CSHP Template For Small Construction Projects
CSHP Template For Small Construction Projects
CSHP Template For Small Construction Projects
Members: __________________________
Secretary: ____________________________________________
3.2 Functions of CSH Committee shall include but are not limited to the following:
Plans, develops and oversees the accident prevention programs for the
construction project;
Chairman of the safety and health committee. Arranges schedule and place of
meeting and notifies members.
b. Project Coordinator
Ensures that all workers under his supervision understand safety responsibility.
Ensures that proper use of PPE
Acts without delay in addressing all hazards and unsafe conditions or actions
within the scope of their area of responsibility.
Holds toolbox safety meeting with the workers.
c. Worker
Consistently observes work conditions, operation, equipment and tools for the
purpose of accident prevention.
Complies with all the regulations as well as safe work practices and safety rules.
Uses all necessary personal protective safety equipment and other safe working
Corrects any unsafe practices within the scope of work operations and reports
any unsafe conditions.
Attend all committee/toolbox meetings.
Safety shoes - will be used for general works and to be worn at all times on the
Safety helmet – all workers must wear an approved safety helmet while on the
construction site.
Safety gloves - to be worn wherever possible for hand protection
Safety goggles/Face shield – protection against flying objects from doing work
such as chipping, grinding, cutting, drilling works and alike.
Safety belt/harness – to be used whenever working at height.
Others (specify depending on the nature of work and hazard identified)
The owner/employer will provide the following basic first-aid kit and health care
medicines and facilities for workers in the site:
10.0 Working Hour & Break Time (Indicate the maximum number of work hours per day).
1. Ensure that the construction wastes are segregated from that of domestic
2. All domestic wastes are to be collected on a daily basis.
3. Construction debris (broken hollow blocks, spoiled concrete, loose
concrete, etc) should be taken out on the staging area.
4. Oil spills and spoiled greases should be wrapping in the black garbage bag
and will be properly disposed.
5. Application of good housekeeping.
12.0 Safety Work Practices - (indicate safety work practices based on the scope of work to be undertaken.
Use additional sheet if necessary)
14.0 Penalties/Sanctions – as a matter of policy and to ensure that the safety and health rules
specified herein are complied with, the owner recommended the following sanctions/penalties for any
violations of CSH program(Please attach company policy on penalties, if there are any). :
First offense: warning – (written)
Second offense: penalty – (one (1) day salary deduction)
Third offense: penalty – (three (3) days salary deduction)
Fourth offense : dismissal
___________________________________ ___________________