy.
expert and outside compliance
counsel at a cost of US$50,000,
the energy company voluntarily

Confidence – or over-confidence – in managing a cyber issue

Our research reveals that the vast Perhaps the reason for these seemingly
majority of SMEs are confident in their conflicting results lies in the fact
ability to overcome a breach following there is disagreement on where the
a cyber attack. In Singapore, 72% of the responsibility for cyber risk should rest.
respondents believe they can overcome Respondents to our survey were fairly
a cyber event and more than half (55%) equally divided – 40% believe the Head
believe they can contain a breach within of IT or the Chief Information Officer “Cyber risk is an enterprise
12 hours. At the same time, following a should be responsible, while 38% believe risk and not a risk that sits in
breach, 62% said that an incident made this role belongs to the Chief Executive. just one business unit or cost
them realise they are more vulnerable
than they had previously thought and Chubb’s view is that cyber security
centre. To manage the risk,
59% believe a similar incident is less is everyone’s responsibility, but it there should be enterprise-
likely to occur in the future. should be led by someone who has the wide controls, and this needs
authority to effect change. boardroom or business owner
This presents us with a dilemma. While
we see a high level of confidence among
SMEs, the survey also revealed results
which seem to contradict this. Cyber risk is an important
part of a board officer’s
Chart 4: SMEs are generally unaware of the risks they face
fiduciary duties.”

66% believe they are not aware of all the cyber threats they face. Andrew Taylor
Cyber Underwriting Manager,
Chubb Asia Pacific
58% are not confident that all their employees who
have access to sensitive data are fully aware of their
data privacy responsibilities.

32% of SMEs who experienced

cyber incidents did not know
which data files were affected.

Chart 5: Actions taken by SMEs following a cyber incident

44% 22%

Increased their security Took no action at all

Case Study:
Ransomware hides personal information theft

Retail US$105,000
Industry Claim Amount

US$150 million
Annual Revenue

A national retail chain suffered a multiple times by threat actors

cyber loss when an employee at using remote access from an
one of its franchise stores clicked an exposed port to the Internet. The
email link from an unknown source. criminals targeted the retailer’s
The email link contained malware unencrypted customer database.
that encrypted a “back-office” Over 70,000 customer records were
computer. stolen comprising names, postal
addresses, email addresses, phone
After forensic investigations, it numbers and other sensitive data.
was uncovered that attackers used
the ransomware in an attempt to External legal counsel, forensics
mask their previous breaches on experts, public relations consultants
the company’s network. Months and a call-centre were required to
before the ransomware attack, mitigate the damage caused by
the computer had been accessed the attack.

Data - a need for protection

“Given their limited

resources, SMEs are often
highly vulnerable to cyber
attacks. Preparedness is key
to mitigating the risks, and
that has two main elements.
First of all, putting in place
strong cyber security
policies and procedures
and training staff adequately
Protecting data is not just good for Singapore has announced in September will significantly improve
business, it is the law. In Singapore, 2018 that it will establish an ASEAN-
SMEs are required to make reasonable Singapore Cybersecurity Centre
an SME’s resilience,
security arrangements to protect of Excellence (ASCCE) to build the without incurring major
personal data in their possession region’s cyber security capacity 5 . New costs. Second, an effective
under Section 24 of the Personal Data cyber laws in the Cyber Security Act has incident response plan
Protection Act (PDPA). also taken effect since 31 August 2018
for the oversight and maintenance of
is crucial.”
If an SME omits to adopt reasonable national cybersecurity in Singapore 6 .
security arrangements, the SME may Ben Yates
be subject to regulatory penalties if a Senior Consultant,
cyber breach occurs. Section 32 of the
PDPA also provides an individual the
Commercial Disputes,
right of private action if the individual Cyber and Fintech
can show that they suffered loss or RPC
damage because of the data breach .
An SME may face concurrent civil
liability for failing to implement
reasonable cyber security measures to
safeguard personal data 4 .

Businesses in Singapore can refer to the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore website for more information on
Cyber Security Act:

Biggest concerns of SMEs following a cyber incident

SMEs are certainly aware of the impact The very foundation of SMEs is more
of a cyber incident on their business. at risk when it comes to cyber security
From our research, we found that the incidents than larger organisations
biggest concern to SMEs following a because they have limited resources
cyber incident is their relationship with to respond and recover. The business
customers (65%). This is closely followed interruption and financial impact
by concerns about their revenue and can be catastrophic. The risk to the
sales (62%), their public reputation (59%) overall business is what Chubb calls the
and the sheer cost of the incident (59%). ‘Domino Effect.’

Despite this – or maybe because of

this – only 31% of the respondents said
they had notified the parties impacted
following a cyber incident.

Chart 6: Key concerns of SMEs following a cyber incident

65% 62%
Relationship with Revenue and sales

59% 59%
Public reputation Cost of the incident

Had notified the
parties impacted
following a cyber

The catastrophic domino effect on small businesses

The First Domino The Third Domino

Cascade Cascade

Websites or computer systems of SMEs Restoring digital data, software, and

are attacked and their virtual storefronts computer systems can require such a
and ability to process transactions are large investment of time and money
destroyed. It’s as if the SME has gone that it can precipitate business
out of business and as a result, many bankruptcy. Couple that with a
customers go elsewhere and a large potential ransom payment, and the
percentage never return. SME faces financial ruin.

The Second Domino The Fourth Domino

Cascade Cascade

When attacks involve stolen personal The last possible outcome is that SMEs
information such as credit card numbers, may be sued for liability when an attack
a downward spiral of negative press impacts customers, vendors, suppliers, or
and shaken customer confidence can others. These lawsuits are often extremely
lead to crippling brand damage and costly and time consuming to defend and
further customer attrition can become that’s another way that a cyber attack can
stampede-like. become an endgame event.

Case Study:
Business email compromise and stolen customer data

Professional Service US$52,000

Industry Claim Amount

US$25 million
Annual Revenue

The business email inbox of a The attackers used the Office 365
partner in a mid-sized professional access to delete emails and further
service firm was compromised compromise the partner’s LinkedIn
when the partner fell victim to account, perpetuating the phishing
a phishing attack. The partner scam and information harvesting
unwittingly provided his Office from the partner’s Linkedin
365 log-in details to the attacker. followers.
These details were then used to log
into his Office 365 account from an Privacy lawyers, PR consultants and
international location. The attackers computers forensics experts were
had full access to the partner’s required to assist, stop and mitigate
contacts, business attachments, the damage caused.
confidential client information
and calendar. The information
the attackers compromised also
included European client data.

The role of insurance

“Clearly, there is a need

for more broker and client
education about the value
of cyber insurance. At Chubb,
our value proposition is
more than just the traditional
‘promise to pay’ – we offer
enterprise-wide support
solutions for the benefit of
Covering the cost of a cyber breach is promote awareness about exposure to our Insured. That’s why
critical for companies of all sizes; but cyber losses, share expertise on risk we place emphasis on our
particularly for SMEs. Since insurance management and encourage investment
transfers the financial risk from the SME in risk reduction.
preventive advice as well as
to the insurer, this relieves the burden our global incident response
on the SME in the event of a cyber We also maintain the Chubb Cyber support.”
breach. However, 70% of SMEs surveyed IndexSM which provides real time access
have never purchased cyber insurance to its proprietary data. Chubb has been
before. This may be due to their lack of handling cyber claims for nearly 20
Tim Stapleton
awareness about the insurance solutions years, and these metrics, along with Senior Vice President,
available, with 64% of SMEs polled public trend data, offer useful insights Cyber & Technology,
agreeing to that statement. In addition, to partners and policyholders to help Chubb Overseas General
48% would value the ability to identify manage and reduce their exposure to
and minimise the impact of a cyber future losses.
incident, as well as having a hands-on
response service. Chubb further assists clients by
providing an Incident Response
This is why insurers are responding to Platform to help contain threats and
the growing challenges of cyber risk limit potential damage to a client’s
to help secure the business world. business and, importantly, learn from
In line with the OECD’s report to the the incident.
G7 in May 2017, Chubb is working to

Chart 7: When asked if SMEs had purchased insurance before or after a

cyber incident:

Yes, we purchased before
No, we did not purchase any
Yes, we purchased after

Don’t know

How SMEs can protect themselves from cyber risks

As modern technology interacts across multiple environments, we will always be

faced with the potential for change which could expose a previously unknown risk.
However, there are five simple measures that SMEs can take to create their own
cyber risk programs and limit their exposure and ensure they are not “too small
to fail”. These tips are in line with the Australian government’s ‘Essential 8’
mitigation strategies.

Develop and enforce a strong password policy

One of the easiest ways for cyber criminals to access SME assets is by
walking through the virtual “open door” that employees provide when
using weak passwords. To correct that situation, it is a good idea for
SMEs to establish a written password policy requiring strong passwords
(e.g., a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols) that are frequently
changed. Passwords should also be changed automatically, or accounts
marked inactive when employees leave the company.

Conduct regular training about cybersecurity vigilance

SMEs should inform employees of the role they play in preventing a
cyber breach. It is all too easy for malicious software to hitch a ride into
the company server when company laptops or other devices are used
offsite and later connected to the internal network. The best way to
establish positive and secure habits within the company’s workforce is
with regularly scheduled training and education. It should also restrict
access to sensitive information by only allowing management or those
who require that information for company operations, to have access.

Update IT equipment and deploy security software

Outdated operating systems and computers can be a risk as they are
vulnerable to more sophisticated hacking techniques and newer forms
of malware. At the same time, it is important for SMEs to monitor
those who have legitimate access to their computer network, as well
as to monitor the network itself. Although SMEs do not typically have
information security experts within their organisation, they can access
basic downloadable software that deploy some of the same technology
solutions used by major companies within minutes.

Create a Cyber Incident Response Plan

Establish a dedicated and prepared team of cyber incident responders
consisting of both employees and outside service providers who can
work toward a resolution for certain incidents quickly.

Purchase Cyber Insurance

SMEs can more fully protect their assets and cash flow by purchasing
cyber insurance. The cost of insurance will always be far less than the
cost of shutting down a business in the wake of one or more cyber
attacks. Cyber insurance, such as Chubb’s Cyber Enterprise Risk
Management (ERM) can be pre-packaged with some of the services
mentioned above.
Commonly used cyber terms

Cyber attack Malicious activity aimed at affecting the availability,

confidentiality or integrity of computer systems for data.

Data breach When sensitive, protected or confidential data is either

intentionally or unintentionally copied, transmitted, viewed
or used by an individual unauthorised to do so.

Malware Any form of malicious software (including viruses and Trojan

Horses) that infects a network, servers, devices or end user
computer, including ransomware, remote access tools,
network sniffing software and botnet software.

Phishing Communications via email, messaging, telephone that,

though the guise of legitimacy, seeks information or places
misinformation in a system environment through a benign-
looking link or file.

Ransomware Computer software that installs covertly on a device and locks

the system until a sum of money is paid.

Spear phishing While phishing is a generally exploratory attack that targets a

broader audience and tends to stop once certain information
is stolen, spear phishing is more targeted. In spear phishing,
the successful theft of credentials or personal information is
often only the beginning of the attack, because it is only used
to gain access to the target network — a move that ultimately
leads to a targeted attack.

About this research

This report has been produced by Chubb in collaboration with YouGov. It is based
on a survey of 1,000 respondents from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in
three markets; 400 from Australia, and 300 each from Hong Kong and Singapore.

Respondents comprised board-level executives (77%) and senior managers or

directors below board level (23%) from SMEs with 2 to 249 employees.

The industries respondents belonged to are: Professional Services (22%),

Manufacturing (17%), Retail & Hospitality (13%), Education (6%), Financial Services
(6%), Healthcare (5%), Technology (5%), Media & Communications (3%); and other
industries (23%).

For more information about Chubb’s Cyber Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
policy, please contact us at [email protected]

About Chubb in Singapore Contact Us

Chubb is the world’s largest publicly Chubb Insurance Singapore Limited

traded property and casualty insurer. Co Regn. No.: 199702449H
Chubb Insurance Singapore Limited, 138 Market Street
via acquisitions by its predecessor #11-01 CapitaGreen
companies, has been present in Singapore 048946
Singapore since 1948. Chubb in O +65 6398 8000
Singapore provides underwriting and F +65 6298 1055
risk management expertise for all major
classes of general insurance, including
Property & Casualty, Marine, Liability,
Financial Lines and Group Personal
Accident insurance. As one of the leading
providers of Accident & Health insurance
through direct marketing, the company
partners with financial institutions and
other companies to tailor individual
policies for their clients and employees.
In addition, it offers a suite of customised
Personal & Specialty insurance solutions
to meet the needs of consumers.

Over the years, Chubb in Singapore has

established strong client relationships by
offering responsive service, developing
innovative products and providing
market leadership built on financial

More information can be found at

Chubb. Insured.

Important Notes:
This brochure is intended to provide only a general description of the products and associated services offered by
Chubb. Any advice in this brochure is general only and does not take into account a potential purchaser’s objectives,
financial situation or needs, or the prevailing laws and regulations in the relevant jurisdictions. The information
contained herein is not intended to explain or broaden coverage afforded under any policy or product offered by
Chubb. Please review the full terms, conditions and exclusions of the relevant policy(ies) as well as the relevant
Product Disclosure Statement or the QFE Disclosure Statement (where applicable) and consider whether the advice
is right for you. Coverages are underwritten by one or more Chubb companies. Not all coverages are available in all
countries. Coverages are subject to licensing requirements and sanctions restrictions. This document is neither an
offer nor a solicitation of insurance or reinsurance products. Potential purchasers should contact their local broker
or agent for advice.
20 © 2018 Chubb. Chubb® logo and Chubb. Insured.TM are protected trademarks of Chubb Limited.

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