Insolation, Earth'S Heat Balance, Different Atmospheric Circulations - Global Winds, Cyclones
Insolation, Earth'S Heat Balance, Different Atmospheric Circulations - Global Winds, Cyclones
Insolation, Earth'S Heat Balance, Different Atmospheric Circulations - Global Winds, Cyclones
1. Insolation
2. Heat Budget
3. Temperature
5. Air Mass
6. Fronts
7. Cyclones
2. The rotation of earth on its axis – earth rotates around its axis and makes an angle of
66½ with the plane of its orbit round the sun. This particular characteristic of earth has
great amount of influence on the amount of insolation received at different latitudes.
The seasons in each hemisphere are dictated not by the closeness to the sun but by the
axial tilt of the earth.
3. The angle of inclination of the sun’s rays – Since the earth is round, the sun’s rays strike
the surface at different angles at different places. The angle formed by the sun’s ray
with the tangent of the earth’s circle at a point is called angle of incidence. It influences
the insolation in two ways as follows:
When the sun is almost overhead, the rays of the sun are vertical. The angle of
incidence is large. Hence, they are concentrated in a smaller area, giving more
amount of insolation at that place. If the sun’s rays are oblique, angle of incidence
is small and sun’s rays have to heat up a greater area, resulting in less amount of
insolation received there.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
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Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
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6. Solar variation – It is the change in the amount of radiation emitted by the Sun. These Student Notes:
variations have periodic components, the main one being the approximately 11-
year sunspot cycle. Sunspots are temporary phenomena on the photosphere of
the Sun that appear visibly as dark spots compared to surrounding regions. When there
is an increase in sun spots it leads to increase1 in the amount of solar radiation. But this
change is almost negligible.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
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steadily lower, rather than higher, as we might expect. This is because the mechanism of N
heating the atmosphere in not simple. Four common types of energy transport are involved Student Notes:
in heating of the atmosphere (figure 3). They are:
i. Radiation – it is the process where transference of heat is directly from space to
atmosphere through electromagnetic radiations2. Photon3 particles in the radiations
collide with the air molecules in the atmosphere and transfer energy in this process. All
objects whether hot or cold emit radiation continuously. The wavelength at which a
body radiates depends on its surface temperature. The shorter the wavelength, higher
the energy carried by the radiations The sun, having an extremely hot surface
temperature, radiates fairly short wavelengths, part of which is felt as warmth, part of
which are visible as light. The Earth, on the other hand, having a cool surface, re-
radiates heat at much longer wavelengths. The re-radiate heat from the earth is called
Terrestrial radiation. Atmosphere is transparent to short waves and opaque to long
waves. The long wave radiation is absorbed by the atmospheric gases particularly by
carbon dioxide and the other green house gases. Hence energy leaving the earth’s
surface heats up the atmosphere more than the incoming solar radiation.
ii. Conduction - When two objects of unequal temperature come in contact with each
other, heat energy flow from the warmer object to the cooler object and this process
of heat transfer is known as conduction. The flow continues till temperature of both
the objects becomes equal or the contact is broken. The conduction in the atmosphere
occurs at zone of contact between the atmosphere and the earth’s surface by
terrestrial radiations. However, this is a minor method of heat transfer in terms of
warming the atmosphere since it only affects the air close to the earth’s surface. This is
because of the fact that the air is poor conductor of heat4.
iii. Convection – In this process, energy is transferred through motion of molecules itself.
The air in contact with the earth rises vertically on heating in the form of currents and
further transmits the heat of the atmosphere. The heating of the air leads to its
expansion. Its density decreases and it moves upwards. Continuous ascent of heated
air creates vacuum in the lower layers of the atmosphere. As a consequence, cooler
air comes down to fill the vacuum. This process of vertical heating of the
atmosphere is known as convection. The convective transfer of energy is confined only
to the troposphere.
Figure 3 – (a) processes of heating and cooling of atmosphere and (b) per cent share of
processes in heating up of atmosphere
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
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iv. Advection - The transfer of heat through horizontal movement of air is called N
advection. These winds take the characteristics of their source of origin with them. The Student Notes:
temperature of a place will rise if it lies on the path of winds coming from warmer
regions. The temperature will fall if the place lies on the path of the winds blowing
from cold regions. Horizontal movement of the air is relatively more important than
the vertical movement. In summer seasons, ‘Loo’ of north India is a hot wind and
‘Sirocco’ is also a hot wind carries heat of Sahara desert to Mediterranean regions. In
middle latitudes, most of diurnal (day and night) variation in daily weather is caused by
advection alone.
Heat Budget
The average temperature of the earth overall does not change in spite of continuous supply of
sun rays. This is possible only when an equal amount of energy is sent back to space by the
earth’s system. In the way there is balance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing
terrestrial radiations. This balance is known as the heat budget of the earth. Figure 4 depicts
the heat budget of the planet earth. Consider that the insolation received at the top of the
atmosphere is 100 per cent. While passing through the atmosphere some amount of energy is
reflected, scattered and absorbed. Only the remaining part reaches the earth surface.
Roughly 35 units are reflected back to space even before reaching the earth’s surface. The
details of this reflected radiation are as under:
Reflected from the top of clouds - 27 units
Reflected by ice-fields on earth - 02 units
Reflected by the atmosphere - 06 units
Total - 35 units
The reflected amount of radiation is called the albedo of the earth. The above given radiation
does neither heat the atmosphere nor the earth’s surface.
The remaining 65 units are absorbed as:
Absorbed by the atmosphere - 14 units
Absorbed by the earth - 51 units (Scattered + direct radiation)
Total - 65 units
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
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Scattering takes place by gas molecules and dust particles. This takes place in all directions, N
some of it earthwards and some towards space. In overall, earth receives 51 units of radiation Student Notes:
which in turn radiates back in the form of terrestrial radiation. The details of this reflected
radiation are as under:
Radiated to space directly - 17 units
Radiated to atmosphere - 34 units
The details of 34 units radiation absorbed by atmosphere from terrestrial radiations are as
Absorbed directly - 06 units
Absorbed through convection and turbulence - 09 units
Absorbed through Latent heat of condensation5 - 19 units
Total - 34 units
Total units absorbed by the atmosphere are 48 (14 units insolation + 34 units Terrestrial
radiation). These are radiated back into space. Thus, the total radiation returning from the
earth and the atmosphere respectively is:
Radiated back by earth - 17 units
Radiated back by atmosphere - 48 units
Total - 65 units
These returning 65 units balance the total of 65 units received from the sun. This account of
incoming and outgoing radiation always maintains the balance of heat on the surface of the
earth. This is termed the heat budget or heat balance of the earth.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
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Latitudinal Heat Balance N
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Although the earth as a whole maintains balance between incoming solar radiation and
outgoing terrestrial radiation. But this is not true when we observe at different latitudes. Heat
budget at latitudinal level is non-zero. As previously discussed, the amount of insolation
received is directly related to latitudes. Some part of the earth has surplus radiation balance
while the other part has deficit.
Figure 5 depicts the latitudinal variation in the net radiation balance of the earth — the
atmosphere system. The figure shows that there is a surplus of net radiation balance between
400 N & S degrees and the regions near the poles have a deficit. This in theory should mean
that tropical areas should get steadily warmers, and the Arctic and Antarctic even colder. But
such is not the case. The surplus heat energy from the tropics is redistributed pole wards and
as a result the tropics do not get progressively heated up due to the accumulation of excess
heat or the high latitudes get permanently frozen due to excess deficit. This transfer of surplus
heat from tropics to polar region is being performed by atmospheric and oceanic circulations
such as winds and ocean currents. According to one estimate, about 75 per cent of heat
transfer is carried out by atmospheric circulation and the remaining 25 per cent by the ocean
currents. In fact, winds and ocean currents are produced due to imbalance of heat.
The temperature is the measurement in degrees of how hot (or cold) a thing (or a place) is.
The temperature of the atmosphere is not same across the Earth. It varies in spatial and
temporal dimensions. The temperature of a place depends largely on the insolation received by
that place. The interaction of insolation with the atmosphere and the earth’s surface creates
heat which is measured in terms of temperature. It is important to know about the
temperature distribution over the surface of the earth to understand the weather, climate,
vegetation zones, animal and human life etc. following factors determine the temperature of
air at any place.
1. The latitude of the place – Intensity of insolation depends on the latitude. The amount
of insolation depends on the inclination of sun rays, which is further depends upon the
latitude of the place. At the equator sun’s rays fall directly overhead throughout the
year. Away from the equator towards poles, the inclination of the Sun’s rays increases.
In conclusion, if other things remain the same, the temperature of air goes on
decreasing from the equator towards poles.
2. The altitude of the place – the atmosphere is largely heated indirectly by re-radiated
terrestrial radiation from the earth’s surface. Therefore, the lower layers of the
atmosphere are comparatively warmer than the upper layers, even in the same
latitudes. For example, Ambala (30 21’ N) and Shimla (31 6’) are almost at the same
latitude. But the average temperature of shimla is much lower than the Ambala. It is
because Ambala is located in plain at an altitude of 272 m above sea level whereas
Shimla is located at an altitude of 2202 m above sea level. In other words, the
temperature generally decreases with increasing height (figure 6(a)). The rate of
decrease of temperature with height is termed as the normal lapse rate. It is 6.5°C per
1,000 m. That’s why, the mountains, even in the equatorial region, have snow covered
peaks, like Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
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3. Distance from the Sea – the land surface is heated at a faster rate than the water N
surface. Thus the temperature of the air over land and water surfaces is not the same Student Notes:
at a given time. In summers, the sea water is cooler than the land and in winters, land
is much colder than the sea water. The coastal areas experience the sea breezes during
the daytime and the land breezes during the night time. This has a moderating
influence on the temperature of the coastal areas. Against this the places in the
interior, far away from the sea, have extreme climate. The daily range of temperature
is less near the coastal area and it increases with increase in distance from the sea
coast (figure 6(b)). The low daily range of temperature is the characteristic of marine
climate. That’s why, the people of Mumbai have hardly any idea of extremes of
Figure 7 – (a) effect of ocean currents & (b) effect of slope on temperature
4. Ocean Currents – the effect of warm ocean currents and the cold ocean currents is
limited to the adjoining coastal areas. The warm ocean currents flow along the eastern
coast of tropical and sub-tropical regions and western coast of higher latitudes. On the
other hand, cold ocean currents flow along the eastern coast of higher latitude and
along the western coast of tropical and sub-tropical areas. The North Atlantic drift, an
extension of Gulf Stream, warm the coastal districts of Western Europe (such as
Norway) and British Isles keeping their ports ice-free (figure 7(a)).
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
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5. Air-mass circulation – air masses in form of winds helps in the redistribution of N
temperature. The places, which come under the influence of warm air-masses Student Notes:
experience higher temperature and the places that come under the influence of cold
air masses experience low temperature. The effect of these winds is, however, limited
to the period during which they blow. Local winds like cold Mistral of France
considerably lower the temperature and Sirocco, a hot wind that blows from Sahara
desert raises the temperature of Italy, Malta etc.
The temperature rises at the time of arrival of temperate cyclones, while it falls sharply
after their passage. Sometimes, local winds can cause sudden change in temperature.
In northern India, ‘Loo’, a local hot wind, raise the temperature to such an extent that
heat waves prolong for several days in continuation and many people die of sunstroke.
6. Slope, Shelter and aspect – slopes of a mountain facing the Sun experiences high
temperature than the slopes on the leeward side due to more insolation (figure 7(b)). A
steep slope experiences a more rapid change in temperature than a gentle one.
Mountain ranges that have an east-west alignment like the Alps show a higher
temperature on the south-facing ‘sunny slope’ than the north facing ‘sheltered slope’.
Consequently, there are more settlements in southern side and it is better utilized for
agricultural and other purposes.
The mountain ranges at certain places stop the cold winds and prevent the
temperature from going down. This is found in areas where mountains lie in the
direction facing the winds as in the case of Himalayas. In the absence of Himalayas,
winters of India would have been very different.
7. Nature of ground surface – the nature of surface in terms of colour, vegetation, soil,
land use, snow cover etc. affects the temperature of a place. In the tropical and
subtropical deserts, the sandy surface record high temperature because they absorb
most of the solar radiations. Snow has very high albedo6 and thus, reflects much of the
insolation without absorption. Thick vegetation (such as Amazon forest) cuts off much
of the in-coming insolation and in many places sunlight never reaches the ground. It is
cool in the jungle and its shade temperature is a few degrees lower than that of open
spaces in corresponding latitudes. Light soils reflect more heat than darker soils. Dry
soils like sands are very sensitive to temperature changes, whereas wet soils, like clay
retain much moisture and warm up more slowly. Urban areas have relatively higher
temperature than the surrounding.
Distribution of Temperature
The global distribution of temperature can well be understood by studying the isotherms. The
Isotherms are lines joining places having equal temperature. As already discussed, latitudes
have pronounced effect on the temperature, the isotherms are generally parallel to the
latitude. The deviation from this general trend is more pronounced in January than in July,
especially in the northern hemisphere. Figure 8 and 9 show the distribution of surface air
temperature in the month of January and July. In the northern hemisphere the land surface
area is much larger than in the southern hemisphere. Hence, the effects of land mass and the
ocean currents are well pronounced. Following are the chief features of isotherms:
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
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Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
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Student Notes:
Temperature Anomaly
The difference between the mean temperature of any place and the mean temperature of its
parallels is known as temperature anomaly. On the map the lines joining the places of equal
temperature anomaly are known as Isothermal anomaly lines.
Temperature anomaly could be positive or negative. Due to uneven distribution of land and
water the maximum temperature anomalies are found in the Northern Hemisphere and
minimum in the Southern Hemisphere.
Temperature Inversion
As already discussed, temperature decreases with increase in altitude. In normal conditions, as
we go up, temperature decreases with normal lapse rate. It is 6.5°C per 1,000 m. Against this
normal rule sometimes, instead of decreasing, temperature may rise with the height gained.
The cooler air is nearer the earth and the warmer air is aloft. This rise of temperature with
height is known as Temperature inversion. Temperature inversion takes place under certain
specific conditions. These are discussed below:
Long winter nights – if in winters the sky is clear during long nights, the terrestrial
radiation is accelerated. The reason is that the land surface gets cooled fairly quickly.
The bottom layer of atmosphere in contact with the ground is also cooled and the
upper layer remains relatively warm.
Cloudless clear sky – The clouds obstruct the terrestrial radiation. But this radiation
does not face any obstacles for being reflected into space when the sky is clear.
Therefore the ground is cooled quickly and so is the air in contact with it cooled.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
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Student Notes:
Temperature Ranges
Temperature of a place varies within a day and also differs in different seasons. Range of
temperature is the difference between maximum and minimum temperatures. There are two
terms which are used to consider temperature ranges.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
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1. Diurnal range of temperature – the daily pattern of temperature change that we N
normally experience illustrates energy changes on a small time scale. On a calm day Student Notes:
with little cloud, air temperatures usually reach their minimum just before sunrise,
because the ground has been giving off long-wave radiation all through the night,
gradually becoming colder and cooling the air above by conduction. With sunrise,
temperature of the ground begins to rise. Maximum insolation receives at midday. But
the peak of air temperature is usually about 2:00 PM. After sun-set, the air initially
remains fairly warm as it is still being heated by long-wave radiation from the ground,
but this gradually expires. Desert areas typically have the greatest diurnal temperature
variations while Low lying, humid areas typically have the least range.
Atmospheric Circulation
Varying amount of insolation received by the earth causes differential heating of the earth and
its atmosphere. Temperature difference thus produced account for the density differences in
the air. Air expands when heated and gets compressed when cooled. This results in variations
in the atmospheric pressure. The result is that it causes the movement of air from high
pressure to low pressure, setting the air in three-dimensional motion on global scale. Air in
horizontal motion is wind. Atmospheric pressure also determines when the air will rise or sink.
The wind redistributes the heat and moisture across the planet, thereby, maintaining a
constant temperature for the planet as a whole. The vertical rising of moist air cools it down to
form the clouds and bring precipitation. There is, in fact, an intimate relationship between
winds and pressure, and knowledge of pressure variations is a prerequisite to understanding air
Atmospheric Pressure
The atmosphere is held on the earth by the gravitational pull of the earth. A column of air
exerts weight in terms of pressure on the surface of the earth. The weight of a column of air
contained in a unit area from the mean sea level to the top of the atmosphere is called the
atmospheric pressure. Pressure is normally measured in millibars or pascals and spatial
variations of pressure are depicted on maps by means of isobars, which are lines connecting
places having the same barometric pressure. The actual pressure at a given place and at a
given time fluctuates and it generally ranges between 950 and 1050 millibars. Air pressure is
measured with the help of a mercury barometer or the aneroid barometer.
The gradual change of pressure between different areas is known as the barometric slope or
pressure gradient. The closer the isobars are together, the greater the pressure gradient; for
example, widely spaced isobars indicate a weak pressure gradient.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
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Pressure Variations N
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In the lower atmosphere the pressure decreases rapidly with height with decrease in density of
air. It does not always decrease at the same rate. But to make calculations simple, a decrease
of about 1 mb for each 10 m increase in elevation is taken into consideration (figure 11). In
spite of high vertical pressure gradient, we do not experience strong vertical air currents. This is
possible because of equal and opposite gravitation force acting upon air.
Figure 11 - vertical pressure variation Figure 12 - Isobars, High pressure and Low
pressure system
The effects of low pressure are more clearly experienced by the people living in the hilly areas
as compared to those who live in plains. In high mountainous areas rice takes more time to
cook because low pressure reduces the boiling point of water. Breathing problem such as
faintness and nose bleedings are also faced by many trekkers from outside in such areas
because of low pressure conditions in which the air is thin and it has low amount of oxygen
Unlike vertical high pressure gradient, small horizontal pressure gradients are highly significant
in terms of the wind direction and velocity. In order to eliminate the effect of altitude on
pressure, it is measured at any station after being reduced to sea level for purposes of
comparison. Figure 12 shows the patterns of isobars corresponding to pressure systems. Low
pressure system is enclosed by one or more isobars with the lowest pressure in the centre.
High-pressure system is also enclosed by one or more isobars with the highest pressure in the
centre. The terms ‘high pressure’ and ‘low pressure’ do not usually signify any particular
absolute values, but are used relatively.
Sea-level pressure conditions over the globe for both January (figure 13) and July (figure 14)
show some marked differences between the two hemispheres. The northern hemisphere tends
to have the greater seasonal contrasts in its pressure distributions and the southern
hemisphere exhibits much simpler average pressure patterns overall. These differences are
largely related to the unequal distribution of land and sea between the two hemispheres.
Ocean areas, which dominate the southern hemisphere, tend to be much more equable than
continents in both temperature and pressure variations.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
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Student Notes:
Pressure Gradient
The existence of pressure differentials in the atmosphere is the immediate primary force
causing air movement. The rate of change of pressure with respect to distance is the pressure
gradient. The pressure gradient force always acts down the pressure gradient, attempting to
cause the general movement of air away from high-pressure towards low pressure areas. The
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
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force exerted is proportional to the steepness of the gradient (figure 15(a)). The gentler the N
pressure gradient slower is the speed of the wind and vice-versa. Student Notes:
If alone this force is exerted to the air, wind would have direction perpendicular to the isobars.
However, there are other forces also which, in fact, make wind to flow more nearly parallel to
the isobars.
Coriolis Force
Winds do not cross the isobars at right angles as the pressure gradient directs them. They get
deflected from their original paths. One of the most potent influences on wind direction is the
deflection caused by the earth’s rotation on its axis. This deflection is always to the right of the
direction of motion in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere
(figure 15(b)). This influence is known as Coriolis force.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
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The degree of the deflecting force varies with the speed of the moving air and with latitude. N
The faster the wind, the greater the effect of rotation can be. Similarly, the rate of deflection Student Notes:
increases with the increasing distance from the Equator because the Coriolis force is zero at the
Equator and maximum at Poles. It must be noted that it is an apparent or relative deflection. If
viewed from outer space, objects moving across the face of the earth would not in fact appear
to be deflected. In relation to star positions, they would travel in a straight line, while the earth
rotates beneath them. The phenomenon affects all freely moving objects – air, ocean currents,
rockets and projectiles etc. Thus, it is not actually any force. But it is simplest to accept that
deflection is caused by a force.
Centripetal Force
This force applies when the isobars are curved, as within cyclones. The fact that air is following
a curved path means that in addition to the pressure gradient and the Coriolis force, a third
force is acting centripetally, pulling air inwards. Wind which is in balance with these three
forces is known as the gradient wind.
Frictional Force
It lessens the speed of the wind. It is greatest at the surface and its influence generally extends
upto an elevation of 1 - 3 km. Over the sea surface the friction is minimal. By reducing speed of
wind, it weakens the Coriolis force. This allows the pressure gradient to assert its greater
strength by causing the air to flow more towards low pressure. Thus, the usual situation is that
surface winds flow at a slight angle to the isobars (figure 16(b)).
Geostrophic Wind
The velocity and direction of the wind are the net result of the wind generating forces. The
winds in the upper atmosphere, 2 - 3 km above the surface, are free from frictional effect of
the surface and are controlled by the pressure gradient and the Coriolis force. At such height in
the free atmosphere, winds generally blow at right angles to the pressure gradient: this
indicate that the pressure gradient force is exactly balanced by the Coriolis force acting in a
diametrically opposite direction. This sort of air motion is known as the geostrophic wind
(figure 16(a)).
Figure 16 – forces governing air movement: (a) geostrophic balance between pressure
gradient and Coriolis force; (b) the additional effect of frictional force on surface wind
Not all winds are exactly geostrophic. As pressure pattern change, the balance is upset, but the
wind always strives to readjust itself until it obtains the new geostrophic speed.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
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Equatorial low pressure belt –This belt extends from equator to 100N and 100S N
latitudes. This belt is thermally produced due to heating by Sun.. Due to excessive Student Notes:
heating horizontal movement of air is absent here and only vertical currents are
experienced in this belt. Therefore, this belt is called doldrums (the zone of calm). .
This belt is also known as-Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) because the trade
winds flowing from sub tropical high pressure belts converge here.
Sub-tropical high pressure belt – these extend roughly between 250 and 350 latitudes in
both the Hemispheres. The existence of these pressure belts is due to the fact that the
up rising air of the equatorial region is deflected towards poles due to the earth’s
rotation. After becoming cold and heavy, it descends in these regions and get piled up.
This results in high pressure. Calm conditions with feeble and variable winds are found
here.. In southern hemisphere, this belt is broken by small low-pressure areas in
summer over Australia and South Africa. In northern hemisphere, the belt is more
discontinuous by the presence of land masses, and high pressure occurs only over the
ocean areas as discrete cells; these are termed the Azores and Hawaiian cells in the
Atlantic and Pacific areas respectively.
These belts are also called Horse latitudes. In older days, vessels with cargo of horses
passing through these belts found difficult in sailing under these calm conditions. They
used to throw the horses in the sea in order to make the vessels lighter. In the upper
atmosphere over this belt the upper level westerlies and anti-trade winds converge and
set up descending currents in the atmosphere.
Sub-polar low pressure belt – it extends along 600 latitudes (550-650) in both the
hemisphere. These belts are not thermally induced instead the winds coming from the
sub-tropics and the polar regions converge in this belt and rise upward. The great
temperature contrast between the subtropical and the polar regions, gives rise to
cyclonic storms in this belt. In Southern hemisphere, this low pressure belt is more
pronounced due to vast presence of ocean and also referred as the sub-antarctic low.
But in the northern hemisphere, there are large land masses along 600 latitudes which
are very cold. Therefore, the pressures over these landmasses are increased. Thus, the
continuity of the belt is broken.
Polar high pressure belt - Because of low temperature, air compresses and its density
increases. Hence, high pressure is found here throughout the year. This is more marked
over the land area of the Antarctic continent than over the ocean of the North Pole. In
northern hemisphere, high pressure is not centered at the pole, but it extends from
Greenland to Islands situated in the northern part of Canada.
Figure 17 – (a) global pressure belts and (b) shifting of pressure belts
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Shifting of Belts N
Student Notes:
Pressure belts are not fixed. The main cause of their formation is the uneven distribution of
temperature on the surface of earth. Consequently, the pressure belts swing either to the
north (in July) or the south (in December) of the equator by following the apparent annual
migration of the sun (figure 17(b)). Sun’s movement is recorded between tropic of Cancer and
tropic of Capricorn. During the month of July, low pressure equatorial belt extends upto the
tropic of Cancer in Asian region. While in January, it extends to latitudes 100-150 S. Most
profound effect of shifting of belts is seen in the temperate region. Winds blowing from the
Horse latitudes in the form of westerlies create unique climatic conditions in the temperate
parts of the world, especially in the Mediterranean region.
Planetary Winds
Primary or planetary winds blow from high pressure belts to low pressure belts in the same
direction throughout the year. They blow over vast area of continents and oceans. Trade winds,
Westerlies and polar easterlies together form the planetary wind circulation (figure 18). These
are described below:
The air at the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) rises because of convection
caused by high insolation and a low pressure is created. The winds from the tropics
converge at this low pressure zone. The converged air rises along up. It reaches the top
of the troposphere up to an altitude of 14 km. and moves towards the poles. This
causes accumulation of air at about 300 N and S. Part of the accumulated air sinks to
the ground and forms a subtropical high. Another reason for sinking is the cooling of air
when it reaches 300 N and S latitudes. Down below near the land surface the air flows
towards the equator as the easterlies1 or tropical easterlies or trade winds. Because
of Coriolis force, their direction becomes north-east and south-east in northern and
southern hemisphere respectively. The easterlies from either side of the equator
converge in the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Thus, winds originated at ITCZ
come back in a circular fashion. Such a cell in the tropics is called Hadley Cell.
Wind direction is reported by the direction from which it originates. For example, a easterly wind blows
from the east to the west.
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In the middle latitudes (300-600) the circulation is that of sinking cold air that comes N
from the poles and the rising warm air that blows from the subtropical high pressure Student Notes:
belt. These winds are deflected due to coriolis force and become westerly in both the
hemisphere. Deflected wind is called westerlies. These winds meet along the sub-polar
low pressure belt to raise high in the troposphere. From here, air moves away in both
directions – towards pole and equator. These winds start descending down above the
sup-tropical high pressure belt and polar high pressure belt to form cells. These cells
are called Ferrel cell and Polar cell respectively.
The prevailing westerlies are relatively more variable than the trade winds both in
direction and intensity. There are more frequent invasions of polar air masses along
with the travelling cyclones and anti-cyclones. These moving cells of low and high
pressures largely affect the movement of westerlies. The westerlies are stronger in the
cold. In the southern hemisphere, westerlies are so powerful and persistent due to
absence of land between 400-600 S that these are called ‘roaring forties’, ‘furious
fifties’ and ‘screaming sixties’ along 400 S, 500 S and 600 S latitudes.
Winds move away from polar high pressure to sub-polar low pressure along the surface
of the earth in Polar cell. Their direction becomes easterlies due to coriolis force. These
are called polar easterlies.
Winds coming from the sub-tropical and the polar high belts converge to produce
cyclonic storms or low pressure conditions. This zone of convergence is also known as
polar front (see fronts and cyclones).
Local Winds
Besides major wind systems of the earth’s surface, there are certain types of winds which are
produced by purely local factors and therefore, are called local winds. These local winds play a
significant role in the weather and climate of a particular locality. Following is a brief account of
some of the well-known local winds which are found in different parts of the world.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
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The Land and sea Breezes N
These winds are defined as the complete cycle of diurnal local winds occurring on sea coasts Student Notes:
due to differences in the surface temperature of sea and adjacent land (figure 19). There is
complete reversal of wind direction of these coastal winds. The land and sea breeze system is
very shallow with average depth of 1-2km. Over lakes, the height of circulation is much less.
Warm tropical areas, where intense solar heating persists throughout the year, experience
stronger and regular breezes compare to higher latitudes. Details of land and sea breezes are
given in table 2.
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21 ©Vision IAS
During the night the slopes get cooled and the dense air descends into the valley as the N
mountain wind. The cool air, of the high plateaus and ice fields draining into the valley is called Student Notes:
mountain breeze or katabatic wind.
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22 ©Vision IAS
Cold Local Winds N
There are certain local winds which originate in the snow-capped mountains during winter and Student Notes:
move down the slopes towards the valleys. Few of important these are:
‘Mistral’ originates on the Alps and move over France towards the Mediterranean Sea
through the Rhone valley. They are very cold, dry and high velocity winds. They bring
down temperature below freezing point in areas of their influence. As a protective
measure, many of the houses and orchards of the Rhone valley have thick rows of trees
and hedges planted to shield them from the Minstral.
‘Bora’ is a cold, dry north-easterly wind blowing down from the mountains in the
Adriatic Sea region. It is also caused by pressure difference between continental
Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. This is usually occurs in winter. It sometimes attain
speeds of over 150 kmph.
‘Blizzard’ is a violent and extremely cold wind laden with dry snow. Such blizzards are
of common occurrence in the Antarctic. Wind velocity sometimes reaches 160 kmph
and temperature is as low as -70C.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
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Student Notes:
Figure 21 – different vertical temperature gradients in the two columns create an increasing
pressure gradient.
Jet Streams
Changes in pressure distribution with height are largely related to changes of temperatures.
We can see how this can be so with references to two adjacent columns of air in the
troposphere depicted in figure 21. At ground level the pressure exerted by the two is the same,
but important changes ensue if we assume that column A is warmer, and therefore less dense
throughout than column B. This means that for any level higher up in the two columns, for
instance at 2km, there is a greater pressure of air still above this level of column A than in
column B. Therefore, a pressure gradient from A to B gradually develops and intensifies with
height, where none existed at the surface. Now, it can be visualized that a gradual change of
velocity of the wind with height, the wind at the top of the air layers being very much stronger
than that lower down.
Figure 22 – jet streams: (a) maximum speed at centre; (b) Polar and subtropical jetstreams in
both hemispheres; (c) cross-sectional view of jet streams
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Applying this on a global scale by associating poles with cold air column and equator with warm N
air column, the gradual poleward decrease of temperature in the atmosphere from the equator Student Notes:
should result in a large westerly component in the upper winds. It was found in 1940s during
Second World War that high-flying aircraft encountered upper winds of very great velocity.
These are known to be concentrated bands of rapid air movement, which are termed jet
streams. Few of the features of jet streams are:
These are narrow belts at the high altitude near the top of the troposphere.
Their speed varies from about 110 km per hour (kmph) in the summer season to more
than 180 kmph in the winter season.
Their shape is circular. Speed in the jet streams decreases radially outwards (figure
22(a)). One way of visualizing this is to consider a river. The river's current is generally
the strongest in the center with decreasing strength as one approaches the river's
bank. It can be said that jet streams are "rivers of air".
They are several hundred kilometers wide and about 2 km to 5km deep.
The flow of jet streams is not in form of straight line. Their circulation path is wavy and
meandering. These meandering winds are called Rossby waves
They dip and rise in altitude/latitude, splitting at times and forming eddies, and even
disappearing altogether to appear somewhere else.
Jet streams also "follow the sun" in that as the sun's elevation increases each day in the
spring, the average latitude of the jet stream shifts poleward. (By Summer in the
Northern Hemisphere, it is typically found near the U.S. Canadian border.) As autumn
approaches and the sun's elevation decreases, the jet stream's average latitude moves
toward the equator.
On occasions the jet stream breaks through the tropopause and enters into the lower
stratosphere. Certain amount of water vapour manages to reach in lower stratosphere
with jet streams and this layer exhibits occasional cirus clouds. At times, the jet stream
effect extends down to an altitude of about 3 km from the earth’s surface.
There is a well marked longitudinal variation in the strength of the jet stream. In
winter, the highest wind velocities of the jet stream are found near the east coast of
Asia and weakest over the eastern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In summer, strongest jet
is positioned along the Canadian border and Mediterranean region.
Two permanent jet stream zones occur in each hemisphere. One is sub-tropical jet stream and
another is polar front jet stream. There is another jet stream which moves seasonally near
equator. Description of these three streams is give below:
The polar front jet stream
It is originated because of temperature difference.
It is associated with the polar front zone7 in each hemisphere (figure 23).
It runs at a more meandering path than the Sub Tropical Jet Stream
It extends between 40 and 60 latitudes in both Hemispheres.
It is found at a height between 6km and 9km in the atmosphere.
It swings towards poles in summers and towards equator in winter. When swinging to
south it takes very cold air with it to subtropical region.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
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Student Notes:
Figure 23 – origin of the Polar front Jet stream at polar front zone
Sub-tropical jet stream
It runs between 250 and 300 latitudes in both the hemispheres.
It blows constantly
Its speed is comparatively lower than polar jet streams
The air currents arising near about the equator descend at 300 N and S latitudes. A part
of these air currents takes the form of Sub Tropical Jet streams.
It swings to the north of Himalayas in summer in North India.
Eastern Tropical Jet Stream
It is a seasonal Jet Stream.
It blows between equator and 200N latitude at the time of South-West Monsoon in
summer over south-east Asia, India and Africa.
Its direction is opposite to that of other two jet streams. It runs in eastern direction.
It is located comparatively at higher height between 14km and 16km
Its speed is around 180 km per hour.
Air Mass
When the air remains over a homogenous area for a sufficiently longer time, it acquires the
characteristics of the area. Such homogenous areas have uniform characteristics in terms of
temperature, pressure and moisture. The air with distinctive characteristics in terms of
temperature and humidity is called an air mass. It is defined as a large body of air having little
horizontal variation in temperature and moisture. The homogenous surfaces, over which air
masses form, are called the source regions. There are five major source regions. These are:
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
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i. Warm tropical and subtropical oceans N
ii. The subtropical hot deserts Student Notes:
iii. The relatively cold high latitude oceans
iv. The very cold snow covered continents in high latitudes
v. Permanently ice covered continents in the Arctic and Antarctica
The air masses are classified according to the source regions. Air masses originated from
tropical region are warm while those originated from polar region are cold. Air masses
originated from these regions are called primary air masses. Accordingly, following types of
airmasses are recognised:
Figure 25 – Airmasses
i. Maritime tropical (mT)
ii. Continental tropical (cT)
iii. Maritime polar (mP)
iv. Continental polar (cP)
v. Continental arctic (cA).
Where ‘m’ stands for Maritime; ‘c’ stands for continental; ‘T’ stands for tropical; ‘P’ stands for
polar and ‘A’ stands for arctic region.
As these air masses move around the earth they can begin to acquire additional attributes. For
example, in winter an arctic air mass (very cold and dry air) can move over the ocean, picking
up some warmth and moisture from the warmer ocean and becoming a maritime polar air
mass (mP) - one that is still fairly cold but contains moisture. If that same polar air mass moves
south from Canada into the southern U.S. it will pick up some of the warmth of the ground, but
due to lack of moisture it remains very dry. Another way of changes is internal modification in
the airmasses. The resultant air mass by these processes is termed as secondary air mass. Air
masses can control the weather for a relatively long time period: from a period of days, to
months. Most weather occurs along the periphery of these air masses at boundaries called
When two different air masses with distinct properties (temperature, moisture, density,
pressure etc.) meet, the boundary zone between them is called a front. These air masses are
brought together by converging movements in the general atmospheric circulation. The
process of formation of the fronts is known as frontogenesis while Frontolysis is the end stage
of a front (table 3). The fronts do not mix readily. In fact, they come in contact with one
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
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27 ©Vision IAS
another along sloping boundaries. These sloping boundaries are actually a transition zone N
across which a sharp contrast in weather condition occurs. The air masses are of vast size Student Notes:
covering tens of thousands of square kilometers. Therefore, frontal zones of discontinuity
about 15 to 200 kms wide are relatively narrow. So on the weather map they are represented
by only a thick line. A front can be recognized with following observations:
Sharp temperature changes over a relatively short distance. Sometimes change of 100
to 200 C may be observed.
Change in moisture content
Rapid shifts in wind direction
Pressure changes
Clouds and precipitation patterns
Frontogenesis Frontolysis
creation of altogether new fronts destruction or dying of a front
Only after the process of frontogenesis have Process of frontolysis must continue for some
been in operation for quite some time, front time in order to destroy an existing front.
do come into existence
is likely to occur when the wind blow in such a likely to occur when fronts move into regions
way that the isotherms become packed along of divergent air flow on crossing the sub-
the leading edge of the intruding air mass tropical high pressure regions, the fronts
generally disappear
Convergence of the wind toward a point or divergence of the wind from a point is helpful
contraction towards a line augments the to the process of frontolysis
process of Frontogenesis.
Warm Front
When a warmer and lighter air mass moves against an existing cold and dense airmass, it rises
over the coldet and denser air mass. This type of front is known as warm front. (figure 26a). As
the warm air gradually ascends the gently sloping surface of the wedge of cold air lying ahead,
it cools. This cooling leads to the cloudy condensation and precipitation. Unlike the cold front,
the changes in temperature and wind direction are gradual.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
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Student Notes:
Cold Front
When a cold and dense airmass forces its way under warm and lighter airmass it makes the
warm and lighter airmass to ride over it. This type of front is called cold front. The effect of
friction retards the air motion near the ground, while the free air aloft has a higher velocity.
This causes the cold front to become much steeper than the warm front. STATIONARY FRONT
A stationary front forms when a cold front or warm front stops moving. This happens when two
masses of air are pushing against each other but neither is powerful enough to move the other.
Winds blowing parallel to the front instead of perpendicular can help it stay in place.
Sometimes a cold front follows right behind a warm front. A warm air mass pushes into a
colder air mass (the warm front) and then another cold air mass pushes into the warm air mass
(the cold front). Because cold fronts move faster, the cold front is likely to overtake the warm
front. This is known as an occluded front.
At an occluded front, the cold air mass from the cold front meets the cool air that was ahead of
the warm front. The warm air rises as these air masses come together. Occluded fronts usually
form around areas of low atmospheric pressure. The fronts occur in middle latitudes and are
characterised by steep gradient in temperature and pressure. They bring abrupt changes in
temperature and cause the air to rise to form clouds and cause precipitation
There are two types of occlusion namely, cold front occlusion and war front occlusion (figure
27). The differences are given below in table 6.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
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Student Notes:
Figure 27- cold front occlusion and warm front occlusion Figure 28 – symbols used for Fronts
The atmospheric disturbances which involve a closed circulation about a low pressure centre,
anticlockwise in the northern atmosphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere are called
cyclones. They fall into the following two broad categories: (a) Extra-tropical and (b) tropical
Extra-Tropical Cyclones
Extra-tropical cyclones are the weather disturbances in the mid and high latitude, beyond the
tropics. These latitudes are an area of convergence where contrasting air masses generally
meet to form polar fronts.. . The stages of development of extra-tropical cyclone are described
below with diagram.
Initially, the front is stationary (figure 29-1).
In the northern hemisphere, warm air blows from the south and cold air from the
north of the front. When the pressure drops along the front, the warm air moves
northwards and the cold air move towards, south setting in motion an anticlockwise
cyclonic circulation(figure 29-2).
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The cyclonic circulation leads to a well developed extra tropical cyclone, with a warm N
front and a cold front (figure 29-3). Student Notes:
The warm air glides over the cold air and a sequence of clouds appear over the sky
ahead of the warm front and cause precipitation (figure 29-4).
The cold front approaches the warm air from behind and pushes the warm air up
(figure 29-5). As a result, cumulus clouds develop along the cold front.
The cold front moves faster than the warm front ultimately overtaking the warm front.
The warm air is completely lifted up and the front is occluded and the cyclone
dissipates (figure 29-6).
There is great degree of variation in shape and size of extra-tropical cyclones. Generally, the
isobars are almost circular or elliptical. However, in certain depressions, the isobars take the
shape of the letter ‘V’. Such storms are called V-shaped depression. At times, the cyclones
become so broad and shallow that they are referred to as troughs of low pressure.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
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09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
32 ©Vision IAS
Tropical Cyclones N
Student Notes:
The tropical cyclone develops from the ‘warm core’ of extremely low pressure area in the
tropical oceanic areas. They are energized from the condensation process in the towering
cumulonimbus clouds, surrounding the centre of the storm. The arrangement of isobars is
almost circular. With continuous supply of moisture from the sea, the storm is further
strengthened. On reaching the land the moisture supply is cut off and the storm dissipates. The
place where a tropical cyclone crosses the coast is called the landfall of the cyclone. The
conditions favourable for the formation and intensification of tropical storms are:
Large sea surface with temperature higher than 27° C
Presence of the Coriolis force
Small variations in the vertical wind speed
A pre-existing weak low-pressure area or low-level-cyclonic circulation -
Upper divergence above the sea level system.
Large and continuous supply of warm and moist air from the ocean provides necessary energy
in the form of latent heat of condensation. Coriolis force causes cyclonic circulation. At the
equator, the Coriolis force is zero and the wind blows perpendicular to the isobars. The low
pressure gets filled instead of getting intensified. That is the reason why tropical cyclones are
not formed near the equator.
Because of small variations in the vertical wind speed or wind shear, cyclone formation
processes are limited to latitudes equatorword of the sub-tropical jet stream. It is the pre-
existing low pressure area which intensifies and develops as cyclone. It must be pointed out
that only a few of these disturbances develop into true tropical cyclones. Upper divergence
helps in ascending air currents to be pumped out to maintain the low pressure at the centre of
the cyclone.
Tropical cyclone shown in figure 31 has following features:
Eye – it is the centre of cyclone around which strong spirally winds circulate in a mature
tropical cyclone. It is a region of calm with subsiding air.
Eye Wall – there is a strong spiraling ascent of air to greater height reaching the
tropopause. The wind reaches maximum velocity in this region, reaching as high as 250
km per hour. Torrential rain occurs here. From the eye wall rain bands may radiate and
trains of cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds may drift into the outer region.
The diameter of the circulating system can vary between 150 and 250 km.
The diameter of the storm over the Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean is
between 600 - 1200 km. The system moves slowly about 300 - 500 km per day.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
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Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
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34 ©Vision IAS
Student Notes:
In general, tropical cyclones are named according to the rules at a regional level. The
WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones at its twenty-seventh Session held in 2000 in Muscat,
Sultanate of Oman agreed in principal to assign names to the tropical cyclones in the Bay of
Bengal and Arabian Sea. After long deliberations among the member countries, the
naming of the tropical cyclones over north Indian Ocean commenced from September
2004. The list of names India has added to the database includes Agni, Akash, Bijli, Jal (cyclones
which have all occurred since 2004). The Indian names in the queue are Leher, Megh, Sagar and
Vayu, while those suggested by Pakistan include Nilofar, Titli and Bulbul.
If public wants to suggest the name of a cyclone to be included in the list , the
proposed name must meet some fundamental criteria. The name should be short and
readily understood when broadcast. Further the names must not be culturally sensitive and not
convey some unintended and potentially inflammatory meaning. A storm causes so much
death and destruction that its name is considered for retirement and hence is not used
repeatedly. Names are usually assigned to tropical cyclones with one-, three-, or ten-minute
sustained wind speeds of more than 65 km/h depending on which area it originates.
Importance for naming tropical cyclones:
It would help identify each individual tropical cyclone.
It helps the public to become fully aware of its development.
Local and international media become focused to the tropical cyclone.
It does not confuse the public when there is more than one tropical cyclone in the
same area.
The name of the tropical cyclone is well remembered by million of people as it is
unforgettable event whose name will long be remembered.
Warnings reach a much wider audience very rapidly.
It heightens interest in warnings and increases community preparedness.
Difference between extra-tropical cyclone and tropical cyclone is given in table 7 below:
Extra-tropical cyclone Tropical cyclone
have a clear frontal system and get energy Fronts are not present and get energy from
from the horizontal temperature contrasts warm and moist air of ocean
that exist in the atmosphere
Large size (1500-3000km) Relatively small in size
can originate over the land and sea originate only over the seas
Travel both on oceans and land on reaching the land they dissipate.
Affects a much larger area as compared to the
tropical cyclone.
Wind velocity in a tropical cyclone is much
higher and it is more destructive.
move from west to east move from east to west
Table 7 – comparison between tropical and extra-tropical cyclone
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
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Thunderstorms and Tornadoes N
Student Notes:
Unlike Tropical Cyclones, thunderstorms and tornadoes are highly localized weather
phenomenon. They are of short duration, occurring over a small area but are violent. They are
so small and short lived as to make their prediction very difficult.
A storm accompanied by thunder and lightning is called thunderstorm. It is associated with the
cumulonimbus clouds.. Thunderstorms are caused by intense convection on moist hot days.
When the clouds extend to heights where sub-zero temperature prevails, hails are formed and
they come down as hailstorm. If there is insufficient moisture, a thunderstorm can generate
dust storms. Stages in the development of thunderstorm are described below and shown in
figure 33.
1. Cumulus stage – Warm, moist air rises in a buoyant plume or in a series of convective
updrafts. As this occurs the air begins to condense into a cumulus cloud. As the warm
air within the cloud continues to rise, it eventually cools and condenses. The
condensation releases heat into the cloud, warming the air. This, in turn, causes it to
rise adiabatically. The convective cloud continues to grow upward, eventually growing
above the freezing level where super-cooled water droplets and ice crystals coexist
Precipitation begins once the air rises above the freezing level.
Figure 33 – three stages in the development of a thunderstorm: (a) cumulus stage; (b) Mature
stage; (c) Dissipating stage
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
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3. Dissipating stage – It is characterized by downdrafts throughout the entire cloud. N
Decay often begins when the super-cooled cloud droplets freeze and the cloud Student Notes:
becomes glaciated, which means that it contains ice crystals. The cloud begins to
collapse because no additional latent heat is released after the cloud droplets freeze,
and because the shadow of the cloud and rain cooled downdrafts reduce the
temperature below the cloud.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
37 ©Vision IAS
atmosphere are necessary pre-requisite for the development of a tornado. Tornadoes N
generally occur in middle latitudes. The tornado over the sea is called water sprouts. Chief Student Notes:
features of tornadoes are:
Tornado’s funnel can have size of 90-460m in diameter.
Tornadoes generally occur in middle latitudes.
Tornadoes are the most violent of all the storms.
They are very small in size and of short duration which makes weather prediction
The velocity of winds revolving tightly around the core reaches more than 300 km per
It causes massive destruction on its way.
When looked at from the ground, the funnel appears dark because of the presence of
condensed moisture and the dust and debris picked up from the ground by the whirling
Tornadoes may be found to be moving singly or in families of several individual
These generally move in straight paths.
These violent storms are the manifestation of the atmosphere’s adjustments to varying energy
distribution. The potential and heat energies are converted into kinetic energy in these storms
and the restless atmosphere again returns to its stable state.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
38 ©Vision IAS
References: N
1. Since sunspots are darker than the surrounding photosphere it might be expected that Student Notes:
more sunspots would lead to less solar radiation and a decreased solar constant.
However, the surrounding margins of sunspots are brighter than the average, and so
are hotter; overall, more sunspots increase the Sun's solar constant or brightness.
2. Electromagnetic radiation is a term used to describe all the different kinds of energies
released into space by stars such as the Sun.
3. A photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of light and all other forms
of electromagnetic radiation
4. Conductor of heat - Ability to transfer heat to adjacent molecules.
5. The latent heat of condensation for water is defined as the heat released when one
mole of the substance condenses to form liquid droplets from water vapour. The
temperature does not change during this process, so heat released goes directly into
changing the state of the substance. The heat of condensation of water is equal to 40.8
kJ/mol. The heat of condensation is numerically exactly equal to the heat vaporization,
but has the opposite sign.
6. Albedo – it is reflectivity or reflecting power of a surface. It is defined as the ratio of
reflected radiation from the surface to incident radiation upon it. Albedos of typical
materials in visible light range from up to 0.9 for fresh snow to about 0.04 for charcoal,
one of the darkest substances.
7. The polar front is the boundary between the polar cell and the Ferrel cell in
each hemisphere. At this boundary a sharp gradient in temperature occurs between
these two air masses, each at very different temperatures.
8. An adiabatic process is a process that occurs without the transfer of heat or matter
between a system and its surroundings.
Rajinder Nagar: 1/8-B, 2nd Floor, Apsara Arcade, Near Gate 6, Karol Bagh Metro, Delhi
Mukherjee Nagar: 103, 1st Floor, B/1-2, Ansal Building, Behind UCO Bank, Delhi-9
09650617807, 09968029039, 09717162595
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