CSS Training Guide101

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COC 3: Set Up Computer Server (1.

5 hours)
CSS Training Guide
COC 1: Install and Configure ( 2 hours)
Step 1: Change the PC Name of Server (srv1) then
1. Disassembly/Assembly RESTART
2. Creating ISO File (from DVD installer)
3. Creating Bootable USB Drive Step 2: Check the IP address of the server using
 Use POWERISO in step 2 & 3 ipconfig (Take note of IPv4 address)
 Use WINISO for creating ISO Step 3: From the Windows button, type ncpa.cpl
 Use Rufus for creating USB installer then ENTER
4. Installation of Windows Server 2008 R2
 using USB installer in Server PC Step 4: Right-click Local Area Connection then
 changing the Boot priority in BIOS choose Properties. In the Networking Tab, choose
 Choose Windows Server R2 Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), then
Enterprise Properties. Select Use the following address.

Type the following:

COC 2: Setup Computer Network
IP address: (IPv4 seen in ipconfig)

Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway: (IP address of the router)

Step 5: Go to Client PC, repeat the procedure done

in Step 2 to Step 4. The IP address should be obtain
automatically. Type in the Preferred DNS Server
the IP address of the server . Click OK

 ADDS ( 1 Admin, 1 Domain User)
 Create user in Active Directory
Users and Computers
1. Change the SSID and Password
 Select Users Folder
 Without authentication
 Right-click on Administrator
(no password)
 Copy then name the new user as
 With authentication (with password)
your first name : JAY
 MAC Filtering in Router
(Allow and Deny)
 (FQDN: Surname.com)
 Select Windows Server 2008 R2
Server Manager – Add Roles

CSS TRANING GUIDE 2016 jetlara2016

 DHCP- Server: STATIC / Client: OBTAIN Select again the Folder named tapawan
Preferred IP: VALIDATE Right Click Create a GPO in this domain, and
link it here
Add Scope: ict
Range: Type the name to trial one then OK
Next-Next-Next-Install-OK Select the created GPO trial one, right click
Select Enforced
Right Click then Edit
On the Left Pane, Select User Configuration
 Right-click Computer then Policies- Windows Settings
Properties Choose Folder Redirection
 Change the PC name: FirstName Choose Desktop then Properties
On the Target Tab choose- Basic
Join the Domain: Surname.com Choose Create a folder for each user under the
root path
-----------------------Restart--------------------------- Type the Network path seen in Sharing Tab of
the folder in Drive C: named tapawan
Select the 2nd 2 options of the Setting.

 Server Manager – Add Roles Log-in the user (jade) created in your
 File Services Organizational Unit in the Client PC.
 Folder Redirection
In the Server PC:
 Create a folder in Drive C: named
Go to windows icon, search gpupdate
tapawan Then ENTER
 Right Click-Properties
 Sharing Tab ---------------Updating Policy ----------------------

 Advance Sharing Note: The folder tapawan in Drive C: should

 Change the Permission have the folder Desktop. Create a file inside and
Full Control it should be seen in the desktop of the client
using the user jade.
Read Change the Permission of the Folder created in
C: The Server should have the full control, read
Folder Sharing and write permission while the CLIENT PC read
*All Users (Read Only)
*Admin Files (Read & Write)
Administrative Tools – Active Directory
Users and Computers  Printer Deployment
 Install Printer in Server PC
Right Click on the Domain Name (LARA.com)  Add A Printer
Click New – Organization Unit (named:lara)
Click New-User (jade)  Add A Local printer
 Next-Next-Install
Start- Administrative Tools –Group Policy  Share this Printer
 Next-Next-Finish
CSS TRANING GUIDE 2016 jetlara2016
a. Right click on Printers
b. Deploy with Group Policy
Step 1: Go to Administrative Tools c. GPO Name (Browse) printer deployment
d. LARA.com
 Server Manager
e. Printer deployment
 Add Roles f. Ok
 Printer & Document Services g. The users should be selected
 Next-Next h. Add
 Print Server i. OK-OK-OK
 Next-Install j. Right Click Printer- Properties
k. Sharing Tab
Step 2: Go to Group Policy Management l. Click list in the Directory
m. Apply-OK
 Select again the Folder named tapawan
 Right Click Create a GPO in this domain,and
link it here
 Type the name to printerdeployment then (The username logged in should be the user create from
OK the GPO) (jade)
 Select the created GPO trial one, right click
 Select Enforced  Create a text document
 Right Click then Edit  Ctrl + P
 On the Left Pane, Select User Configuration  Find Printer
 Policies- Windows Settings  Browse
 Entire Directory
 Scripts
 Select Domain
 Right Click Log On the Properties
 Find Now
 Click Add then Browse
 My Computer- Local Disk C: - Windows- Search Results:
system 32 LX-300 + (Right Click then Select)
 Find Pushprinterconnection.exe then enter
 Script Parameter = -log Print
 OK-Apply-Ok
Note: Make sure that there is a text in the notepad
Go to windows button, and then search gpupdate before printing.

(The printer job should be seen in Server)
---------------Updating Policy ----------------------

Step 3: Go to Administrative Tools

 Select Printer Management
 Left Pane
 Print Servers
 Server local (JADE.com)
o Printers

CSS TRANING GUIDE 2016 jetlara2016

 Click Connect
(to be done in Both the server and client)
COC 4: Maintenance and Repair ( 1 hour)
 My Computer-Right Click Properties- Remote
 Oral Questioning
 Demonstration
 Select Allow connections
 Back Up (Documents)
 Click Select Users
 Add Administrator and Client in the List Do the Backup and Restore using the default user of
the Client PC.

Server PC NOTE: This training guide is subject for revision, for any
incorrect part; please ask the permission from the
 Start- Local Security Policies
author. Thank you!
 Local Policies
 User Right Assignment
 Allow log on through Remote Desktop Services
 Right-Click Properties
 Click Administrators- then Remove
 Apply-OK
 Add User or Groups
 Select Administrator (Built-In)
 OK
 Select Client Name
 Apply-OK


Client PC to Server PC
 Type mstsc
 Type the IP address of the server
 Click Options
 Type Administrator
 Type your password
 Click Connect
 Click Yes

Server PC to Client PC
 Type mstsc
 Type the IP address of the client
 Click Options
 Type Administrator
 Type your password
CSS TRANING GUIDE 2016 jetlara2016

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