Think Better 7

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Think Better - Page 8

In conclusion, be aware of what the productive thinking process Also bear in mind there are three other situations where it’s
is and is not. unlikely productive thinking will end up proving to be helpful:
1. When you’re in an urgent situation which needs an obvious
1 Ask: What’s going on? quick fix rather than a brand-new productive solution.
2. When it’s just not worth spending the effort to try and go from
The 2 Define what success is good to great. In those situations, it’s not worth the time and
Productive resources required. You’re better off pushing on with what’s
3 Pinpoint the real problem already available.
Model 3. When you don’t have the influence needed to make new
4 List all potential solutions
projects happen within your organization using the
productive thinking process will be impractical. Even if the
5 Polish the best solution
situation is crying out for an innovative solution, if you don’t
have the access to resources or the power to push things
6 Align your resources through, you’d be better off doing something else.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
“The Productive Thinking Model is not a perfect description of – Albert Einstein, scientist
the only way to solve a problem. But it is a useful way. I have “All models are wrong: some are useful.”
seen it work countless times and in dozens of domains. I have – George Box, author
seen it used to solve business problems, clarify sales situations,
develop technical solutions, suggest new products, create “Imagination is the beginning of creation: you imagine what you
marketing campaigns, reduce conflicts, map strategies, desire, you will what you imagine, and at last you create what you
enhance relationships, reduce frustrations, orient careers, and will.”
resolve personal dilemmas. I have seen it help people in finance, – George Bernard Shaw, author
manufacturing, engineering, marketing, politics, government,
science, medicine and family life. Occasionally, I’ve seen it fail. “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable
Still, it’s just a model. It provides direction and guidance, but it is reason why so few engage in it.”
neither absolute nor immutable. I encourage you to use it flexibly, – Henry Ford
adapting it to your own needs, circumstances and thinking “Creativity is not an escape from disciplined thinking. It is an
styles.” escape with disciplined thinking.”
– Tim Hurson – Jerry Hirchberg
To tell when it’s unlikely the Productive Thinking Model will work, “The Productive Thinking Model builds on our natural three-step
use the I3 model: problem-solving process – perceive a problem, pick a solution,
I-1 Influence – Do you personally or does the group you do something – and transforms it into a comprehensive,
belong to have influence over the issue you want to plan? If repeatable six-step framework for thinking better. Simply put,
responding to the challenge is outside your area of productive thinking is a way to come up with better answers. It
authority, it probably won’t be worth spending too much allows you to sidestep the knee-jerk reaction and come up with
time or effort on the Productive Thinking Model. creative, useful and effective solutions. With productive thinking,
you can train yourself to generate more options, better options,
I-2 Importance – Is the issue at hand something that is
important to you personally or your group? If not, you more of the time in almost any situation. Productive thinking
probably won’t be prepared to spend time, effort and provides you with more time and more tools to perceive the
money analyzing what to do anyway. You may be better problem accurately, pick the best solution from a broad range of
waiting for circumstances to change or for minor issues to possibilities, and do something in a way that offers the greatest
sort themselves out. chance of achieving success.”
– Tim Hurson
I-3 Imagination – Generally speaking, the Productive Thinking
Model works best in situations where an innovative “Productive thinking separates creative thinking and critical
solution is required. If the issue can be resolved with an thinking. It is a process of suspending judgment to generate long
off-the-shelf solution, it will be easier and cheaper for you lists of ideas and then returning to those lists to make choices by
to go with that solution than to custom design your own. Not judging the ideas against preestablished success criteria:
every situation needs an innovative solution. making lists and making choices. The productive thinking
If you can answer yes to all of the I3 questions, then it’s likely dynamic is the ongoing alternation between creative thinking
productive thinking is for you. If your answer to any of these and critical thinking. With the right attitude, the right approach,
questions is no, then you either don’t need to use the model at all and the right skills, we can all think better!”
or you should work to restate things in a different way which will – Tim Hurson
meet the I3 criteria.

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