Hydrotest Vs Pneumatic Test
Hydrotest Vs Pneumatic Test
Hydrotest Vs Pneumatic Test
Pneumatic Test
A pressure test is always required for a new pressure system before use or an existing pressure system
after repair or alteration to ensure the following:
Reliability of operation
Normally two methods for pressure testing: hydrostatic and pneumatic, are widely used in process
A hydrostatic test is performed by using water as the test medium, whereas a pneumatic test uses air,
nitrogen, or any non-flammable and nontoxic gas. Pressure tests (both hydrostatic and pneumatic) must
always be performed under controlled conditions, following an approved test plan, and documented in a
test record. A single approved test plan could be used for several similar tests, but for each test a
separate test record is required.
As per the governing code, pressure test has to be performed on piping system after all hot works have
been completed on a certain piping system. Here the term hot work means everything related to
welding or the post weld heat treatment (PWHT). PWHT also has a potential of degrading the
mechanical properties of piping, in case not addressed properly. And this is the reason why code calls
for NDT after PWHT operation. In case after carrying out pressure testing, some modification has to be
made requiring hot work, it calls for a retest as per code. Here code specifies that the minor repairs /
modifications may be waived off provided adequate measures have been taken to ensure sound
construction. Now taking this decision as to which repairs or modifications may be waived off should be
taken very carefully. Normally, the maximum extent of repairs not requiring retesting shall be the tack
welding of any piping support or pad. Anything else shall be done following a retest.
Pressure testing and conducting 100% radiography or ultrasonic inspection shall not be interchanged. In
case carrying out of hydrostatic or pneumatic test stands impractical then 100% radiography or
ultrasonic testing may be performed but in addition to this it is advisable to check that the whole piping
and its components have been supplied against acceptable ASTM standards and required test
certificates are available. Conducting 100% radiography of all the weld joints assure that your weld
joints are defect free but can never provide you with the assurance of mechanical integrity of a system.
This is also to be noted that radiography / ultrasonic inspection shall also not to be waived off if the
pipeline is to be hydrostatically tested. This may pose an additional safety risk during the test.
Moreover, some defects in the weld zones may prove to be detrimental way after taken in service due
to severe extended service conditions.
Test pressure is normally 30% higher than the Test pressure is normally 10% higher than the
design pressure design pressure
Recommended for high pressure applications Recommended only for low pressure
Test media (Water) used is not compressible by Test media (Air) used is compressible by pressure
pressure application application
Energy stored per unit volume of water under Energy stored per unit volume of compressed air
test pressure is very negligible under test pressure is very high
Pressure Relief devices are recommended to Pressure relief devices are must during test to
control sudden increase in pressure during ensure no over pressurisation
Chances of equipment/ Pipe / test apparatus Chances of equipment/ Pipe / test apparatus
Weight of equipment along with test medium as Weight of equipment with test medium
Needs verification and examination of joints and Needs very careful checking of weld joints
connections before testing thoroughly before testing
Test media can be reused or transferred to other Test media can not be reused or transferred to
place after testing other place after testing
Skilled and semi skilled personnel can carry out Needs involvement of senior experienced staff to
the test monitor the test.
Recommended where large volumes are to be If pipe lines are tested should be done with small
tested at same time (example pipe lines ) segmental lengths at a time.
Damages made by failures are less compared to Damages made by failures in testing are very
failures in pneumatic testing huge and extensive
Hydrotest is a regular day to day practice and Needs special attention and safety precautions
safe procedure and it can be followed in any
work site
Pressure changes finite amount by infinitesimal Pressure change proportional to volume change
change in volume
Freeze susceptibility
Pneumatic tests are potentially more dangerous than hydrostatic tests because of the higher level of
potential energy stored during compressing the gas. Care must be exercised to minimize the chance of
brittle failure during testing by initially assuring the system is suitable for pneumatic testing. Pneumatic
tests could be performed only when at least one of the following conditions exists:
When the systems are designed in such a way thet it cannot be filled with water.
When the systems are such that it is to be used in services where traces of the testing medium
cannot be tolerated.
Using a pneumatic test instead of hydrostatic requires approval from proper authority or body.
Test Pressure:
ASME Code B 31.3 provides the basis for test pressure. The minimum hydrostatic test pressure for
metallic piping shall be as per the following equation:
Pt=minimum test gauge pressure
Pd=internal design gauge pressure
St=allowable stress value at test temperature
Sd=allowable stress value at design temperature.
The maximum allowable value of St/Sd is 6.5The pneumatic test pressure shall be as per the following
equation: Pt=1.1*Pd
Normally the following basis is followed in process piping industry for selection of hydro or pneumatic
1. If the fluid handled by piping system is liquid then the pipe must be hydrotested.
2. If the fluid handled is vapour or gas then the internal design pressure dictates the testing
method. For pipe design pressure 10 bar and above the pipe is hydrotested. For pipe design
pressure below 10 bar pipe is pneumatically tested.
4. If fluid handles is two-phase flow then hydrotesting is suggested. However for big size flare
headers pneumatic testing is performed.
Test Duration:
Normally every EPC company have their own standard for duration of tests. However the recommended
practice is that a QC inspector have to walk through the whole piping system and check for leaks. Every
single length of piping, welds, bolted connections shall be visually examined for any leakage. Duration of
this activity varies with the span of piping system. For larger piping system time taken for this activity is
enough to clear the pressure test. In case of piping system having smaller span, 1 hour time may be
made as standard practice for hydrostatic testing. For Pneumatic test the test time is far lesser.
Few important points to consider while hydrotesting:
The tower overhead lines which are normally hydro tested shall be decided by stress engineer
group whether to hydro test after erection or at grade, based on the capacity of standard clip
available as per engineering specification for pipe supports.
During hydrotest in case of big bore it should be decided first that line is to be hydrotested on
rack or grade if hydrotest is done on rack , hydrotest load should be considered in case of
vapour lines while providing structure / rack loading information.