Competencies For Grade 7 Students

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Streamlined Competencies for Grade 7

S.Y. 2019-2020

The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other


The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture.

The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of
English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

Reading Listening Viewing Vocabulary Literature Writing and Oral Language and Grammar
Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Development Composition Fluency Awareness
EN7RC-I-a-7: EN7LC-I-a-5: EN7VC-I-a-8: EN7V-I-a-22: EN7LT-I-a-1: EN7WC-I-a-4: EN7F-I-a-3.11: EN7G-I-a-11:
Use the Recognize prosodic Use structural Distinguish Discover literature as a means of Distinguish between Observe the correct Observe
appropriate features: volume, analysis to between slang connecting to a significant past oral and written production of vowel correct
reading style projection, pitch, determine the and colloquial language use and consonant sounds, subject-verb
(scanning, stress, intonation, meaning of expressions in EN7LT-I-a-2: diphthongs, blends, agreement
skimming, speed juncture, and speech unfamiliar words or conversations Describe the different literary genres EN7WC-I-a-4.1: glides, etc.
reading, intensive rate that serve as expressions from during the pre-colonial period Recognize the
reading etc.) for carriers of meaning the material viewed EN7V-I-a-22.1: common purposes EN7F-I-a-3.11.1: ​Read
one’s purpose Distinguish EN7LT-I-a-2.1: for writing words phrases,
EN7LC-I-a-5.1: EN7VC-I-c-3.1.3: features of Identify the distinguishing features of clauses, sentences and
Listen for important Give the meaning colloquial proverbs, myths, and legends EN7WC-I-b-4.2: paragraphs using the
points signalled by of given signs and language (fillers, Differentiate literary correct production of
EN7SS-I-a-1.5.2: volume, projection, symbols (road contractions, etc.) EN7LT-I-b-2.2: writing from vowel and consonant
Scan ​for specific pitch, stress, signs, prohibited and slang Explain how the elements specific to academic writing sounds, diphthongs,
information intonation, juncture, signs, etc.) a genre contribute to the theme of a blends and glides
EN7SS-I-b-1.5.1: and rate of speech EN7V-I-c-10.2: particular literary selection EN7WC-I-d-4.3:
Skim ​for major EN7VC-I-d-6: Use appropriate Identify basic EN7OL-I-b1.14:
ideas using EN7LC-I-a-5.2: ​Note Identify the genre of idiomatic EN7LT-I-c-2.2.1: features and kinds Use appropriate
headings as guide the changes in volume, a material viewed expressions in a Express appreciation for sensory of paragraph prosodic features of
projection, pitch, (such as movie clip, variety of basic images used speech like pitch,
EN7RC-I-c-7.1: stress, intonation, trailer, news flash, interpersonal EN7WC-I-e-2.8.1​: stress, juncture,
Read intensively juncture, and rate of internet-based communicative EN7LT-I-d-2.2.2: Recognize the parts intonation, volume and
to find answers to speech that affect program, situations Explain the literary devices used of a simple projection and
specific questions meaning documentary, paragraph rate/speed of speech in
video, EN7V-I-e-22.2: EN7LT-I-f-2.2.3: differing oral
EN7RC-I-e-2.15: etc) Select an Determine the tone, mood, EN7WC-I-g-4.4: communication
Use non-linear appropriate technique​, and purpose of the author Sequence steps in situations
visuals as EN7VC-I-f-9: colloquial or writing a simple
comprehensive Organize idiomatic word or EN7LT-I-g-2.3: paragraph EN7OL-I-b-1.14.2:
aids in content information from a expression as a Draw similarities and differences of Observe the correct
texts material viewed substitute for the featured selections in relation to EN7WC-I-h-2.2: pitch levels (high,
another word or the theme Retell a chosen medium, low) when
EN7SS-I-e-1.2: expression myth or legend in a reading lines of poetry,
Transcode orally EN7LT-I-i-3: series of simple sample sentences and
and in writing the EN7V-I-h-22.3: Explain how a selection may be paragraphs paragraphs
information Explain the influenced by culture, history,
presented in predominance of environment, or other factors EN7OL-I-d-1.14.3:
diagrams, charts, colloquial and ​Use the correct stress
table, graphs, etc idiomatic (primary, secondary,
expressions in oral tertiary and weak)
EN7SS-I-h-1.2: communication when reading
Give the meaning passages
of given signs and
symbols (road EN7OL-I-f-1.14.4:
signs, prohibited Use the rising
signs, etc.) intonation pattern with
Yes-No and tag
EN7RC-I-i-14: questions; the
Follow directions rising-falling intonation
using a map with information-
. seeking questions,

option questions and
with statements

Observe and use
juncture/phrasing and
rate of speech when
reading sample
passages (prose or


The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other


The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture.

The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature during the Period of Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts; various purposeful listening and viewing strategies; difference between literal
and figurative language; ways to extract and condense information based on library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in oral communication; and types of phrases, clauses, and sentences.

The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts presented in literary selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library resources; extracting information and noting details from texts to write a précis,
summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between and using literal and figurative language and verbal and non-verbal cues; use phrases, clauses, and sentences meaningfully and appropriately.

Reading Listening Comprehension Viewing Vocabulary Literature Writing and Oral Language and Grammar
Comprehension Comprehension Development Composition Fluency Awareness
EN7SS-II-a-1: EN7LC-II-a-6: EN7VC-II-a-1/2: EN7V-II-a-10.1: EN7LT-II-a-4: EN7WC-II-a-5: EN7OL-II-a-4: EN7G-II-a-1:
Use appropriate Use listening strategies Note details, Discriminate Discover the conflicts presented in Extract information Use verbal and non Use phrases,
mechanisms/tools based on purpose, sequence, and between literal literary selections and the need to from a text using a verbal cues in clauses, and
in the library for familiarity with the topic relationships of and figurative resolve those conflicts in summary, precis, conversations, dialogs, sentences
locating resources and levels of difficulty of ideas and events language non-violent ways and paraphrase and interviews appropriately
short texts listened to and meaningfully
EN7SS-II-a-1.5.3: EN7VC-II-c-11: EN7V-II-a-10.1.1 EN7LT-II-a-4.1: EN7WC-II-d-5.1: EN7OL-II-a-4.1:
Use the card EN7LC-II-a-6.1: Narrate events : Identify the distinguishing features Identify key ideas Use appropriate verbal
catalog, the online Extract information from chronologically/ Classify sample of literature during the Period of and non-verbal cues
public access the text listened to Arrange ideas texts into literal Apprenticeship EN7WC-II-f-5.2: when developing,
catalog, or logically based on or figurative Identify supporting maintaining and
electronic search EN7LC-II-b-3.3: a material viewed EN7LT-II-c-2.2: details ending conversations
engine to locate Recognize main/key ideas EN7V-II-c-10.1.2 Explain how the elements specific and dialogs
specific resources EN7VC-II-f-1.3: :​ Identify figures to a genre contribute to the theme EN7WC-II-h-5.3:
EN7LC-II-c-2.1/3.1: Predict the gist of of speech that of a particular literary selection Simplify ideas EN7OL-II-c-2.7:
the material show comparison Employ correct
EN7SS-II-a-1: Note specific viewed based on (simile metaphor, EN7LT-II-d-2.2.1: turn-taking, turn-giving
Use appropriate details/elements of the the title, pictures, personification) Express appreciation for sensory and topic control
mechanisms/tools text listened to and excerpts of images used strategies in
in the library for the material EN7V-II-f-10.1.3: conversations and
locating resources viewed Identify figures of EN7LT-II-0-2.2.2: dialogs
EN7LC-II-e-4: speech that show Explain the literary devices used
EN7SS-II-a-1.5.3: Recognize signals/ cues EN7VC-II-h-12: contrast (irony, EN7OL-II-e-3.7:
Use the card to determine the order of Raise questions oxymoron, EN7LT-II-f-2.2.3: Use appropriate
catalog, the online ideas/ events about a material paradox) Determine tone, mood, technique, techniques and
public access viewed and purpose of the author strategies when asking
catalog, or EN7LC-II-f-2.13: questions and eliciting
electronic search Determine the tone and EN7LT-II-g-2.3: answers
engine to locate mood of the speaker or Draw similarities and differences of
specific resources characters in the narrative the featured selections in relation EN7OL-II-g-2.6.2:
listened to to the theme Observe and use the
EN7SS-II-g-2.1: appropriate gestures
Gather current EN7LC-II-g-2.8.3: EN7LT-II-h-3: (hand-body) that
information from Infer the purpose of the Explain how a selection may be accompany oral
newspapers and text listened to influenced by culture, history, language
other print and environment, or other factors
non-print media EN7LC-II-h-2.5: EN7OL-II-i-1.14:
Make predictions about Use the correct pitch,
the contents of the texts juncture, stress,
listened to volume and projection
and rate/speed of
EN7LC-II-i-6.2:​ Infer speech in
thoughts and feelings conversations and
expressed in the text dialogs
listened to


The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other


The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture.

The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of informative and short
narrative texts; word relationships and associations; informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported speech, passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and sentence

The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity; comprehending informative and short narrative texts using schema and appropriate listening and viewing strategies;
expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats; and enriching written and spoken communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past and past perfect
tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately.

Reading Listening Viewing Vocabulary Literature Writing and Oral Language and Fluency Grammar Awareness
Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Development Composition
EN7RC-III-a-8: EN7LC-III-a-7: ​Use EN7VC-III-a-13: EN7V-III-a-13.11: EN7LT-III-a-5: EN7WC-III-a-2.2: EN7OL-III-a-1.3: EN7G-III-a-1:
Use one’s schema different listening Determine the key Categorize words or Discover literature as a tool Compose simple ​Express ideas, opinions, Link sentences
to better strategies based on message conveyed expressions to assert one’s unique narrative texts feelings and emotions during using logical
understand a text purpose, topic and in the material according to shades identity and to better interviews, group/panel connectors that
levels of difficulty of viewed of meaning understand other people EN7WC-III-a-2.2.12: discussions, forums/fora, signal
EN7RC-III-a-8.1: simple informative Identify features of debates, etc. chronological and
Use one’s schema and short narrative EN7VC-III-e-14: EN7V-III-a-13.11.1: EN7LT-III-a-5.1: narrative writing logical sequence
as basis for texts Make a stand on Identify collocations Identify the distinguishing EN7OL-III-a-5: and summation
conjectures made the material viewed used in a selection features of literature during EN7WC-III-b-2.1: Use the appropriate prosodic
about a text EN7LC-III-a-2.1/3.1 the Period of Emergence Compose personal features of speech during EN7G-III-c-2:
: EN7V-III-g-13.11.2 EN7V-III-b-13.11.1: and factual recounts interviews, discussions and Use the passive
EN7RC-III-c-8.2: : Identify collocations EN7LT-III-b-5: forums and active voice
Use the universe used in a selection

of the text to Note specific details Identify words or Discover literature as a tool EN7WC-III-c-2.8.5: EN7OL-III-b-3: meaningfully in
activate one’s of the text listened expressions with EN7V-III-d-13.8: to assert one’s unique Compose a series of Employ the appropriate oral varied contexts
schema to part-whole Determine words or identity and to better journal entries language and stance in an
EN7LC-III-c-6.2: EN7LC-III-b-3.3/3.3 (partitive) relations expressions with understand other people interview, a panel EN7G-III-e-3:
Infer thoughts and .​1: genus-species EN7LT-III-b-5.2: EN7WC-III-d-2.2.13: discussion, in a forum and in ​Use direct and
feelings Recognize main (hyponymous) Identify the distinguishing Compose an a debate reported speech
expressed in the points and relations in a features of revolutionary anecdote based on a appropriately in
text listened to supporting ideas in selection songs, poems, short stories, significant personal EN7OL-III-f-3.4.1: varied contexts
the text listened to drama, and novels experience. Express ideas and opinions
EN7RC-III-e-2.8: based on text listened to EN7G-III-h-3:
Make predictions EN7LC-III-c-6.2: EN7LT-III-c-5: EN7WC-III-f-2.2.14​: Use the past and
about the text Infer thoughts and Discover literature as a tool Compose a EN7OL-III-h-1.3.1: past perfect
feelings expressed to assert one’s unique travelogue Raise sensible, challenging tenses correctly in
EN7RC-III-g-9: in the text listened identity and to better thought provoking questions varied contexts
Identify the to understand other people EN7WC-III-h-2.2.15: in public forums/panel
author’s intentions Compose a personal discussions, etc.
for writing EN7LC-III-d-3.18: EN7LT-III-c-2.2: letter to a friend,
Determine the order Explain how the elements relative, and other EN7OL-III-i-1.3.1:
EN7RC-III-g-2.13: of ideas as signaled specific to a genre contribute people Raise sensible, challenging
Distinguish fact by cues to the theme of a particular thought provoking questions
from opinion, literary selection in public forums/panel
fantasy from EN7LC-III-e-3.6: discussions, etc.
reality in the text Follow steps in a EN7LT-III-d-2.2.2:
process Explain literary devices used
React to EN7LC-III-f-2.7: EN7LT-III-f-2.2.3:
assertions made Sequence a series Determine tone, mood,
by the author in of events technique, and purpose of
the text mentioned in the the author
listened to
EN7LC-III-g-7.1: Draw similarities and
Identify the persons differences of the featured
speaking and selections in relation to the
addressed, and the theme
stand of the
speaker based on EN7LT-III-h-3:
explicit statements Explain how a selection may
made be influenced by culture,

EN7LC-III-i-2.5: history, environment, and
Formulate other factors
predictions about
the contents of the


The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other


The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture.

The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary Philippine literature as a means of responding to the demands of the global village; various extended text types; lexical and contextual
cues; appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and behavior; and use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and wh-questions.

The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative and responsible in today’s global village; using appropriate strategies to comprehend extended text types; using lexical and contextual clues to
understand unfamiliar words and expressions; using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing formats.

Reading Comprehension Listening Viewing Vocabulary Literature Writing and Oral Language and Grammar Awareness
Comprehension Comprehension Development Composition Fluency
EN7RC-IV-a-3.2: EN7LC-IV-a-8: EN7VC-IV-a-6.1: EN7RC-IV-a-12.3: EN7LT-IV-a-6: EN7WC-IV-a-2.2: EN7OL-IV-a 3: EN7G-IV-a-4:
Classify text types Process information Differentiate Use lexical and Discover through Compose simple Observe and use the Use imperatives
(narrative, expository, mentioned in the reality from contextual cues in Philippine literature the informative texts appropriate oral and prepositions
explanation, recount, text listened to fantasy based on understanding need to work language, stance and when giving
persuasive) a material viewed unfamiliar words cooperatively and EN7WC-IV-a-2.8.4: behavior when giving instructions
EN7LC-IV-a-8.1: and expressions responsibly in today’s Identify features of information,
EN7RC-IV-b-10: Determine the EN7VC-IV-c-15: global village personal essays instructions, making EN7G-IV-c-5:
Use appropriate reading intentions of Compare content EN7V-IV-c-23: explanations, and Use verbs when
strategies for various text speakers by of materials Analyze EN7LT-IV-a-6.1: EN7WC-IV-b. 2.8.6: narrating events in giving information
types focusing on their viewed to other relationships Identify the distinguishing Distinguish between factual and personal and making
sources of features of selected and among a capsule recounts explanations

EN7RC-IV-b-10.1: unique verbal and information (print presented in literary genres during the biography,
Give and follow instructions non-verbal cues and radio) analogies Contemporary Period biographical sketch, EN7OL-IV-a-1.26: EN7GS-IV-f-6:
and directions and feature article Give clear precise and Formulate
EN7LC-IV-c-2.5: EN7VC-IV-f-16: EN7V-IV-c-23.1: EN7LT-IV-b-2.2: concise information, meaningful
EN7RC-IV-c-2.12: Predict the Express one’s Supply other Explain how the elements EN7WC-IV-c-1.3: explanations and expressions
Make generalizations from outcomes of a beliefs/convictions words or specific to a genre Organize information instructions in varied EN7G-IV-f-6.2:
different text types verbal exchange based on a expressions that contribute to the theme of about a chosen oral communication Formulate who,
EN7RC-IV-d-10.2: listened to and their material viewed complete an a particular literary subject using a situations what, when, where,
Distinguish between general possible effects on analogy selection graphic organizer why, and how
and specific statements the speakers EN7OL-IV-c-1.7: questions
EN7V-IV-e-9: EN7LT-IV-c-2.2.1: EN7WC-IV-d-1.1.6: Orally narrate events
EN7RC-IV-e-2.10: EN7LC-IV-d-2.7: Give the various Express appreciation for Organize information in factual and personal EN7G-IV-h-6.1​:
Sequence/reorganize ideas Sequence a series meanings of sensory images used about a chosen recounts using Formulate short
or information of events mentioned identified subject using a one appropriate verbal and replies
in the text listened homonymous or EN7LT-IV-d-2.2.2: step topic outline non-verbal cues
EN7RC-IV-f-10.3: to polysemous words Explain the literary
Sequence steps in a or expressions devices used EN7WC-IV-e- EN7OL-IV-e-3.10:
process EN7LC-IV-f-2.8: Compose a capsule Use correct and
Make simple EN7V-IV-g-3.11: EN7LT-IV-e-2.2.3: biography of a person appropriate
EN7RC-IV-g-10.4: inferences about Identify words or Determine tone, mood, interviewed multi-media resources
Cite evidence to support a thoughts and expressions used technique, and purpose when orally giving
general statement feelings expressed in a selection that of the author EN7WC-IV-g- information,
in the text listened show varying Compose a instructions, making
EN7RC-IV-g-3.1.13: to shades of EN7LT-IV-g-2.3: biographical sketch explanations and
Make a stand meaning Draw similarities and based on a personal narrating events in
EN7LC-IV-g-8.2: (gradients) differences of the interview and personal or factual
EN7RC-IV-h-2.15.1: Determine the worth featured selections in background research recounts
Organize information read of ideas mentioned EN7V-IV-h-23.2: relation to the theme
into an outline in the text listened Create or expand
to word clines EN7LT-IV-h-3​:
EN7RC-IV-i-10.5: Explain how a selection
Narrate events EN7LC-IV-h-8.3: may be influenced by
Express culture, history,
appreciation for environment, other
entertaining texts factors
(anecdotes, jokes,
fables, myths, tales) EN7LT-IV-0-7:
by recognizing the Explain the contributions
punch lines of national artists for
literature in elevating

Philippine Literature in
English in the global


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