FIDE Trainers' Commission (TRG) FIDE Trainers' System (Regulations) FIDE Titles - TRG Seminars
FIDE Trainers' Commission (TRG) FIDE Trainers' System (Regulations) FIDE Titles - TRG Seminars
FIDE Trainers' Commission (TRG) FIDE Trainers' System (Regulations) FIDE Titles - TRG Seminars
Title Awarded Title Award (one-time) Licence Fee (valid for 4 years)
FIDE Senior Trainer 300 Euros 180 Euros
FIDE Trainer 200 Euros 120 Euros
FIDE Instructor 100 Euros 60 Euros
National Instructor 50 Euros 30 Euros
Developmental Instructor 50 Euros 30 Euros
d. The FIDE fee for a participant to a TRG h. A penalty of 15 euros will be added to
seminar is 100 euros and it must be paid to each trainer who has failed to renew his
the affiliated federation/body, co-organiser licence in time.
of the Seminar. The affiliated federation i. Each federation is obliged to inform all its
/body, co-organiser will be invoiced by affiliated trainers on their titles and licences
FIDE for the total amount of the financial obligations following the annually
participants’ fees. It must be noted that the January relative letter of the FIDE Executive
seminar fee, under certain and strict Director. By the end of each February, the
circumstances, could be varied from 0 to 100 federation is obliged to inform in written
euros. form the accepted licences to be invoiced.
e. It is allowed for a participant to pay his Failing to follow that, all licence fees will
Title Fee in advance to the affiliated automatically be invoiced to the federation
federation/body co-organiser or to FIDE without the right for a reverse decision.
directly. In this case he/she must inform j. English is the official language between
FIDE in writing of this action. In the case TRG, federations and Trainers.
that his/her title fails to be approved by k. GMs and IMs do not have to attend a
FIDE, the Title Fee is not refundable. seminar, but would be given the lowest title
f. Approved titles by PB/EB/GA will be together with all the TRG literature (optional
invoiced to the trainers’ federations. A - Appendix 2-b).
federation reserves the right to refuse to be
2. TRG Seminars
invoiced if appeals to TRG by thirty (30)
calendar days after the approval of the title. 2.1. Order of Procedures
In this case the trainer will be suspended and
2.1.1. Application of the co-organising
will not have the right to apply for a title for
body(s) to TRG (Appendix 3).
the next two calendar years.
g. A titled Trainer will be charged a ‘Licence 2.1.2. Approval by TRG and Continental
Fee’ after two calendar years have passed Presidency.
since the title has been awarded by TRG
2.1.3. Approval of Lecturers/Seminar
Board. Each licence (except the first one)
Leaders (Appendix 4), program and lectures.
will be valid for four (4) years. Ex-FIDE
World Champions and the FST of the 2004 2.1.4. Announcement on FIDE and TRG web-
Direct Approval (founders) are exempt from sites by completing the obligatory draft
these licence regulations. Failing to fulfil the forms.
licence’s obligations will lead to a
2.1.5. Results submission by the Lecturer to
suspension from the trainers’ title lists.
TRG for approval (Appendix 5 & 6).